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The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from electrogenic tissue of Torpedo californica was solubilized by tryptic digestion of membrane fragments obtained from autolysed tissue, without use of detergent. The water-soluble acetylcholine receptor was purified by affinity chromatography on a cobra-toxin-Sepharose resin. The purified receptor bound 4000–6000 pmol per mg protein of α-[125]bungarotoxin, and toxin-binding was specifically inhibited by cholinergic ligands. Gel filtration revealed a single molecular species of Stokes radius 125 ± 10 Å and on sucrose gradient centrifugation one major peak was observed of 20–22 S. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and β-mercaptoethanol revealed two major polypeptides of mol. wt. 30 000 and 48 000.  相似文献   

Large-scale purification of acetylcholinesterase-rich and acetylcholine receptor-rich membrane fragments from Torpedo californica electroplax is described. Electron microscopy studies reveal structural differences in the two types of particles and the results are discussed in terms of structural aspects of the postsynaptic cleft. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of receptor-rich fragments reveals that the fragments contain the same polypeptide components observed in receptor preparations purified from the same electroplax membranes, indicating that purified Torpedo receptor is not composed of species degraded by proteolysis. Results obtained from fluorescence studies of a cholinergic analog allow conclusions to be reached regarding species differences in electroplax acetylcholine receptor preparations.  相似文献   

A cholinergic proteolipid fraction (i.e. a hydrophobic lipoprotein) was separated from the n. caudatus of the cow, using affinity chromatography with the lipophilic gel Sephadex LH-20 and p-phenyltrimethylamonium as the active group. High affinity binding studies showed that only the specific fraction, desorbed after an acetylcholine (or acid) pulse, and corresponding to 0,72% of the proteolipids, is the one that binds the cholinergic ligands. The binding of (3H)atropine and (14C)d-tubocurarine demonstrated that there are 814 picomoles/g fresh tissue of muscarinic sites and only 76 picomoles/g of nicotinic sites. The specific radioactivity for (3H)atropine is 10,000 nmoles/g protein, suggesting a high degree of purification of the specific cholinergic proteolipid.  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo marmorata was treated with neuraminidase. Direct determination of sialic acid released gave about 1 mole sialic acid per mole receptor. Lectin binding studies of the sugars accessible on the receptor molecule were performed after sialic acid hydrolysis. They indicated that the terminal sialic acid is linked to a galactose residue.The present findings confirm the presence of one terminal sialic acid residue per receptor molecule.  相似文献   

南江  赵晓英  原慧  张琳琳 《生态学报》2014,34(20):5758-5765
植物的表型特征是对环境适应的结果。霸王(Zygophyllum xanthoxylum)和木本猪毛菜(Salsola arbuscula)是新疆达坂城大风区的主要植物,也是该区植被恢复潜在的先锋植物。在达坂城柴窝堡,通过野外盆栽实验,对霸王和木本猪毛菜持续吹风和遮风处理90 d,定量分析这两种植物在遮风和不遮风环境下其地上部分的生长和空间构型差异。结果表明:(1)与遮风下的相比,自然大风中的霸王和木本猪毛菜其株高、叶长度、单叶面积、单株叶面积均减小,顺风向基径均增大,尤其是霸王,其株高减小了一半多。木本猪毛菜的叶片数量增多,叶宽增大,霸王的叶片数量减少、叶宽度、叶柄长度、叶柄直径均减小;(2)遮风下的木本猪毛菜其植冠在四个方向均匀生长,而自然大风中的植冠空间构型在迎风面和背风面出现明显的不对称,一级分枝数增多,主茎弯曲角度、枝倾角、叶倾角均减小。霸王没有出现一级分枝,主茎弯曲角度减小,叶倾角增大。可见,霸王主要通过减小地上部分各器官来响应大风环境,而木本猪毛菜除减小各器官之外,还减小各器官之间的角度,形成更紧凑的构型,以此适应大风环境。  相似文献   

Neeraj Agarwal  Vijay K. Kalra 《BBA》1983,723(2):150-159
Interaction of N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) with ATPase of Mycobacterium phlei membranes results in inactivation of ATPase activity. The rate of inactivation of ATPase was pseudo-first order for the initial 30–65% inactivation over a concentration range of 5–50 μM DCCD. The second-order rate constant of the DCCD-ATPase interaction was k = 8.5·105 M?1·min?1. The correlation between the initial binding of [14C]DCCD and 100% inactivation of ATPase activity shows 1.57 nmol DCCD bound per mg membrane protein. The proteolipid subunit of the F0F1-ATPase complex in membranes of M. phlei with which DCCD covalently reacts to inhibit ATPase was isolated by labeling with [14C]DCCD. The proteolipid was purified from the membrane in free and DCCD-modified form by extraction with chloroform/methanol and subsequent chromatography on Sephadex LH-20. The polypeptide was homogeneous on SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoresis and has an apparent molecular weight of 8000. The purified proteolipid contains phosphatidylinositol (67%), phosphatidylethanolamine (18%) and cardiolipin (8%). Amino acid analysis indicates that glycine, alanine and leucine were present in elevated amounts, resulting in a polarity of 27%. Cysteine and tryptophan were lacking. Butanol-extracted proteolipid mediated the translocation of protons across the bilayer, in K+-loaded reconstituted liposomes, in response to a membrane potential difference induced by valinomycin. The proton translocation was inhibited by DCCD, as measured by the quenching of fluorescence of 9-aminoacridine. Studies show that vanadate inhibits the proton gradient driven by ATP hydrolysis in membrane vesicles of M. phlei by interacting with the proteolipid subunit sector of the F0F1-ATPase complex.  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) of somatic (cs) and testicular (ct) cytochromes of rat, mouse, rabbit, and beef with rabbit anti-rat cyt ct antibody exhibited two different antigenic profiles, indicating the presence of two different antigenic structure between cyt ct and cs. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of cyt c showed that the molecular size of rat, rabbit and beef cyt ct is slightly smaller than that of their cyt cs. However, the electrophoretic mobility of mouse cyt ct is almost identical to that of mouse cyt cs, but slightly slower than that of rat cyt ct. These results indicate that mouse and rat cyt ct are different despite the identical amino acid sequences for both rat and mouse cyt cs.  相似文献   

Certain molecular properties of purified tumor-associated fetal antigens (TAFA) were analyzed by sequential immune precipitation (SIP), isoelectric focusing, and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The antigenic relatedness of rat histocompatibility antigens and the various TAFA were determined by SIP. SIP of chloramine-T-labeled purified TAFA or lactoperoxidase-iodinated tumor cell membranes, in the presence of rat alloantisera and monospecific rabbit anti-TAFA sera demonstrated no antigenic cross-reactivities or similarities between H-antigens and TAFA. TAFA were also compared with histocompatibility antigens for isoelectric point optima and molecular weight. Rat H-antigens had isoelectric points in the 7.0–8.5 pH range, whereas all TAFA focused at pH 5.0–6.5 or above pH 8.0. Molecular weights were determined by HPLC. TAFA-I and TAFA-III had molecular weights of 16,000–17,500 daltons, whereas TAFA-II had a molecular weight of 12,000. The antigens were not coprecipitated by the rat alloantisera. Each TAFA was also isolated (via immune precipitation) from NP-40-solubilized tumor cell membranes. These TAFA were identical to the chloramine-T-labeled TAFA which had been previously extracted and purified from rat fibrosarcomas and osteosarcomas. These studies demonstrated that although TAFA and H-antigens cocap on embryonic and transformed cell membranes, these determinants are different molecules; they are not covalently linked on cell membranes; and TAFA are not cleavage products of normal NBR H-antigens.  相似文献   

Reaction of antisera generated against DNA-dependent RNA polymerase III from the yeast phase of the dimorphic fungusHistoplasma capsulatum with the purified RNA polymerases of the organism indicated that there were major antigenic differences in the corresponding enzymes from the yeast and mycelial phases. These differences were most marked when the enzymes were reacted against antisera obtained early in the immunization and less after hyperimmunization. This extends our earlier demonstration of extreme differences in the corresponding RNA polymerases from two differentiated states of the same organism.  相似文献   

Fluorescent antibody staining indicated differences in surface antigenicity in Anabaena azollae cells fresh from the leaf cavities of the fern, Azolla caroliniana, and algae which were isolated and subcultured from this fern. Such results suggest that either changes in antigenicity occur in this phycobiont during culturing or that isolation selects for an antigenically different mutant strain capable of in vitro growth.Non-Standard Abbreviations FA fluorescent antibody staining - PBS phosphate buffered saline - W microwatt - Anti-F antiserum prepared against fresh cells - Anti-N antiserum prepared against Newton's culture - FTTC fluorescein isothiocyanate To whom offprint requests should be sent  相似文献   

The toxicity of organophosphorus nerve agents or pesticides arises from accumulation of acetylcholine and overstimulation of both muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs and nAChRs) due to inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Standard treatment by administration of atropine and oximes, e.g., obidoxime or pralidoxime, focuses on antagonism of mAChRs and reactivation of AChE, whereas nicotinic malfunction is not directly treated. An alternative approach would be to use nAChR active substances to counteract the effects of accumulated acetylcholine. Promising in vitro and in vivo results were obtained with the bispyridinium compounds SAD-128 (1,1′-oxydimethylene bis(4-tert-butylpyridinium) dichloride) and MB327 (1,1′-(propane-1,3-diyl)bis(4-tert-butylpyridinium) di(iodide)), which were partly attributed to their interaction with nAChRs. In this study, a homologous series of unsubstituted and 4-tert-butyl-substituted bispyridinium compounds with different alkane linker lengths was investigated in competition binding experiments using [3H]epibatidine as a reporter ligand. Additionally, the effect of the well-characterised MB327 on the [3H]epibatidine equilibrium dissociation (KD) constant in different buffers was determined. This study demonstrated that divalent cations increased the affinity of [3H]epibatidine. Since quaternary ammonium molecules are known to inhibit AChE, the obtained affinity constants of the tested bispyridinium compounds were compared with the inhibition of human AChE. In competition experiments, bispyridinium derivatives of longer linker length displaced [3H]epibatidine and inhibited AChE strongly. Bispyridinium compounds with short linkers, at most, have an allosteric interaction with the [3H]epibatidine binding sites and barely inhibited AChE. In dependence on alkane linker length, the bispyridinium compounds seemed to interact at different binding sites. However, the exact binding sites of the bispyridinium compounds responsible for the positive pharmacological effects have still not been identified, making predictive drug design difficult.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins (MT) are low molecular weight proteins with cysteine-rich sequences that bind heavy metals with remarkably high affinities. Plant MTs differ from animal ones by a peculiar amino acid sequence organization consisting of two short Cys-rich terminal domains (containing from 4 to 8 Cys each) linked by a Cys free region of about 30 residues. In contrast with the current knowledge on the 3D structure of animal MTs, there is a striking lack of structural data on plant MTs. We have expressed and purified a type III MT from Noccaea caerulescens (previously Thlaspi caerulescens). This protein is able to bind a variety of cations including Cd2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+, with different stoichiometries as shown by mass spectrometry. The protein displays a complete absence of periodic secondary structures as measured by far-UV circular dichroism, infrared spectroscopy and hydrogen/deuterium exchange kinetics. When attached onto a BIA-ATR biosensor, no significant structural change was observed upon removing the metal ions.  相似文献   

A rapid method for the isolation of acetylcholine receptor-rich membranes from Torpedo marmorata electric organ, using a Percoll density gradient, is presented. The preparation of purified membranes appeared on electron microscope examination as a homogeneous population of sealed vesicles, covered with the characteristic rosettes identified as acetylcholine receptor clusters. Biochemical characterization revealed an α-bungarotoxin specific binding activity of 1.6–2.1 nmol/mg of protein, low acetylcholinesterase specific activity, a protein:lipid ratio (w/w) of 2.1 with high cholesterol content. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions showed the polypeptide bands characteristic of the receptor (α, β, γ and δ), together with 43 kDa and ~100 kDa proteins (already described as ν and ?).The method is simple and rapid, and maintains constant osmotic conditions throughout. It thus represents an improvement over previous methods, and will be useful for routine preparation and specially for studying post-synaptic membrane components interactions.  相似文献   

Lysolecithin has been used to solubilize the axon plasma membrane preparation from lobster walking legs. This was accomplished with complete recovery of activity of the axonal cholinergic binding macromolecule and retention of the basic properties of the membrane-bound macromolecule. Sedimentation of the soluble protein through a sucrose gradient containing [3H]nicotine enabled the separation of the axonal cholinergic binding macromolecule from acetylcholinesterase and demonstrated the apparent dissociation of the axonal cholinergic binding macromolecule in low ionic strength solutions.  相似文献   

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