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Two new species of liolopid digeneans infecting crocodilians are described and the classification of the family slightly revised. Liolope copulans from the salamander Megalobatrachus japonicus in Japan actually possesses an internal rather than external seminal vesicle and tegumental spines, and the generic diagnosis is emended to include those features. Liolopids paratisitizing crocodilians are removed from Harmotrema and placed in a separate new genus characterized by the possession of a relatively short body with gonads in the posterior rather than middle third of the body. Liolopids infecting Neotropical lizards and turtles remain in Helicotrema and those parasitizing freshwater and marine snakes remain in Harmotrema. The first new species, from Alligator mississipiensis in the southeastern United States, most closely resembles the species described as Harmotrema rudolphii from a saltwater crocodile in the Philippines, but differs from it by having a shorter cirrus sac, stouter and shorter cirrus, and slightly smaller eggs; it differs from all crocodilian liolopids by possessing a more extensively folded metraterm. The second new species, from Crocodylus cataphractis in the Congo (Belgian), differs from all others in crocodilians by having a relatively larger pharynx and smaller acetabulum. Diagnoses of all crocodilian liolopids are presented. Harmotrema laticaudae, previously known from Laticauda laticaudata in Okinawa only, is reported from Aipysurus laevis, Hydrophis major, and a ‘black and white-ringed sea snake’ in Queensland, Australia.  相似文献   

周启明  魏江春 《菌物学报》2006,25(3):376-385
本文描述了位于新科盾叶科 Rhizoplacopsidaceae(Umbilicariales,Lecanoromycetes,Ascomycota)中的新属盾叶属 Rhizoplacopsis 和新种蔚青盾叶 Rhizoplacopsis weichingii。蔚青盾叶取名于著名中国真菌学家王云章教授之字“蔚青”,作为庆祝教授百岁生日之纪念。该新种在外形上与 Rhizoplaca 属地衣极为相似,但位于地衣体上的子囊盘却为网衣型。此外,它的子囊顶器结构非常接近于 Umbilicaria-type。基于分子数据,对 Rhizoplacopsis weichingii 及其它相关地衣进行的系统发育分析支持成立新属盾叶属 Rhizoplacopsis 和新科盾叶科 Rhizoplacopsidaceae。  相似文献   

Summary A new pennellid genus,Exopenna, is established on the basis of two specimens of a new species,E. crimmeni, recovered from a deep-sea cod,Antimora, caught in the North East Atlantic. It is ectoparasitic and is diagnosed by the combination of a straight body, tightly coiled egg sacs and flattened, plate-like antennary processes. Another new species,Peniculus elongatus, is described from Australian waters and new records ofP. fistula andLernaeenicus ramosus further increase the known pennellid fauna of that region. A preliminary analysis of the phylogenetic relationships of the pennellid genera is undertaken and a partially resolved cladogram produced which identifies the main generic groupings. ac]19850522  相似文献   

The family Comasteridae is divided into four subfamilies on the basis of syzygy positions in the division series and proximal arm. Use of this character results in major differences in perceived relationships between genera compared with that obtained when traditional subfamilial characters are used. The primary character previously used to determine comasterid subfamilies, cirrus ornamentation, is rejected as unimportant in recognizing taxa any higher than species. Seventeen genera, including a new genus from the tropical western Atlantic, and 99 species are now recognized in the Comasteridae. Four of these genera and five species cannot be placed within the newly diagnosed subfamilies. Characters of generic importance are considered to be pinnule comb form, mouth position and, to a lesser extent, the characters traditionally used to distinguish genera.  相似文献   

Osteological and myological characters of the genus Perryena are described and the phylogenetic position of the genus is inferred cladistically on the basis of 89 character transformation series, with Perryena representing a branch off a clade comprising the Tetrarogidae, Synanceiidae, Aploactinidae, Congiopodidae, Gnathanacanthidae and Pataecidae, following an initial divergence of the family Apistidae. Perryena is not closely related to Congiopodidae, despite its historical referral to that family. In keeping with the familial rankings given to successive branches of the remaining ingroup, the new family name Perryenidae is proposed for Perryena, here designated as the type genus of the family.  相似文献   

Enrique Forero 《Brittonia》1972,24(2):143-147
Stryphnodendron campestre Forero andS. guianense (Aubl.) Benth. ssp.glandulosum Forero are described and illustrated, and notes on the nomenclature ofS. adstringens and on the exclusion ofS. colombianum from the genus are included.  相似文献   


The 20 described species of diurnal moths previously in Simaethis auct. (not Leach, 1815) in New Zealand are transferred to Asterivora n.gen. The genus is described and distinguished from other genera in Choreutidae; genitalia of the type-species are figured. Asterivora oleariae, a new species associated with Olearia lyalli Hook.f. (Asteraceae: Compositae) from The Snares and Stewart Island, is described.  相似文献   

记述中国叶甲亚科1新属:玉龙叶甲属Yulongedon gen.nov.,包括2新种:靓玉龙叶甲Y.formosus sp.nov.,宝藏神玉龙叶甲Y.jambhalai sp.nov.。  相似文献   

The present report describes clinical, hematological and biochemical studies of a 27-year old Egyptian woman in whom a fast moving Hb variant was found. The abnormal Hb constituted 48% of the total erythrocyte Hb of the propositus and her father. Structural studies demonstrated that in the abnormal Hb lysine beta 65 is replaced by glutamine. The new Hb mutant is designated hemoglobin J Cairo beta 65 (E9) Lys leads to Gln. This substitution results in only a moderate decrease in cooperativity. No evidence of Hb instability was found. A slight anemic state has been observed in the propositus since she reached adolescence.  相似文献   

A new monotypical genus with a new species, Phormotegus lenociniosus gen. et sp. n., is described from Argentina. The new genus is closely related to the genera Taosa Distant and Brachytaosa Muir, but differs from them in the reticulate venation of the submacropterous fore wings with outcurved apices and in the unique position of the hind wings projecting laterally from the apices of the fore wings.  相似文献   

A new aphid genus Raychaudhuriella and two new specices viz. Raychaudhuriella myzaphoides and Rhopalosiphoninus sensoriatus are described from Himachal Pradesh, north-west Himalaya. The affinity of Raychaudhuriella gen. nov. is drawn with Aspidophorodon Verma, Cavariela del Guercio, Myazphis van der Goot, Tricaudatus Narzikulov and Vesiculaphis del Guercio. Figures and biometrical data of the new species have been provided.  相似文献   

The new genus Cavifera is described to include two species, both new– C. abdita and C. senta
The hosts for these are from New Guinea and are believed to belong to the Columbiformes. The females are characterized by having a pair of abdominal tergal sense organs of a type unknown elsewhere in the Mallophaga or possibly in the insects.  相似文献   

New and extensively revised keys are given to help identification of the European species of Metopolophium Mordvilko, 1914. The morphs keyed are (1) the apterous viviparous females from Gramineac, (2) the alate viviparous females and (3) the males and oviparous females of those species that overwinter as eggs on Rosa spp. Taxonomic notes are given on some individual species. Two new taxa, M. fasciatum sp. nov., and M. festucae (Theobald) cerealium subsp. nov. are described. Metopolophium myrmecophilum (Theobald) becomes a new synonym of M. festucae (Theobald), sensu stricto , and the resulting question of the possible conservation of the latter, which is the junior subjective synonym, is discussed. A revised checklist of the European species of Metopolophium is given.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of three closely related Hyalomma species, namely Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) truncatum Koch, 1844, Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) albiparmatum Schulze, 1919 and Hyalomma (Euhyalomma) nitidum Schulze, 1919 is confined to Africa. A detailed comparison of all stages of development of the three taxa reveals that they possess many more shared than distinguishing characters. In fact differentiation between these species is based on single or dual qualitative characters on their adults. These are a conspicuous, ivory-coloured parma on H. (E.) albiparmatum males, and the absence or reduction in clarity of ivory-coloured bands on the leg segments of H. (E.) nitidum adults, as well as the shape of the external cuticular preatrial fold of the genital operculum of females of the latter species. The adults of all three species and the larva of H. (E.) truncatum are redescribed. The nymph of H. truncatum and the larva and nymph of H. (E.) albiparmatum and H. (E.) nitidum are described for the first time. Data on their geographic distributions and hosts are provided.  相似文献   

The morphogenus Schizopteris was established in the early 19th century for late Palaeozoic aphleboid foliage of uncertain affinities, and numerous specimens have subsequently been assigned to this taxon. Some of these fossils do not represent foliage, but rather noncalcareous algae. Although this inconsistency has been noted, an attempt to exclude the algae from Schizopteris has not yet been undertaken. Here we propose the new genus Perissothallus to accommodate those fossils conventionally assigned to Schizopteris that represent algae. The name P. versiformis is introduced for the type species from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Kansas (USA). Specimens from the Lower Permian of Germany are interpreted as a second species of Perissothallus , and the name P. densus is proposed. Perissothallus consists of erect cylindrical branches that radiate from a small holdfast and dichotomize repeatedly. Vegetative reproduction occurs in the form of daughter thalli produced on prostrate branches. Similarities in basic structure exist between Perissothallus and members of the extant algal genera Codium (Chlorophyta), Dictyota (Phaeophyta), and Scinaia (Rhodophyta).  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 477–488.  相似文献   

Two new taxa in Stipa L. Sect. Leiostipa Dumort., S. alba and S. letournexii ssp. ignea , are described from southern Tunisia (northern Africa). In addition, the S. letournexii complex is reviewed and a new combination, S. letournexii ssp. tunetana (H.Scholz) F.M. Vázquez, is presented.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 439–444.  相似文献   

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