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Groups of individually marked cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus), located in La Reserva Forestal Protectora Serranía de Coraza-Montes de María in Colosó Colombia, were studied over a period of 5 years. Data on group composition, stability, birthing seasons, and dispersal patterns are used to examine the reproductive strategies and tactics used by males and females. Both monogamous groups and groups containing two pregnant females have been observed. All groups contained at least one adult female and male, with several groups containing several adult males and females. Both males and females dispersed to neighboring groups, and there were no sex differences in rates of emigration. Males were more likely to immigrate into a new group following the death/emigration of a resident male. Females appeared to tolerate immigrating females but would actively defend their breeding position during fertile periods. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper we address a series of questions concerning reproductive opportunities, kinship, dispersal, and mating patterns in free-ranging moustached tamarin monkeys (Saguinus mystax). Between 1980 and 1990 information on group size, composition, and migration patterns was collected on marked groups of moustached tamarins inhabiting Padre Isla, an island in the Amazon Basin of northeastern Peru. In 1990, 86% of 114 animals residing in 16 social groups were trapped, examined, and released. Mean group size was 7.0, including 2.2 adult males and 2.0 adult females. None of these groups was characterized by a single adult male-female pair. In groups with more than one adult female, only the oldest female produced offspring. An examination of dispersal patterns indicates that transfers between groups were common and fell into several categories, including immigration of individual males and females, simultaneous transfer of pairs of subadult and/or adult males (sometimes relatives) into the same social groups, and group fissioning in which males and females of the splinter group join another small social group. We have no unambiguous cases of 2 adult/subadult females migrating together into the same social group. All 6 groups for which reproductive data were available were characterized by either a polyandrous or polygynous (polygyandrous) mating pattern. The results of this study indicate that moustached tamarins reside in small multimale multifemale groups that are likely to contain both related and unrelated adult group members. Kinship and social ties among males appear to be stronger and more longlasting than kinship and social ties among females. We contend that the modal mating system of moustached and many other tamarins is not monogamous, and offer the possibility that cooperative infant care and mating system flexibility in callitrichines evolved from a polygynous mating pattern. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine behavioral strategies used by male and female tamarins to increase individual reproductive opportunities while continuing to maintain a high level of group cohesion and social cooperation. Tamarins of the genus Saguinus are characterized by social groups generally composed of more than one adult of each sex, but a breeding system in which only a single female in each group gives birth. The breeding sovereignty of a single dominant female limits the reproductive opportunities of subordinate females as well as the reproductive opportunities of resident adult males.1-3 Despite extreme variability in year-to-year reproductive success among members of the same social group, field studies indicate that within-group intrasexual aggression and fighting are rare, and that both breeding and nonbreeding individuals expend time and energy cooperatively caring for young, defending productive feeding sites, and assisting in food harvesting activities.4-11 In fact, Caine12 has argued that “co-operation, tolerance, and flexibility” are the primary themes of tamarin social interactions (p. 218). A major question that remains unanswered, however, is how such high levels of cooperation could have evolved in a social system characterized by emigration of both adult males and females from the natal group, polyandrous mating, and intense reproductive competition.  相似文献   

This study reports on the longitudinal changes in scent marking frequencies of male and female lion tamarins in relation to age, reproductive status, and group composition. Juvenile males and females in family groups and subordinate males in trios (2 males, 1 female) scent marked infrequently. Juvenile females scent marked less than juvenile males and began scent marking later. Adult pair-bonded males and females scent marked with similar frequencies. Females showed scent marking increases during mid-pregnancy, but their scent marking decreased both before and again after parturition. Both males and females exhibited decreases in scent marking while transporting dependent infants.  相似文献   

Cooperative breeders live in social groups in which individuals in an age–sex class vary in reproductive development due to reproductive dominance by a few individuals in each group. Among callitrichids, adult males have been implicated in driving group reproductive output, but uneven sampling efforts, the underlying effects of group size, and pseudoreplication at the group and species levels are confounding variables in these analyses. We examined the drivers of group reproductive output in callitrichids by 1) conducting a meta-analysis of published studies of callitrichid group composition; 2) assigning developmental class based on reproductive morphology; and 3) using multivariate modeling to test whether the proportion of individuals of each developmental class predicts the presence and the number of surviving offspring among free-ranging Weddell’s saddleback tamarins (Leontocebus weddelli) and emperor tamarins (Saguinus imperator) in Peru. The meta-analysis revealed that the number of adult females and group size, but not the number of adult males, are significantly correlated with group reproductive output. Statistical models of the new dataset revealed that the proportion of primary breeding males, primary breeding females, and group size predicted whether groups had surviving infants, and that only the proportion of primary breeding females and group size predicted the number of surviving infants. Thus, primary breeding males appear to be necessary for groups to raise any infants, but a higher proportion of primary breeding females and a larger group size increase group reproductive output overall.  相似文献   

Data from published sources about size and composition of wild common marmoset groups (Callithrix jacchus) were analyzed to see if the number of juveniles in a group is closely related to the number of other group members. Mean group size was 8.7 members including 4.4 adults (1.8 females, 2.5 males), 2.9 subadults, and 1.4 juveniles. The number of juveniles was significantly positively correlated to the number of adult males. Groups with one or two adult males had significantly fewer juveniles (mean: 1:1 juveniles) than groups containing more than two adult males (mean: 2.0 juveniles). Apart from a different number of subadults, results showed obvious similarities between common marmosets and tamarins of the genus Saguinus in size and composition of subgroups of adults as well as the key role of adult males in mediating the reproductive success of a breeding female. Common marmoset females seem to gain direct fitness benefits in increased reproductive success from the presence of a larger number of adult males. Whether or not other group members get fitness benefits depends on the reproductive strategy of adult males (monogamy vs. polyandry), their kinship, and on the genetic relationship of nonbreeders to the offspring of the breeding female. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In several primate taxa there is evidence that the social and physical environment can exert a significant effect on reproductive behavior and biology. In this paper we examine social and physiological factors influencing group composition and reproduction in free-ranging moustached tamarin monkeys (Saguinus mystax mystax). This species is characterized by cooperative care of the young and a breeding system that includes both polyandrous and polygyandrous matings. Body measurements collected on adult males residing in multimale groups indicate marked within-group differences in testes volume. In 12 of 17 groups examined, testes volume of at least two resident adult males differed by 21–174%. Among these males, testes volume was not correlated with either body weight or adult age class. We also examine whether factors such as time of year had an effect on reproductive condition. An analysis of body measurements of 128 adult male and 127 adult female moustached tamarins, wild-trapped and released in northeastern Peru, indicates cyclic changes in genital size. For males, mean monthly testes volume in July (712 mm3) was twice that recorded in June (351 mm3). Females exhibited a similar pattern. Although endocrine information on intra- and intersexual social effects on fertility are unavailable for S. mystax, given the high degree of social cooperation and lack of overt aggression among adult male group members, we offer the possibility that resident male moustached tamarins compete for access to the groups' lone breeding female through socially induced reproductive suppression and sperm competition. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In captive callitrichid primates, female reproductive function tends to vary with social status. However, little is known about the interplay between these factors in wild groups. We report observations on normative ovarian function in dominant and subordinate female golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) living in wild groups. We monitored ovarian status by measuring, via enzyme immunoassay, concentrations of excreted pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG) and estrone conjugates (E1C) in fecal samples collected noninvasively from individuals in social groups in the Poço das Antas Biological Reserve, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Dominant breeding females demonstrated steroid levels similar to those previously reported for wild cotton-top tamarin females, with statistically significant rises during pregnancy. The duration of elevation of fecal steroids in breeding females was ca. 4 mo, which corresponds with estimates of gestation from captive studies. Low steroid concentrations from December to June suggest a seasonally-related period of infertility in female golden lion tamarins. Dominant and subordinate females demonstrated several differences in endocrine function. In general, younger females living in intact natal family groups showed no evidence of ovarian cyclicity. We noted endocrine profiles consistent with ovulation and subsequent pregnancy for behaviorally subordinate females living in groups with unrelated males or in which a reversal in female dominance status occurred. Results suggest that in addition to changes in female reproductive endocrinology associated with puberty, the regulation of reproduction in females in wild callitrichid groups can be sensitive to status and relatedness to breeding males.  相似文献   

Seventeen territorial groups of wild golden lion tamarins were monitored for periods of 10–76 months. Immigration into established groups was rare (0.48 immigrating individuals per group per year) and occurred mostly in the context of replacement of breeding individuals. Nonreplacement immigration events usually occurred in conjunction with some other change in group composition (e.g., an emigration or another immigration). Aggression by resident tamarins toward potential immigrants appeared to be the proximate factor limiting movement into groups. Most such aggression was intrasexual, but potential female immigrants were sometimes chased by male as well as female residents. Immigration was highly male biased (85% of individuals). Factors possibly contributing to this bias were inheritance of breeding positions by adult daughters (reducing female and increasing male immigration opportunities), ability of males but not females to join groups already containing a same-sex breeding individual, and the fact that potential female immigrants appeared to face some intersexual as well as intrasexual aggression. Male and female roles in the maintenance of a monogynous mating system are considered in light of these results. Contrasts with data from intruder studies on captive golden lion tamarins [French & Inglett, Animal Behaviour 37:487–497, 1989] are discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Grooming is the most common form of affiliative behavior in primates that apart from hygienic and hedonistic benefits offers important social benefits for the performing individuals. This study examined grooming behavior in a cooperatively breeding primate species, characterized by single female breeding per group, polyandrous matings, dizygotic twinning, delayed offspring dispersal, and intensive helping behavior. In this system, breeding females profit from the presence of helpers but also helpers profit from staying in a group and assisting in infant care due to the accumulation of direct and indirect fitness benefits. We examined grooming relationships of breeding females with three classes of partners (breeding males, potentially breeding males, (sub)adult non-breeding offspring) during three reproductive phases (post-partum ovarian inactivity, ovarian activity, pregnancy) in two groups of wild moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax). We investigated whether grooming can be used to regulate group size by either "pay-for-help" or "pay-to-stay" mechanisms. Grooming of breeding females with breeding males and non-breeding offspring was more intense and more balanced than with potentially breeding males, and most grooming occurred during the breeding females' pregnancies. Grooming was skewed toward more investment by the breeding females with breeding males during the phases of ovarian activity, and with potentially breeding males during pregnancies. Our results suggest that grooming might be a mechanism used by female moustached tamarins to induce mate association with the breeding male, and to induce certain individuals to stay in the group and help with infant care.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior and mating patterns are described for 3 free-ranging groups of common marmosets living in a coastal forest in northeastern Brazil. Each group contained 2 breeding females. Within groups, sexual behavior was generally restricted to breeding females and a single behaviorally dominant male. Of 101 mounts and copulations, 24 involved pairings of individuals from 2 different groups. Extragroup sexual behavior was performed by both breeding and nonbreeding group members, and 65% of all adults mounted or copulated with an extragroup individual at least once. Sexual behavior occurred throughout the female reproductive cycle but was significantly more frequent during an 11-day 'conception period'. Thus, while female marmosets show no physical signs of estrus, both males and females likely do have some information about the timing of ovulation. Mating patterns in this population included both polygyny and monogamy and varied between groups and over time.  相似文献   

The social behaviour of a group of eight moustached tamarins,Saguinus mystax, (five males, three females) was studied on Padre Isla in northeastern Peru. About 60% of all allogrooming was done by the two adult males in the group, and about 11% by a young adult female. All other group members groomed very little. The adult breeding female received more grooming than any other group member. After the death of the adult female (preyed upon by an anaconda) the amount of active allogrooming remained constant for all group members except for the young adult female, who increased her contribution to about 30%. Her preferred grooming partner was the subadult female, which generally screamed when being groomed by the young adult female and terminated grooming by going away. This kind of grooming relation is termed “forced grooming” and is interpreted as a possible social control mechanism. The young adult female groomed the adult males more often after the death of the adult female than before. This might have had the function of strengthening the social bond with the adult males and in obtaining the breeding position in the group. After the death of the adult female, the vulva of the young adult female grew to full adult size. Agonistic behaviour was less frequent than allogrooming. Most aggressive interactions (50%) originated from the subadult male of the group. The young adult female was the target of most of these aggressions. Extremely little aggression occurred between the three females. The young adult female was the only individual who tried to emigrate from the group during the study period. Her attempt to join a neighbour group failed due to rejection by all four members of this group. All group members participated in carrying an infant, but the adult males and the young adult female carried most frequently. Contribution to infant carrying varied with the infant's age.  相似文献   

Reproductive activity is limited to only one female in many species of callitrichid primates (marmosets and tamarins): daughters and subordinate females do not produce offspring. A suppression of ovulatory cyclicity is responsible for the lack of reproductive activity in three species of callitrichids studied to date. This study evaluated the endocrine status of golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) housed as daughters or sons in family groups and of individuals housed in isosexual peer groups. Daughters 17 months of age and older and a subordinate female had high levels of estrogen excretion. Mean levels of estrogen excretion in these females were similar to those of nonpregnant, breeding adult females (17.14 ± 6.82 versus 11.93 ± 6.33 μg/mg creatinine, respectively). Estrogen profiles were similar to those of breeding adult females, with sinusoidal cycles in estrogen excretion. Younger daughters in family groups (10 and 12 months old) showed markedly lower levels of estrogen excretion (0.84 ± 0.58 μg/mg creatinine). Estrogen profiles lacked the sinusoidal nature of cycles in older daughters and breeding females, and elevations in estrogen excretion occurred frequently and remained elevated for 1 or 2 days. Plasma testosterone levels in males varied widely, but mean concentrations did not differ among males housed in different social conditions. These results suggest that older daughters and subordinate females may be capable of expressing normal ovarian function in the presence of a breeding adult female. This finding may account for two unusual observations in the lion tamarin: the high level of female-female aggression and the presence of groups in the wild with more than one actively breeding female.  相似文献   

Cyclical changes in concentration of plasma progesterone, urinary oestrone-conjugates and urinary luteinizing hormone (LH) were compared in young and older cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) and saddle-backed tamarins (S. fuscicollis). A group of six young adult tamarin females (4-5 years of age) was sampled over eight periods of 6-8 weeks and six older (14-20 years of age) females were sampled over thirteen periods. There was hormonal evidence of ovulation in all of the sampling periods for young females; in five of thirteen periods, older females displayed no evidence of ovulation. Of the six older females, two were anovulatory in one sampling period, while one female displayed no evidence of ovulation in any of three sampling periods. Generally, females over 17 years of age either did not ovulate or displayed abnormally long periods of moderate concentrations of progesterone and oestrone conjugates. Basal concentrations of LH differed in individuals, but were not always higher in older females. In contrast to patterns of reproductive senescence in other primates, older, anovulatory tamarins displayed moderate concentrations of urinary oestrone conjugates (5-50 micrograms/mg creatinine) and plasma progesterone (8-19 ng/ml), both of which are hormones of probable luteal origin in these species. This result suggests continued production of steroids by the luteal cells of the prominent interstitial gland in reproductively senescent tamarins. This suggestion was reinforced by histological examination of the ovaries of four older, anovulatory females; few primary follicles were found. Three females had no normal antral follicles, but all females had large luteal masses. The presence of functional luteal cells in the older ovaries, which do not experience regular follicular development, may distinguish ovarian ageing in New World primates from that of Old World primates.  相似文献   

In callitrichid primates, reproduction is usually restricted to a single female per group. Reproductive rate is high and the occurrence of a postpartum estrus can lead to simultaneous lactation and pregnancy. In contrast, nonreproductive females often show ovarian inactivity. However, most studies on callitrichid reproductive physiology have been conducted in captivity, where conditions differ considerably from those in the wild, so that reproductive conditions may be strongly modified. Using fecal estrogen and progestogen measurements to monitor female reproductive status in 2 groups of wild moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax), we examined 1) whether reproductive females in free-ranging groups also show postpartum estrus and 2) whether nonreproductive females demonstrate signs of ovarian activity. In both reproductive females, clear changes in the excretion pattern of progestogen and estrogen metabolites over time in combination with information on parturition dates allowed us to differentiate between pregnancy, a period of postpartum ovarian inactivity lasting for 54 and 64–82 days, and a period of ovarian activity before conception. Nonreproductive females demonstrated temporal fluctuations in hormone concentrations and absolute hormone levels that were similar to ones in the breeding females during the phase of ovarian activity. The results suggest that, in contrast to most captive female tamarins, reproductive females in wild groups of moustached tamarins do not have a postpartum estrus and that nonreproductive females show ovarian activity despite the presence of a breeding female. We therefore conclude that findings from captivity should be only carefully compared to the situation in the wild.  相似文献   

In facultatively polygynous birds, secondary females of polygynously mated males typically have reduced annual reproductive success, because polygynous males provide less paternal care than monogamous males. Life history theory predicts that, as a result of increased reproductive investment, secondary females should suffer from reduced survival and lifetime reproductive success, but previous studies provided only weak support for this hypothesis. We used 7 years of data to study the fitness of female collared flycatchers Ficedula albicollis in relation to mating status by estimating survival and lifetime reproductive success. Taking differences in recapture probability into account, a mark-recapture analysis revealed that females observed at least once to breed as secondary female had higher survival than other females. This relationship was not confounded by laying date, because when we assessed the impact of laying date on survival, we found similar survival patterns. Females of polygynous males had reduced breeding success in terms of number of young fledged during the current reproductive event. However, during their lifetime females found at least once in primary or secondary mating status produced significantly more eggs, and at least the same number of fledglings and recruits as monogamous females. Thus, in the collared flycatcher, females of polygynously mated males seem to suffer from mating status during the most recent reproductive event, but considering survival and lifetime reproductive success, the apparently disadvantageous mating event is not necessarily associated with reduced residual reproductive value.  相似文献   

STEVE ZACK 《Ibis》1986,128(2):214-233
Grey-backed Fiscal Shrikes Lanius excubitorius were studied over a 2j year period near Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Grey-backs are cooperative breeders, with group sizes ranging from two to II. Only one pair breeds per group, with all other group members aiding in the rearing of young. The study population ranged from 64 to 79 individuals that occurred in from 13 to 16 groups. Non-breeding helpers made up to 66% of the population, with male helpers being more numerous overall than females. The annual survival rate was 65%, with no differences detected between the survival of males and females, or of breeders and helpers. Only male helpers were observed to acquire breeding status within the natal territory. Some female helpers acquired breeding positions in territories adjacent to their natal territories. Group territorial displays occurred throughout the year but were most pronounced prior to breeding during rainy periods. Reproductive success was very low, with only 14.5% of the recorded breeding attempts leading to fledged young. Large groups (four or more birds) had greater reproductive success than small groups, but many factors other than, or in addition to, group size may have influenced this pattern. The breeding male contributed the most food to the incubating female and to the nestlings. Male helpers and the breeding female contributed more to nestlings than did female helpers. Observations on the post-fledging period indicate that socialization and establishment of dominance may be of importance in group-living species living in a restricted ecological and social setting.  相似文献   

The effect of various social environments on sociosexual behavior was examined in six young female cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus oedipus) and in three established breeding females. Behavioral observations and hormonal samples were collected on young females while they were living with their families, when they were isolated from conspecifics, and after they were paired with an unrelated male. While living with the family, all females showed a suppression of fertility and low frequencies of sociosexual behavior. Following removal from the family, isolated females displayed an increase in rate of scent marking and an increase in hormonal levels. When young females were paired with males, they were exposed to scent secretions from their natal families, from an unfamilar family, and from a control for a total of 24 weeks. After pairing, hormonal levels increased dramatically, and ovarian cyclicity began. An increase in sociosexual behavior and elevated levels of scent marking accompanied this physiological change. Newly paired females had higher rates of affiliative behavior and scent marking than did established breeding females. However, both newly paired and established breeding males were more likely to initiate contact, grooming bouts, and social sniffing than were females. Time to first ovulation was later in females who were exposed to scent secretions from their natal families than it was in those females given a control for the first 8 weeks following pairing. No female conceived during exposure to scent secretions. However, once normal ovarian cycling had begun or a pregnancy was established, exposure to scent secretions had no effect. Thus, the social environment influences the fertility, sociosexual behavior, and pair bond formation of cotton-top tamarins. In addition, chemical stimuli found in the scent secretions produced by the natal family are most likely involved in reproductive suppression.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(6):1708-1728
Reproductive conflict within groups can be an important feature of cooperative breeding systems, especially when more than one individual of a sex breeds within a social group. Relationships between group structure, dominance, within-group conflict and reproductive tactics of cooperatively breeding Galápagos mockingbirds were examined on Isla Genovesa. Territorial groups of 2–24 adults included up to three breeding females, with 42% of the groups containing more than one (plural groups); females in most plural groups nested separately. Territory size increased with group size, but the area available per pair in plural groups was smaller than in singular groups (groups with only one breeding pair). Most pairings were monogamous, and males usually outnumbered females; high-ranking males obtained mates more frequently than subordinate males. In 3 relatively dry years, but not in a wet El Niño year, subordinate pairs in plural groups fledged fewer young than dominant pairs or pairs breeding in singular groups. Interference by dominant breeders, often leading to abandonment of nests by subordinate pairs, appears to account for these differences: through nest disruption in drier years, dominant individuals may reduce the cost of sharing their territories and increase the chances of recruiting helpers. Dominant males in plural groups may also father young through extra-pair copulations with subordinate females. Despite costs imposed by within-group conflict, subordinate breeders have higher long-term reproductive success than birds that defer breeding. Plural group structure is maintained because unpredictable climatic variation favours opportunistic breeding by subordinates.  相似文献   

TOM A. LANGEN 《Ibis》1996,138(3):506-513
Greenwood explained the different sex bias in dispersal of birds (usually female biased) and mammals (usually male biased) by a difference in mating systems: male birds primarily defend resources while male mammals primarily defend females. The White-throated Magpie-jay Calocitta formosa is unusual among birds in that females are philopatric and jointly defend permanent resource territories while males disperse before they are 2 years of age. One female in a group is the primary breeder. One male joins the group permanently as her mate. Males that do not have a permanent breeding position circulate among groups and attempt to mate with both the primary breeding female and other group females. Other females feed the primary breeder and her offspring and also pursue other reproductive behaviour, including secondary nesting in the territory and egg dumping into the primary breeder's nest. I argue that the unusual dispersal pattern in this species is a result of the alternative reproductive strategies that can be pursued by males and females excluded from being primary breeders. The White-throated Magpie-jay conforms to Greenwood's predictions: males pursue a mate defence rather than resource defence mating system and they are the dispersing sex. The primary factor influencing alternative reproductive tactics may be asynchronous reproduction among groups during the long breeding season arising from frequent renesting in an area of high nest predation.  相似文献   

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