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The ascomycete genus Coniocessia has recently been established to accommodate the only and type species, C. nodulisporioides, with nodulisporium-like anamorph, formerly classified in Coniochaeta. Four new Coniocessia species are described here, three of which were isolated from cereal seeds and straw in Iran and one from goat dung collected in Spain, using morphological and molecular data (sequences of the ITS and D1-D2 regions of the LSU-ribosomal DNA) as well as growth–temperature relationships. Parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses based on the D1-D2 regions of the LSU strongly supported the placement of Coniocessia as a monophyletic clade within the new family Coniocessiaceae and Coniolariella within the Xylariaceae (Xylariales). Coniocessia maxima is differentiated from the closest species, C. nodulisporioides, by larger ascomata and asci, and more richly branched, macronematous conidiophores with very distinct, elongated conidiogenous cells. Coniocessia cruciformis has ascospores with strongly thickened longitudinal rim, appearing rather cruciform in side view; micronematous conidiophores and less distinct conidiogenous cells. Coniocessia minima possesses small ascomata maturing very slowly, with an opaque peridium and inaequilaterally flattened ascospores; conidiogenous cells are bulbose to club-shaped, conidia globose to subglobose. Coniocessia anandra, the only species lacking an anamorph, is mainly characterized by translucent ascomata with a broad ostiole.  相似文献   

该文描述了罂粟科绿绒蒿属三新种。(1)自四川西北部发现的二新种:肋蕊绿绒蒿,此种可能与拉萨绿绒蒿近缘,区别特征为此种叶片较狭,全缘,子房具4条纵肋;狭瓣绿绒蒿,此种可能与川西绿绒蒿近缘,区别特征为此种叶片较小,无毛,花瓣呈条状倒披针形。(2)自青海南部发现的一新种:短丝绿绒蒿,此种可能隶属于琴叶绿绒蒿亚属、滇西绿绒蒿组、滇西绿绒蒿系,与此系其他种的区别在于此种的披针状条形花瓣和较少、较短的雄蕊(花丝长1~5 mm)以及无花柱的雌蕊和被具短毛的硬毛子房。  相似文献   

A new genus, Sidera (Hymenochaetales), is described to accommodate the dimitic polypores Skeletocutis lenis and S. vulgaris, the monomitic polypore Ceriporiopsis lowei, and the monomitic, hydnoid Athelopsis lunata. The genus is characterised by white-rot, whitish resupinate fruiting bodies, crystal rosettes on specialised hyphae, and allantoid spores. Cinereomyces (Polyporales) is confirmed to be a good genus including C. lindbladii, separate from Diplomitoporus as defined by its type species D. flavescens and the closely related D. crustulinus. Fabisporus is a taxonomic synonym of Diplomitoporus. Poriodontia subvinosa belongs to the Hymenochaetales.  相似文献   

蔡磊  BORAH Dipankar  刀志灵  温放 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1402-1408
通过查阅相关文献和标本,作者发现近期发表的苦苣苔科吊石苣苔属植物一新种——Lysionotus bijantiae D. Borah & A. Joe实为鉴定错误,应是汉克苣苔属的长圆叶汉克苣苔[Henckelia oblongifolia(Roxb.)D. J. Middleton & Mich. Möller] [原长圆叶唇柱苣苔Chirita oblongifolia(Roxb.)Sinclair]。Lysionotus bijantiae的模式标本采集于中国西藏东南部地区的喜马拉雅南坡,该地区苦苣苔植物多样性较为丰富。作者因其花具2枚发育雄蕊而将其归于吊石苣苔属,花萼分裂不达基部而与吊石苣苔属其他相关种类比较,而忽略了其种子先端不具附属物的特征。通过电镜扫描观察到,该种在墨脱境内居群以及其模式产地居群的种子均无附属物,从而证实了该种不是吊石苣苔属的物种,而是属于汉克苣苔属。因此,作者将Lysionotus bijantiae处理为Henckelia oblongifolia的新异名,同时提供了长圆叶汉克苣苔的彩色图片(含种子扫描图)、选定模式标本,并给出了吊石苣苔属和汉克苣苔属的区分方法和主要识别特征,不仅为这两个属的物种鉴定提供了参考,而且避免更多的物种分类混淆问题出现。  相似文献   

A new acropomatid, Malakichthys barbatus, is described on the basis of 27 specimens (76.3–180.1 mm SL) collected from Suruga Bay to Tosa Bay, along the southern Pacific coast of Japan. The new species is unique in having numerous pairs of spines on the chin (a pair of spines in other congeners). Although the new species resembles M. elegans in having a slender body (the depth less than 35% SL), the former is further distinguishable from the latter in having a slender first proximal radial of the anal fin with no hollow (broad with a cone-shaped hollow in M. elegans), 43–48 lateral line scales (48–51), modally 21 gill rakers on the lower arm (modally 23), and a dark blotch on the opercle (no remarkable blotch). Received: July 2, 2000 / Revised: September 27, 2000 / Accepted: January 30, 2001  相似文献   

记述中国簇角飞虱属Belocera Muir 1新种:拟褐额簇角飞虱B. parafuscifrons sp. nov.,本新种与其近似种褐额簇角飞虱B. fuscifrons Chen, 2002的区别在于:阳茎直,端向略狭,端部具4个刺状突起,其右侧端突基部具1小齿;阳基侧突侧观端部2/5强烈弯曲,外端角角状。文章提供了成虫及雄、雌性外生殖器特征图,编制了属的分种检索表。研究标本保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

A new genus of orthocladiine Chironomidae, Botryocladius (type species B. grapeth sp.n. from eastern Australia) is described and illustrated in all life history stages. All thirteen included species are described as new, six from eastern Australia (B. grapeth, B. brindabella, B. mdfrc, B. collessi, B. tasmania, B. australoalpinus), two from Western Australia (B. bibulmun and B. freemani), one from ephemeral streams in Australia (B. petrophilus) and four from Patagonian Argentina and Chile (B. edwardsi, B. glacialis, B. mapuche and B. tronador). All Australian species are known from at least pupal exuviae, most from adult males and several from larvae. In contrast, only B. edwardsi amongst Neotropical species is known from the adult male; all others are described from pupal exuviae. The immature stages are lotic in Australian permanent and temporary streams and Patagonian glacial streams and rivers, and lentic in Neotropical glacial-fed and Australian subalpine lakes. Botryocladius appears to belong with a grouping centred on two formally undescribed taxa from Australia. The genus evidently demonstrates a vicariant distribution with at least two sister-group relationships between South American and Australian taxa, providing a minimum dating for the clade of 38 Ma., with apparent absence from New Zealand indicating a maximum date of 80 Ma.  相似文献   

The genus Neoerysiphe belongs to the tribe Golovinomyceteae of the Erysiphaceae together with the genera Arthrocladiella and Golovinomyces. This is a relatively small genus, comprising only six species, and having ca 300 species from six plant families as hosts. To investigate the molecular phylogeny and evolution of the genus, we determined the nucleotide sequences of the rDNA ITS regions and the divergent domains D1 and D2 of the 28S rDNA. The 30 ITS sequences from Neoerysiphe are divided into three monophyletic groups that are represented by their host families. Groups 1 and 3 consist of N. galeopsidis from Lamiaceae and N. galii from Rubiaceae, respectively, and the genetic diversity within each group is extremely low. Group 2 is represented by N. cumminsiana from Asteraceae. This group also includes Oidium baccharidis, O. maquii, and Oidium spp. from Galinsoga (Asteraceae) and Aloysia (Verbenaceae), and is further divided into four subgroups. N. galeopsidis is distributed worldwide, but is especially common in western Eurasia from Central Asia to Europe. N. galii is also common in western Eurasia. In contrast, the specimens of group 2 were all collected in the New World, except for one specimen that was collected in Japan; this may indicate a close relationship of group 2 with the New World. Molecular clock calibration demonstrated that Neoerysiphe split from other genera of the Erysiphaceae ca 35–45 M years ago (Mya), and that the three groups of Neoerysiphe diverged between 10 and 15 Mya, in the Miocene. Aloysia citriodora is a new host for the Erysiphaceae and the fungus on this plant is described as O. aloysiae sp. nov.  相似文献   

记述采自贵州地区的长腹寄蝇属Dolichocoxys Townsend 3个新种:黄基长腹寄蝇D. flavibasis sp. nov.、黑腹长腹寄蝇D. obscurus sp. nov.和短柄长腹寄蝇D. brevis sp. nov.。文中附所有新种的详细描述、鉴别特征图、近缘关系的讨论及中国长腹寄蝇属分种检索表。新种的模式标本保存于贵州省安顺市疾病预防控制中心医学昆虫研究室。  相似文献   

The taxonomy of common northern nudibranch molluscs of the genus Dendronotus in the vast cold regions of Eurasia remains largely unknown. Abundant material collected in many localities from the Barents Sea, via the Arctic region, to the north‐west Pacific was analysed for the first time. An integrated approach combining morphological and ontogenetic data with molecular four‐gene (COI, 16S, H3, and 28S) analysis reveals seven species, including three previously undescribed. Dendronotus frondosus (Ascanius, 1774) and Dendronotus dalli Bergh, 1879 were commonly considered as amphiboreal species; however, according to this study they are restricted to the North Atlantic and the North Pacific, respectively. In the north‐west Pacific two new species were discovered, D endronotus kamchaticus sp. nov. and D endronotus kalikal sp. nov. , that are externally similar to D. frondosus, but that show significant distance according to molecular analysis and are considerably different in radular morphology. In the North Atlantic a new species D endronotus niveus sp. nov. , sibling to North Pacific D. dalli, is revealed. The separate status of North Atlantic Dendronotus lacteus (Thompson, 1840) is confirmed, including considerable range extension. The essential similarity of early ontogenetic stages of radular development common for species with disparate adult radular morphology (such as D. frondosus and D. dalli) is shown, and its importance for taxonomy is discussed. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The new genus and species Teracosphaeria petroica is described for a perithecial ascomycete and its anamorph occurring on decayed wood collected in New Zealand. The fungus produces immersed, non-stromatic ceratosphaeria-like perithecia in nature, with hyaline, septate ascospores produced in unitunicate, non-amyloid asci. The anamorph produced in vitro is phialophora-like with lightly pigmented phialides terminating in flaring, deep collarettes that are often noticeably brown with conspicuous periclinal thickening. Phylogenetic analysis of LSU rDNA sequence data indicates that this fungus is distinct from morphologically similar fungi classified in the Chaetosphaeriales, the Trichosphaeriales or the Magnaporthaceae. It forms a monophyletic group with recently described, chaetosphaeria-like ascomycetes, such as the pyrenomycete genus Mirannulata, and shows affinity with the anamorphic species Dictyochaeta cylindrospora. The usefulness of describing anamorph genera for morphologically reduced anamorphs, when anamorph characteristics are actually part of the holomorph diagnosis, is discussed. An apparently contradictory example of the so-called Cordana and Pseudobotrytis anamorphs of Porosphaerella spp. is also discussed.  相似文献   

Arabibarbus hadhrami, a new species of cyprinid fish from the Hadhramaut Province of Yemen, is described. It has modally 30 scales (29–32) in the lateral line, the wedge-shaped head is longer (27.8–32.5 % SL) and higher (15.5–18.4 % SL) than in its congeners. The body is slender and laterally flattened. The dorsal fin is high (26.5–32.4 % SL) and well ossified. The pectoral fins (19.9–23.9 % SL) and pelvic fins (16.8–19.8 % SL) are longer than in its congeners. Two closely related species, Arabibarbus arabicus and Arabibarbus grypus are re-described and compared to the new species. Based on morphological and molecular characters the new genus Arabibarbus is erected for these three species. It is characterised by medium to large body size, an ossified, smooth principal dorsal fin ray, eight branched dorsal and five branched anal fin rays, large shield-shaped scales with numerous parallel radii, a lateral line with 29 to 44 scales, pharyngeal teeth that are hooked at their tips, their count being 2.3.5–5.3.2 and the possession of two pairs of barbels. Arabibarbus hadhrami is the type species of the new genus. The phylogenetic position of the new genus is analysed, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. It is the sister taxon to the genus Carasobarbus Karaman, 1971 and closely related to Mesopotamichthys Karaman, 1971, Pterocapoeta Günther, 1902 and ‘Barbusreinii Günther, 1874. Arabibarbus probably colonised the Arabian Peninsula about 4 Ma ago, coming from the Tigris-Euphrates drainage in the East via Wādī ar Rimah/Wādī al Bā?in.  相似文献   

赵国柱  张天宇 《菌物学报》2007,26(3):324-35
报道单格孢属的两个新种,一个新组合,5个中国新记录种和两个未定名种,同时,对所有已知在中国发现的本属真菌的种进行了归纳总结并制作了检索表。新种小黑球单格孢Monodictys nigraglobulosa的典型特征是产生黑色近球形的分生孢子,具有黑而厚的隔膜;横向单格孢Monodictys transversa的分生孢子横向生长,即孢子的横向量度大于其高度。两个未定名种具有单格孢属的特征,但目前的材料所表现的分种特征还不够充分,暂称之为Monodictys sp.1和Monodictys sp.2,供进一步研究探讨。新组合为方单格孢Monodictys quadrata(Atk.)G.Z.Zhao&T.Y.Zhang。研究标本保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

报道单格孢属的两个新种,一个新组合,5个中国新记录种和两个未定名种,同时,对所有已知在中国发现的本属真菌的种进行了归纳总结并制作了检索表。新种小黑球单格孢Monodictys nigraglobulosa的典型特征是产生黑色近球形的分生孢子,具有黑而厚的隔膜;横向单格孢Monodictys transversa的分生孢子横向生长,即孢子的横向量度大于其高度。两个未定名种具有单格孢属的特征,但目前的材料所表现的分种特征还不够充分,暂称之为Monodictys sp.1和 Monodictys sp.2,供进一步研究探讨。新组合为方单格孢Monodictys quadrata (Atk.) G. Z. Zhao & T. Y. Zhang。研究标本保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

In the course of a comparative analysis of the species included in the copepod genus Monstrillopsis Sars, a new species of the genus was discovered. The new species, Monstrillopsis chilensis n. sp., was found in a plankton sample collected in coastal waters off central Chile in the Southeastern Pacific. The adult female is similar to females of the type species M. dubia Scott and related forms but differs from its congeners by a combination of characters including: (1) a pair of small cephalic processes present between bases of antennules; (2) deep corrugations present on proximo-lateral surface of fifth pedigerous somite; (3) exopodal lobe of fifth leg not distally elongated; and (4) endopodal lobe of fifth legs short. This is the first record of the genus in the Southeastern Pacific and the second record of any monstrilloid in Chile. A comparative analysis of the species assigned to Monstrillopsis allowed a clarification of the generic characters and limits. The most important apomorphic characters in the genus are the presence of four caudal setae and modifications of the male antennule; other potentially useful characters are the pattern of antennule segmentation and the uniform presence of a reduced inner lobe of the fifth leg. The female of Monstrilla reticulata Davis should be retained in Monstrilla, but the purportedly conspecific male is probably a Monstrillopsis. Monstrillopsis ciqroi Suárez-Morales and M. angustipes Isaac should be transferred to Monstrilla. Haemocera filogranarum Malaquin is probably a species of Monstrillopsis. Monstrillopsis zernowi is tentatively retained in this genus as an aberrant form. A key for the identification of the species of this genus is included.  相似文献   

该文报道了中国文字衣科地衣一新记录属——裂孔衣属(Schizotrema Mangold & Lumbsch)及其1个新记录种,即瓜岛裂孔衣 [Schizotrema guadeloupense(Hale)Mangold & Lumbsch],标本来自云南。该属主要特征为地衣体壳状,树皮生,具子囊盘类或色盘衣类的子囊果,子囊果具再生层状边缘,固有盘被融合或不明显,具侧生侧丝,子囊孢子横隔透镜或砖壁型。瓜岛裂孔衣也是亚洲新记录种。此外,该文还对裂孔衣属其他5种的生态分布特征进行了描述,并提供了该属世界范围检索表。以上结果为文字衣科地衣的分类学研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

Summary A new criconematid genus Amphisbaenema is proposed, its type being a new species, A. paradoxiger, from Western Samoa which shows an unusual combination of features in that the outer layer of the female cuticle is broken up into numerous platelets and the female head is rounded without submedian lobes, labial plates or pseudolips; the male has prominent caudal alae and juveniles have longitudinal rows of tubercles over most of the body which is covered by an outer layer of fine backwardly directed spines. Nothocriconema lamellatum (Raski & Golden, 1966) De Grisse, 1967 is transferred to this genus and a second new species, A. amicorum, from Tonga is tentatively assigned to it. Two new Nothocriconema species, N. polynesianum and N. lanxifrons, are also described. ac]19810806  相似文献   

In the present study phylogenetic relationships of the genus Stereocaulon (lichenized ascomycetes) were examined using DNA sequences from the ITS1–5.8 S–ITS2 rDNA gene cluster and from the protein-coding β-tubulin gene. In addition to the fruticose species traditionally classified in Stereocaulon, representatives of the crustose species that have recently been transferred to the genus were included. Muhria, a monotypic genus that is morphologically similar to Stereocaulon, differing only in apothecia ontogeny, was also incorporated. The analyses included 101 specimens from the ingroup representing 49 taxa. Sequences from both DNA regions were analysed simultaneously using direct optimization under the parsimony optimality criterion. The results support the inclusion of the crustose species and Muhria in Stereocaulon, while the current infrageneric classification is not supported. As Muhria is securely nested within Stereocaulon the new combination Stereocaulon urceolatum comb. nov. (syn. Muhria urceolata) is made. Further, species concepts need to be re-examined, as some species do not appear as monophyletic entities in the phylogeny.  相似文献   

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