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In this study we used a computerized program to compare the cytologic and histologic diagnoses made in a three-year period with the aim of evaluating the data obtained as an index of the diagnostic accuracy of cytology in a pathology quality assurance program. Concordance between the cytologic and histologic diagnoses was observed in 83.2% of the cases. In 1.2% the cytologic diagnosis was suspected malignancy, and 78.4% of these cases were positive for tumor at histologic examination. Analysis of the data must be performed in accordance with the anatomic site involved, and discordance must be investigated by a pathologist, especially in view of the different modalities of cytologic and histologic sampling. Analytic data on the breast, bladder and lung are presented.  相似文献   

The cytologic presentations of two adult-type rhabdomyomas of the soft palate are reported. Fine needle aspiration smears of the lesions contained globular tumor cells that had striations and intracytoplasmic rod-shaped inclusions. These inclusions, corresponding to hypertrophied Z bands, were pathognomonic of rhabdomyoma tissue. The cytologic diagnosis was confirmed by histologic and immunologic studies in both cases. The cytologic preparations fixed in alcohol or air dried did not show the "spiderweb cells" observed in the histologic sections of tissue fragments fixed in formaldehyde; this clearly illustrates that the morphology of the cells of this tumor depends primarily on the specimen preparation technique used. These cases suggest that aspiration cytology can establish the diagnosis of this benign tumor of striated muscle, for which total surgical removal is usually sufficient to effect a cure. The differential diagnosis is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the cytologic and subsequent histologic findings in intraductal mammary adenocarcinoma (ductal adenocarcinoma in situ) (DCIS) to evaluate the role of aspiration biopsy (AB) in identifying and grading the disease. STUDY DESIGN: AB smears and tissue sections from 43 women with pure DCIS who underwent preoperative AB were reviewed. Smears were assessed for cellularity, cellular arrangement (including dissociation, nuclear size and pleomorphism), and presence of nucleoli and necrosis. RESULTS: Of the 43 cases, 22 were high grade (HG) DCIS, 7 cases were intermediate grade (IG), and 14 cases were low grade (LG). Cytologic findings of HG DCIS was as follows: high cellularity (22/22), clusters of pleomorphic cells with large nuclei and increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratios (22/22), single cells (20/22), prominent nucleoli (22/22) and necrosis (diffuse in 15/22, focal in 7/22). All LG cases had moderately to highly cellular smears with cohesive, 3-dimensional sheets of uniform, small cells with inconspicuous nucleoli arranged around a central lumen, forming "punched-out" spaces. Single cells were prominent in 2 of 14 cases. IG DCIS showed intermediate features between LG and HG DCIS: 3-dimensional sheets with punched-out spaces, abundant single cells, moderate pleomorphism and focal necrosis. CONCLUSION: HG DCIS is easily identifiable on AB smears; however, distinction from invasive carcinoma may not be possible. The cytologic diagnosis of LG DCIS is difficult, and 50% of our cases were called atypical on AB. Recognition of cohesive cellular arrangements with crowding and punched-out spaces is crucial as single cells and prominent atypia are often lacking.  相似文献   

G Quijano  R Drut 《Acta cytologica》1989,33(2):263-266
The cytologic findings observed in fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy smears from ten cases of Wilms' tumor are reported. Blastemal cells, small, round cells with slightly oval nucleoli and fine, evenly dispersed chromatin, were recognized in all cases. Stromal (90%) and epithelial components (40%) were also present. Additional recognizable features were anaplasia (in two of three cases having histologic anaplasia), rosettes (four cases), necrosis (six cases) and inflammatory cells (six cases). In six cases, small fragments of tissue were also recovered for histologic examination after paraffin embedding. There were no complications attributable to the procedure. FNA cytology may be used as the sole diagnostic procedure for Wilms' tumors when preoperative chemotherapy protocols are in use.  相似文献   

The authors do a clinical anatomic study showing 102 cases of lung primitives cancers to be diagnose in 60% cases on biopsy and 40% on operation'piece. The matter in boundless majority of cases is carcinoma 92%, themselves overlooked by squamous cells carcinoma 55%, forwarded by adenocarcinoma 20%, small cells carcinoma represent 11% of cases and large cells carcinoma 7%. The mean age of occur is 55 years and any cases of carcinoma is observed at persons under 30 years of age. 94% of person are masculine. The majority of tumors 58% cases present themselves as bulky masses exceeding 6 cm of diameter. The authors insist in this study on necessity of early diagnosis when the therapeutic will be curative.  相似文献   

Summary Levamisole (1.1–3.8 mg/kg daily) or a placebo was given in a randomized, double-blind study to 211 patients undergoing curative surgery for primary lung cancer. The treatment, in a fixed dose of one tablet (containing 50 mg or a placebo) t.i.d., was given for 3 days before the operation, and such 3-day courses were repeated every 2 weeks thereafter for 2 years.A significant reduction of the cancer mortality was observed at 18 and 21 months post surgery in the levamisole group. There was also a nonsignificant increase of the disease-free interval.In patients who had received more than 2 mg/kg (or more than 80 mg/m2) daily, the crude recurrence rates had been halved and the death rates reduced to one-third. No beneficial effect could be observed in the patients who had been given a lower dose. In the former, adequately dosed patients, the beneficial effect was more marked if the tumor had been more advanced at the time of surgery. In addition, the incidence of hematogenous secondaries was significantly reduced in the same group of patients.Professor Swierenga died in late 1977, shortly before completion of the work  相似文献   

The cytologic findings in five cases of pseudomyxoma peritonei associated with ovarian mucinous tumors are reported. The evidence suggests that if mucinous or gelatinous ascitic fluid is received in the laboratory and is shown to contain a dual cell population of round cells of mesothelial origin and spindle-shaped cells of fibroblastic origin together with lakes of fibrillar mucin, a cytologic diagnosis of pseudomyxoma peritonei can be made with confidence. It will usually indicate mucinous neoplasia of the appendix or ovary. In the case of ovarian neoplasia, the tumor is most likely to be a low-malignant-potential mucinous tumor. The patient's prognosis, however, will be that of mucinous carcinoma rather than of usual borderline tumors of the ovary.  相似文献   

The cytologic features of six cases of stomach cancer metastatic to the uterine cervix are presented. Atypical cells were found in cytology samples from four patients. Fewer atypical cells, larger cellular and nuclear areas, more discrete vacuoles, increased frequencies of thickening of the nuclear membrane and more coarsely granular chromatin patterns were the characteristic cytologic findings of metastatic cervical adenocarcinoma as compared with primary endocervical adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

A case of ovarian dysgerminoma is reported. Both histology and cytology showed cells with distinctive anisokaryosis and large, sometimes bizarre, nucleoli as the most striking feature. A lymphocytic infiltration was present. Electron microscopy showed large convoluted nucleoli, structures resembling so-called "annulated lamellae" and glycogen particles, features that are typical of a germ-cell tumor. The cytologic, histologic and ultrastructural investigations revealed a dysgerminoma; that diagnosis was not certain on the frozen sections.  相似文献   

G Jayaram 《Acta cytologica》1985,29(6):967-973
The cytologic features and diagnoses of 308 solitary thyroid nodules subjected to fine needle aspiration (FNA) are presented and correlated with the histopathology. The findings reconfirmed the overall utility of FNA cytology in the differentiation of benign from neoplastic lesions and in the specific diagnosis of most types of thyroid lesions. The difficulty in the diagnosis of follicular carcinoma and in its differentiation from follicular adenoma is highlighted. Of note was the finding of Hürthle-cell populations in several types of lesions, which represents a potential diagnostic problem; this potential difficulty was lessened by sampling two or three areas within a nodule, thus obtaining a more truly representative specimen.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Primary osteogenic sarcomas of the breast are extremely rare neoplasms. The histologic and cytologic features are comparable to those of their soft tissue and skeletal counterparts. To assess the utility of fine needle aspiration (FNA) in preoperative identification of osteogenic sarcomas, we retrospectively reviewed the FNA findings of 3 cases diagnosed in our hospital over 2 1/2 years. CASES: Three women, aged 48, 55 and 76 years, presented with a palpable lump of a few months' duration in their breasts. FNA was indicative of malignancy, and mastectomy with ipsilateral axillary lymph node dissection was performed. The cytologic features were of hypocellular or hypercellular smears with pleomorphic cells; scarce or abundant metachromatic amorphous material, suggestive of osteoid; osteoclast-like giant cells; and stromal fragments. CONCLUSION: Although cytologic features can be suggestive of osteosarcoma in the appropriate clinical setting, prompt preoperative diagnosis of malignancy in FNA samples of these tumors can avoid undertreatment, because mammographic and clinical findings are in many cases confused with the features of a benign lesion, more specifically calcified fibroadenoma.  相似文献   

A rare case of pseudosarcomatous fasciitis of the breast is presented. Both the clinical examination and the mammographic findings led us to expect a malignant lesion. Fine needle aspiration biopsy cytology, however, was negative, with the cells observed indicating a benign lesion. The benignity was proven by histologic examination of the extirpated nodule. The usefulness of aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of this entity and the need for a combined methodology in the diagnosis of breast tumors are emphasized.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the fine needle aspiration cytologic features of invasive lobular carcinoma of breast and to discuss problems that may occur in cytodiagnosis. STUDY DESIGN: Fine needle aspiration cytologic smears from 21 cases of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) of breast were subjected to detailed cytomorphologic analysis. Features studied included pattern of cells, size of cells, nuclear placement, pleomorphism, presence of intracytoplasmic lumina (ICL) and signet ring cells. RESULTS: Cellularity was generally moderate or high, and the pattern was predominantly or partly dissociated in 86% of cases. Rosettelike pattern was discerned in alveolar-type ILC. Cell size was usually small or intermediate, with nuclei placed eccentrically in most cases. ICLs with or without signet ring cells were present in 12 cases (57%). CONCLUSION: A cytologic picture consisting of predominantly dissociated small or intermediate-sized tumor cells with eccentric nuclei, with some of the cells showing ICLs, is highly suggestive of ILC. Indian file pattern, another characteristic feature of ILC, is, however, focal and inconsistent. Variant patterns of ILC may show other cytologic features, such as rosettelike pattern (alveolar variant of ILC) or large cell pattern (pleomorphic variant of ILC) and may consequently be difficult to categorize on cytologic smears.  相似文献   

DNA ploidy and cell-cycle characteristics of 65 operable lung cancers (41 adenocarcinomas, 19 epidermoid carcinomas, 3 large-cell carcinomas and 2 small-cell carcinomas) were analyzed using flow cytometry. Eighty percent of the tumors were aneuploid. The mean DNA index was lower in epidermoid than in adenocarcinoma. In adenocarcinoma, a low DNA index was correlated with early-stage disease; no correlation between DNA index and stage was observed in the other cell types. The %S-phase cells was highest in two cases of undifferentiated large-cell carcinoma and lowest in adenocarcinoma. The RNA index was increased approximately two-fold in all cell types. Longer follow-ups will be required to establish any correlation between the cell kinetic measurements reported here and survival times.  相似文献   

A 71-year-old woman with uveitis was referred to our hospital for further examination of the possible underlying diseases. In roentgenological examination with plain X-ray and CT scan, hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy and a mass shadow in the right upper lung field was observed, whereas fibrotic changes were not obvious in both lung fields. Transbronchial lung biopsy with fiberoptic bronchoscope revealed granulomatous interstitial pneumonia. CD4-positive lymphocytes were increased in bronchoalveolar lavage. The patient was diagnosed as having sarcoidosis. Subsequently, right upper lobectomy was performed, and Stage I lung adenocarcinoma was diagnosed. The patient is under follow up without medication and the disease has been stable for two years. A relationship between epithelioid granulomatosis and malignant diseases is discussed and a review of the literature is given. Since it is still controversial as to the incidence of malignant diseases in sarcoidosis patients, it is important to accumulate data on these associations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the cytologic findings of papillary breast carcinoma by fine needle aspiration. STUDY DESIGN: The study group consisted of fine needle aspiration (FNA) specimens of breast tumors from nine patients performed during the period 1988-1997. Eight were female, and one was male. The FNA results were compared with the final histologic diagnosis. RESULTS: The tumor sizes were 4-6.5 cm. The aspirations yielded a good amount of bloody material. The smears revealed high cellularity, papillary clusters, isolated low-to-tall columnar cells, mild to moderate atypia, hemorrhagic background, foam and hemosiderin-laden macrophages, calcification, rare mitoses, palisading row of cells and bipolar cytoplasmic eosinophilic granules. The smears were diagnosed as either suspicious or suggestive of papillary carcinoma. The histologic examination revealed invasive papillary carcinoma. CONCLUSION: Papillary carcinoma of the breast can be diagnosed by using a panel of cytologic findings that includes hypercellularity, papillary clusters, hemorrhagic background, palisading rows of tall columnar cells, cellular atypia and calcification. The interesting finding in this study was the presence of eosinophilic bipolar cytoplasmic granules, which has not been reported before.  相似文献   

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