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The effect of pH, Mg-ATP, and free calcium on activity of the inner dynein arm was investigated using demembranated human spermatozoa lacking the outer dynein arms (LODA). The results were compared with those obtained for demembranated-reactivated normal spermatozoa to evaluate the functional properties of the inner and outer dynein arms in axonemal motility. The reactivation of Triton X-100–demembranated LODA spermatozoa was analysed at various pHs and concentrations of Mg-ATP and calcium using video recordings. The percentage of reactivated LODA spermatozoa as a function of Mg-ATP concentration was not dependent on pH, whereas reactivation of normal human spermatozoa is pH dependent. This suggests that there may be a pH-dependent regulatory mechanism associated with the outer dynein arms. A delay in the principal bend propagation of normal and LODA reactivated cells was found at pH 7.1. This disappeared at pH 7.8 in normal but not in LODA populations. This suggests a role for outer dynein arms in the initiation of the propagation of flagellar bends at alkaline pH. The level of LODA and normal sperm reactivation both depended on the calcium concentration in the medium. At lower free calcium concentrations, the reactivation level and beat frequency of reactivated cells were higher. Our results suggest a functional difference between outer and inner dynein arms of human spermatozoa based on a differential pH sensitivity. Moreover, calcium seems to exert its regulatory action elsewhere than on the outer dynein arms. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 49:416–425, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lack of dynein arms in immotile human spermatozoa   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Sermatozoa from two brothers who are not twins were found to be straight and immotile. Examinations of the sperm showed that oxygen consumption and lactic acid production were normal; viability tests showed that the percentage of dead sperm was not increased. The ultrastructural appearance of the sperm tail was normal except for a complete lack of dynein arms and some irregularities in the arrangement of the accessory fibers and the longitudinal columns of the fibrous sheath. The mitochondrial apparatus and the sperm head conform to the conventional model. According to the sliding-filament hypothesis first proposed by Afzelius (1959. J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol. 5:269.), the arms are responsible for the bending movements of the tail. The simplest explanation for the simultaneous lack of arms and sperm motility appears to be that the two brothers have a genetic disorder involving production, assembly, or attachment of the dynein arms.  相似文献   

Transverse sections of flagellar axonemes from a variety of lower plant spermatozoids were examined by electron microscopy. Motile sperm of four ferns (Marsilea, Pteridium, Lygodium and Aneimia), a horsetail (Equisetum) and a liverwort (Marchantia) were fixed in the presence of tannic acid to visualise the dynein arms. In all cases the inner dynein arms were clearly resolved but the outer arms were absent. Absence of outer arms therefore appears to be a common feature of the archegoniate plants. The implications of these findings to our understanding of the evolution of the land plants and the role of the dynein arms in flagellar beating is discussed.  相似文献   

When outer-row dynein arms are extracted from Chlamydomonas flagellar axonemes, they dissociate into two ATPase complexes with sedimentation coefficients of 12S and 18S. We immunized mice with 18S dynein and generated a library of monoclonal antibodies against the polypeptides in this complex. Antibodies were selected which specifically recognize the 18S alpha- and beta-heavy chains and the 83,000-dalton and 70,000-dalton intermediate chains. These antibodies were isolated and characterized for their ability to recognize determinants on both denatured antigens and native 18S dynein; 18S dynein was dissociated in stepwise fashion into smaller aggregates with ionic and nonionic detergents and the resulting subcomplexes were isolated by precipitation with specific monoclonal antibodies. The smallest aggregates isolated were heterodimers between the alpha-chain and a 16,000-dalton light chain and between the two intermediate chains. Additional close associations of the beta-heavy chain with an 18,000-dalton light chain and 70,000-dalton intermediate chain, and a weaker interaction between the intermediate chain heterodimer and light chains of 21,000 daltons and 12,500 daltons, were also observed. We present a model of 18S dynein substructure based upon this information.  相似文献   

Intraflagellar transport (IFT), which is the bidirectional movement of particles within flagella, is required for flagellar assembly. IFT particles are composed of approximately 16 proteins, which are organized into complexes A and B. We have cloned Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and mouse IFT46, and show that IFT46 is a highly conserved complex B protein in both organisms. A C. reinhardtii insertional mutant null for IFT46 has short, paralyzed flagella lacking dynein arms and with central pair defects. The mutant has greatly reduced levels of most complex B proteins, indicating that IFT46 is necessary for complex B stability. A partial suppressor mutation restores flagellar length to the ift46 mutant. IFT46 is still absent, but levels of the other IFT particle proteins are largely restored, indicating that complex B is stabilized in the suppressed strain. Axonemal ultrastructure is restored, except that the outer arms are still missing, although outer arm subunits are present in the cytoplasm. Thus, IFT46 is specifically required for transporting outer arms into the flagellum.  相似文献   

The ATPase activities in Chlamydomonas axonemes were compared between wild type and a mutant (oda) that lacks entire outer dynein arms, at various ionic strengths and pH values, and in the presence of different concentrations of high-molecular-mass dextran. Over a 0-0.2 M KCl concentration range, the ATPase activity of oda axonemes was found to be 5-12 times lower than that of the wild-type axonemes. The low activity in oda is surprising since outer arm-depleted axonemes of sea urchin sperm have been reported to retain about 50% of the normal activity. In both wild type and oda, the ATPase activity of dynein was higher when contained within the axoneme than when released from it with 0.6 M KCl. The ATPase activation within the wild-type axoneme was inhibited by high ionic strengths or by the presence of dextran. The activation in oda axonemes, on the other hand, was not inhibited by these factors. These significantly different ATPase properties suggest that the inner and outer dynein arms perform somewhat different functions in this organism.  相似文献   

Outer-arm dynein from the sperm of the sea urchin S. purpuratus was adsorbed to mica flakes and visualized by the quick-freeze, deep-etch technique. Replicas reveal particles comprised of two globular heads joined by two irregularly shaped stems which make contact along their length. One head is pear-shaped (18.5 X 12.5 nm) and the other is spherical (14.5-nm diam). The stems are decorated by a complex of bead-like subunits. The same two-headed protein is found in the 21S dynein-1 fraction of sucrose gradients. The beta-heavy chain/intermediate chain 1 (beta/IC-1) dynein subfraction, produced by low-salt dialysis and zonal centrifugation of the high-salt-extracted dynein-1, contains only single-headed molecules with single stems. These heads are predominantly pear-shaped (18.5 X 12.5 nm). Since 21S dynein-1 contains two heavy chains (alpha and beta), and the beta/IC-1 subfraction is comprised of only the beta-heavy chain (Tang et al., 1982, J. Biol. Chem. 257: 508-515), we conclude that each head is formed by a heavy chain, that the pear-shaped head contains the beta-heavy chain, and that the spherical head contains the alpha-heavy chain. The in situ outer dynein arms of demembranated sperm were also studied by the quick-freeze, deep-etch method. When frozen in reactivation buffer devoid of ATP, each arm consists of a large globular head that attaches to the A-microtubule by distally skewed subunits and attaches to the B-microtubule by a slender stalk. In ATP, this head shifts its orientation such that it can be seen to be constructed from two globular domains. We offer possible correlates between the in situ and the in vitro images, and we compare the structure of sea-urchin dynein with dynein previously described from Chlamydomonas and Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

Motile cilia protrude from cell surfaces and are necessary to create movement of cells and fluids in the body. At the molecular level, cilia contain several dynein molecular motor complexes including outer dynein arms (ODAs) that are attached periodically to the ciliary axoneme, where they hydrolyse ATP to create the force required for bending and motility of the cilium. ODAs are preassembled in the cytoplasm and subsequently trafficked into the cilium by the intraflagellar transport (IFT) system. In the case of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the adaptor protein ODA16 binds to ODAs and directly to the IFT complex component IFT46 to facilitate the ciliary import of ODAs. Here, we purified recombinant human IFT46 and ODA16, determined the high‐resolution crystal structure of the ODA16 protein, and carried out direct interaction studies of IFT46 and ODA16. The human ODA16 C‐terminal 320 residues adopt the fold of an eight‐bladed β‐propeller with high overall structural similarity to the Chlamydomonas ODA16. However, the small 80 residue N‐terminal domain, which in Chlamydomonas ODA16 is located on top of the β‐propeller and is required to form the binding cleft for IFT46, has no visible electron density in case of the human ODA16 structure. Furthermore, size exclusion chromatography and pull‐down experiments failed to detect a direct interaction between human ODA16 and IFT46. These data suggest that additional factors may be required for the ciliary import of ODAs in human cells with motile cilia.  相似文献   

Inner dynein arms, but not outer dynein arms, require the activity of KHP1(FLA10) to reach the distal part of axonemes before binding to outer doublet microtubules. We have analyzed the rescue of inner or outer dynein arms in quadriflagellate dikaryons by immunofluorescence microscopy of p28(IDA4), an inner dynein arm light chain, or IC69(ODA6), an outer dynein arm intermediate chain. In dikaryons two strains with different genetic backgrounds share the cytoplasm. As a consequence, wild-type axonemal precursors are transported to and assembled in mutant axonemes to complement the defects. The rescue of inner dynein arms containing p28 in ida4-wild-type dikaryons progressively occurred from the distal part of the axonemes and with time was extended towards the proximal part. In contrast, the rescue of outer dynein arms in oda2-wild-type dikaryons progressively occurred along the entire length of the axoneme. Rescue of inner dynein arms containing p28 in ida4fla10-fla10 dikaryons was similar to the rescue observed in ida4-wild-type dikaryons at 21 degrees C, whereas it was inhibited at 32 degrees C, a nonpermissive temperature for KHP1(FLA10). In contrast, rescue of outer dynein arms in oda2fla10-fla10 dikaryons was similar to the rescue observed in oda2-wild-type dikaryons at both 21 degrees and 32 degrees C and was not inhibited at 32 degrees C. Positioning of substructures in the internal part of the axonemal shaft requires the activity of kinesin homologue protein 1.  相似文献   

The outer dynein arm of Chlamydomonas flagella, when isolated under Mg(2+)-free conditions, tends to dissociate into an 11 to 12S particle (12S dynein) containing the gamma heavy chain and a 21S particle (called 18S dynein) containing the alpha and beta heavy chains. We show here that functional outer arms can be reconstituted by the addition of 12S and 18S dyneins to the axonemes of the outer armless mutants oda1- oda6. A third factor that sediments at integral 7S is required for efficient reconstitution of the outer arms on the axonemes of oda1 and oda3. However, this factor is not necessary for reconstitution on the axonemes of oda2, oda4, oda5, and oda6. SDS-PAGE analysis indicates that the axonemes of the former two mutants lack a integral of 70-kD polypeptide that is present in those of the other mutants as well as in the 7S fraction from the wild-type extract. Furthermore, electron micrographs of axonemal cross sections revealed that the latter four mutants, but not oda1 or oda3, have small pointed structures on the outer doublets, at a position in cross section where outer arms normally occur. We suggest that the 7S factor constitutes the pointed structure on the outer doublets and facilitates attachment of the outer arm. The discovery of this structure raises a new question as to how the attachment site for the outer arm dynein is determined within the axoneme.  相似文献   

The outer dynein arms of Chlamydomonas flagella are attached to a precise site on the outer doublet microtubules and repeat at a regular interval of 24 nm. This binding is mediated by the outer dynein arm docking complex (ODA-DC), which is composed of three protein subunits. In this study, antibodies against the 83- and 62-kD subunits (DC83 and DC62) of the ODA-DC were used to analyze its state of association with outer arm components within the cytoplasm, and its localization in the axonemes of oda mutants. Immunoprecipitation indicates that DC83 and DC62 are preassembled within the cytoplasm, but that they are not associated with outer arm dynein. Both proteins are lost or greatly diminished in oda1 and oda3, mutants in the structural genes of DC62 and DC83, respectively, demonstrating that their association is necessary for their stable presence in the cytoplasm. Immunoelectron microscopy indicates that DC83 repeats at 24-nm intervals along the length of the doublet microtubules of oda6, which lacks outer arms; thus, outer arm periodicity may be determined by the ODA-DC. Flagellar regeneration and temporary dikaryon experiments indicate that the ODA-DC can be rapidly transported into the flagellum and assembled on the doublet microtubules independently of the outer arms and independently of flagellar growth. Unexpectedly, the intensity of ODA-DC labeling decreased toward the distal ends of axonemes of oda6 but not wild-type cells, suggesting that the outer arms reciprocally contribute to the assembly/stability of the ODA-DC.  相似文献   

Mutants with outer dynein arm defects or deficiencies all show a major reduction in beat frequency to about half the normal value; some of these mutants show an additional decrease in sliding velocity associated with reduced shear amplitude and an additional reduction in beat frequency, as well as other more minor modifications of the normal forward mode bending pattern. New mutants (ida98, pf30), which appear to be deficient in a subset of inner dynein arms show a reduction in sliding velocity that is primarily associated with a reduction in shear amplitude, with only a small reduction in beat frequency. These differences in motility phenotype between inner and outer dynein arm mutants suggest that inner and outer dynein arms may have distinct functions. The relatively large decrease in sliding velocity associated with partial loss of inner arms is consistent with earlier observations on pf23, a nonmotile mutant lacking inner arms, suggesting that inner arms may have an essential function in motility. The ability to generate reverse mode bending patterns is retained in some inner or outer dynein arm mutants, but appears to be decreased in those mutants which show reduced shear amplitude for the forward mode bending pattern.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,135(6):1853-1865
The sup-pf-2 mutation is a member of a group of dynein regulatory mutations that are capable of restoring motility to paralyzed central pair or radial spoke defective strains. Previous work has shown that the flagellar beat frequency is reduced in sup-pf-2, but little else was known about the sup-pf-2 phenotype (Huang, B., Z. Ramanis, and D.J.L. Luck. 1982. Cell. 28:115-125; Brokaw, C.J., and D.J.L. Luck. 1985. Cell Motil. 5:195-208). We have reexamined sup-pf-2 using improved biochemical and structural techniques and by the analysis of additional sup-pf-2 alleles. We have found that the sup-pf-2 mutations are associated with defects in the outer dynein arms. Biochemical analysis of sup-pf-2-1 axonemes indicates that both axonemal ATPase activity and outer arm polypeptides are reduced by 40-50% when compared with wild type. By thin-section EM, these defects correlate with an approximately 45% loss of outer dynein arm structures. Interestingly, this loss is biased toward a subset of outer doublets, resulting in a radial asymmetry that may reflect some aspect of outer arm assembly. The defects in outer arm assembly do not appear to result from defects in either the outer doublet microtubules or the outer arm docking structures, but rather appear to result from defects in outer dynein arm components. Analysis of new sup-pf-2 mutations indicates that the severity of the outer arm assembly defects varies with different alleles. Complementation tests and linkage analysis reveal that the sup- pf-2 mutations are alleles of the PF28/ODA2 locus, which is thought to encode the gamma-dynein heavy chain subunit of the outer arm. The sup- pf-2 mutations therefore appear to alter the activity of the outer dynein arms by modification of the gamma-dynein heavy chain.  相似文献   

Demembranated axonemes isolated from newt lung ciliated cells show a complex beat frequency response to varying [MgATP] and temperature [Hard and Cypher, 1992, Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 21:187-198]. The present study was undertaken to ascertain whether the beat frequency of outer-arm-depleted newt lung axonemes is controlled in a manner similar to that of intact axonemes. Populations of demembranated ciliary axonemes were isolated by Triton X-100 extraction of lungs from the newt, Taricha granulosa. Aliquots of the demembranated axonemes were further treated with solutions containing high salt (0.375 M KC1) and 1.25 mM MgATP. This treatment resulted in the selective removal of outer dynein arms and a concomitant decrease in beat frequency to a stable level, 33-35% of control values. The effects of pH, salt concentration, nucleotides, and temperature on the beat frequency of reactivated outer-arm-depleted axonemes were ascertained and compared with those of intact axonemes. Some reactivation properties, such as nucleotide specificity, the effect of pH on beat frequency and the threshold [MgATP] required for reactivation (approximately 5 microM) were similar to those observed for intact axonemes. Other properties, such as the relationship between beat frequency and varying [MgATP] or salt concentration, differed both qualitatively and quantitatively from those of control axonemes, as did their response to temperature over the range, 5 degrees-32 degrees C. The nature of the results obtained with temperature and MgATP suggests that inner and outer dynein arms are not functionally equivalent in situ.  相似文献   

The outer dynein arm-docking complex (ODA-DC) is a microtubule-associated structure that targets the outer dynein arm to its binding site on the flagellar axoneme (Takada et al. 2002. Mol. Biol. Cell 13, 1015-1029). The ODA-DC of Chlamydomonas contains three proteins, referred to as DC1, DC2, and DC3. We here report the isolation and sequencing of genomic and full-length cDNA clones encoding DC3. The sequence predicts a 21,341 Da protein with four EF-hands that is a member of the CTER (calmodulin, troponin C, essential and regulatory myosin light chains) group and is most closely related to a predicted protein from Plasmodium. The DC3 gene, termed ODA14, is intronless. Chlamydomonas mutants that lack DC3 exhibit slow, jerky swimming because of loss of some but not all outer dynein arms. Some outer doublet microtubules without arms had a "partial" docking complex, indicating that DC1 and DC2 can assemble in the absence of DC3. In contrast, DC3 cannot assemble in the absence of DC1 or DC2. Transformation of a DC3-deletion strain with the wild-type DC3 gene rescued both the motility phenotype and the structural defect, whereas a mutated DC3 gene was incompetent to rescue. The results indicate that DC3 is important for both outer arm and ODA-DC assembly.  相似文献   

The peculiar sperm axoneme of the dipteran Asphondylia ruebsaameni is characterized by an extraordinarily high number of microtubule doublets (up to 2,500) arranged in double parallel spirals. Doublets of the inner row of each spiral are tilted, so that their outer arms point towards the B-tubule of the next doublet in the outer row. Doublets are provided with only the outer arm, and no structure related to the central pair/radial spoke complex is present. When analyzed by quick-freeze, deep-etch electron microscopy, the structure of the dynein arms was shown to share the same organization described in other organisms; however, it appears to be somewhat more complex than that previously found in a related dipteran species, Monarthropalpus flavus, since the foot region of the arms displays a globular extra-domain that is intercalated between adjacent arms. Treatment of demembranated sperm with ATP and vanadate induced conformational changes in the dynein arms. SDS-page suggested the presence of a single dynein high molecular weight band or, in the gels with the best electrophoretic resolution, of two very closely spaced bands. This polypeptide positively reacted with a polyclonal antibody raised against a specific amino acid sequence located in the phosphate-binding loop of the dynein catalytic site. Dynein heavy chain-related DNA sequences corresponding to the catalytic phosphate-binding region were amplified by RT-PCR. Two distinct fragments (Asph-ax1 and Asph-ax2) encoding axonemal dynein sequences were identified. Southern blot analysis performed on genomic DNA using these sequences as a probe showed that they are part of different genes. An intron was identified in the Asph-ax1 fragment at a position corresponding to the site of a nucleotide deletion in the putative pseudogene of Monarthropalpus. Asphondylia spermatozoa exhibited in vivo a whirling movement both in the deferent duct and in the spermatheca, but they were unable to undergo processive movement in vitro. They propagated a three-dimensional wave only when constrained in a bent configuration by some mechanical means. The phylogenetic relationships between the two dipteran species, Monarthopalpus and Asphondylia, based on these biochemical and molecular data are also discussed.  相似文献   

The mean swimming speed of a suspension of human sperms has been estimated by applying a kinetic theory and using an image analysing computer. This technique allowed the study of the evolution of motility in terms of temperature: the global swimming speed significantly increases from 22 degree C to 31 degrees C, and then remains rather constant. However the percentage increases are very varying according to samples.  相似文献   

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