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Cell polarity is one of the most basic properties of all normal cells and is essential for regulating numerous biological processes. Loss of polarity is considered a hallmark for cancer. Multiple polarity proteins are implicated in maintenance of cell polarity. Lethal (2) giant larvae (Lgl) is one of polarity proteins that plays an important role in regulating cell polarity, asymmetric division as well as tumorigenesis. Lgl proteins in different species have similar structures and conserved functions. Lgl acts as an indispensable regulator of cell biological function, including cell polarity and asymmetric division, through interplaying with other polarity proteins, regulating exocytosis, mediating cytoskeleton and being involved in signaling pathways. Furthermore, Lgl plays a role of a tumor suppressor, and the aberrant expression of Hugl, a human homologue of Lgl, contributes to multiple cancers. However, the exact functions of Lgl and the underlying mechanisms remain enigmatic. In this review, we will give an overview of the Lgl functions in cell polarity and cancer development, discuss the potential mechanisms underlying these functions, and raise our conclusion of previous studies and points of view about the future studies.  相似文献   

The Drosophila tumor suppressor protein lethal (2) giant larvae [l(2)gl] is involved in the establishment of epithelial cell polarity during development. Recently, a yeast homolog of the protein has been shown to interact with components of the post-Golgi exocytic machinery and to regulate a late step in protein secretion. Herein, we characterize a mammalian homolog of l(2)gl, called Mlgl, in the epithelial cell line Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK). Consistent with a role in cell polarity, Mlgl redistributes from a cytoplasmic localization to the lateral membrane after contact-naive MDCK cells make cell-cell contacts and establish a polarized phenotype. Phosphorylation within a highly conserved region of Mlgl is required to restrict the protein to the lateral domain, because a recombinant phospho-mutant is distributed in a nonpolar manner. Membrane-bound Mlgl from MDCK cell lysates was coimmunoprecipitated with syntaxin 4, a component of the exocytic machinery at the basolateral membrane, but not with other plasma membrane soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment receptor (SNARE) proteins that are either absent from or not restricted to the basolateral membrane domain. These data suggest that Mlgl contributes to apico-basolateral polarity by regulating basolateral exocytosis.  相似文献   

Activating KRAS mutations are found in approximately 20% of human cancers but no RAS-directed therapies are currently available. Here we describe a novel, robust, KRAS synthetic lethal interaction with the cyclin dependent kinase, CDK1. This was discovered using parallel siRNA screens in KRAS mutant and wild type colorectal isogenic tumour cells and subsequently validated in a genetically diverse panel of 26 colorectal and pancreatic tumour cell models. This established that the KRAS/CDK1 synthetic lethality applies in tumour cells with either amino acid position 12 (p.G12V, pG12D, p.G12S) or amino acid position 13 (p.G13D) KRAS mutations and can also be replicated in vivo in a xenograft model using a small molecule CDK1 inhibitor. Mechanistically, CDK1 inhibition caused a reduction in the S-phase fraction of KRAS mutant cells, an effect also characterised by modulation of Rb, a master control of the G1/S checkpoint. Taken together, these observations suggest that the KRAS/CDK1 interaction is a robust synthetic lethal effect worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

Rhizobia are nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria that establish endosymbiosis with some leguminous plants. The completion of several rhizobial genome sequences provides opportunities for genome-wide functional studies of the physiological roles of many rhizobial genes. In order to carry out genome-wide phenotypic screenings, we have constructed a large mutant library of the nitrogen-fixing symbiotic bacterium, Mesorhizobium loti, by transposon mutagenesis. Transposon insertion mutants were generated using the signature-tagged mutagenesis (STM) technique and a total of 29 330 independent mutants were obtained. Along with the collection of transposon mutants, we have determined the transposon insertion sites for 7892 clones, and confirmed insertions in 3680 non-redundant M. loti genes (50.5% of the total number of M. loti genes). Transposon insertions were randomly distributed throughout the M. loti genome without any bias toward G+C contents of insertion target sites and transposon plasmids used for the mutagenesis. We also show the utility of STM mutants by examining the specificity of signature tags and test screenings for growth- and nodulation-deficient mutants. This defined mutant library allows for genome-wide forward- and reverse-genetic functional studies of M. loti and will serve as an invaluable resource for researchers to further our understanding of rhizobial biology.Key words: Mesorhizobium loti, signature-tagged mutagenesis, mutant library, reverse genetics  相似文献   

Conditional lethality of the Escherichia coli polA12 uvrE502 double mutant may be overcome by a mutation that has been termed polA350. The polA350 mutation restored the polymerizing activity of deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase I at 42 C in the polA12 mutant and partially suppressed ultraviolet (UV) and methylmethane sulfonate sensitivities of the polA12. Mapping experiments have located polA350 between metE and polA12, very close to the latter. The strain carrying polA12 polA350 and recB21 was viable at 42 C. The effects of the recB21 and polA12 polA350 combination on the UV sensitivity were additive. The triple mutant polA12 polA350 uvrE502 was more UV sensitive than the single uvrE502 mutant.  相似文献   

Predicting the three-dimensional structure of proteins from their amino acid sequences remains a challenging problem in molecular biology. While the current structural coverage of proteins is almost exclusively provided by template-based techniques, the modeling of the rest of the protein sequences increasingly require template-free methods. However, template-free modeling methods are much less reliable and are usually applicable for smaller proteins, leaving much space for improvement. We present here a novel computational method that uses a library of supersecondary structure fragments, known as Smotifs, to model protein structures. The library of Smotifs has saturated over time, providing a theoretical foundation for efficient modeling. The method relies on weak sequence signals from remotely related protein structures to create a library of Smotif fragments specific to the target protein sequence. This Smotif library is exploited in a fragment assembly protocol to sample decoys, which are assessed by a composite scoring function. Since the Smotif fragments are larger in size compared to the ones used in other fragment-based methods, the proposed modeling algorithm, SmotifTF, can employ an exhaustive sampling during decoy assembly. SmotifTF successfully predicts the overall fold of the target proteins in about 50% of the test cases and performs competitively when compared to other state of the art prediction methods, especially when sequence signal to remote homologs is diminishing. Smotif-based modeling is complementary to current prediction methods and provides a promising direction in addressing the structure prediction problem, especially when targeting larger proteins for modeling.  相似文献   

In epithelial and stem cells, lethal giant larvae (Lgl) is a potent tumour suppressor, a regulator of Notch signalling, and a mediator of cell fate via asymmetric cell division. Recent evidence suggests that the function of Lgl is conserved in mammalian haematopoietic stem cells and implies a contribution to haematological malignancies. To date, direct measurement of the effect of Lgl expression on malignancies of the haematopoietic lineage has not been tested. In Lgl1−/− mice, we analysed the development of haematopoietic malignancies either alone, or in the presence of common oncogenic lesions. We show that in the absence of Lgl1, production of mature white blood cell lineages and long-term survival of mice are not affected. Additionally, loss of Lgl1 does not alter leukaemia driven by constitutive Notch, c-Myc or Jak2 signalling. These results suggest that the role of Lgl1 in the haematopoietic lineage might be restricted to specific co-operating mutations and a limited number of cellular contexts.  相似文献   

Clock is a semidominant X-linked mutation that results in shortening the period of Drosophila melanogaster's free-running locomotor activity rhythm from ca. 24.0 to ca. 22.5 hr. This mutation similarly shortened the phase response curve, determined by resetting activity rhythms with light pulses. Eclosion peaks for Clk cultures were separated by only 22.5 hr instead of the normal 24 hr. Clk was mapped close to, but separable from, another rhythm mutation--period01--by recombination. The estimated distance between these two mutations was short enough to suggest that Clk could be a per allele. If this is the case, the new mutant is unique in that it, unlike other per variants, is associated with essentially normal 1-min courtship song rhythms when Clk is expressed in males. Also, the new rhythm variant could not, in contrast to a short-period per mutation, have its effects on free-running activity rhythms uncovered by deletions. This result, and the lack of coverage of Clk's effects by duplications, suggest that it is not a simple hypomorphic or amorphic mutation.  相似文献   

Intracellular traffic in yeast between the Golgi and the cell surface is mediated by vesicular carriers that tether and fuse in a fashion that depends on the function of the Rab GTPase, Sec4. Overexpression of either of two Sec4 effectors, Sro7 or Sec15, results in the formation of a cluster of post-Golgi vesicles within the cell. Here, we describe a novel assay that recapitulates post-Golgi vesicle clustering in vitro utilizing purified Sro7 and vesicles isolated from late secretory mutants. We show clustering in vitro closely replicates the in vivo clustering process as it is highly dependent on both Sro7 and GTP-Sec4. We also make use of this assay to characterize a novel mutant form of Sro7 that results in a protein that is specifically defective in vesicle clustering both in vivo and in vitro. We show that this mutation acts by effecting a conformational change in Sro7 from the closed to a more open structure. Our analysis demonstrates that the N-terminal propeller needs to be able to engage the C-terminal tail for vesicle clustering to occur. Consistent with this, we show that occupancy of the N terminus of Sro7 by the t-SNARE Sec9, which results in the open conformation of Sro7, also acts to inhibit vesicle cluster formation by Sro7. This suggests a model by which a conformational switch in Sro7 acts to coordinate Rab-mediated vesicle tethering with SNARE assembly by requiring a single conformational state for both of these processes to occur.  相似文献   

Genetic variation among sweet, purple, and yellow passion fruit accessions was assessed using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Eighteen ISSR primers were used to evaluate 45 accessions. The number of polymorphic bands per primer varied from 4 to 22, with 12.4 bands per primer on average. Nei's genetic distance between accessions ranged from 0.04 to 0.35. Clustering using the neighbor-joining method resulted in the formation of 11 major clusters. It was not possible to classify the accessions according to their geographic origin, showing that there is no structure in the gene bank. The overall mean Shannon-Weaver diversity index was 0.32, indicating good resolution of genetic diversity in passion fruit germplasm using ISSR markers. Our results indicate that ISSR can be useful for genetic diversity studies, to provide practical information for parental selection and to assist breeding and conservation strategies.  相似文献   

We introduce the notion of Electric Field Encephalography (EFEG) based on measuring electric fields of the brain and demonstrate, using computer modeling, that given the appropriate electric field sensors this technique may have significant advantages over the current EEG technique. Unlike EEG, EFEG can be used to measure brain activity in a contactless and reference-free manner at significant distances from the head surface. Principal component analysis using simulated cortical sources demonstrated that electric field sensors positioned 3 cm away from the scalp and characterized by the same signal-to-noise ratio as EEG sensors provided the same number of uncorrelated signals as scalp EEG. When positioned on the scalp, EFEG sensors provided 2–3 times more uncorrelated signals. This significant increase in the number of uncorrelated signals can be used for more accurate assessment of brain states for non-invasive brain-computer interfaces and neurofeedback applications. It also may lead to major improvements in source localization precision. Source localization simulations for the spherical and Boundary Element Method (BEM) head models demonstrated that the localization errors are reduced two-fold when using electric fields instead of electric potentials. We have identified several techniques that could be adapted for the measurement of the electric field vector required for EFEG and anticipate that this study will stimulate new experimental approaches to utilize this new tool for functional brain research.  相似文献   

Barry Ganetzky 《Genetics》1984,108(4):897-911
Two mutants of Drosophila melanogaster, para ts1 (1-53.9) and napts (2-56.2) both display similar temperature-sensitive paralysis associated with blockage in the conduction of nerve action potentials, suggesting that the two gene products have a similar function. This idea is supported by the observation that the double mutant is unconditionally lethal. Genetic analysis of this synergistic interaction has revealed the following: 1) it specifically involves the para and nap loci; (2) all para alleles interact with napts, but the strength of the interaction varies in an allele-dependent fashion; (3) lethality of the double mutant occurs during the first larval instar with parats1 but differs with other para alleles; (4) hypodosage of para + causes lethality in a napts background. These results together with previous electrophysiological, behavioral and pharmacological studies of these mutants suggest that both para and nap affect sodium channels and possibly encode different subunits.  相似文献   

Genomic studies have revealed that breast cancer consists of a complex biological process with patient-specific genetic variations, revealing the need for individualized cancer diagnostic testing and selection of patient-specific optimal therapies. One of the bottlenecks in translation of genomic breakthroughs to the clinic is the lack of functional genomic assays that have high clinical translatability. Anchorage-independent three-dimensional (3D) growth assays are considered to be the gold-standard for chemosensitivity testing, and leads identified with these assays have high probability of clinical success. The Cancer BioChip System (CBCS) allows for the simultaneous, quantitative, and real time evaluation of multitudes of anchorage-independent breast cancer cell growth inhibitors. We employed a Test Cancer BioChip that contains silencing RNAs (siRNAs) targeting cancer-related genes to identify 3D-specific effectors of breast cancer cell growth. We compared the effect of these siRNAs on colony growth of the hormone receptor positive (MCF7) and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2/c- Erythroblastic Leukemia Viral Oncogene Homolog 2 (HER2/c-erb-b2) positive (SK-BR-3) cells on the Test Cancer BioChip. Our results confirmed cell-specific inhibition of MCF7 and SK-BR-3 colony formation by estrogen receptor α (ESR1) and (ERBB2) siRNA, respectively. Both cell lines were also suppressed by Phosphoinositide-3-kinase Catalytic, alpha Polypeptide (PIK3CA) siRNA. Interestingly, we have observed responses to siRNA that are unique to this 3D setting. For example, ß-actin (ACTB) siRNA suppressed colony growth in both cell types while Cathepsin L2 (CTSL2) siRNA caused opposite effects. These results further validate the importance of the CBCS as a tool for the identification of clinically relevant breast cancer targets.  相似文献   

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