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A nucleotide phosphohydrolase (adenosine triphosphatase), which is associated with vaccinia virus cores, has been solubilized and shown to be deoxyribonucleic acid dependent.  相似文献   

Purified vaccinia virus treated with Triton X-100 catalyzes the incorporation of ATP into an acid-insoluble product. The enzymatic activity responsible for the ATP polymerization is demonstrated to be different from vaccinia RNA polymerase in its preferential use of ATP as substrate and on the basis of heat stability, pH optima, and metal ion requirement. The ATP polymerization reaction is stimulated 10-fold by the addition of rA(pA)(5.) In accordance with our earlier terminology, we call this Mn(2+)-dependent enzyme terminal riboadenylate transferase to distinguish it from Mg(2+)-dependent poly A polymerase.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus, strain WR, was propagated in HeLa cells, L mouse fibroblats, or primary chicken embryo fibroblasts in the presence of [5- (3)H]uridine. Carefully purified virions were found to contain significant amounts of labeled trichloroacetic acid-precipitable material which was rendered acid soluble when digested with pancreatic RNase or hydrolyzed in alkali. Controlled degradation of virions with Nonidet P-40 and 2-mercaptoethanol demonstrated that 65 to 80% of the [5- (3)H]uridine-labeled molecules resided in the viral core. When the total nucleic acids were extracted from viral cores prepared from virions propagated in HeLa cells, 30 to 50% of the total incorporated [5- (3)H]uridine was found in RNA; in L mouse fibroblasts, 40 to 50%; in primary chicken embryo fibroblasts, 50 to 60%. The RNA molecules do not appear to be covalently linked to the viral DNA genome but sediment in sodium dodecyl sulfate-sucrose gradients as 8 to 10S species relative to ribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

A nucleotide phosphohydrolase is firmly associated with a purified polyhedral cytoplasmic deoxyvirus, frog virus 3. This adenosine triphosphatase is distinguishable from known mammalian cell adenosine triphosphatases and from adenosine triphosphatase of an unrelated cytoplasmic replicating virus grown in the same host cell. The enzyme activity has a high specificity for adenosine triphosphate; the product of the reaction is adenosine diphosphate. The presence of similar activities in reovirus and poxvirus indicates that adenosine triphosphatase might have a function in the replication of these viruses.  相似文献   

A nucleoside triphosphate phosphohydrolase activity has been discovered in reovirus virions. This activity converts nucleoside triphosphates to nucleoside diphosphates in vitro. Properties of this enzyme are presented, with evidence that this activity is an integral part of the virion core.  相似文献   

Immunodominance is a fundamental property of CD8+ T cell responses to viruses and vaccines. It had been observed that route of administration alters immunodominance after vaccinia virus (VACV) infection, but only a few epitopes were examined and no mechanism was provided. We re-visited this issue, examining a panel of 15 VACV epitopes and four routes, namely intradermal (i.d.), subcutaneous (s.c.), intraperitoneal (i.p.) and intravenous (i.v.) injection. We found that immunodominance is sharpened following peripheral routes of infection (i.d. and s.c.) compared with those that allow systemic virus dissemination (i.p. and i.v.). This increased immunodominance was demonstrated with native epitopes of VACV and with herpes simplex virus glycoprotein B when expressed from VACV. Responses to some subdominant epitopes were altered by as much as fourfold. Tracking of virus, examination of priming sites, and experiments restricting virus spread showed that priming of CD8+ T cells in the spleen was necessary, but not sufficient to broaden responses. Further, we directly demonstrated that immunodomination occurs more readily when priming is mainly in lymph nodes. Finally, we were able to reduce immunodominance after i.d., but not i.p. infection, using a VACV expressing the costimulators CD80 (B7-1) and CD86 (B7-2), which is notable because VACV-based vaccines incorporating these molecules are in clinical trials. Taken together, our data indicate that resources for CD8+ T cell priming are limiting in local draining lymph nodes, leading to greater immunodomination. Further, we provide evidence that costimulation can be a limiting factor that contributes to immunodomination. These results shed light on a possible mechanism of immunodomination and highlight the need to consider multiple epitopes across the spectrum of immunogenicities in studies aimed at understanding CD8+ T cell immunity to viruses.  相似文献   

The relationship between the vaccinia virus hemagglutinin and hemadsorption was examined. Hemagglutinin synthesis was temporally related to the appearance of the hemadsorption reaction. Only chicken erythrocytes, which reacted with hemagglutinin, hemadsorbed to infected cells, and both of these reactions were inhibited by Ca(2+). The distribution of the vaccinia hemagglutinin and 5'-adenosine monophosphatase, a plasma membrane marker enzyme, in sucrose gradients was similar. Plasma membrane ghosts derived from infected cells hemadsorbed erythrocytes and yielded hemagglutinin upon sonic disruption. These data suggest that the majority of vaccinia hemagglutinin is derived from the plasma-membrane of the infected cell.  相似文献   

The presence of adenosine triphosphate, guanosine triphosphate, cytosine triphosphate, or uridine triphosphate reduced the rate of inactivation of vaccinia when heated at 50 C. The virus-associated nucleoside triphosphate phosphohydrolases (adenosine triphosphatase, guanosine triphosphatase, cytosine triphosphatase, and uridine triphosphatase) and ribonucleic acid polymerase were also protected from heat inactivation by these compounds. These obervations are best explained by postulating that ribonucleoside triphosphates bind to enzymes in the virus particle, and that these enzyme-substrate complexes are more resistant to thermal denaturation than are the enzymes without their substrates. The kinetics of heat inactivation of the vaccinia ATP phosphohydrolase activity is biphasic, suggesting that there are two proteins in the vaccinia particle that have this enzyme activity but they have different kinetics of heat inactivation. Any of the vaccinia-associated nucleotide phosphohydrolase activities are protected from heat inactivation by the presence of any one of the respective nucleoside triphosphates. This observation suggests that there is a single enzymatic site in vaccinia that is able to react with any ribonucleoside triphosphate.  相似文献   

Sequential Protein Synthesis Following Vaccinia Virus Infection   总被引:41,自引:31,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Inhibition of HeLa cell protein synthesis and the sequential synthesis of viral proteins were followed by pulse-labeling infected cells with (14)C-phenylalanine. Proteins were resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The viral origin of native proteins was confirmed by immunodiffusion. The inhibition of host protein synthesis and the synthesis of early viral proteins occur 1 to 3 hr after infection. This early sequence of events also occurs in the presence of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine, an inhibitor of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis. Other viral proteins are synthesized at a later time. Those proteins which are not made in the absence of viral deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis can be further subdivided into intermediate and late classes. The intermediate protein is synthesized before the late proteins but does not appear to be a precursor of them. Many more viral polypeptides were resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after solubilization of the entire cytoplasmic fraction with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Virion and nonvirion proteins were identified. Kinetic experiments suggested that certain structural proteins as well as certain nonstructural proteins are made early, whereas others of both classes are made primarily at later times.  相似文献   

The prototypic poxvirus, vaccinia virus (VACV), occurs in two infectious forms, mature virions (MVs) and extracellular virions (EVs). Both enter HeLa cells by inducing macropinocytic uptake. Using confocal microscopy, live‐cell imaging, targeted RNAi screening and perturbants of endosome maturation, we analyzed the properties and maturation pathway of the macropinocytic vacuoles containing VACV MVs in HeLa cells. The vacuoles first acquired markers of early endosomes [Rab5, early endosome antigen 1 and phosphatidylinositol(3)P]. Prior to release of virus cores into the cytoplasm, they contained markers of late endosomes and lysosomes (Rab7a, lysosome‐associated membrane protein 1 and sorting nexin 3). RNAi screening of endocytic cell factors emphasized the importance of late compartments for VACV infection. Follow‐up perturbation analysis showed that infection required Rab7a and PIKfyve, confirming that VACV is a late‐penetrating virus dependent on macropinosome maturation. VACV EV infection was inhibited by depletion of many of the same factors, indicating that both infectious particle forms share the need for late vacuolar conditions for penetration.   相似文献   

The early steps in vaccinia virus infection were studied in HeLa cells which had been treated with actinomycin D (1 μg/ml) and then incubated for several hours in fresh medium prior to infection. Initiation of infection occurred in such cells even though the synthesis of cellular ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was severely depressed. Thymidine kinase was synthesized in amounts that exceeded those found in untreated, infected cells. The breakdown of viral “cores” to liberate viral DNA and the synthesis of viral specific DNA-polymerase also occurred but were somewhat delayed. A deoxyribonuclease resembling an exonuclease was made by the infected, pretreated cells. The time course for these events suggested that the genetic code for synthesis of thymidine kinase can be expressed before “cores” are broken down, but the DNA-polymerase can be synthesized only after liberation of the viral DNA. The amount of viral specific DNA-polymerase which was made after infection was proportional to the total number of virus synthesizing sites even beyond the point where all the cells were infected with one infectious particle. A similar relationship was observed for the amount of thymidine kinase formed and for the rate of viral DNA synthesis from 3H-thymidine.  相似文献   

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