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T cell immune responses are regulated by the interplay between effector and suppressor T cells. Immunization with Ag leads to the selective expansion and survival of effector CD4(+) T cells with high affinity TCR against the Ag and MHC. However, it is not known if CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (T(reg)) recognize the same Ag as effector T cells or whether Ag-specific TCR repertoire modification occurs in T(reg). In this study, we demonstrate that after a primary Ag challenge, T(reg) proliferate and TCR repertoire modification is observed although both of these responses were lower than those in conventional T cells. The repertoire modification of Ag-specific T(reg) after primary Ag challenge augmented the total suppressive function of T(reg) against TCR repertoire modification but not against the proliferation of memory CD4(+) T cells. These results reveal that T cell repertoire modification against a non-self Ag occurs in T(reg), which would be crucial for limiting excess primary and memory CD4(+) T cell responses. In addition, these studies provide evidence that manipulation of Ag-specific T(reg) is an ideal strategy for the clinical use of T(reg).  相似文献   

Lysis of cerebral vascular endothelial cells (EC) by CD4-positive, myelin basic protein-specific encephalitogenic T cell lines was investigated. Unstimulated EC were not lysed, but culture in the presence of murine rIFN-gamma resulted in the expression of class II MHC (Ia) molecules and the concomitant ability to function as effective target cells for lysis. The possible requirement for Ia molecules was further demonstrated by antibody-blocking experiments. Lysis of EC targets also required the presence of specific Ag (myelin basic protein); PPD-specific T cell lines also lysed the PPD-pulsed EC. In all cases, lysis was directly proportional to E:T ratios. In addition, continuous passage of T cell lines resulted in the concomitant loss of encephalitogenicity and ability to affect EC lysis, indicating a possible relationship between these two factors. These results demonstrate that CD4+ T cells interact with cerebral vascular EC. It is suggested that such interactions may be important in the pathogenesis of diseases involving migrations of these cells across the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

Tumor growth is associated with the accumulation of immature myeloid cells (ImC), which in mice are characterized by the expression of Gr-1 and CD11b markers. These cells suppress Ag-specific CD8+ T cells via direct cell-cell contact. However, the mechanism of immunosuppressive activity of tumor-derived ImC remains unclear. In this study we analyzed the function of ImC isolated from tumor-free control and tumor-bearing mice. Only ImC isolated from tumor-bearing mice, not those from their control counterparts, were able to inhibit the Ag-specific response of CD8+ T cells. ImC obtained from tumor-bearing mice had significantly higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) than ImC isolated from tumor-free animals. Accumulation of H2O2, but not superoxide or NO, was a major contributor to this increased pool of ROS. It appears that arginase activity played an important role in H2O2 accumulation in these cells. Inhibition of ROS in ImC completely abrogated the inhibitory effect of these cells on T cells, indicating that ImC generated in tumor-bearing hosts suppress the CD8+ T cell response via production of ROS. Interaction of ImC with Ag-specific T cells in the presence of specific Ags resulted in a significant increase in ROS production compared with control Ags. That increase was independent of IFN-gamma production by T cells, but was mediated by integrins CD11b, CD18, and CD29. Blocking of these integrins with specific Abs abrogated ROS production and ImC-mediated suppression of CD8+ T cell responses. This study demonstrates a new mechanism of Ag-specific T cell inhibition mediated by ROS produced by ImCs in cancer.  相似文献   

Inoculation of Lewis rats with live or attenuated (irradiated or paraformaldehyde-fixed) CD4+ encephalitogenic T cells (S1 line) protects the recipients from transferred experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (tEAE) induced by S1 cells. A CD8+ T lymphocyte population specifically activated against the EAE-inducing S1 cells can be readily isolated from the lymphoid organs of pretreated animals. We show, in the present study, that encephalitogenic T cell lines derived from Lewis rats differ in their ability to induce resistance against tEAE in vivo and to stimulate CD8+ cell proliferation in vitro. We also demonstrate that the S19 line of encephalitogenic T cells, in combination with myelin basic protein (MBP), can stimulate CD8+ cell proliferation in vitro. The CD8+ cells generated in this way strongly suppress MBP-specific T cell proliferation in vitro. This combined effect of T cells and MBP was also evident in vivo. Neither S19 cells nor MBP alone induced resistance against S19-mediated tEAE, rather coinjection of these cells and MBP was required. Our results suggest that resistance to EAE is mediated by distinct populations of encephalitogenic T cells that activate Ts cells through different mechanisms. In some instances, both autoreactive T cells and their relevant autoantigen(s) may be needed to activate Ts cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells play essential roles in inducing self-tolerance by suppressing immune responses against self such as autoantigens or non-self-antigens such as tumor and pathogenic antigens. Despite the importance of CD4(+) regulatory T cells in many immune-related diseases, their antigen specificity and suppressive mechanisms remain elusive. This review discusses the natural ligands and their potential roles of tumor-specific CD4(+) regulatory T cells in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

A series of H-2d B cell tumor lines and one monocytic tumor cell line were shown to be capable of I region-restricted antigen presentation to I-A-d- and I-Ed- restricted, antigen-specific cloned T cell hybridomas. For the most part, antigen presentation correlated with the present of Ia antigens on the presenting cells, although in a few interesting cases Ia-expression lines failed to present antigen. These T cell hybridomas, together with the B cell and to monocyte tumor cell lines, offer a unique set of tools to study the phenomenon of I region-restricted antigen presentation.  相似文献   

A panel of seven mouse splenic macrophage cell lines, derived from cloned progenitors, was compared for their ability to present antigen to Th1 or Th2 helper T cell lines and hybridomas, as well as to naive T cells, and to provide accessory cell function for the synthesis of antibody from primed B cells. One of the cell lines expressed MHC class II molecules and was the only line with constitutive antigen-presenting activity for Th1 cells. It may represent a subset of splenic macrophages responsible for the activation of naive Th1 helper cells in situ. The remaining six cell lines responded to INF-gamma by up-regulating their class II expression and acquiring Th1 antigen-presenting activity. They may represent cells which, in situ, lack constitutive antigen-presenting activity but are promoted to presenting status by Th1-derived INF-gamma. Five of the cell lines provided accessory cell function to Th2 cells, as indicated by antibody synthesis in suspensions of spleen cells from primed mice depleted of their antigen-presenting cells. One of the cell lines lacking accessory cell activity had constitutive antigen-presenting activity for Th1 cells. This reciprocal expression of antigen-presenting activity supports the idea that Th1 and Th2 helper cells are activated by different antigen-presenting cells. Finally, the cell lines differed in their ability to constitutively induce an allogeneic response; a response that was limited to CD8+ T cells occurred in a CD4+ helper cell-independent manner and was unaffected by the addition of INF-gamma. The alloantigen-presenting macrophage cell lines also possessed the most efficient accessory cell activity for antibody synthesis. These cell lines, which represent a spectrum of antigen-presenting activities in the spleen afford models for defining the roles of macrophages in the induction of immune responses and for resolving issues concerning their development.  相似文献   

Decay-accelerating factor (CD55) is a complement regulatory protein, which is expressed by most cells to protect them from complement-mediated attack. CD55 also binds CD97, an EGF-TM7 receptor constitutively expressed on granulocytes and monocytes and rapidly up-regulated on T and B cells upon activation. Early results suggested that CD55 could further enhance T cell proliferation induced by phorbol ester treatment. The present study demonstrates that coengagement of CD55, using either cross-linking mAbs or its natural ligand CD97, and CD3 results in enhanced proliferation of human peripheral blood CD4(+) T cells, expression of the activation markers CD69 and CD25, and secretion of IL-10 and GM-CSF. Recently, an increase in T cell responsiveness in CD55(-/-) mice was shown to be mediated by a lack of complement regulation. In this study, we show that direct stimulation of CD55 on CD4(+) T cells with CD97 can modulate T cell activation but does not interfere with CD55-mediated complement regulation. Our results support a multifaceted role for CD55 in human T cell activation, constituting a further link between innate and adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that systemic staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) injections cause CD4 T cells in TCR-transgenic mice to become tolerant to subsequent ex vivo restimulation. An active IFN-gamma-dependent mechanism of suppression was responsible for the apparent unresponsiveness of the CD4 T cells. In this study, we analyze the response of CD4 T cells isolated throughout the first 10 days of the in vivo response to injected SEA. We show that CD4 T cells isolated at the peak of the in vivo response undergo very little activation-induced cell death after sterile FACS sorting or restimulation in the presence of neutralizing Abs to IFN-gamma. We also show that the IFN-gamma-dependent tolerance develops soon after SEA injection in the spleens of both normal and TCR-transgenic mice. This suppression is dependent upon myeloid cells from the SEA-treated mice and is optimal when inducible NO synthase activity and reactive oxygen intermediates are both present. The data indicate that IFN-gamma, myeloid cells, and a combination of NO and reactive oxygen intermediates all contribute to a common pathway of T cell death that targets activated or responding CD4 T cells. Sorted Gr-1(+) cells from SEA-treated mice also directly suppress the response of naive CD4 T cells in mixed cultures, indicating that this tolerance mechanism may play a role in down-regulating other vigorous immune responses.  相似文献   

The frequency of circulating alloreactive human memory T cells correlates with allograft rejection. Memory T cells may be divided into effector memory (T(EM)) and central memory (T(CM)) cell subsets, but their specific roles in allograft rejection are unknown. We report that CD4+ T(EM) (CD45RO+ CCR7- CD62L-) can be adoptively transferred readily into C.B-17 SCID/bg mice and mediate the destruction of human endothelial cells (EC) in vascularized human skin grafts allogeneic to the T cell donor. In contrast, CD4+ T(CM) (CD45RO+ CCR7+ CD62L+) are inefficiently transferred and do not mediate EC injury. In vitro, CD4+ T(EM) secrete more IFN-gamma within 48 h in response to allogeneic ECs than do T(CM). In contrast, T(EM) and T(CM) secrete comparable amounts of IFN-gamma in response to allogeneic monocytes (Mo). In the same cultures, both T(EM) and T(CM) produce IL-2 and proliferate in response to IFN-gamma-treated allogeneic human EC or Mo, but T(CM) respond more vigorously in both assays. Blockade of LFA-3 strongly inhibits both IL-2 and IFN-gamma secretion by CD4+ T(EM) cultured with allogeneic EC but only minimally inhibits responses to allogeneic Mo. Blockade of CD80 and CD86 strongly inhibits IL-2 but not IFN-gamma production by in response to allogeneic EC or Mo. Transduction of EC to express B7-2 enhances allogeneic T(EM) production of IL-2 but not IFN-gamma. We conclude that human CD4+ T(EM) directly recognize and respond to allogeneic EC in vitro by secreting IFN-gamma and that this response depends on CD2 but not CD28. Consistent with EC activation of effector functions, human CD4+ T(EM) can mediate allogeneic EC injury in vivo.  相似文献   

T cell lines specific for bovine myelin proteolipid apoprotein (PLP) were established from SJL/J mice. The line cells bore surface phenotypes of T helper/inducer cells (Lyt-1+, Lyt-2-, L3T4+) and responded well to bovine, rat, and guinea pig PLP but not to myelin basic protein. One line responded to major PLP, and another responded to both major PLP and DM-20, which are the two major intrinsic membrane proteins of the central nervous system (CNS) myelin. Intraperitoneal inoculation of 4 to 30 X 10(6) PLP-activated line cells followed by injection of pertussis vaccine induced acute inflammatory disease of the CNS, with typical clinical signs of EAE mostly in a week in recipient mice that had been treated with low-dose irradiation. Almost all animals recovered completely, and two of the 12 animals relapsed 42 or 75 days after inoculation. The lesions were restricted to the CNS and were characterized by perivascular and parenchymal infiltration of inflammatory cells, fibrin deposit, and demyelination. In the severe lesions, axons were also damaged. These observations suggest that PLP is a definite encephalitogen, and PLP-sensitized effector T cells induce inflammatory demyelination in the CNS.  相似文献   

We embedded green fluorescent CD4(+) T cells specific for myelin basic protein (MBP) (T(MBP-GFP) cells) in the immune system of syngeneic neonatal rats. These cells persisted in the animals for the entire observation period spanning >2 years without affecting the health of the hosts. They maintained a memory phenotype with low levels of L-selectin and CD45RC, but high CD44. Although persisting in low numbers (0.01-0.1% of lymph node cells) they were sufficient to raise susceptibility toward clinical autoimmune disease. Immunization with MBP in IFA induced CNS inflammation and overt clinical disease in animals carrying neonatally transferred T(MBP-GFP) cells, but not in controls. The onset of the clinical disease coincided with mass infiltration of T(MBP-GFP) cells into the CNS. In the periphery, following the amplification phase a rapid contraction of the T cell population was observed. However, elevated numbers of fully reactive T(MBP-GFP) cells remained in the peripheral immune system after acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mediating reimmunization-induced disease relapses.  相似文献   

T‐cell population consists of two major subsets, CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells, which can be distinguished by the expression of CD4 or CD8 molecules, respectively. Although they play quite different roles in the immune system, many of their basic cellular processes such as proliferation following stimulation are presumably common. In this study, we have carefully analyzed time–course of G0/1 transition as well as cell cycle progression in the two subsets of quiescent T‐cell population following in vitro growth stimulation. We found that CD8+ T cells promote G0/1 transition more rapidly and drive their cell cycle progression faster compared to CD4+ T cells. In addition, expression of CD25 and effects of its blockade revealed that IL‐2 is implicated in the rapid progression, but not the earlier G0/1 transition, of CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Ag-specific as well as Ia-restricted killing of certain APC by CD4+ T cells was investigated. The CD4-mediated killing is not only a characteristic of in vitro long term cultured T cell lines or clones, but is also manifest after in vivo priming. Thus, CD4+ killer T cells are generated in vivo as well. CD4+ killer T cells are detected in the Th1, but not in the Th2 subset, and they do not appear to lyse Ia+ APC or bystander cells by a pathway mediated by secreted T cell factors. The latter observation is demonstrated by cold target inhibition experiments as well as by the failure of puromycin to inhibit killing, if applied in doses which completely block lymphokine secretion. Ia+ APC differ in their susceptibility to lysis. Transformed APC are usually better lysed than nontransformed APC. Unstimulated B cells are not killed, while LPS-stimulated B cell blasts are killed. The results of cold target inhibition and bystander killing experiments suggest that CD4+ killer T cells are activated by the common pathway, i.e., by Ag presented in the context of Ia, but killing requires the recognition of additional determinant(s) on APC. It is proposed that these killing-inducing determinants are continuously expressed on most transformed Ia+ cells and on nontransformed but stimulated APC.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tr) are important in maintaining immune tolerance to self-antigen (Ag) and preventing autoimmunity. Reduced number and inadequate function of Tr are observed in chronic autoimmune diseases. Adoptively transferred Tr effectively suppress ongoing autoimmune disease in multiple animal models. Therefore, strategies to modulate Tr have become an attractive approach to control autoimmunity. Activation of Tr is necessary for their optimal immune regulatory function. However, due to the low ratio of Tr to any given antigen (Ag) and the unknown nature of Ag in many autoimmune diseases, specific activation is not practical for potential therapeutic intervention. It has been shown in animal models that once activated, Tr can exhibit immune suppression in a bystander Ag-non-specific fashion, suggesting the effector phase of Tr is Ag independent. To investigate whether the immune suppression by activated bystander Tr is as potent as that of the Ag specific Tr, Tr cells were isolated from BALB/c or ovalbumin (OVA) specific T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice (DO11.10) and their immune suppression of an OVA specific T cell response was compared. We found that once activated ex vivo, Tr from BALB/c and DO11.10 mice exhibited comparable inhibition on OVA specific T cell responses as determined by T cell proliferation and cytokine production. Furthermore, their immune suppression function was compared in a delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) model induced by OVA specific T cells. Again, OVA specific and non-specific Tr exhibited similar inhibition of the DTH response. Taken together, the results indicate that ex vivo activated Ag-non-specific Tr are as efficient as Ag specific Tr in immune suppression, therefore our study provides additional evidence suggesting the possibility of applying ex vivo activated Tr therapy for the control of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

We have developed a DNA vaccine encoding a fusion protein of ubiquitin (Ub) and target proteins at the N-terminus for effective induction of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells. A series of expression plasmids encoding a model antigen, ovalbumin (OVA), fused with mutated Ub, was constructed. Western blotting analyses using COS7 cells transfected with these plasmids revealed that there were three types of amino acid causing different binding capacities between Ub and OVA. Natural Ub with a C-terminal glycine readily dissociated from OVA; on the other hand, artificially mutated Ub, the C-terminal amino acid of which had been exchanged to valine or arginine, stably united with the polypeptide, while Ub with a C-terminal alanine partially dissociated. The ability of DNA vaccination to induce OVA-specific CD8+ T cells closely correlated with the stability of Ub fusion to OVA. Our strategy could be used to optimize the effect of genetic vaccines on the induction of CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Neuropilin-1 (NRP1) is a transmembrane protein expressed on neuronal and endothelial cells where it plays a crucial role in guiding axons and regulating angiogenesis. We have recently shown that NRP1 also is expressed on dendritic cells (DC) in the human immune system and have proposed a role for NRP1 in the first stages of the immune response. In these studies, we show that NRP1 can be transferred with a high efficiency from human DC to T lymphocytes by trogocytosis. The NRP1 transfer can occur independently of T lymphocyte activation; the amount of NRP1 transferred depends on the NRP1 expression level on APC and is enhanced when T cells are activated through the TCR. Moreover, the NRP1 transfer occurs between specific donor and recipient cells, because no NRP1 transfer is observed between endothelial cells and T lymphocytes or between APCs and CD34(+) hemopoietic cells. Finally, we show that a major NRP1 ligand, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)(165), is secreted by mature human DCs and binds to NRP1 captured by T lymphocytes. These results show that NRP1 transfer to T lymphocytes during the immune synapse can convert T lymphocytes into VEGF(165)-carrying cells. Together with the enhanced signaling of VEGF-R2 on endothelial cells in the presence, in trans, of the NRP1-VEGF(165) complex, our results suggest that the intercellular transfer of NRP1 might participate in the Ag-independent remodelling of the endothelial vessels in secondary lymphoid organs during inflammation.  相似文献   

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