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The high resolution crystallographic structure of MCTI-II complexed with beta trypsin (PDB entry 1MCT) was used to model the corresponding structures of the six inhibitor peptides belonging to Cucurbitaceae family (MCTI-I, LA-1, LA-2, CMTI-I, CMTI-III, CMTI-IV). Two model inhibitors, LA-1 and LA-2 were refined by molecular dynamics to estimate the average solution structure. The difference accessible surface area (DASA) study of the inhibitors with and without trypsin revealed the Arginine and other residues of the inhibitors which bind to trypsin. The hydration dynamics study of LA1 and LA2 also confirm the suitability of water molecules at the active Arg site. Moreover, the presence of a unique 3D-structural motif comprises with the four CPRI residues from the amino terminal is thought to be conserved in all the six studied inhibitors, which seems essential for the directional fixation for proper complexation of the Arg (5) residue towards the trypsin S1-binding pocket. The role of the disulphide linkage in the geometrical stabilization of CPRI (Cysteine, Proline, Arginine, Isoleucine) motif has also been envisaged from the comparative higher intra molecular Cys (3) -Cys (20) disulphide dihedral energies.  相似文献   

MurG (Rv2153c) is a key player in the biosynthesis of the peptidoglycan layer in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). This work is an attempt to highlight the structural and functional relationship of Mtb MurG, the three-dimensional (3D) structure of protein was constructed by homology modelling using Discovery Studio 3.5 software. The quality and consistency of generated model was assessed by PROCHECK, ProSA and ERRAT. Later, the model was optimized by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and the optimized model complex with substrate Uridine-diphosphate-N-acetylglucosamine (UD1) facilitated us to employ structure-based virtual screening approach to obtain new hits from Asinex database using energy-optimized pharmacophore modelling (e-pharmacophore). The pharmacophore model was validated using enrichment calculations, and finally, validated model was employed for high-throughput virtual screening and molecular docking to identify novel Mtb MurG inhibitors. This study led to the identification of 10 potential compounds with good fitness, docking score, which make important interactions with the protein active site. The 25 ns MD simulations of three potential lead compounds with protein confirmed that the structure was stable and make several non-bonding interactions with amino acids, such as Leu290, Met310 and Asn167. Hence, we concluded that the identified compounds may act as new leads for the design of Mtb MurG inhibitors.  相似文献   

Selective factor VIIa-tissue factor complex (FVIIa/TF) inhibition is regarded as a promising target for developing new anticoagulant drugs. Compound 1 was discovered from focused screening of serine protease-directed compounds from our internal collection. Using parallel synthesis supported by structure-based drug design, we identified peptidemimetic FVIIa/TF inhibitors (compounds 4-11) containing L-Gln or L-Met as the P2 moiety. However, these compounds lacked the selectivity of other serine proteases in the coagulation cascade, especially thrombin. Further optimization of these compounds was carried out with a focus on the P4 moiety. Among the optimized compounds, 12b-f showed improved selectivity.  相似文献   

Hydroxamic acid compounds 110 containing a N-hydroxycinnamamide scaffold and a 4-(benzylamino)methyl cap group that was either unsubstituted (1) or substituted with one (24) or two (510) methoxy groups in variable positions were prepared as inhibitors of Zn(II)-containing histone deacetylases (HDACs). The 3,4- (9) and 3,5- (10) bis-methoxy-substituted compounds were the least potent against HeLa nuclear extract, HDAC1 and HDAC2. Molecular modelling showed methoxy groups in the 3-, 4- and 5-position, but not the 2-position, had unfavourable steric interactions with the G32-H33-P34 triad on a loop at the surface of the HDAC2 active site cavity. An HDAC1 homology model showed potential ionic (E243..K288) and cation-pi (K247..F292) interactions between helix 10 and helix 11 that were absent in HDAC2 ((G243..K288) and (K247..V292)). This surface-located interhelical constraint could inform the design of bitopic HDAC1 and HDAC2 selective ligands using an allosteric approach, and/or protein-protein interaction (PPI) inhibitors.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase inhibitors are used as anticancer and antibacterial agents. A series of novel 2,4,6-tri-substituted pyridine derivatives reported as topoisomerase inhibitors were used for quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) study. In order to understand the structural requirement of these topoisomerase inhibitors, a ligand-based pharmacophore and atom-based 3D-QSAR model have been developed. A five-point pharmacophore with one hydrophobic group (H4), four aromatic rings (R5, R6, R7 and R8) was obtained. The pharmacophore hypothesis yielded a 3D-QSAR model with good partial least-square (PLS) statistic results. The training set correlation is characterized by PLS factors (r2 = 0.7892, SD = 0.2948, F = 49.9, P = 1.379). The test set correlation is characterized by PLS factors (q2 = 0.7776, root mean squared error = 0.2764, Pearson R = 0.8926). The docking study revealed the binding orientations of these inhibitors at active site amino acid residues of topoisomerases enzyme. The results of pharmacophore hypothesis and 3D-QSAR provided the detail structural insights as well as highlighted the important binding features of novel 2,4,6-tri-substituted pyridine derivatives and can be developed as potent topoisomerase inhibitors.


Open in a separate windowKey structural requirement for topoisomerase activity  相似文献   

Serine proteinase inhibitors are widely distributed in nature and inhibit the activity of enzymes like trypsin and chymotrypsin. These proteins interfere with the physiological processes such as germination, maturation and form the first line of defense against the attack of seed predator. The most thoroughly examined plant serine proteinase inhibitors are found in the species of the families Leguminosae, Graminae, and Solanaceae. Leucaena leucocephala belongs to the family Leguminosae. It is widely used both as an ornamental tree as well as cattle food. We have constructed a three-dimensional model of a serine proteinase inhibitor from L. leucocephala seeds (LTI) complexed with trypsin. The model was built based on its comparative homology with soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI) using the program, MODELLER6. The quality of the model was assessed stereochemically by PROCHECK. LTI shows structural features characteristic of the Kunitz type trypsin inhibitor and shows 39% residue identity with STI. LTI consists of 172 amino acid residues and is characterized by two disulfide bridges. The protein is a dimer with the two chains being linked by a disulfide bridge. Despite the high similarity in the overall tertiary structure, significant differences exist at the active site between STI and LTI. The present study aims at analyzing these interactions based on the available amino acid sequences and structural data. We have also studied some functional sites such as phosphorylation, myristoylation, which can influence the inhibitory activity or complexation with other molecules. Some of the differences observed at the active site and functional sites can explain the unique features of LTI.  相似文献   

We report the homology modelling of the structures of the 162 type II modules from the giant multi-domain protein titin (also known as connectin). The package MODELLER was used and implemented in an automated fashion using four experimentally determined structures as templates. Validation of the models was assessed in terms of divergence from the templates and consensus of the alignments. The homology within the whole family of type II modules as well as with the templates is relatively high (20-35% identity and ca 50% similarity). Comparison between the models of domains for which an NMR structure has been solved and the experimental solution gives an estimate of the quality of the modelling. Our results allow us to distinguish between a set of structurally relevant residues, which are conserved throughout the whole family and buried in the hydrophobic core, from the residues that are conserved and exposed. These latter residues are potentially functionally important. Comparison of exposed conserved patches for modules in different regions of the titin molecule suggests potential interaction surfaces. Our results may be tested directly for those modules whose binding partner is known.  相似文献   

Porcine trypsin has been crystallized either free or complexed with synthetic Ecballium elaterium trypsin inhibitor II, a 28-residue peptide with three disulfide bridges. The crystals diffract beyond 2.0 A. Crystals are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with cell dimensions a = 77.32 A, b = 53.81 A, c = 46.91 A, for the free trypsin, and a = 62.25 A, b = 62.27 A, c = 84.66 A for the complex with E. elaterium trypsin inhibitor II.  相似文献   

The Bowman-Birk inhibitors (BBIs) are well-studied serine protease inhibitors that are abundant in dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. BBIs from dicots usually have a molecular weight of 8k and are double-headed with two reactive sites, whereas those from monocots can be divided into two classes, one approximately 8 kDa in size with one reactive site (another reactive site was lost) and the other approximately 16 kDa in size with two reactive sites. The reactive site is located at unique exposed surfaces formed by a disulfide-linked β-sheet loop that is highly conserved, rigid and mostly composed of nine residues. The structural features and molecular evolution of inhibitors are described, focusing on the conserved disulfide bridges. The sunflower trypsin inhibitor-1 (SFTI-1), with 14 amino acid residues, is a recently discovered bicyclic inhibitor, and is the most small and potent naturally occurring Bowman-Birk inhibitor.Recently, BBIs have become a hot topic because of their potential applications. BBIs are now used for defense against pathogens and insects in transgenic plants, which has advantages over using toxic and polluting insecticides. BBIs could also be applied in the prevention of cancer, Dengue fever, and inflammatory and allergic disorders, because of their inhibitory activity with respect to the serine proteases that play apivotal role in the development and pathogenesis of these diseases. The canonical nine-residue loop of BBIs/STH-1 provides an ideal template for drug design of specific inhibitors to target their respective proteases.  相似文献   

The binding free energies of four inhibitors to bovine beta-trypsin are calculated. The inhibitors use either ornithine, lysine, or arginine to bind to the S1 specificity site. The electrostatic contribution to binding free energy is calculated by solving the finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann equation, the contribution of nonpolar interactions is calculated using a free energy-surface area relationship and the loss of conformational entropy is estimated both for trypsin and ligand side chains. Binding free energy values are of a reasonable magnitude and the relative affinity of the four inhibitors for trypsin is correctly predicted. Electrostatic interactions are found to oppose binding in all cases. However, in the case of ornithine- and lysine-based inhibitors, the salt bridge formed between their charged group and the partially buried carboxylate of Asp189 is found to stabilize the complex. Our analysis reveals how the molecular architecture of the trypsin binding site results in highly specific recognition of substrates and inhibitors. Specifically, partially burying Asp189 in the inhibitor-free enzyme decreases the penalty for desolvation of this group upon complexation. Water molecules trapped in the binding interface further stabilize the buried ion pair, resulting in a favorable electrostatic contribution of the ion pair formed with ornithine and lysine side chains. Moreover, all side chains that form the trypsin specificity site are partially buried, and hence, relatively immobile in the inhibitor-free state, thus reducing the entropic cost of complexation. The implications of the results for the general problem of recognition and binding are considered. A novel finding in this regard is that like charged molecules can have electrostatic contributions to binding that are more favorable than oppositely charged molecules due to enhanced interactions with the solvent in the highly charged complex that is formed.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of three small molecular scaffolds based on quinoline, 2-methylquinoline-5,8-dione, 5-hydroxy-quinaldine-6-carboxylic acid and 8-hydroxy-quinaldine-7-carboxylic acid, were characterised. 5-Hydroxy-quinaldine-6-carboxylic acid was co-crystallized with cobalt(II) chloride to form a model of divalent metal cation-ligand interactions for potential HIV integrase inhibitors. Molecular docking into active site of HIV IN was also performed on 1WKN PDB file. Selected ligand-protein interactions have been found specific for active compounds. Studied structures can be used as scaffolds in fragment-based design of new potent drugs.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships between neuroendocrine peptides are often difficult to resolve across divergent phyla due to independent duplication events in different lineages. Thanks to peptide purification and molecular cloning in many different species, the situation is beginning to clear for the neuropeptide Y (NPY) family, which also includes peptide YY (PYY), the tetrapod pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and the fish pancreatic peptide Y (PY). It has long been assumed that the first duplication to occur in vertebrate evolution generated NPY and PYY, as both of these are found in all gnathostomes as well as lamprey. Evidence from other gene families show that this duplication was probably a chromosome duplication event. The origin of a second PYY peptide found in lamprey remains to be explained. Our recent cloning of NPY, PYY and PY in the sea bass proves that fish PY is a separate gene product. We favour the hypothesis that PY is a duplicate of the PYY gene and that it may have occurred late in fish evolution, as PY has so far only been found in acanthomorph fishes. Thus, this duplication seems to be independent of the one that generate PP from PYY in tetrapods, although both tetrapod PP and fish PY are expressed in the pancreas. Studies in the sea bass and other fish show that PY, in contrast to PP, is expressed in the nervous system. We review the literature on the distribution and functional aspects of the various NPY-family peptides in vertebrates.  相似文献   

GluR0 is a prokaryotic homologue of mammalian glutamate receptors that forms glutamate-activated, potassium-selective ion channels. The topology of its transmembrane (TM) domain is similar to that of simple potassium channels such as KcsA. Two plausible alignments of the sequence of the TM domain of GluR0 with KcsA are possible, differing in the region of the P helix. We have constructed homology models based on both alignments and evaluated them using 6 ns duration molecular dynamics simulations in a membrane-mimetic environment. One model, in which an insertion in GluR0 relative to KcsA is located in the loop between the M1 and P helices, is preferred on the basis of lower structural drift and maintenance of the P helix conformation during simulation. This model also exhibits inter-subunit salt bridges that help to stabilise the TM domain tetramer. During the simulation, concerted K(+) ion-water movement along the selectivity filter is observed, as is the case in simulations of KcsA. K(+) ion exit from the central cavity is associated with opening of the hydrophobic gate formed by the C-termini of the M2 helices. In the intact receptor the opening of this gate will be controlled by interactions with the extramembranous ligand-binding domains.  相似文献   

tRNA modifications play an important role in the proper folding of tRNA and thereby determine its functionality as an adaptor molecule. Notwithstanding the centrality of this basic process in translation, a major gap in the genomics of Plasmodium falciparum is unambiguous identification of enzymes catalysing the various tRNA modifications. In this study, tRNA-modifying enzymes of P. falciparum were annotated using homology-based approach. Based on the presence of these identified enzymes, the modifications were compared with those of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Through sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis, we have identified P. falciparum apicoplast tRNA-guanine 34 transglycosylase (TGT, EC:, which shows evidence of its prokaryotic origin. The docking analysis of the modelled TGT structures revealed that binding of quinazolinone derivatives is more favourable with P. falciparum apicoplast TGT as compared to human TGT. Molecular dynamic simulation and molecular mechanics/generalized Born surface area analysis of the complex confirmed the greater binding affinity of the ligand in the binding pocket of P. falciparum TGT protein. Further, evolutionary patterning analysis identified the amino acids of P. falciparum apicoplast TGT that are under purifying selection pressure and hence can be good inhibitor-targeting sites. Based on these computational studies, we suggest that P. falciparum apicoplast tRNA-guanine 34 transglycosylase can be a promising drug target.  相似文献   

Two myotropic peptides termed locustatachykinin III and IV were isolated from 9000 brain-corpora cardiaca-corpora allata-suboesophageal ganglion extracts of the locust, Locusta migratoria. The primary structures of Lom-TK III and IV were established as amidated decapeptides: Ala-Pro-Gln-Ala-Gly-Phe-Tyr-Gly-Val-Arg-NH2 (Lom-TK III) and Ala-Pro-Ser-Leu-Gly-Phe-His-Gly-Val-Arg-NH2 (Lom-TK IV). The locustatachykinins were synthesized and shown to have chromatographic and biological properties identical with those of the native materials. They stimulate visceral muscle contractions of the oviduct and the foregut of Locusta migratoria and of the hindgut of Leucophaea maderae. Both peptides exhibit sequence homologies with the vertebrate tachykinins. Sequence similarity is greater with the fish and amphibian tachykinins (up to 40%) than with the mammalian tachykinins. In addition, the intestinal and oviducal myotropic activity of the locustatachykinins is analogous to that of vertebrate tachykinins. Both chemical and biological similarities of vertebrate and insect tachykinins substantiates the evidence for a long evolutionary history of the tachykinin peptide family.  相似文献   


The p90 ribosomal s6 kinase 2 (RSK2) is a promising target because of its over expression and activation in human cancer cells and tissues. Over the last few years, significant efforts have been made in order to develop RSK2 inhibitors to treat myeloma, prostatic cancer, skin cancer and etc., but with limited success so far. In this paper, pharmacophore modelling, molecular docking study and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation have been performed to explore the novel inhibitors of RSK2. Pharmacophore models were developed by 95 molecules having pIC50 ranging from 4.577 to 9.000. The pharmacophore model includes one hydrogen bond acceptor (A), one hydrogen bond donor (D), one hydrophobic feature (H) and one aromatic ring (R). It is the best pharmacophore hypothesis that has the highest correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.91) and cross validation coefficient (Q2 = 0.71) at 5 component PLS factor. It was evaluated using enrichment analysis and the best model was used for virtual screening. The constraints used in this study were docking score, ADME properties, binding free energy estimates and IFD Score to screen the database. Ultimately, 12 hits were identified as potent and novel RSK2 inhibitors. A 15 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was further employed to validate the reliability of the docking results.  相似文献   

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