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Summary Voltage-current curves for the isolated midgut of the tobacco hornworm were determined by transient and steady voltage clamping over the range of 200 to –200 mV. Over this range the transient method yields a linear relation while the steady method usually yields a curve consisting of two lines of differing slope which intersect at zero voltage. The difference between the results of the methods is due to a slow decline in total conductance which accompanies steady voltage clamping.Holding the midgut at short circuit increases the total conductance of the tissue in a manner consistent with increasing shunt conductance; this effect was seen in both diet-reared and leaf-reared animals.When potassium transport is inhibited by substitution of choline or sodium for potassium in bathing solution the total conductance decreases and the voltage-current curve intersects the normal curve in the hyperpolarizing region. Applying a simple equivalent circuit analysis to the results from partial or total potassium replacement suggests that the electromotive force of the potassium transport system is of the order of 140–190 mV. The conductance decrease during inhibition of potassium transport by transient anoxia is of similar magnitude, suggesting that a major effect of metabolic inhibition is to decrease the active conductance of the potassium transport pathway.  相似文献   

We describe prostaglandin (PG) biosynthesis by isolated midgut preparations from tobacco hornworms, Manduca sexta. Microsomal-enriched midgut preparations yielded four PGs, PGA/B(2), PGD(2), PGE(2) and PGF(2alpha), all of which were confirmed by analysis on gas chromatography--mass spectrometry (GC--MS). PGA and PGB are double bond isomers which do not resolve on TLC but do resolve by GC; for convenience, we use the single term PGA(2) for this product. PGA(2) was the major product under most conditions. The midgut preparations were sensitive to reaction conditions, including radioactive substrate, protein concentration (optimal at 1mg/reaction), reaction time (optimal at 0.5 min), temperature (optimal at 22 degrees C), buffer pH (highest at pH 6), and the presence of a co-factor cocktail composed of reduced glutathione, hydroquinine and hemoglobin. In vitro PG biosynthesis was inhibited by two cyclooxygenase inhibitors, indomethacin and naproxen. Subcellular localization of PG biosynthetic activity in midgut preparations, determined by ultracentrifugation, revealed the presence of PG biosynthetic activity in the cytosolic and microsomal fractions, although most activity was found in the cytosolic fractions. This is similar to other invertebrates, and different from mammalian preparations, in which the activity is exclusively associated with the microsomal fractions. Midgut preparations from M. sexta pupae, adult cockroach, Periplaneta americana, and corn ear worms, Helicoverpa zea, also produced the same four major PG products. We infer that insect midguts are competent to biosynthesize PGs, and speculate they exert important, albeit unrevealed, actions in midgut physiology.  相似文献   

The prophenoloxidase (proPO) activation system is an important defense mechanism in arthropods, and activation of proPO to active phenoloxidase (PO) involves a serine proteinase cascade. Here, we report the purification and characterization of a small cationic protein CP8 from the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, which can stimulate proPO activation. BLAST search showed that Manduca CP8 is similar to a fungal proteinase inhibitor-1 (AmFPI-1), an inducible serine proteinase inhibitor-1 (ISPI-1), and other small cationic proteins with unknown functions. However, we showed that Manduca CP8 did not inhibit proteinase activity, but stimulated proPO activation in plasma. When small amount (0.1 μg) of purified native CP8 or BSA was added to cell-free plasma samples and incubated for 20 min, low PO activity was observed in both groups. But significantly higher PO activity was observed in the CP8-group than in the BSA-group when more proteins (0.5 μg) were added and incubated for 20 min. However, when the plasma samples were incubated with proteins for 30 min, high PO activity was observed in both the CP8 and BSA groups regardless of the amount of proteins added. Moreover, when PO in the plasma was pre-activated with Micrococcus luteus, addition of CP8 did not have an effect on PO activity, and CP8/bacteria mixture did not stimulate PO activity to a higher level than did BSA/bacteria. These results suggest that CP8 helps activate proPO more rapidly at the initial stage. CP8 mRNA was specifically expressed in fat body and its mRNA level decreased when larvae were injected with saline or bacteria. However, CP8 protein concentration in hemolymph did not change significantly in larvae injected with saline or microorganisms.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1981,11(5):507-513
A complex of the two red pigments was prepared from epidermis of the fifth instar larvae of the black mutant of the tobacco hornworm according to the method generally available for ommochromes. The primary component, a brick-red pigment (II), was shown to be identical with synthetic l-dihydroxanthommatin by various physico-chemical tests. The other red pigment (I) was similar to pigment (II), except in the i.r. spectra in 1000–1150 cm−1 region and is thought to be also an ommatin. A red pigment identical with pigment (I) was obtained during the chemical oxidation of 3-hydroxy-l-kynurenine. These same two pigments were found in the red epidermis underlying the black cuticle of larvae either allatectomized or neck-ligatured before the critical period for juvenile hormone action during the last larval molt. Also, they were found in the dorsal epidermis of wandering stage larvae. 3-Hydroxykynurenine, the immediate precursor of the ommochrome pigments, was found to accumulate in the epidermis before the synthesis of the ommochromes began.  相似文献   

While the larval midgut of Manduca sexta has been intensively studied as a model for ion transport, the developmental origins of this organ are poorly understood. In our study we have used light and electron microscopy to investigate the process of midgut epithelial cell differentiation in the embryo. Our studies were confined to the period between 56 and 95 hr of embryonic development (hatching is at 101 hr at 25 degrees C), since preliminary studies indicated that all morphologically visible differentiation of the midgut epithelium occurs during this time. At 56 hr the midgut epithelium is organized into a ragged pseudostratified epithelium. Over the next 10 hr, the embryo molts and the midgut epithelium takes on a distinctive character in which the future goblet and columnar cells can be identified. With further differentiation, closed vesicles in the goblet cells expand and subsequently communicate to the outside by way of a valve. The columnar cells form numerous microvilli on their apical surfaces that extend over the goblet cells. Both cell types form basal folds from a series of plasmalemmal invaginations. Differentiation occurs concurrent with a six-fold elongation of these cells.  相似文献   

Goblet cells in the midgut epithelium of the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta larva, 5th instar) actively secrete K+. This can be measured as short-circuit current (Isc) when the tissue is mounted in an Ussing chamber and bathed in K(+)-rich standard saline containing 32 mmol K+.l-1. Isc depends strictly on basolateral (i.e. haemolymph side) K+ and is therefore termed K+ current, IK. Basolateral, but not apical, chloride, bromide and iodide stimulate IK when compared to the baseline current recorded with gluconate-, nitrate- or thiocyanate-containing salines. So-called "Cl(-)-specific" transport inhibitors (frusemide, 9-anthracene carboxylic acid, diphenylamine carboxylic acid and 4,4'-diisothiocyana-to-stilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid) reduce IK when added to the basolateral bath, whether Cl- or gluconate is the principal ambient anion. Cl- stimulates IK according to saturation kinetics. The Michaelis-Menten-type, K+ concentration-dependent, saturation of IK is altered in a highly specific manner when gluconate is replaced by Cl-: maximal K+ current, as well as the apparent Michaelis constant, are increased by a factor of 4. Since IK develops in these conditions exclusively via basolateral, Ba(2+)-blockable K+ channels, these results can be understood if it is assumed that haemolymph Cl- interferes with the K+ channel by simultaneously lowering the binding affinity for K+ ions and increasing their subsequent transfer rate across the basolateral goblet cell membrane.  相似文献   

Larval Lepidoptera generate a large pH gradient across the midgut epithelium. The in vitro rate of luminal alkalinization (J(OH-)) and hemolymph acidification (J(H+)) under nominally CO(2)-free conditions was measured in the three morphologically distinct regions of the tobacco hornworm midgut. Under open-circuit conditions, the highest J(OH-) and J(H+) was observed in the anterior section and the lowest was in the middle section. In all three sections the J(H+) was equal to J(OH-) indicating transepithelial movement of acid or base equivalents. Furthermore, the rate at which the midgut transported acid or base was the same under open- and short-circuit conditions, indicating that acid/base transport is an active process. Although the inhibitors, acetazolamide and ethoxyzolamide, inhibited the activity of carbonic anhydrase in tissue homogenates, they had no effect on J(OH-), J(H+), or transepithelial potential. Therefore, under the nominally CO(2)-free conditions of this study, it is unlikely that hydration of CO(2) and the formation of HCO(3)(-) is involved in luminal alkalinization.  相似文献   

Summary Chloride-stimulated K+ secretion by Manduca sexta midgut (5th-instar larvae) was measured as K+-carried short-circuit current of the tissue mounted in an Ussing chamber. Microscopic parameters, such as single-channel current and channel density for the rate-determining passive transport step across the basolateral goblet cell membrane (i.e. K+ channels), were estimated by means of current-fluctuation analysis of the K+ channel blockade by haemolymph-side Ba2+ ions. Ba2+ was equally effective with Cl- or gluconate (Glu-) as the principal ambient anion. The Ba2+-induced K+ channel conduction noise is reflected by a Lorentzian, or relaxation, noise component in the power spectrum of the K+ current fluctuations. A reduced Lorentzian plateau value, but an unchanged corner frequency, were observed when Cl- was replaced by Glu-. The results from the analysis of a two-state model of K+ channel block by Ba2+, with respect to the anion-replacement effects, suggest that the observed changes in K+ current and Lorentzian plateau value mirror a complex change of the underlying parameters: Cl- omission reduces single channel current but increases channel density so that the product of single channel current and channel density is smaller in Glu- than in Cl-. It seems likely that basolateral K+ channels (1) are subject to anionic gating ligands, and (2) depend on anions with respect to the rate of K+ transfer through and open K+ channel.Abbreviations a.c. alternating current - single-channel conductance - E K K+ Nernst potential - f frequency contained in current noise - f c corner frequency - Glu- gluconate - G t transepithelial conductance - I sc short-circuit current - I K K+ current - I K(max) maximal K+ current - i single-channel current - K Ba barium inhibition constant - K m Michaelis constant of saturating K+ current - k 01 and k 10 barium association and dissociation rate constant, respectively - M K+ channel density - S f power density - S o Lorentzian plateau value - P o channel-open probability - P K K+ permeability - V sc cellular potential at short-circuit These results have already been presented in part, at the 1989 joint meeting of the German and Israel Physiological Societies in Jerusalem (Zeiske et al. 1990).  相似文献   

Caterpillars of Manduca sexta use two distinct transport mechanisms for the excretion of dyes. One pump (Type A) has a high affinity for acid (anionic) dyes and occurs in the midgut and medial Malpighian tubules. Acid dyes accumulate rapidly in the lumen of the midgut while the Malpighian tubules appear to play only a minor role in the excretion of these dyes. The other pump (Type B) excretes basic (cationic) dyes and is located primarily in the proximal Malpighian tubules. Evidence is presented that hippuric acid competes with acid dyes for excretion by both midgut and Malpighian tubules. After the final-instar larva purges its gut the ability of the midgut and Malpighian tubules to excrete dyes gradually decreases. Sixty hours after the purge only the Malpighian tubules retain some dye excreting activity.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1989,19(3):257-260
Mitochondria were isolated from the posterior region of the midgut of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Measurements of mitochondrial oxygen consumption revealed that the oxidation of palmitoyl carnitine plus malate was inhibited by 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) in a dose-dependent manner. The maximal percent inhibition was 65% and the I50 was 0.15mM. When exposed to a dose which maximally inhibits the oxidation of palmitoyl carnitine (0.5 mM), mitochondrial oxidation of octanoate and pyruvate were inhibited by 30 and 8%, respectively. Oxidation of succinate was unaffected under these conditions. These results indicate that MPA is an effective inhibitor of fatty acid oxidation in midgut mitochondria.  相似文献   

In the tobacco hornworm moth, Manduca sexta, vitellogenin (Vg) is a very high-density (1.29 g/ml) phosphoglycolipoprotein containing 13% lipids, 3% carbohydrates, and 0.6% protein-bound phosphorus. Vitellogenin (Mr~500,000) has two apoproteins designated apoVg-l (Mr 177,000 ± 3,600) and apoVg-ll (Mr45,000 ± 5,000). ApoVg-l and apoVg-II can be dissociated with 6 M guanidine HCI and separated from each other by gel permeation chromatography. Immunoblotting experiments using antibodies against the apoproteins showed that apoVg-l and apoVg-II antigens were immunologically distinct polypeptides. Antibodies against Vg reacted only with apoVg-l. Antibodies against Vg and apoVg-l reacted with Vg in double immunodiffusion experiments, whereas antibodies against apoVg-II did not. These results suggest that in the native Vg molecule, apoVg-II is positioned inside the molecule away from the aqueous environment. Only apoVg-I contained covalently bound carbohydrate as shown by fluorescein isothiocyanateconjugated concanavalin A, periodate-Schiff reagent, and in vivo labeling with 3H-Man. In vivo labeling with 32P-inorganic phosphate and chemical determination showed that apoproteins of both Vg and vitellin contain covalently bound phosphate groups.  相似文献   

A yellow-colored protein (YCP) was isolated from the hemolymph (i.e. blood) of fifth instar wandering stage larvae of Manduca sexta. The molecular mass of YCP was 31 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Gel filtration chromatography suggested that native YCP was a monomer. The absorbance spectrum of YCP revealed maxima at 278 and 405 nm. Chromophore was released from YCP through denaturation of the protein with methanol and chloroform. In neutral solution and in acid, the released chromophore showed the absorbance characteristics of an ommochrome: ommatin D. In addition, the chromophore was sensitive to treatment with arylsulfatase as would be expected for ommatin D. The amino acid composition and the N-terminal sequence of YCP were determined. The YCP polypeptide chain was found to be glycosylated. Carbohydrate analysis suggested that Man and GlcNAc were present in a 3:1 ratio. Circular dichroism indicated that YCP consisted of 68% beta-pleated sheet with no alpha-helices being detected. An in vitro incubation of larval fat body in the presence of [35S]methionine indicated that this organ was the site of synthesis. Ommochromes arise in insects as end products of the metabolism of tryptophan. It is well-documented that ommochromes occur in both the tissues and the excreta of insects. We propose that in M. sexta, one such tryptophan metabolite is found in the hemolymph associated with a specific protein.  相似文献   

1. The effect of two recombinant Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxins on brush border membrane vesicles of Manduca sexta midgut was investigated using an in vitro assay system, based on ion-amino acid cotransport. 2. A CryIA(b)-toxin provoked an increase in the permeability of the vesicles. 3. A CryIB-toxin, not toxic to M. sexta larvae in vivo, had no effect in our assay. 4. In contrast to earlier reports, the increase in permeability was found to be neither selective for K+ nor specifically inhibited by Ca2+ or Ba2+. 5. Our data support the hypothesis that B. thuringiensis delta-endotoxins create non-specific pores.  相似文献   

During the transition from feeding to molting, larval insects undergo profound changes in behavior and patterns of gene expression regulated by the neuroendocrine system. For some species, a distinctive characteristic of molting larvae is presence of a quiescent state sometimes referred to as “molt-sleep”. Here, observations of 4th instar Manduca sexta larvae indicate the molting period involves a predominantly quiescent state that shares behavioral properties of adult insect sleep in that it is rapidly reversible and accompanied by a reduced responsiveness to both mildly arousing and noxious stimuli. When subjected to noxious stimuli, molting larvae exhibit locomotory and avoidance behaviors similar to those of inter-molt larvae. Although less consolidated, inter-molt quiescence shares many of the same behavioral traits with molting quiescence. However, when subjected to deprivation of quiescence, inter-molt larvae display a compensatory rebound behavior that is not detected in molting larvae. This suggests that molting quiescence is a specialized form of inactivity that affords survival advantages to molting larvae. RNA-seq analysis of molting larvae shows general reduction in expression of genes encoding GPCRs and down regulation of genes connected with cyclic nucleotide signaling. On the other hand, certain ion channel genes are up-regulated, including transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, chloride channels and a voltage-dependent calcium channel. These findings suggest patterns of gene expression consistent with elevation of quiescent state characteristic of the molt in a model holometabolous insect.  相似文献   

A 30-amino acid diuretic peptide was isolated from the corpora cardiaca-corpora allata complexes and, separately, from medial neurosecretory cells of the Sphingid moth, Manduca sexta. The peptide was found to have the following sequence, determined by automated Edman degradation and mass spectrometry: SFSVNPAVDILQHRYMEKV AQNNRNFLNRV-NH2. We have named the peptide Mas-DP II. The peptide was synthesized and shown to possess diuretic activity in decapitated moths. Mas-DP II is related by sequence homology to a 41-amino acid diuretic peptide identified previously from M. sexta, and it belongs to the family of corticotropin releasing factor-like peptides.  相似文献   

DNA-dependent RNA polymerase B has been extensively purified from the larval fat body of the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) by employing chromatography on ion-exchange columns of DEAE-Sephadex, DEAE-cellulose and phosphocellulose and centrifugation on glycerol gradients. The isolated enzyme after electrophoresis on acrylamide gels shows one main band and one minor band, both having enzyme activity sensitive to alpha-amanitin. The catalytic and physicochemical properties of the enzyme are similar to those of other eucaryotic B-type RNA polymerases. The enzyme has an apparent molecular weight of 530000, is inhibited 50% by alpha-amanitin at 0.04 microgram/ml and shows maximum activity on denatured DNA at 5 mM Mn2+ and 100 mM ammonium sulfate. An antibody was obtained that cross-reacts with the pure enzyme and forms a precipitin line. This antibody does not cross react with either Escherichia coli RNA polymerase or with wheat germ RNA polymerase but does react with one of the B polymerases isolated from wing tissue of the silkmoth, Antheraea pernyi.  相似文献   

The reversible, membrane-associated transhydrogenase that catalyzes hydride-ion transfer between NADP(H) and NAD(H) was evaluated and compared to the corresponding NADH oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase activities in midgut and fat body mitochondria from fifth larval instar Manduca sexta. The developmentally significant NADPH-forming transhydrogenation occurs as a nonenergy- or energy-linked activity with energy for the latter derived from either electron transport-dependent NADH or succinate utilization, or ATP hydrolysis by Mg++-dependent ATPase. In general, the plant flavonoids examined (chyrsin, juglone, morine, quercetin, and myricetin) affected all reactions in a dose-dependent fashion. Differences in the responses to the flavonoids were apparent, with the most notable being inhibition of midgut, but stimulation of fat body transhydrogenase by morin, and myricetin as also noted for NADH oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase. Although quercetin inhibited or stimulated transhydrogenase activity depending on the origin of mitochondria, it was without effect on either midgut or fat body NADH oxidase or succinate dehydrogenase. Observed sonication-dependent increases in flavonoid inhibition may well reflect an alteration in membrane configuration, resulting in increased exposure of the enzyme systems to the flavonoids. The effects of flavonoids on the transhydrogenation, NADH oxidase, and succinate dehydrogenase reactions suggest that compounds of this nature may prove valuable in the control of insect populations by affecting these mitochondrial enzyme components.  相似文献   

Eclosion hormone was isolated from trimmed pharate adult heads of Manduca sexta by an eight step purification procedure using a Heliothis virescens in vivo bioassay. The neuropeptide was active in second stadium M. sexta. The primary structure was determined by sequence analyses of the intact peptide and fragment peptides generated by lysyl endopeptidase, endoproteinase Glu-C, and proline-specific endopeptidase. The nature of the carboxyl terminus as a free acid was elucidated by analysis of amino acids from digestion of the intact peptide with lysyl endopeptidase, which liberated leucine, but no leucine amide. The complete primary structure of M. sexta closion hormone is H-Asn-Pro-Ala-Ile-Ala-Thr-Gly-Tyr-Asp-Pro-Met-Glu-Ile-Cys-Ile-Glu-Asn-Cy s-Ala- Gln-Cys-Lys-Lys-Met-Leu-Gly-Ala-Trp-Phe-Glu-Gly-Pro-Leu-Cys-Ala-Glu-Ser- Cys-Ile Lys-Phe-Lys-Gly-Lys-Leu-Ile-Pro-Glu-Cys-Glu-Asp-Phe-Ala-Ser-Ile-Ala-Pro- Phe-Leu-Asn-Lys-Leu-OH.  相似文献   

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