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A peroxidase is present in the chorion of Aedes aegypti eggs and catalyzes chorion protein cross-linking during chorion hardening, which is critical for egg survival in the environment. The unique chorion peroxidase (CPO) is a glycoprotein. This study deals with the N-glycosylation site, structures, and profile of CPO-associated oligosaccharides using mass spectrometric techniques and enzymatic digestion. CPO was isolated from chorion by solubilization and several chromatographic methods. Mono-saccharide composition was analyzed by HPLC with fluorescent detection. Our data revealed that carbohydrate (D-mannose, N-acetyl D-glucosamine, D-arabinose, N-acetyl D-galactosamine, and L-fucose) accounted for 2.24% of the CPO molecular weight. A single N-glycosylation site (Asn328-Cys- Thr) was identified by tryptic peptide mapping and de novo sequencing of native and PNGase A-deglycosylated CPO using matrix-assisted laser/desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI/TOF/MS) and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The Asn328 was proven to be a major fully glycosylated site. Potential tryptic glycopeptides and profile were first assessed by MALDI/TOF/MS and then by precursor ion scanning during LC/MS/MS. The structures of N-linked oligosaccharides were elucidated from the MS/MS spectra of glycopeptides and exoglycosidase sequencing of PNGase A-released oligosaccharides. These CPO-associated oligosaccharides had dominant Man3GlcNAc2 and Man3 (Fuc) GlcNAc2 and high mannose-type structures (Man(4-8)GlcNAc2). The truncated structures, Man2GlcNAc2 and Man2 (Fuc) GlcNAc2, were also identified. Comparison of CPO activity and Stokes radius between native and deglycosylated CPO suggests that the N-linked oligosaccharides influence the enzyme activity by stabilizing its folded state.  相似文献   

Summary We determined the time and site of secretion of the precursors of the peritrophic membrane (PM) in Aedes aegypti and when the structure is assembled. The fine structure of the developing membrane of blood-feed females was described, and the pattern of secretion of injected tritiated glucosamine analyzed autoradiographically. Immediately following blood feeding, ingested red cells rapidly become compressed, such that the surrounding plasma is extruded to the margin of the midgut contents. Thereby, ingested fluids form a narrow margin separating the blood mass from the midgut epithelium. By electron microscopy, the PM first becomes evident at about 4 to 8 h after blood is ingested, and the membrane attains mature texture by 12 h. The compacted mass of ingested erythrocytes seems to serve as a template for the forming structure. In contrast, tritiated glucosamine, injected into freshly engorged mosquitoes, begins to concentrate on the midgut microvilli by 2 h after feeding. By 8 h the label assumes the layered appearance that characterizes the fine structure of the mature membrane. In contrast to the prevailing concept that the PM of mosquitoes first assumes texture anteriorly immediately after blood is ingested, we find that this potential barrier to pathogen development forms no earlier than 4 h after feeding and that it is formed from precursors secreted along the entire length of the epithelium overlying the food mass.  相似文献   

The natural transmission of dengue virus from an infected female mosquito to its progeny, namely the vertical transmission, was researched in wild caught Aedes aegypti during an important outbreak in the town of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Mosquitoes were collected at the preimaginal stages (eggs, larvae and pupae) then reared up to adult stage for viral detection using molecular methods. Dengue virus serotypes 1 and 3 were found to be co-circulating with significant higher prevalence in male than in female mosquitoes. Of the 97 pools of Ae. aegypti (n = 635 male and 748 female specimens) screened, 14 pools, collected in February-May in 2007, were found positive for dengue virus infection: five DEN-1 and nine DEN-3. The average true infection rate (TIR) and minimum infection rate (MIR) were respectively 1.08% and 1.01%. These observations suggest that vertical transmission of dengue virus may be detected in vectors at the peak of an outbreak as well as several months before an epidemic occurs in human population.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted to determine the infection sites of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana after ingestion by the larvae of Aedes aegypti. The timing of the host death in relation to larval molting, the principle sites of fungal infection and development in host tissues were studied. Fungal conidiospores (CS) and blastospores (BS) were used separately for treatment of mosquito larvae. Although in most instances CS germinated and developed within the host, in others there was a premature abortion of the fungal development cycle. On the other hand, BS ingested by the larvae showed differences in the fungal development stages in the larval tissues. While the two primary infection sites were the head and the anal region, the most preferred site for fungal development was the larval gut. No more than two cycles of fungal development can occur in the host. Although both CS and BS are effective as larvicides, BS is far more pathogenic.
Résumé Une série d'expériences a été menée afin de déterminer les emplacements d'infection du fongus entomopathogénique Beauveria bassiana (souche GK 2016) lequel avait été ingesté des larves d'Aedes aegypti. On a étudié le moment de la mort des hôtes en relation des mues des larves, les emplacements principaux où se conduit l'infection fongale et le développement du fongus dans des tissus divers d'hôte. On a utilisé les conidiospores (CS) et les blastospores (BS) séparément pour traitement des larves des moustiques. Bien que dans la plupart des cas CS ait germiné et se soit développé chez l'hôte, en d'autres cas, CS a germiné mais n'avait pas produit du BS évidemment grâce à l'avortement prématuré du cycle de développement des fongus chez l'hôte. Le BS qui avait été ingesté dans les larves présentait des stages différents de développement du fongus dans les tissus des larves. Quoique les deux emplacements placements principaux étaient la tête et la région anale, l'emplacement préféré pour le développement du fongus était l'intestin des larves. Nous montrons qu'il n'y a plus de deux cycles de développement du fongus chez l'hôte. Bien que CS et BS soient efficaces comme larvicides, BS est de loin plus pathogène.

The lipid metabolism was investigated during six gonotrophic cycles of Aedes aegypti. Females of constant body size were analyzed for their total lipid content: large females with a body size of 41.06 (wing length cubed) and small females with 15.63. Their lipid contents at eclosion were compared to lipid values after two days of sugar-feeding, shortly before a blood meal, after oviposition, of their total egg batches, and again before the next blood meal, with intermittent access to sugar for two days for six gonotrophic cycles.Large females transferred most of their pre-blood meal lipid into the ovaries. Their low lipid content after oviposition was restored by synthesis from intermittent sugar meals. After the third gonotrophic cycle, they withheld more and more of the resynthesized lipid in their fat body, thus gradually reducing their fecundity. Since blood consumption was not altered significantly during these six cycles, age-related reduction of fecundity was clearly caused by limitations of yolk lipid.Small females transferred a considerably smaller, but constant segment of sugar-derived lipids to the ovaries. In both size classes, lipid content per oocyte was constant throughout all cycles with 9 mcal/oocyte in large and 7 mcal/oocyte in small females. Total fecundity reached 450 eggs in large and 280 eggs in small females. Large females that were maintained on water without sucrose took large blood meals from which part of the yolk lipid was synthesized. Extrapolations suggest that only one or two additional gonotrophic cycles would be possible without additional carbohydrate sources, despite lipogenesis from blood protein.  相似文献   

Oenocytes are ectodermic cells that participate in a number of critical physiological roles such as detoxification and lipid storage and metabolism in insects. In light of the lack of information on oenocytes from Aedes aegypti and the potential role of these cells in the biology of this major yellow fever and dengue vector, we developed a protocol to purify and maintain Ae. aegypti pupa oenocytes in primary culture. Ae. aegypti oenocytes were cultured as clustered and as isolated ovoid cells with a smooth surface. Our results demonstrate that these cells remain viable in cell culture for at least two months. We also investigated their morphology in vivo and in vitro using light, confocal, scanning and transmission electron microscopes. This work is the first successful attempt in isolating and maintaining Ae. aegypti oenocytes in culture, and a significant step towards understanding the role of this cell type in this important disease vector. The purification and the development of primary cultures of insect oenocytes will allow future studies of their metabolism in producing and secreting compounds.  相似文献   

These studies focus on the pupal Aedes aegypti midgut muscularis for the first 26 h following larval-pupal transition. The midgut muscularis of Ae. aegypti pupae during this first half of the pupal stadium is a grid of both circularly and longitudinally oriented muscle bands, arranged in a manner resembling that of the larvae. While many muscle bands exhibit signs of degeneration during the time period studied, not all bands degrade, nor is this degradation simultaneous. Band deterioration involves destruction of internal elements while the muscle fiber plasma membrane remains intact. Deterioration of contractile elements may involve proteosome-like structures and associated enzymes. Many features of the larval muscularis including cruciform cells, bifurcating circular bands, and bifurcating longitudinal bands of muscle are retained during the time period investigated. Neuromuscular junctions along some muscle bands are retained through at least 16 h into the pupal stadium. The selective nature of muscle fiber degradation, coupled with the retention of larval features and neural input, may allow for limited functionality of the muscularis during metamorphosis. Evidence of sexual dimorphism in the midgut muscularis of male and female Ae. aegypti pupae was not observed during the time period studied.  相似文献   

There are many species in which groups of individuals encountered in the field are known to consist of mixtures of full-sibling families. We describe a statistical technique, based on the use of random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) markers, that allows for the estimation of the number of families contained in these groups. We test the technique on full-sibling families of the mosquito Aedes aegypti, a species that distributes its eggs among several locations. Mixtures of 10 families with 15 individuals per family were analyzed using 40 RAPD-PCR loci amplified by 5 primers. Our analysis accurately estimated the number of families. The technique was accurate when the number of families was small or when family sizes were small and variable.  相似文献   

We report on the modification of the Aedes aegypti larval proteome following infection by the microsporidian parasite Vavraia culicis. Mosquito larvae were sampled at 5 and 15 days of age to compare the effects of infection when the parasite was in two different developmental stages. Modifications of the host proteome due to the stress of infection were distinguished from those of a more general nature by treatments involving hypoxia. We found that the major reaction to stress was the suppression of particular protein spots. Older (15 days) larvae reacted more strongly to infection by V. culicis (46% of the total number of spots affected; 17% for 5 days larvae), while the strongest reaction of younger (5 days) larvae was to hypoxia for pH range 5-8 and to combined effects of infection and hypoxia for pH range 3-6. MALDI-TOF results indicate that proteins induced or suppressed by infection are involved directly or indirectly in defense against microorganisms. Finally, our MALDI-TOF results suggest that A. aegypti larvae try to control or clear V. culicis infection and also that V. culicis probably impairs the immune defense of this host via arginases-NOS competition.  相似文献   

Insect disease vectors show diminished fecundity when infected with Plasmodium. This phenomenon has already been demonstrated in laboratory models such as Aedes aegypti, Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles stephensi. This study demonstrates several changes in physiological processes of A. aegypti occurring upon infection with Plasmodium gallinaceum, such as reduced ecdysteroid levels in hemolymph as well as altered expression patterns for genes involved in vitellogenesis, lipid transport and immune response. Furthermore, we could show that P. gallinaceum infected A. aegypti presented a reduction in reproductive fitness, accompanied by an activated innate immune response and increase in lipophorin expression, with the latter possibly representing a nutritional resource for Plasmodium sporozoites.  相似文献   

The midgut muscularis of larvae of the mosquito Aedes aegypti takes the form of a grid of longitudinal and circular muscle bands. The longitudinal and circular bands overlap at near right angles at many areas of intersection. The longitudinal bands run the length of the midgut. However, some bands of circular muscle, located in the anterior midgut, pass only partway around the gut. An unusual feature was observed at some regions where longitudinal and circular bands of muscle intersect: filaments oriented at near right angles to one another were present in the same membrane-bound fiber. These cruciform regions send contractile elements into both circular and longitudinal bands. The muscularis was fixed in a contracted state, so most of the sarcomeres are represented by complete overlap of myosin and lighter staining actin filaments. Features characteristic of supercontracting muscle, including perforated Z-lines, were seen in sarcomeres of circular muscle bands. Small invaginations resembling transverse tubules were present but a sarcoplasmic reticulum was not observed. While occasional cells that may be neurons or neurosecretory cells were observed, a network that might serve to coordinate the segmentation and peristaltic movement of the muscularis was not apparent.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of fifteen 1,5-disubstituted imidazoles (1,5-dis) on juvenile hormone III (JH III) and methyl farnesoate (MF) biosynthesis by the corpora allata (CA) of the mosquito Aedes aegypti in vitro. Four compounds (TH-35, TH-83, TH-62 and TH-28) significantly decreased JH biosynthesis in the CA dissected from 3-day old sugar-fed females. The decrease of JH synthesis was not always associated with increased MF. TH-30 and TH-83 increased MF levels, while TH-85 and TH-61 significantly decreased MF levels. Five compounds (TH-26, TH-60, TH-83, TH-35 and TH-30) significantly inhibited JH biosynthesis in the CA dissected from females 15 h after a blood meal. Four 1,5-dis (TH-30, TH-26, TH-28 and TH-66) caused MF increases in CA from blood-fed females. 1,5-Disubstituted imidazoles had higher inhibitory activity on JH synthesis when substituted at position 5 by a 3-benzyloxyphenyl group and at position 1 by a benzyl group (such as TH-35). Inhibition of JH and MF biosynthesis by TH-35 was age-dependent and influenced by nutritional status; inhibition differed when evaluated in the CA dissected from sugar-fed females at different days after emergence and in the CA dissected from females at different hours after a blood meal. Inhibition was always higher when the CA was more active. The addition of TH-35 significantly reduced the stimulatory effect of Aedes-allatotropin and farnesoic acid on JH synthesis. This is the first report of an inhibitory effect of 1,5-disubstituted imidazoles on JH synthesis in Diptera.  相似文献   

Summary Replicated divergent selection based upon the time taken to recover from the larval alarm reaction in the mosquito Aedes aegypti resulted in lines which recovered faster and slower than the control lines. Estimates of the realized heritability were consistent, ranging from 0.21 to 0.24 in the fast replicates and 0.19 to 0.20 in the slow replicates. After 11 generations of selection an apparent change in the fitness was examined using an application of the path analysis. The relevance of the findings to natural selection is also discussed.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of Aedes aegypti to Ascogregarina culicis and Aedes albopictus to Ascogregarina taiwanensis was examined with mosquito and parasite strains from Tampa, FL. When each host was bioassayed with its natural gregarine, the infection intensity indicated that Ae. aegypti was 59% more susceptible to A. culicis (87 gamonts/larva) than Ae. albopictus to A. taiwanensis (47 gamonts/larva). Infections in single and mixed host populations exposed to 100 oocysts/larva of one and both parasites demonstrated that Ae. aegypti harbors higher A. culicis gamont loads than Ae. albopictus of A. taiwanensis. In dual gregarine exposures of single host populations, the A. culicis infection intensity in Ae. aegypti was reduced by approximately 50%. A. taiwanensis exhibited the same capability of infecting Ae. albopictus in single and dual exposures. In mixed host populations there were no cross infections, but A. taiwanensis in Ae. albopictus produced an infection intensity of approximately 70% lower than that of A. culicis in Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

Understanding the processes by which species colonize and adapt to human habitats is particularly important in the case of disease-vectoring arthropods. The mosquito species Aedes aegypti, a major vector of dengue and yellow fever viruses, probably originated as a wild, zoophilic species in sub-Saharan Africa, where some populations still breed in tree holes in forested habitats. Many populations of the species, however, have evolved to thrive in human habitats and to bite humans. This includes some populations within Africa as well as almost all those outside Africa. It is not clear whether all domestic populations are genetically related and represent a single 'domestication' event, or whether association with human habitats has developed multiple times independently within the species. To test the hypotheses above, we screened 24 worldwide population samples of Ae. aegypti at 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We identified two distinct genetic clusters: one included all domestic populations outside of Africa and the other included both domestic and forest populations within Africa. This suggests that human association in Africa occurred independently from that in domestic populations across the rest of the world. Additionally, measures of genetic diversity support Ae. aegypti in Africa as the ancestral form of the species. Individuals from domestic populations outside Africa can reliably be assigned back to their population of origin, which will help determine the origins of new introductions of Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

We propose a mathematical model to assess the effects of irradiated (or transgenic) male insects introduction in a previously infested region. The release of sterile male insects aims to displace gradually the natural (wild) insect from the habitat. We discuss the suitability of this release technique when applied to peri-domestically adapted Aedes aegypti mosquitoes which are transmissors of Yellow Fever and Dengue disease.  相似文献   

Summary Two pure translocation homozygote stocks, T1/T1 and T3/T3, were used to produce a double translocation heterozygote system designated T1/T3, employing T1/T1 as the male and T3/T3 as the female parent. The double heterozygote showed 73 % sterility when mated to wild females. Tests on mating competitiveness, recombination frequency in the differential segment, insemination rate and inheritance of sterility after release, for four generations in laboratory cages, have been carried out to evaluate the efficiency of this strain as an agent for a population control programme.  相似文献   

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