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We examined the cardiorespiratory responses to 6 h of acute hypercarbia (1, 2.5, and 5% CO2) in intact and gill-denervated (bilateral denervation of branchial branches of cranial nerves IX and X) tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum. Intact fish exposed to 1 and 2.5% CO2 increased respiratory frequency (fR) and ventilation amplitude (VAMP) slowly over a 1- to 3-h period. Denervated fish did not show this response, suggesting that tambaqui possess receptors in the gills that will produce excitatory responses to low levels of hypercarbia (1 and 2.5% CO2) if the exposure is prolonged. The cardiac response to stimulation of these receptors with this level of CO2 was a tachycardia and not a bradycardia. During exposure to 5% CO2, intact fish increased fR and VAMP, and showed a pronounced bradycardia after 1 h. After 2 h, the heart rate (fH) started to increase, but returned to control values after 6 h. In denervated fish, the increase in fR was abolished. The slow increase in VAMP and the bradycardia were not abolished, suggesting that these changes arose from extra-branchial receptors. Neither intact nor denervated fish developed the swelling of the lower lip or performed aquatic surface respiration, even after 6 h, suggesting that these are unique responses to hypoxia and not hypercarbia.Abbreviations ASR aquatic surface respiration - fH heart frequency - fR respiratory frequency - VAMP ventilation amplitude - TOT total ventilation  相似文献   

The nature of photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 is evaluated from the results of over 40 studies focusing on the effect of long-term CO2 enrichment on the short-term response of photosynthesis to intercellular CO2 (the A/Ci response). The effect of CO2 enrichment on the A/Ci response was dependent on growth conditions, with plants grown in small pots (< 5 L) or low nutrients usually exhibiting a reduction of A at a given Ci, while plants grown without nutrient deficiency in large pots or in the field tended to exhibit either little reduction or an enhancement of A at a given Ci following a doubling or tripling of atmospheric CO2 during growth. Using theoretical interpretations of A/Ci curves to assess acclimation, it was found that when pot size or nutrient deficiency was not a factor, changes in the shape of A/Ci curves which are indicative of a reallocation of resources within the photosynthetic apparatus typically were not observed. Long-term CO2 enrichment usually had little effect or increased the value of A at all Ci. However, a minority of species grown at elevated CO2 exhibited gas exchange responses indicative of a reduced amount of Rubisco and an enhanced capacity to metabolize photosynthetic products. This type of response was considered beneficial because it enhanced both photosynthetic capacity at high CO2 and reduced resource investment in excessive Rubisco capacity. The ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 (the Ci/Ca ratio) was used to evaluate stomatal acclimation. Except under water and humidity stress, Ci/Ca exhibited no consistent change in a variety of C3 species, indicating no stomatal acclimation. Under drought or humidity stress, Ci/Ca declined in high-CO2 grown plants, indicating stomata will become more conservative during stress episodes in future high CO2 environments.Abbreviations A net CO2 assimilation rate - Ci (Ca) intercellular (ambient) partial pressure of CO2 - operational Ci intercellular partial pressure of CO2 at a given ambient partial pressure of CO2 - gs stomatal conductance - normal CO2 current atmospheric mole fraction of CO2 (330 to 355 mol mol–1) - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase  相似文献   

Goudriaan  J. 《Plant Ecology》1993,(1):329-337
Increasing atmospheric CO2 induces a net uptake of carbon in the ocean by a shift in chemical equilibrium in seawater, and in the terrestrial biosphere by a stimulated photosynthesis and productivity. The fractions absorbed in both biosphere and ocean decline with increasing dynamics of the release rate of CO2 into the atmosphere. However, the relative portion of ocean absorption descends much faster with annual growth rate of CO2 release than biospheric absorption does, due to a difference in dynamics. The equilibrium absorption capacity of the biosphere is estimated to be only one quarter of that of the ocean, but the current sink size of the biosphere is about half of that of the ocean.Apart from CO2-stimulated carbon fixation, the biosphere releases CO2 as a result of land use changes, in particular after deforestation. Both of these fluxes are of the order of 1–1.5 Pg of carbon per year. The CO2-fertilization effect and regrowth together have turned the terrestrial biosphere as a whole from a source into a sink.  相似文献   

Physiological responses to elevated CO2 at the leaf and canopy-level were studied in an intact pine (Pinus taeda) forest ecosystem exposed to elevated CO2 using a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technique. Normalized canopy water-use of trees exposed to elevated CO2 over an 8-day exposure period was similar to that of trees exposed to current ambient CO2 under sunny conditions. During a portion of the exposure period when sky conditions were cloudy, CO2-exposed trees showed minor (7%) but significant reductions in relative sap flux density compared to trees under ambient CO2 conditions. Short-term (minutes) direct stomatal responses to elevated CO2 were also relatively weak (5% reduction in stomatal aperture in response to high CO2 concentrations). We observed no evidence of adjustment in stomatal conductance in foliage grown under elevated CO2 for nearly 80 days compared to foliage grown under current ambient CO2, so intrinsic leaf water-use efficiency at elevated CO2 was enhanced primarily by direct responses of photosynthesis to CO2. We did not detect statistical differences in parameters from photosynthetic responses to intercellular CO2 (A net-C i curves) for Pinus taeda foliage grown under elevated CO2 (550 mol mol–1) for 50–80 days compared to those for foliage grown under current ambient CO2 from similar-sized reference trees nearby. In both cases, leaf net photosynthetic rate at 550 mol mol–1 CO2 was enhanced by approximately 65% compared to the rate at ambient CO2 (350 mol mol–1). A similar level of enhancement under elevated CO2 was observed for daily photosynthesis under field conditions on a sunny day. While enhancement of photosynthesis by elevated CO2 during the study period appears to be primarily attributable to direct photosynthetic responses to CO2 in the pine forest, longer-term CO2 responses and feedbacks remain to be evaluated.  相似文献   

The [CO2] in the xylem of tree stems is typically two to three orders of magnitude greater than atmospheric [CO2]. In this study, xylem [CO2] was experimentally manipulated in saplings of sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) by allowing shoots severed from their root systems to absorb water containing [CO2] ranging from 0.04% to 14%. The effect of xylem [CO2] on CO2 efflux to the atmosphere from uninjured and mechanically injured, i.e., wounded, stems was examined. In both wounded and unwounded stems, and in both species, CO2 efflux was directly proportional to xylem [CO2], and increased 5-fold across the range of xylem [CO2] produced by the [CO2] treatment. Xylem [CO2] explained 76–77% of the variation in pre-wound efflux. After wounding, CO2 efflux increased substantially but remained directly proportional to internal stem [CO2]. These experiments substantiated our previous finding that stem CO2 efflux was directly related to internal xylem [CO2] and expanded our observations to two new species. We conclude that CO2 transported in the xylem may confound measurements of respiration based on CO2 efflux to the atmosphere. This study also provided evidence that the rapid increase in CO2 efflux observed after tissues are excised or injured is likely the result of the rapid diffusion of CO2 from the xylem, rather than an actual increase in the rate of respiration of wounded tissues.  相似文献   

Onion (Allium cepa L.) plants were examined to determine the photosynthetic role of CO2 that accumulates within their leaf cavities. Leaf cavity CO2 concentrations ranged from 2250 L L–1 near the leaf base to below atmospheric (<350 L L–1) near the leaf tip at midday. There was a daily fluctuation in the leaf cavity CO2 concentrations with minimum values near midday and maximum values at night. Conductance to CO2 from the leaf cavity ranged from 24 to 202 mol m–2 s–1 and was even lower for membranes of bulb scales. The capacity for onion leaves to recycle leaf cavity CO2 was poor, only 0.2 to 2.2% of leaf photosynthesis based either on measured CO2 concentrations and conductance values or as measured directly by 14CO2 labeling experiments. The photosynthetic responses to CO2 and O2 were measured to determine whether onion leaves exhibited a typical C3-type response. A linear increase in CO2 uptake was observed in intact leaves up to 315 L L–1 of external CO2 and, at this external CO2 concentration, uptake was inhibited 35.4±0.9% by 210 mL L–1 O2 compared to 20 mL L–1 O2. Scanning electron micrographs of the leaf cavity wall revealed degenerated tissue covered by a membrane. Onion leaf cavity membranes apparently are highly impermeable to CO2 and greatly restrict the refixation of leaf cavity CO2 by photosynthetic tissue.Abbreviations Ca external CO2 concentration - Ci intercellular CO2 concentration - CO2 compensation concentration - PPFR photosynthetic photon fluence rate  相似文献   

The concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and tropospheric ozone (O3) have been rising due to human activities. However, little is known about how such increases influence soil microbial communities. We hypothesized that elevated CO2 (eCO2) and elevated O3 (eO3) would significantly affect the functional composition, structure and metabolic potential of soil microbial communities, and that various functional groups would respond to such atmospheric changes differentially. To test these hypotheses, we analyzed 96 soil samples from a soybean free-air CO2 enrichment (SoyFACE) experimental site using a comprehensive functional gene microarray (GeoChip 3.0). The results showed the overall functional composition and structure of soil microbial communities shifted under eCO2, eO3 or eCO2+eO3. Key functional genes involved in carbon fixation and degradation, nitrogen fixation, denitrification and methane metabolism were stimulated under eCO2, whereas those involved in N fixation, denitrification and N mineralization were suppressed under eO3, resulting in the fact that the abundance of some eO3-supressed genes was promoted to ambient, or eCO2-induced levels by the interaction of eCO2+eO3. Such effects appeared distinct for each treatment and significantly correlated with soil properties and soybean yield. Overall, our analysis suggests possible mechanisms of microbial responses to global atmospheric change factors through the stimulation of C and N cycling by eCO2, the inhibition of N functional processes by eO3 and the interaction by eCO2 and eO3. This study provides new insights into our understanding of microbial functional processes in response to global atmospheric change in soybean agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

To assess the long-term effect of increased CO2 and temperature on plants possessing the C3 photosynthetic pathway, Chenopodium album plants were grown at one of three treatment conditions: (1) 23 °C mean day temperature and a mean ambient partial pressure of CO2 equal to 350 bar; (2) 34 °C and 350 bar CO2; and (3) 34 °C and 750 bar CO2. No effect of the growth treatments was observed on the CO2 reponse of photosynthesis, the temperature response of photosynthesis, the content of Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco), or the activity of whole chain electron transport when measurements were made under identical conditions. This indicated a lack of photosynthetic acclimation in C. album to the range of temperature and CO2 used in the growth treatments. Plants from every treatment exhibited similar interactions between temperature and CO2 on photosynthetic activity. At low CO2 (< 300 bar), an increase in temperature from 25 to 35 °C was inhibitory for photosynthesis, while at elevated CO2 (> 400 bar), the same increase in temperature enhanced photosynthesis by up to 40%. In turn, the stimulation of photosynthesis by CO2 enrichment increased as temperature increased. Rubisco capacity was the primary limitation on photosynthetic activity at low CO2 (195 bar). As a consequence, the temperature response of A was relatively flat, reflecting a low temperature response of Rubisco at CO2 levels below its km for CO2. At elevated CO2 (750 bar), the temperature response of electron transport appeared to control the temperature dependency of photosynthesis above 18 °C. These results indicate that increasing CO2 and temperature could substantially enhance the carbon gain potential in tropical and subtropical habitats, unless feedbacks at the whole plant or ecosystem level limit the long-term response of photosynthesis to an increase in CO2 and temperature.Abbreviations A net CO2 assimilation rate - C a ambient partial pressure of CO2 - C i intercellular partial pressure of CO2 - Rubisco Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase - VPD vapor pressure difference between leaf and air  相似文献   

Plants in nature live in populations of variable density, a characteristic which may influence individual plant responses to the environment. We investigated how the responses of Sinapis alba plants to different wind speeds and CO2 concentrations could be modified by plant density. In our wind-density experiment the expectation that mechanical and physiological effects of wind will be ameliorated by growing in high density, as a result of positive plant interactions, was realised. Although individual plants were smaller at higher densities, the effect of increasing windspeed was much less than at lower plant densities. A similar reduced sensitivity of individual plant growth under high densities was also observed under CO2 enrichment. When measured as a population or stand response, there was no effect of density on the CO2 responses, with all stands showing very similar increases in total biomass with CO2 enrichment. In the wind speed experiment, total biomass per stand increased significantly with density, although there was no effect of density on the wind speed response. Specific leaf area decreased with increasing wind speed and this response was significantly affected by the density at which the plants grew.  相似文献   

Summary To determine the effects of elevated CO2 and soil moisture status on growth and niche characteristics of birch and maple seedlings, gray birch (Betula populifolia) and red maple (Acer rubrum) were experimentally raised along a soil moisture gradient ranging from extreme drought to flooded conditions at both ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 levels. The magnitude of growth enhancement due to CO2 was largely contingent on soil moisture conditions, but differently so for maple than for birch seedlings. Red maple showed greatest CO2 enhancements under moderately moist soil conditions, whereas gray birch showed greatest enhancements under moderately dry soil conditions. Additionally, CO2 had a relatively greater ameliorating effect in flooded conditions for red maple than for gray birch, whereas the reverse pattern was true for these species under extreme drought conditions. For both species, elevated CO2 resulted in a reduction in niche breadths on the moisture gradient; 5% for gray birch and 23% for red maple. Species niche overlap (proportional overall) was also lower at elevated CO2 (0.98 to: 0.88: 11%). This study highlights the utility of of experiments crossing CO2 levels with gradients of other resources as effective tools for elucidating the potential consequences of elevated CO2 on species distributions and potential interactions in natural communities.  相似文献   

The CO 2 fertilization hypothesis stipulates that rising atmospheric CO 2 has a positive effect on tree growth due to increasing availability of carbon. The objective of this paper is to compare the recent literature related to both field CO 2 -enriched experiments with trees and empirical dendrochronological studies detecting CO 2 fertilization effects in tree-rings. This will allow evaluation of tree growth responses to atmospheric CO 2 enrichment by combining evidence from both ecophysiology and tree-ring research. Based on considerable experimental evidence of direct CO 2 fertilization effect (increased photosynthesis, water use efficiency, and above- and belowground biomass), and predications from the interactions of enriched CO 2 with temperature, nitrogen and drought, we propose that warm, moderately drought-stressed ecosystems with an ample nitrogen supply might be the most CO 2 responsive ecosystems. Empirical tree-ring studies took the following three viewpoints on detecting CO 2 fertilization effect in tree-rings: 1) finding evidence of CO 2 fertilization effect in tree-rings, 2) attributing growth enhancement to favorable climate rather than atmospheric CO 2 enrichment, and 3) considering that tree growth enhancement might be caused by synergistic effects of several factors such as favorable climate change, CO 2 fertilization, and anthropogenic atmospheric deposition (e.g., nitrogen). At temperature-limiting sites such as high elevations, nonfindings of CO 2 fertilization evidence could be ascribed to the following possibilities: 1) cold temperatures, a short season of cambial division, and nitrogen deficiency that preclude a direct CO 2 response, 2) old trees past half of their maximum life expectancy and consequently only a small increase in biomass increment due to CO 2 fertilization effect might be diminished, 3) the elimination of age/size-related trends by statistical detrending of tree-ring series that might remove some long-term CO 2 -related trends in tree-rings, and 4) carbon partitioning and growth within a plant that is species-specific. Our review supports the atmospheric CO 2 fertilization effect hypothesis, at least in trees growing in semi-arid or arid conditions because the drought-stressed trees could benefit from increased water use efficiency to enhance growth.  相似文献   

Kellomäki  Seppo  Wang  Kai-Yun 《Plant Ecology》1998,136(2):229-248
Starting in early spring of 1994, naturally regenerated, 30-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees were grown in open-top chambers and exposed in situ to doubled ambient O3,doubled ambient CO2 and a combination of O3 and CO2 from 15 April to 15 September. To investigate daily and seasonal responses of CO2 exchange to elevated O3 and CO2, the CO2 exchange of shoots was measured continuously by an automatic system for measuring gas exchange during the course of one year (from 1 Januray to 31 December 1996). A process-based model of shoot photosynthesis was constructed to quantify modifications in the intrinsic capacity of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance by simulating the daily CO2 exchange data from the field. Results showed that on most days of the year the model simulated well the daily course of shoot photosynthesis. Elevated O3 significantly decreased photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance during the whole photosynthetic period. Elevated O3 also led to a delay in onset of photosynthetic recovery in early spring and an increase in the sensitivity of photosynthesis to environmental stress conditions. The combination of elevated O3 and CO2 had an effect on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance similar to that of elevated O3 alone, but significantly reduced the O3-induced depression of photosynthesis. Elevated CO2 significantly increased the photosynthetic capacity of Scots pine during the main growing season but slightly decreased it in early spring and late autumn. The model calculation showed that, compared to the control treatment, elevated O3 alone and the combination of elevated O3 and CO2 decreased the annual total of net photosynthesis per unit leaf area by 55% and 38%, respectively. Elevated CO2 increased the annual total of net photosynthesis by 13%.  相似文献   

The effect of acute hypoxia and CO2 inhalation on leg blood flow (LBF), on leg vascular resistance (LVR) and on oxygen supply to and oxygen consumption in the exercising leg was studied in nine healthy male subjects during moderate one-leg exercise. Each subject exercised for 20 min on a cycle ergometer in four different conditions: normoxia, normoxia + 2% CO2, hypoxia corresponding to an altitude of 4000 m above sea level, and hypoxia + 1.2% CO2. Gas exchange, heart rate (HR), arterial blood pressure, and LBF were measured, and arterial and venous blood samples were analysed for PCO2, PO2, oxygen saturation, haematocrit and haemoglobin concentration. Systemic oxygen consumption was 1.83 l.min-1 (1.48-2.59) and was not affected by hypoxia or CO2 inhalation in hypoxia. HR was unaffected by CO2, but increased from 136 beat.min-1 (111-141) in normoxia to 155 (139-169) in hypoxia. LBF was 6.5 l.min-1 (5.4-7.6) in normoxia and increased significantly in hypoxia to 8.4 (5.9-10.1). LVR decreased significantly from 2.23 kPa.l-1.min (1.89-2.99) in normoxia to 1.89 (1.53-2.52) in hypoxia. The increase in LBF from normoxia to hypoxia correlated significantly with the decrease in LVR. When CO2 was added in hypoxia a significant correlation was also found between the decrease in LBF and the increase in LVR. In normoxia, the addition of CO2 caused a significant increase in mean blood pressure. Oxygen consumption in the exercising leg (leg VO2) in normoxia was 0.97 l.min-1 (0.72-1.10), and was unaffected by hypoxia and CO2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cell extracts of a nonsporeforming strictly anaerobic bacterium, Acetobacterium woodii produced acetate in N-tris(Hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethane sulfonic acid or phosphate buffers from hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The formation of acetate was not dependent on the presence of ATP in the reaction mixture; ADP also did not influence the acetate production. Since acetic acid is the main fermentation product during growth of A. woodii with H2 and CO2, ATP must be synthesized in the course of acetate formation. The possible sites of ATP synthesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Well watered plants of Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp cv. California Blackeye No. 5 had maximum photosynthetic rates of 16 mol m-2 s-1 (at ambient CO2 concentration and environmental parameters optimal for high CO2 uptake). Leaf conductance declined with increasing water vapour concentration difference between leaf and air (w), but it increased with increasing leaf temperature at a constant small w. When light was varied, CO2 assimilation and leaf conductance were correlated linearly. We tested the hypothesis that g was controlled by photosynthesis via intercellular CO2 concentration (c i). No unique relationship between (1) c i, (2) the difference between ambient CO2 concentration (c a) and c i, namely c a-c i, or (3) the c i/c a ratio and g was found. g and A appeared to respond to environmental factors fairly independently of each other. The effects of different rates of soil drying on leaf gas exchange were studied. At unchanged air humidity, different rates of soil drying were produced by using (a) different soils, (b) different irrigation schemes and (c) different soil volumes per plant. Although the soil dried to wilting point the relative leaf water content was little affected. Different soil drying rates always resulted in the same response of photosynthetic capacity (A max) and corresponding leaf conductance (g(Amax)) when plotted against percent relative plant-extractable soil water content (W e %) but the relationship with relative soil water content (W e ) was less clear. Above a range of W e of 15%–25%, A max and g(Amax) were both high and responded little to decreasing W e . As soon as W e fell below this range, A max and g(Amax) declined. The data suggest root-to-leaf communication not mediated via relative leaf water content. However, g(Amax) was initially more affected than A max.List of abbreviations A CO2 assimilation - A max photosynthetic capacity at favourable ambient conditions - c a CO2 concentration of the air in the leaf chamber - c i intercellular - CO2 concentration - E transpiration - g leaf conductance - g(Amax) leaf conductance corresponding to photosynthetic capacity - I photon flux rate - T l leaf temperature - W e relative plant-extractable soil water content - W e absolute plant-extractable soil water content - W l relative leaf water content - W s relative soil water content - w difference in water vapour mole fraction between leaf and air - leaf water potential  相似文献   

CO2 and plants: revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dahlman  Roger C. 《Plant Ecology》1993,(1):339-355
The decade-long USA research program on the direct effects of CO2 enrichment on vegetation has achieved important milestones and has produced a number of interesting and exciting findings. Research beginning in 1980 focused on field experiments to determine whether phenomena observed in the laboratory indeed occurred in natural environments. The answer is yes. Data obtained from numerous field studies show mixed response of crop and native species to CO2 enrichment however. Nearly all experiments demonstrate that plants exhibit positive gain when grown at elevated CO2; although the magnitude varies greatly. Most crop responses range from 30 to 50 % increase in yield. Results from long-term experiments with woody species and ecosystems are even more variable. Huge growth responses (100 to nearly 300 % increase relative to controls) are reported from several tree experiments and the salt-marsh ecosystem experiment. Other results from experiments with woody species and the tundra ecosystem suggest little no effect of CO2 on physiology, growth or productivity. Numerous studies of the physiology of the CO2 effect are continuing in attempts to understand controlling mechanisms and to explain the variable growth responses. Particular emphasis needs to be given to physiological measures of interactions involving the CO2 effect and other environmental influences, and to the wide-ranging observations of photosynthesis acclimation to CO2. Prospects for future research are identified.  相似文献   

We previously used dual stable isotope techniques to partition soil CO2 efflux into three source components (rhizosphere respiration, litter decomposition, and soil organic matter (SOM) oxidation) using experimental chambers planted with Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] seedlings. The components responded differently to elevated CO2 (ambient + 200 mol mol–1) and elevated temperature (ambient + 4 °C) treatments during the first year. Rhizosphere respiration increased most under elevated CO2, and SOM oxidation increased most under elevated temperature. However, many studies show that plants and soil processes can respond to altered climates in a transient way. Herein, we extend our analysis to 2 years to evaluate the stability of the responses of the source components. Total soil CO2 efflux increased significantly under elevated CO2 and elevated temperature in both years (1994 and 1995), but the enhancement was much less in 1995. Rhizosphere respiration increased less under elevated temperature in 1995 compared with 1994. Litter decomposition also tended to increase comparatively less in 1995 under elevated CO2, but was unresponsive to elevated temperature between years. In contrast, SOM oxidation was similar under elevated CO2 in the 2 years. Less SOM oxidation occurred under elevated temperature in 1995 compared with 1994. Our results indicate that temporal variations can occur in CO2 production by the sources. The variations likely involve responses to antecedent physical disruption of the soil and physiological processes.  相似文献   

Increases in the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide may have a fertilizing effect on plant growth by increasing photosynthetic rates and therefore may offset potential growth decreases caused by the stress associated with higher temperatures and lower precipitation. However, plant growth is determined both by rates of net photosynthesis and by proportional allocation of fixed carbon to autotrophic tissue and heterotrophic tissue. Although CO2 fertilization may enhance growth by increasing leaf-level assimilation rates, reallocation of biomass from leaves to stems and roots in response to higher concentrations of CO2 and higher temperatures may reduce whole-plant assimilation and offset photosynthetic gains. We measured growth parameters, photosynthesis, respiration, and biomass allocation of Pinus ponderosa seedlings grown for 2 months in 2×2 factorial treatments of 350 or 650 bar CO2 and 10/25° C or 15/30° C night/day temperatures. After 1 month in treatment conditions, total seedling biomass was higher in elevated CO2, and temperature significantly enhanced the positive CO2 effect. However, after 2 months the effect of CO2 on total biomass decreased and relative growth rates did not differ among CO2 and temperature treatments over the 2-month growth period even though photosynthetic rates increased 7% in high CO2 treatments and decreased 10% in high temperature treatments. Additionally, CO2 enhancement decreased root respiration and high temperatures increased shoot respiration. Based on CO2 exchange rates, CO2 fertilization should have increased relative growth rates (RGR) and high temperatures should have decreased RGR. Higher photosynthetic rates caused by CO2 fertilization appear to have been mitigated during the second month of exposure to treatment conditions by a 3% decrease in allocation of biomass to leaves and a 9% increase in root:shoot ratio. It was not clear why diminished photosynthetic rates and increased respiration rates at high temperatures did not result in lower RGR. Significant diametrical and potentially compensatory responses of CO2 exchange and biomass allocation and the lack of differences in RGR of ponderosa pine after 2 months of exposure of high CO2 indicate that the effects of CO2 fertilization and temperature on whole-plant growth are determined by complex shifts in biomass allocation and gas exchange that may, for some species, maintain constant growth rates as climate and atmospheric CO2 concentrations change. These complex responses must be considered together to predict plant growth reactions to global atmospheric change, and the potential of forest ecosystems to sequester larger amounts of carbon in the future.  相似文献   

二氧化碳储存通量对森林生态系统碳收支的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
涡度相关系统观测高度以下的CO2储存通量对准确评价森林生态系统与大气间净CO2交换量(NEE)有着重要的影响.本研究以长白山阔叶红松林为研究对象,利用2003年的涡度相关观测数据以及CO2浓度廓线数据,分析了CO2储存通量的变化规律及其对碳收支过程的影响.结果表明:涡度相关观测高度以下的CO2储存通量具有典型的日变化特征,其最大变化量出现在大气稳定与不稳定层结转换期.利用涡度相关系统观测的单点CO2浓度变化方法与利用CO2浓度廓线方法计算的CO2储存通量差异不显著.忽略CO2储存通量,在半小时尺度上会造成对夜间和白天的NEE分别低估25%和19%,在日和年尺度上,会对NEE低估10%和25%;忽略CO2储存通量,会低估Michaelis-Menten光响应方程及Lloyd-Taylor呼吸方程的参数,并且对表观初始量子效率α和参考呼吸Rref的低估最大;忽略CO2储存通量,在半小时、日及年尺度上,均会对总光合作用(GPP)和生态系统呼吸(Re)低估约20%.  相似文献   

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