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Altered leucyl-tRNA synthetase from a mammalian cell culture temperature-sensitive mutant, tsHl, was compared with enzyme from normal wild type Chinese hamster ovary cells. The mutant enzyme had a Km for leucine four times larger than that of wild type and enzyme levels 3-10% that of wild type. The presence of tRNA was necessary during in vitro heating of the mutant enzyme to allow expression of thermolability while the presence of tRNA protected wild type enzyme against thermal inactivation. The tsHl enzyme was stable when heated alone or in the presence of tRNA, leucine, and ATP simultaneously. The mutant's enzymes aminoacylated tRNALeu, tRNAVal, and tRNAIle with fidelity in vitro as determined by cochromatography of the amino-acyl-tRNA isoacceptors on RPC-5 reversed phase chromatography. The mutant failed to show any defect other than the direct formation of leucyl tRNALeu by leucyl-tRNA synthetase.  相似文献   

The polytripeptide (Tyr-Ala-Glu)n, n~-175, has been reported to undergo an α-helix-disordered chain transition in aqueous medium (Ramachandran, J., et al. (1971) Biopolymers, 10, 1829–1851). We find from circular dichroism and infrared spectroscopy that, upon transferring (Tyr-Ala-Glu)9 from aqueous buffer at neutral pH to dioxane-containing media at acidic pH, and in certain other circumstances, a transition from the disordered state to the antiparallel β structure occurs. Molecular weight studies and the independence of the transition from concentration suggest that the β structure is intramolecular. (Tyr-Ala-Glu)4 shows no evidence for the occurrence of any conformational change under similar conditions.  相似文献   

RNA extracted from myogenic cultures treated with actinomycin D was found to be more active in stimulating protein synthesis in the wheat germ cell-free system than RNA from untreated cultures. The rate of incorporation of amino acids was up to 30% higher and the synthesis of actin and of myosin light chains increased by up to 50% when RNA from actinomycin-treated cultures was used. A cell-free system product which affects the rate of translation does not seem to be involved in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Several procedures were used to disassemble rat liver rough microsomes (RM) into ribosomal subunits, mRNA, and ribosome-stripped membrane vesicles in order to examine the nature of the association between the mRNA of bound polysomes and the microsomal membranes. The fate of the mRNA molecules after ribosome release was determined by measuring the amount of pulse-labeled microsomal RNA in each fraction which was retained by oligo-dT cellulose or by measuring the poly A content by hybridization to radioactive poly U. It was found that ribosomal subunits and mRNA were simultaneously released from the microsomal membranes when the ribosomes were detached by: (a) treatment with puromycin in a high salt medium containing Mg++, (b) resuspension in a high salt medium lacking Mg++, and (c) chelation of Mg++ by EDTA or pyrophosphate. Poly A-containing mRNA fragments were extensively released from RM subjected to a mild treatment with pancreatic RNase in a medium of low ionic strength. This indicates that the 3' end of the mRNA is exposed on the outer microsomal surface and is not directly bound to the membranes. Poly A segments of bound mRNA were also accessible to [(3)H] poly U for in situ hybridization in glutaraldehyde-fixed RM. Rats were treated with drugs which inhibit translation after formation of the first peptide bonds or interfere with the initiation of protein synthesis. After these treatments inactive monomeric ribosomes, as well as ribosomes bearing mRNA, remained associated with their binding sites in microsomes prepared in media of low ionic strength. However, because there were no linkages provided by nascent chains, ribosomes, and mRNA, molecules were released from the microsomal membranes without the need of puromycin, by treatment with a high salt buffer containing Mg++. Thus, both in vivo and in vitro observations are consistent with a model in which mRNA does not contribute significantly to the maintenance of the interaction between bound polysomes and endoplasmic reticulum membranes in rat liver hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Four presumptive histone messenger RNAs were characterized from a cell line of Aedes aegypti, and their molecular weights were determined by electrophoresis. They were shown to be associated with polysomes during the peak of DNA synthesis, but not when DNA synthesis was inhibited by cytosine arabinoside or when DNA was not being synthesized. These mRNAs are associated with polysomes containing less than 8 ribosomes and having a high ratio of incorporation of lysine to tryptophan into their nascent peptides. The mRNAs released from these polysomes were translated in vitro and histone products were synthesized. Histones were not synthesized when the mRNAs were obtained from large polysomes or from small polysomes during the non-DNA synthetic period.  相似文献   

Procedures are described that permit the detection and isolation of a specific messenger RNA as well as its precursor from total cell extracts. DNA complementary to the mRNA was elongated by the addition of dCMP residues and annealed with labeled cell RNA. The elongated DNA with RNA hybridized to it was isolated by chromatography on a poly(I)-Sephadex column. The method was used to isolate 32P-labeled globin mRNA from labeled Friend cells, a mouse erythroleukaemic cell line, induced with dimethylsulfoxide to synthesize hemoglobin. 32P-labeled globin mRNA isolated by this procedure was estimated to be 80% pure by hybridization analysis and sedimented as a single peak at 10 S. Partial sequences were determined for 16 oligonucleotides derived from the purified 32P-labeled globin mRNA by RNAase T1 digestion. The partial sequences for nine oligonucleotides corresponded to those predicted from the amino acid sequences of α and β globin; the other oligonucleotides were presumably derived from non-translated regions.In order to detect a possible precursor to globin mRNA, RNA from induced Friend cells pulse-labeled with [32P]phosphate for 20 minutes was centrifuged through a sucrose gradient and the resulting fractions were analyzed for globinspecific sequences. Two peaks of globin-specific RNA were detected, a larger one at 10 S, the position of mature globin mRNA, and a smaller one at 15 S.  相似文献   

Mouse fibroblasts maintained in tissue culture regulate total protein and ribosomal RNA synthesis co-ordinately with changes in the cellular growth state. Here we show that changes in the rate of synthesis of nuclear non-polyadenylic acid-containing RNA and the rate of accumulation and breakdown of cytoplasmic ribosomal RNA also accompany the transition from the resting to the growing cellular growth state, while the rate of synthesis of nuclear poly (A)-containing RNA and the rates of accumulation and breakdown of cytoplasmic poly(A) containing RNA (presumptive messenger RNA) are, however, only marginally changed. The small net increase (20% to 30%) in the amount of presumptive mRNA is considerably less than the observed increase in protein synthesis (two to threefold) during this transition. We also isolated and characterized extra-polysomal poly(A)-containing ribonucleoprotein particles from quiescent cultures that were similar to those particles obtained by treatment of polyribosomes with EDTA. These experiments suggest that the early increase in protein synthetic activity when quiescent, cultured cells are induced to grow is partially caused by an increased attachment of pre-existing mRNA molecules to free ribosomes.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of chick embryo fibroblast cell surface protein has been investigated by ultracentrifugation, circular dichroism, and fluorescence. Most measurements were restricted to alkaline solutions because of the limited solubility of this protein at more neutral pH values. A very high frictional ratio for the protein suggests an asymmetric structure. However, there are elements of organized structure since typical thermal transition curves were found by several methods. Consequently, a model in which ordered domains are connected by flexible polypeptide chains seems to account for all the hydrodynamic and optical data.  相似文献   

Many factors contribute to the creation and maintenance of a realistic environment for cell growth in vitro, e.g. the consistency of the growth medium, the addition of supplements, and the surface on which the cells grow. The nature of the surface on which cells are cultured plays an important role in their ability to attach, proliferate, migrate and function. Components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) are often used to coat glass or plastic surfaces to enhance cell attachment in vitro. Fragments of ECM molecules can be immobilised on surfaces in order to mimic the effects seen by whole molecules. In this study we evaluate the application of a novel technology for the immobilisation of functional domains of known ECM proteins in a controlled manner on a surface. By examining the adherence of cultured PC12 cells to alternative growth surfaces, we show that surfaces coated with motifs from collagen I, collagen IV, fibronectin and laminin can mimic surfaces coated with the corresponding whole molecules. Furthermore, we show that the adherence of cells can be controlled by modifying the hydropathic properties of the surface to either enhance or inhibit cell attachment. Collectively, these data demonstrate the application of a new technology to enable optimisation of cell growth in the tissue culture laboratory.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of the drugs cytochalasin B and colchicine on the surface levels of the large, external, transformation-sensitive (LETS) glycoprotein. Colchicine neither removed LETS protein from the surface, nor inhibited its regeneration after removal by mild trypsinization. Cells treated with cytochalasin B, however, showed both a 2–3-fold increase in the turnover rate of their surface LETS protein and a marked inhibition in its regeneration. Inhibition of regeneration was not due to inhibition of synthesis or transport to the surface. In fact, in the presence of cytochalasin B, increased quantities of LETS protein were released into the medium. The results are consistent with the idea of an association of LETS protein with the actin-containing microfilaments. However, other possible explanations, such as effects on cellular morphology or on transport of sugar precursors cannot yet be excluded.  相似文献   

Reactive phosphorylcholine polymers, which can recognize biosynthetic cell-surface tags, were synthesized to control cell attachment. Human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL-60) with unnatural carbohydrates as cell-surface tags were harvested by treatment with N-levulinoylmannosamine (ManLev). The attachment of ManLev-treated HL-60 cells to 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymers with hydrazide groups was studied. HL-60 cells, which are nonadhesive, did not attach to any polymer surface without ManLev treatment. In contrast, ManLev-treated HL-60 cells attached to a poly[MPC-co-n-butyl methacrylate (BMA)-co-methacryloyl hydrazide (MH)] (PMBH) surface following 15 min of incubation. The cells that attached to the PMBH surface retained their native morphology and viability for 24 h of incubation. On the other hand, approximately half of the HL-60 cells that attached to the poly(BMA-co-MH) (PBH) surface died. These results suggest that MH units in the polymer act as anchors for cell attachment and MPC units help to preserve cell viability on a polymer surface. The coculture of ManLev-treated HL-60 and fluorescence-stained human uterine cervical cancer cells (HeLa) was carried out on polymer surfaces. ManLev-treated HL-60 cells specifically attached to the PMBH surface. In contrast, both HL-60 and HeLa cells were observed on the PBH surface. The control of cellular interactions with synthetic polymers may be useful for the future development of cell-integrated biosensors and biomedical devices.  相似文献   

Summary A variant nontransformed clone, I21, was selected from the spontaneously transformed mouse fibroblast line, IT22. Selection was done by plating IT22 in methylcellulose and picking single cells after 2 d. Cultures derived from these single cells were selected again and one clone, I21, derived from the second round of selection was characterized extensively. I21 and IT22 have the same plating efficiency (PE) on plastic, but in agarose they differ by 1000-fold. In comparison to IT22, I21 has a normal morphological appearance, a lower saturation density, a higher viability in stationary phase, an increased doubling time, an increased chromosome content, and is unable to form tumors in nude mice. I21 has remained remarkably stable in culture and has not reverted to the transformed phenotype for at least 300 generations in culture. Over 100 clones of I21, expanded to 106 cells, failed to show an increased PE in agarose. Even expansion of the rare colonies of I21 that grow in agarose failed to produce clones similar to IT22. The research was supported by the Medical Research Council and the National Cancer Institute of Canada. R. Godbout was supported by a 1967 Science Scholarship and by an MRC Studentship. B. L. Gallie is a Research Associate of the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation.  相似文献   

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