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Three-photon induced fluorescence of the calcium probe Indo-1.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We report the calcium-dependent emission spectral properties of the calcium probe Indo-1 for three-photon excitation. We found that Indo-1 could be readily excited with the femtosecond pulses from a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser at 885 nm. This wavelength is too long for two-photon excitation, which is expected to occur for wavelengths no longer than twice the longest single-photon absorption wavelength of 400 nm. For excitation at 885 nm the emission intensity was found to depend on the cube of the laser power, as expected for simultaneous interaction with three photons. At wavelengths below 840 nm the emission intensity depends on the square of the laser power, indicating two-photon excitation at shorter wavelengths. The intensity decays of Indo-1 were found to be dependent on Ca2+ and essentially identical for one- and three-photon excitation. The emission anisotropy of Indo-1 was found to be considerably higher for three-photon excitation than for one-photon excitation, consistent with cos6 theta photoselection, as compared with cos2 theta photoselection for one-photon excitation. The high values of the anisotropy are in agreement with those expected for a three-photon process. Calcium-dependent emission spectra were observed for Indo-1 with three-photon excitation, demonstrating that three-photon excitation of Indo-1 can be used for calcium imaging by emission intensity ratio measurements. The calcium-dependent emission spectra indicate a higher three-photon cross-section for the calcium-free form of Indo-1 than for the calcium-bound form. The possible advantages of three-photon excitation include the availability of the appropriate wavelengths with solid-state lasers, enhanced spatial resolution due to a reduced size of the excited volume, absence of light quenching, and possibly high selectivity of the three-photon excitation process.  相似文献   

The amino acid glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in a range of organisms from Caenorhabditis elegans to mammals, and it mediates the information processing that underlies essentially all behavior. Recent advances in our understanding of glutamate storage and release now illuminate how this ubiquitous amino acid can function as a signalling molecule.  相似文献   

Visual excitation and recovery.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  

D Liao  J Jiang  M Zhao    F A Ferrone 《Biophysical journal》1993,65(5):2059-2067
We have extended the method of modulated excitation, a small perturbation kinetic method, to study ligand binding and conformational change of hemoglobin tetramers with a single ligand bound. To restrict the excitation to the first ligand, only 1% of the hemes have bound CO, and the remainder are kept unliganded. A detailed theory is presented which agrees well with the experimental observations. This method of observing ligand recombination also provides a novel and simple method for determination of hemoglobin concentration. Additional relaxation processes are also observed. By fitting independently determined spectra to the spectra associated with the relaxations, these processes are assigned as thermal excitation and thermally driven protonation/deprotonation reactions. These added relaxations arise from the deoxy-Hb portion of the samples, and demonstrate that modulated excitation can be used effectively for temperature perturbation in the absence of photodissociation. The spectra observed are not well described by the spectra of allosteric change, however, and we conclude that there is no significant mixing of quaternary states at the first ligation step. In an appendix we present a derivation of the particular features seen in thermally modulated protonation reactions.  相似文献   

Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) was tested on neurons in the rat sensory motor cerebral cortex and on the isolated hemisected toad spinal cord. Iontophoretically applied VIP excited deep, spontaneously active cortical neurons, including identified corticospinal neurons. The excitation had a latency of onset varying from several seconds to over 1 min and often lasted for a minute or longer after cessation of the application. Desensitization of the effect occurred with repeated applications. VIP caused a depolarization of motoneurons and dorsal root terminals in the isolated amphibian spinal cord. Threshold for this effect was about 10(-6) M. The effects of VIP on both preparations were comparable with those of another peptide, substance P.  相似文献   

Microiontophoretic administrations of morphine to cholino-excitable neurones in the cerebral cortex of decerebrate cats evoked a weak excitation which became more prominent upon repeated administrations of the alkaloid. This effect was not antagonized by naloxone. Iontophoresis of methylatropine prevented the excitation induced with acetylcholine and morphine, leaving that caused by glutamate relatively unaltered. Similar applications of morphine to neurones which were not excited by test applications of acetylcholine did not result in excitation but elicited mainly a depression of glutamate-evoked firing. It is suggested that the muscarinic effect of morphine in the cortex may be related to the excitation and convulsions, but not the analgesia, which occurs upon systemic administrations of the narcotic.  相似文献   

The dependence of the fluorescence emission maximum of the tryptophan residues in several two-tryptophan-containing proteins (horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase, yeast 3-phosphoglycerate kinase, Staphylococcus aureus metalloprotease and bee venom phospholipase A2) on the excitation wavelengths has been studied. Using fluorescence-resolved spectroscopy, we have dissected the contributions of particular tryptophan residues located in different parts of the protein molecule. The results demonstrate that dipolar structural relaxation can occur in the environment of tryptophan residues buried within protein molecules. The observed spectral shifts upon red-edge excitation of these residues can depend on temperature or ligand binding, as demonstrated in case of metalloprotease and alcohol dehydrogenase. No spectral shifts upon red-edge excitation have been observed for tryptophan residues totally exposed to the rapidly relaxing aqueous solvent.  相似文献   

Intramolecular singlet excitation transfer. Applications to polypeptides   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
J Eisinger  B Feuer  A A Lamola 《Biochemistry》1969,8(10):3908-3915

Excitatory synaptic transmission in the central nervous system relies predominantly on stimulation of L-glutamate-gated ion channels in postsynaptic membranes. Activation of these channels not only mediates millisecond to millisecond signalling but can also have long term influences on synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity. Recent work has resolved some longstanding problems involving the identity of the transmitter, the postsynaptic localization of the receptor subtypes, and the time course of the transmitter in the synaptic cleft.  相似文献   

Iu N Smolin 《Biofizika》1976,21(2):248-252
The proposed model of action potential generation in electroexcitable membranes is based on physical phenomenon of the reversible thermal dielectric breakdown induced by injection of the activating charge carriers in the membrane under irritation. The model has been shown to describe well the main features of nerve excitation.  相似文献   

Computations show that cathodal rheobase increases with temperature from 0 degrees C to 30 degrees C. Anodal rheobase (stimulation at the end of an indefinitely long anodal pulse) also increases with temperature, but goes to infinity at a critical temperature 17.13 degrees C, above which such excitation is impossible. For a stimulus consisting of any step change of current from I0 to I1, a threshold curve of I1 is plotted against I0. As the temperature increases, this curve rises. Its intersection with the horizontal axis, which determines the anodal rheobase, goes to infinity at the critical temperature. This phenomenon is caused by the saturation of the variables m, h, n for strongly hyperpolarized potentials, combined with the relative speeding up of the inhibitory process with increasing temperature. The threshold charge Q in an instantaneous anodal current pulse (of zero duration) goes to infinity at the same temperature, with a similar explanation in terms of threshold curves in the I1 vs. Q plane. The fact that the critical temperature for both cases is the same is generalized by the conjecture that for any anodal current waveform whatever, as its amplitude approaches infinity, the trajectory in the phase space following its cessation approaches the same limiting trajectory. This limiting trajectory changes from suprathreshold to subthreshold at the critical temperature.  相似文献   

We treated Limulus ventral photoreceptors with the phosphatase inhibitors fluoride, vanadate, and GTP-gamma-S [guanosine-5'0-(3-thiotriphosphate)] under various conditions of illumination and external calcium concentrations. In the dark in low-calcium (1 mM) artificial seawater (ASW), fluoride-induced discrete waves cluster together in time. Under these conditions, the intervals between waves were found to be correlated, and there were excess short intervals beyond the number expected from an exponential interval distribution. To assess the effects of the inhibitors on the light response, we stimulated ventral receptors with a series of dim flashes and averaged the current response under voltage clamp. In ASW, vanadate and GTP-gamma-S prolong the decay of the averaged response to dim test flashes, but prolongation does not always accompany the induction of discrete waves in the dark. Prolongation induced by vanadate in normal-calcium (10 mM) ASW was enhanced in low-calcium (1 mM Ca2+) ASW. Many individual response records suggest that prolongation results from extra discrete waves late in the light response, whereas others reveal long-lasting complex waveforms that cannot easily be resolved into discrete waves. The apparent effect of the inhibitors on the light response is to allow a single photoactivated rhodopsin molecule to produce multiple discrete waves and complex long-lasting events. We suggest that both prolongation of the light response and clustering of waves in the dark result from inhibition of a step in the pathway of visual transduction, in which GTP hydrolysis normally helps to turn off the production of both light-evoked and spontaneous waves.  相似文献   

A model of excitation and adaptation in bacterial chemotaxis.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
We present a model of the chemotactic mechanism of Escherichia coli that exhibits both initial excitation and eventual complete adaptation to any and all levels of stimulus ("exact" adaptation). In setting up the reaction network, we use only known interactions and experimentally determined cytosolic concentrations. Whenever possible, rate coefficients are first assigned experimentally measured values; second, we permit some variation in these rate coefficients by using a multiple-well optimization technique and incremental adjustment to obtain values that are sufficient to engender initial response to stimuli (excitation) and an eventual return of behavior to baseline (adaptation). The predictions of the model are similar to the observed behavior of wild-type bacteria in regard to the time scale of excitation in the presence of both attractant and repellent. The model predicts a weaker response to attractant than that observed experimentally, and the time scale of adaptation does not depend as strongly upon stimulant concentration as does that for wild-type bacteria. The mechanism responsible for long-term adaptation is local rather than global: on addition of a repellent or attractant, the receptor types not sensitive to that attractant or repellent do not change their average methylation level in the long term, although transient changes do occur. By carrying out a phenomenological simulation of bacterial chemotaxis, we find that the model is insufficiently sensitive to effect taxis in a gradient of attractant. However, by arbitrarily increasing the sensitivity of the motor to the tumble effector (phosphorylated CheY), we can obtain chemotactic behavior.  相似文献   

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