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Many elution buffers are in use for the retrieval of proteins from affinity columns. While the aim of these buffers is to dissociate the various chemical bonds that make up protein-protein interactions and return the target protein to the mobile phase in active form, there is considerable difference of opinion as to which buffer is more suitable for particular applications. This review examines the chemical effect of various elution buffers on protein-protein interactions in the context of affinity chromatography and examines strategies that may be used for selection of an appropriate buffer.  相似文献   

While immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) has been widely used for affinity purification of phosphopeptides, the technique suffers from insufficient specificity. Therefore, there is an urgent need for IMAC optimization to yield the selectivity and sensitivity that is required for more challenging analyses. Recently, 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) and phosphoric acid mixture has been reported as an efficient IMAC eluant. The disadvantage of DHB is that is not suitable for electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. While further developing the IMAC elution protocol to overcome this problem, we noticed that DHB is not necessary and found a novel combination of phosphoric acid and acetonitrile to be more efficient. The purification efficacy of the novel protocol is superior to all previously described methods, while still being compatible with the most commonly used mass-spectrometric techniques in phosphoproteomics.  相似文献   

An improved, high-yield synthesis of the corresponding N-carboxypentyl derivatives of three iminoalditol glycosidase inhibitors has been developed for affinity chromatography enzyme purification. Reductive amination of 1-deoxynojirimycin (or its D-manno or D-galacto analogues) with methyl 5-formylvalerate and NaBH3CN at neutral pH afforted an aminoester which upon hydrolysis with aqueous 5% HCl gave the desired aminoacid in 97% overall yield. These amino acids could then be covalently attached using water-soluble carbodi-imide to 6-aminohexyl Sepharose 4B.  相似文献   

Quantitative studies on the binding of a variety of enzymes to CM-cellulose have been carried out, and the magnitude of the affinity elution effect in the presence of substrates of the enzymes has been determined. In most cases the weakening of binding in the presence of substrate corresponded closely to the amount expected as a result of the overall charge change, but in a few examples the effect was greater. Some calculations have been made demonstrating the range of strengths of interactions between enzyme and adsorbent, and the energy involved per charge on the protein molecule.  相似文献   

Affinity chromatography on non-porous particles of microsize is particularly useful for the rapid analysis and micropreparative separation of proteins. The elution behavior of proteins in an affinity column packed with non-porous copolymerized particles of styrene, methyl methacrylate and glycidyl methacrylate was investigated both theoretically and experimentally, using the lysozyme-Cibacron Blue 3G-A affinity system. Equations used to predict the elution profiles, resulting from the elution by increasing the ionic strength (NaCl concentration) in the mobile phase, were obtained. The maximum adsorbate concentration, desorption rate constant and equilibrium constant under elution conditions were determined by matching experimental data with predicted elution profiles. Based on the parameters determined at a flow-rate of 0.5 ml/min and with 1 M NaCl in the elution buffer, the model equations could predict the elution profiles for other experimental runs, where different flow-rates and sodium chloride concentrations were used. Both the experimental and predicted results revealed that the affinity interaction kinetics are not significantly influenced by the flow-rate and, hence, the film mass transfer. To elute bound lysozyme from immobilized dye ligand, a higher value of the ionic strength leads to a faster elution and a sharper elution peak. The influence of elution conditions on the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters and, consequently, on the elution peak profiles was evaluated. The model equations can also predict the behavior of protein elution from an affinity column by changing the pH of the mobile phase, according to a previous study.  相似文献   

Type II hexokinase (EC has been purified from rat skeletal muscle by a simple procedure involving chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, affinity elution chromatography from phosphocellulose, and gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. The key to the preparation of homogeneous enzyme is the affinity elution step in which an effector molecule, glucose 6-phosphate, is used as the eluting ligand. A 5300-fold purification is obtained by the procedure and over 400-fold purification is obtained in the affinity elution step alone. Approximately 3.3 mg of homogeneous hexokinase with a specific activity of 120 units/mg is obtained from 800 g of rat limb.  相似文献   

A new metal-chelate adsorbent utilizing 2-methacryloylamidohistidine (MAH) was prepared as a metalchelating ligand. MAH was synthesized using methacryloly chloride and histidine. Monosize nanospheres with an average diameter of 450 nm were produced by emulsion polymerization of 2-hydroxyetylmethacrylate (HEMA) and MAH. Then, Fe3+ ions were chelated directly onto the monosize nanospheres. Mon-poly(HEMA-MAH) nanospheres were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and elemental analysis. Fe3+ chelated monosize nanospheres were used in ferritin adsorption from an aqueous solution. The maximum ferritin adsorption capacity of Fe3+-chelated mon-poly(HEMAMAH) nanospheres was 202 mg/g at pH 4.0 in acetate buffer. The non-specific ferritin adsorption on the monpoly( HEMA-MAH) nanospheres was 20 mg/g. The adsorption behavior of ferritin could be modeled using both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The adsorption capacity decreased with increasing ionic strength of the binding buffer. High desorption ratios (> 95% of the adsorbed ferritin) were achieved with 1.0 M NaCl at pH 7.0. Ferritin could be repeatedly adsorbed and desorbed with the Fe3+-chelated mon-poly(HEMA-MAH) nanospheres without significant loss of adsorption capacity.  相似文献   

Rat lung beta-galactoside-binding protein (galaptin) is developmentally regulated during postnatal lung development. In common with other vertebrate galaptins, it is very labile when purified and dependent on the presence of exogenous thiol reagents. Reaction of rat lung galaptin with iodoacetamide resulted in a stable active carboxyamidomethylated galaptin that could be coupled to Sepharose. The resultant affinity matrix bound asialoglycoproteins, and these could be quantitatively eluted with disaccharide haptens. The carboxyamidomethylated-galaptin-Sepharose affinity matrix was used to search for endogenous ligands in 13-day-rat lung. Cytosolic fractions of developing rat lung contained no moieties that could be specifically eluted with disaccharide hapten. Only when membranous fractions were extracted with 1% Triton were glycoproteins solubilized that bound to the affinity matrix and could be specifically eluted with disaccharide hapten. The eluted glycoproteins were potent inhibitors of galaptin binding to asialo-orosomucoid. Sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis identified these glycoproteins as being of high Mr, with three components of Mr 160000-200000 and a smaller component of Mr 75000. This is the first evidence for specific membrane-associated glycoproteins being the ligands of rat lung galaptin.  相似文献   

Design and selection of ligands for affinity chromatography   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Affinity chromatography is potentially the most selective method for protein purification. The technique has the purification power to eliminate steps, increase yields and thereby improve process economics. However, it suffers from problems regarding ligand stability and cost. Some of the most recent advances in this area have explored the power of rational and combinatorial approaches for designing highly selective and stable synthetic affinity ligands. Rational molecular design techniques, which are based on the ability to combine knowledge of protein structures with defined chemical synthesis and advanced computational tools, have made rational ligand design feasible and faster. Combinatorial approaches based on peptide and nucleic acid libraries have permitted the rapid synthesis of new synthetic affinity ligands of potential use in affinity chromatography. The versatility of these approaches suggests that, in the near future, they will become the dominant methods for designing and selection of novel affinity ligands with scale-up potential.  相似文献   

A method using the principle of affinity elution chromatography is described for the assay of adenylate cyclase in intact human platelets. By incubating platelet-rich plasma in the presence of radioactively labelled adenine, the ATP pool of the cells was prelabelled. Formation of labelled cyclic AMP from ATP was determined by extracting the platelets with HC1O4. After removal of the latter as KC1O4, the extract containing cyclic AMP and other adenine nucleotides was adsorbed in a NN-diethyl-N-2-hydroxypropylamino (QAE)-cellulose column. The column was washed, and subsequently cyclic AMP was specifically eluted with a cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and the radioactivity of the eluate was determined.  相似文献   

1. Affinity elution chromatography was used to purify phosphoglycerate kinase from a variety of sources. The choice of buffer pH for the chromatography was made according to the relative electrophoretic mobility of the enzyme from the species concerned. 2. Outlines of the methods used to isolate the enzyme from over 20 sources are presented. The enzyme was purified from the muscle tissue of a variety of mammals, fish and birds, from liver of several animals, from yeast, Escherichia coli, and plant leaves. The more acidic varieties of the enzymes were purified by conventional gradient elution from ion-exchangers as affinity elution procedures were not applicable. 3. The structural and kinetic parameters investigated show that phosphoglycerate kinase is evolutionarily a highly conservative enzyme; there were few differences in properties regardless of source or function (glycolytic, gluconeogenic or photosynthetic). 4. A detailed comparison of the enzyme preparations purified from bovine muscle and bovine liver failed to detect any significant differences between them; the evidence indicates that they are genetically identical.  相似文献   

1. Purification of four isozymes of pyruvate kinase (ATP:pyruvate 2-O-phosphotransferase, EC L, M1, M2 and R was much improved to give good yields by affinity elution chromatography. The enzyme was eluted from a phosphocellulose column with 0.5 mM phosphoenolpyruvate. Types L, M2 and R were stabilized with fructose 1,6-diphosphate throughout the purification procedures. 2. The isozymes were crystallized under various conditions: types L and R were readily crystallized from medium of low ionic strength, types L, M1, and M2 were crystallized from ammonium sulfate solution in different forms in the presence and absence of phosphoenolpyruvate. Type M1 was also crystallized in different forms in the presence and absence of fructose 1,6-diphosphate. 3. Amino acid analyses showed that the compositions of types L and R, and of types M1 and M2, respectively, were very similar.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the recovery of monomeric antibodies from protein A affinity chromatography is enhanced significantly by using arginine as an eluent. To extend the applications of arginine to antibody purification and obtain an insight into the mechanism of arginine elution, we compared arginine with citrate, guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl), arginine derivatives, and other amino acids in protein A chromatography. We also applied arginine to elution of polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) in antigen affinity chromatography. As described previously, arginine was effective in eluting monoclonal antibodies IgG1 and IgG4. Two arginine derivatives, acetyl-arginine and agmatine, resulted in efficient elution at pH 4.0 or higher, and this was comparable to arginine. On the other hand, other amino acids, such as glycine, proline, lysine, and histidine, are much less effective than arginine under identical pH conditions. Whereas elution increased with arginine concentration, elution with citrate was insignificant in excess of 1 M at pH 4.3. Arginine was also effective in fractionation of pAbs using antigen-conjugated affinity columns. Although GdnHCl was also effective under similar conditions, the eluted material showed more aggregation than did the protein eluted by arginine.  相似文献   

Anhydroelastase was effectively isolated by a single operation of affinity chromatography from a complex mixture produced by phenylmethylsulfonylation and alkaline treatment of porcine pancreatic elastase. The adsorbent used for the chromatography was 6-aminohexanoyl-trialanine, which corresponds to a product of elastase action, immobilized on Sepharose 4B. Successful resolution by the operation indicated that this immobilized ligand possesses the highest affinity for anhydroelastase among various proteins including regenerated elastase in the mixture. Comparative affinity chromatography on immobilized anhydroelastase and on immobilized native elastase further confirmed the stronger interaction of anhydroelastase with the product-type peptides. Immobilized anhydroelastase was also found to be useful in the purification and search for naturally occurring proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Different biologands carrying synthetic adsorbents have been reported in the literature for protein separation. We have developed a novel and new approach to obtain high protein adsorption capacity utilizing 2-methacrylamidohistidine (MAH) as a bioligand. MAH was synthesized by reacting methacrylochloride and histidine. Spherical beads with an average size of 150–200 μm were obtained by the radical suspension polymerization of MAH and 2-hydroxyethyl-methacrylate (HEMA) conducted in an aqueous dispersion medium. p(HEMA-co-MAH) beads had a specific surface area of 17.6 m2/g. Synthesized MAH monomer was characterized by NMR. p(HEMA-co-MAH) beads were characterized by swelling test, FTIR and elemental analysis. Then, Cu(II) ions were incorporated onto the beads and Cu(II) loading was found to be 0.96 mmol/g. These affinity beads with a swelling ratio of 65%, and containing 1.6 mmol. MAH/g were used in the adsorption/desorption of human serum albumin (HSA) from both aqueous solutions and human serum. The adsorption of HSA onto p(HEMA-co-MAH) was low (8.8 mg/g). Cu(II) chelation onto the beads significantly increased the HSA adsorption (56.3 mg/g). The maximum HSA adsorption was observed at pH 3.0 Higher HSA adsorption was observed from human plasma (94.6 mg HSA/g). Adsorption of other serum proteins were obtained as 3.7 mg/g for fibrinogen and 8.5 mg/g for γ-globulin. The total protein adsorption was determined as 107.1 mg/g. Desorption of HSA was obtained using 0.1 M Tris/HCl buffer containing 0.5M NaSCN. High desorption ratios (up to 98% of the adsorbed HSA) were observed. It was possible to reuse Cu(II) chelated-p(HEMA-co-MAH) beads without significant decreases in the adsorption capacities.  相似文献   

If the degree of substitution of Sepharose 4 B with alpha-alkylamines is varied gels of different hydrophobicity are produced. Proteins can be adsorbed when a critical hydrophobicity (ca. 10-12 alkyl residues/Sepharose sphere) is reached. The enzymes phosphorylase kinase, phosphorylase phosphatase, 3',5'-cAMP dependent protein kinase, glycogen synthetase, and phosphorylase b are successively adsorbed as the hydrophobicity of the Sepharose is increased. The capacity of the gels for these enzymes and protein in general increases exponentially reaches plateau values as a function of the degree of substitution. There is no indication of a restriction of the hydrophobic centers for a given protein. The critical hydrophobicity needed to adsorb proteins can either be otained in the above manner or by elongation of the employed alkylamine at a constant degree of substitution. Additonally, as the hydrophobicity of a gel is increased higher binding forces result and desorption of proteins requires an augmentation of the salt concentration in the elution buffer. Elution of proteins from a hydrophobic matrix can be described in terms of salting-in phenomena since desorption is dependent on the type of salt employed and not on the ionic strength alone. This also rules out ionic interactions as a major factor in adsorption per se. By rationally controlling the hydrophobicity of a Sepharose gel the adsorption and elution of a protein may be thus establised that its purification or elimination can be optimally performed.  相似文献   

Input-output models utilizing discrete variables are developed for elution chromatography and used together with control theory to investigate behavior patterns between output variables (e.g., yield, purity, and production rate) and input variables (e.g., cut point locations and feed slug size). Variable interactions and controllability characteristics for isocratic and stepwise gradient elution in linear and nonlinear chromatography are investigated by using the relative gain array, singular value decomposition, and direct simulation. Inverse-based regulatory systems are evaluated for updating process inputs by using information on process outputs such that product quality and system performance parameters are efficiently maintained for the case where the column is overloaded and the solute peaks overlap with each other. Strategies for feedback optimizing control are also discussed.  相似文献   

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