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Reproductive data on captive lesser kudus (Tragelaphus imberis) were collected from 1972 to 1990. The estrous cycles of two females were 21 and 22 days. Mean gestation length of 18 pregnancies was 244 ± 5.5 days (range = 235–256 days), and 71.2% of interbirth intervals (n = 146) were from 248 to 365 days. Births occurred throughout the year, but 55% were from September to December. Females always gave birth to a single calf (n = 215), and the sex ratio did not differ from unity. Neonatal weights (1–3 days postpartum) of 32 males and 28 females surviving at least 30 days were 6.4 ± 0.8 kg and 5.8 ± 0.7 kg, respectively. Males and females reached sexual maturity at the ages of 16 and 19 months, respectively. The oldest male lived to slightly more than 14 years, 5 months, and the oldest female to more than 18 years, 11 months. Males were fertile until at least 14 years and females minimally to 14–18 years of age; however, the maximum age of successful lactation was 13–14 years. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive biology of alpine ibex bred at the Peter & Paul Wildlife Park, St. Gallen, Switzerland, from 1930 through 1943 and 1968 through 1983. Peter & Paul Wildlife Park had supplied most of the original stock used to reestablish ibex populations in the European Alps after they had become extinct. Ibex females were seasonally polyestrous. Their estrous cycle averaged 20 days, and their gestation period averaged 167 days. Females between 1 and 15 years of age on average produced 0.78 young per year; females between 3 and 13 years of age produced 0.99 young per year. The average age at which captive ibex females gave birth was 8.44 years. Sex ratio at birth was unbiased. More singletons than twins were born, but the proportion of twins born during the years 1968 through 1983 was higher than during the earlier study period. There were no differences in the survival rates of male or female and single or twin offspring.  相似文献   

A captive breeding program is being conducted with black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes), an endangered species. Results of 5 years of study are reported. Simple, but specialized, nontraumatic handling techniques allowed assessment of reproductive status with minimal stress, which was important in breeding management. Black-footed ferrets are sexually mature and may successfully reproduce in their 1st year. Proestrus lasts approximately 2-3 weeks. Duration of estrus in unbred females was 32–42 days; females usually bred within 20 days. Most breeding activity occurred during April. Mean gestation length was 42.7 days (±0.7, range 42–45 days), litter size averaged 3.0 kits (±1.4, range 1–6 kits), and weaned kits/litter averaged 2.4 (±1.7, range 1–6 kits). Weaning rate of kits was 80%. Sex ratio of kits was essentially 1:1. Productivity was greatest among females ?3 years of age. Rapid expansion of the captive population is possible and will be important for genetic management of the species and for achieving the primary goal of the recovery program, which is to return black-footed ferrets to the wild.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) is poorly documented because of infrequent captive breeding success and the absence of field studies of this species. Reproductive data were collected from a breeding colony of slow lorises held at the Duke University Primate Center for the past 10 years. Nineteen infants were born, with a sex ratio of 1:1 and a neonatal mortality rate of 15.8%. In all cases, litter size was one. Females born in the colony copulated for the first time between 18 and 24 months of age. A male that reached sexual maturity in the colony sired his first offspring at the age of 17 months. Estrous cycles ranged in duration from 29–45 days, with copulations usually occurring for 1 day of estrus. Gestation length averaged 192.2 days. Although a postpartum estrus was observed in three cases of infant death, no conceptions resulted. Lactation lasted approximately 6 months. A clear birth peak was observed, with 12 out of 19 births occurring in March, April, and May. The comparatively low basal metabolic rate of this species may account for the unusually low reproductive rate of the slow loris in comparison with other prosimian primates.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1983, adult female vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) over 3.5 years of age, living in two undisturbed social groups in a captive colony in Sepulveda, California, have averaged 1.0 births per female year with a mean interbirth interval of 10.7 months. Increased fecundity did not result in decreased survival rates of offspring in this population. Fecundity was influenced by the mother's age and dominance rank. The primary factor in the age-fecundity relationship was the age at first birth, which varied from three to five years. High-ranking females contributed the most to the high rate of fecundity, with significantly shorter interbirth intervals, more births per female year, and more surviving infants compared to low-ranking females.  相似文献   

2007~2009年在黑龙江中南部地区对绿翅鸭(Anas crecca)繁殖生态习性进行了观察。绿翅鸭在黑龙江属夏候鸟,每年3月末4月初迁来,10月上旬迁离,所观察的4对绿翅鸭居留期约6个月。迁来时成群停留在湖泊及江的冰面上,开江以后散去,繁殖期间,绿翅鸭的配偶关系为一雄一雌,巢址多选择离水域较近的草丛或灌木丛中,所观察的4巢,巢都比较简单,筑巢时间为(5.5±1.0)d(n=4)。巢筑成后的(3.25±0.50)d开始产卵。每窝70~12枚不等,平均(9.80±2.21)枚(n=4)。卵重平均(28.70±0.72)g(n=39),最后一枚卵产出后(2.50±0.577)d(n=4),开始孵卵,孵卵期约为22~26 d不等,平均孵卵期为(24.25±1.17)d(n=4),平均孵化率为79.5%±29.98%。幼鸟为早成鸟,育雏期为(29.75±1.70)d。  相似文献   

The growth and development of the endangered Mahogany Glider (Petaurus gracilis) was monitored in a captive population at Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia. Video surveillance confirmed that the gestation period for this species was 16 days. Morphometric data and developmental milestones were recorded from 10 Mahogany Gliders from birth to weaning. Growth curves were developed for head length, ulna length, tail length, and body weight. Weekly inspections of female pouches revealed the young's eyelid margins were visible by Day 21, the first hair erupted on the bridge of the nose at Day 30, pigmentation of the body developed at Day 63, and they started detaching from the teat intermittently, and the body was covered in short fur by Day 70. The young were left in the nest alone from Days 84 to 87, their eyes opened between Days 84 and 94, and there was a rapid increase in length and density of fur from Day 98 onwards. At Days 101 to 105 of age the young left the nest box with its mother as back young. Weaning occurred from 184 to 187 days. Typically, the reproductive rate was two young per annum per pair, but one pair produced five young in 19 months. Females produced young from 12 months to 7 years of age, males up to 9.4 years of age. The average longevity of Mahogany Gliders in the studbook in 2018 was 11.6 years. This study provides data on the reproductive biology of the Mahogany Glider that will assist in its captive breeding, management, and conservation.  相似文献   

Juvenile survival and age at first breeding (i.e. recruitment) are critical parameters affecting population dynamics in birds, but high levels of natal dispersal preclude measurement of these variables in most species. We used multi‐state capture–recapture models to measure age‐specific survival and recruitment probabilities of piping plovers Charadrius melodus in the Great Lakes region during 1993–2012. This federally endangered population is thoroughly monitored throughout its entire breeding range, minimizing concerns that measures of survival and recruitment are confounded by temporary or permanent emigration. First‐year survival (± SE) averaged 0.284 ± 0.019 from mean banding age (9 d) and 0.374 ± 0.023 from fledging age (23 d). Factors that increased first‐year survival during the pre‐fledging period (9–23 d) included earlier hatching dates, older age at banding, greater number of fledglings at a given site, and better body condition at time of banding. However, when chicks that died prior to fledging were excluded from analysis, only earlier hatching dates improved first‐year survival estimates. Females had a higher probability (0.557 ± 0.066) of initiating breeding at age one than did males (0.353 ± 0.052), but virtually all plovers began breeding by age three. Adult survival was reduced by increased hurricane activity on the southeast U.S. Atlantic coast where Great Lakes piping plovers winter and by higher populations of merlins Falco columbarius. Mean annual adult survival declined from 1993 to 2012, and did not differ between males and females. Enhanced body condition led to higher survival to fledge and early breeding led to improved first‐year survival; therefore, management actions focused on ensuring access to quality feeding habitat for growing young and protecting early nests may increase recruitment in this federally endangered population.  相似文献   

Despite its relative abundance and wide geographical range, the population dynamics and reproductive biology of the European polecatMustela putorius Linnaeus, 1758 are largely unknown as to the wild living. We therefore investigated age and reproductive status of 239 Danish polecats primarily killed in traffic or trapped during 1998–2004. Males comprised two third of all individuals in all age groups. Based on a static life table, apparent annual mortality was 68% during the first year of life, 33% during the second year and 65% from the third year in both sexes. The mean (± SE) litter size of 5.95 ± 0.62 (n = 18), estimated from placental scar counts, was significantly lower than litter sizes at birth reported for captive individuals but consistent with litter sizes reported for wild polecats in Russia. Female yearlings conceived at the same rate and produced litters of the same size as older individuals.Males had spermatozoa in their testes from February through August. Testes mass peaked in April and May, ie the same period when most females conceive. A lower prevalence of individuals with spermatozoa in yearlings suggests that most males postponed sexual maturity to two years of age.  相似文献   

Sea World has maintained killer whales (Orcinus orca) since 1965. The total killer whale inventory (1965–1993) has included 39 whales (25 females, 14 males); 28 were wild-caught and 11 captive-born, including one second-generation calf. As of September, 1993, there were 19 whales in the breeding program. Ten of these whales (53%) were captive-born, either at Sea World or other facilities in North America. The live wild-caught whales ranged in estimated age from 12–27 years (x? ± sd = 17.6 ± 4.2 years). The captive-born whales ranged in age from <1 to 8 years. In the Sea World breeding program (through September, 1993), there have been nine live births and one stillbirth, with eight calves part of the current inventory. Births occurred from July to February. Calving intervals ranged from 32–58 months. Female age at birth of first calves ranged from 8 years to an estimated 17 years (x? ± sd = 12.7 ± 3.0 years). Gestation, based on conception estimates from serum progesterone analysis, averaged 17 months (x? ± sd = 517 ± 20 days), but successful pregnancies with viable calves occurred from 15–18 months (468–539 days). Females, in the presence and absence of males, were polyestrus with periods of cycling interspersed with individually variable noncycling (presumed anestrous) periods ranging from 3–16 months. Mean serum progesterone levels (±se) were as follows: noncycling periods = 121 ± 20 pg/ml; peak elevations during nonconceptive ovulatory (estrous) cycles = 3,962 ± 2,280 pg/ml; first pregnancies = 14,592 ± 3,854 pg/ml; second pregnancies = 8,389 ± 395 pg/ml; and third pregnancy = 8,180 ± 4,556. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The genital swelling patterns and birth records of female mandrills housed at the Tulsa Zoo between 1979 and 1992 were examined to determine various reproductive parameters. Mean age at first adolescent genital swelling was 2.7 years (sd = .55), first adult swelling was 3.7 years (sd = .64), and first conception was 5.1 years (sd = 1.30). Genital swelling cycle duration averaged 39.6 days (n = 33 cycles), with the swelling phase averaging 19.5 days (n = 51 cycles). There was no interindividual difference in cycle length (F = 1.26, P = .31) or swelling duration (F = 0.65, P = .58), nor was there a difference in cycle length (F = 0.47, P = .50) or swelling duration (F = 1.27, P = .27) before and after first parturition. Duration of gestation was estimated to be 165.9 days (sd = 3.3; n = 17 pregnancies). Lactational anestrus averaged 10.1 months, whereas mean interbirth interval was 17.9 months (n = 11). There was a significant negative correlation between age of the mother and interbirth interval (r = ?;0.648, P = .03). Data presented in this report provide a comprehensive profile of reproductive parameters for zoo-housed mandrills, which may aid other facilities in the reproductive management of their captive groups. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

海南岛南湾半岛野生猕猴的繁殖研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
1981-1985年,在海南岛南湾半岛开展了对野生猕猴种群繁殖的研究。猕猴的发情交配期为11月至次年3月,产仔期为4-8月,怀孕期约177天。3年中,有70%的性成熟母猴每年产1胎,其它的产2胎或1胎。在连续两年中产仔间隔294-441天,平均362±16天,自1978年以来,年均繁殖率为53.8-100%,平均77.8±13.85%。雄性成熟年龄为3-4岁;约38%的雌性在3.5岁时开始怀孕,4岁产仔。低等级的雌性生育较少,雄性猴离群,无任何雄性终身在群内称王,这些都可避免种群衰退,利于种群生长和发展的极好生物学对策。  相似文献   

From February 1972 to August 1974 ten immatureCebus albifrons monkeys were weighed and vaginal swabbing performed at monthly or shorter intervals to determine age and weight at the onset of puberty. The average weight (±S.E.M.) at birth and at puberty was 226±5.8 g and 1,617±32.45 g, respectively. The average age at puberty was 3.59±0.17 years. The average weight velocity for all ten monkeys shows the maximum rate of weight gain to occur shortly after birth and decrease rapidly to its smallest prepubertal increment at nine months of age (weaning). From nine months there is a post-weaning weight spurt which reaches its greatest velocity at an average age of 15 months. Thereafter, the weight velocity decreases to its lowest level. Individual weight velocity curves of each of the ten animals show a slight prepubertal weight spurt which is not obvious in the average growth curve.  相似文献   

The daily food consumption of 26 California sea lions at the Harderwijk Marine Mammal Park was recorded. Average annual food consumption of males increased with age to stabilize at approximately 4,000 kg/year by the age of 10 years. Females showed a rapid increase in average annual food consumption until they were 3 years old. Thereafter, females housed outdoors averaged 1,800 kg/year, whereas those housed indoors ate approximately 1,400 kg/year. Between the ages of 4 and 7 years, the food intake of males began to fluctuate seasonally, decreasing between May and August. The low food intake in summer was associated with an increase in aggressive behavior. Seasonal fluctuation in the food intake of non‐reproductive females was negligible. Between the ages of 6 and 8 years, many females began to reproduce successfully. Pups were born in May and June. The females' food intake decreased approximately 3 days before birth and ceased the next day. Feeding resumed the day after birth, and by 2 days after birth, it had usually returned to normal. On average, female intake increased in the year of conception, the year of birth, during which the pup was suckled for 6 months, and the following calendar year, during which the pup was weaned. Pups began to eat fish at approximately 11 months of age. When forcefed, they were fully weaned within 2 to 23 days. Male weight and body length increased until approximately 20 years of age. Females increased in body length until 6 years and in weight until approximately 13 years of age. The relationship between standard body length and body weight is given. The heavier an animal is, the lower is its food intake as a percentage of body weight. Zoo Biol 19:143–159, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reproductive data compiled from the International Clouded Leopard Studbook revealed that 75% of all litters were born to females between one and five years of age. Sixty-three percent of the males had sired litters by four years of age with reproduction declining after six years of age. Sixteen zoological institutions surveyed worldwide contributed estrous cycle data from 28 clouded leopards. Sexual maturity (age at first estrus) for these females ranged from 17 to 28 months of age with a mean estrous cycle length of 29.9 ± 13.8 days. The mean length of estrus was six days. Gestation length ranged from 85 to 121 days (X? = 93.4 ± 6.3). There was a significantly higher incidence of estrus in fall and winter compared with spring and summer over latitudes ranging from 36°–45° and 51°–55° (P < .005). Mating occurred in all months except June and October, and cubs were produced in all months except December. The highest frequency of mating occurred during the month of December corresponding with a birth peak in March.  相似文献   

Profiles of fecal progestogens and body weight from the early juvenile to the peri‐pubertal period are presented for eight captive female Nile hippopotami housed at Disney's Animal Kingdom in Florida. Average growth rate in juveniles was 0.85±0.03 kg/day (r2=0.913). Progestogen elevations were detectable as early as 16.8 months of age, and elevations indicative of ovulation and luteal activity were identified in seven of eight females by 30.3±1.6 months of age and body weight of 829.3±49.4 kg. Progestogen patterns before the onset of puberty were highly variable within and between females. Some females remained at baseline concentrations, whereas in others the progestogen pattern was characterized by infrequent, transient elevations of low amplitude and shortened duration. Four females were monitored through onset of puberty, conception, and first pregnancy. Onset of puberty was defined as the first luteal phase from the series of consecutive ovarian cycles culminating in conception and was observed at 34.9±2.2 months of age and 963.6±39.4 kg, however, the quality and number of cycles varied among females before conception. Females conceived between 2.7–3.9 years of age after attaining an approximate threshold body weight of 1,000 kg (1,070.5±39.5 kg). The age at first conception in captivity occurs at a younger age than has been reported for wild populations. Body weight may be an effective tool for approximating the state of reproductive maturity and facilitate collection management in zoos. Zoo Biol. 0:1–13, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Free-ranging mantled howling monkey (Alouatta palliata Gray) females experienced a regular estrus cycle averaging 16.3 days, demonstrated sexual skin changes, and participated in multiple matings before becoming pregnant. Gestation averaged 186 days. The average interval between births was 22.5 months. Sexual maturity occurred at approximately 36 and 42 months for females and males, respectively. Female age at first birth was about 3½ years. Births were scattered during some years and clustered during others. The age, rank, and parity of the females affected infant survival. More female than male infants survived to one year of age. Increased population size was the result of immigration rather than births.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) at the Nanwan peninsula of Hainan Island, China, have been observed in the field for 25 years, and have been studied intensively for eight years, beginning in 1981. There were about 115 monkeys in 5 natural groups when the Nanwan Reserve was founded in 1965. From 1965 to 1984, the number of groups increased from 5 to 19, and the total population increased from 115 to 930 individuals, an annual population increase of 12.7%. From 1984 to 1987, the population continued a slower rate of increase (8.9%) to approximately 1200 monkeys in 20 groups. The home ranges of each monkey group at Nanwan varied from 0.16 to 0.72 km2, with a mean and standard deviation of 0.37 ± 0.18. The size of the home range of the rhesus was affected by the quality of vegetation and rhesus population density. The average birth rate per year was 77.8 ± 13.9%, varying from 53.8% to 100% since 1978. From 1978, the birth rates of two food provisioned groups were higher in alternate years (x? = 91.7%) and lower in intervening years (x? = 68.8%; P = <0.01). A minority (26.5%) of females have given birth at 4 years of age, most at 5 years. The sex ratio of newborns in any one year varied from 0.3 to 3.5 males to females, with a mean and standard error of 1.09 ± 0.37 males to females.  相似文献   

In this study, we present data on reproductive parameters and birth seasonality of Guizhou snub‐nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus brelichi). Our analyses are based on data from a small captive population collected over 15 years and on 5 years of observations of free‐ranging snub‐nosed monkeys. Captive females (n=4) mature at an age of 70.8±6.7 months and reproduce for the first time at 103.4±7.5 months. The mean interbirth interval was 38.2±4.4 months if the infant survived more than 6 months, which is longer than that in R. roxellana and R. bieti. In the wild and in captivity, births are very seasonal and occur only in a period from the end of March to the end of April. Our data suggest that population growth in Guizhou snub‐nosed monkeys is slow compared with the other two Chinese snub‐nosed monkey species. The risk of extinction is therefore particularly high in this species, given the small overall population size and slow population recovery potential. Am. J. Primatol. 71:266–270, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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