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Vector based shRNA (short hairpin RNA) expression library has been widely used to screen functional genes. For two main methods that have been used to generate short hairpin RNA libraries, chemical synthesis is too expensive to be widely used and the low efficiency of enzymatic approach makes it difficult to construct. We have developed a protocol to construct a new kind of shRNA library called randomized shRNA library. Within three steps chemically synthesized randomized 19-mers DNA were efficiently converted to double-stranded DNA fragments containing shRNA templates. This kind of shRNA library permits simple and economic construction, providing another choice for whole-genome phenotypic screening of genes.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes the cycle structure of a completely random net. Variables such as number of cycles of a specified length, number of cycles, number of cyclic states and length of cycle are studied. A square array of indicator variables enables conveninent study of moment structure. Additionally, exact and asymptotic distributional results are presented.  相似文献   

We have optimized lentiviral vector constructs and cassettes for expression of short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) in order to create genome-wide library capable of inhibition of full variety of human mRNAs. The vector optimization has resulted in 15-20-fold improvement in virus stock titers. We found that in the context of lentiviral vector the most effective structure for the shRNA is simple hairpin with 21 nucleotide stem. The shRNA-expressing lentiviral constructs contain choice of puro(R), copGFP or H-2K(k) selective markers. The efficiency of the optimized library was evaluated in experiments on screening of shRNAs that reactivate oncosuppressor p53 in HeLa cells. The cells contained reporter construct with p53-dependent expression of a fluorescent protein, which allows cytofluorimetric isolation of cell population with reactivated p53.  相似文献   

Coultrap SJ  Bayer KU 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25245
BACKGROUND: CaM-KIIN has evolved to inhibit stimulated and autonomous activity of the Ca(2+)/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) efficiently, selectively, and potently (IC50 ~100 nM). The CN class of peptides, derived from the inhibitory region of CaM-KIIN, provides powerful new tools to study CaMKII functions. The goal of this study was to identify the residues required for CaMKII inhibition, and to assess if artificial mutations could further improve the potency achieved during evolution. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: First, the minimal region with full inhibitory potency was identified (CN19) by determining the effect of truncated peptides on CaMKII activity in biochemical assays. Then, individual residues of CN19 were mutated. Most individual Ala substitutions decreased potency of CaMKII inhibition, however, P3A, K13A, and R14A increased potency. Importantly, this initial Ala scan suggested a specific interaction of the region around R11 with the CaMKII substrate binding site, which was exploited for further rational mutagenesis to generate an optimized pseudo-substrate sequence. Indeed, the potency of the optimized peptide CN19o was >250fold improved (IC50 <0.4 nM), and CN19o has characteristics of a tight-binding inhibitor. The selectivity for CaMKII versus CaMKI was similarly improved (to almost 100,000fold for CN19o). A phospho-mimetic S12D mutation decreased potency, indicating potential for regulation by cellular signaling. Consistent with importance of this residue in inhibition, most other S12 mutations also significantly decreased potency, however, mutation to V or Q did not. CONLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results provide improved research tools for studying CaMKII function, and indicate that evolution fine-tuned CaM-KIIN not for maximal potency of CaMKII inhibition, but for lower potency that may be optimal for dynamic regulation of signal transduction.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is a mechanism for inhibiting gene expression through the action of small, non-coding RNAs. Most existing RNAi libraries target single genes through canonical pathways. Endogenous microRNAs (miRNAs), however, often target multiple genes and can act through non-canonical pathways, including pathways that activate gene expression. To interrogate all possible functions, we designed, synthesized, and validated the first shRNA-encoding library that is completely random at the nucleotide level. Screening in an IL3-dependent cell line, FL5.12, yielded shRNA-encoding sequences that double cell survival upon IL3 withdrawal. Using random mutagenesis and re-screening under more stringent IL3-starvation conditions, we hit-optimized one of the sequences; a specific nucleotide change and the creation of a mismatch between the two halves of the stem both contributed to the improved potency. Our library allows unbiased selection and optimization of shRNA-encoding sequences that confer phenotypes of interest, and could be used for the development of therapeutics and tools in many fields of biology.  相似文献   

Lantibiotics are ribosomally synthesized and posttranslationally modified antimicrobial peptides that arise as an alternative to the traditional antibiotics. Lichenicidin is active against clinically relevant bacteria and it was the first lantibiotic to be fully produced in vivo in the Gram-negative host Escherichia coli. Here, we present the results of a library of lichenicidin mutants, in which the mutations were generated based on the extensive bibliographical search available for other lantibiotics. The antibacterial activity of two-peptide lantibiotics, as is lichenicidin, requires the synergistic activity of two peptides. We established a method that allows screening for bioactivity which does not require the purification of the complementary peptide. It is an inexpensive, fast and user-friendly method that can be scaled up to screen large libraries of bioengineered two-peptide lantibiotics. The applied system is reliable and robust because, in general, the results obtained corroborate structure–activity relationship studies carried out for other lantibiotics.  相似文献   

Consider a large random mating monoecious diploid population that has N individuals in each generation. Let us assume that at time 0 a random sample of ninfinity. It is then possible to obtain a generalization of coalescent theory for haploid populations if the distribution of G1 has a finite second moment and E[G(1)(3)]/N-->0 as N-->infinity.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) screening is extensively used in the field of reverse genetics. RNAi libraries constructed using random oligonucleotides have made this technology affordable. However, the new methodology requires exploration of the RNAi target gene information after screening because the RNAi library includes non-natural sequences that are not found in genes. Here, we developed a web-based tool to support RNAi screening. The system performs short hairpin RNA (shRNA) target prediction that is informed by comprehensive enquiry (SPICE). SPICE automates several tasks that are laborious but indispensable to evaluate the shRNAs obtained by RNAi screening. SPICE has four main functions: (i) sequence identification of shRNA in the input sequence (the sequence might be obtained by sequencing clones in the RNAi library), (ii) searching the target genes in the database, (iii) demonstrating biological information obtained from the database, and (iv) preparation of search result files that can be utilized in a local personal computer (PC). Using this system, we demonstrated that genes targeted by random oligonucleotide-derived shRNAs were not different from those targeted by organism-specific shRNA. The system facilitates RNAi screening, which requires sequence analysis after screening. The SPICE web application is available at http://www.spice.sugysun.org/.  相似文献   

A novel random peptide library was constructed using a phage-display format on the coat proteins pVII and pIX of filamentous bacteriophage. Panning against B-lymphocyte WI–L2 cells yielded one unique peptide-phage, denoted CHL8, that specifically bound to and penetrated the cells. Studies of each peptide derived from CHL8, denoted pep7 and pep9, established that only pep7 mediated the observed activity and only as a homodimer. Peptide libraries displayed on pVII–pIX should serve as a novel source of bioactive ligands for a variety of applications.  相似文献   

A mechanistic model for rational design of optimal cellulase mixtures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model‐based framework is described that permits the optimal composition of cellulase enzyme mixtures to be found for lignocellulose hydrolysis. The rates of hydrolysis are shown to be dependent on the nature of the substrate. For bacterial microcrystalline cellulose (BMCC) hydrolyzed by a ternary cellulase mixture of EG2, CBHI, and CBHII, the optimal predicted mixture was 1:0:1 EG2:CBHI:CBHII at 24 h and 1:1:0 at 72 h, at loadings of 10 mg enzyme per g substrate. The model was validated with measurements of soluble cello‐oligosaccharide production from BMCC during both single enzyme and mixed enzyme hydrolysis. Three‐dimensional diagrams illustrating cellulose conversion were developed for mixtures of EG2, CBHI, CBHII acting on BMCC and predicted for other substrates with a range of substrate properties. Model predictions agreed well with experimental values of conversion after 24 h for a variety of enzyme mixtures. The predicted mixture performances for substrates with varying properties demonstrated the effects of initial degree of polymerization (DP) and surface area on the performance of cellulase mixtures. For substrates with a higher initial DP, endoglucanase enzymes accounted for a larger fraction of the optimal mixture. Substrates with low surface areas showed significantly reduced hydrolysis rates regardless of mixture composition. These insights, along with the quantitative predictions, demonstrate the utility of this model‐based framework for optimizing cellulase mixtures. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011;108: 2561–2570. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In recent years pharmaceutical companies have utilized structure-based drug design and combinatorial library design techniques to speed up their drug discovery efforts. Both approaches are routinely used in the lead discovery and lead optimization stages of the drug discovery process. Fragment-based drug design, a new power tool in the drug design toolbox, is also gaining acceptance across the pharmaceutical industry. This review will focus on the interplay between these three design techniques and recent developments in computational methodologies that enhance their integration. Examples of successful synergistic applications of these three techniques will be highlighted. Opinion regarding possible future directions of the field will be given.  相似文献   

A semisynthetic peroxidase was designed by exploiting the structural similarity of the active sites of vanadium dependent haloperoxidases and acid phosphatases. Incorporation of vanadate ion into the active site of phytase (E.C., which mediates in vivo the hydrolysis of phosphate esters, leads to the formation of a semisynthetic peroxidase, which catalyzes the enantioselective oxidation of prochiral sulfides with H(2)O(2) affording the S-sulfoxide, e.g. in 66% ee at 100% conversion for thioanisole. Under reaction conditions the semi-synthetic vanadium peroxidase is stable for over 3 days with only a slight decrease in turnover frequency. Polar water-miscible cosolvents, such as methanol, dioxane, and dimethoxyethane, can be used in concentrations of 30% (v/v) at a small penalty in activity and enantioselectivity. Among the transition metal oxoanions that are known to be potent inhibitors, only vanadate resulted in a semisynthetic peroxidase when incorporated into phytase. A number of other acid phosphatases and hydrolases were tested for peroxidase activity, when incorporated with vanadate ion. Phytases from Aspergillus ficuum, A. fumigatus, and A. nidulans, sulfatase from Helix pomatia, and phospholipase D from cabbage catalyzed enantioselective oxygen transfer reactions when incorporated with vanadium. However, phytase from A. ficuum was unique in also catalyzing the enantioselective sulfoxidation, albeit at a lower rate, in the absence of vanadate ion.  相似文献   

The advent of genetic engineering-the ability to edit and insert DNA into living organisms-in the latter half of the 20th century created visions of a new era of synthetic biology, where novel biological functions could be designed and implemented for useful purposes. We are witnessing an exciting revolution of scale, wherein technical progresses allow for the manipulation of genetic material at the whole genome level. This will enable the manufacture of increasingly complex genetic designs to solve pressing challenges in health, energy and the environment-if and when such designs can be specified. We argue that the organized development of key common application organisms, engineered for engineerability, and attendant libraries of parts, pathways and standardized manufacturing are necessary for this genome-scale technology to realize its promise.  相似文献   

Development of nucleic acid-based sensing attracts the interest of many researchers in the field of both basic and applied research in chemistry. Major factors for the fabrication of a successful nucleic acid sensor include the design of probes for target sequence hybridization and their immobilization on the chip surface. Here we demonstrate that a rational choice of bioprobes has important impact on the sensor's analytical performances. Computational evaluations, by a simple and freely available program, successfully led to the design of the best probes for a given target, with direct application to nucleic acid-based sensing. We developed here an optimized and reproducible strategy for in silico probe design supported by optical transduction experiments. In particular Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging (SPRi), at the forefront of optical sensing, was used here as proof of principle. Five probes were selected, immobilized on gold chip surfaces by widely consolidated thiol chemistry and tested to validate the computational model. Using SPRi as the transducting component, real-time and label free analysis was performed, taking the Homo sapiens actin beta (ACTB) gene fragment as model system in nucleic acid detection. The experimental sensor behavior was further studied by evaluating the strength of the secondary structure of probes using melting experiments. Dedicated software was also used to evaluate probes' folding, to support our criteria. The SPRi experimental results fully validate the computational evaluations, revealing this approach highly promising as a useful tool to design biosensor probes with optimized performances.  相似文献   

Diller DJ  Merz KM 《Proteins》2001,43(2):113-124
The prioritization of the screening of combinatorial libraries is an extremely important task for the rapid identification of tight binding ligands and ultimately pharmaceutical compounds. When structural information for the target is available, molecular docking is an approach that can be used for prioritization. Here, we present the initial validation of a new rapid approach to molecular docking developed for prioritizing combinatorial libraries. The algorithm is tested on 103 individual cases from the protein data bank and in nearly 90% of these cases docks the ligand to within 2.0 A of the observed binding mode. Because the mean CPU time is <5 s/mol, this approach can process hundreds of thousands of compounds per week. Furthermore, if a somewhat less thorough search is performed, the search time drops to 1 s/mol, thus allowing millions of compounds to be docked per week and tested for potential activity. Proteins 2001;43:113-124.  相似文献   

Random selection, rational design and molecular imprinting were cooperatively utilized to develop peptide-based ATP synthetic receptors. In this fusion strategy, combinatorial chemistry was utilized for screening a precursor peptide useful for construction of ATP receptors, and rational design was employed in modification of the selected precursor peptide for higher affinity and selectivity. Finally, molecular imprinting was used for pre-organizing the conformation of the precursor peptide as complementary to a target molecule ATP. The fusion strategy appeared to have advantage to sole use of the individual strategy: (1) a low hit-rate of combinatorial chemistry will be improved by customizing a higher order structure of a selected peptide by molecular imprinting, (2) combinatorial chemistry allows us to semi-automatically select components of water-compatible synthetic receptors, (3) rational design improves the selected peptide sequence for better molecularly imprinted receptors.A peptide consisting of a randomly selected sequence and a rationally designed sequence (Resin-Lys-Gly-Arg-Gly-Lys-Gly-Gly-Gly-Glu-Lys-Tyr-Leu-Lys-NHAc) was designed and synthesized as a precursor peptide. The rational design was made according to the sequence of the adenine binding site of biotin carboxylase. The on-beads peptide was cross-linked with dimethyl adipimidate in the presence of ATP. In the saturation binding tests, the cross-linked on-beads peptide showed 5.3 times higher affinity compared to the non-cross-linked peptide with the same sequence. Furthermore, the cross-linked peptide showed improved selectivity; the ratios of binding constants, K(ATP)/K(ADP) and K(ATP)/K(GTP), were increased from 2.4 to 19, and from 0.8 to 10, respectively. It would be notable that the peptide without the rationally designed sequence showed no discrimination between ATP and GTP (K(ATP)/K(GTP) as 0.9), suggesting that the rationally designed site was successfully engaged for recognition of the adenine base.  相似文献   

This short review focuses on three aspects of rational drug design that we consider of utmost importance: the conformation of small molecules in solid form, the conformation of small molecules in solution and lesser studied interactions in protein-ligand complexes. Using examples from recent literature, we will illustrate these different aspects and how they have contributed to the discovery of potent modulators.  相似文献   

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