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The aim of this experiment was to study the effect of living roots on soil carbon metabolism at different decomposition stages
during a long-term incubation. Plant material labelled with 14C and 15N was incubated in two contrasting soils under controlled laboratory conditions, over two years. Half the samples were cropped
with wheat (Triticum aestivum) 11 times in succession. At earing time the wheat was harvested, the roots were extracted from the soil and a new crop was
started. Thus the soils were continuously occupied by active root systems. The other half of the samples was maintained bare,
without plants under the same conditions. Over the 2 years, pairs of cropped and bare soils were analysed at eight sampling
occasions (total-, plant debris-, and microbial biomass-C and -14C). A five compartment (labile and recalcitrant plant residues, labile microbial metabolites, microbial biomass and stabilised
humified compounds) decomposition model was fitted to the labelled and soil native organic matter data of the bare and cropped
soils. Two different phases in the decomposition processes showed a different plant effect. (1) During the initial fast decomposition
stage, labile 14C-material stimulated microbial activities and N immobilisation, increasing the 14C-microbial biomass. In the presence of living roots, competition between micro-organisms and plants for inorganic N weakly
lowered the measured and predicted total-14C mineralisation and resulted in a lower plant productivity compared to subsequent growths. (2) In contrast, beyond 3–6 months,
when the labile material was exhausted, during the slow decomposition stage, the presence of living roots stimulated the mineralisation
of the recalcitrant plant residue-14C in the sandy soil and of the humified-14C in the clay soil. In the sandy soil, the presence of roots also substantially stimulated decomposition of old soil native
humus compounds. During this slow decomposition stage, the measured and predicted plant induced decrease in total-14C and -C was essentially explained by the predicted decrease in humus-14C and -C. The 14C-microbial biomass (MB) partly decayed or became inactive in the bare soils, whereas in the rooted soils, the labelled MB
turnover was accelerated: the MB-14C was replaced by unlabelled-C from C derived from living roots. At the end of experiment, the MB-C in the cropped soils was
2.5–3 times higher than in the bare soils. To sustain this biomass and activity, the model predicted a daily root derived
C input (rhizodeposition), amounting to 5.4 and 3.2% of the plant biomass-C or estimated at 46 and 41% of the daily net assimilated
C (shoot + root + rhizodeposition C) in the clay and sandy soil, respectively.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
It is unclear how changing atmospheric composition will influence the plant–soil interactions that determine soil organic
matter (SOM) levels in fertile agricultural soils. Positive effects of CO2 fertilization on plant productivity and residue returns should increase SOM stocks unless mineralization or biomass removal
rates increase in proportion to offset gains. Our objectives were to quantify changes in SOM stocks and labile fractions in
prime farmland supporting a conventionally managed corn–soybean system and the seasonal dynamics of labile C and N in soybean
in plots exposed to elevated [CO2] (550 ppm) under free-air concentration enrichment (FACE) conditions. Changes in SOM stocks including reduced C/N ratios
and labile N stocks suggest that SOM declined slightly and became more decomposed in all plots after 3 years. Plant available
N (>273 mg N kg−1) and other nutrients (Bray P, 22–50 ppm; extractable K, 157–237 ppm; Ca, 2,378–2,730 ppm; Mg, 245–317 ppm) were in the high
to medium range. Exposure to elevated [CO2] failed to increase particulate organic matter C (POM-C) and increased POM-N concentrations slightly in the surface depth
despite known increases (≈30%) in root biomass. This, and elevated CO2 efflux rates indicate accelerated decay rates in fumigated plots (2001: elevated [CO2]: 10.5 ± 1.2 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 vs. ambient: 8.9 ± 1.0 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1). There were no treatment-based differences in the within-season dynamics of SOM. Soil POM-C and POM-N contents were slightly
greater in the surface depth of elevated than ambient plots. Most studies attribute limited ability of fumigated soils to
accumulate SOM to N limitation and/or limited plant response to CO2 fertilization. In this study, SOM turnover appears to be accelerated under elevated [CO2] even though soil moisture and nutrients are non-limiting and plant productivity is consistently increased. Accelerated SOM
turnover rates may have long-term implications for soil’s productive potential and calls for deeper investigation into C and
N dynamics in highly-productive row crop systems. 相似文献
Changes in timing or amount of precipitation may be of great consequence for carbon cycling in the Mixedgrass Prairie of N. America, because CO2 fixation and efflux are tightly coupled to soil water properties. The objective of our project was to quantify how ecosystem respiration (Re) responds to experimental changes in winter and summer precipitation in a Mixedgrass Prairie using in situ field manipulations of snow depth and summer rain. Our study was conducted at the USDA-ARS High Plains Grasslands Research Station, west of Cheyenne, Wyoming. We installed three replicated 50 m snow fences to increase winter snow on the leeward side of the snow fence and experimentally manipulated summer precipitation by either increasing (+50%) or decreasing (−50%) precipitation amounts. We also measured ambient conditions. Re rates in May were around 2 g C m−2 d−1 for all treatments and increased to their greatest values in June, up to 10 g C m−2 d−1, with the ambient treatment having the largest flux rates. There were no treatment effects during the early summer, but by midsummer, Re rates were least in the reduced rainfall plots and greatest in the snow plots. Soil moisture and gross photosynthesis had strong influence on the daily Re rates, but soil temperature had little correlation with daily Re rates. In summary, the Re rates in this Mixedgrass Prairie are strongly influenced by changes in precipitation, especially winter snow accumulation. Thus, carbon cycle estimates under future climate change scenarios need to include not only the affects of changes in summer rain, but also, the consequences of deep snow in winter and itsȁ9 affect on carbon cycling processes in winter and subsequent summers. 相似文献
Summary The course of the CO2 evolution rates of soil samples has been followed continuously in the absence and in the presence of various organic compounds. After an incubation period of 300 hours at 13 and 20°C the CO2 evolution from pasture soil (containing 1.76% soil organic carbon) amounted to 0.13 and 0.44g CO2–C.g soil–1.h–1, respectively. For arable soil (containing 1.20% soil organic carbon) the rates amounted to 0.04 and 0.09 g CO2–C.g soil–1.h–1, respectively.At 20°C larger amounts of the organic substrates added to the soil supplied with 20 g NH4NO3–N.g soil–1 were lost as CO2 than at 13°C, indicating a higher efficiency of the growth of microorganisms at lower temperatures. In the absence of NH4NO3 the respiration rates were initially higher than in its presence, suggesting that a part of the soil microflora is inhibited by low concentrations of NH4NO3. The amounts of carbon lost were low for phenolcarboxylic acids with OH groups in the ortho position. The replacement of one of these groups by a methoxyl group resulted in a larger amount of the C lost as CO2. The replacement of the COOH group by a C=C–COOH group had a decreasing effect on the decomposition of the phenolic acids tested. The decomposition of vanillic acid,p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and of the benzoic acids with OH groups in the meta position was as complete as that of glucose, amino acids or casein. The decomposition of bacterial cells to CO2 was considerably less than that of glucose.No evidence could be obtained that the low percentage of substrate converted to CO2 at the time of maximal respiration rate was due to the decreasing diffusion rate of substrate to the microbial colonies in the soil during the consumption of substrate. 相似文献
The global-scale temperature and moisture dependencies of soil organic carbon decomposition: an analysis using a mechanistic decomposition model 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Since the decomposition rate of soil organic carbon (SOC) varies as a function of environmental conditions, global climate
change is expected to alter SOC decomposition dynamics, and the resulting changes in the amount of CO2 emitted from soils will feedback onto the rate at which climate change occurs. While this soil feedback is expected to be
significant because the amount of SOC is substantially more than the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, the environmental
dependencies of decomposition at global scales that determine the magnitude of the soil feedback have remained poorly characterized.
In this study, we address this issue by fitting a mechanistic decomposition model to a global dataset of SOC, optimizing the
model’s temperature and moisture dependencies to best match the observed global distribution of SOC. The results of the analysis
indicate that the temperature sensitivity of decomposition at global scales (Q
10=1.37) is significantly less than is assumed by many terrestrial ecosystem models that directly apply temperature sensitivity
from small-scale studies, and that the maximal rate of decomposition occurs at higher moisture values than is assumed by many
models. These findings imply that the magnitude of the soil decomposition feedback onto rate of global climate change will
be less sensitive to increases in temperature, and modeling of temperature and moisture dependencies of SOC decomposition
in global-scale models should consider effects of scale. 相似文献
Plant species effects on soil nutrient availability are relatively well documented, but the effects of species differences
in litter chemistry on soil carbon cycling are less well understood, especially in the species-rich tropics. In many wet tropical
forest ecosystems, leaching of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from the litter layer accounts for a significant proportion
of litter mass loss during decomposition. Here we investigated how tree species differences in soluble dissolved organic C
(DOC) and nutrients affected soil CO2 fluxes in laboratory incubations. We leached DOM from freshly fallen litter of six canopy tree species collected from a tropical
rain forest in Costa Rica and measured C-mineralization. We found significant differences in litter solubility and nutrient
availability. Following DOM additions to soil, rates of heterotrophic respiration varied by as much as an order of magnitude
between species, and overall differences in total soil CO2 efflux varied by more than four-fold. Variation in the carbon: phosphorus ratio accounted for 51% of the variation in total
CO2 flux between species. These results suggest that tropical tree species composition may influence soil C storage and mineralization
via inter-specific variation in plant litter chemistry. 相似文献
An understanding of plant responses to fluctuations in environment is critical to predictions of plant and ecosystem responses
to climate change. In the northern hemisphere, the northern limits of distribution of major biomes are probably determined
by the tolerance of their dominant physiognomic types (e.g., deciduous hardwood trees) to minimum winter temperatures and
can thus be predicted from long-term patterns of temperature fluctuations. At a more detailed level, the responses of functional
groups of plants to altered climate can be predicted from their known responses to fluctuations in soil resources (nutrients
and water) and the expected effect of climatic change on these soil resources. Laboratory and field experiments demonstrate
the feasibility of this approach. 相似文献
Response of desert biological soil crusts to alterations in precipitation frequency 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
Biological soil crusts, a community of cyanobacteria, lichens, and mosses that live on the soil surface, occur in deserts throughout the world. They are a critical component of desert ecosystems, as they are important contributors to soil fertility and stability. Future climate scenarios predict alteration of the timing and amount of precipitation in desert environments. Because biological soil crust organisms are only metabolically active when wet, and as soil surfaces dry quickly in deserts during late spring, summer, and early fall, the amount and timing of precipitation is likely to have significant impacts on the physiological functioning of these communities. Using the three dominant soil crust types found in the western United States, we applied three levels of precipitation frequency (50% below-average, average, and 50% above-average) while maintaining average precipitation amount (therefore changing both timing and size of applied events). We measured the impact of these treatments on photosynthetic performance (as indicated by dark-adapted quantum yield and chlorophyll a concentrations), nitrogenase activity, and the ability of these organisms to maintain concentrations of radiation-protective pigments (scytonemin, beta-carotene, echinenone, xanthophylls, and canthaxanthin). Increased precipitation frequency produced little response after 2.5 months exposure during spring (1 April–15 June) or summer (15 June–31 August). In contrast, most of the above variables had a large, negative response after exposure to increased precipitation frequency for 6 months spring–fall (1 April–31 October) treatment. The crusts dominated by the soil lichen Collema, being dark and protruding above the surface, dried the most rapidly, followed by the dark surface cyanobacterial crusts (Nostoc-Scytonema-Microcoleus), and then by the light cyanobacterial crusts (Microcoleus). This order reflected the magnitude of the observed response: crusts dominated by the lichen Collema showed the largest decline in quantum yield, chlorophyll a, and protective pigments; crusts dominated by Nostoc-Scytonema-Microcoleus showed an intermediate decline in these variables; and the crusts dominated by Microcoleus showed the least negative response. Most previous studies of crust response to radiation stress have been short-term laboratory studies, where organisms were watered and kept under moderate temperatures. Such conditions would give crust organisms access to ample carbon to respond to imposed stresses (e.g., production of UV-protective pigments, replacement of degraded chlorophyll). In contrast, our longer-term study showed that under field conditions of high air temperatures and frequent, small precipitation events, crust organisms appear unable to produce protective pigments in response to radiation stress, as they likely dried more quickly than when they received larger, less frequent events. Reduced activity time likely resulted in less carbon available to produce or repair chlorophyll a and/or protective pigments. Our findings may partially explain the global observation that soil lichen cover and richness declines as the frequency of summer rainfall increases. 相似文献
Implications of increased carbon dioxide levels for carbon input and turnover in soils 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The complexity of the plant-soil system in its interaction with the changing climate is discussed. It is shown that processes at the level of organic matter inputs into the soil and the fluxes and pools involved in the global cycle are not known in sufficient detail to allow an estimation of the future quantitative shifts. Even the direction in which the level of stored carbon in the soil organic matter pool will develop is not clear. The importance of the nitrogen cycle, which is intimately coupled to the carbon cycle through the turnover of soil organic matter is underlined. In its turn, the mineralisation of soil organic matter takes place at a rate which is highly dependent on the nature of inputs and the availability of mineral nutrients.Aspects of shifts in temperature, changes in cultivation practices (reduced tillage) and unintended spreading of inputs in chemical N-fertilizers are of great importance at a regional and global scale.The complexity of the interactions in the process of mineralisation do require further studies to clarify the point whether a substantial and durable additional storage of carbon in soil organic matter is likely, or that shifts in temperature will cause an overriding acceleration of the mineralisation, and trigger a corresponding net release of carbon. 相似文献
Concepts of soil organic matter transformations in relation to organo-mineral particle size fractions 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Summary Changes in the composition of organo-mineral particle size fractions as a result of cultivation of a grassland soil are discussed with reference to models of soil organic matter formation and turnover. The data presented indicated that physically stabilized organic matter is an important reservoir, with an intermediate turnover time, which is responsible for nutrient supply in agricultural soils. Possible mechanisms of stabilization and mobilization of organic matter are presented in the light of the arrangement of organic and inorganic components of the soil. 相似文献
Global climate change and soil carbon stocks; predictions from two contrasting models for the turnover of organic carbon in soil 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
Chris Jones Claire McConnell† Kevin Coleman‡ Peter Cox Peter Falloon‡ David Jenkinson‡ David Powlson‡ 《Global Change Biology》2005,11(1):154-166
Enhanced release of CO2 to the atmosphere from soil organic carbon as a result of increased temperatures may lead to a positive feedback between climate change and the carbon cycle, resulting in much higher CO2 levels and accelerated global warming. However, the magnitude of this effect is uncertain and critically dependent on how the decomposition of soil organic C (heterotrophic respiration) responds to changes in climate. Previous studies with the Hadley Centre's coupled climate–carbon cycle general circulation model (GCM) (HadCM3LC) used a simple, single‐pool soil carbon model to simulate the response. Here we present results from numerical simulations that use the more sophisticated ‘RothC’ multipool soil carbon model, driven with the same climate data. The results show strong similarities in the behaviour of the two models, although RothC tends to simulate slightly smaller changes in global soil carbon stocks for the same forcing. RothC simulates global soil carbon stocks decreasing by 54 Gt C by 2100 in a climate change simulation compared with an 80 Gt C decrease in HadCM3LC. The multipool carbon dynamics of RothC cause it to exhibit a slower magnitude of transient response to both increased organic carbon inputs and changes in climate. We conclude that the projection of a positive feedback between climate and carbon cycle is robust, but the magnitude of the feedback is dependent on the structure of the soil carbon model. 相似文献
Impact of elevated CO2 on soil organic matter dynamics as related to changes in aggregate turnover and residue quality 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Six Johan Carpentier An van Kessel Chris Merckx Roel Harris David Horwath William R. Lüscher Andreas 《Plant and Soil》2001,234(1):27-36
Increasing global atmospheric CO2 concentration can potentially affect C cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. This study was conducted to assess the impact of elevated CO2 concentration on soil organic matter and aggregate dynamics in Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens pastures. Soil samples from a 6 year old `free air CO2 enrichment' (FACE) experiment were separated in four aggregate size classes (<53, 53–250, 250–2000, and > 2000 m). Free light fraction (i.e. particulate organic matter (POM) outside of aggregates; free LF) and intra-aggregate-POM (i.e. POM occluded within the aggregate structure; iPOM) were isolated. The distinct 13C-signature of the CO2 used to raise the ambient CO2 concentration in FACE allowed us to calculate proportions of recently incorporated C (< 6 yr) in the physically defined soil fractions. The proportion of new C increased with increasing aggregate size class, except the two largest aggregate size classes had a similar proportion of new C; this indicates a faster turnover of macroaggregates compared to microaggregates. In addition, higher proportions of new C in macroaggregates under T. repens compared to L. perenne indicate a faster macroaggregate turnover under T. repens. This faster macroaggregate turnover is hypothesized to be a result of the higher residue quality (C:N ratio) of T. repens compared to L. perenne and reduces the potential of sequestering C under elevated CO2. In the L. perenne soil, elevated CO2 did not significantly increase total C, but led to: (1) a 54% increase in aggregation and (2) a 40% increase in total iPOM-C. It is hypothesized that the sequestration of iPOM-C induced by elevated CO2 in the low residue quality, L. perenne treatment, resulted from an increase in the proportion of large macroaggregates with a slow turnover. 相似文献
Historical photographs document that during the last century, forests have expanded upwards by 60–80 m into former tundra of the pristine Ural mountains. We assessed how the shift of the high‐altitude treeline ecotone might affect soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics. On the gentle slopes of Mali Iremel in the Southern Urals, we (1) determined the differences in SOM stocks and properties from the tundra at 1360 m above sea level (a.s.l.) to the subalpine forest at 1260 m a.s.l., and (2) measured carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mineralization from tundra and forest soils at 7 and 20 °C in a 6‐month incubation experiment. C stocks of organic layers were 3.6±0.3 kg C m?2 in the tundra and 1.9±0.2 kg C m?2 in the forest. Mineral soils down to the bedrock stored significantly more C in the forest, and thus, total soil C stocks were slightly but insignificantly greater in the forest (+3 kg C m?2). Assuming a space for time approach based on tree ages suggests that the soil C sink due to the forest expansion during the last century was at most 30 g C m?2 yr?1. Diffuse reflective infrared spectroscopy and scanning calorimetry revealed that SOM under forest was less humified in both organic and mineral horizons and, therefore, contained more available substrate. Consistent with this result, C mineralization rates of organic layers and A horizons of the forest were two to four times greater than those of tundra soils. This difference was similar in magnitude to the effect of increasing the incubation temperature from 7 to 20 °C. Hence, indirect climate change effects through an upward expansion of forests can be much larger than direct warming effects (Δ0.3 K across the treeline). Net N mineralization was 2.5 to six times greater in forest than in tundra soils, suggesting that an advancing treeline likely increases N availability. This may provide a nutritional basis for the fivefold increase in plant biomass and a tripling in productivity from the tundra to the forest. In summary, our results suggest that an upward expansion of forest has small net effects on C storage in soils but leads to changes in SOM quality, accelerates C cycling and increases net N mineralization, which in turn might stimulate plant growth and thus C sequestration in tree biomass. 相似文献
Wheat and maize were grown in a growth chamber with the atmospheric CO2 continuously labelled with 14C to study the translocation of assimilated carbon to the rhizosphere. Two different N levels in soil were applied. In maize 26–34% of the net assimilated 14C was translocated below ground, while in wheat higher values (40–58%) were found. However, due to the much higher shoot production in maize the total amount of carbon translocated below ground was similar to that of wheat. At high N relatively more of the C that was translocated to the root, was released into the soil due to increased root respiration and/or root exudation and subsequent microbial utilization and respiration. The evolution rate of unlabelled CO2 from the native soil organic matter decreased after about 25 days when wheat was grown at high N as compared to low N. This negative effect of high N in soil was not observed with maize. 相似文献
Accumulation rates of organic matter associated with different successional stages from open water to carr forest in former turbaries 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper investigates the rates of peat accumulation associated with different phases in the succession from open water to carr forest in shallow ponds created by peat dredging in The Netherlands. Four phases had been recognized in a previous study of aerial photographs for the period 1937–1990, i.e. open water (Aq), reed swamp (SA), brownmoss quaking fen (BM) and carr forest (CF). Peat accumulation rates were estimated by relating the amounts of organic matter stored to the data on the successional history for 21 different sites.The organic matter accumulation rates were highest in the SA phase (1.12 kg m-2 y-1 on a dry weight basis), intermediate in the BM and CF phases (0.49 and 0.58 kg m-2 y-1), and lowest in the Aq phase (0.26 kg m-2 y-1). These values are high in comparison with values determined for fen ecosystems with stratigraphic methods in combination with radiocarbon dating. The accumulation rates were inversely related to the average duration of the successional phases, suggesting that peat accumulation is a major driving force behind the succession. 相似文献
J.C. YUSTE J. PEÑUELAS M. ESTIARTE J. GARCIA‐MAS S. MATTANA R. OGAYA M. PUJOL J. SARDANS 《Global Change Biology》2011,17(3):1475-1486
Microbial‐mediated decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) ultimately makes a considerable contribution to soil respiration, which is typically the main source of CO2 arising from terrestrial ecosystems. Despite this central role in the decomposition of SOM, few studies have been conducted on how climate change may affect the soil microbial community and, furthermore, on how possible climate‐change induced alterations in the ecology of microbial communities may affect soil CO2 emissions. Here we present the results of a seasonal study on soil microbial community structure, SOM decomposition and its temperature sensitivity in two representative Mediterranean ecosystems where precipitation/throughfall exclusion has taken place during the last 10 years. Bacterial and fungal diversity was estimated using the terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism technique. Our results show that fungal diversity was less sensitive to seasonal changes in moisture, temperature and plant activity than bacterial diversity. On the other hand, fungal communities showed the ability to dynamically adapt throughout the seasons. Fungi also coped better with the 10 years of precipitation/throughfall exclusion compared with bacteria. The high resistance of fungal diversity to changes with respect to bacteria may open the controversy as to whether future ‘drier conditions’ for Mediterranean regions might favor fungal dominated microbial communities. Finally, our results indicate that the fungal community exerted a strong influence over the temporal and spatial variability of SOM decomposition and its sensitivity to temperature. The results, therefore, highlight the important role of fungi in the decomposition of terrestrial SOM, especially under the harsh environmental conditions of Mediterranean ecosystems, for which models predict even drier conditions in the future. 相似文献
Using the expolinear growth equation for modelling crop growth in year-round cut chrysanthemum 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The aim of this study was to predict crop growth of year-round cut chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) based on an empirical model of potential crop growth rate as a function of daily incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, MJ m-2 d-1), using generalized estimated parameters of the expolinear growth equation. For development of the model, chrysanthemum crops were grown in four experiments at different plant densities (32, 48, 64 and 80 plants m-2), during different seasons (planting in January, May-June and September) and under different light regimes [natural light, shading to 66 and 43 % of natural light, and supplementary assimilation light (ASS, 40-48 micro mol m-2 s-1)]. The expolinear growth equation as a function of time (EXPOT) or as a function of incident PAR integral (EXPOPAR) effectively described periodically measured total dry mass of shoot (R2 > 0.98). However, growth parameter estimates for the fitted EXPOPAR were more suitable as they were not correlated to each other. Coefficients of EXPOPAR characterized the relative growth rate per incident PAR integral [rm,i (MJ m-2)-1] and light use efficiency (LUE, g MJ-1) at closed canopy. In all four experiments, no interaction effects between treatments on crop growth parameters were found. rm,i and LUE were not different between ASS and natural light treatments, but were increased significantly when light levels were reduced by shading in the summer experiments. There was no consistent effect of plant density on growth parameters. rm,i and LUE showed hyperbolic relationships to average daily incident PAR averaged over 10-d periods after planting (rm,i) or before final harvest (LUE). Based on those relationships, maximum relative growth rate (rm, g g-1 d-1) and maximum crop growth rate (cm, g m-2 d-1) were described successfully by rectangular hyperbolic relationships to daily incident PAR. In model validation, total dry mass of shoot (Wshoot, g m-2) simulated over time was in good agreement with measured ones in three independent experiments, using daily incident PAR and leaf area index as inputs. Based on these results, it is concluded that the expolinear growth equation is a useful tool for quantifying cut chrysanthemum growth parameters and comparing growth parameter values between different treatments, especially when light is the growth-limiting factor. Under controlled environmental conditions the regression model worked satisfactorily, hence the model may be applied as a simple tool for understanding crop growth behaviour under seasonal variation in daily light integral, and for planning cropping systems of year-round cut chrysanthemum. However, further research on leaf area development in cut chrysanthemum is required to advance chrysanthemum crop growth prediction. 相似文献
喀斯特峰丛洼地土壤有机质的空间变化及其对干扰的响应 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
通过网格(10 m×10 m)取样,运用地统计学方法研究了喀斯特峰丛洼地4类典型干扰区表层土壤(0~20 cm)有机质的空间变异、分布,及其生态学过程和机制.结果表明:随着干扰强度降低,植被由农作物(Ⅰ)—人工林(Ⅱ)—次生林(Ⅲ)—原生林(Ⅳ)顺向演替,土壤有机质逐步提高,且达到了显著水平(P<0.05).4类干扰区均具有良好的空间自相关性,不同干扰区空间变异特征不同,除Ⅲ类干扰区土壤有机质半变异函数优化符合指数模型外,其他3类干扰区均符合高斯模型;Ⅰ类区土壤有机质的空间自相关呈中等程度,C0/(C0+C)值达26.5%,其他3类干扰区C0/(C0+C)值在9.0%~22.6%,呈强烈的空间相关性;由于人类干扰强烈,Ⅰ和Ⅱ类区呈低能量匀质状态,变程及空间自相关范围较大,Ⅳ类区植被覆盖率较高,变程也较大;Ⅲ类区干扰强度中等,植被类型多且分布不均,变程最小;Ⅱ和Ⅳ类区的分维数(D)值较小,土壤有机质的空间依赖性较强;而Ⅰ和Ⅲ类区D值较大, 土壤有机质空间分布的随机变异较大;Ⅰ和Ⅱ类区土壤有机质呈单峰分布,Ⅲ类区土壤有机质呈凹型分布,Ⅳ类区呈凸型分布.减少干扰是喀斯特峰丛洼地脆弱生态系统土壤质量改善、植被迅速恢复及生态重建的重要保障. 相似文献
A simple model was developed to estimate the contribution of nitrogen (N) mineralization to the N supply of crops. In this model the soil organic matter is divided into active and passive pools. Annual soil mineralization of N is derived from the active pool. The active pool comprises stabilized and labile soil organic N. The stabilized N is built up from accumulated inputs of fresh organic N during a crop rotation but the labile N is a fraction of total N added, which mineralizes faster than the stabilized N. The passive pool is considered to have no participation in the mineralization process. Mineralization rates of labile and stabilized soil organic N from different crop residues decomposing in soil were derived from the literature and were described by the first-order rate equation dN/dt =-K*N, where N is the mineralizable organic N from crop residues andK is a constant. The data were groupedK
1 by short-term (0–1 year) andK
2 by long-term (0–10 years) incubation. Because the range of variation inK
2 was smaller than inK
1 we felt justified in using an average value to derive N mineralization from the stabilized pool. The use of a constant rate ofK
1 was avoided so net N mineralization during the first year after addition is derived directly from the labile N in the crop residues. The model was applied to four Chilean agro-ecosystems, using daily averages of soil temperature and moisture. The N losses by leaching were also calculated. The N mineralization varied between 30 and 130 kg N ha–1 yr–1 depending on organic N inputs. Nitrogen losses by leaching in a poorly structured soil were estimated to be about 10% of total N mineralized. The model could explain the large differences in N- mineralization as measured by the potential N mineralization at the four sites studied. However, when grassland was present in the crop rotation, the model underestimated the results obtained from potential mineralization. 相似文献
J. M. Welker P. A. Wookey A. N. Parsons M. C. Press T. V. Callaghan J. A. Lee 《Oecologia》1993,95(4):463-469
Integrative ecophysiological and vegetative responses of Dryas octopetala were measured in response to field perturbations of temperature, precipitation and their interactions in a polar semi-desert in Svalbard, Norway (79°N, 12°E). Leaf carbon isotope discrimination (), total leaf nitrogen concentration and leaf development were determined for photosynthetic leaves collected during the last week of August 1991, after one season of manipulations. Individual leaf weight and the total mass of leaf tissue were significantly lower when water was added, irrespective of temperature regime. Leaf carbon isotope discrimination and estimated long-term c
avalues (the ratio of CO2 concentration in leaf intercellular spaces to that in the atmosphere) were significantly higher under all three field manipulation treatments, and was significantly reduced when Dryas was grown under drought conditions in a related greenhouse study. Nitrogen concentrations of plants from the field experiment were significantly lower under warmed conditions regardless of water regime. Our results indicate that changes in environmental conditions in high arctic settings will result in alterations of Dryas leaf gas exchange, as expressed by increases in carbon isotope discrimination, which may be accompanied by shifts in leaf nitrogen content and leaf biomass. 相似文献