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SUMMARY 1. The response of bacterial production (measured as [3H]TdR incorporation rate) to spectral solar radiation was quantified experimentally in an oligotrophic high-mountain lake over 2 years. Bacterial responses were consistent: ultraviolet-B (UVB) was harmful, whereas ultraviolet-A (UVA) + photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and PAR enhanced bacterial activity. Full sunlight exerted a net stimulatory effect on bacterial activity in mid-summer but a net inhibitory effect towards the end of the ice-free period.
2. Experiments were undertaken to examine whether the bacterial response pattern depended on the presence of algae and/or was modulated by the availability of a limiting inorganic nutrient (phosphorus, P). In the absence of algae, [3H]TdR incorporation rates were significantly lower than when algae were present under all light treatments, and the consistent bacterial response was lost. This suggests that the bacterial response to spectral solar radiation depends on fresh-C released from algae, which determines the net stimulatory outcome of damage and repair in mid-summer.
3. In the absence of algae, UVB radiation inhibited bacteria when they were strongly P-deficient (mean values of N : P ratio: 46.1), whereas it exerted no direct effect on bacterial activity when they were not P-limited.
4. P-enrichment of lake water markedly altered the response of bacteria to spectral solar radiation at the end of ice-free period, when bacteria were strongly P-deficient. Phosphorus enrichment suppressed the inhibitory effect of full sunlight that was observed in October, both in whole lake water (i.e. including algae) and in the absence of algae. This indicates that the bacterial P-deficiency, measured as the cellular N : P ratio, was partly responsible for the net inhibitory effect of full sunlight, implying a high bacterial vulnerability to UVB.  相似文献   

Environmentally transmitted parasites spend time in the abiotic environment, where they are subjected to a variety of stressors. Learning how they face this challenge is essential if we are to understand how host–parasite interactions may vary across environmental gradients. We used a zooplankton–bacteria host–parasite system where availability of sunlight (solar radiation) influences disease dynamics to look for evidence of parasite local adaptation to sunlight exposure. We also examined how variation in sunlight tolerance among parasite strains impacted host reproduction. Parasite strains collected from clearer lakes (with greater sunlight penetration) were most tolerant of the negative impacts of sunlight exposure, suggesting local adaptation to sunlight conditions. This adaptation came with both a cost and a benefit for parasites: parasite strains from clearer lakes produced relatively fewer transmission stages (spores) but these strains were more infective. After experimental sunlight exposure, the most sunlight-tolerant parasite strains reduced host fecundity just as much as spores that were never exposed to sunlight. Sunlight availability varies greatly among lakes around the world. Our results suggest that the selective pressure sunlight exposure exerts on parasites may impact both parasite and host fitness, potentially driving variation in disease epidemics and host population dynamics across sunlight availability gradients.  相似文献   

Leaf chlorophyll content provides valuable information about physiological status of plants. Reflectance measurement makes it possible to quickly and non-destructively assess, in situ, the chlorophyll content in leaves. Our objective was to investigate the spectral behavior of the relationship between reflectance and chlorophyll content and to develop a technique for non-destructive chlorophyll estimation in leaves with a wide range of pigment content and composition using reflectance in a few broad spectral bands. Spectral reflectance of maple, chestnut, wild vine and beech leaves in a wide range of pigment content and composition was investigated. It was shown that reciprocal reflectance (R lambda)-1 in the spectral range lambda from 520 to 550 nm and 695 to 705 nm related closely to the total chlorophyll content in leaves of all species. Subtraction of near infra-red reciprocal reflectance, (RNIR)-1, from (R lambda)-1 made index [(R lambda)(-1)-(RNIR)-1] linearly proportional to the total chlorophyll content in spectral ranges lambda from 525 to 555 nm and from 695 to 725 nm with coefficient of determination r2 > 0.94. To adjust for differences in leaf structure, the product of the latter index and NIR reflectance [(R lambda)(-1)-(RNIR)-1]*(RNIR) was used; this further increased the accuracy of the chlorophyll estimation in the range lambda from 520 to 585 nm and from 695 to 740 nm. Two independent data sets were used to validate the developed algorithms. The root mean square error of the chlorophyll prediction did not exceed 50 mumol/m2 in leaves with total chlorophyll ranged from 1 to 830 mumol/m2.  相似文献   

桐麦间作系统辐射光谱成分变化规律的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对系统内对外太阳辐射的3个波段:紫外辐射(UVR300-400nm),光合有效辐射(PAR400-700nm)和近红外辐射(NIR700-1100nm)进行了分析,对比研究表明,试验期间系统内的光谱成分UVR:PAR:NIR:为5.2:48.2:46.6,系统外对照区为5.1:52.4:42.5。其中,小麦开花期系统内外分别为5.2:51.5:43.2和5.0:51.9:43.1,小麦灌浆期分别为  相似文献   

Inhibition of photosynthesis after exposure to solar radiation was investigated in the marine green alga Dunaliella salina by monitoring photosynthetic optimal quantum yield Fv/Fm and efficiency of oxygen production. Samples were exposed to solar radiation in Ancient Korinth, Greece (37°58′ N, 23°0′ E) in August 1994. Within 30 min, Fv/Fm and efficiency of oxygen production decreased with similar kinetics with increasing exposure time. The inhibition, however, diminished when ultraviolet radiation was progressively excluded by means of colour filter glasses. Samples exposed for 3 h showed complete or partial recovery of photosynthesis, with almost the same rate under all irradition conditions. The fit of the experimental data with an analytical model describing inhibition of photosynthesis as a function of a linear combination of the photon fluence in the UV-B, UV-A and PAR allows one to estimate the relative mean effectiveness for inhibition by the three spectral ranges [about 2 × 10?4, 4 × 10?6 and 2 × 10?7 (μmol photons m?2)?1 for UV-B, UV-A and PAR, respectively].  相似文献   

Sub-aerial biofilms (SABs) are ubiquitous microbial communities that develop at the interface between hard surfaces and the atmosphere. Inherent SAB “core-settlers” include phototrophic algae, cyanobacteria, heterotrophic bacteria and microcolonial fungi (MCF). SABs do not simply cover hard surfaces; they interact with them in myriads of ways and bind to the underlying substrate. Secretion of extracellular mucilage aids adhesion, while organic acids and acidic polysaccharides weather the surface. As protection against solar radiation, many members of the SAB consortia produce shielding pigments while the phototrophic inhabitants are laden with photosynthetic pigments. All absorb light of many wavelengths and in addition, the cells themselves scatter light. Both effects change the spectra of incoming radiation (including wavelengths that are converted to electricity by photovoltaic cells) and decrease its intensity. To quantify these effects on SABs as complex entities of organisms and pigments, we measured the spectral properties of model and natural biofilms transferred to glass. Here we show that SABs growing on solar panels and other substrates scatter incident radiation between 250 nm up to 1800 nm and block up to 70% of its transmission. Model biofilms have the advantage that their microbial components can be “tuned” to resemble natural ones of different compositions thus providing a novel materials-testing tool.  相似文献   

Abstract. .We restrained forty-nine nymphal migratory grasshoppers (Melanoplus sanguinipes) in a series of orientations to the sun and measured rate of temperature change due to radiation intercepted, compensating for temperature loss by convection and greybody reradiation. Direct solar radiation affected body temperature significantly, but diffuse radiation did not. The coefficient of direct solar heating ( H dir), varied from 0.603 to 0.690 depending on how radiation interception was estimated, and on whether insect size was expressed as mass or as a function of length. H is the rate of temperature change as a proportion of the maximum rate assuming complete conversion of all incident radiation to heat. None of the Hdir estimates was significantly different from visible-spectrum absorbance to (0.722), suggesting that the latter is a reasonable approximation of H dir
In simulations, equilibrium body temperature elevation decreased with body size where energy influx was expressed as the amount intercepted (W) , but increased with body size when expressed as insolation as (W m-2) because at a specified insolation, the amount of energy intercepted increases with body size. Expressing energy influx as the amount intercepted reveals the underlying biophysical mechanisms which determine body temperature.
This paper presents a model of body temperature elevation in which fundamental physical processes are assembled to provide good estimates. This basis in physics implies that the model can can be applied with confidence to conditions other than those in which it was derived.  相似文献   

Governing climate change in cities entails a good understanding of urban vulnerabilities. This research presents an Indicator-based Vulnerability Assessment for 571 European cities. Basing on panel data from Urban Audit database and a set of newly developed indicators, we assessed urban vulnerabilities for the following impact chains: (i) heatwaves on human health; (ii) drought on water planning, and; (iii) flooding (sub-divided into pluvial, fluvial and coastal) on the socio-economic tissue and the urban fabric. Results shed light on the key challenges that specific groups of European cities face in order to better deal with the expected impacts of climate change. This knowledge is a necessary step to advance in the understanding of urban risks to climate change and the development of effective EU policies for urban adaptation.  相似文献   

籼稻颖花分化与退化对不同播期温光的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验以三系杂交籼稻‘五优308’和‘天优华占’以及常规籼稻‘黄华占’为材料,在大田条件下,设置10个播期,研究田间不同温光条件对籼稻生育期天数、颖花分化和退化数的影响.结果表明: 温度对3个籼稻品种生育期的影响比日照长度大,平均温度升高1 ℃,播种-穗分化始期天数平均减少1.5 d,而穗分化历期天数与光照和温度的关系均不密切.不同播期间每穗颖花数和颖花分化数存在显著差异.穗分化期间平均温度、最高温度和最低温度升高,有效积温增加,昼夜温差扩大,光辐射增强,有利于穗分化期干物质积累和颖花分化,各品种趋势一致.穗分化期间有效积温增加50 ℃,颖花分化数增加10.5朵,昼夜温差扩大1 ℃,颖花分化增加14.3朵,总光辐射量增加50 MJ·m-2,颖花分化数增加17.1朵.颖花退化率与温度呈现二次项相关,极端高温或极端低温的自然条件不利于颖花形成,但低温天气对颖花退化的影响大于高温.温度低于临界温度,颖花退化率大幅增加,穗分化期临界积温为550~600 ℃,日平均温度为24.0~26.0 ℃,日最高温度为32.0~34.0 ℃,日最低温度为21.0~23.0 ℃.适宜高温、昼夜温差大、光照辐射强的自然条件利于颖花分化,并减少颖花退化.  相似文献   

Elevated seawater temperatures have long been accepted as the principal stressor causing the loss of symbiotic algae in corals and other invertebrates with algal symbionts (i.e., bleaching). A secondary factor associated with coral bleaching is solar irradiance, both its visible (PAR: 400–700 nm) and ultraviolet (UVR: 290–400 nm) portions of the spectrum. Here we examined the synergistic role of solar radiation on thermally induced stress and subsequent bleaching in a common Caribbean coral, Montastraea faveolata. Active fluorescent measurements show that steady-state quantum yields of photosystem II (PSII) fluorescence in the zooxanthellae are markedly depressed when exposed to high solar radiation and elevated temperatures, and the concentration of D1 protein is significantly lower in high light when compared to low light treatments under the same thermal stress. Both photosynthetic pigments and mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) are also depressed after experimental exposure to high solar radiation and thermal stress. Host DNA damage is exacerbated under high light conditions and is correlated with the expression of the cell cycle gene p 53, a cellular gatekeeper that modulates the fate of damaged cells between DNA repair processes and apoptotic pathways. These markers of cellular stress in the host and zooxanthellae have in common their response to the enhanced production of reactive oxygen species during exposure to high irradiances of solar radiation and elevated temperatures. Taking these results and previously published data into consideration, we conclude that thermal stress during exposure to high irradiances of solar radiation, or irradiances higher than the current photoacclimatization state, causes damage to both photochemistry and carbon fixation at the same time in zooxanthellae, while DNA damage, apoptosis, or necrosis are occurring in the host tissues of symbiotic cnidarians.Abbreviations PSII Functional absorption cross-section for PSII - Fo, Fm Minimum and maximum yields of chlorophyll a fluorescence measured after dark acclimation (relative units) - Fv Variable fluorescence after dark acclimation (=Fm–Fo), dimensionless - Fv/Fm Maximum quantum yield of photochemistry in PSII measured after dark acclimation, dimensionless - F, Fm Steady-state and maximum yields of chlorophyll a fluorescence measured under ambient light (relative units) - F/Fm Quantum yield of photochemistry in PSII measured at steady state under ambient light Communicated by R.C. Carpenter  相似文献   

Many falcons (Falco spp.) exhibit a distinct dark plumage patch below the eye, termed the malar stripe. This stripe is hypothesized to reduce the amount of solar glare reflected into the eyes while foraging, thereby increasing hunting efficiency in bright conditions. Here, we use a novel, global-scale correlative approach to test this ‘solar glare hypothesis'' in peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus), the most widespread falcon species, using web-sourced photographs from across the species'' global range. We found that the size and prominence of the malar stripe were positively associated with average annual solar radiation, but not with other environmental variables, such as temperature and rainfall. Our results provide the first published evidence for the hypothesis that this plumage feature functions to reduce the amount of solar glare reflected into the falcon''s eyes, thereby improving the ability to pinpoint and target agile prey in bright conditions.  相似文献   

The drive to proliferate and the need to maintain genome integrity are two of the most powerful forces acting on biological systems. When these forces enter in conflict, such as in the case of cells experiencing DNA damage, feedback mechanisms are activated to ensure that cellular proliferation is stopped and no further damage is introduced while cells repair their chromosomal lesions. In this circumstance, the DNA damage response dominates over the biological drive to proliferate, and may even result in programmed cell death if the damage cannot be repaired efficiently. Interestingly, the drive to proliferate can under specific conditions overcome the DNA damage response and lead to a reactivation of the proliferative program in checkpoint-arrested cells. This phenomenon is known as adaptation to DNA damage and is observed in all eukaryotic species where the process has been studied, including normal and cancer cells in humans. Polo-like kinases (PLKs) are critical regulators of the adaptation response to DNA damage and they play key roles at the interface of cell cycle and checkpoint-related decisions in cells. Here, we review recent progress in defining the specific roles of PLKs in the adaptation process and how this conserved family of eukaryotic kinases can integrate the fundamental need to preserve genomic integrity with effective cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

The effects of full-spectrum solar radiation and of solar radiation deprived of total u.v. radiation (λ<395 nm) on the endemic Mediterranean red alga Rissoella verruculosa (Bertoloni) J. Agardh were studied in situ in early summer, from sunrise to sunset. Photosynthetic performance, pigment content and the activities of enzymes related to nutrient uptake, were monitored under both radiation conditions throughout a daylight period.
The doses of solar radiation, measured on the day during which the experiments were carried out (24 June 1997), were 9228·25, 1109·70 and 13·03 kJ m−2 for PAR (λ=400–700 nm), u.v.-A (λ=315–400 nm) and u.v.-B (λ=280–315 nm), respectively. Under these conditions, a clear daily variation in photosynthetic performance was found. However, no significant differences were detected between the two radiation conditions. At noon, strong sunlight impaired O2 evolution by 75%, but complete recovery occurred during the afternoon, reaching similar values to those measured in the early morning. By contrast, photoinhibition of optimal quantum yield ( F v/ F m), and the relative electron transport rate was followed by only a slight recovery during the afternoon. The rate of photosynthesis in air (simulating emersion conditions), estimated by CO2 exchange, showed a negative balance at noon, which was accentuated in plants exposed to the full-solar spectrum.
Significant changes in the activities of nitrate reductase and carbonic anhydrase were found throughout the day under both radiation conditions. In thalli receiving solar radiation deprived of u.v., total CA activity decreased throughout the day. However, in thalli exposed to full-spectrum solar radiation, the activity of the enzyme tended to increase in the afternoon, correlating with an increase in NR activity.  相似文献   

Yoshikuni Hodoki 《Hydrobiologia》2005,534(1-3):193-204
The effects of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on the development of a periphyton community were studied in an outdoor artificial stream apparatus. Algal biomass, species composition, and bacterial cell density were measured under full sunlight and non-UVR (photosynthetically active radiation [PAR]-only) conditions. Attachment of algae was detected on days 6–9. Although the chlorophyll-a concentration under non-UVR conditions was 2–4 times that under full sunlight (PAR + UVR) throughout the experiment, neither net algal growth rate nor species composition differed significantly between the two light conditions. The relative carotenoid pigment contents of attached algae in the PAR + UVR condition were 1.1–1.3 times those in the non-UVR condition. Rates of increase of bacterial cell densities under the PAR + UVR condition were depressed by solar UVR for the first few days, although there were no apparent differences in the rates of increase between the light conditions later in the experiment. The small effect of UVR on the development of this periphyton community may be attributable to low UV flux at this study site and to the experimental conditions under which the algae were kept: a high physiological state with high nutrient conditions. Attached bacteria and algae that colonize substrata first are likely to be sensitive to solar UVR, and the negative effects of UVR are mitigated by the development of a periphyton community.  相似文献   

The role of flavonoids in mechanisms of acclimation to high solar radiation was analysed in Ligustrum vulgare and Phillyrea latifolia, two Mediterranean shrubs that have the same flavonoid composition but differ strikingly in their leaf morpho-anatomical traits. In plants exposed to 12 or 100% solar radiation, measurements were made for surface morphology and leaf anatomy; optical properties, photosynthetic pigments, and photosystem II efficiency; antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation and phenylalanine ammonia lyase; synthesis of hydroxycinnamates and flavonoids; and the tissue-specific distribution of flavonoid aglycones and ortho-dihydroxylated B-ring flavonoid glycosides. A denser indumentum of glandular trichomes, coupled with both a thicker cuticle and a larger amount of cuticular flavonoids, allowed P. latifolia to prevent highly damaging solar wavelengths from reaching sensitive targets to a greater degree than L. vulgare. Antioxidant enzymes in P. latifolia were also more effective in countering light-induced oxidative load than those in L. vulgare. Consistently, light-induced accumulation of flavonoids in L. vulgare, particularly ortho-dihydroxylated flavonoids in the leaf mesophyll, greatly exceeded that in P. latifolia. We conclude that the accumulation of flavonoid glycosides associated with high solar radiation-induced oxidative stress and, hence, biosynthesis of flavonoids appear to be unrelated to 'tolerance' to high solar radiation in the species examined.  相似文献   

Caldwell  Martyn M.  Flint  Stephan D. 《Plant Ecology》1997,128(1-2):67-76
In several phases of assessing implications of stratospheric ozone reduction for plants, biological spectral weighting functions (BSWF) play a key role: calculating the increase of biologically effective solar ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-BBE) due to ozone reduction, assessing current latitudinal gradients of UV-BBE, and comparing solar UV-BBE with that from lamps and filters in plant experiments. Plant UV action spectra (usually determined with monochromatic radiation in the laboratory with exposure periods on the order of hours) are used as BSWF. Yet, many complicating factors cloud the realism of such spectra for plants growing day after day in polychromatic solar radiation in the field. The uses and sensitivity of BSWF in the stratospheric ozone reduction problem are described. The need for scaling BSWF from action spectra determined with monochromatic radiation in laboratory conditions over periods of hours to polychromatic solar radiation in the field is developed. Bottom-up mechanistic and top-down polychromatic action spectrum development are considered as not satisfactory to resolve realistic BSWF. A compromise intermediate approach is described in which laboratory results are tested under polychromatic radiation in growth chambers and, especially, under field conditions. The challenge of the scaling exercise is to resolve disagreements between expected spectral responses at different scales of time and radiation conditions. Iterative experiments with feedback among the different experimental venues is designed to reduce uncertainties about realistic BSWF in the field. Sensitivity analyses are employed to emphasize characteristics of BSWF that are particularly important in assessing the ozone problem. Implications for use of realistic BSWF both for improved research design and for retrospective analysis of past research is described.  相似文献   

1. This study provides evidence that a heliophilic butterfly, the Glanville fritillary (Melitaea cinxia) has adapted differently to environmental variation across latitudes and elevations. 2. In cool air, basking M. cinxia orient themselves perpendicular to the sun's rays to gain heat and take off. During flight, solar heating is reduced because orientation perpendicular to the sun is no longer possible and convective cooling occurs. Consequently, M. cinxia have been shown to suffer net heat loss in flight, even in full sunshine. When flight duration is restricted in this way, the takeoff temperature becomes an important thermal adaptation. 3. Using a thermal imaging camera, takeoff temperatures were measured in experimental butterflies. Butterflies from the northern range limit in Finland took flight at slightly hotter temperatures than butterflies from the southern limit in Spain, and much hotter than butterflies from the elevational limit (1900–2300 m) in the French Alps. Butterflies from low‐elevation populations in southern France also took off much hotter than did the nearby Alpine population. 4. These results suggest that the influence of elevation is different from that of latitude in more respects than ambient temperature. Values of solar irradiance in the butterflies' flight season in each region show that insects from the coolest habitats, Finland and the Alps, experienced similar solar irradiance during basking, but that Finns experienced much lower irradiance in flight. This difference may have favored Finnish butterflies evolving higher takeoff temperatures than Alpine butterflies that also flew in cool air but benefited from more intense radiant energy after takeoff.  相似文献   

The effects of chloropicrin fumigation of field soils before replanting apple are frequently predicted from bio-assays using pot-grown apple seedlings. The results of 506 such bio-assays carried out during 12 years are discussed with reference to modifications which were made to the test method. The interpretation of the most recent and valid bio-assay results is considered in relation to the different purposes for which such tests may be conducted. When all test soils were amended with phosphorus (to compensate for the eradication of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi by fumigation) the proportion of old orchard soils yielding economically significant growth responses increased from 39% to 68%. When, additionally, plant growth was assessed by shoot fresh weight (rather than shoot length) the proportion further increased to 82%. The traditional method of expressing growth responses to soil sterilisation, as proportionate growth increases, was found to be subject to skewing effects of non-biological fertility factors; this feature was avoided when results were given as actual growth increases. The latter value therefore is considered preferable when assessing the relative disease status of soils for etiological purposes (as opposed to predicting the cost-benefits of field soil treatment). The data indicated that disease severity was on average diminished in the most acidic soils (pH 4.8–6.1), but did not support the generalisation that disease severity increases progressively with soil pH.  相似文献   

Whole apple fruit (Malus domestica Borkh.) widely differing in pigment content and composition has been examined by recording its chlorophyll fluorescence excitation and diffuse reflection spectra in the visible and near UV regions. Spectral bands sensitive to the pigment concentration have been identified, and linear models for non-destructive assessment of anthocyanins, carotenoids, and flavonols via chlorophyll fluorescence measurements are put forward. The adaptation of apple fruit to high light stress involves accumulation of these protective pigments, which absorb solar radiation in broad spectral ranges extending from UV to the green and, in anthocyanin-containing cultivars, to the red regions of the spectrum. In ripening apples the protective effect in the blue region could be attributed to extrathylakoid carotenoids. A simple model, which allows the simulation of chlorophyll fluorescence excitation spectra in the visible range and a quantitative evaluation of competitive absorption by anthocyanins, carotenoids, and flavonols, is described. Evidence is presented to support the view that anthocyanins, carotenoids, and flavonols play, in fruit with low-to-moderate pigment content, the role of internal traps (insofar as they compete with chlorophylls for the absorption of incident light in specific spectral bands), affecting thereby the shape of the chlorophyll fluorescence excitation spectrum.  相似文献   

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