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1. Lake temperatures vary with season, latitude, elevation and as a result of thermal pollution. In addition, lake temperatures may increase with global warming. Radiotracer experiments were conducted to determine the effects of temperature on the bioaccumulation of lipophilic organic contaminants by zooplankton. Daphnia pulex were exposed to 14C-labelled DDE, a stable metabolite of the organochlorine pesticide DDT, in particle-free water for 24 h. An increase in temperature from 5 to 25 °C resulted in a 314% increase in bioconcentration factor (the ratio of contaminant concentration in the organism to contaminant concentration in the water).
2. To mimic the fluctuating temperatures experienced by zooplankton during diel vertical migration, we conducted experiments in which animals were exposed to 25 °C for 12 h in the light, then 15 °C for 12 h in the dark. Exposure to this fluctuating temperature regime for 48 h resulted in a 27–33% increase in bioconcentration factor relative to a constant 20 °C control.
3. Live animals accumulated more than twice the amount of DDE than freshly killed animals, indicating that the activity of the organism is important in bioconcentration. This finding sheds light on the possible mechanisms for the increase in bioconcentration at higher constant temperatures. Daphnia pump more water through their branchial chambers at higher temperatures. Thus, if the thoracic limbs are an important site of contaminant uptake, then animals are exposed to more contaminant molecules at higher temperatures. Other possible mechanisms include changes in the thickness of the diffusive boundary layer and changes in cell membrane permeability.  相似文献   

1. We examined the responses of two species of Daphnia to changes in food phosphorus (P) content, with animals reared at three different water temperatures. Specifically, we measured mass‐specific growth rate (MSGR), body P content and respiration rate of Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex acclimatised to 10, 17.5 and 25 °C and fed food carbon : phosphorus (C : P) ratios of either 150 or 500. 2. The responses of these three physiological variables to temperature–food quality interactions were species‐specific. There was a significant interactive effect of temperature and food quality on D. magna, as the greatest proportional effect of food quality on growth was observed at 10 °C and reductions in body P because of low food P content were relatively greater at 25 °C. These effects may reflect the temperature dependence of mechanisms that reduce elemental constraints associated with food quality in D. magna. By contrast, there were no interactive effects between food quality and temperature on MSGR, body P or mass‐specific respiration of D. pulex. 3. It thus appears that temperature can alter food quality effects on Daphnia but the nature of these alterations depends upon the daphniid species and its thermal adaptability. Significant temperature–food quality interactions will complicate efforts to understand zooplankton nutrition in nature and warrant future consideration.  相似文献   

We examined the acute effects of triclosan (TCS) exposure, a common antimicrobial found as a contaminant in the field, on survival and physiology of amphibian larvae. LC50 values were determined after 96 h for North American larval species: Acris crepitans blanchardii, Bufo woodhousii woodhousii, Rana sphenocephala, and for a developmental model: Xenopus laevis. Amphibian larvae were most sensitive to TCS exposure during early development based upon 96-h LC50 values. Heart rates for X. laevis and North American larvae exposed to TCS were variable throughout development. Metabolic rates of X. laevis and R. sphenocephala larvae exposed to TCS were significantly affected in larvae exposed to [50% LC50] and [LC50]. Tissue uptake and tissue bioconcentration factor (BCF) of TCS were investigated in X. laevis, B. woodhousii woodhousii, and R. sphenocephala. In general, a significant increase was observed as exposure concentration increased. Tissue BCF values were dependent upon stage and species. While TCS concentrations used here are higher than environmental concentrations, exposure to TCS was dependent upon species and developmental stage, with early developmental stages being most sensitive to TCS exposure.  相似文献   

An in vitro study was performed to determine the acute phytotoxicities and genotoxicity of DDE either spiked to soil or added to hydrophonic cultures on wheat Triticum aestivum. A 24-well plate was first used to determine toxicity on individual grains using conventional seed germination/seedling growth toxicity tests whereas a single cell electrophoresis system was applied to measure genotoxicity at single cell level for wheat. Hydrophonic cultures provide a simplified environment to screen for toxicities with high sensitivity. Inverse dose-response relationships were detected between exogenous DDE levels and one of the following parameters: seed germination, seedling growth, and genotoxicity. In contrast, soil reduced the stress on T. aestivum by lowering bioavailability leading to less DDE distributed in radicle and coleoptile, modulated growth, and enhanced tolerance. At all DDE doses spiked to soil including the reference safety level of 0.5 mg/kg, DNA breakage was detected in both radicle and coleoptile but their magnitudes did not correlate with the organ nor the soil DDE contents. Thus, although wheat is highly sensitive to the genotoxic effect of DDE, first demonstrated here, the seed germination test offers a simple quantitative measure of DDE's phytotoxicity in soil and hydrophonic cultures. This study also found that fungus Pleurotus pulmonarius, which secretes extracellular ligninolytic enzymes causing non-specific cleavage of lignin and organopollutants, remediated DDE spiked to soil. In 5 weeks, 78% of 10 mg/kg DDE was biodegraded, and the fungal-treated soil reduced acute toxicity on T. aestivum using the seed germination test.  相似文献   

Temperature affects selectivity of Chaoborus larvae-eating Daphnia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In ponds, a chemical produced by predaceous Chaoborus (Insecta, Diptera) larvae changes the development of juvenile Daphnia pulex (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) so the juveniles grow spines (neckteeth) on the back of their head. It is generally assumed that the spined phenotype is (or is an indicator of) a morphological predator defense. The research reported here tests the hypothesis that the induced neckteeth do in fact increase Daphnia survivorship, over a range of temperatures. Predation experiments were conducted over a range of temperatures from 6 to 22 °C using fourth instar Chaoborus americanus larvae as the predator. The prey were a mixture of spined (induced necktooth phenotype) and unspined (uninduced) juvenile Daphnia pulex. At 6 and 11 °C, Chaoborus selected the unspined phenotype over the spined phenotype, as expected. However, at 22 °C, the selectivity was reversed: significantly fewer on the spined survived compared to the unspined phenotype. These results suggest that the spined phenotype may either increase or decrease Daphnia pulex survival, depending on temperature and clone.  相似文献   

Ectoine (ECT) is an amino acid produced and accumulated by halophilic bacteria in stressful conditions in order to prevent the loss of water from the cell. There is a lack of knowledge on the effects of ECT in heat-stressed aquatic animals. The purpose of our study was to determine the influence of ECT on Daphnia magna subjected to heat stress with two temperature gradients: 1 and 0.1 °C/min in the range of 23–42 °C. Time to immobilisation, survival during recovery, swimming performance, heart rate, thoracic limb movement and the levels of heat shock protein 70 kDa 1A (HSP70 1A), catalase (CAT) and nitric oxide species (NOx) were determined in ECT-exposed and unexposed daphnids; we showed protective effects of ECT on Daphnia magna subjected to heat stress. Time to immobilisation of daphnids exposed to ECT was longer when compared to the unexposed animals. Also, survival rate during the recovery of daphnids previously treated with ECT was higher. ECT significantly attenuated a rapid increase of mean swimming velocity which was elevated in the unexposed daphnids. Moreover, we observed elevation of thoracic limb movement and modulation of heart rate in ECT-exposed animals. HSP70 1A and CAT levels were reduced in the presence of ECT. On the other hand, NOx level was slightly elevated in both ECT-treated and unexposed daphnids, however slightly higher NOx level was found in ECT-treated animals. We conclude that the exposure to ectoine has thermoprotective effects on Daphnia magna, however their mechanisms are not associated with the induction of HSP70 1A.  相似文献   

The study on the acute,sublethal and chronic toxicity of 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone (1,8-dihAQ) to Daphnia magna showed that the 48 h LC50 was 0.37 mg稬-1,and the feeding behavior of Daphnia magna was severely affected by the compound.When exposed to 0.2 mg稬-1 of 1,8-dihAQ for 5 h,the filtration and ingestion rate of Daphnia magna was inhibited by 97%.Chronic toxicity test results indicated that the reproduction ability decreased dramatically after exposing to sublethal concentration of 1,8-dihAQ.It could be inferred that reproduction parameters and intrinsic rate of natural increase were the sensitive parameters in characterizing sublethal toxicity.The NOEC and LOEC values for reproduction parameters were also given.  相似文献   

Resource quality effects on Daphnia longispina offspring fitness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study addressed the question: is the fitness ofDaphnia longispina neonates related to the quality (species)of the resource their mothers consumed? A 2 2 factorial designwith two maternal and neonate resource types was employed, withRhodomonas and Microcystis used as high- and low-quality resources,respectively. Neonate fitness was assessed using demographicparameters obtained from a life-table study. The resource typeneonates consumed always had a stronger effect on the neonatesthan did the maternal type. Neonate consumption of Rhodomonas.relative to Microcystis. increased fitness, as estimated bythe instantaneous population growth rate, by 25–28%. whilematernal consumption of Rhodomonas increased fitness by 6-8%.Neonate Rhodomonas consumption also reduced the age at reachingthe primiparous instar; increased brood size at the primiparousinstar and body length immediately after the primiparous instar;increases average dutch size, number of clutches produced, totalegg production. and mean body length up to and on age 30 days.Regardless of resource type, maternal Rhodomonas consumptionresulted in neonates which reached maturity at an earlier ageand had a larger individual size immediately after reachingmaturity. The mean clutch size, total egg production, and lengthup to and at age 30 days were all significantly affected bymaternal diet when neonates consumed Microcystis; however, thesevariables were not influenced by maternal type when neonatesconsumed Rhodomonas. This is the first study to document maternallymediated effects of resource quality on the fitness of crustaceanzooplankton neonates.  相似文献   

An investigation of allelopathic effects of Daphnia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 The hypothesis is tested that large daphnids are able to suppress their own and other species' feeding and reproduction by means of excreting an inhibitory chemical (or chemicals).
  • 2 In laboratory experiments with an Australian species, Daphnia carinata, water preconditioned with 3–67 daphnids 1-?1 for 30 h had the effect of reducing feeding rates of D. carinata and D. lumholtzi provided with Selenastrum capricornutum.
  • 3 For the two Daphnia species, there were highly significant negative correlations between feeding rate and the preconditioning density of D. carinata.
  • 4 Water preconditioned with 20–30 daphnids 1-?1 for 1–2 weeks reduced the grazing rates of Daphnia, Moina, and Diaphanosoma 2–3-fold.
  • 5 Moina kept in such water for 2 days stopped feeding. Conditioned water kept for 3 days without animals still inhibited grazing by Moina. Hearing to 100°C removed the inhibitory effect.
  • 6 Given excess food, and in non-renewed water, a gradient of D. carinata densities developed a strong negative correlation between clutch size and daphnid density after a 6-day time lag. This result may help explain the direct density-dependent regulation of cladoceran reproduction observed earlier in a subtropical lake.

Transgenerational effects of poor elemental food quality on Daphnia magna   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Environmental effects on parents can strongly affect the phenotype of their offspring, which alters the heritability of traits and the offspring’s responses to the environment. We examined whether P limitation of the aquatic invertebrate, Daphnia magna, alters the responses of its offspring to inadequate P nutrition. Mother Daphnia consuming P-poor algal food produced smaller neonates having lower body P content compared to control (P-rich) mothers. These offspring from P-stressed mothers, when fed P-rich food, grew faster and reproduced on the same schedule as those from P-sufficient mothers. In contrast, offspring from P-stressed mothers, when fed P-poor food, grew more slowly and had delayed reproduction compared to their sisters born to control mothers. There was also weak evidence that daughters from P-stressed mothers are more susceptible to infection by the virulent bacterium, Pasteuria ramosa. Our results show that P stress is not only transferred across generations, but also that its effect on the offspring generation varies depending upon the quality of their own environment. Maternal P nutrition can thus determine the nature of offspring responses to food P content and potentially obfuscates relationships between the performance of offspring and their own nutrition. Given that food quality can be highly variable within and among natural environments, our results demonstrate that maternal effects should be included as an additional dimension into studies of how elemental nutrition affects the physiology, ecology, and evolution of animal consumers.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of water temperature on the exoticcladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi in a eutrophic Kansas reservoir(USA) and under laboratory conditions. Daphnia lumholtzi demonstrateda distinct late summer appearance in the reservoir at temperaturesbetween 26 and 31°C, which corresponded with steep declinesin the densities of native Daphnia spp. Laboratory life-tableexperiments confirmed that D. lumholtzi performs well at elevatedwater temperatures. The intrinsic rate of increase (r), netreproductive rate (Ro), age at first reproduction, survivorship(lx) and molting rates all demonstrate that D. lumholtzi hasa high temperature optimum between 20 and 30°C. A comparisonof literature-reported r-values indicates that the reproductiverate of D. lumholtzi is comparable with other Daphnia spp. between20 and 25°C, but also implies that D. lumholtzi may out-performsome Daphnia spp. at temperatures >25°C. Collectively,these results suggest that D. lumholtzi may be taking advantageof a late summer thermal niche, and that this invader may continueto colonize lakes and reservoirs in the southern US. However,life table data also indicate that D. lumholtzi performs poorlyat temperatures < 10°C, which may inhibit the range expansionof this invader into northern waters.  相似文献   

The effects of thermal stratification and light gradients on the feeding behavior of pumpkinseeds, Lepomis gibbosus, were tested in vertical aquarium columns. Successful captures, unsuccessful captures and unsuccessful searches by foraging sunfish on Daphnia pulex were recorded. Clearance and feeding rates of the sunfish were lowest when prey densities remained high, indicating that the Daphnia were occupying an area that could not be searched by the sunfish. Thermal stratification limited the searching volume and prey availability of the sunfish, while creating a refuge for the Daphnia. Light intensities ≤ 4.2 × 10-3 W m-2 decreased the searching and capture abilities of the sunfish under isothermal conditions. Thermal stratification had more of an effect than the light gradients, creating a refuge for the Daphnia causing them to be unavailable and less vulnerable to predation by the sunfish. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary A study was made of the effect of temperature on accumulation of glucosamine and 2-aminoisobutyrate by Candida utilis NCYC 321 grown at 30° C or 10° C. Exponential-phase cells contained greater proportions of C16:1 and C18:3 acids, and smaller proportions of C13:1 and C18:2 acids, when grown in a defined medium at 10° C compared with 30° C. Cells grown at 30° C or 10° C were able to accumulate extracellular (10 mM) glucosamine and 2-aminoisobutyrate against concentration gradients. 2-Aminoisobutyrate was not metabolised by the cells; glucosamine was accumulated probably as a mixture of glucosamine 1- and 6-phosphates. Rates of accumulation of glucosamine and 2-aminoisobutyrate by cells grown at 30° C or 10° C decreased markedly when the test temperature was decreased from 30° C to 15° C. The rate of accumulation of glucosamine by cells grown at 10° C was considerably lower at each of the test temperatures compared with the corresponding rates for cells grown at 30° C; the rate of accumulation of 2-aminoisobutyrate was much less affected by the temperature at which the cells were grown and then only when measured at temperatures below about 20° C. Apparent K m values for accumulation of glucosamine by cells grown at 30° C or 10° C decreased considerably when the test temperature was lowered from 20° C to 15° C. The extent of the decrease in K m value was approximately the same for cells grown at 30° C or 10° C. Apparent K m values for accumulation of 2-aminoisobutyrate were hardly affected by test temperature. Apparent V max values for accumulation of glucosamine or 2-aminoisobutyrate were much lower when measured at 15° C than at 30° C. When measured at 30° C, apparent V max values for accumulation of either solute were slightly lower with cells grown at 10° C compared with cells grown at 30° C; when measured at 15° C, the values were slightly greater with cells grown at 10° C. Net accumulation of glucosamine, at 30° C or 20° C, by cells grown at 30° C or 10° C ceased after 4–6 h. Cells grown at either temperature continued to accumulate 2-aminoisobutyrate at 30° C or 20° C for at least 12 h. The rate of efflux of glucosamine by cells grown at 30° C was slower when measured at 20° C compared with 30° C. With cells grown at 10° C, the rate of efflux at 30° C was slower than with cells grown at 30° C; when measured at 20° C, the rates were about equal. The temperature at which the cells were grown did not affect the ability of d-glucose, d-mannose or d-ribose to compete with d-glucosamine, or with the ability of l-alanine to compete with 2-aminoisobutyrate, when tested at 30° C or 20° C. Cells grown 30° C or 10° C had very similar ATP contents. The results are discussed in relation to the effect of temperature on the rate of solute accumulation by micro-organisms.Abbreviation AIB 2-Aminoisobutyrate  相似文献   

The filtrate from a suspension of the cyanobacterium Anabaena minutissima var. attenuata depressed thoracic limb beat frequency of Daphnia carinata by 38–45% in a food-free medium. Repeated exposure to the filtrate produced a similar depression of activity with full or neary full recovery. Response time to the filtrate was 5–8 min and recovery time was 8–12 min. The dose effect on limb beat frequency was continuous, linear, correlated with increased concentration and with no threshold. There was no relationship between body length and limb beat frequency.The interaction between toxicity and food concentration was tested using the diatom Cyclotella suspended in Anabaena filtrate. Daphnia limb beat frequency was depressed by 62%.  相似文献   

Hall SR  Becker CR  Duffy MA  Cáceres CE 《Oecologia》2011,166(3):833-842
Parasites frequently reduce the fecundity, growth, and survival of individual hosts. How often do these virulent effects reduce the density of host populations? Spectacular examples show that recently invaded parasites can severely impact host populations—but what about parasites persisting long-term in host populations? We have addressed this issue using a zooplankton host (Daphnia dentifera) that becomes infected with a fungal microparasite (Metschnikowia bicuspidata). We combined observations of epidemics in nine lakes over 6 years, fine-scale sampling of three epidemics, and a mesocosm experiment. Most epidemics remained small (<10% maximum prevalence) and exerted little influence on host densities. However, larger epidemics more severely depressed the populations of their hosts. These large/severe epidemics started and peaked earlier than smaller/benign ones. The larger epidemics also exerted particularly negative effects on host densities at certain lags, reflecting the delayed consequences of infection on fecundity reduction and host mortality. Notably, negative effects on the juvenile stage class manifested later than those on the adult stage class. The results of the experiment further emphasized depression of host density by the fungus, especially on the density of the juvenile stage class. Consequently, this common parasite reduces the density of host populations when conditions foster larger outbreaks characterized by an earlier start and earlier peak. Given these considerable effects on host density seen in a number of large epidemics, parasitism may sometimes rank highly among other factors (predation, resource availability) driving the population dynamics of these hosts.  相似文献   

Interactive effects of fish kairomone and light on Daphnia escape behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the effects of fish kairomone and light intensity on the inducibility and effectiveness of escape behavior in four clones of the water flea Daphnia from different habitats. To characterize and determine the effectiveness of their escape responses, individuals were observed: (i) escaping from the hydrodynamic disturbances of a simulated predator (a small sphere dropped from above); (ii) being preyed upon by small fish (Poecelia reticulata); (iii) responding to encounters with conspecifics in crowded conditions. The simulated predation experiments revealed that when exposed to fish kairomone for 48 h, two Daphnia pulicaria clones, but not two hybrid clones, became about twice as sensitive to fluid disturbances when tested in the light, relative to no-kairomone and dark treatments. When tested in the dark, kairomone had no effect on sensitivity in any clone. All four clones had an all-or-none escape response, in which the strength of the response, as measured by escape distance and speed, was constant regardless of treatment. In the guppy predation trials, kairomone-treated D.pulicaria escaped significantly more often from guppies, in both bright- and dim-light conditions. In dim light, similar to natural lighting conditions, regardless of kairomone, all but the most weakly escaping clone were able to elude attacking guppies in a significant proportion of attacks. Finally, kairomone had no effect on the number of escapes performed by crowded individuals in response to the comparatively weak, non-threatening signals created by other Daphnia, indicating that the kairomone-induced alertness in the D.pulicaria clones did not make them 'excessively' sensitive. The results suggest that Daphnia escape behavior is under complex and efficient environmental regulation, and may play a significant role in aquatic trophic relationships.   相似文献   

The biotransformation and bioconcentration of natural and synthetic steroid estrogens by Chlorella vulgaris were investigated by using batch-shaking experiments with incubation for 48 h in the light or dark. Estradiol and estrone were interconvertible in both light and dark conditions; however, this biotransformation showed a preference for estrone. In the light, 50% estradiol was further metabolized to an unknown product. Apart from biotransformation, estrone, as well as hydroxyestrone, estriol, and ethinylestradiol, was relatively stable in the algal culture, whereas estradiol valerate was hydrolyzed to estradiol and then to estrone within 3 h of incubation. All of the tested estrogens exhibited a degree of partitioning to C. vulgaris; however, the concentrations of estriol, hydroxyestrone, ethinylestradiol, and estradiol valerate were always below the quantification limits. For estradiol and estrone, the partitioning of these estrogens in the algal extracts to the filtrates was <6% of the total amount present. The average concentration factor for estrone was ca. 27; however, the concentration factor for estradiol was not reported since no equilibrium was reached between the aqueous solution and that within the cells due to continuing biotransformation.  相似文献   

Christoffersen  Kirsten 《Hydrobiologia》2001,442(1-3):223-229
The tadpole shrimp Lepidurus arcticus frequently occurs in Greenland ponds and shallow lakes with a soft bottom. Literature describes it as mainly a scavenger, feeding on the sediment. Previous observations of its behaviour suggest, however, that large specimens can catch Daphnia pulex when swimming in the water. Experiments were set up to test how efficiently Lepidurus hunts Daphnia and if a functional response between predator and prey exists. It was also tested if temperature and Lepidurus size played a significant role for the predation rate. Lepidurus and Daphnia were sampled from ponds at Zackenberg in northeast Greenland (74° N, 21° E) in August 1998 and were placed in small containers (0.5 l) at desired temperatures. Lepidurus was capable of consuming 5–15 Daphnia per hour at ambient temperatures (5–20 °C) and changes in the temperature had apparently no significant effects on the predation rates. There was, however, a clear difference in feeding activity between size groups, the rates of larger Lepidurus (> 12.5 mm) being two to three times greater than that of smaller specimens (8–10 mm). For both size classes, the predation rates rose with increasing prey concentrations and the saturation levels were far above natural prey densities. Small-sized Daphnia (1.6 mm) were removed at significant faster rates (t-test, p<0.05) than larger ones (2.4 mm) by Lepidurus when offered in combination but not when offered separately. Although the recorded predation rates were biased due to the manipulated conditions (e.g. increased encounter rates), Lepidurus appears to be an active and efficient predator on planktonic prey, and its presence in arctic lakes and ponds may consequently have a significant impact on the structure of the planktonic food web. The calculated energetic advantages of plankton as supplement to a benthic diet seemed low (~5% of body weight per day).  相似文献   

Evidence for temperature adaptation in Daphnia magna was inferred from variation in the shape of temperature reaction norms for somatic growth rate, a fitness‐related trait. Ex‐ephippial clones from eight populations across Europe were grown under standardized conditions after preacclimation at five temperatures (17–29 °C). Significant variation for grand mean growth rates occurred both within populations (among clones) and between populations. Genetic variation for reaction norm shape was found within populations, with temperature‐dependent trade‐offs in clone relative fitness. However, the population average responses to temperature were similar, following approximately parallel reaction norms. The among‐population variation is not evidence for temperature adaptation. Lack of temperature adaptation at the population level may be a feature of intermittent populations where environmentally terminated diapause can entrain the planktonic stage of the life‐history within a similar range of temperatures.  相似文献   

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