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Here we present evidence that the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), a heteromeric membrane protein whose surface expression is regulated by ubiquitination, is present in clathrin-coated vesicles in epithelial cells that natively express ENaC. The channel subunits are ubiquitinated and co-immunoprecipitate with both epsin and clathrin adaptor proteins, and epsin, as expected, co-immunoprecipitates with clathrin adaptor proteins. The functional significance of these interactions was evaluated in a Xenopus oocyte expression system where co-expression of epsin and ENaC resulted in a down-regulation of ENaC activity; conversely, co-expression of epsin sub-domains acted as dominant-negative effectors and stimulated ENaC activity. These results identify epsin as an accessory protein linking ENaC to the clathrin-based endocytic machinery thereby regulating the activity of this ion channel at the cell surface.  相似文献   

The hepatitis B virus (HBV) core particle serves as a protective capsid shell for the viral genome and is highly immunogenic. Recombinant capsid-like core particles are used as effective carriers of foreign T and B cell epitopes and as delivery vehicles for oligonucleotides. The core monomer contains an arginine-rich C terminus that directs core particle attachment to cells via membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Here we investigated the mechanism of recombinant core particle uptake and its intracellular fate following heparan sulfate binding. We found that the core particles are internalized in an energy-dependent manner. Core particle uptake is inhibited by chlorpromazine and by cytosol acidification known to block clathrin-mediated endocytosis but not by nystatin, which blocks lipid raft endocytosis. Particle uptake is abolished by expression of dominant negative forms of eps15 and Rab5, adaptors involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis and early endosome transport, respectively. Endocytosed particles are transported to lysosomes where the core monomer is endoproteolytically cleaved into its distinct domains. Using protease inhibitors, cathepsin B was identified as the enzyme responsible for core monomer cleavage. Finally we found that monomer cleavage promotes particle dissociation within cells. Together, our results show that HBV capsid-like core particles are internalized through clathrin-mediated endocytosis, leading to lysosomal cleavage of the core monomer and particle dissociation.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is an essential process by which eukaryotic cells internalize exogenous material or regulate signaling at the cell surface [1]. Different endocytic pathways are well established in yeast and animals; prominent among them is clathrin-dependent endocytosis [2, 3]. In plants, endocytosis is poorly defined, and no molecular mechanism for cargo internalization has been demonstrated so far [4, 5], although the internalization of receptor-ligand complexes at the plant plasma membrane has recently been shown [6]. Here we demonstrate by means of a green-to-red photoconvertible fluorescent reporter, EosFP [7], the constitutive endocytosis of PIN auxin efflux carriers [8] and their recycling to the plasma membrane. Using a plant clathrin-specific antibody, we show the presence of clathrin at different stages of coated-vesicle formation at the plasma membrane in Arabidopsis. Genetic interference with clathrin function inhibits PIN internalization and endocytosis in general. Furthermore, pharmacological interference with cargo recruitment into the clathrin pathway blocks internalization of PINs and other plasma-membrane proteins. Our data demonstrate that clathrin-dependent endocytosis is operational in plants and constitutes the predominant pathway for the internalization of numerous plasma-membrane-resident proteins including PIN auxin efflux carriers.  相似文献   

Regulation of water permeability of collecting duct principal cells by neurohypophysial hormone vasopressin underlies the functioning of kidneys as the main effector organs providing the maintenance of the water-electrolyte balance of the organism. Clathrin-mediated endocytosis of water channels and V2 vasopressin receptors is an important step of the antidiuretic mechanism of vasopressin. Internalization of the receptors does not only reduce the number of receptors in plasma membrane, but also activates alternative intracellular signaling pathways. This review outlines the current concept of the mechanism of clathrinmediated endocytosis of V2 receptors and AQP2 water channels, which is necessary for better understanding the molecular mechanism of vasopressin action.  相似文献   

Caveolae-mediated endocytosis in endothelial cells is stimulated by the binding of albumin to gp60, a specific albumin-binding protein localized in caveolae. The activation of gp60 induces its cell surface clustering and association with caveolin-1, the caveolar-scaffolding protein. This interaction leads to G(i)-induced Src kinase activation, which in turn signals dynamin-2-mediated fission and directed migration of caveolae-derived vesicles from apical to basal membrane. In this study, we investigated the possible role of the Gbetagamma heterodimer in signaling G(i)-induced Src activation and subsequent caveolae-mediated endocytosis. We observed using rat lung microvascular endothelial cells that expression of the C terminus of beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (ct-betaARK), an inhibitor Gbetagamma signaling, prevented gp60-dependent Src activation as well as caveolae-mediated endocytosis and transcellular transport of albumin and uptake of cholera toxin subunit B, a specific marker of caveolae internalization. Expression of ct-betaARK also prevented Src-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of caveolin-1 and dynamin-2 and the resultant phosphorylation-dependent association of dynamin-2 and caveolin-1. Also, the direct activation of Gbetagamma using a specific cell-permeant activating peptide (myristoylated-SIRKALNILGYPDYD) simulated the effects of gp60 in inducing Src activation, caveolin-1, and dynamin-2 phosphorylation as well as caveolae-mediated endocytosis of cholera toxin subunit B. The myristoylated-SIRKALNILGYPDYD peptide-induced responses were inhibited by the expression of ct-betaARK. Taken together, our results demonstrate that Gbetagamma activation of Src signals caveolae-mediated endocytosis and transendothelial albumin transport via transcytosis.  相似文献   

Several studies suggest, but do not prove directly, that muscarinic receptors may be able to form dimeric or oligomeric arrays. To address this issue in a more direct fashion, we designed a series of biochemical experiments using a modified version of the rat m3 muscarinic receptor (referred to as m3') as a model system. When membrane lysates prepared from m3' receptor-expressing COS-7 cells were subjected to Western blot analysis under non-reducing conditions, several immunoreactive species were observed corresponding in size to putative receptor monomers, dimers, and oligomers. However, under reducing conditions, the monomeric receptor species represented the only detectable immunoreactive protein, consistent with the presence of disulfide-linked m3 receptor complexes. Similar results were obtained when native m3 muscarinic receptors present in rat brain membranes were analyzed. Control experiments carried out in the presence of high concentrations of the SH group alkylating agent, N-ethylmaleimide, suggested that disulfide bond formation did not occur artifactually during the preparation of cell lysates. The formation of m3' receptor dimers/multimers was confirmed in coimmunoprecipitation studies using differentially epitope-tagged m3' receptor constructs. In addition, these studies showed that m3' receptors were also able to form non-covalently associated receptor dimers and that m3' receptor dimer formation was receptor subtype-specific. Immunological studies also demonstrated that m3' receptor dimers/multimers were abundantly expressed on the cell surface. Site-directed mutagenesis studies indicated that two conserved extracellular Cys residues (Cys-140 and Cys-220) play key roles in the formation of disulfide-linked m3' receptor dimers. These results provide the first direct evidence for the existence of muscarinic receptor dimers and highlight the specificity and molecular diversity of G protein-coupled receptor dimerization/oligomerization.  相似文献   

MUC1 is a mucin-like type 1 transmembrane protein associated with the apical surface of epithelial cells. In human tumors of epithelial origin MUC1 is overexpressed in an underglycosylated form with truncated O-glycans and accumulates in intracellular compartments. To understand the basis for this altered subcellular localization, we compared the synthesis and trafficking of various glycosylated forms of MUC1 in normal (Chinese hamster ovary) cells and glycosylation-defective (ldlD) cells that lack the epimerase to make UDP-Gal/GalNAc from UDP-Glc/GlcNAc. Although the MUC1 synthesized in ldlD cells was rapidly degraded, addition of GalNAc alone to the culture media resulted in stabilization and near normal surface expression of MUC1 with truncated but sialylated O-glycans. Interestingly, the initial rate of endocytosis of this underglycosylated MUC1 was stimulated by twofold compared with fully glycosylated MUC1. However, the half-lives of the two forms were not different, indicating that trafficking to lysosomes was not affected. Both the normal and stimulated internalization of MUC1 could be blocked by hypertonic media, a hallmark of clathrin-mediated endocytosis. MUC1 endocytosis was also blocked by expression of a dominant-negative mutant of dynamin-1 (K44A), and MUC1 was observed in both clathrin-coated pits and vesicles by immunoelectron microscopy of ultrathin cryosections. Our data suggest that the subcellular redistribution of MUC1 in tumor cells could be a direct result of altered endocytic trafficking induced by its aberrant glycosylation; potential models are discussed. These results also implicate a new role for O-glycans on mucin-like membrane proteins entering the endocytic pathway through clathrin-coated pits.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is essential for the entry of many viruses into cells. The primate lentiviruses [human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 and 2, and the simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs)], however, use endocytosis in other aspects of their life cycles. Here, the authors describe the ways in which the endocytic pathway is used by HIV and SIV and discuss the mechanisms through which endocytosis may contribute to the pathogenic properties of these viruses.  相似文献   

Upon agonist stimulation, many G protein-coupled receptors such as beta(2)-adrenergic receptors are internalized via beta-arrestin- and clathrin-dependent mechanisms, whereas others, like M(2) muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs), are internalized by clathrin- and arrestin-independent mechanisms. To gain further insight into the mechanisms that regulate M(2) mAChR endocytosis, we investigated the post-endocytic trafficking of M(2) mAChRs in HeLa cells and the role of the ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (Arf6) GTPase in regulating M(2) mAChR internalization. Here, we report that M(2) mAChRs are rapidly internalized by a clathrin-independent pathway that is inhibited up to 50% by expression of either GTPase-defective Arf6 Q67L or an upstream Arf6 activator, Galpha(q) Q209L. In contrast, M(2) mAChR internalization was not affected by expression of dominant-negative dynamin 2 K44A, which is a known inhibitor of clathrin-dependent endocytosis. Nevertheless, M(2) mAChRs, which are initially internalized in structures that lack clathrin-dependent endosomal markers, quickly localize to endosomes that contain the clathrin-dependent, early endosomal markers early endosome autoantigen-1, transferrin receptor, and GTPase-defective Rab5 Q79L, which is known to swell early endosomal compartments. These results suggest that M(2) mAChRs initially internalize via an Arf6-associated, clathrin-independent pathway but then quickly merge with the clathrin endocytic pathway at the level of early endosomes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Accumulating evidence indicates the presence of functional M3 subtype of acetylcholine muscarinic receptors (M(3)-mAChR), in addition to the well-recognized M(2)-mAChR, in the heart of various species including man. However, the pathophysiological role of the cardiac M(3)-mAChR remain undefined. This study was designed to explore the possible role of M(3)-mAChR in cytoprotection of myocardial infarction and several related signaling pathways as potential mechanisms. METHODS: Studies were performed in a rat model of myocardial infarction and in isolated myocytes. RESULTS: We found that choline relieved myocardial injuries during ischemia or under oxidative stress, which was achieved by correcting hemodynamic impairment, diminishing ventricular arrhythmias and protecting cardiomyocytes from apoptotic death. The beneficial effects of choline were reversed by the M(3)-selective antagonists but not by the M(2)-selective antagonist. Choline/M(3)-mAChR activated several survival signaling molecules (antiapoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and ERKs), increased endogenous antioxidant reserve (SOD), and reduced apoptotic mediators (proapoptotic proteins Fas and p38 MAPK) and intracellular Ca2+ overload. CONCLUSION: Choline improves cardiac function and reduces ischemic myocardial injuries via stimulating the cardiac M(3)-mAChRs which in turn result in alterations of multiple signaling pathways leading to cytoprotection. The findings suggest M(3)-mAChR as a new target for drug development for improving cardiac function and preventing cardiac injuries during ischemia/reperfusion.  相似文献   

Granseth B  Odermatt B  Royle SJ  Lagnado L 《Neuron》2006,51(6):773-786
The maintenance of synaptic transmission requires that vesicles be recycled after releasing neurotransmitter. Several modes of retrieval have been proposed to operate at small synaptic terminals of central neurons, including a fast "kiss-and-run" mechanism that releases neurotransmitter through a fusion pore. Using an improved fluorescent reporter comprising pHluorin fused to synaptophysin, we find that only a slow mode of endocytosis (tau = 15 s) operates at hippocampal synapses when vesicle fusion is triggered by a single nerve impulse or short burst. This retrieval mechanism is blocked by overexpression of the C-terminal fragment of AP180 or by knockdown of clathrin using RNAi, and it is associated with the movement of clathrin and vesicle proteins out of the synapse. These results indicate that clathrin-mediated endocytosis is the major, if not exclusive, mechanism of vesicle retrieval after physiological stimuli.  相似文献   

The muscarinic antagonists pirenzepine and telenzepine were derivatized as alkylamino derivatives at a site on the molecules corresponding to a region of bulk tolerance in receptor binding. The distal primary amino groups were coupled to the cross-linking reagent meta-phenylene diisothiocyanate, resulting in two isothiocyanate derivatives that were found to inhibit muscarinic receptors irreversibly and in a dose-dependent fashion. Preincubation of rat forebrain membranes with an isothiocyanate derivative followed by radioligand binding using [3H]N-methylscopolamine diminished the Bmax value, but did not affect the Kd value. The receptor binding site was not restored upon repeated washing, indicating that irreversible inhibition had occurred. IC50 values for the irreversible inhibition at rat forebrain muscarinic receptors were 0.15 nM and 0.19 nM, for derivatives of pirenzepine and telenzepine, respectively. The isothiocyanate derivative of pirenzepine was non-selective as an irreversible muscarinic inhibitor, and the corresponding derivative prepared from telenzepine was 5-fold selective for forebrain (mainly m1) vs. heart (m2) muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins participate in signal transduction by transferring signals from cell surface receptors to intracellular effector molecules. Interestingly, recent results suggest that G proteins also interact with microtubules and participate in cell division and differentiation. It has been shown earlier that both alpha and betagamma subunits of G proteins modulate microtubule assembly in vitro. Since G protein activation and subsequent dissociation of alpha and betagamma subunits are necessary for G proteins to participate in signaling processes, here we asked if similar activation is required for modulation of microtubule assembly by G proteins. We reconstituted Galphabetagamma heterotrimer from myristoylated-Galpha and prenylated-Gbetagamma, and found that the heterotrimer blocks Gi1alpha activation of tubulin GTPase and inhibits the ability of Gbeta1gamma2 to promote in vitro microtubule assembly. Results suggest that G protein activation is required for functional coupling between Galpha/Gbetagamma and tubulin/microtubules, and supports the notion that regulation of microtubules is an integral component of G protein mediated signaling.  相似文献   

The human m1 (hm1) and m2 (hm2) muscarinic cholinergic receptors (mAChR) expressed in Sf9 insect cells using recombinant baculovirus were tested for their ability to undergo agonist-dependent phosphorylation and desensitization. The muscarinic agonist carbachol induced phosphorylation of the hm2 mAChR in the Sf9 cells incubated with 32P(i) to an extent of 4-5 mol of phosphate/mol of receptor. In contrast, no phosphorylation of the hm1 mAChR was observed. The hm2 mAChR stimulated [35S]GTP gamma S binding to, and GTPase activity of, the insect cell G-proteins. These receptor-mediated activities were reduced by 50% in membranes prepared from agonist-treated cells compared to control, suggesting that the agonist-induced phosphorylation of the hm2 mAChR resulted in desensitization of the receptors. No role for protein kinase C or cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinases in receptor phosphorylation and desensitization was suggested from studies using agents known to modulate the activity of these enzymes. However, pertussis toxin was found to completely eliminate the interaction of the hm2 receptors with the insect cell G-proteins, but did not perturb the ability of carbachol to induce agonist-dependent phosphorylation of the receptors. These results suggested that G-proteins and/or G-protein-activated signalling were not necessary for the agonist-induced phosphorylation of the receptors. Overall, the data indicated that the human m2 (but not the human m1) mAChR expressed in Sf9 insect cells undergo phosphorylation and desensitization in an agonist-dependent, G-protein-independent fashion by an endogenous insect cell kinase. The results demonstrated that a human G-protein-linked receptor is regulated in insect cells in a manner that is similar to that involving members of the G-protein receptor-kinase family.  相似文献   

The five muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) subtypes, termed m1-m5, transduce agonist signals across the plasma membrane by activating guanine nucleotide binding (G) proteins. The large cytoplasmic domain joining the fifth and sixth transmembrane segments of mAChRs plays a critical role in controlling the specificity of G protein coupling. In this study, we determined which sequences within this domain are required for activation of signaling by the m3 mAChR. By measuring the ability of normal and mutant m3 mAChRs to couple to the G protein pathway leading to activation of phospholipase C and Ca(2+)-dependent chloride currents in RNA-injected Xenopus oocytes, we found that two clusters of charged residues near the fifth and sixth transmembrane segments were required for normal signaling; furthermore, the position of these sequences was critical for their function. Finally, analysis of deletion mutant m3 mAChRs confirmed the importance of these sequences; receptors containing as few as 22 out of 239 amino acids of the cytoplasmic domain were fully active in signaling if they included the critical charged residues. Sequence comparisons suggest that similar charged sequences may be required for signal transduction by many G protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

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