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Tetranitromethane treatment of 3-ketosteroid-Delta(1)-dehydrogenase of Rhodococcus rhodochrous caused loss of the catalytic activity in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Peptides (P-81) and (PN-83) were isolated from tryptic digests of the native and tetranitromethane-treated enzyme proteins, respectively. PN-83 was the nitrated form of P-81. The amino acid sequence was GGAPLIDYLESDDDLEFMVYPWPDYFGK (positions 97-124 of the dehydrogenase sequence). PN-83 showed a low yield of PTH-Tyr of position 116, i.e. less than 5% of that of P-81, and instead a high yield of PTH-3-nitrotyrosine. This indicated that tetranitromethane modifies Y-116 under the experimental conditions used. Mutation of Y-104, Y-116, and Y-121 to smaller amino acid residues, Phe, Ser, or Ala, significantly changed the catalytic activity of the dehydrogenase. All of the mutants contained FAD and exhibited the same spectrophotometric properties as those of the wild type enzyme. The K(m) values for 4-androstene-3,17-dione of the Y-104, Y-116, and Y-121 mutants changed to large values. The most drastic change was observed for Y116A. The K(d) values for 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione of the Y116 mutants changed to 1.5-2.6-fold larger values than that of the recombinant enzyme. The Y-121 mutant enzymes exhibited catalytic activities like those of the recombinant enzyme, but the catalytic efficiencies of Y121F and Y121A drastically decreased to 0. 014-0.054% of that of the recombinant enzyme. The present results indicate that Y-121 plays an important role in the catalytic function, and that Y-116 and Y-104 act on binding of the substrate steroid.  相似文献   

3-Ketosteroid-delta 1-dehydrogenase from Nocardia corallina is a flavoenzyme that catalyzes 1,2-desaturation of 3-ketosteroid. The dehydrogenase generated complexes with 3-ketosteroids and phenolic steroids such as estradiol with remarkable perturbations of the visible spectrum. The enzyme did not make the adduct with sulfite ion, but could use molecular oxygen as the electron acceptor. The CD spectra of oxidized and steroid-bound enzymes exhibited positive dichroisms in the visible region which resembled those of flavoenzyme oxidases. The dehydrogenase led isosbestically to the stable red semiquinone species with large yields upon photochemical or dithionite reduction (at pH 7.4) in the presence of the steroid product, 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione, but in the absence of the steroid the yield of semiquinone was low and the fully reduced enzyme was obtained. Substrate titration also yielded the red flavo-semiquinone stoichiometrically and it was hard to generate the fully reduced form. The reduced enzyme was oxidized with molecular oxygen, but did not oxidize with ferricyanide. An EPR study of these half-reduced forms confirmed the presence of the radical species with the g = 2.004 signal. The dehydrogenase was rapidly reduced with an excess amount of 3-ketosteroid at about 80% yield at pH 7.4 under anaerobic conditions and the reduced species was altered to the stable red semiquinone species. The rate of this reaction was t1/2 = 28 min at pH 7.4, 130 min at pH 9.0 and 34 min at pH 6.4, respectively. These results indicate that the semiquinone species does not act directly in turnover of the dehydrogenase reaction. The results were compared with the spectral properties of general acyl-CoA dehydrogenases and acyl-CoA oxidase toward the mechanism of C1,2-dehydrogenation.  相似文献   

The inducible 3-ketosteroid-delta 1-dehydrogenase of Nocardia corallina which catalyzes the introduction of a double bond into the position of carbon 1 and 2 of ring A of 3-ketosteroid has been obtained in four steps with a 50% yield and 360-fold purification. The enzyme is homogeneous as judged by SDS-gel electrophoresis and is a monomeric protein with a molecular weight of 60,500. The isoelectric point of the enzyme is about 3.1. The enzyme contains 1 mol of flavin adenine dinucleotide per mol of protein, and has a typical flavoprotein absorption spectrum with maxima of 458, 362 and 268 nm. The enzyme is very stable in the absence of added cofactors, and catalyzes the dehydrogenation of delta 4-3-ketosteroids in the presence of phenazine methosulfate, which acts as an excellent electron acceptor. Potassium ferricyanide and cytochrome c did not act as electron acceptors. The delta 1-dehydrogenation was also stimulated by molecular oxygen with stoichiometric production of hydrogen peroxide and delta 1,4-3-ketosteroid. The optimum pH is 10 for dehydrogenation using phenazine methosulfate, and is between 8.5 and 10 for the oxidase reaction. The enzyme oxidizes a wide variety of 3-ketosteroids, but not 3 beta-hydroxysteroids. 3-Ketosteroids having an 11 alpha- or 11 beta-hydroxyl group were oxidized at slow rates. The purified enzyme catalyzes efficiently aromatization of the A-ring of 19-nortestosterone and 19-norandrostenedione to produce estradiol and estrone. 19-Hydroxytestosterone, 19-hydroxyandrostenedion and 19-oxotestosterone were converted to the respective phenolic steroids with cleavage of the C10 side-chain. Activities of 3-ketosteroid-delta 4-dehydrogenase, delta 5-3-ketosteroid-4,5-isomerase, 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase were not observed in the purified preparations. Properties of this novel flavoprotein enzyme are discussed.  相似文献   

为了研究蛋白脱乙酰化酶-1(HDAC1)保守氨基酸中组氨酸的定点突变对其功能的影响,需要建立HDAC1保守组氨酸定点突变的突变子。在克隆野生型HDAC1cDNA的基础上,利用Al-tered SiteⅡ体外突变系统对HDAC1保守氨基酸中的3个组氨酸位点进行突变,并用全自动测序鉴定。结果分别获得了HDAC1的H140F、H178F、H179F的定点突变子,为进一步研究HDAC1保守氨基酸定点突变对  相似文献   

A detailed study of the pH dependence of the Michaelis-Menten constants (V and Km) of aryl sulfatase A (EC from rabbit liver indicates that at least two functional groups (pK's ~4.3 and ~7 in the enzyme-substrate complex) participate in the enzymic degradation of substrate. Aryl sulfatase A is inactivated by diethyl pyrocarbonate (ethoxyformic anhydride). The enzyme that has been modified with this reagent can in turn be reactivated by treatment with hydroxylamine. The pH dependence of inactivation reveals a reactive group having a pK of 6.5–7.0. The results indicate that at least one histidine plays an important catalytic role in rabbit liver aryl sulfatase A, consistent with the results of earlier workers who employed diazotized sulfanilic acid. Phosphate ion, a competitive inhibitor, partially protects the enzyme from inactivation by diethyl pyrocarbonate whereas sulfate ion, also a competitive inhibitor, increases the rate of inactivation by diethyl pyrocarbonate. This result is of particular significance in view of the anomalous kinetics of aryl sulfatase A. The kinetic effects of even small amounts of sulfate ion impurities in many commercial sulfate ester substrate preparations is also discussed.  相似文献   

3-Ketovalidoxylamine A C-N lyase of Flavobacterium saccharophilum is a monomeric protein with a molecular weight of 36,000. Amino acid analysis revealed that the enzyme contains 5 histidine residues and no cysteine residue. The enzyme was inactivated by diethylpyrocarbonate (DEP) following pseudo-first order kinetics. Upon treatment of the inactivated enzyme with hydroxylamine, the enzyme activity was completely restored. The difference absorption spectrum of the modified versus native enzyme exhibited a prominent peak around 240 nm, but there was no absorbance change above 270 nm. The pH-dependence of inactivation suggested the involvement of an amino acid residue having a pKa of 6.8. These results indicate that the inactivation is due to the modification of histidine residues. Substrates of the lyase, p-nitrophenyl-3-ketovalidamine, p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-3-ketoglucoside, and methyl-alpha-D-3-ketoglucoside, protected the enzyme against the inactivation, suggesting that the modification occurred at or near the active site. Although several histidine residues were modified by DEP, a plot of log (reciprocal of the half-time of inactivation) versus log (concentration of DEP) suggested that one histidine residue has an essential role in catalysis.  相似文献   

1. Inactivation of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase for diethyl pyrocarbonate indicates that one histidine residue per enzyme subunit is necessary for enzymic activity. The inactivated enzyme regains its activity over a period of days. 2. Enzyme modified by diethyl pyrocarbonate can form the binary enzyme - NADH complex with the same maximum NADH-binding capacity as that of native enzyme. Modified enzyme cannot form normal ternary complexes of the type enzyme - NADH - acetamide and enzyme - NAD+ - pyrazole, which are characteristic of native enzyme. 3. The rate constant for the reaction of enzyme with diethyl pyrocarbonate has been determined over the pH range 5.5--9. The histidine residue involved has approximately the same pKa as free histidine, but is 10-fold more reactive than free histidine.  相似文献   

葡萄糖3-脱氢酶的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葡萄糖3-脱氢酶是一种黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸(FAD)酶,能氧化葡萄糖上的C-3羟基,将葡萄糖转化为相应的3-酮化合物。叙述了葡萄糖3-脱氢酶的来源、性质、生产及其分离纯化。介绍了葡萄糖3-脱氢酶的基因工程进展,以及该酶在工业、医学诊断上的应用前景。  相似文献   

Heat-stable malate dehydrogenase isolated from Thermus flavus AT62 was completely inactivated by treatment with diethylpyrocarbonate. The inactivation was accompanied by the loss of 1.2 histidine residues per subunit of the enzyme. The enzyme was protected from inactivation by NADH. The enzyme was also inactivated by dye-sensitized photooxidation. Methionine residues, in addition to histidine residues, were destroyed in the inactivated enzyme. Kinetic analyses of the inactivation indicated that the pK value of the residue involved in the inactivation was 8.20 at 25.0 degrees C and 7.52 at 60.0 degrees C. From the pK values and the heat of ionization calculated from the van't Hoff plot of pKs, a histidine residue was identified to be primarily involved in the inactivation. The effect of temperature on the pK value of the essential group in this enzyme from a thermophilic organism is discussed.  相似文献   

The catalytically essential amino acid, histidine 176, in the active site of Escherichia coli glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) has been replaced with an asparagine residue by site-directed mutagenesis. The role of histidine 176 as a chemical activator, enhancing the reactivity of the thiol group of cysteine 149, has been demonstrated, with iodoacetamide as a probe. The esterolytic properties of GAPDH, illustrated by the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate, have been also studied. The kinetic results favor a role for histidine 176 not only as a chemical activator of cysteine 149 but also as a hydrogen donor facilitating the formation of tetrahedral intermediates. These results support the hypothesis that histidine 176 plays a similar role during the oxidative phosphorylation of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.  相似文献   

The lysosomal membrane enzyme acetyl-CoA:alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase catalyzes the transfer of the acetyl group from acetyl-CoA to terminal alpha-linked glucosamine residues of heparan sulfate. The reaction appears to be a transmembrane process: the enzyme is acetylated on the outside of the lysosome, and the acetyl group is transferred across the membrane to the inside of the lysosome where it is used to acetylate glucosamine. To determine the reactive site residues involved in the acetylation reaction, lysosomal membranes were treated with various amino acid modification reagents and assayed for enzyme activity. Although four thiol modification reagents were examined, only one, p-chloromercuribenzoate inactivated the N-acetyltransferase. Thiol modification by p-chloromercuribenzoate did not appear to occur at the active site since inactivation was still observed in the presence of the substrate acetyl-CoA. N-Acetyltransferase could be inactivated by N-bromosuccinimide, even after pretreatment with reagents specific for tyrosine and tryptophan, suggesting that the modified residue is a histidine. Diethyl pyrocarbonate, another histidine modification reagent, could also inactivate the enzyme; this inactivation could be reversed by incubation with hydroxylamine. N-Bromosuccinimide and diethyl pyrocarbonate modifications appear to be at the active site of the enzyme since co-incubation with acetyl-CoA protects the N-acetyltransferase from inactivation. This protection is lost if glucosamine is also present. Pre-acetylated lysosomal membranes are also able to provide protection from N-bromosuccinimide inactivation, providing further evidence for a histidine moiety at the active site and for the existence of an acetyl-enzyme intermediate.  相似文献   

AIMS: To improve KSDH enzyme activity and the transformation level for androst-4-ene-3,17-dione. METHODS AND RESULTS: 3-ketosteroid-Delta(1)-dehydrogenase gene from Arthrobacter simplex was expressed in Bacillus subtilis under the control of P43 promoter. The molecular weight of expressed enzyme was about 55 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis. The activities of intracellular and extracellular soluble enzymes examined by spectrophotometrical method were 110 +/- 0.5 mU mg(-1) and 15 +/- 0.6 mU mg(-1) of protein, respectively. The transformation rate of androst-4-ene-3,17-dione was 45.3% in the B. subtilis recombinant cells. CONCLUSIONS: The enzyme activity of KSDH expressed in B. subtilis was improved about 30-fold compared with that of Arthrobacter simplex, and the transformation level of androst-4-ene-3,17-dione by the B. subtilis recombinant cells was improved about 10-fold. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The recombinant B. subtilis cells used for biotransformation of steroids provide a new method for production of steroid medicine. The time required for transformation of B. subtilis is much shorter than that of other bacteria, which means it will have wider usage in biopharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   

1. Adenosine deaminase was inactivated by 9-(4-bromoacetamidobenzyl)-adenine (I) and 9-(2-bromoacetamidobenzyl)adenine (II), two affinity labels. 2. The stoichiometry of the reaction with reagent II is reported: 1 mol reagent is bound per mol inactive enzyme. Amino acid analysis of the 6 N HCl hydrolyzate of the inactive enzyme identified CM-histidine as the main alkylation product. This is the first evidence of the presence of a histidine in the active site region. 3. The alkylation rate and involved amino acid residues were studied for both reagents I and II, at pH 8 and 5.5. The particular reactivity of a lysine near or in the active site is discussed.  相似文献   

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