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Nitrous oxide (N(2)O) emissions from wastewater treatment plants vary substantially between plants, ranging from negligible to substantial (a few per cent of the total nitrogen load), probably because of different designs and operational conditions. In general, plants that achieve high levels of nitrogen removal emit less N(2)O, indicating that no compromise is required between high water quality and lower N(2)O emissions. N(2)O emissions primarily occur in aerated zones/compartments/periods owing to active stripping, and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, rather than heterotrophic denitrifiers, are the main contributors. However, the detailed mechanisms remain to be fully elucidated, despite strong evidence suggesting that both nitrifier denitrification and the chemical breakdown of intermediates of hydroxylamine oxidation are probably involved. With increased understanding of the fundamental reactions responsible for N(2)O production in wastewater treatment systems and the conditions that stimulate their occurrence, reduction of N(2)O emissions from wastewater treatment systems through improved plant design and operation will be achieved in the near future.  相似文献   

Laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to examine the N2O emission during the denitrification process. For each of the 6 runs carried out, synthetic effluent was fed in a 10 l batch mixed liquor to investigate the effect of nitrite on N2O emission and Helium was continuously bubbled through the reactor at constant rate (0.12 l/min) to favour N2O transfer and detection. An increasing COD/NO3-N influent ratio from 3 to 7 was firstly applied (runs 1–3). Secondly, NO2 pulse additions were performed during run 4 and 5 (10 and 20 mg N/l, respectively). Finally, the reactor was fed with influent containing both NO2 and NO3. We showed that N2O emission was detected shortly after NO2 accumulation, few minutes after the substrate feeding. The highest emission occurred at the lower COD/NO3-N ratio (=3) and at the higher NO2 addition (20 mg N/l). In addition, the higher nitrogen conversion to N2O gas (14.4%) was obtained with an influent containing initially both NO2 and NO3. Our results suggest a direct effect of the NO2 concentration on the N2O emission. We have also confirmed the inhibitory effect of NO2 concentration on N2O reduction.  相似文献   

Wastewater that enters wastewater treatment plants contains lots of pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganisms which can become bioaerosols during treatment processes and pose health hazard to workers and nearby residents. The emission of the bioaerosols from an urban wastewater treatment plant in spring and summer in different locations and downwind of the plant adopting an extended mechanical aeration system was investigated. Samples of bacteria and fungi were collected within 6 months at 10 selected points by an Anderson one-stage impactor. The highest concentration of bacteria (mean 1373 CFU/m3, 741–2817 CFU/m3) and fungi (mean 1384 CFU/m3, 212–1610 CFU/m3) was found in downwind of the aeration basins. Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between concentration of bacterial bioaerosols at downwind side of the aeration basins and wind speed (p value <0.05) and temperature (p value <0.05). Also, in the spring and summer, between the number of bacteria and fungi inside the plant and outside the plant (downwind) a significant correlation was observed (p value ≤0.05). The concentrations of bacteria at a distance of 500 m downwind were much higher than those at the background (upwind) point in spring and summer. The processes of wastewater treatment especially using mechanical equipment to create turbulence can be considered as a major source of spreading airborne microorganisms to ambient air of wastewater treatment plants, and the bioaerosols can be dispersed to downwind distances affecting the nearby neighboring. Therefore, in order to decrease the bioaerosols emission, doing some course of actions such as covering the surface of aeration basins, changing the aeration methods and aeration equipment (e. g using diffuser aerator) may be effective.  相似文献   

The contribution of the major technologically important microbial groups (ammonium- and nitrite-oxidizing, phosphate-accumulating, foam-inducing, and anammox bacteria, as well as planctomycetes and methanogenic archaea) was characterized for the aeration tanks of the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities. FISH investigation revealed that aerobic sludge were eubacterial communities; the metabolically active archaea contributed insignificantly. Stage II nitrifying microorganisms and planctomycetes were significant constituents of the bacterial component of activated sludges, with Nitrobacter spp. being the dominant nitrifiers. No metabolically active anammox bacteria were revealed in the sludge from aeration tanks. The sludge from the aeration tanks using different wastewater treatment technologies were found to have differing characteristics. Abundance of the nitrifying and phosphate-accumulating bacteria in the sludge generally correlated with microbial activity in microcosms and with efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater. The highest microbial numbers and activity were found in the sludge of the tanks operating according to the technologies developed in the universities of Hannover and Cape Town. The activated sludge from the Novokur’yanovo facilities, where abundant growth of filamentous bacteria resulted in foam formation, exhibited the lowest activity. The group of foaming bacteria included Gordonia spp. and Acinetobacter spp utilizing petroleum and motor oils, Sphaerotilus spp. utilizing unsaturated fatty acids, and Candidatus ‘Microthrix parvicella’. Thus, the data on abundance and composition of metabolically active microorganisms obtained by FISH may be used for the technological control of wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

The occurrence, distribution and activity of archaeal populations within two aerated, activated sludge wastewater treatment systems, one treating domestic waste and the second treating mixed domestic and industrial wastewater, were investigated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified ribosomal RNA gene fragments and process measurements. In the plant receiving mixed industrial and domestic waste the archaeal populations found in the mixed liquor were very similar to those in the influent sewage, though a small number of DGGE bands specific to the mixed liquor were identified. In contrast, the activated sludge treating principally domestic waste harboured distinct archaeal populations associated with the mixed liquor that were not prevalent in the influent sewage. We deduce that the Archaea in the plant treating mixed wastewater were derived principally from the influent, whereas those in the plant treating solely domestic waste were actively growing in the treatment plant. Archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences related to the Methanosarcinales, Methanomicrobiales and the Methanobacteriales were detected. Methanogenesis was measured in activated sludge samples incubated under oxic and anoxic conditions, demonstrating that the methanogens present in both activated sludge plants were active only in anoxic incubations. The relatively low rates of methanogenesis measured indicated that, although active, the methanogens play a minor role in carbon turnover in activated sludge.  相似文献   

京津冀区域市政污水厂活性污泥种群结构的多样性及差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【背景】活性污泥中微生物的种群结构影响着污水生物处理的高效性及稳定性,是有效保证污水处理效果的关键。【目的】研究活性污泥中细菌的群落结构组成及多样性,并分析相应菌群的主要功能,旨在更好地发挥细菌的净化作用、保持污水处理过程的稳定及提高污水的处理效率。【方法】以京津冀区域内典型市政污水厂活性污泥为研究对象,通过IlluminaMiSeq高通量测序及实时定量PCR技术,对5个污水厂活性污泥的微生物种群结构特征进行了详细解析,研究不同工艺参数下活性污泥中优势种群及脱氮菌群丰度的差异。【结果】5个污水厂活性污泥种群结构具有一定差异,其中Hengshui (HS)厂污泥的群落结构受温度的影响最大,而Shahe (SH)、Daoxianghu (DXH)、Nangong(NG)厂活性污泥群落结构则受总氮、总磷与氨氮的共同影响,氨氮对SH厂活性污泥种群结构影响最大。DXH、NG和HS厂污泥中优势菌均为Anaerolineaceae,而SH和Hejian (HJ)厂的优势菌则为Saprospiraceae与Lactobacillus。活性污泥中反硝化菌丰度最高的为HJ厂,丰度最低的为HS厂,反硝化功能基因nirS比nirK分布更为广泛。【结论】对于不同污水厂,影响其活性污泥群落结构组成的环境因素也是不同的,并且特殊的进水水质也会对污泥菌群组成和生物多样性产生影响。  相似文献   

A 15N labelling technique was used to measure N2O and N2 emissions from an undisturbed grassland soil treated with cow urine and held at 30 cm water tension and 20°C in a laboratory. Large emissions of dinitrogen were detected immediately following urine application to pasture. These coincided with a rapid and large increase in soil water-soluble carbon levels, some of this increase being attributed to solubilization of soil organic matter by high pH and ammonia concentrations. Emissions of nitrous oxide generally increased with time in contrast to dinitrogen fluxes which decreased as time progressed. Estimated losses of N2O and N2 over a 30 day period were between 1 to 5% and 30 to 65% of the urine N applied plus N mineralized from soil organic matter, respectively. Most of the N2 and N2O originated from denitrification with nitrification-denitrification being of minor significance as a source of N2O. Comparisons of the 15N enrichments in the soil mineral N pools and the evolved N2O suggested that much of the N2O was produced in the 5–8 cm zone of the soil. It is concluded that established grassland soils contain large amounts of readily-oxidizable organic carbon which may be used by soil denitrifying organisms when nitrate is non-limiting and soil redox potential is lowered due to high rates of biological activity and high soil moisture contents. ei]{gnR}{fnMerckx}  相似文献   

Cryptogamic covers, which comprise some of the oldest forms of terrestrial life on Earth (Lenton & Huntingford, 2003 ), have recently been found to fix large amounts of nitrogen and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (Elbert et al., 2012 ). Here we show that they are also greenhouse gas sources with large nitrous oxide (N2O) and small methane (CH4) emissions. Whilst N2O emission rates varied with temperature, humidity, and N deposition, an almost constant ratio with respect to respiratory CO2 emissions was observed for numerous lichens and bryophytes. We employed this ratio together with respiration data to calculate global and regional N2O emissions. If our laboratory measurements are typical for lichens and bryophytes living on ground and plant surfaces and scaled on a global basis, we estimate a N2O source strength of 0.32–0.59 Tg year?1 for the global N2O emissions from cryptogamic covers. Thus, our emission estimate might account for 4–9% of the global N2O budget from natural terrestrial sources. In a wide range of arid and forested regions, cryptogamic covers appear to be the dominant source of N2O. We suggest that greenhouse gas emissions associated with this source might increase in the course of global change due to higher temperatures and enhanced nitrogen deposition.  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂运行过程中一旦发生活性污泥生物泡沫,就会影响污泥沉降和处理厂运行效能,对出水水质、作业安全和公共健康带来一系列挑战。生物泡沫是自活性污泥法诞生以来长期困扰污水处理厂运行的难题。生物泡沫的形成需要气泡、表面活性物质和疏水物质等3点基本的要素,在其中主要富集了诺卡氏型丝状细菌(Nocardioformfilamentousbacteria)和微丝菌(Candidatus Microthrix parvicella)这两种类型微生物。多种环境和运行因素包括温度、溶解氧、pH、污泥龄、特别是营养物质种类和浓度等均会对这些丝状微生物的生长产生影响。抑制丝状细菌生长的常用控制策略包括选择器、生长动力学控制、投加化学药剂以及噬菌体等方法,通过降低两类丝状细菌在生化池中的浓度以期消除生物泡沫现象。本文总结了生物泡沫的类型、成因、表征生物泡沫程度的指标、影响生物泡沫的环境因素以及常用的调控策略的原理及优缺点等,尽可能全面地介绍活性污泥生物泡沫的研究现状,并探讨未来研究方向和控制策略,期望能够为今后研究活性污泥微生物和污水处理厂运行调控提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

New denitrifying strains of phototrophic bacteria isolated from photosynthetic sludge reactors for wastewater treatment were characterized. All of the new isolates were mesophilic, nonhalophilic, facultative photoheterotrophs that were able to grow by anaerobic photosynthesis, aerobic respiration, or nitrate respiration. They had ovoid cells that were motile by single polar flagella, formed vesicular photosynthetic membranes together with bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spheroidene series, required biotin, thiamine, and biotin as growth factors, and utilized a wide variety of organic compounds as electron donor and carbon sources. In these respects, the isolates most closely resembled Rhodobacter sphaeroides. However, they differed from this species in utilizing malonate and dulcitol but not tartrate as carbon sources and in their inability to grow anaerobically in darkness with trimethylamine N-oxide or dimethylsulfoxide as a terminal oxidant. Partial sequencing of 16S rRNA genes provided evidence for genetic differences between the new isolates and R. sphaeroides or other members of the genus Rhodobacter. Activities of nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, and nitrous oxide reductase were detected in intact cells of one of the new isolates. All these enzyme activities were induced by cultivation with nitrate.  相似文献   

We have isolated four strains of Rhodococcus which specifically degrade estrogens by using enrichment culture of activated sludge from wastewater treatment plants. Strain Y 50158, identified as Rhodococcus zopfii, completely and rapidly degraded 100 mg of 17beta-estradiol, estrone, estriol, and ethinyl estradiol/liter, as demonstrated by thin-layer chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses. Strains Y 50155, Y 50156, and Y 50157, identified as Rhodococcus equi, showed degradation activities comparable with that of Y 50158. Using the random amplified polymorphism DNA fingerprinting test, these three strains were confirmed to have been derived from different sources. R. zopfii Y 50158, which showed the highest activity among these four strains, revealed that the strain selectively degraded 17beta-estradiol during jar fermentation, even when glucose was used as a readily utilizable carbon source in the culture medium. Measurement of estrogenic activities with human breast cancer-derived MVLN cells showed that these four strains each degraded 100 mg of 17beta-estradiol/liter to 1/100 of the specific activity level after 24 h. It is thus suggested that these strains degrade 17beta-estradiol into substances without estrogenic activity.  相似文献   

The performance of an activated sludge wastewater treatment process consisting of an aeration tank and a secondary settler has been studied. A tanks-in-series model with backflow was used for mathematical modeling of the activated sludge wastewater treatment process. Non-linear algebraic equations obtained from the material balances of MLSS (mixed liquor suspended solids or activated sludge), BOD (biological oxygen demand) and DO (dissolved oxygen) for the aeration tank and the settler and from the behavior of the settler were solved simultaneously using the modified Newton-Raphson technique. The concentration profiles of MLSS, BOD and DO in the aeration tank were obtained. The simulation results were examined from the viewpoints of mixing in the aeration tank and flow in the secondary settling tank. The relationships between the overall performance of the activated sludge process and the operating and design parameters such as hydraulic residence time, influent BOD, recycle ratio and waste sludge ratio were obtained.  相似文献   

Certain general circulation models predict that a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations will increase the frequency of summer drought in northern wetlands due to hotter, drier summers. There is currently much uncertainty as to how drought will affect emissions of the greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide, from wetlands. We have demonstrated that an eight centimetre drawdown of the water table in a gully mire does not significantly affect nitrous oxide emissions from this site. However, under a more extreme drought scenario carried out on peat monoliths, nitrous oxide emissions increased exponentially with a linear decrease in water table height. Drought caused a significant increase in nitrous oxide productionbelow the water table but most of the total increase could be attributed to increased emissionsabove the water table. Results from an acetylene block experiment suggested that increased emissions were caused by increased nitrous oxide production from denitrification, rather than by increased production from nitrification. In the laboratory study, drought severity had no effect on peatwater nitrate concentrations below the water table, however, increasing drought severity decreased ammonium concentrations.  相似文献   

Activated sludge (AS), which has been in use for 100 years, has been the most popular biological process in various wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), in which bacteria plays central roles in pollutant removal. However, the potential relationship between bacteria taxa and the niches occupied by specific functional bacteria in AS are largely unknown. Here, correlation‐based network analysis was applied to a 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing dataset containing > 760 000 sequences of 50 AS samples from globally distributed full‐scale WWTPs. The results showed that (i) bacterial assembly in AS was nonrandomly arranged by taxonomic relatedness and (ii) intra‐ and inter‐phylum/class co‐occurrence higher than expected by chance was induced by multiple deterministic processes, such as habitat filtering and competition. Moreover, based on bacterial occupancy, a prevalent core set of cosmopolitan functional bacteria (e.g. multiple nitrogen‐cycling‐related bacteria) was widely distributed in the AS of different WWTPs, showing strong ecological associations among them. Additionally, the AS network has statistical and structural characteristics similar to those of previously reported ecological networks, such as power‐law connectivity distribution and nonrandomly connected properties. Overall, this work provides novel insights into the bacterial associations within AS and sheds light on the ecological rules guiding bacterial assembly in WWTPs.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss three topics concerning N2O emissions from agricultural systems. First, we present an appraisal of N2O emissions from agricultural soils (Assessment). Secondly, we discuss some recent efforts to improve N2O flux estimates in agricultural fields (Measurement), and finally, we relate recent studies which use nitrification inhibitors to decrease N2O emissions from N-fertilized fields (Mitigation).To assess the global emission of N2O from agricultural soils, the total flux should represent N2O from all possible sources; native soil N, N from recent atmospheric deposition, past years fertilization, N from crop residues, N2O from subsurface aquifers below the study area, and current N fertilization. Of these N sources only synthetic fertilizer and animal manures and the area of fields cropped with legumes have sufficient global data to estimate their input for N2O production. The assessment of direct and indirect N2O emissions we present was made by multiplying the amount of fertilizer N applied to agricultural lands by 2% and the area of land cropped to legumes by 4 kg N2O-N ha-1. No regard to method of N application, type of N, crop, climate or soil was given in these calculations, because the data are not available to include these variables in large scale assessments. Improved assessments should include these variables and should be used to drive process models for field, area, region and global scales.Several N2O flux measurement techniques have been used in recent field studies which utilize small and ultralarge chambers and micrometeorological along with new analytical techniques to measure N2O fluxes. These studies reveal that it is not the measurement technique that is providing much of the uncertainty in N2O flux values found in the literature but rather the diverse combinations of physical and biological factors which control gas fluxes. A careful comparison of published literature narrows the range of observed fluxes as noted in the section on assessment. An array of careful field studies which compare a series of crops, fertilizer sources, and management techniques in controlled parallel experiments throughout the calendar year are needed to improve flux estimates and decrease uncertainty in prediction capability.There are a variety of management techniques which should conserve N and decrease the amount of N application needed to grow crops and to limit N2O emissions. Using nitrification inhibitors is an option for decreasing fertilizer N use and additionally directly mitigating N2O emissions. Case studies are presented which demonstrate the potential for using nitrification inhibitors to limit N2O emissions from agricultural soils. Inhibitors may be selected for climatic conditions and type of cropping system as well as the type of nitrogen (solid mineral N, mineral N in solution, or organic waste materials) and applied with the fertilizers.  相似文献   

AIMS: To isolate aerobic denitrifying bacteria which will be applied to piggery wastewater treatment facilities for enhanced nitrate and nitrite removal. METHODS AND RESULTS: Nitrate-supplemented basal medium in airtight, crimp-sealed serum bottles containing an atmosphere of 92% oxygen was inoculated with denitrifiers, strains NS-2 and SM-3, and incubated at 30 degrees C. After 20 h, the concentration of nitrate was decreased rapidly by both NS-2 and SM-3. Nitrite production was almost zero during the whole experimental period for both strains. Nitrogen gas production peaked at the 20 h for both NS-2 (8.20 +/- 1.03 mmol l(-1)) and SM-3 (3.93 +/- 0.16 mmol l(-1)). CONCLUSIONS: Strain NS-2, which produced the highest N2 concentration in this work, was identified as Pseudomonas stutzeri. This strain is the most capable of aerobic and anaerobic conversion of nitrate to N2 without forming a nitrite intermediate. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Strain NS-2 is highly promising for future application in in situ piggery wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

Intensive dairy farming systems are a large source of emission of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O), because of high nitrogen (N) application rates to grasslands and silage maize fields. The objective of this study was to compare measured N2O emissions from two different soils to default N2O emission factors, and to look at alternative emission factors based on (i) the N uptake in the crop and (ii) the N surplus of the system, i.e., N applied minus N uptake by the crop. Twelve N fertilization regimes were implemented on a sandy soil (typic endoaquoll) and a clay soil (typic endoaquept) in the Netherlands, and N2O emissions were measured throughout the growing season. Highest cumulative fluxes of 1.92 and 6.81 kg N2O-N ha–1 for the sandy soil and clay soil were measured at the highest slurry application rate of 250 kg N ha–1. Background emissions from unfertilized soils were 0.14 and 1.52 kg N2O-N ha–1 for the sandy soil and the clay soil, respectively. Emission factors for the sandy soil averaged 0.08, 0.51 and 0.26% of the N applied via fertilizer, slurry, and combinations of both. For the clay soil, these numbers were 1.18, 1.21 and 1.69%, respectively. Surplus N was linearly related to N2O emission for both the sandy soil (R2=0.60) and the clay soil (R2=0.40), indicating a possible alternative emission factor. We concluded that, in our study, N2O emission was not linearly related to N application rates, and varied with type and application rate of fertilizer. Finally, the relatively high emission from the clay soil indicates that background emissions might have to be taken into account in N2O budgets.  相似文献   

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