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In broad bean (Vicia faba L.), an apoplastic phloem loader, the sucrose concentration increases up to approximately 2 mM in the leaf apoplast and up to approximately 150 mM in the guard-cell apoplast during the photoperiod. This high concentration in the guard-cell apoplast results from transpiration and is sufficient osmotically to reduce stomatal aperture size by up to 3 microm or approximately 25% of the maximum aperture size. In this paper, we investigated a parallel and required role for high bulk-leaf apoplastic sucrose concentration, which correlates with high photosynthesis rate. An empirically determined combination of lowered light intensity and lowered CO(2) concentration reduced the photosynthesis rate to nominally one-fifth of the control value without a significant change in transpiration. This reduction in photosynthesis caused the sucrose concentration in the leaf apoplast--the immediate source pool for guard cells--to decrease by 70% (to 0.4 mM). In turn, sucrose concentration in the guard-cell apoplast decreased by approximately 80% (to approximately 40 mM). These results complete the required evidence for a non-exclusive, transpiration-linked, photosynthesis-dependent passive mechanism for the modulation of stomatal aperture size. In an ancillary investigation, hexoses in the bulk-leaf apoplast decreased when photosynthesis was lowered, but their concentrations in the guard-cell apoplast of control plants indicated that their osmotic contribution was negligible.  相似文献   

Abstract. An Ohm's law analogy is frequently employed to calculate parameters of leaf gas exchange. For example, resistance to water vapour loss is calculated as the quotient of vapour pressure difference (VPD) and vapour loss by transpiration. In the present research, this electrical analogy was extended. Steady-state transpiration as a function of VPD, assayed in leaflets of Vicia faba using gas exchange techniques, was compared with steady-state K+ current magnitude as a function of voltage in isolated guard cell protoplasts of Vicia faba, assayed using the patch clamping technique in the whole cell configuration. An electrophysiological model originally developed to explain the kinetics of current changes following step changes in voltage across a cell membrane was used to fit the kinetics of transpiration changes following step changes in VPD applied to leaflets of Vicia faba. Following step increases in VPD, transpiration exhibited an initial increase, reflecting the increased driving force for water loss and, for large step increases in VPD, a transient decrease in stomatal resistance. Transpiration subsequently declined, reflecting stomatal closure. By analogy to electrophysiological responses, it is hypothesized that the humidity parameter that is sensed by guard cells is VPD. Two models based on epidermal water relations were also applied to transpiration kinetics. In the first model, the transient increase in transpiration following a step increase in VPD was attributed partially to an increase in the Physical driving force (VPD) and partially to a transient decrease in stomatal resistance resulting from reduced epidermal backpressure. In the second model, the transient decrease in stomatal resistance was attributed to a direct response of the guard cells to VPD. Both models based on water relations gave good fits of the data, emphasizing the need for further study regarding the metabolic nature of the guard cell response to humidity.  相似文献   

Stomatal movement is accomplished by changes in the ionic content within guard cells as well as in the cell wall of the surrounding stomatal pore. In this study, the sub-stomatal apoplastic activities of K+, Cl-, Ca2+ and H+ were continuously monitored by inserting ion-selective micro-electrodes through the open stomata of intact Vicia faba leaves. In light-adapted leaves, the mean activities were 2.59 mM (K+), 1.26 mM (Cl-), 64 microM (Ca2+) and 89 microM (H+). Stomatal closure was investigated through exposure to abscisic acid (ABA), sudden darkness or both. Feeding the leaves with ABA through the cut petiole initially resulted in peaks after 9-10 min, in which Ca2+ and H+ activities transiently decreased, and Cl- and K+ activities transiently increased. Thereafter, Ca2+, H+ and Cl- activities completely recovered, while K+ activity approached an elevated level of around 10 mM within 20 min. Similar responses were observed following sudden darkness, with the difference that Cl- and Ca2+ activities recovered more slowly. Addition of ABA to dark-adapted leaves evoked responses of Cl- and Ca2+ similar to those observed in the light. K+ activity, starting from its elevated level, responded to ABA with a transient increase peaking around 16 mM, but then returned to its dark level. During stomatal closure, membrane potential changes in mesophyll cells showed no correlation with the K+ kinetics in the sub-stomatal cavity. We thus conclude that the increase in K+ activity mainly resulted from K+ release by the guard cells, indicating apoplastic compartmentation. Based on the close correlation between Cl- and Ca2+ changes, we suggest that anion channels are activated by a rise in cytosolic free Ca2+, a process which activates depolarization-activated K+ release channels.  相似文献   

Leaflets of Vicia faba L. (faba bean) were used to determine whether the mechanical forces resulting from the turgor potentials (Φp) of the larger epidermal cells neighbouring guard cells play a significant role in regulating stomatal aperture. When Φp, of epidermis and Φp of bulk leaflet tissue were compared at midday, Φp of epidermis were only 15–25% those of bulk leaflet tissue at all but the most negative leaflet water potentials (Φ). When plants were bagged to increase Φ by reducing vapour pressure differences between leaflets and air, Φp of bulk leaflet tissue increased to predawn values, but Φp, of epidermis increased to only = 20% of predawn values and stomata opened to their widest apertures. Stomatal apertures were positively correlated with Φp of bulk leaflet tissue but they were not correlated with Φp of epidermis. Reductions in epidermal Φp, began predawn, before stomata were open, and reached minimum values at midday, when stomata were open. We conclude that, in Vicia faba, (1) reduction of Φp of epidermal cells begins predawn, reducing the counterforce to stomatal opening that would exist if full epidermal turgor were maintained throughout the day, and (2) changes in Φp, of leaf epidermal cells do not play a significant role in regulating stomatal aperture.  相似文献   

水孔蛋白的抑制剂HgCl2可明显抑制壳梭孢菌素(FC)和微丝骨架的解聚剂细胞松弛素D(CD)对蚕豆保卫细胞原生质体膨胀的诱导作用,而对微丝骨架的稳定剂鬼笔环肽(phalloidin)的抑制作用影响不明显。这表明水孔蛋白可能介导了FC和微丝骨架对气孔运动的调节。  相似文献   

The function and location of guard cells uniquely subject them to stress. First, stomatal movements require large fluctuations in the concentration of potassium salts. Second, guard cell inner walls are the first surfaces exposed to evaporation and apoplastic solutes may accumulate there as a result. We have therefore investigated whether guard cells exhibit atypical expression of dehydrin genes because dehydrins accumulate in vegetative tissues in response to water stress. We have also assayed for osmotin mRNA, which is up-regulated in leaves in response to various stresses. mRNA probes for several representative genes were used with RNA extracts from control and water-stressed Vicia faba leaflets. Correlatively, these probes were used with RNA extracts from "isolated' guard cells that had been incubated with combinations of abscisic acid, mannitol and Ca2+. (Isolated guard cells are epidermal strips sonicated to destroy cells other than guard cells.) Hybridization with the probe prepared for a dehydrin from Pisum sativum (Psdhn 1) was detected in leaf extracts only if the leaf had been stressed. Similarly, after 1- and 6-h incubations with abscisic acid, isolated guard cells contained an mRNA that hybridized with the probe for Psdhn 1. Appearance of this abscisic acid-dependent mRNA required neither mannitol nor exogenous Ca2+. Regardless of the conditions or tissue, no hybridization was detected with the probe against osmotin, but our interpretation of this result is qualified. The simplest conclusion is that atypical expression of dehydrin is not the mechanism by which guard cells cope with their peculiar function and location.  相似文献   

Meristematic cells of Vicia faba L. were labeled with rabbit anti-actin antibody and FITC-conjugated goat anti-rabbit lgG antibody and observed with fluorescence microscopy. Both the nuclei and chromosomes sent forth distinctive fluorescence, indicating that actin is present in the nuclei and chromosomes. Sections were reacted with the anti-actin antibody and protein A-colloidal gold and observed with transmission electron microscopy. Gold particles were found over the whole nuclei, and a lot of particles were concentrated in condensed chromatin areas and nucleoli, confirming the observations with the fluorescence microscopy. V. faba nuclei and chromosomes were treated with DNase Ⅰ and 2 mol/L NaC1, and DNA and histone-depleted nuclei and chromosomes were obtained. Indirect immunofluorescence tests showed that the DNA and histone-depleted nuclei and chromosomes reacted positively with the anti-actin antibody. These results demonstrated that actin exists not only in intact nuclei and chromosomes but also in DNA and histone-depleted nuclei and chromosomes of V. faba. In addition, the authors' results indicate that tropomyosin is present in the nuclei and chromosomes of V. faba. Presence of actin in nuclei and chromosomes as well as in DNA and histone-depleted nuclei and chromosomes of higher plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Free cytosolic Ca^2+ ([Ca^2+]cyt) is an ubiquitous second messenger in plant cell signaling, and [Ca^2+]cyt elevation is associated with Ca^2+-permeable channels in the plasma membrane and endomembranes regulated by a wide range of stimuli. However, knowledge regarding Ca^2+ channels and their regulation remains limited in planta. A type of voltage- dependent Ca^2+-permeable channel was identified and characterized for the Vicia faba L. guard cell plasma membrane by using patch-clamp techniques. These channels are permeable to both Ba^2+ and Ca^2+, and their activities can be inhibited by micromolar Gd^3+. The unitary conductance and the reversal potential of the channels depend on the Ca^2+ or Ba^2+ gradients across the plasma membrane. The inward whole-cell Ca^2+ (Ba^2+) current, as well as the unitary current amplitude and NPo of the single Ca^2+ channel, increase along with the membrane hyperpolarization. Pharmacological experiments suggest that actin dynamics may serve as an upstream regulator of this type of calcium channel of the guard cell plasma membrane. Cytochalasin D, an actin polymerization blocker, activated the NPo of these channels at the single channel level and increased the current amplitude at the whole-cell level. But these channel activations and current increments could be restrained by pretreatment with an F-actin stabilizer, phalloidin. The potential physiological significance of this regulatory mechanism is also discussed.  相似文献   

不同浓度H2 O2 可使蚕豆 (ViciafabaL .)叶片气孔关闭 ,抑制气孔张开 ,10mmol/L的H2 O2 最有效 ,10 μmol/L的H2 O2 仍明显使气孔关闭。且 10 μmol/L的H2 O2 抑制气孔张开作用能被EGTA所消除 ,表明Ca2 参与低浓度H2 O2 使气孔关闭的过程。 2mmol/L的H2 O2 可使质膜内向K 通道电流明显减小 ,而外向K 通道电流显著增加。因此 ,H2 O2 促进蚕豆气孔关闭主要是通过抑制K 通过保卫细胞质膜内向流入 ,或加强K 外向流出实现的  相似文献   

To identify loci in Arabidopsis involved in the control of transpirational water loss and transpiration efficiency (TE) we carried out an infrared thermal imaging-based screen. We report the identification of a new allele of the Arabidopsis CesA7 cellulose synthase locus designated AtCesA7(irx3-5) involved in the control of TE. Leaves of the AtCesA7(irx3-5) mutant are warmer than the wild type (WT). This is due to reduced stomatal pore widths brought about by guard cells that are significantly smaller than the WT. The xylem of the AtCesA7(irx3-5) mutant is also partially collapsed, and we suggest that the small guard cells in the mutant result from decreased water supply to the developing leaf. We used carbon isotope discrimination to show that TE is increased in AtCesA7(irx3-5) when compared with the WT. Our work identifies a new class of genes that affects TE and raises the possibility that other genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis will have an impact on water use efficiency.  相似文献   

邢苗  郝水 《遗传学报》1989,16(5):357-361
本文对蚕豆根端分生组织细胞核中类胀泡结构的超微结构变化和细胞化学特点进行了研究。我们观察到,类胀泡结构是与集缩染色质紧密相连的核内结构。该结构是由直径30nm左右的纤维组成的较为疏松的网络,其中的30nm纤维可以进一步解集缩并释放出直径约10nm的颗粒,这些颗粒可能是核小体。Bernhard染色结果表明,类胀泡结构含有RNP。放射自显影结果表明,类胀泡结构具有转录活性。我们推测,蚕豆细胞核中的类胀泡结构可能是非核仁基因表达的一种形态。  相似文献   

Field bean (Vicia faba L.) cv. Maris Bead seeds were inoculated with Rhizobium Catalogue No. 1001, supplied by Rothamsted Experimental Station and grown in sand culture supplied with 15N-labelled nitrate at two concentrations. Plants were sampled at intervals throughout their growth for 15N and total N analysis. The rate of nitrate uptake was almost uniform up to pod-fill and was proportional to the nitrate concentration. Nodule weight was slightly depressed by the larger nitrate concentration at all samplings, and there was a corresponding reduction in the amount of atmospheric nitrogen fixed. However, at harvest the bean seeds from plants given most nitrate contained slightly more total N, as the enhanced nitrate uptake outweighed the reduction in fixation.  相似文献   

本实验研究了甲硝唑诱导蚕豆根尖细胞微核的效应。实验表明:(1)浓度为0.1、6、12、40和500 mg/L甲硝唑均能使蚕豆根尖细胞微核率显著增加,且蚕豆根尖细胞微核率和甲硝唑浓度之间存在明显的剂量-效应关系;(2)甲硝唑能引起DNA损伤,具有分子诱变剂的性能。  相似文献   

浊漳河水体污染物对蚕豆根尖细胞的遗传毒性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用蚕豆根尖细胞微核试验技术对浊漳河南段6个代表性样点水体中有机污染物的遗传毒性进行了研究,为浊漳河流域水体污染状况的有效监测提供理论依据.结果显示:(1)浊漳河南段各监测断面的水体有机污染物对蚕豆根尖细胞均产生了不同程度的损伤,表现出细胞微核、断片、染色体桥等多种异常形态,严重时导致细胞坏死和细胞凋亡.(2)6个样点水样处理的蚕豆根尖细胞微核率在21.47‰~64.77‰,极显著高于对照组(P<0.01).(3)各样点水样对蚕豆根尖细胞的遗传损伤程度依次为:王桥>店上>漳泽水库>北寨>黄碾>五阳;在有丝分裂后期,蚕豆根尖中异常细胞最高达70%,且异常细胞比率有随着污染程度增大而升高的趋势.研究表明,蚕豆根尖细胞微核是水质毒理检测的有效指标,其细胞有丝分裂后期异常细胞比率也可作为水质毒理检测的观察指标.  相似文献   

Damaging effects of either black bean aphid (Aphis fabae), broad bean rust (Uromyces viciae-fabae), or the combination of both were investigated on a susceptible (cv. Diana) and an aphid resistant (cv. Bolero) cultivar of Vicia faba. When compared with rust, aphids caused greater reductions of root dry weight, shoot dry weight, leaf area, and mean relative growth rate. The mean unit leaf rate was also reduced whereas the leaf area ratio was not affected. The damage caused per aphid was highest on the susceptible cultivar. Rust induced damage did not differ between the cultivars. Concomitant infestation with both pests only resulted in additive damage. The population development of aphids was delayed on partially resistant plants. High temperature and rust infection reduced the total number of aphids the plants were able to support but not the level of resistance. Thus the specific damaging effect per aphid was increased.  相似文献   

利用蚕豆根尖微核技术监测韶关市区河段水质的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术监测韶关市区河段水质污染状况,测定6个断面水样的蚕豆根尖细胞微核千分率(MCN‰)及污染指数(PI),并进行F检验。结果表明,各断面水样均能引起微核率升高,孟洲坝、曲江桥、武江桥、高桥、长坝和十里亭断面的微核率分别为10.73‰、7.94‰、5.98‰、5.85‰、5.78‰、4.45‰,PI分别为3.04、2.25、1.69、1.66、1.64、1.26。按照污染指数划分标准,十里亭断面基本没有污染,武江桥、高桥和长坝断面均为轻度污染,孟洲坝和曲江桥断面属于中度污染。表明除十里亭断面外,其余各断面均有不同程度的污染。  相似文献   

局部灼伤对茉莉酸在蚕豆幼苗中运输和分配的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用示踪技术研究了3 H_JA (jasmonicacid)在双子叶植物蚕豆 (ViciafabaL .)中的运输和分配规律以及局部灼伤对其运输与分配的影响。外源3 H_JA能够以高于 4~ 5cm·min-1的速率在蚕豆幼苗体内向上和向下运输。幼叶局部灼伤能提高3 H_JA的向上运输能力 ,促进3 H_JA向受伤部位的调运 ;增加3 H_JA向成熟叶片下表皮的运输分配比率 ;阻止3 H_JA从受伤部位的向外输出。据此推测 ,伤胁迫下JA的运输与分配的改变可能与植物体防御伤反应密切相关 ,并有可能参与了对气孔运动的调控  相似文献   

Mesophyll conductance (gm), the diffusion of CO2 from substomatal cavities to the carboxylation sites in the chloroplasts, is a highly complex trait driving photosynthesis (net CO2 assimilation, AN). However, little is known concerning the mechanisms by which it is dynamically regulated. The apoplast is considered as a ‘key information bridge’ between the environment and cells. Interestingly, most of the environmental constraints affecting gm also cause apoplastic responses, cell wall (CW) alterations and metabolic rearrangements. Since CW thickness is a key determinant of gm, we hypothesize that other changes in this cellular compartiment should also influence gm. We study the relationship between the antioxidant apoplastic system and CW metabolism and the gm responses in tobacco plants (Nicotiana sylvestris L.) under two abiotic stresses (drought and salinity), combining in vivo gas‐exchange measurements with analyses of antioxidant activities, CW composition and primary metabolism. Stress treatments imposed substantial reductions in AN (58–54%) and gm (59%), accompanied by a strong antioxidant enzymatic response at the apoplastic and symplastic levels. Interestingly, apoplastic but not symplastic peroxidases were positively related to gm. Leaf anatomy remained mostly stable; however, the stress treatments significantly affected the CW composition, specifically pectins, which showed significant relationships with AN and gm. The treatments additionally promoted a differential primary metabolic response, and specific CW‐related metabolites including galactose, glucosamine and hydroxycinnamate showed exclusive relationships with gm independent of the stress. These results suggest that gm responses can be attributed to specific changes in the apoplastic antioxidant system and CW metabolism, opening up more possibilities for improving photosynthesis using breeding/biotechnological strategies.  相似文献   

利用吞豆根尖细胞微核技术检测Cu,As污染的诱变性   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
应用蚕豆根尖细胞微核技术检测Cu、As及其复合污染的诱变性能,计数了蚕豆根尖细胞微核千分率(MCN‰)和污染指数(PI)并进行了F检验.结果表明,在一定浓度范围内(Cu<200mg@L,As<15mg@L-1),随着Cu、As浓度的增加,MCN‰上升;24个试验处理组PI均在2以上,各处理组MCN‰有显著差异,和对照组有极显著差异(a<0,01),表明Cu、As及其复合处理对蚕豆根尖细胞的分裂活动有明显影响.  相似文献   

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