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In seasonal environments, organisms use biotic and abiotic cues to time various biological processes that are crucial for growth, survival and reproductive success. Photoperiod is the best‐known cue used to regulate gonadal development, migration and moult of many animal species. In birds, the relationship between photoperiod and gonadal development is clearly established, but we have little understanding on whether photoperiod also regulates actual timing of egg laying under natural conditions. Elucidating the link between photoperiod and timing of breeding is however key to understand whether an evolutionary change in sensitivity to photoperiod is a possible mechanism through which organisms could adjust their seasonal timing in response to climate warming. Here, we investigated the causal relationship between photoperiod, gonadal growth and laying date in wild female great tits. We experimentally increased the photoperiod perceived by the birds in spring by clipping head feathers, and we subsequently monitored gonadal development in the lab and egg laying dates in the wild. We show that our manipulation increased the photoperiod perceived by the birds to a level that approximately corresponds to an advancement of ten calendar days. This increase in perceived photoperiod led to an acceleration of gonadal development, but not to an advancement of egg laying dates. Our results indicate that photoperiod sensitivity is not constraining the advancement of laying date under current environmental conditions and suggest that evolution of sensitivity to other supplementary cues is necessary to advance reproduction under global warming.  相似文献   

Apart from Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous, pink colony-forming yeasts have not been examined as a pigmentation source in captive animals. In this study, aquatic yeasts were screened with a view to abundances of carotenoids. Phylogenetic analyses of these caroetnoid-rich yeasts based on large subunit ribosomal RNA gene (LSU rDNA) partial sequences showed that all belonged to the order Sporidiobolales. Both the qualitative and the quantitative differences in carotenoids between the yeasts appeared to be consistent with their phylogenetic affiliations. This information might be useful in the selection of pigment-rich yeasts containing specific carotenoids from a large number of strains. We also found, for the first time, the potential of a pigment-rich Rhodotorula strain as a colorant for aquaculture. The integuments of tilapia and carp fed the alkali-treated cells of strain Rhodotorula dairenensis Sag 17 were pigmented after 3 months of cultivation. The fish integuments retained the yeast carotenes shortly after the start of feeding, and were converted to the fish-specific xanthophylls in vivo.  相似文献   

Pigment evolution was reconstructed in the subfamily Amphistichinae, a six-species clade of the surfperches, family Embiotocidae. Assignment was confirmed for all species within the subfamily, but low levels of differentiation were found among species within the subfamily, suggesting a recent radiation. The new phylogeny differs from previous hypotheses by the placement of the spotfin surfperch Hyperprosopon anale at the base of the subfamily, while still preserving the calico surfperch Amphistichus koelzi and the redtailed surfperch Amphistichus rhodoterus as sister species. Phenotypically, A. rhodoterus, A. koelzi and the silver surfperch Hyperprosopon ellipticum express high levels of red pigmentation. The barred surfperch, Amphistichus argenteus and the walleye surfperch Hyperprosopon argenteum express little to no red pigment, while basal H. anale expresses an intermediate amount of red pigment. Red pigmentation is proposed to have experienced parallel divergent evolution in each genus within the subfamily.  相似文献   

在黑暗(对照)、红光、绿光、蓝光、黄光和白光条件下,对来源于野菊[Dendranthema indicum(Linn.)Des.Moul.]头状花序乙醚提取物的色素溶液中类胡萝卜素含量及色价和色差的变化进行了研究,并对色价和色差与贮藏时间的相关性进行了分析。结果表明:在不同颜色光照条件下,随贮藏时间(0—50d)的延长,溶液中类胡萝卜素含量及412、436和468nm特征波长下溶液的色价均呈逐渐下降的趋势,溶液的色彩参数(L*、n*和b*)则呈现不同的变化规律。贮藏前后类胡萝卜素含量差异极显著(P〈0.01)且与贮藏时间呈显著负相关;在贮藏至50d时,在红光、蓝光、白光、黄光、绿光和黑暗条件下类胡萝卜素含量降幅依次为98.97%、98.33%、95.10%、92.30%、80.38%和17.02%。贮藏10—50d溶液色价均显著小于起始色价(P〈0.05),其中,在黑暗条件下色价的变化均最小且显著高于其他处理组,而在红光照射下色价降幅最大。在黑暗条件下,溶液亮度增加、色彩变化不明显;而在其他颜色光照条件下,色素溶液均由绿转红、由黄向蓝转变,且与对照相比a*值显著增大、b*值显著降低(P〈0.05),但溶液亮度总体上无显著差异(P〉O.05)。在0—50d的贮藏期内,溶液的色价和色差与储藏时间均呈线形关系,溶液的褪色规律均符合一次降解曲线。研究结果显示:野菊花所含的类胡萝卜素类色素对红光、绿光、蓝光、黄光和白光均较敏感,光照时间越长分解越激烈;在实际应用过程中这类色素应避光保存。  相似文献   

Flounders form left-right asymmetry in body coloration during metamorphosis through differentiation of adult-type melanophores and xanthophores on the ocular side. As the first step in investigating the formation of flounder body coloration asymmetry, in this study, we aimed to determine where the precursors of adult-type chromatophores distribute in larvae before metamorphosis. In Paralichthys olivaceus and Verasper variegatus, GTP cyclohydrolase 2 (gch2), a common marker of melanoblasts and xanthoblasts, was found to be transiently expressed in cells located along the bilateral skeletal muscles at the basal parts of the dorsal and anal fins of premetamorphic larvae. When V. variegatus larvae were fed with a strain of Artemia collected in Brazil, this gch2 expression was abolished and the differentiation of adult-type melanophores was completely inhibited, while the density of larval melanophores was not affected. In a cell trace test in which the cells at the basal part of the dorsal fin were labeled with DiI at the premetamorphic stage, adult-type melanophores labeled with DiI were found in the skin on the ocular side after metamorphosis. These data suggest that, in flounder larvae, adult-type melanophores are distributed at the basal parts of the dorsal and anal fins as unpigmented precursor cells.  相似文献   

Pigmentation is one of the most variable traits within and between Drosophila species. Much of this diversity appears to be adaptive, with environmental factors often invoked as selective forces. Here, we describe the geographic structure of pigmentation in Drosophila americana and evaluate the hypothesis that it is a locally adapted trait. Body pigmentation was quantified using digital images and spectrometry in up to 10 flies from each of 93 isofemale lines collected from 17 locations across the United States and found to correlate most strongly with longitude. Sequence variation at putatively neutral loci showed no evidence of population structure and was inconsistent with an isolation-by-distance model, suggesting that the pigmentation cline exists despite extensive gene flow throughout the species range, and is most likely the product of natural selection. In all other Drosophila species examined to date, dark pigmentation is associated with arid habitats; however, in D. americana, the darkest flies were collected from the most humid regions. To investigate this relationship further, we examined desiccation resistance attributable to an allele that darkens pigmentation in D. americana. We found no significant effect of pigmentation on desiccation resistance in this experiment, suggesting that pigmentation and desiccation resistance are not unequivocally linked in all Drosophila species.  相似文献   

Space use including territoriality and spatial arrangement within a population can reveal important information on the nature, dynamics, and evolutionary maintenance of alternative strategies in color polymorphic species. Despite the prevalence of color polymorphic species as model systems in evolutionary biology, the interaction between space use and genetic structuring of morphs within populations has rarely been examined. Here, we assess the spatial and genetic structure of male throat color morphs within a population of the tawny dragon lizard, Ctenophorus decresii. Male color morphs do not differ in morphology but differ in aggressive and antipredator behaviors as well as androgen levels. Despite these behavioral and endocrine differences, we find that color morphs do not differ in territory size, with their spatial arrangement being essentially random with respect to each other. There were no differences in genetic diversity or relatedness between morphs; however, there was significant, albeit weak, genetic differentiation between morphs, which was unrelated to geographic distance between individuals. Our results indicate potential weak barriers to gene flow between some morphs, potentially due to nonrandom pre‐ or postcopulatory mate choice or postzygotic genetic incompatibilities. However, space use, spatial structure, and nonrandom mating do not appear to be primary mechanisms maintaining color polymorphism in this system, highlighting the complexity and variation in alternative strategies associated with color polymorphism.  相似文献   

N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine or melatonin is a multifunctional molecule. The main physiological function, at least in vertebrates, is to transduce to the animal the photoperiodic information and regulate rhythmic parameters. But studies have also observed the action of this molecule on pigment migration in ectothermic vertebrates. Thus the aim of this paper was to investigate in vivo and in vitro the influence of melatonin on the pigment migration in melanophores of the crab Neohelice granulate. Injections of melatonin (2 × 10−9 moles · crab−1) at 07:00 h or 19:00 h did not affect (p > 0.05) the circadian pigment migration of the melanophores in constant darkness. Additionally no significant pigment migration (p > 0.05) was verified in normal and eyestalkless crabs injected with melatonin (10−10–10−7 moles · crab−1) during the day or night. In the in vitro assay, the response of melanophores to the pigment-dispersing hormone in eyestalkless crabs injected with melatonin (2 × 10−9 moles · crab−1) 1 and 12 hours before the observations did not differ (p > 0.05) from the control group (injected with physiological solution). These results suggest that melatonin does not act as a signaling factor for pigment dispersion or aggregation in the melanophores of N. Granulate.  相似文献   

Benthic microbial mat communities were sampled from 20 lakes, ponds and streams of the McMurdo Sound region, Antarctica. At least five distinct assemblages could be differentiated by their cyanobacterial species composition, pigment content and vertical structure. The most widely occurring freshwater communities were dominated by thin-trichome (0·5–3 µm) oscillatoriacean species that formed benthic films up to several millimetres thick. ‘Lift-off mats’ produced mucilaginous mats 1–5 cm thick at the surface and edge of certain ponds. Another group of oscillatoriacean communities was characteristic of hypersaline pond environments; these communities were dominated by species with thicker trichomes such as Oscillatoria priestleyi. Black mucilaginous layers of Nostoc commune were widely distributed in aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats. Dark brown sheath pigmentation was also characteristic of less cohesive mats and crusts dominated by Pleurocapsa, Gloeocapsa and Calothrix. High performance liquid chromatography analysis of the lipophilic pigments showed that the upper region of most of the Antarctic mats was enriched in sheath pigments (scytonemin) and/or certain carotenoids such as myxoxanthophyll and canthaxanthin. Most of the chlorophyll a (Chla), as well as phycocyanin, β-carotene and echinenone, was located in the lower strata of the mat profiles. In many of these communities most of the photosynthetic biomass occurred in a ‘deep Chla maximum’ that was well protected from short-wavelength radiation by the surface layer of light-screening pigments.  相似文献   

Bar-headed geese are renowned for migratory flights at extremely high altitudes over the world''s tallest mountains, the Himalayas, where partial pressure of oxygen is dramatically reduced while flight costs, in terms of rate of oxygen consumption, are greatly increased. Such a mismatch is paradoxical, and it is not clear why geese might fly higher than is absolutely necessary. In addition, direct empirical measurements of high-altitude flight are lacking. We test whether migrating bar-headed geese actually minimize flight altitude and make use of favourable winds to reduce flight costs. By tracking 91 geese, we show that these birds typically travel through the valleys of the Himalayas and not over the summits. We report maximum flight altitudes of 7290 m and 6540 m for southbound and northbound geese, respectively, but with 95 per cent of locations received from less than 5489 m. Geese travelled along a route that was 112 km longer than the great circle (shortest distance) route, with transit ground speeds suggesting that they rarely profited from tailwinds. Bar-headed geese from these eastern populations generally travel only as high as the terrain beneath them dictates and rarely in profitable winds. Nevertheless, their migration represents an enormous challenge in conditions where humans and other mammals are only able to operate at levels well below their sea-level maxima.  相似文献   

花色素苷生物合成及花色的调控   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来,花色研究工作备受关注。对于园艺学来说,要培育出自然界中原本没有的新颖花色,很有必要弄清控制花色形成的各种因素。随着分子生物学技术的迅速发展,对花色形成机制的研究已经深入到分子水平,本文主要介绍了花色素的合成与转运、液泡pH值、辅助色素和金属离子对花色的调控。  相似文献   

Survival rates vary dramatically among species and predictably across latitudes, but causes of this variation are unclear. The rate‐of‐living hypothesis posits that physiological damage from metabolism causes species with faster metabolic rates to exhibit lower survival rates. However, whether increased survival commonly observed in tropical and south temperate latitudes is associated with slower metabolic rate remains unclear. We compared metabolic rates and annual survival rates that we measured across 46 species, and from literature data across 147 species of birds in northern, southern and tropical latitudes. High metabolic rates were associated with lower survival but survival varied substantially among latitudinal regions independent of metabolism. The inability of metabolic rate to explain latitudinal variation in survival suggests (1) species may evolve physiological mechanisms that mitigate physiological damage from cellular metabolism and (2) extrinsic rather than intrinsic sources of mortality are the primary causes of latitudinal differences in survival.  相似文献   

Animal coloration has evolved in contexts such as communication, camouflage, and thermoregulation. Most studies of animal coloration focus on its adaptive benefits, whereas its underlying mechanisms have received less attention despite their potential influence on adaptive benefits. In fish and reptiles, for example, colour variation from yellow to red can be produced by carotenoid and/or pteridine pigments, which differ dramatically in the way they are obtained (carotenoids through diet and pteridines synthesized de novo). Hence, potential adaptive benefits could differ greatly depending on the relative contribution to coloration of different pigments. In the present study, we investigate the mechanisms underlying colour variation in the frill of the Australian frillneck lizard (Sauropsida: Chlamydosaurus kingii). Frill colour varies between populations across the species' range (red, orange, yellow or white). We argue that this geographical variation results from different concentrations of carotenoids and pteridines in the frill. Frill carotenoid concentrations were lower in eastern populations (yellow and white forms), and pteridines were present only in the red and orange forms, thereby explaining their redder hues. The observed geographical variation in frill carotenoids suggests variation in carotenoid availability across the species' range, which is backed up by the finding that plasma carotenoid concentrations were higher in the red (western) compared to the yellow (eastern) form. Although no correlations were found between individual colour measurements, frill pigments and plasma carotenoids, our results suggest that selective pressures vary across the species' range and we speculate that predation pressures and/or intrasexual signalling context differ between forms.  相似文献   

Vertebrate pigmentation patterns are amongst the best characterised model systems for studying the genetic basis of adaptive evolution. The wealth of available data on the genetic basis for pigmentation evolution allows for analysis of trends and quantitative testing of evolutionary hypotheses. We employed Gephebase, a database of genetic variants associated with natural and domesticated trait variation, to examine trends in how cis-regulatory and coding mutations contribute to vertebrate pigmentation phenotypes, as well as factors that favour one mutation type over the other. We found that studies with lower ascertainment bias identified higher proportions of cis-regulatory mutations, and that cis-regulatory mutations were more common amongst animals harbouring a higher number of pigment cell classes. We classified pigmentation traits firstly according to their physiological basis and secondly according to whether they affect colour or pattern, and identified that carotenoid-based pigmentation and variation in pattern boundaries are preferentially associated with cis-regulatory change. We also classified genes according to their developmental, cellular, and molecular functions. We found a greater proportion of cis-regulatory mutations in genes implicated in upstream developmental processes compared to those involved in downstream cellular functions, and that ligands were associated with a higher proportion of cis-regulatory mutations than their respective receptors. Based on these trends, we discuss future directions for research in vertebrate pigmentation evolution.  相似文献   

The use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is common in animal‐monitoring applications in the wild and in zoological and agricultural settings. RFID is used to track animals and to collect information about movements and other behaviors, as well as to automate or improve husbandry. Disney's Animal Kingdom® uses passive RFID technology to monitor nest usage by a breeding colony of northern carmine bee‐eaters. We implemented RFID technologies in various equipment configurations, initially deploying low‐frequency (LF) 125 kHz RFID and later changing to high‐frequency (HF) 13.56 MHz RFID technology, to monitor breeding behavior in the flock. We installed antennas connected to RFID readers at the entrances of nest tunnels to detect RFID transponders attached to leg bands as birds entered and exited tunnels. Both LF‐RFID and HF‐RFID systems allowed the characterization of nest visitation, including the timing of nest activity, breeding pair formation, identification of egg‐laying females, participation by nonresidents, and detection of nest disruptions. However, we collected a substantially larger volume of data using the increased bandwidth and polling speed inherent with HF‐RFID, which permitted tag capture of multiple birds simultaneously and resulted in fewer missed nest visits in comparison to LF‐RFID. Herein, we describe the evolution of the RFID setups used to monitor nest usage for more than 7 years, the types of data that can be gained using RFID at nests, and how we used these data to gain insights into carmine bee‐eater breeding behavior and improve husbandry.  相似文献   

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