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目的探讨骨髓基质干细胞诱导分化为神经元过程中miR-124和miR-128的表达变化及作用。方法采用全骨髓培养法体外分离培养获得骨髓基质干细胞,取传代培养至第3代的骨髓基质干细胞,在神经干细胞培养液及细胞因子等条件下诱导其分化为神经元,倒置显微镜下观察其形态变化,应用ABI公司的TaqManMicroRNAAssaysreal-timePCR技术,检测miR-124和miR-128在诱导分化过程中的表达。结果 miR-124分化后神经元的表达是未分化BMSCs的0.051倍(P0.05);miR-128分化后神经元的表达是未分化BMSCs的0.070倍(P0.05)。结论 miR-124和miR-128在骨髓基质干细胞诱导分化为神经元过程中可能起重要作用。  相似文献   

Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNA) have been recognized as significant regulators in the progression of atherosclerosis (AS). Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) can induce macrophage inflammation and oxidative stress, that serves important roles in AS. However, the exact function of lncRNA NEAT1 and its possible molecular mechanism in AS remain unclear. Here, we concentrated on the roles and molecular mechanisms of NEAT1 in AS development. In our current study, we observed that NEAT1 was elevated by ox-LDL in a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner. RAW264.7 cell survival was greatly enhanced, and cell apoptosis was significantly inhibited by LV-shNEAT1 transfection. In addition, knockdown of NEAT1 in RAW264.7 cells repressed CD36 expression and foam cell formation while NEAT1 overexpression shown an opposite process. Moreover, NEAT1 downregulation inhibited inflammation molecules including IL-6, IL-1β, and TNF-α. Meanwhile, silencing of NEAT1 can also suppress reactive oxygen species (ROS) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels with an enhancement of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in RAW264.7 cells. MicroRNAs are some short RNAs, and they can regulate multiple biological functions in many diseases including AS. Here, we found that miR-128 expression was remarkably decreased in ox-LDL-incubated RAW264.7 cells. Interestingly, miR-128 mimics was able to reverse AS-correlated events induced by overexpression of NEAT1. By using bioinformatics analysis, miR-128 was predicted as a target of NEAT1 and the correlation between them was validated in our study. Taken these together, it was implied that NEAT1 participated in ox-LDL-induced inflammation and oxidative stress in AS development through sponging miR-128.  相似文献   



Tumor formation and spread via the circulatory and lymphatic drainage systems is associated with metabolic reprogramming that often includes increased glycolytic metabolism relative to mitochondrial energy production. However, cells within a tumor are not identical due to genetic change, clonal evolution and layers of epigenetic reprogramming. In addition, cell hierarchy impinges on metabolic status while tumor cell phenotype and metabolic status will be influenced by the local microenvironment including stromal cells, developing blood and lymphatic vessels and innate and adaptive immune cells. Mitochondrial mutations and changes in mitochondrial electron transport contribute to metabolic remodeling in cancer in ways that are poorly understood.

Scope of Review

This review concerns the role of mitochondria, mitochondrial mutations and mitochondrial electron transport function in tumorigenesis and metastasis.

Major Conclusions

It is concluded that mitochondrial electron transport is required for tumor initiation, growth and metastasis. Nevertheless, defects in mitochondrial electron transport that compromise mitochondrial energy metabolism can contribute to tumor formation and spread. These apparently contradictory phenomena can be reconciled by cells in individual tumors in a particular environment adapting dynamically to optimally balance mitochondrial genome changes and bioenergetic status.

General Significance

Tumors are complex evolving biological systems characterized by genetic and adaptive epigenetic changes. Understanding the complexity of these changes in terms of bioenergetics and metabolic changes will permit the development of better combination anticancer therapies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Frontiers of Mitochondrial Research.  相似文献   

miR-92a家族基因是由miR-25、miR-92a~1、miR-92a~2和miR-363等序列相似、结构相仿、种子区序列相同的微小RNA(microRNAs)组成,它们分别来自在进化过程中高度保守并互为旁系同源序列的miR-106b~25、miR-17~92和miR-106a~363基因簇。目前研究认为,miR-92a家族基因是一组与血管内皮细胞形成有关的miRNAs,其表达紊乱与肿瘤的发生发展密切相关。就miR-92a家族基因及其靶基因与肿瘤关系的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Yan GR  Xu SH  Tan ZL  Liu L  He QY 《Proteomics》2011,11(5):912-920
Although microRNAs (miRNAs) have been reported to play an important role in carcinogenesis, their molecular mechanism remains largely unknown because of our limited understanding of miRNA target genes. miR-373 was found to be capable of promoting breast cancer invasion and metastasis, but only a target gene was experimentally identified on the basis of mRNA expression analysis. In this study, we used SILAC-based quantitative proteomics to globally identify the genes regulated by miR-373. Totally, 3666 proteins were identified, and 335 proteins were found to be regulated by miR-373. Among the 192 proteins that were downregulated by miR-373, 27 (14.1%) were predicted to have at least one potential match site at their 3'-UTR for miR-373 seed sequence. However, miR-373 did not affect the mRNA level of the five selected candidate targets, TXNIP, TRPS1, RABEP1, GRHL2 and HIP1, suggesting that the protein expressions were regulated by miR-373 via translational inhibition instead of mRNA degradation. Luciferase and mutation assays validated that TXNIP and RABEP1 were the direct target genes of miR-373. More than 30 proteins reported to be involved in cancer invasion and metastasis were found to be regulated by miR-373 in breast cancer for the first time.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloprotease-1 (MMP1), a collagenase and activator of the G protein-coupled protease activated receptor-1 (PAR1), is an emerging new target implicated in oncogenesis and metastasis in diverse cancers. However, the functional mouse homologue of MMP1 in cancer models has not yet been clearly defined. We report here that Mmp1a is a functional MMP1 homologue that promotes invasion and metastatic progression of mouse lung cancer and melanoma. LLC1 (Lewis lung carcinoma) and primary mouse melanoma cells harboring active BRAF express high levels of endogenous Mmp1a, which is required for invasion through collagen. Silencing of either Mmp1a or PAR1 suppressed invasive stellate growth of lung cancer cells in three-dimensional matrices. Conversely, ectopic expression of Mmp1a conferred an invasive phenotype in epithelial cells that do not express endogenous Mmp1a. Consistent with Mmp1a acting as a PAR1 agonist in an autocrine loop, inhibition or silencing of PAR1 resulted in a loss of the Mmp1a-driven invasive phenotype. Knockdown of Mmp1a on tumor cells resulted in significantly decreased tumorigenesis, invasion, and metastasis in xenograft models. Together, these data demonstrate that cancer cell-derived Mmp1a acts as a robust functional homologue of MMP1 by conferring protumorigenic and metastatic behavior to cells.  相似文献   

为了利用生物信息学方法预测miR-21的靶基因及其功能,为后续研究miR-21及其靶基因在结肠癌发生中的作用机制奠定基础。研究通过miRBase获取并分析多个物种的miR-21的序列特征;应用Target Scan、Pic Tar,miRanda及miRecords 4种在线工具预测miR-21的靶基因,结合已证实的靶基因,对靶基因进行功能注释和信号通路富集分析;通过查找文献,综述miR-21的功能,结合功能注释和信号通路富集分析为进一步研究mir-21在结肠癌发生中的作用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

目的探索miR-138-5p对胰腺癌细胞PANC-1生长、转移的影响及其相关机制。方法应用荧光实时定量PCR (real-time quantitative PCR, RT-PCR)检测miR-138-5p及其缺氧诱导因子1α(hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha, HIF-1α)在PANC-1细胞中的表达。应用荧光素酶报告检测验证miR-138-5p与HIF-1α之间的生物学关系。通过体外试验研究miR-138-5p、HIF-1α在PANC-1细胞中的生物学功能,Western blot检测蛋白表达情况;CCK-8检测PANC-1细胞增殖能力;Transwell试验检测PANC-1细胞侵袭能力;划痕试验检测PANC-1细胞迁移能力。结果 miR-138-5p表达明显下调HIF-1α表达水平(P<0.01),生物信息学预测和荧光素酶报告试验证明miR-138-5p通过直接结合HIF-1α 3′-未翻译区域(3′-UTR)抑制HIF-1α。在PANC-1细胞中,miR-138-5p过表达可抑制HIF-1α表达及细胞增殖、侵袭、迁移,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 miR-138-5p结合HIF-1α 3′-UTR的沉默HIF-1α;miR-138-5p通过打靶HIF-1α而抑制胰腺癌细胞PANC-1增殖和转移。HIF-1α可能是胰腺癌的治疗靶点。  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence indicates that G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in breast tumor progression and that targeting GPCRs may be a novel adjuvant strategy in cancer treatment. However, due to the redundant role of multiple GPCRs in tumor development, it may be necessary to target a common signaling component downstream of these receptors to achieve maximum efficacy. GPCRs transmit signals through heterotrimeric G proteins composed of Gα and Gβγ subunits. Here we evaluated the role of Gβγ in breast tumor growth and metastasis both in vitro and in vivo. Our data show that blocking Gβγ signaling with Gα(t) or small molecule inhibitors blocked serum-induced breast tumor cell proliferation as well as tumor cell migration induced by various GPCRs in vitro. Moreover, induced expression of Gα(t) in MDA-MB-231 cells inhibited primary tumor formation and retarded growth of existing breast tumors in nude mice. Blocking Gβγ signaling also dramatically reduced the incidence of spontaneous lung metastasis from primary tumors and decreased tumor formation in the experimental lung metastasis model. Additional studies indicate that Gβγ signaling may also play a role in the generation of a tumor microenvironment permissive for tumor progression, because the inhibition of Gβγ signaling attenuated leukocyte infiltration and angiogenesis in primary breast tumors. Taken together, our data demonstrate a critical role of Gβγ signaling in promoting breast tumor growth and metastasis and suggest that targeting Gβγ may represent a novel therapeutic approach for breast cancer.  相似文献   

结直肠癌(Colorectal cancer, CRC)是一种全球高发的恶性肿瘤,发病原因复杂且预后较差。近年来发现叉头框Q1(Forkhead box Q1,FOXQ1)基因作为一类核转录因子在结直肠癌中高表达,可控制下游基因转录活性。本实验拟探究CRC细胞中FOXQ1的转录调控功能并寻找其下游基因。方法:(1)构建低表达FOXQ1基因的稳定转染CRC细胞株;(2)应用RNA-seq检测FOXQ1敲低前后表达量显著差异的基因;(3)应用转座酶可接近性核染色质区域测序分析(Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing, ATAC-seq)检测FOXQ1敲低前后细胞染色质易接近性的变化;(4)进一步对FOXQ1敲低前后的RNA-seq和ATAC-seq数据进行一系列生物信息学分析,寻找CRC中FOXQ1转录调控的潜在下游基因。结果:应用RNA-seq筛选出了敲低FOXQ1后表达显著差异的基因EI24、TLR2、SMAD3,通过联合分析两细胞系的测序结果,发现FOXQ1基因敲低后,在DLD1和SW480两个细胞系中染色质易接近性均增强且表达量均上调的基因有61个,染色质易接近性均减弱且表达量均下调的基因有70个,且EI24、TLR2、SMAD3基因均位于重叠分析结果中,其中TLR2、SMAD3基因的染色质区域有明显变化,而EI24基因的染色质区域变化不明显。通过代谢通路分析找到了EI24、TLR2、SMAD3基因所富集的代谢通路。其中SMAD3、TLR2基因在炎症性肠病(Inflammatory bowel disease, IBD)通路中显著富集。EI24基因在p53信号通路(p53 signaling pathway)通路中显著富集。结论:基于染色质易接近性的变化和转录水平的研究发现:敲低FOXQ1基因对CRC细胞系中染色质的开放情况有较大的影响,且影响FOXQ1转录调控的下游基因的表达。找到了FOXQ1敲低后在SW480、DLD1中均发生变化的基因,为丰富FOXQ1转录因子的下游调控网络提供了研究基础。  相似文献   

Recent investigations have shown tumor-suppressive roles for miR-16 and miR-34a. They also share some features in regard to targeting cancer cell signaling pathways which they control. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to further scrutinize whether exogenous induction of mature miR-34a and miR-16 can collaborate in breast tumor suppression. MDA-MB-231 and SK-BR-3 human breast cancer cell lines were cultured and transfected twice with hsa-miR-16-5p and hsa-miR-34a-5p mimics individually or in combination. The cells were analyzed for apoptosis rate and cell cycle indices by flow cytometry. Also, the expression of several invasion and the epithelial-mesenchymal transition markers was evaluated at gene and protein levels by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and western blot analysis, respectively. Assessment of invasiveness and migratory potential of the transfected cells was performed using three-dimensional spheroid formation and wound-healing assay, respectively. In both cell lines, miR-16 and miR-34a induced apoptosis and cell-cycle arrest and also suppressed invasion and migration. Some of these effects, like cell-cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis, were significantly higher when using both microRNAs than when using them individually for transfection of the cells. Our results are indicating that miR-16 and miR-34a can collaborate in breast tumor suppression.  相似文献   

目的:探讨miR-203a靶向及其靶基因ATM在乳腺癌组织中的表达及相关性,为乳腺癌的发病机制尤其是淋巴结转移机制提供理论依据。方法:收集30例配对的乳腺癌和癌旁正常组织,对两组标本采用RT-qPCR检测miR-203a及ATM的相对表达量,对miR-203a和ATM进行相关分析,并对其与临床病理特征进行相关分析,比较miR-203a和ATM的表达在淋巴结转移和未转移之间是否有统计学差异。结果:与癌旁正常组织相比,乳腺癌组织中miR-203a的表达显著升高(P<0.01),ATM的表达显著降低(P<0.01),二者呈显著负相关(r=-0.847,P< 0.01);miR-203a和ATM的表达均与淋巴结是否转移与不同临床分期显著相关(P<0.05);miR-203a在淋巴结已转移组中的表达显著低于未转移组(P<0.05),ATM在淋巴结已转移组中的表达显著高于未转移组(P<0.01)。结论:乳腺癌早期miR-203a过表达抑制其靶基因ATM的表达很可能是一种调节肿瘤细胞增殖、转移和侵袭性的保护机制,到中晚期下调miR-203a上调ATM基因,可能参与淋巴结转移。  相似文献   

为深入研究miR-210-5p的调控机制及生物学功能提供理论机制,应用生物信息学方法分析miR-210-5p序列,预测其靶基因,用Veney2.1.0绘制韦恩图得到靶基因集合,并对其靶基因集合进行蛋白质互作分析,GO功能注释分析和KEGG Pathway分析。结果发现,已知的成熟miR-210-5p序列在各物种间高度保守。蛋白质互作分析显示,miR-210-5p预测靶基因所编码蛋白质间相互作用关系较复杂,尤其是靶基因CDK8、MED18、MED13等编码的蛋白质,在互作中起关键作用。GO分析发现其靶基因集合可能参与细胞组分、分子功能、生物调节等生物学过程;KEGG pathway分析发现其靶基因集合主要富集在MAPK、VEGF、癌症、甲状腺激素信号通路等信号通路。miR-210-5p调控靶基因参与多种重要的生物学过程,为后续研究提供了线索。  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the association between lnc-LAMC2-1:1 polymorphism rs2147578 and the recurrence of ovary cancer, as well as to study the underlying mechanism of rs2147578 in ovary cancer. Real-time polymerase chain reaction, Western blot analysis, immunohistochemistry, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay, Logrank test, and Kaplan-Meier analysis were carried out to explore the role of rs2147578 in ovary cancer. No obvious difference was observed concerning all clinical characteristics among 90 patients genotyped as CC (N = 28), CG (N = 38), and GG (N = 24) in their rs2147578 polymorphism. In addition, the subjects carrying the CC genotype had longer recurrence-free survival time and showed a lower level of malignancy compared with those carrying CG and GG genotypes. Lnc-LAMC2-1:1 and miR-128 were lowly expressed in the CC group, while deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) was highly expressed in the CC group. Furthermore, DCC was identified as a target gene of miR-128, and miR-128 mimics decreased the luciferase activity of cells cotransfected with wild-type DCC 3′-untranslated region. Lnc-LAMC2:1-1 directly targeted and affected miR-128 expression, and the G allele in lnc-LAMC2-1:1 rs2147578 upregulated miR-128 expression. Transfection with a miR-128 precursor evidently downregulated the expression of lnc-LAMC2-1:1, miR-128, and DCC expression, but did not affect the expression of ABCC5 and body mass index. Finally, miR-128 precursor promoted cell proliferation and inhibited cell apoptosis. Compared with lnc-LAMC2-1:1 rs2147578C allele, the G allele increases the risk of ovarian cancer by reducing the binding between lnc-LAMC2-1:1 and miR-128-3p, which in turn further decreases the expression of DCC and inhibits cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

The role of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in kidney diseases has been gradually discovered in recent years. LINC00963, as an lncRNA, was found to be involved in chronic renal failure. However, the role and molecular mechanisms of LINC00963 engaged in acute kidney injury (AKI) were still unclear. In this study, we established rat AKI models by ischaemia and reperfusion (I/R) treatment. Urea and creatinine levels were determined, and histological features of kidney tissues were examined following HE staining. CCK8 assay was chosen to assess the viability of hypoxia-induced HK-2 cells. Dual-luciferase reporter gene assays were performed to verify the target relationship between LINC00963 and microRNA. The mRNA and protein levels were assayed by RT-qPCR and Western blot, respectively. Annexin V-FITC/PI and TUNEL staining were used to evaluate apoptosis. LINC00963 was highly expressed in the cell and rat models, and miR-128-3p was predicted and then verified as a target gene of LINC00963. Knockdown of LINC00963 reduced acute renal injury both in vitro and in vivo. LINC00963 activated the JAK2/STAT1 pathway to aggravate renal I/R injury. LINC00963 could target miR-128-3p to reduce G1 arrest and apoptosis through JAK2/STAT1 pathway to promote the progression of AKI.  相似文献   

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