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We have demonstrated earlier that the per sperm creatine-N-phosphotransferase (CK) activity was increased in oligospermic vs. normospermic men. The increased sperm CK activity is related to higher concentrations of cellular CK, which may indicate a defect of cytoplasmic extrusion during spermatogenesis. In the present work, we examined whether in spermatozoa, similar to muscle, there is a change in the synthesis of B-CK and M-CK isoforms during cellular differentiation. In 109 normospermic and 50 oligospermic specimens (sperm concentrations 60.6 +/- 3.7 vs. 8.8 +/- 1.3 million sperm/ml; all values expressed as mean +/- SEM), the relative concentrations of the M-CK isoform (M-CK/M-CK + B-CK) were 27.2% +/- 2.1% vs. 6.7% +/- 0.9% (P less than 0.001). The per sperm CK activities showed comparable differences (0.21 +/- 0.02 vs. 0.89 +/- 0.1 CK IU/100 million sperm; P less than 0.001) in the two groups, and there was a close correlation between per sperm CK activities and M-CK concentrations (R = 0.69, P less than 0.001, N = 159). This indicates that the loss of cytoplasm and the commencement of M-CK isoform synthesis are related events during the last phase of spermatogenesis, also that the incidence of spermatozoa with incomplete cellular maturation is higher in oligospermic specimens. In characterizing the M-CK, we found that sperm (unlike muscle tissue) lack the MB hybrid of CK dimers. However, in the presence of muscle M-CK, the muscle-sperm MB-CK hybrid has formed. Thus in sperm and muscle the M-CK isoforms are structurally different, whereas the B-CKs are apparently homologous.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The formation of malondialdehyde (MDA), a product of lipid peroxidation (LPO), was measured in human spermatozoa from 27 subjects with normal sperm characteristics. Peroxidation of lipids in washed spermatozoa was induced by catalytic amounts of ferrous ions and ascorbate and malondiaidehyde dctermint-d by thiobarbituric method. MDA formation varied considerably from one sample to another. The studied population showed a strong correlation between lipid peroxidation potential (amount of MDA formed by 108 spermatozoa after 1 hour of incubation) and 1) initial motility r = ?0.623, P = 0.001; and 2) morphologic abnormalities of the midpiece r = 0.405, P = 0.05. These results suggest that poor motility is linked with membrane fragility and that spermatozoa with midpiece abnormalities probably have membrane and/or cytoplasmic antiperoxidant system defects. Because LPO potential is related to the two most important characteristics of fertility, it seems possible that it has the potential to become a good biochemical index of semen quality.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 62 owl monkeys were analyzed to determine concentrations of creatine kinase activity and isozymes. Fifty monkeys were determined to be clinically normal, while twelve had cardiac disease. Findings showed that the data had a non-normal distribution. Based on nonparametric tests, significant differences were not observed between sexes or animals with and without cardiac disease, indicating that CK activity and isozymes are not reliable indicators of myocardial disease in the owl monkey. Reference values presented are only intended as a guide. Each laboratory should determine its own reference values.  相似文献   

This review focuses on natural and assisted prevention against lipid peroxidation in avian spermatozoa. The presence of high levels of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the plasma membrane creates favorable conditions for the formation of peroxidative products, a major cause of membrane damage which may ultimately impair male fertility. However, a complex antioxidant system involving vitamin C, vitamin E and GSH is naturally present in avian semen. Coupled with a battery of enzymatic defenses (e.g., SOD, GSH-Px either Se- or non-Se-dependent), this system acts to prevent or restrict the formation and propagation of peroxides. The presence of specialized sites dedicated to prolonged sperm storage in avian females raises the question of durable protection of sperm membranes against peroxidation. Preliminary observations have revealed the presence of a specific antioxidant system at these sites in which vitamin C could exert a major role. From a practical standpoint, the extensive use of artificial insemination in poultry, along with the emergence in some species of workable techniques to cryopreserve spermatozoa, demand better control of peroxidation occurring in the plasma membrane of spermatozoa before or during storage. Dietary supplementation with vitamin E is effective in limiting lipid peroxidation of sperm plasma membranes, both in chickens and turkeys. In addition, organic Se with or without vitamin E stimulates Se-GSH-Px activity in seminal plasma. Preliminary observations in female chickens have also revealed the effectiveness of dietary supplementation with vitamin E, organic selenium or both to sustain fertility in aging flocks.  相似文献   

Interest in creatine (Cr) as a nutritional supplement and ergogenic aid for athletes has surged over recent years. After cellular uptake, Cr is phosphorylated to phosphocreatine (PCr) by the creatine kinase (CK) reaction using ATP. At subcellular sites with high energy requirements, e.g. at the myofibrillar apparatus during muscle contraction, CK catalyzes the transphosphorylation of PCr to ADP to regenerate ATP, thus preventing a depletion of ATP levels. PCr is thus available as an immediate energy source, serving not only as an energy buffer but also as an energy transport vehicle. Ingestion of creatine increases intramuscular Cr, as well as PCr concentrations, and leads to exercise enhancement, especially in sprint performance. Additional benefits of Cr supplementation have also been noticed for high-intensity long-endurance tasks, e.g. shortening of recovery periods after physical exercise.The present article summarizes recent findings on the influence of Cr supplementation on energy metabolism, and introduces the Cr transporter protein (CreaT), responsible for uptake of Cr into cells, as one of the key-players for the multi-faceted regulation of cellular Cr homeostasis. Furthermore, it is suggested that patients with disturbances in Cr metabolism or with different neuro-muscular diseases may benefit from Cr supplementation as an adjuvant therapy to relieve or delay the onset of symptoms. Although it is still unclear how Cr biosynthesis and transport are regulated in health and disease, so far there are no reports of harmful side effects of Cr loading in humans. However, in this study, we report that chronic Cr supplementation in rats down-regulates in vivo the expression of the CreaT. In addition, we describe the presence of CreaT isoforms most likely generated by alternative splicing.  相似文献   

Summary Covalent coupling of protein by crosslinking reagents have been used to study the interaction of mitochondrial creatine kinase (CKm) and hexokinase (HK) with the mitochondrial membranes.The effects of crosslinkers were studied either by following the inhibition of solubilization of enzymatic activities or by modification of the electrophoretic patterns of proteins solubilized from mitochondria after treatment with different crosslinkers.Dimethylsuberimidate (DMS) efficiently reduced the amount of HK activity solubilized by various agents but it did not modify solubilization of CKm from mitochondria. The effect of DMS on HK solubilization did not result from non specific crosslinking since it did not impede the solubilization of adenylate kinase.Bissuccinimidyl another class of crosslinker has been tested. Ethyleneglycol bis (succinimidyl succinate)(EGS) efficiently reduced HK solubilization, but in addition it induced osmotic stabilization of mitochondria and thus impeded release of soluble or solubilized proteins from the intermembrane space. Furthermore this agent drastically inhibited CKm activity and thus, in a second set of experiments the effect of crosslinkers have been studied by the disappearance of protein bands in the electrophoretic pattern of soluble fractions obtained from mitochondria, the outer membranes of which have been ruptured to allow free release of soluble proteins. Results of these experiments showed that succinimidyl reagents and Cu++-Phenanthroline substantially reduced the amount of CKm released from mitochondria and confirmed that bisimidates were ineffective in inhibiting CKm solubilization.In addition crosslinking reagents have been used to study subunits interactions in purified CKm. Our results showed, in contrast with control experiments with a non oligomeric protein (ovalbumin) which did not give rise to polymers, that in the same conditions electrophoresis of crosslinked CKm resolved a set of species with molecular weights roughly equal to integral multiples of the protomer. These results proved that the polymeric form of CKm was an octamer.Abbreviations AK Adenylate Kinase (EC - CKm Mitochondrial Isoenzyme of Creatine Kinase (EC - DMS Dimethyl Suberimidate - DTT Dithiothreitol - EGS Ethylene Glycol bis (succinimidyl succinate) - EGTA Ethylene Glycol bis (aminoethyl ether) - N,N,N,N Tetraacetic acid - G6P Glucose 6 Phosphate, Hepes - N-2 Hydroxyethyl Piperazine N-2 Ethane Sulfonic Acid - HK Hexokinase (EC - MABI methyl 4-Azido Benzoimidate - NaPi Sodium Phosphate - SANPAH N-Succinimidyl 6(4 azido 2 nitrophenylamino) Hexanoate - SDS Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (sodium lauryl sulfate) - Tris Tris (hydroxymethyl) Aminomethane  相似文献   

Currently, considerable research activities are focussing on biochemical, physiological and pathological aspects of the creatine kinase (CK) — phosphorylcreatine (PCr) — creatine (Cr) system (for reviews see [1, 2]), but only little effort is directed towards a thorough investigation of Cr metabolism as a whole. However, a detailed knowledge of Cr metabolism is essential for a deeper understanding of bioenergetics in general and, for example, of the effects of muscular dystrophies, atrophies, CK deficiencies (e.g. in transgenic animals) or Cr analogues on the energy metabolism of the tissues involved. Therefore, the present article provides a short overview on the reactions and enzymes involved in Cr biosynthesis and degradation, on the organization and regulation of Cr metabolism within the body, as well as on the metabolic consequences of 3-guanidinopropionate (GPA) feeding which is known to induce a Cr deficiency in muscle. In addition, the phenotype of muscles depleted of Cr and PCr by GPA feeding is put into context with recent investigations on the muscle phenotype of gene knockout mice deficient in the cytosolic muscle-type M-CK.Abbreviations Cr creatine - Crn creatinine - PCr phosphorylcreatine - CK creatine kinase - M-CK cytosolic muscle type CK isoenzyme - Mi-CK mitochondrial CK isoenzyme - AGAT L-arginine: glycine amidinotransferase - GAMT S-adenosylmethionine: guanidinoacetate methyltransferase - Arg arginine - Met methionine - GPA guanidinopropionate=-guanidinopropionate - PGPA phosphorylated GPA - GBA 3-guanidinobutyrate=-guanidinobutyrate - CPEO chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia  相似文献   

Mitochondrial inclusion bodies are often described in skeletal muscle of patients suffering diseases termed mitochondrial myopathies. A major component of these structures was discovered as being creatine kinase. Similar creatine kinase enriched inclusion bodies in the mitochondria of creatine depleted adult rat cardiomyocytes have been demonstrated. Structurally similar inclusion bodies are observed in mitochondria of ischemic and creatine depleted rat skeletal muscle. This paper describes the various methods for inducing mitochondrial inclusion bodies in rodent skeletal muscle, and compares their effects on muscle metabolism to the metabolic defects of mitochondrial myopathy muscle. We fed rats with a creatine analogue guanidino propionic acid and checked their soled for mitochondrial inclusion bodies, with the electron microscope. The activity of creatine kinase was analysed by measuring creatine stimulated oxidative phosphorylation in soleus skinned fibres using an oxygen electrode . The guanidino propionic acid-rat soleus mitochondria displayed no creatine stimulation, whereas control soleus did, even though the GPA soled had a five fold increase in creatine kinase protein per mitochondrial protein. The significance of these results in light of their relevance to human mitochondrial myopathies and the importance of altered muscle metabolism in the formation of these crystalline structures are discussed. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 283–289, 1997)  相似文献   

Protection of sperm membranes against lipid peroxidation is a pre-requisite to prolonged sperm storage, both in vivo and in vitro. As females from avian species can store spermatozoa in the utero-vaginal junction (UVJ) for prolonged periods, we investigated the mechanisms involved in antioxidative protection of the plasma membrane of chicken sperm in this region. Comparisons of concentrations in nonenzymatic (alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, and GSH) and enzymatic (GSH-Px, SOD) antioxidants among the vagina, UVJ and uterus of sexually mature chicken hens revealed tissue-specific profiles, with higher ascorbic acid content and increased GSH-Px and SOD activity in the UVJ compared to other regions of the lower oviduct (vagina, uterus). Deterioration of the antioxidant profile in the UVJ was observed in aging hens, but it was partially compensated by dietary supplementation with vitamin E (130 ppm). It is concluded that the chicken UVJ provides a complex defense barrier against lipid peroxidation of the sperm membrane during in vivo storage, which can be partially improved by dietary supplementation with vitamin E. The protective effects of this barrier decline over time during the reproductive season.  相似文献   

Sperm-rich semen and washed porcine spermatozoa were incubated for up to 2 hr either in utero in the presence of oviduct fluid or in vitro at 37°C. Sperm lipids were extracted and separated into phospholid and neutral lipid fractions. Eleven phospholipid and five neutral lipid fatty acids were identified and quantified using GC and GC-MS. The percentage of 22:5n6, the major phospholipid fatty acid, decreased slightly but significantly during 1.5 hr of in utero incubation (41.2–38.0%), but after 2.0 hr of in utero incubation no significant difference was observed (40.0%). None of the phospholipid fatty acids changed in concentration during in vitro incubation. The mole ratio of phospholipid to phospholipid fatty acid (1.00:1.27) did not change during incubation. The levels of neutral lipid-bound 14:0 decreased (43.5% to 31.8%) and that of 18:0 increased (11.1% to 18.2%) during in utero incubation. Similar but less pronounced changes were observed during in vitro incubation. (43.5% to 36.0%; and 11.1% to 15.8%, respectively). Two major sterols, cholestrol (73%) and desmosterol (27%) were identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The mole ratio of phospholipid to sterol (2.47:1:00) did not change during incubation.  相似文献   

The ameroseiid mite Hattena cometis has a male genital system that consists of an unpaired, u‐shaped testis and paired deferent ducts leading into an unpaired accessory genital gland and ejaculatory duct. The genital opening is located anteriorly immediately in front of the sternal shield. Spermatogenesis is simple, probably due to the haploid nature of the male. Eight stages of spermatogenesis could be roughly distinguished. Mature spermatozoa as found in the deferent duct lumen are peculiar in having a bisected nucleus and numerous peripheral flat chambers, which were formed from indentations of the plasmalemma. In inseminated females, spermatozoa were observed in the syncytial tissue of the sperm access system and in the somatic cells of the ovary. These spermatozoa have achieved a new structure, i.e., an electron‐dense plate dividing the cell into two unequal halves. The dense plate has an intricate substructure. Its function is unknown. These sperm cells are considered to represent capacitated spermatozoa. The peripheral chambers are reduced in number inside the female. Similar sperm cells, containing a dense plate, were seen in vacuoles within the epithelium of the deferent duct of one male. These cells are evidently under destruction, but before being completely dissolved had undergone a development leading beyond that of the mature sperm cells found in the deferent duct. Apparently, entering the cell of the deferent duct epithelium or the syncytium tissue triggers the production of the dense plate (or the capacitation process). Our observations are compared with results obtained from other anactinotrichid Acari, mainly Gamasida, and confirm and complete the interpretation of the correlated evolution of components of gamasid reproductive systems. J. Morphol. 274:1010–1025, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The phosphocreatine content of smooth muscle is of similar magnitude to ATP. Thus the function of the creatine kinase system in this tissue cannot simply be regarded as an energy buffer. Thus an understanding of its role in smooth muscle behavior can point to CK function in other systems. From our perspective CK function in smooth muscle is one example of a more general phenomenon, that of the co-localization of ATP synthesis and utilization. In an interesting and analogous fashion distinct glycolytic cascades are also localized in regions of the cell with specialized energy requirements. Similar to CK, glycolytic enzymes are known to be localized on thin filaments, sarcoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane. In this chapter we will describe the relations between glycolysis and smooth muscle function and compare and contrast to that of the CK system. Our goal is to more fully understand the significance of the compartmentation of distinct pathways for ATP synthesis with specific functions in smooth muscle. This organization of metabolism and function seen most clearly in smooth muscle is likely representative of many other cell types.  相似文献   

We describe a model of mitochondrial regulation in vivo which takes account of spatial diffusion of high-energy (ATP and phosphocreatine) and low-energy metabolites (ADP and creatine), their interconversion by creatine kinase (which is not assumed to be at equilibrium), and possible functional 'coupling' between the components of creatine kinase associated with the mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocase and the myofibrillar ATPase. At high creatine kinase activity, the degree of functional coupling at either the mitochondrial or ATPase end has little effect on relationships between oxidative ATP synthesis rate and spatially-averaged metabolite concentrations. However, lowering the creatine kinase activity raises the mean steady state ADP and creatine concentrations, to a degree which depends on the degree of coupling. At high creatine kinase activity, the fraction of flow carried by ATP is small. Lowering the creatine kinase activity raises this fraction, especially when there is little functional coupling. All metabolites show small spatial gradients, more so at low cytosolic creatine kinase activity, and unless there is near-complete coupling, so does net creatine kinase flux. During workjump transitions, spatial-average responses exhibit near-exponential kinetics as expected, while concentration changes start at the ATPase end and propagate towards the mitochondrion, damped in time and space. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 29–32, 1997)  相似文献   

The exchange scheme of high energy phosphate transport in a whole heart relies on a system of CK functioning in different ways. This suggests that the CKs are able to act both like a shuttle and like a buffer for the energy transfer. The challenge is to understand how these two functions are balanced in the CK system. One key of this balance is the knowledge of the local concentrations of the ADP nucleotide. These concentrations cannot be directly measured, but they may be derived by computation. In the present report we introduce the known properties of the enzymes catalyzing the exchange of high energy phosphate into the model of flux pathways derived from NMR experiments to compute both the maximum activity of each enzyme and the local concentrations of all the substrates. We show that the ADP distribution must be heterogeneous for the system to work. Its concentration is 50% higher in the vicinity of ATPase sites and 50% lower in the intermembrane space of the mitochondria than in the cytosol. Another result of this analysis is that the apparent large unbalance of the CKmito pathway is imposed by the adenosine nucleotide transferase fluxes. This analysis proves that it is possible to deduce the local concentrations of a substrate by combining data originating from NMR, biochemistry and enzymology into a common model.  相似文献   

入冬气温大幅变化引起的冻融既是抗冻植物抗冻力形成的重要阶段也是非抗冻植物大量死亡的主要原因,但是抗冻植物为何能在冬季融冻条件下生存的生理机理尚不清楚。以生长在烟台地区抗冻白三叶(Trifolium repens)为材料,分析研究了不同微生态环境下生长的白三叶在冬季融冻过程中叶片抗氧化物酶活性、渗透调节物含量、丙二醛和细胞膜透性的变化,以了解它们在白三叶抗冻中的作用。结果表明:在气温突然下降至零度以下(融-冻阶段),三样地白三叶叶片冻结,叶片细胞膜透性在经历短暂下降后迅速急剧增加2倍,MDA含量增加85%,叶片中脯氨酸和蛋白质含量、抗氧化酶(过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD))活力增加。在气温上升至日均温零度以上(冻-融阶段), 叶片开始融化,白三叶叶片膜透性、丙二醛和脯氨酸含量、POD和CAT活力先增加后降低,SOD活力和蛋白质含量持续增加。由此可见,快速增强的抗氧化物酶活力和快速增加的渗透调节物及时清除氧自由基防止细胞内膜脂过氧化保护了细胞膜的完整性而使细胞能在冷冻条件下生存,这可能是白三叶能在反复融冻过程中正常生长的重要生理机理。  相似文献   

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