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Initial reports of hominids recovered at Kow Swamp, in the Murray Valley of Victoria indicated that, on the basis of cranial analyses, there was a "survival of Homo erectus features in Australia until as recently as 10,000 years ago (Thorne and Macumber, 1972, p. 316). This claim was later refuted by others, who suggested that artificial cranial deformation may have been responsible for at least some of the distinctive and "primitive" traits seen in the Kow Swamp individuals. Previous research by this worker and others has indicated that taxonomic traits at both specific and subspecific levels are present in hominine femora. Therefore, it may be possible to evaluate the "primitiveness" of the Kow Swamp sample on the basis of their femoral anatomy. Morphometric analyses were undertaken, using as controls femora of Romano British, Tasmanian, and other Murray Valley populations. On the basis of bivariate and multivariate analyses it was found that, at least in this single element of the postcranium, no primitive features were present. The Kow Swamp sample, in fact, shows a very close morphometric relationship with all included Homo sapiens controls and is significantly distinct from Homo erectus.  相似文献   

In contradiction with field observations, theory predicts that the number of coexisting plankton species at equilibrium cannot exceed the number of limiting resources, which is called the "paradox of the plankton". Recently, Huisman & Weissing (1999 , 2000 ) showed, in a model study, that the number of coexisting species may exceed the number of limiting resources when internal system feedback induces oscillations or chaos. In this paper, we use the term "supersaturated coexistence" for this phenomenon. On the basis of these findings, they claimed that the paradox of the plankton is solved. We investigated the prerequisites for supersaturated coexistence in the same model. Our results indicate that supersaturated coexistence is a rare phenomenon in parameter space, requires a very precise parameterization of the community members and is sensitive to the introduction of new species and the removal of the present species. This raises the question of whether supersaturated coexistence is likely to occur in nature. We conclude that the claim by Huisman & Weissing (1999 , 2000 ) is premature.  相似文献   

Controversy continues over the carcinogenic properties of tanning beds. The tanning industry “sells” tanning beds as a safe alternative to UV exposure for both tanning as well as vitamin D biosynthesis. But, how safe are tanning beds? Epidemiologic data – incomplete and unsatisfactory – suggests that tanning beds are not safer than solar ultraviolet radiation and that they may have independent effects from solar exposure that increase risk for melanoma.  相似文献   

Sidedness polymorphism in flatfish has been linked to ecological selection between morphs. However, the alternate hypothesis that morphological differences between right‐ and left‐sided forms may be due to errors during development, as a consequence of disturbed homeostasis, which still remains largely unexplored. Here, we examined the case of Platichthys flesus (flounder), a polymorphic flatfish exhibiting large and clinal variation in the frequency of the left‐sided morph, which is the reversed condition in this generally right‐sided species. An integrated approach consisting of the analyses of shape variation, stomach contents, and skeletal anomalies was used. Morphological differences were observed between morphs, which are in agreement with previous findings in a congeneric species (Platichthys stellatus). In parallel, significant differences in feeding choices were detected, suggesting a coherent association between subtle morphological differences between morphs and their use of trophic resources. Skeletal anomalies and meristic counts did not corroborate the hypothesis that morphometric divergence in reversed individuals may be caused or reinforced by developmental instability. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In spite of the growing interest in rodents with subterranean activity in general and the spalacids (Spalacidae) in particular, little is known about the biology of most members of this clade, such as the Chinese bamboo rat (Rhizomys sinensis). Here, we analyzed the ear morphology of R. sinensis with respect to hearing specialization for subterranean or aboveground modes of communication. It is well‐known that ecology and style of life of a particular species can be reflected in morphology of its ear, its hearing and vocalization, so we expect that such information could provide us insight into its style of life and its sensory environment. The ratio between the eardrum and stapedial footplate areas, which influences the efficiency of middle ear sound transmission, suggests low hearing sensitivity, as is typical for subterranean species. The cochlea had 3.25 coils and resembled species with good low frequency hearing typical for subterranean mammals. The length of the basilar membrane was 18.9 ± 0.8 mm and its width slowly increased towards the cochlear apex from 60 to 85 μm. The mean density of outer hair cells was 344 ± 22 and of inner hair cells 114 ± 7.3 per 1 mm length of the organ of Corti, and increased apically. These values (except for relatively low hair cell density) usually characterize ears specialized for low frequency hearing. There was no evidence for an acoustic fovea. Apart of low hair cell density which is common in aboveground animals, this species has also relatively large auricles, suggesting the importance of sound localization during surface activity. The ear of the Chinese bamboo rat thus contains features typical for both aboveground and subterranean mammals and suggests that this spalacid has fossorial habits combined with regular aboveground activity. J. Morphol. 277:575–584, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Grant and Kluge have recently stated that Bremer support and their own REP (“relative explanatory power”), are the only objective measures of group support. This paper discusses their claim, showing that their philosophical arguments have no basis, and that their own numerical examples actually serve to illustrate shortcomings of REP.  相似文献   

An unresolved question arising from human evolutionary research relates to the function of the postreproductive period in human females. If menopause is not merely an artifact resulting from the benefits of civilization, there must be an adaptive mechanism favoring the offspring of women who continue to thrive well past the time of their last ovulation. The "grandmother hypothesis" was developed on the basis of the original suggestion by Williams (1957 Evolution 11:32-39) that "stopping early" would benefit already-born children. This idea, combined with the concepts of kin selection (Hamilton 1964 J Theor Biol 7:1-52) and parental investment (Trivers 1972 Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man, Chicago: Aldine, p. 136-179), was expanded to suggest that postreproductive women (in contrast to males) contribute to their inclusive fitness by extending support to their grandchildren. We used discrete time event history analysis (Allison [1984] Event History Analysis, Newbury Park: Sage; Allison [1995] Survival Analysis, Cary, NC: SAS Institute) and logistic regression on data provided in population registers (Shūmon Aratame Chō, or SAC) from a village in central Japan, covering the period from 1671-1871, in a preliminary investigation of the effects of household grandparental presence on the probability of a child's death. We found that after accounting for the presence of other household members, the only grandparent whose presence exerted a consistent negative effect on the likelihood of a child's death was the mother's mother. Due to the small sample size of households that contained maternal grandmothers, these results failed to achieve statistical significance. Their importance, however, is in what they suggest about future research, i.e., census data from preindustrial societies can provide a basis for testing evolutionary proposals, including the "grandmother hypothesis."  相似文献   

The gorillas that inhabit Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda are the least known of the eastern gorillas. Because they are an allopatric population living a minimum of 25 km from the well‐studied population of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in Rwanda and have certain morphological and ecological differences from these gorillas, their taxonomic status has been in question in recent years. This study presents new craniodental metrics from Bwindi individuals and compares them to Virunga individuals as well as to eastern lowland gorillas, G. gorilla graueri. Multivariate statistics, including MANCOVA, least‐squares, regression, and principal components analyses, were used to evaluate how closely the Bwindi crania resemble the Virunga crania and how both relate to G. g. graueri. Results indicate that the Bwindi gorillas have generally smaller crania than the Virunga gorillas, but when metrics are log‐transformed, the only variable that distinguishes the Bwindi individuals is a longer face. When both populations are compared to G. g. graueri, they cluster together separately from the eastern lowland gorillas, sharing such features as higher rami, wider bigonia, longer mandibles, and wider and shorter mandibular symphyses in relation to G. g. graueri. Functional morphological explanations for these differences are discussed, but lacking measurements of the physical properties of G. g. graueri, they cannot fully be explained. Results clearly indicate that at least pertaining to the cranium, upon which most gorilla taxonomy is based, the Bwindi gorillas are proper mountain gorillas (G. b. beringei). Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Local niche‐based processes and dispersal are important determinants of assemblage composition and species diversity. However, there is no consensus about the relative importance of niche and spatial processes to explain the distribution of anuran species in tropical systems. In our study, we analyzed the niche and neutral effects on anuran assemblages and found that biotic interactions were a predictor of assemblage structure. The Eltonian concept of niche was the best predictor for the structure of aquatic‐breeding anuran assemblages, as species tended to co‐occur more often than would be expected by chance. We suggest that the lack of environmental effect could be explained by differences in the pattern of movement between arboreal and non‐arboreal anurans. Once there is a reduction in the number of arboreal anurans in open areas, the importance of habitat heterogeneity to explain assemblage composition should decrease. The lack of correlation between the spatial component in our model and species composition is evidence that spatial processes, such as migration, did not play a major role in structuring local assemblages. Anurans are generally assumed as having poor dispersal ability, yet this assumption is not true for all anuran species. We suggest that future studies should include key behavioral traits, such as site fidelity and homing behavior, as these traits can represent the dispersal abilities of anurans and dispersal ability seems to be important when we try to predict patterns of anuran distribution.  相似文献   

A new horseshoe crab species, Limulus darwini, is described from the uppermost Jurassic (ca. 148 Ma) near-shore sediments of the Kcynia Formation, central Poland. The only extant species Limulus polyphemus (Linnaeus) inhabits brackish-marine, shallow water environments of the east coast of the United States. Here it is shown that there are no important morphological differences between the Kcynia Formation specimens and extant juvenile representatives of the genus Limulus. The palaeoecological setting inhabited by the new species and the trophic relationships of extant horseshoe crabs are discussed in an attempt to determine the potential range of food items ingested by these Mesozoic xiphosurans. In this paper we propose the adoption of a new term stabilomorphism, this being: an effect of a specific formula of adaptative strategy among organisms whose taxonomic status does not exceed genus-level. A high effectiveness of adaptation significantly reduces the need for differentiated phenotypic variants in response to environmental changes and provides for long-term evolutionary success.  相似文献   

Zahavi's “Bond Testing Hypothesis” states that irritating stimuli are used to elicit honest information from social partners regarding their attitudes towards the relationship. Two elements of the Cebus capucinus vocal repertoire, the “gargle” and “twargle,” have been hypothesized to serve such a bond-testing function. The greatest threat to C. capucinus infant survival, and to adult female reproductive success, is infanticide perpetrated by alpha males. Thus, we predicted that infants (<8 months), pregnant females and females with infants would gargle/twargle at higher rates than the rest of the population, directing these vocalizations primarily to the alpha male. Over 16 years, researchers collected data via focal follows in 11 habituated groups of wild capuchins in Lomas Barbudal, Costa Rica. We found some support for our hypothesis. Infants and females with infants (<8 months) vocalized at higher rates than the rest of the population. Pregnant females did not vocalize at relatively high rates. Infants (age 8–23 months) were the only target group that vocalized more when the alpha male was not their father. Monkeys gargled and twargled most frequently towards the alpha male, who is both the perpetrator of infanticide and the most effective protector against potentially infanticidal males.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(8):1020-1032
Most nonmammalian synapsids possess a mid‐dorsal depression in the brain cavity known as the “unossified zone.” It remains obscure which structures this zone contained, and, as candidates, the vermis of the cerebellum, the superior sagittal sinus, a junction of several blood vessels, the pineal gland or other midbrain structures were considered. Neutron tomography of a skull of Diictodon feliceps (Therapsida, Anomodontia) revealed some clear impressions of canals in this region of the brain cavity. Furthermore, the prootic sinus probably ran on the internal surface of the pila antotica and had a similar course in anomodonts as it has been proposed for cynodonts and Mesozoic mammals. Comparisons with the vascular systems of nonmammalian synapsids and mammals suggest that the unossified zone is best interpreted as a terminal chamber of the anterior segment of the medial head vein, which housed the junction of the superior sagittal sinus and the transverse sinuses. Consequently, the system of cranial vessels in Diictodon reveals a partial division of the medial head vein system into an anterior and a posterior segment at an early stage of synapsid evolution, which is consistent with the well‐known common pattern of early ontogenetic development in amniotes. J. Morphol., 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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