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Isotopic studies of multi-taxa terrestrial vertebrate assemblages allow determination of paleoclimatic and paleoecological aspects on account of the different information supplied by each taxon. The late Campanian-early Maastrichtian “Lo Hueco” Fossil-Lagerstätte (central eastern Spain), located at a subtropical paleolatitude of ~31°N, constitutes an ideal setting to carry out this task due to its abundant and diverse vertebrate assemblage. Local δ18OPO4 values estimated from δ18OPO4 values of theropods, sauropods, crocodyliforms, and turtles are close to δ18OH2O values observed at modern subtropical latitudes. Theropod δ18OH2O values are lower than those shown by crocodyliforms and turtles, indicating that terrestrial endothermic taxa record δ18OH2O values throughout the year, whereas semiaquatic ectothermic taxa δ18OH2O values represent local meteoric waters over a shorter time period when conditions are favorable for bioapatite synthesis (warm season). Temperatures calculated by combining theropod, crocodyliform, and turtle δ18OH2O values and gar δ18OPO4 have enabled us to estimate seasonal variability as the difference between mean annual temperature (MAT, yielded by theropods) and temperature of the warmest months (TWMs, provided by crocodyliforms and turtles). ΔTWMs-MAT value does not point to a significantly different seasonal thermal variability when compared to modern coastal subtropical meteorological stations and Late Cretaceous rudists from eastern Tethys. Bioapatite and bulk organic matter δ13C values point to a C3 environment in the “Lo Hueco” area. The estimated fractionation between sauropod enamel and diet is ~15‰. While waiting for paleoecological information yielded by the ongoing morphological study of the “Lo Hueco” crocodyliforms, δ13C and δ18OCO3 results point to incorporation of food items with brackish influence, but preferential ingestion of freshwater. “Lo Hueco” turtles showed the lowest δ13C and δ18OCO3 values of the vertebrate assemblage, likely indicating a diet based on a mixture of aquatic and terrestrial C3 vegetation and/or invertebrates and ingestion of freshwater.  相似文献   

A revision of the freshwater shark fauna from the Phu Kradung Formation in NE Thailand allows the recognition of a new species of Acrodus, which represents the youngest occurrence of the genus and confirms its displacement in freshwater environments after the Toarcian. The rest of the shark fauna includes teeth of Hybodus sp., aff. Hybodus sp., hybodontid dermal denticles, Jiaodontus sp., Lonchidion sp. A, Lonchidion sp. B, Heteroptychodus cf. H. kokutensis and dorsal fin spines. The presence of Jaiodontus and of unusual hybodontid dermal denticles suggests a Jurassic age for most of the Phu Kradung Formation, whereas the presence of Heteroptychodus suggests an Early Cretaceous age for the top of the Formation. However, the age of the Phu Kradung Formation is still uncertain, with contradictory signals coming from palynology, detrital zircon thermochronology and vertebrate palaeontology. In any case, it appears that this is the oldest occurrence of the genus Heteroptychodus, and suggests a Thai origin for this genus, which may have replaced Acrodus in the Thai freshwater palaeoecosystems. Together with Acrodus, the presence of Lonchidion sp. A suggests some European affinities for the shark fauna from the Phu Kradung Formation.  相似文献   

Investigation of the Mesozoic seed plant Leptostrobus Heer from the Yangcaogou Formation of the Late Triassic and the Yixian Formation of the Early Cretaceous, Liaoning Province, China, provides new Insight Into Its general morphology and geographical distribution. The materials of L. cancer from the Yixian Formation described herein are later than all the past findings of this species and add to the record of L. cancer during the Early Cretaceous. Based on well-preserved specimens, the specific diagnosis Is slightly emended and the reconstructlon of L. cancer Is perfected. The materials from the Yangcaogou Formation of the Late Triassic are placed in L. spheericus, in addition, we review the history of investigation of the genus Leptostrobus since its establishment in 1876 and discuss the main characteristics of each species.  相似文献   

A reexamination of the holotype frontoparietal of Pelobates praefuscus Khosatzky, 1985 from the Pliocene of Moldova and an investigation of newly referred frontoparietal reveal previously unknown characters for this species. P. praefuscus, considered a synonym of Pelobates fuscus, is regarded here as a separate species. It differs from P. fuscus in the presence of frontoparietal-squamosal contact and medial position of the foramen arteriae occipitalis and from all extant Pelobates in having the arteria orbitonasalis open posteriorly. The last character, previously known only in early Miocene Pelobates, is shown to be present in late Miocene and early Pliocene congeners, whereas in late Pliocene–Pleistocene congeners, the posterior part of the arteria orbitonasalis generally is covered ventrally by bone.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(5):291-297
A new semionotid fish, Lepidotes buddhabutrensis n. sp., is described from the continental Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Phu Kradung Formation, Phu Nam Jun, Kalasin Province. L. buddhabutrensis is characterized notably by the pattern of its cheek bones, by its short preorbital region, and by its numerous and well-developed premaxillary teeth. L. buddhabutrensis is provisionally placed in the genus Lepidotes; it shares, however, derived characters with other semionotids, such as Araripelepidotes and Pliodetes. To cite this article: L. Cavin et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

Valeria Mesa  Daniel Perea 《Ichnos》2015,22(2):109-121
The record of dinosaur tracks and trackways from the Tacuarembó Formation (Late Jurassic-?Early Cretaceous) is described in detail: two trackways and four isolated tracks. Ichnites are preserved in sandstones of interdune facies of the Batoví (lower) Member. The interpretation herein presented indicates a sauropod affinity of the trackways, while the isolated prints are considered to have been made by an ornithopod and small theropods. The fossil record for this formation was primarily integrated by fresh-water organisms. The presence of new groups (sauropods and ornithopods) has specially contributed to the reconstruction of the terrestrial fauna, represented up until this time only by theropods.  相似文献   

Peirosauridae is composed of mid- to large-sized terrestrial mesoeucrododylian crocodyliforms distributed throughout Gondwanan landmasses. Here we describe a new peirosaurid that comes from the upper levels of the Portezuelo Formation (Turonian–Coniacian, Upper Cretaceous) from Loma de la Lata, Neuquén Province, Argentina. This specimen consists of some associated bones belonging to a single individual. In order to facilitate comparisons, we recognise two different peirosaurid morphotypes based on skull shape: broad- and narrow-snouted taxa. The new taxon may be related to broad-snouted taxa, especially Gasparinisuchus peirosauroides. The new taxon here reported has strong heterodont dentition when compared with other peirosaurids. As in related forms, the fourth dentary tooth is caniniform, very large, acute and transversely compressed (much more than other peirosaurids), and the anterior dentary teeth have less globular, sharp serrated crowns. Large interalveolar spaces are present between both mandibular and maxillary teeth, a trait only observed on the new taxon. With this addition, we elevate the number of Patagonian peirosaurids to four. Moreover, it represents together with Lomasuchus palpebrosus the second peirosaurid species described for the Portezuelo Formation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a quantitative study of dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) and palynofacies of the Campanian–Danian marly succession at the village of Tattofte (western External Rif, northwestern Morocco). The paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic interpretations, inferred from this palynologic analysis, are compared to coeval sequences of other areas in the Northern Hemisphere. Changes in the relative abundances of dinocyst taxa, which are paleoenvironmental indicators, throughout the section suggest a deposition in a marine inner to outer neritic setting. The upper Campanian dinocyst assemblage is characterized by the presence of outer neritic-oceanic and low productivity indicator taxa (e.g., Spiniferites spp., Odontochitina spp.) and cold-water taxa (e.g., Manumiella spp., Chantangiella spp., Laciniadinium spp.), whereas, the lower Maastrichtian assemblage is characterized by inner neritic, high productivity and warm-water indicator taxa (e.g., Palaeocystodinium spp., Andalusiella spp.). The upper Maastrichtian dinocyst assemblage displays a return to an outer neritic environment under a transgressive regime, but with a cooling pulse and a moderate productivity. However, the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary interval records remarkable changes in the relative abundances of dinocyst taxa, indicating an inner neritic (coastal) setting, which is the most proximal in the study section; such changes reflect instable paleoenvironmental conditions which may be related to global cooling periods, likely caused by the Deccan volcanism in India and/or the Chicxulub asteroid impact in Mexico at the K/Pg boundary. In the Danian, the dinocyst relative abundances indicate a gradual return to stable environmental conditions.A quantitative analysis of the kerogen plots (palynomorphs, phytoclasts and amorphous organic matter (AOM)) reveals five types of palynofacies, generally indicating oxic to suboxic marine environments. The upper Campanian and upper Maastrichtian (lowermost part) strata are characterized by a playnofacies (V), indicating a distal shelf, while the lower Maastrichtian and lower Danian (uppermost part) strata record a playnofacies (III), reflecting an intermediate inner-outer neritic environment. However, the K/Pg boundary transition is characterized by playnofacies types (I) and (II), indicating a proximal (coastal) environment.  相似文献   

Aetosaur specimens from Howard County, Texas, USA, namedTypothorax meadei by Sawin (1947) represent a new genus here namedLongosuchus (type and only species -L. meadei). Longosu-chus is characterised by the possession of seven dentary teeth, a dentary excluded from the ventral margin of the lateral mandibular fenestra and by the angular, spinose lateral scutes throughout the dorsal region with lateral horns which have faceted sides.Longosuchus is found in mid-late Carnian strata in Texas, New Mexico and North Carolina, USA. Aetosaurs can be used to distinguish three successive biochrons in Late Triassic strata of the American Southwest, which are, in ascending order of age, theLongosuchus biochron, theStagonolepis biochron and theTypothorax biochron.  相似文献   

Foraminifera have proven to be reliable biostratigraphic indicators. Accordingly, Triassic and Early Jurassic benthic Foraminifera allow us to define a biostratigraphic zonation within the carbonate platform of Kayseri (Yahyal?), Göksun (Kahramanmara?) and Sivas (Delikta?) regions in the Eastern Taurus (Ceviz, Alada?, Kaman and Felfan Mountains). Seven new stratigraphic sections are described in detail and the first precise inventory and illustration of the benthic foraminifer assemblages from the Triassic successions are presented over a large geographic area. The stratigraphic and palaeontological features of the Lower Mesozoic carbonate units of these mountains include several synchronous transgressive–regressive events that suggest continuity of the Lower Mesozoic environments over a large parautochthonous Taurus zone. Palaeogeographic considerations about the Eastern Taurus carbonates are given, evidencing three stages of development underwent by the studied area: 1) a stable continental margin from Lower Triassic to Lower Cretaceous; 2) a dismantling of the continental margin and first emplacement of ophiolites in the Upper Cretaceous; and 3) a deformation of the continental margin and emplacement of the Peridotite Nappe in the uppermost Cretaceous (Maastrichtian).  相似文献   



One of the most intriguing patterns in mammalian biogeography is the “island rule”, which states that colonising species have a tendency to converge in body size, with larger species evolving decreased sizes and smaller species increased sizes. It has recently been suggested that an analogous pattern holds for the colonisation of the deep-sea benthos by marine Gastropoda. In particular, a pioneering study showed that gastropods from the Western Atlantic showed the same graded trend from dwarfism to gigantism that is evident in island endemic mammals. However, subsequent to the publication of the gastropod study, the standard tests of the island rule have been shown to yield false positives at a very high rate, leaving the result open to doubt.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The evolution of gastropod body size in the deep sea is reexamined. Using an extended and updated data set, and improved statistical methods, it is shown that some results of the previous study may have been artifactual, but that its central conclusion is robust. It is further shown that the effect is not restricted to a single gastropod clade, that its strength increases markedly with depth, but that it applies even in the mesopelagic zone.


The replication of the island rule in a distant taxonomic group and a partially analogous ecological situation could help to uncover the causes of the patterns observed—which are currently much disputed. The gastropod pattern is evident at intermediate depths, and so cannot be attributed to the unique features of abyssal ecology.  相似文献   

A new partial skeleton of the Cretaceous “symmetrodontan” mammal Zhangheotherium quinquecuspedens from the Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China has shed light on the dental and skeletal features of this taxon. The new fossil is a juvenile individual of late growth stage, preserved with interesting features of the premolar replacement. This fossil also provides new information on the vertebral column, the pelvis, the hindlimb and pes. Zhangheotherium has a typical diphyodont replacement of its premolars that is characterized by an alternating pattern (p1 → p3 → p2). This alternating replacement of premolars is a derived condition shared by Dryolestes, Slaughteria, and some basal eutherians, and differs from the plesiomorphic sequential replacement of anterior postcanines in eutricondontans, in most multituberculates and in stem mammaliaforms. The calcaneus and astragalus in the ankle joint of Zhangheotherium lack superposition. This shows that the trechnotherian clade, of which Zhangheotherium is a basal taxon, has retained the primitive condition of mammaliaforms in which the astragalus is in juxtaposition with the calcaneus. Coupled with recent evidence from the earliest metatherians and eutherians, this suggests that the superposition of astragalus and calcaneus evolved in parallel in metatherians and eutherians.  相似文献   

Five orders of late Paleozoic-Mesozoic seed ferns have, at one time or another, figured in discussions on the origin of angiosperms, even before the application of phylogenetic systematics. These are the Glossopteridales, Peltaspermales, Corystospermales, Caytoniales, and Petriellales. Although vegetative features have been used to suggest homologies, most discussion has focused on ovulate structures, which are generally interpreted as megasporophylls bearing seeds, with the seeds partially to almost completely enclosed by the megasporophyll (or cupule). Here we discuss current information about the reproductive parts of these plants. Since most specimens are impression-compression remains, homologizing the ovulate organs, deriving angiospermous homologues, and defining synapomorphies remain somewhat speculative. Although new specimens have increased the known diversity in these groups, a reconstruction of an entire plant is available only for the corystosperms, and thus hypotheses about phylogenetic position are of limited value. We conclude that, in the case of these seed plants, phylogenetic analysis techniques have surpassed the hard data needed to formulate meaningful phylogenetic hypotheses. Speculation on angiosperm origins and transitional stages in these fossils provides for interesting discussion, but currently it is still speculation, as the role of these groups in the origin of angiospermy continues to be cloaked in Darwin's mystery.  相似文献   

Huang  X.  Duan  N.  Xu  H.  Xie  T. N.  Xue  Y.-R.  Liu  C.-H. 《Molecular Biology》2019,53(4):624-624
Molecular Biology - The original article can be found online at DOI: 10.1134/S0026893318040088 Page 622, in Reagents and Solutions should read 20 mg/mL proteinase K; Page 622, in Reagents...  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(4):211-216
A new leaf-mimicking katydid (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Pseudophyllinae), Archepseudophylla fossilis gen. et sp. nov. is described based on tegmina from the Early Oligocene of France. Lithymnetes laurenti Théobald, 1937 from the Late Eocene of France is transferred to Archepseudophylla comb. nov. The enigmatic ‘Poekillopteramelanospila Cockerell, 1921 from the Early Oligocene of the Isle of Wight (UK) is transferred to Archepseudophylla comb. nov. The present discoveries in the Palaeogene of the Isle of Wight, Céreste, and Marseilles Basins represent the first fossil records of Pseudophyllinae. In addition, these records support warm and humid forest conditions near the palaeolakes of the Isle of Wight, Camoins-les-Bains, and Céreste.  相似文献   

The prevalence of obesity among both adults and children in the U.S. has risen to all time highs in the past two decades. We propose that an increase in the marginal rate of time preference has contributed to increasing obesity. More people are consuming more calories than they expend because they have become less willing to trade current pleasure for potential future health benefits. Accordingly, this paper explores the association between body mass index (BMI) and time preference. We use the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79) to test our hypothesis that time preference and BMI are positively related. We find some evidence that there is such a positive association among black and Hispanic men and black women.  相似文献   

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