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Abstract— A cladistic analysis of the "blue ash" eucalypts ( Eucalyptus , Myrtaceae) is presented. Five equally parsimonious trees were found, and a strict consensus tree constructed. A revised informal classification, recognizing five series ( Planchonianinae, Sphaerocarpinae, Piperitinae, Fraxininae and Haemastominae , informal subgenus Monocalyptus ) is based on the consensus cladogram. A biogeographic analysis applies a new implementation of Assumptions 0 and 1, coding data in the form of three-area statements and using parsimony analysis. These results are used to evaluate hand resolution of Assumption 2. In comparison, Brooks parsimony analysis did not produce area cladograms that best fit the data. Series and subseries were analysed separately for area relationships, which showed a repeated pattern across the blue ash clade; combining all the data in one analysis was seen as equivalent to confounding paralogy and orthology in molecular studies. A resolved area cladogram is presented for southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

The quality of Brassica and Acacia pollen is adversely affected by exposure to secretions drawn from the metapleural gland of the ant Myrmecia nigriscapa. Ultrastructural studies show that the apparently lipoidal secretions destroy both the plasma membranes and those of the cytoplasmic organelles. Exposure to the integument of this ant prevents the normal hydration of pollen grains. Exposure to the integument of a species of Camponotus, which does not appear to possess metapleural gland openings, also reduces pollen quality. Mycelial development in seven species of soil-dwelling fungi is inhibited by secretions of the metapleural gland. Two fungal species that are normally entomogenous are most vulnerable to the secretion. It is suggested that the metapleural gland is producing a powerful antibiotic and that the antibiosis that results from its activity, on one hand, alleviates the attacks of microorganisms in nest cavities, while on the other, incidentally kills pollen grains, possibly blocking the evolution of ant pollination systems.  相似文献   

Abstract— Recent cladistic analyses of the relationships of the tribes of apine bees have produced conflicting results. The question of single or multiple origins of advanced eusociality in the group is thus unresolved. However, the previous studies have each treated only a limited part of the character data available. A "total evidence" analysis is essayed here, combining the published morphological characters with sequence data from rRNA and mtDNA. The resulting cladogram is: Euglossini + (Bombini + (Meliponini + Apini). This supports a single origin of advanced eusociality, from a stage of primitive eusociality.  相似文献   

Abstract— Logical equivalence between the notions of homology and synapomorphy is reviewed and supported. So-called transformational homology embodies two distinct logical components, one related to comparisons among different organisms and the other restricted to comparisons within the same organism. The former is essentially hierarchical in nature, thus being in fact a less obvious form of taxic homology. The latter is logically equivalent to so-called serial homology in a broad sense (including homonomy, mass homology or iterative homology). Of three tests of homology proposed to date (similarity, conjunction and congruence) only congruence serves as a test in the strict sense. Similarity stands at a basic level in homology propositions, being the source of the homology conjecture in the first place. Conjunction is unquestionably an indicator of non-homology, but it is not specific about the pairwise comparison where non-homology is present, and depends on a specific scheme of relationship in order to refute a hypothesis of homology. The congruence test has been previously seen as an application of compatibility analysis. However, congruence is more appropriately seen as an expression of strict parsimony analysis. A general theoretical solution is proposed to determine evolution of characters with ambiguous distributions, based on the notion of maximization of homology propositions. According to that notion, ambiguous character-state distributions should be resolved by an optimization that maximizes reversals relative to parallelisms. Notions of homology in morphology and molecular biology are essentially the same. The present tendency to adopt different terminologies for the two sources of data should be avoided, in order not to obscure the fundamental uniformity of the concept of homology in comparative biology. “A similar hierarchy is found both in ‘structures’ and in ‘functions’. In the last resort, structure (i.e. order of parts) and function (order of processes) may be the very same thing […].” L. von Bertalanlfy “[…] it is the fact that certain criteria enable us to match parts of things consistently which suggests that mechanisms of certain kinds must have been involved in their origin.” N. Jardine and C. Jardine  相似文献   

THE NATURE OF CLADISTIC DATA   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract— Cladistic data are the characters of organisms. Character is defined as a feature that can be evaluated as a variable with two or more mutually exclusive and ordered states. Cladistic characters must be treated as multistate variables, and coded as sequential numbers or in additive binary fashion. Any other interpretation and handling of cladistic data will introduce error into analysis. Character states cannot be treated independently as present or absent, i.e., as nominal variables, because redundancy is introduced into the data and information content is sacrificed. Non-additive binary coding demonstrates that treating cladistic variables as nominal data will lead to multiple, equally parsimonious solutions. Defining characters found universally in a group of organisms, but unknown outside those organisms have no alternative state that can be designated as absent. Absence, however, is valid as a character state if it can be shown to be apomorphic. When two or more character states occur within a taxon, that taxon must be coded as having an unknown state for that character, or the taxon must be split in two or more taxa. Continuously varying quantitative data are not suitable for cladistic analysis because there is no justifiable basis for recognizing discrete states among them. Quantitative data are questionable even when they exhibit mutually exclusive states because the states can be interpreted only in reference to an archetype, i.e., as implied homologies not subject to test.  相似文献   

Purification of horse-liver polyoi dehydrogenase (PDH) on DE52 anion-exchange cellulose reveals the presence of three fractions with enzyme activity. These appear in the breakthrough volume (PDH-3) and the salt gradient (PDH-1, -2) respectively. The major band of activity (< 90%) is found in the PDH-2 fraction. A reexamination of sheep-liver polyol dehydrogenase also reveals the presence of three bands of activity, with the dominant fraction (PDH-3) corresponding to the preparation described by Smith (Biochem. J., 83, 135–144, (1962))3. The interaction between horse-liver (and sheep-liver) PDH and Blue Sepharose CL-6B is found to be endothermic. This property is utilized in the final purification step. Horse-liver PDH-2 has a molecular/subunit weight of 85, 000/28, 000, a Stokes' radius of 3.8 nm, and an isoelectric point of 7.4.  相似文献   

Abstract — During cladistic analysis of a diverse higher taxon it is impractical to code every species as a separate terminal. In such cases, workers proceed in one of two distinct ways: (1) examine a number of member species in order to deduce groundplan character states of the higher group before the analysis is begun, here called the intuitive method, or (2), code a number of real species belonging to the group as terminals in the analysis, called the exemplar method. Both methods have the same aim, to estimate the groundplan of the higher taxon concerned.
Both groundplan estimation methods will lead to identical results when the character in question has the same state in all members of the terminal group, however when the character has two or more states, the two methods may give different results. The precise methods employed in the intuitive approach have not been articulated in the literature, but possible techniques may result in non-parsimonious ancestral state assignments, even in simple cases.
Groundplan estimation in the exemplar method is an extension of parsimony. The exemplar method allows groundplan state/s at internal nodes to be calculated during tree search. In many cases the exemplar method assigns a number of possible states to the groundplan, and the state assignment is therefore equivocal. This is not a deficiency of the method but reflects the notion that the parsimony criterion alone cannot always distinguish a single state present in a hypothetical ancestor. The optimal choice of exemplars required to estimate the groundplan most efficiently is discussed under a simple and common hypothesis of character transformation. For complex character distributions up to three exemplars may be required, each from a separate lineage of the group close to its hypothetical common ancestral node.  相似文献   

Abstract— A species' habitat preference is intcrpretablc both as a response to present-day conditions and as a result of evolutionary response to historical conditions. The taxon cycle and taxon pulse have been proposed as hypotheses that allow prediction of patterns of habitat specialization within a lineage. Both are based on common assumptions: (1) habitat specialization is largely irreversible in a lineage, (2) ecological specializations arise in a center of origin, and (3) dispersal events leading to current distributions can be ascertained. Eight taxa of Antillean, Mexican, and Central American Carabidae, for which cladistic hypotheses of relationship have been proposed, are used to test the generality of the taxon cycle and pulse. The patterns of habitat utilization predicted by the taxon cycle and taxon pulse hypotheses are tested by comparing cladistic transformations of habitat preference to randomly generated patterns of data generated under a null hypothesis. Evolutionary changes in habitat are interpreted using Camin-Sokal coding, which assumes irreversible habitat shifts and a predetermined ecological ground state (assumptions of the taxon cycle and taxon pulse). An observed pattern is considered to demonstrate the taxon cycle or pulse when it results in an explanation of the habitat shifts that is more parsimonious than 95 % of the randomly generated patterns. Of the eight carabid groups, only one exhibits a statistically significant pattern supporting the taxon cycle and pulse. The failure of the taxon cycle and pulse as generally predictive hypotheses may be due to historical changes in climate that permit episodes of range expansion for species previously restricted to small ranges, and habitat shifts and specialization that do not progress in a linear transformation series. Habitat shifts are also analyzed using Farris optimization, resulting in the most parsimonious transformation series of habitats, subject to a predefined ordering of habitats, while allowing reversals. Significance of an observed pattern of habitat shifts under Farris optimization implies habitat constancy relative to cladogenesis, and step-wise changes in habitat preference. Two of the eight groups exhibit significant patterns of habitat utilization under Farris optimization, indicating that vicariance of areas of like habitat has been the predominant factor generating species diversity in these groups. The other groups do not exhibit habitat constancy, suggesting rapid changes in habitat preference relative to speciation.  相似文献   

滇桐属系统位置的分支分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以讨论系统位置有争议的滇桐属的归属问题,尝试在植物分类学中具体应用分支系统学原理和方法的可能性。作者认为近年来分支系统学中出现的一种倾向,即不再强调祖先和直接的谱系关系,而把分支图解仅仅作为一种归类手段,为本文提供了理论基础。通过对梧桐科和椴树科7个属15个性状状态的分支分析,建立了符合简约性原则的分支图解。分支图解表明,滇桐属与通常置于梧桐科的马克韦桐属具有较密切的关系,而它们与椴树科的关系比与梧桐科的关系更接近。结论支持把滇桐属作为椴树科成员的观点。  相似文献   

Partial sequences from the nuclear-encoded 18S and 26S ribosomal RNA molecules from representatives of the five classes of Chlorophyta sensu Mattox and Stewart (1984) were analyzed cladistically in a study of the phylogenetic relationships among the Micromonadophyceae, Pleurastrophyceae, and other green algae. The sequence data indicate that the Micromonadophyceae (= Prasinophyceae) is not monophyletic but comprises at least three lineages occupying a basal position among the green algae. Though the Pleurastrophyceae and the Ulvophyceae both possess counter-clockwise basal body orientations, the sequence data indicate that the Pleurastrophyceae is the sister group to the Chlorophyceae. The molecular data alone do not resolve the monophyly of the Pleurastrophyceae or the Ulvophyceae; however, a combined data set of molecular and non-molecular characters support a monophyletic Pleurastrophyceae. Analyses with user-defined tree topologies and the bootstrap method of character resampling indicate that the relationships shown in the most parasimonious cladograms are well supported by the character data.  相似文献   

I examine patterns in tree balance for a sample of 208 cladograms and phenograms from the recent literature. I provide an expression for expected imbalance under a simple, uniform-rate random speciation model, and I estimate variances by simulation for the same model. Imbalance decreases with tree size (number of included taxa) in both theoretical and literature trees. In contrast to previous suggestions, I find cladistic trees to be no more imbalanced than phenetic trees when confounding variables are appropriately controlled. The degree of imbalance found in literature trees is inconsistent with the uniform-rate speciation model; this is most likely a result of variability in speciation and extinction rates among real lineages. The existence of such variation is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for the operation of the macroevolutionary processes of species sorting and species selection.  相似文献   

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