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Previous studies have shown that freshly isolated CD16+ NK cells are deficient in the expression of decay-accelerating factor (DAF), or CD55, a membrane regulator of C3 activation. In this study we investigated the significance, for NK cell-mediated lysis, of DAF expression on the target and effector cells. The effect of DAF expression on the susceptibility of NK cell targets was investigated by several means: first, DAF- cell lines were cloned from K562; second, the cloned DAF- cells were reconstituted with exogenous purified DAF; and third, anti-DAF F(ab')2 was used to block DAF function on the DAF+ K562 cells. Consistently, the presence of DAF in the target cell membrane, either naturally occurring or experimentally incorporated, afforded the target cell protection against lysis, and this protection could be blocked with anti-DAF. Similarly, targets for antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity with exogenous DAF incorporated in their plasma membrane became less sensitive to antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity by NK cells compared with the same target cells without incorporated DAF in their membranes. DAF incorporated in the plasma membranes of the effector NK cells made the NK cells less effective at killing K562 targets. The known function of DAF is to regulate C3 activation, and we were able to demonstrate that the isolated NK cell is capable of releasing C3. It is also possible that the participation of DAF in NK cell function represents a new, noncomplement-dependent function for DAF.  相似文献   

In order to separate and characterize cytotoxic effector cells in natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity (NCMC), human lymphocytes were fractionated by Percoll continuous density gradient centrifugation (Pharmacia, Piscataway, N.J.). Lymphocytes from normal donors were fractionated through a 35-ml gradient and 2- or 3-ml aliquots were collected, counted, and grouped into three or more fractions in order to obtain sufficient cells for testing. Fractions of cells were tested for cytotoxicity in a 4-hr chromium release test and/or a 40-hr [3H]proline assay. Cell markers were assessed by testing for cells forming E rosettes, EA rosettes, and for cells with surface membrane immunoglobulin (SMIg). The lightest fraction contained larger cells and also usually contained the highest concentrations of cells with receptors for the Fc portion of IgG (FcR + cells), although slight variations were seen among individual donors. Results of cytotoxicity tests showed that cells from the top portions of the Percoll gradient had consistently greater cytotoxic activity on a per cell basis than the denser cells sedimenting lower. Estimation of cytotoxic activity in lytic units showed that 54–75% of the activity was recovered in the top 26–29% of the cells. This approach to investigating cell-mediated cytotoxicity should yield useful information regarding cellular interaction in, and regulation of, cytotoxic activities.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity in peritoneal exudates harvested from C57BL/6 mice 4 to 6 days after they had received viable Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) organisms i.p. was associatee with a nonadherent, nonphagocytic cell. The cytotoxic cell lacked demonstrable surface immunoglobulin and Thy 1 antigen and bore no readily detectable Fc receptors. Lytic activity was labile at 37 degrees C and was diminished after trypsinization of the effector cells. Preincubating effector cells with immune complexes was without effect on lytic expression. These features make it likely that the cytolytic activity was associated with "natural killer" (NK) cells, previously described in unimmunized mouse spleens and mesenteric lymph nodes. Whether BCG induced "activation" of resident NK cells, the de novo production of NK cells, or "homing" into the peritoneum of cells normally resident in other lymphoid tissue is not known.  相似文献   

Mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni develop a dramatic (five- to eightfold) increase in numbers of peritoneal leukocytes, and approximately 65% of these cells are macrophages. By several biochemical and cytochemical criteria, these cells were comparable to resident peritoneal macrophages of normal mice. However, macrophages from schistosome-infected mice exhibited significant nonspecific tumoricidal activity in vitro, a function associated with immunologically activated cells. The time course for development of activated macrophages in the peritoneal cavity was dependent upon the route of infection. Cytotoxic cells were present in the peritoneal cavity by 3 weeks after intraperitoneal infection, but were not evident until several weeks later in animals infected percutaneously, subcutaneously, or intravenously. However, by 3 weeks after subcutaneous infection, tumoricidal macrophages appeared in the peritoneal cavity after intraperitoneal challenge with soluble schistosome antigens. Macrophage activation was independent of the development of egg granulomas, since tumoricidal cells could be found prior to the onset of egg production and were also present in mice infected with only male worms. Development of activated macrophages in these instances is thus consistent with previous observations on induction of T lymphocyte reactivity toward schistosomula. Since other manipulations known to activate macrophages have been shown to induce partial resistance to schistosome infection, the finding that macrophage activation results from primary S. mansoni infection itself suggests that these cells may play a major role in acquired immunity to this parasite.  相似文献   

Mouse effector cells mediating natural cytotoxicity against tumor cells have been previously thought to be lymphocytes that lack any detectable cell surface markers. The present study presents evidence for receptors for the Fc portion of IgG on these cells. By adsorption of cytotoxic spleen cells on monolayers of sheep erythrocytes (E) plus IgG antibodies to sheep erythrocytes (EA), 50 to 96% of the total cytotoxic reactivity could be removed. Parallel adsorption of cells on E monolayers or on EA monolayers coated with protein A, to block the Fc portion of IgG, resulted in little or no depletion of cytotoxic activity. The presence of Fc receptors on the NK cells was confirmed by combining EA rosette formation with velocity sedimentation at unit gravity. Peak cytotoxicity occurred at the same sedimentation velocity as the peak of Fc-positive cells. After EA rosette formation, there was a shift to a higher sedimentation velocity in the Fc-positive cells and in the natural cytotoxic activity. The increase in sedimentation velocity of NK activity that was observed in these experiments indicated that most of the cells had only bound a small number (three or four) of antibody-coated erythrocytes. Together, these data indicate that cells with Fc receptors account for most of the total lytic activity of normal mouse spleen cells.  相似文献   

We showed previously that contact of human peripheral blood lymphocytes with glutaraldehyde-fixed Salmonella bacteria augmented their cytotoxic capacity against NK-sensitive targets. We have now analyzed the characteristics of the activation and also identified the subsets of lymphocytes responding to bacterial contact. Blocking of protein synthesis with cyclohexamide totally abrogated bacterial induction of activated killing (AK), whereas inhibition of DNA synthesis with mitomycin C did not significantly affect the capacity of lymphocytes to respond to bacterial contact. Both the induction and the effector phase of AK were radioresistant. The AK cells exhibited efficient lytic activity, comparable to that induced by recombinant IL 2 (rIL 2), against NK-resistant targets (including both hematopoietic and solid tumor cell lines). All inducible cytotoxic activity was contained within the subset of lymphocytes expressing Leu-19 (NKH-1) antigen. Leu-19- lymphocytes exhibited no significant NK activity and could not be further stimulated by bacterial contact, rIL 2, or IFN-alpha. Within the Leu-19+ lymphocyte subset, two distinct cell types were present; CD3-, Leu-19+ NK cells and CD3+. Leu-19+ T cells. The CD3+, Leu-19+, T cells mediated low levels of non-MHC-restricted cytotoxicity against K562, but did not respond to bacterial contact, even though rIL 2 could augment their lytic activity slightly. However, the cytotoxic activity of CD3-, Leu-19+ NK cells was significantly augmented by bacterial contact. Within the CD3-, Leu-19+ NK cell population both CD16+ and CD16- cells responded to bacterial activation. The CD3-, CD16-, Leu-19+ cells constituted 1 to 4% of the Percoll-fractionated low buoyant density lymphocytes and accounted for the activation seen within the CD16- lymphocyte population. Thus bacterial stimulation of NK activity seems to be mediated for the most part via CD16+, Leu-19+ cells, and a minor overall contribution is mediated via CD3-, CD16-, Leu-19+ cells. No apparent involvement of T cells was seen in the lytic response of lymphocytes to bacterial contact.  相似文献   

Human c-fgr induces a monocyte-specific enzyme in NIH 3T3 cells.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The mutant c-fgr protein (p58c-fgr/F523) containing Phe-523 instead of Tyr-523 exhibited transforming activity in NIH 3T3 cells like other protein-tyrosine kinases of the src family, but normal p58c-fgr (p58c-fgr/wt) did not. The mutant protein showed tyrosine kinase activity threefold higher than that of the normal protein in vitro. Surprisingly, transfection of the normal c-fgr gene into NIH 3T3 cells resulted in induction of sodium fluoride (NaF)-sensitive alpha-naphthyl butyrate esterase (alpha-NBE), a marker enzyme of cells of monocytic origin, which was not induced in v-src-, v-fgr-, or lyn-transfected NIH 3T3 cells. The NaF-sensitive alpha-NBE induced in c-fgr transfectants was shown by isoelectric focusing to have a pI of 5.2 to 5.4, a range which was the same as those for thioglycolate-induced murine peritoneal macrophages and 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3-treated WEHI-3B cells. Immunoblotting studies with antiphosphotyrosine antibodies revealed that 58-, 62-, 75-, 120-, 200-, and 230-kDa proteins were commonly phosphorylated at tyrosine residues in NIH 3T3 cells transfected with normal and mutated c-fgr, while 95-kDa protein was significantly phosphorylated at tyrosine residues in cells transfected with the mutated c-fgr. These findings suggest that tyrosine phosphorylation of specific cellular substrate proteins is important in induction of NaF-sensitive alpha-NBE and cell transformation by p58c-fgr.  相似文献   

The protein-tyrosine kinase substrate annexin II is a growth regulated gene whose expression is increased in several human cancers. While the precise function of this protein is not understood, annexin II is proposed to be involved in multiple physiological activities, including DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. Targeted disruption of the annexin II gene affects calcium signaling, tyrosine phosphorylation and apoptosis, indicating the important physiological role of this protein. We used a transient co-transfection assay to regulate annexin II expression in human HeLa, 293 and 293T cells, and measured the effects of annexin II down regulation on DNA synthesis and proliferation. Transfection of cells with an antisense annexin II vector results in inhibition of cell division and proliferation, with concomitant reduction in annexin II message and protein levels. Cellular DNA synthesis is significantly reduced in antisense transfected cells. Replication extracts made from antisense transfected cells have significantly reduced efficiency to support SV40 in vitro DNA replication, while the extracts made from sense transfected cells are fully capable of replication. Our results indicate an important role of annexin II in cellular DNA synthesis and cell proliferation.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of endogenous transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta2 on human osteoblast cell, antisense phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (S-ODNs) complementary to regions in mRNA of TGF-beta2 were synthesized and examined their effects on TGF-beta2 production and cell proliferation in a human osteoblast cell line ROS 17/2. Antisense S-ODNs were designated for three different target regions in the mRNA of TGF-beta2. Among several antisense S-ODN analyzed, an oligonucleotide (AS-11) complementary to the translation initiation site of mRNA of TGF-beta2 demonstrated a selective and strong inhibitory effect on TGF-beta2 production in osteoblast cells. Other antisense S-ODNs which were designated for other regions in mRNA of TGF-beta2 and one- or three-base mismatched analogs of AS-11 showed little or much less antisense activities than AS-11. Therefore, the most effective target site in mRNA of TGF-beta2 is at the initiation codon region. The antisense effects of AS-11 were observed without reduction of levels of mRNA of TGF-beta2. Furthermore, the inhibition of TGF-beta2 expression by antisense S-ODN appeared to enhance cell proliferation, demonstrating the growth inhibitory effect of autocrine TGF-beta2 in osteoblast cells.  相似文献   

Nonparenchymal liver cells (NPC) from normal untreated female Wistar/Furth rats were tested for natural cytotoxicity in a 4-hour 51Cr release assay against the murine lymphoma YAC-1, the murine mastocytoma P815, and the syngeneic rat mammary carcinoma TMT-081 tumor cell lines. NPC exerted strong cytotoxicity against all three target cells. In contrast, fresh spleen cells displayed cytotoxicity only against YAC-1, although after culture for 24 h at 37 degrees C cytotoxicity was displayed against all three target cells. Fresh spleen cells contained 2-15% large granular lymphocytes (LGL) as assessed by Giemsa staining whereas NPC contained 10-23% LGL and 10-25% Kupffer cells. Centrifugal elutriation produced fractions that were increased in one or the other of the cell types. More cytotoxic activity was observed in the fraction containing more LGL. The cytolytic activity of fresh spleen cells could be eliminated by either in vivo or in vitro treatment with anti-asialo-GM1 antiserum. On the other hand, the cytolytic activity of NPC was resistant to in vivo treatment, but was partially sensitive to in vitro treatment. Furthermore, the activity of cultured spleen cells was also partially sensitive to in vitro treatment. NPC and cultured spleen cells also were more resistant to suppression by prostaglandin E2 and nordihydroguaiaretic acid than fresh spleen cells. We conclude that LGL is mainly responsible for natural cytotoxicity of NPC and that some effector cells in NPC may be highly activated.  相似文献   

We investigated the susceptibility of cells infected with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) to lysis by human natural killer (NK) cells, examining in particular its relationship to sequential viral protein expression, interferon (IFN), and the nature of the effector cells. HCMV-infected fibroblasts were lysed by peripheral blood mononuclear cells from normal seronegative individuals. The effector cells were large granular lymphocytes of Leu-7+, Leu-11+, and to a lesser extent Leu-7- phenotype. Depletion studies suggested they were the same population of NK cells that lyse uninfected fibroblasts, but a subset of NK cells that lyse K562 cells. HCMV-infected cells treated with phosphonoformate and cells infected for 16 hr that only express the nonstructural HCMV immediate early and early proteins and not the late (structural) proteins were susceptible to lysis by IFN-pretreated effector cells, whereas cells expressing immediate early antigens alone were not. This enhanced susceptibility to lysis was associated with increased effector:target binding in target cell binding assays, and was competitively inhibited by uninfected fibroblasts in cold target competition assays. It was independent of IFN release from the infected target cells or effector cells. These results suggest that the increased susceptibility to lysis by NK cells produced by a human herpes virus HCMV i) is manifest when early viral proteins are expressed, ii) is related to enhanced expression of a target structure likely to be present on uninfected fibroblasts, and iii) has a major component that is independent of IFN.  相似文献   

Primary structure of the human fgr proto-oncogene product p55c-fgr.   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Normal human c-fgr cDNA clones were constructed by using normal peripheral blood mononuclear cell mRNA as a template. Nucleotide sequence analysis of two such clones revealed a 1,587-base-pair-long open reading frame which predicted the primary amino acid sequence of the c-fgr translational product. Homology of this protein with the v-fgr translational product stretched from codons 128 to 516, where 32 differences among 388 codons were observed. Sequence similarity with human c-src, c-yes, and fyn translational products began at amino acid position 76 of the predicted c-fgr protein and extended nearly to its C-terminus. In contrast, the stretch of 75 amino acids at the N-terminus demonstrated a greatly reduced degree of relatedness to these same proteins. To verify the deduced amino acid sequence, antibodies were prepared against peptides representing amino- and carboxy-terminal regions of the predicted c-fgr translational product. Both antibodies specifically recognized a 55-kilodalton protein expressed in COS-1 cells transfected with a c-fgr cDNA expression plasmid. Moreover, the same protein was immunoprecipitated from an Epstein-Barr virus-infected Burkitt's lymphoma cell line which expressed c-fgr mRNA but not in its uninfected fgr mRNA-negative counterpart. These findings identified the 55-kilodalton protein as the product of the human fgr protooncogene.  相似文献   

Mouse effector cells mediating natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity against tumor cells were found to contain a low density of Thy 1 antigen. Treatment of nude spleen cells, or spleen cells from mice in which natural reactivity was boosted, with anti-Thy 1.2 plus complement resulted in a substantial decrease in cytotoxicity. The spontaneous cytotoxic reactivity of young, thymus-bearing mice was resistant to such treatment, but repeated exposure to anti-Thy 1.2 plus complement did cause a decrease in lytic activity. By use of congenic anti-Thy 1.2 and effector cells from mice congenic for Thy 1, the effects of the treatment were shown to be specific for Thy 1.2 antigen.  相似文献   

Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a fatal tumor. It is often hard to discriminate MPM from metastatic tumors of other types because currently, there are no reliable immunopathological markers for MPM. MPM is differentially diagnosed by some immunohistochemical tests on pathology specimens. In the present study, we investigated the expression of intelectin-1, a new mesothelioma marker, in normal tissues in the whole body and in many cancers, including MPM, by immunohistochemical analysis. We found that in normal tissues, human intelectin-1 was mainly secreted from gastrointestinal goblet cells along with mucus into the intestinal lumen, and it was also expressed, to a lesser extent, in mesothelial cells and urinary epithelial cells. Eighty-eight percent of epithelioid-type MPMs expressed intelectin-1, whereas sarcomatoid-type MPMs, biphasic MPMs, and poorly differentiated MPMs were rarely positive for intelectin-1. Intelectin-1 was not expressed in other cancers, except in mucus-producing adenocarcinoma. These results suggest that intelectin-1 is a better marker for epithelioid-type MPM than other mesothelioma markers because of its specificity and the simplicity of pathological assessment. Pleural intelectin-1 could be a useful diagnostic marker for MPM with applications in histopathological identification of MPM.  相似文献   

Metastatic or tumor-draining lymph nodes from six of nine melanoma patients undergoing lymph node dissection for metastatic melanoma generated cytotoxic T cells against autologous melanoma when these lymph node cells were treated by in vitro sensitization and recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2). During the initial lymphocyte culture (2–6 weeks), cross-reactivity with autologous tumor cells, K562 and Daudi cells was usually noted. Cold-target inhibition assay with K562 and Daudi showed K562/Daudi-associated antigens on melanoma cells. During the later phase of lymphocyte culture with repeated in vitro sensitization (over 6–10 weeks), cytotoxicity was noted against autologous and allogeneic melanoma cells but not against K562, Daudi cells or autologous fibroblasts. Repeated in vitro sensitization resulted in the selection of specific cytotoxic lymphocytes against melanoma. Cold-target inhibition assay with autologous and allogeneic melanoma cells revealed shared and individual antigens. Using blocking monoclonal antibodies, MHC-restricted killing was noted in the autologous system. Further, both the autologous and allogeneic systems could be mediated through adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 and LFA-3 on melanoma cells and LFA-1 on T cells. This study suggests that a constellation of cytotoxic effector cells and melanoma-associated antigens may be pivotal in tumor killing. Thus, future adoptive immunotherapy should modulate and enhance this complex interaction.This work was supported by an Elsa, U. Pardee Foundation grant, the Arizona Chronic Disease Research Commission grant and partly by grant CA23074 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 20892  相似文献   

Multiple effector roles of lymphocytes in allograft immunity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several classes of cytotoxic lymphoid cells were detected in the spleens of mice immunized with allogeneic lymphoma cells. Two types of radioresistant cells (retaining cytotoxicity after exposure to 1000 R x-rays) were detected 7 days after immunization with allogeneic cells, one a T-cell independent antibody-secreting cell type, the other T-cell dependent, directly cytotoxic and complement-independent in action. At 21 days after immunization only directly cytotoxic thymus dependent cells were found. These cells were radiosensitive (cytotoxicity ablated by 500 R x-rays), although after contact with specific antigen they were changed into a more radioresistant state. Sensitized lymphoid cells capable of rendering normal macrophages specifically cytotoxic to target cells were also found to be of T-cell origin. Immune cells which are directly cytotoxic and those which release the specific macrophage arming factor (SMAF) may differ, although both are thymus-derived and both respond biochemically to the specific antigen.  相似文献   

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