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The present review underlines the knowledge of Cryptosporidium, especially its biodiversity and transmission. The presence of the parasite in different mammal host species is discussed with real, potential risk of transmission to humans. The potential role of insects in mechanical transmission of the parasite is evaluated by experimental protocols. The cost of cryptosporidiosis at health and economic levels are mentioned, which emphasises the importance of detection and identification of the parasite in the environment and in wild mammal species, using specific molecular tools. Potential measures to be accomplished in order to fight off cryptosporidiosis are also noted.  相似文献   

I am writing in response to an article by Bolton, Rollins and Griffith (2015) entitled ‘The danger within: the role of genetic, behavioural and ecological factors in population persistence of colour polymorphic species’ that was recently published as an Opinion under the NEWS AND VIEWS section in Molecular Ecology. Bolton et al. (Molecular Ecology, 2015, 24 , 2907) argue that colour polymorphism may reduce population fitness and increase extinction risk and emphasize that this is contrary to predictions put forward by Forsman et al. (Ecology, 89 , 2008, 34) and Wennersten & Forsman (Biological Reviews 87 , 2012, 756) that the existence of multiple colour morphs with co‐adapted gene complexes and associated trait values may increase the ecological and evolutionary success of polymorphic populations and species. Bolton et al. (Molecular Ecology, 2015, 24 , 2907) further state that there is no clear evidence from studies of ‘true polymorphic species’ that polymorphism promotes population persistence. In response, I (i) challenge their classifications of polymorphisms and revisit the traditional definitions recognizing the dynamic nature of polymorphisms, (ii) review empirical studies that have examined whether and how polymorphism is associated with extinction risk, (iii) discuss the roles of trait correlations between colour pattern and other phenotypic dimensions for population fitness and (iv) highlight that the causes and mechanisms that influence the composition and maintenance of polymorphisms are different from the consequences of the polymorphic condition and how it may impact on aspects of ecological success and long‐term persistence of populations and species.  相似文献   


The recently reevaluated high prevalence of healthy carriers (1/2,000 in UK) of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (v-CJD), whose blood might be infectious, suggests that the evolution of this prion disease might not be under full control as expected. After experimental transfusion of macaques and conventional mice with blood derived from v-CJD exposed (human and animal) individuals, we confirmed in these both models the transmissibility of v-CJD, but we also observed unexpected neurological syndromes transmissible by transfusion: despite their prion etiology confirmed through transmission experiments, these original cases would escape classical prion diagnosis, notably in the absence of detectable abnormal PrP with current techniques. It is noteworthy that macaques developed an original, yet undescribed myelopathic syndrome associating demyelination and pseudo-necrotic lesions of spinal cord, brainstem and optical tract without affecting encephalon, which is rather evocative of spinal cord disease than prion disease in human medicine. These observations strongly suggest that the spectrum of human prion diseases may extend the current field restricted to the phenotypes associated to protease-resistant PrP, and may notably include spinal cord diseases.  相似文献   

Mammalian genomes encode genes for more than 30 phospholipase A2s (PLA2s) or related enzymes, which are subdivided into several classes including low-molecular-weight secreted PLA2s (sPLA2s), Ca2+-dependent cytosolic PLA2s (cPLA2s), Ca2+-independent PLA2s (iPLA2s), platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolases (PAF-AHs), lysosomal PLA2s, and a recently identified adipose-specific PLA. Of these, the intracellular cPLA2 and iPLA2 families and the extracellular sPLA2 family are recognized as the “big three”. From a general viewpoint, cPLA2α (the prototypic cPLA2) plays a major role in the initiation of arachidonic acid metabolism, the iPLA2 family contributes to membrane homeostasis and energy metabolism, and the sPLA2 family affects various biological events by modulating the extracellular phospholipid milieus. The cPLA2 family evolved along with eicosanoid receptors when vertebrates first appeared, whereas the diverse branching of the iPLA2 and sPLA2 families during earlier eukaryote development suggests that they play fundamental roles in life-related processes. During the past decade, data concerning the unexplored roles of various PLA2 enzymes in pathophysiology have emerged on the basis of studies using knockout and transgenic mice, the use of specific inhibitors, and information obtained from analysis of human diseases caused by mutations in PLA2 genes. This review focuses on current understanding of the emerging biological functions of PLA2s and related enzymes.  相似文献   

Immobile plants and immobile modular animals outlive unitary animals. This paper discusses competing but not necessarily mutually exclusive theories to explain this extreme longevity, especially from the perspective of phenotypic plasticity. Stem cell immortality, vascular autonomy, and epicormic branching are some important features of the phenotypic plasticity of plants that contribute to their longevity. Monocarpy versus polycarpy can also influence the kind of senescent processes experienced by plants. How density-dependent phenomena affecting the establishment of juveniles in these immobile organisms can influence the evolution of senescence, and consequently longevity, is reviewed and discussed. Whether climate change scenarios will favour long-lived or short-lived organisms, with their attendant levels of plasticity, is also presented.  相似文献   

Abstract The traditional explanation for interspecific plumage colour variation in birds is that colour differences between species are adaptations to minimize the risk of hybridization. Under this explanation, colour differences between closely related species of birds represent reproductive character displacement. An alternative explanation is that interspecific variation in plumage colour is an adaptive response to variation in light environments across habitats. Under this explanation, differences in colour between closely related species are a product of selection on signal efficiency. We use a comparative approach to examine these two hypotheses, testing the effects of sympatry and habitat use, respectively, on divergence in male plumage colour. Contrary to the prediction of the Species Isolation Hypothesis, we find no evidence that sympatric pairs of species are consistently more divergent in coloration than are allopatric pairs of species. However, in agreement with the Light Environment Hypothesis, we find significant associations between plumage coloration and habitat use. All of these results remain qualitatively unchanged irrespective of the statistical methodology used to compare reflectance spectra, the body regions used in the analyses, or the exclusion of areas of plumage not used in sexual displays. Our results suggest that, in general, interspecific variation in plumage colour among birds is more strongly influenced by the signalling environment than by the risk of hybridization.  相似文献   

The sodium salt of glutamate (monosodium glutamate; MSG) imparts a savory/meaty taste to foods, and has been used as a flavoring agent for millennia. Past research on MSG/glutamate has evaluated its physiologic, metabolic and behavioral actions, and its safety. Ingested MSG has been found to be safe, and to produce no remarkable effects, except on taste. However, some recent epidemiologic and animal studies have associated MSG use with obesity and aberrations in fat metabolism. Reported effects are usually attributed to direct actions of ingested MSG in brain. As these observations conflict with past MSG research findings, a symposium was convened at the 13th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins to discuss them. The principal conclusions were: (1) the proposed link between MSG intake and weight gain is likely explained by co-varying environmental factors (e.g., diet, physical activity) linked to the “nutrition transition” in developing Asian countries. (2) Controlled intervention studies adding MSG to the diet of animals and humans show no effect on body weight. (3) Hypotheses positing dietary MSG effects on body weight involve results from rodent MSG injection studies that link MSG to actions in brain not applicable to MSG ingestion studies. The fundamental reason is that glutamate is metabolically compartmentalized in the body, and generally does not passively cross biologic membranes. Hence, almost no ingested glutamate/MSG passes from gut into blood, and essentially none transits placenta from maternal to fetal circulation, or crosses the blood–brain barrier. Dietary MSG, therefore, does not gain access to brain. Overall, it appears that normal dietary MSG use is unlikely to influence energy intake, body weight or fat metabolism.  相似文献   

Human and animal African trypanosomoses, or sleeping sickness and Nagana, are neglected vector-borne parasitic diseases caused by protozoa belonging to the Trypanosoma genus. Advances in proteomics offer new tools to better understand host–vector–parasite crosstalks occurring during the complex parasitic developmental cycle, and to determine the outcome of both transmission and infection. In this review, we summarize proteomics studies performed on African trypanosomes and on the interactions with their vector and mammalian hosts. We discuss the contributions and pitfalls of using diverse proteomics tools, and argue about the interest of pathogenoproteomics, both to generate advances in basic research on the best knowledge and understanding of host–vector–pathogen interactions, and to lead to the concrete development of new tools to improve diagnosis and treatment management of trypanosomoses in the near future.  相似文献   

This paper compares the flexibility in the nexus between phenotype and genotype in plants and animals. These taxa although considered to be fundamentally different are found to be surprisingly similar in the mechanisms used to achieve plasticity. Although non-cognitive behaviour occurs in plants, its range is limited, while morphological and developmental plasticity also occur to a considerable extent in animals. Yet both plants and animals are subject to unique constraints and thus need to find unique solutions to functional problems. A true comparison between the plant and animal phenotype would be a comparison between plants and sessile photosynthesizing colonial invertebrates. Such comparisons are lacking. However, they would provide important insights into the adaptive significance of plasticity in these groups. It is also suggested that a comparison of inflexible traits in these groups would provide an understanding of the constraints, as well as the costs and benefits, of a plastic versus non-plastic phenotype in plants and animals.  相似文献   

The loss of a species from an ecological community can trigger a cascade of secondary extinctions. The probability of secondary extinction to take place and the number of secondary extinctions are likely to depend on the characteristics of the species that is lost--the strength of its interactions with other species--as well as on the distribution of interaction strengths in the whole community. Analysing the effects of species loss in model communities we found that removal of the following species categories triggered, on average, the largest number of secondary extinctions: (a) rare species interacting strongly with many consumers, (b) abundant basal species interacting weakly with their consumers and (c) abundant intermediate species interacting strongly with many resources. We also found that the keystone status of a species with given characteristics was context dependent, that is, dependent on the structure of the community where it was embedded. Species vulnerable to secondary extinctions were mainly species interacting weakly with their resources and species interacting strongly with their consumers.  相似文献   

Half chromatid mutations: transmission in humans?   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Attention is drawn to the possibility of half chromatid and early somatic mutations and to several implications of these mosaic-yielding events. There is suggestive evidence that spontaneous mutations can result in mosaics. A world-wide cooperative study of Lesch-Nyhan families could determine the extent of half chromatid mutation transmission and early somatic mutation in humans.  相似文献   

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