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Azaspiracids are a class of recently discovered algae-derived shellfish toxins. Their distribution globally is on the increase with mussels being most widely implicated in azaspiracid-related food poisoning events. Evidence that these toxins were bound to proteins in contaminated mussels has been shown recently. In the present study characterization of these proteins in blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, was achieved using a range of advanced proteomics tools. Four proteins present only in the hepatopancreas of toxin-contaminated mussels sharing identity or homology with cathepsin D, superoxide dismutase, glutathione S-transferase Pi, and a bacterial flagellar protein have been characterized. Several of the proteins are known to be involved in self-defense mechanisms against xenobiotics or up-regulated in the presence of carcinogenic agents. These findings would suggest that azaspiracids should now be considered and evaluated as potential tumorigenic compounds. The presence of a bacterial protein only in contaminated mussels was an unexpected finding and requires further investigation. The proteins identified in this study should assist with development of urgently required processes for the rapid depuration of azaspiracid-contaminated shellfish. Moreover they may serve as early warning indicators of shellfish exposed to this family of toxins.Azaspiracids (AZAs)1 are a group of recently discovered algae-derived toxins following a shellfish poisoning event in 1995 in The Netherlands from consumption of Irish mussels (Mytilus edulis) (1). Initially the dinoflagellate Protoperidinium crassipes was proposed to be the organism producing AZAs (2); however, recent research has identified a new dinoflagellate, provisionally designated strain 3D9, as the source (3). Since the first AZA poisoning event in 1995 AZA incidents have been widely reported throughout Europe (46) and more recently in Morocco and eastern Canada (7, 8). AZA distribution thus appears to be on the increase and has become a public health concern and poses severe problems for the aquaculture industry. A regulatory limit of 160 μg of AZA/kg of shellfish in flesh has been proposed (9, 10) by the European Commission based on current information relating to the risks of consumption of contaminated shellfish.The most widely implicated species in AZA-associated food poisoning is mussels (7, 11). The blue mussel, M. edulis, has been widely used as a sentinel species for monitoring coastal environments and environmental pollution (1214). Thus the recent appearance of AZAs could be considered as an indication of environmental changes that we do not as yet understand. A number of biochemical markers are known to be a good guide of the level of environmental stress to which living organisms have been subjected. It is also recognized that mussels produce proteins that can act as biomarkers to environmental contamination. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen and multixenobiotic resistance polyglycoprotein were revealed as biomarkers for genotoxic stress derived from benzo[a]pyrene in Baltic Sea blue mussels (15). Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD), GSTs, and catalase are also well established biomarkers for the assessment of environmental stress in mussels following organic pollution and heavy metal exposure (1621).Proteomics has proven to be a powerful technique for characterizing proteins expressed in specific tissues for many factors ranging from species differences to exposure to stress. For instance, López et al. (22) used proteomics to expand their understanding of the molecular differentiation between the mussels M. edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis, whereas Apraiz et al. (23) identified the proteomic signatures in mussels exposed to marine pollutants.In the current study a range of advanced proteomics tools was used to further study the different protein profiles we recently observed between AZA-contaminated and non-contaminated mussels (24). Their identification and characterization may provide information toward identifying the mode of action of the toxins, which is currently unknown, and provide an indication as to why the AZA phenomenon has arisen so recently. If as recently suggested (24) prolonged AZA retention in shellfish is due to their association with proteins, then suitable processes could be developed to speed up the unusually low rates of depuration, which can take up to 8 months (25). A further important rationale for the work would be the identification of biomarkers that may serve as early warning indicators of AZA contamination in shellfish.  相似文献   

Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae, and V. vulnificus were isolated from 10.3%, 1.0%, and 0.1% of 885 blue mussel samples, respectively. Four of the samples contained trh+ V. parahaemolyticus, while no tdh-positive isolates were detected. The V. cholerae isolates were non-O:1/non-O:139 serotypes and were ctxA negative.  相似文献   

Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae, and V. vulnificus were isolated from 10.3%, 1.0%, and 0.1% of 885 blue mussel samples, respectively. Four of the samples contained trh(+) V. parahaemolyticus, while no tdh-positive isolates were detected. The V. cholerae isolates were non-O:1/non-O:139 serotypes and were ctxA negative.  相似文献   


The blue mussel Mytilus edulis L. is an important aquaculture and fouling species in northern seas. Although the general role of chemical cues for settlement of larvae of the blue mussel has been proposed, few studies have focused on induction of settlement and metamorphosis by pharmacological agents. In this study, the induction of larval settlement of the blue mussel by pharmacological compounds was investigated through a series of laboratory experiments with an aim of identifying artificial cues for laboratory bioassay systems in fouling and antifouling research. Gamma-aminobutiric acid (GABA), dihydroxyphenyl L-alanine (DOPA), isobutyl methylxanthine (IBMX) and acetylcholine chloride (ACH) at 10m 7-10m 2 M as well as KCl at 10-40 mM K+ in excess of the level in normal seawater were tested for their inductive effect on larval settlement. In filtered seawater (FSW) <9% of the larvae settled after 48 h. Elevated K+ and GABA levels had no effect on larval settlement and metamorphosis. DOPA at 10m 5 M and IBMX at 10m 6-10m 4 M induced 41-83% larval settlement and ACH at 10m 7-10m 5 M induced < 40% larval settlement. While the highest settlement rates were observed after 48 h exposure to the chemicals, most of the larvae settled within 24 h. Compounds at concentrations of 10m 3-10m 2 M were either toxic to larvae or retarded the growth of the post-larvae shell. Juveniles resulting from induction by lower concentrations of chemicals had a very high survival rate, completed metamorphosis and grew as well as the juveniles that metamorphosed spontaneously. IBMX at 10m 6-10m 4 M and L-DOPA at 10m 5 M are effective agents for induction of settlement and metamorphosis for future studies using juvenile M. edulis.  相似文献   

Composition and ultrastructure of the byssus of Mytilus edulis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three regions of the byssus of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis L. are distinct in structural organization at the macroscopic and microscopic level and in amino acid composition. The threads that emanate from the stem at the base of the foot are divided into two regions. The proximal, elastic region has a crimped, densely staining cortex enclosing an interior matrix of spiral fibers, and its amino acid composition reflects protein heterogeneity. The more distal, rigid region has a straight, tubular cortex surrounding an inner matrix of linearly arranged bundles of fibrils and has a composition approximating pure collagen. The plaque, or disc-shaped portion, which mediates attachment to various substrates, is distinguished by a surface matrix of collagen-like fibers similar to those of the thread region and anchored on an inner spongy matrix. Compositional evidence exists for a collagenous component, a catechol-rich protein, and at least one other accessory protein in the plaque.  相似文献   

The physiological ecology of two populations of Mytilus edulis L.   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
B. L. Bayne  J. Widdows 《Oecologia》1978,37(2):137-162
Summary Seasonal cycles in the rates of oxygen consumption, feeding, absorption efficiency and ammonia-nitrogen excretion in two populations of Mytilus edulis were measured in the field under ambient conditions and related to body size, the gametogenic cycle, the concentration of suspended particulate matter in the water and temperature. Relationships between the various physiological variables are also considered and protein and energy budgets estimated. Both the scope for growth and the relative maintenance cost were seasonally variable, demonstrating a minimum capacity for growth in the winter and a maximum capacity in the summer. In one population subjected to abnormally high temperatures in the winter the scope for growth was negative for four or five months between January and May. These population differences are discussed and the potential for using physiological integrations in intra-specific comparisons of fitness is identified.  相似文献   

The concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls and 28 metals were determined in mussels from 32 stations in the southwestern Baltic Sea. Elevated levels of PCBs (up to 28 mg/kg lipids) were found in harbour areas. Increased amounts of some metal contaminants were found in three large areas. The discharge from a sewage plant is responsible for high residues at stations in the outlet of Kiel Fjord. Increased levels of heavy metals in the outer Flensburg Fjord and in the vicinity of Fehmarn Sound seem to be due to natural geological formations, as indicated by the occurrence of elements that usually are not found at high concentrations in anthropogenic wastewaters.  相似文献   

The variability of the four tubule types previously recognized in the digestive glands of bivalve molluscs (viz. I, holding; II, absorptive; III, fragmenting; and IV, reconstituting) was investigated using photomicrographs of the digestive glands of subtidal Mercenaria mercenaria (L.), low-intertidal Ostrea edulis L., and mid-intertidal Mytilus edulis L. The clustering of similar tubule types around common secondary ducts was observed both histologically and by statistical analysis. A ratio type estimator was used in consideration of this clustering to determine proportions and variances of each tubule type. Intra-animal variances of Type II tubules were approximately the same for each species, ranging from 0.0419–0.0570. Inter-animal variances were also similar (0.0060–0.0140), but only 10–25% of the intraanimal values. Sampling schemes involving large numbers of animals but few photomicrographs of each digestive gland would minimize overall variance. Because of high variability, the necessity of taking numerical data and of using proper statistical analysis in all studies based on the changing morphological appearance of the bivalve digestive gland is stressed.  相似文献   

Summary Studies on the intrinsic innervation of the anterior byssal retractor muscle (ABRM) in Mytilus edulis L. were continued at the ultrastructural level. Electron micrographs show nerve processes ensheathed by glio-interstitial cells running between muscle fibers. The glio-interstitial cells may represent all the types of osmiophilic cells previously described by the light microscopic ZIO technique in the anterior byssal retractor muscle.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the amount of biodeposit (faeces and pseudofaeces) produced by the mussel Mytilus edulis L., which is one of the representative suspension-feeders in the rocky intertidal and shallow subtidal regions of Mutsu Bay, were studied in the laboratory. The effects of water temperature, light, food concentration, flow rate, body size, age, and spawning on biodeposit production were investigated. More biodeposit was produced in summer than in other seasons. Throughout the year, the amount of biodeposit was positively correlated with body size. Relatively more biodeposit was produced by smaller than by larger individuals. A M. edulis population living in one square meter was estimated to produce 9.20 kg of faeces and 2.71 kg of pseudofaeces per year (dry wt). More biodeposit was produced at water temperatures of 17.6–20.2° C than at 4.5–7.6° C and 25.2–26.0° C. The optimum temperature for biodeposit production was found to be ≈ 20.0 °C. When kept in the dark, M. edulis produced more biodeposit than in the light. When food concentration is increased, more psuedofaeces are produced; the amount of faeces, however, remains constant. With increasing flow rate, the amount o f biodeposit per h increased but the biodeposition rate decreased. Larger amounts of faeces and smaller amounts of pseudofaeces were produced by younger mussels than by older ones of a similar size. Spawning also affected biodeposit production.  相似文献   

A 3-year micro-plot experiment of mulberry cultivation with Cd-polluted soil and silkworm breeding experiments by feeding with exogenous or endogenous –Cd-polluted mulberry leaves were conducted to evaluate the toxic effects of Cd on mulberry and silkworms. There was no apparent harmful effect on mulberry plant growth at a soil Cd content of 8.49 mg/kg. At a soil Cd content of 75.8 mg/kg, a yield reduction in the leaves became apparent, whereas at 145 mg Cd/kg soil, the plants exhibited marginal growth. There was a significant decrease of the ingestive rate of leaves at an exogenous Cd content of 1.98 mg Cd/kg leaf, whereas the digestive rate decreased significantly at an exogenous Cd content of 0.50 mg/kg. The endogenous Cd content that significantly affected the ingestive and digestive rates was 1.66 mg/kg. The influence of exogenous and endogenous Cd on the biomass of the silkworms decreased with increase of the instar stage. The weight of cocoons and rate of silk reeling was significantly reduced at exogenous and endogenous Cd contents of 5.17 mg/kg and 1.66 mg/kg, respectively.  相似文献   

Aquaculture, as a means of food production, is growing rapidly in response to an increasing demand for protein and the over-exploitation of wild fisheries. This expansion includes mussels (family Mytilidae) where production currently stands at 1.5 million tonnes per annum. Mussel culture is frequently perceived as having little environmental impact yet mussel biodeposits and shell debris accumulate around the production site and are linked to changes in the benthos. To assess the extent and nature of changes in benthos associated with mussel farming grab and video sampling around seven mussel farms was conducted. Grab samples were analysed for macrofauna and shell-hash content whilst starfish were counted and the shell-hash cover estimated from video imaging. Shell-hash was patchily distributed and occasionally dominated sediments (maximum of 2116 g per 0.1 m2 grab). Mean shell-hash content decreased rapidly at distances >5 m from the line and, over the distance 1–64 m, decreased by three orders of magnitude. The presence of shell-hash and the distance-from-line influenced macrofaunal assemblages but this effect differed between sites. There was no evidence that mussel farming was associated with changes in macrobenthic diversity, species count or feeding strategy. However, total macrofaunal count was estimated to be 2.5 times higher in close proximity to the lines, compared with 64 m distance, and there was evidence that this effect was conditional on the presence of shell-hash. Starfish density varied considerably between sites but, overall, they were approximately 10 times as abundant close to the mussel-lines compared with 64 m distance. There was no evidence that starfish were more abundant in the presence of shell-hash visible on the sediment surface. In terms of farm-scale benthic impacts these data suggest that mussel farming is a relatively benign way of producing food, compared with intensive fish-farming, in similar environments.  相似文献   

Biofilm ageing is commonly assumed to improve mussel settlement on artificial substrata, but the structure and taxonomic composition of biofilms remains unclear. In the present study, multi-species biofilms were characterized at different ages (1, 2, and 3 weeks) and their influence on settlement of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, was tested in the field. As biofilms can constitute a consistent food resource for larvae, the lipid quality, defined as the proportion of related essential fatty acids, may be a selection criterion for settlement. Overall mussel settlement increased on biofilms older than 1 week, and the enhanced settlement corresponded to the abundance and composition of the biofilm community, rather than to essential fatty acid levels. However, during a pulse of phytoplankton, the positive influence of biofilm was not detected, suggesting that pelagic cues overwhelmed those associated with biofilms. The influence of biofilms on mussel settlement could be more crucial when planktonic resources are limited.  相似文献   

The growth of mussels, Mytilus edulis (L.), was studied in most of the northeastern part of their distribution. The growth, longevity and maximal size of molluscs from 24 wild populations and one cultured population located in the White Sea and the southeast part of the Barents Sea were compared. The 25 studied populations were combined in six clusters. The maximal longevity and the size of the mussels varied between 7 and 18 years and 25.5 and 77.7 mm, respectively. The geographical location of the population within the studied region did not affect either maximal longevity or maximal size, or the growth rate of mussels. However, these parameters were influenced by local habitat conditions, primarily connected with the position within intertidal and subtidal zones. Animals inhabiting the intertidal zone were characterized by relatively low growth performance, a short life span and a small size. The longest life span was typical for deep subtidal mussels, whereas the highest growth rate was recorded in the cultured population and in the upper subtidal habitats. Growth patterns of Mytilus edulis in the subarctic White and the Arctic southeast Barents seas are similar to those reported from other parts of the area of distribution. Therefore, growth was mostly determined by local environmental factors, including those related to vertical zonation, rather than by latitude/longitude and related temperature effects.  相似文献   

R. Seed 《Oecologia》1969,3(3-4):317-350
Summary Growth studies in M. edulis L. have shown that rates vary considerably according to age, size and environmental conditions. This may in part be attributed to its sessile habit, being unable to move away from the variable external conditions.The use of modal length frequency distributions is somewhat limited, since with three or more year groups represented, the growth of the majority of the population is so slow that individual year classes lose their identity. Growth boxes, containing marked animals of different ages, and set out in a variety of habitats gave information regarding local and seasonal growth rates. Disturbance rings were shown to be annual, and from them growth curves have been constructed.Growth is particularly seasonal, little or none occurring during the winter. Growth rates varied considerably with a variety of environmental factors (both biotic and physical) and some of these are discussed. Variable individual growth rates, together with slow growth of the majority of animals in mixed populations, are perhaps the major factors in producing population structures typical of this species on open shores.Survivorship curves for mussels in a variety of habitats have been constructed by following the survival of groups of marked animals. Whilst high mortalities occurred in the mid and low shore, survival in the upper shore in the absence of major predators, was greatly enhanced, resulting in established populations of considerable age. Periods of maximum mortality during spring and summer could be correlated with the abundance of major predators.The almost cosmopolitan distribution of M. edulis in the N. hemisphere has been made possible by virtue of its high reproductive capacity, successful larval dispersion and wide tolerance of environmental conditions, Its patchy and apparently erratic distribution both from one shore to annother and even on the same shore, is greatly influenced by the local and seasonal abundance of major predators. Whilst the upward extension of mussels is prevented, ultimately, by physical factors (e.g. temperature, dessication), its lower limits (and absence from the shallow sub littoral on many shores) are governed essentially by predators. The upward extension of many predators such as crabs or starfish, resulting in locally intense predation, may in turn be partly influenced by the actual topography of the shore itself.  相似文献   

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