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The haemolytic activities of melittin and melittin tetramer as induced by high phosphate counterion concentration, were monitored. Monomeric melittin was found to be fully lytic, whilst tetrameric melittin lacked such activity. Under conditions where melittin was fully tetrameric attempts were made to covalently cross-link the native tetramer using a series of different chain length bifunctional imido esters. The cross-linked oligomers were fully lytic under conditions where melittin was demonstrated to lack such activity. This finding, together with molecular weight determinations and circular dichroism studies, indicated that the cross-linked melittin was quite different to the native tetramer. The haemolytic activity of melittin-containing solutions was related to the concentration of monomeric melittin. The effect of reduced dielectric constant (?) on the aggregation behaviour of melittin and its derivatives was found to favour monomeric melittin.  相似文献   

The acrosome is an exocytic granule that overlies the spermatozoan nucleus. In response to different stimuli, it undergoes calcium-regulated exocytosis. Freshly ejaculated mammalian sperm are not immediately capable of undergoing acrosome reaction. The acquisition of this ability is called capacitation and involves a series of still not well-characterized changes in the sperm physiology. Plasma membrane cholesterol removal is one of the sperm modifications that are associated with capacitation. However, how sterols affect acrosomal exocytosis is unknown. Here, we show that short incubations with cyclodextrin, a cholesterol removal agent, just before stimulation promote acrosomal exocytosis. Moreover, the effect was also observed in permeabilized cells stimulated with calcium, indicating that cholesterol plays a direct role in the calcium-dependent exocytosis associated with acrosome reaction. Using a photo-inhibitable calcium chelator, we show that cholesterol affects an early event of the exocytic cascade rather than the lipid bilayers mixing. Functional data indicate that one target for the cholesterol effect is Rab3A. The sterol content does not affect the Rab3A activation-deactivation cycle but regulates its membrane anchoring. Western blot analysis and immunoelectron microscopy confirmed that cholesterol efflux facilitates Rab3A association to sperm plasma membrane. Our data indicate that the cholesterol efflux occurring during capacitation optimizes the conditions for the productive assembly of the fusion machinery required for acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

The observations that hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is located in close association to insulin granules in β-cells and that cholesterol ester hydrolase activity is completely blunted in islets of HSL null mice made us hypothesize that the role of HSL in β-cells is to provide cholesterol for the exocytosis of insulin. To test this hypothesis, wild type (wt) and HSL null islets were depleted of plasma membrane cholesterol using methyl-β-cyclodextrin (mβcd). A significant reduction in insulin secretion from HSL null islets was observed whereas wt islets were unaffected. Using synaptosomal protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) as indicator of cholesterol-rich microdomains, confocal microscopy was used to show that HSL null β-cells treated with mβcd contained fewer clusters than wt β-cells. These results indicate that HSL plays an important role in insulin secretion by providing free cholesterol for the formation and maintenance of cholesterol-rich patches for docking of SNARE-proteins to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Melittin, the main basic and hydrophobic peptide of bee venom, has been used for solubilizing membrane components of the human erythrocyte ghost. Up to 1.0 mM, it does not extract any phospholipid. Between 0.1 and 1.0 mM, it solubilizes partially glycophorin A and acetylcholinesterase. When the membrane is first degraded by phospholipase A2, the solubilization of both proteins by melittin is total, and 48% of the phospholipids are removed, mainly as lysoproducts, whereas phospholipase A2, by itself, has no solubilizing properties. In its melittin-solubilized state, acetylcholinesterase is in a dimeric form and displays a slow time-dependent irreversible inactivation. Triton X-100 at 1.0% (v/v) interrupts the inactivation. We suggest that melittin binds to the hydrophobic site of acetylcholinesterase which anchors it in the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Structure and activity of D-Pro14 melittin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D-Pro14 melittin was synthesized to investigate the effect of increasing the angle of the bend in the hinge region between the helical segments of the molecule. Structural analysis by nuclear magnetic resonance indicated that, in methanol, the molecule consisted of two helices separated at Pro14, as in melittin. However, the two helices in D-Pro14 melittin were laterally displaced relative to each other by approximately 7 , and in addition, there was a small rotation of the carboxyl-terminal helix relative to the amino-terminal helix around the long axis of the molecule. The peptide had less than 5% of the cytolytic activity of melittin. Modification of Arg22 with the 2,2,5,7,8-pentamethyl-chroman-6-sulphonyl (pmc) group restored hemolytic activity to close to that of unmodified melittin. Replacement of Arg22 with Phe was less effective in restoring hemolytic activity. Electron-paramagnetic resonance studies suggest that there is a positive correlation between hemolytic activity of the peptides and interaction with phospholipid bilayers.Donald E. Rivett: Deceased, 5 April 1998  相似文献   

Abstract Reconstitution of the anion exchange protein from human erythrocytes (band 3) into phospholipid vesicles was shown to have a protective effect on melittin lysis of the vesicles when compared to pure lipid vesicles. Low salt buffer was found to cause an inhibition of lysis in both proteoliposomes and pure lipid vesicles compared to salt buffer. High phosphate concentration did not seem to cause inhibition of lysis in the reconstituted system. However, an inhibition is observed in pure lipid vesicle control, which is contradictory to previous reports.  相似文献   

A method to isolate large quantities of directly accessible plasma membrane from attached cells is presented. The method is based on the adhesion of cells to an adsorbed layer of polylysine on glass plates, followed by hypotonic lysis with ice-cold distilled water and subsequent washing steps. Optimal conditions for coating glass plates and time for cell attachment were established. No additional chemical or mechanical treatments were used. Contamination of the isolated plasma membrane by cell organelles was less than 5%. The method uses inexpensive, commercially available polylysine and reusable glass plates. Plasma membrane preparations can be made in 15 min. Using this method, we determined that methyl-β-cyclodextrin differentially extracts cholesterol from fibroblast cells and their plasma membranes and that these differences are temperature dependent. Determination of the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio from intact cells does not reflect methyl-β-cyclodextrin plasma membrane extraction properties.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes have been treated with lipid vesicles in order to alter the cholesterol content of the cell membrane. Erythrocytes have been produced with cholesterol concentrations between 33 and 66 mol% of total lipid. The rate of valinomycin-mediated uptake of rubidium into the red cells at 37°C was lowered by increasing the cholesterol concentration of the cell membrane. Cholesterol increased the permeability to valinomycin at 20°C of small (less than 50 nm), unilamellar egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles formed by sonication. Cholesterol decreased the permeability to valinomycin at 20°C of large (up to 200 nm) unilamellar egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles formed by freezethaw plus brief sonication. It is concluded that cholesterol increases the permeability of small membrane vesicles to hydrophobic penetrating substances while above the transition temperature but has the opposite effect on large membrane vesicles and on the membranes of even larger cells.  相似文献   

The effect of sphingomyelin (SM), one of the main lipids in the external monolayer of erythrocyte plasma membrane, on the ability of the hemolytic peptide melittin to permeabilize liposomes was investigated. The peptide induced contents efflux in large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC)/SM (1:1 mole ratio), at lower (>1:10,000) peptide-to-lipid mole ratios than in pure POPC (>1:1000) or POPC/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylglycerol (POPG) (1:1 mole ratio) (>1:300) vesicles. Analysis of the leakage data according to a kinetic model of pore formation showed a good fit for hexameric-octameric pores in SM-containing vesicles, whereas mediocre fits and lower surface aggregation constants were obtained in POPC and POPC/POPG vesicles. Disturbance of lateral separation into solid (so) and liquid-disordered (ld) phases in POPC/SM mixtures increased the peptide-dose requirements for leakage. Inclusion of cholesterol (Chol) in POPC/SM mixtures under conditions inducing lateral separation of lipids into liquid-ordered (lo) and ld phases did not alter the number of melittin peptides required to permeabilize a single vesicle, but increased surface aggregation reversibility. Partitioning into liposomes or insertion into lipid monolayers was not affected by the presence of SM, suggesting that: (i) melittin accumulated at comparable doses in membranes with different SM content, and (ii) differences in leakage were due to promotion of melittin transmembrane pores under coexistence of so-ld and lo-ld phases. Our results support the notion that SM may regulate the stability of size-defined melittin pores in natural membranes.  相似文献   

Kim S  Kim Y  Lee Y  Cho KH  Kim KH  Chung JH 《FEBS letters》2007,581(20):3869-3874
Cholesterol is a major component of skin lipids and acts as a regulator of vesicular trafficking and signal transduction. However, the function of cholesterol on matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) expression of human skin is not fully understood. Here, we investigated the effects of cholesterol on MMP-9 expression in normal human keratinocytes (NHK) and HaCaT cells. Basal level of MMP-9 expression was decreased by cholesterol in NHK. On the other hand, MMP-9 expression was increased by the cholesterol depletion agent, methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD), while it was inhibited by cholesterol repletion in HaCaT cells. MbetaCD induced ERK and JNK phosphorylation were prevented by cholesterol repletion. The inhibition of ERK and JNK decreased MbetaCD-induced MMP-9 expression. Therefore, our results suggest that cholesterol regulates MMP-9 expression through ERK and JNK-dependent pathways.  相似文献   

The influence of cholesterol on simple and facilitated transport processes across the membrane of intact human erythrocytes was studied after graded depletion or enrichment of membrane cholesterol by incubation of the cells in phospholipid or phospholipid/cholesterol suspensions.
1. 1. The carrier-mediated transfer of L-lactate and of L-arabinose proved to be enhanced by cholesterol. In the case of L-lactate, a decrease in Km seems to be involved in this effect. In contrast, the self-exchange of SO42−, mediated by the inorganic anion-exchange system, and the simple diffusion of erythritol via the lipid phase of the membrane are inhibited by cholesterol.
2. 2. Reversibility of these two opposite effects of cholesterol was demonstrated by measurements on cells depleted again after cholesterol enrichment and enriched again after previous depletion.
3. 3. Certain phospholipids used for preparing the lipid dispersions that are required for cholesterol variation have effects on permeability of their own, due, for example, to traces of contaminants. A discrimination of such artifacts from the effects of cholesterol is only possible by demonstrating reversibility.
4. 4. The opposite effects of cholesterol on various facilitated transfer processes, which have a correlation in the opposite effects of other modifications of the membrane lipid phase (Deuticke, B., Grunze, M. and Haest, C.W.M. (1979) Alfred Benzon Symposium 14, Munksgaard, Copenhagen, in the press), are indicative of different types of lipid-protein interaction in the erythrocyte membrane.
Keywords: Cholesterol; Permeability; Anion transport; Monosaccharide; Monocarboxylate (Erythrocyte membrane)  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of trauma on erythrocyte caused by long term in vitro pumping using roller pump. Ten bags of human blood (400 ml each) were provided by a local blood bank and they were divided into two groups with five bags in each group. Each blood bag was subject to pumping in a closed circuit, which was composed of silica gel tubes and a roller pump. Polystan and COBE pumps were used for the two groups, respectively. The blood was pumped for 16 h in vitro. Free hemoglobin (FHb), platelets (PLT), erythrocyte fragility (EF), and morphological analysis of erythrocytes observed under scanning electron microscope were measured to evaluate the impact of trauma on erythrocytes. A small amount of blood was collected for analysis before pumping, at the end of the 4th hour and then every 2 h till the end of the 16th hour. Some blood samples were also collected for electron microscope scanning before pumping and every 4 h during pumping. It was found that FHb and PLT linearly increased with the pumping time. There was a significant correlation between the two parameters (r=0.7745, p<0.001). The hemolysis indexes of the two groups were 0.296 and 0.3993 mg/L/h, respectively, with no significant difference. During the pumping process, EF changed slightly. The observation of scanning electron microscopy showed various deformed erythrocytes after pumping, including the distortion of cell membrane and the appearance of echinocytes, which increased with pumping time. This study demonstrated that long term pumping using roller pump not only caused the immediate rupture of red blood cells, i.e. the immediate hemolysis, but also caused sub-trauma to a large number of erythrocytes, which led to the delayed hemolysis. The change of erythrocyte morphology was the basis of the delayed hemolysis.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes have been encapsulated in a polyacrylate membrane by a simple precipitation process. The encapsulated cells appeared to remain functional after encapsulation: the consumption of glucose and the ability to reversibly bind oxygen was unimpaired. Furthermore, storage at 4°C for almost 6 months had no effect on the P50 and n50 values. This is the first time to our knowledge that live mammalian cells have been encapsulated in a polymer other than alginate.  相似文献   

Iturin A, bacillomycin L and bacillomycin L dimethyl ester have a strong lytic activity upon human erythrocytes while iturin C is totally inactive. The hemolytic action of the antibiotics is inhibited by free cholesterol as well as by cholesterol included in mixed liposomes of phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol and to a lesser extent by phosphatidylcholine liposomes. This inhibition is the result of an interaction between the antibiotic and added lipids which diminishes the concentration of free antibiotic available to lyse erythrocytes. The inhibitory effect of liposomes on hemolysis demonstrates the affinity of the antibiotic for artificial membranes, especially those containing cholesterol.  相似文献   

The effect of cholesterol depletion of the human erythrocyte membrane on the lateral diffusion rate of a fluorescent lipid probe is reported. At low temperatures (?5 to 5°C), the diffusion of the probe is 50% slower in the cholesterol-depleted membrane than in non-depleted membrane. At high temperatures (30 to 40° C), probe mobility is not affected by cholesterol depletion. These results suggest that cholesterol suppresses aspects of phospholipid phase changes in animal cells in a manner consistent with its behavior in artificial bilayers and multilayers.Whole erythrocytes were depleted of 30–50% of their cholesterol by incubation with a sonicated dispersion of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine. Cells were then labeled with 3,3′-dioctadecylindocarbocyanine (diI), a phospholipid-like fluorescent dye, and hemolyzed into spherical ghosts. The rate of lateral motion of diI was measured by observing the fluorescence recovery after local photobleaching with a focused laser spot.The diffusion rate of the lipid probe in both control and cholesterol-depleted erythrocyte membrane is substantially smaller than in any cell or model membrane previously measured.  相似文献   

In pigeon erythrocyte membrane, the β-adrenergic receptor and the enzyme adenylate cyclase can be uncoupled in two different ways depending on the type of drug used.Cationic drugs: chlorpromazine, methochlorpromazine, tetracaine, n-octylamine and a neutral alcohol, octanol, abolished alprenolol receptor binding ability and in the same range of concentration of the drug, sensitized adenylate cyclase to fluoride or Gpp(NH)p stimulation. Anionic drugs: di- and trinitrophenols, indomethacin and octanoic acid did not affect the total number of β-adrenergic receptor sites and, with the exception of trinitrophenol, did not change the association constant for alprenolol but they abolished the stimulation of adenylate cyclase by isoproterenol, fluoride or Gpp(NH)p. These modifications of the adenylate cyclase system occurred in a range of drug concentration where cell shape and protection against hemolysis were also affected.As chemical composition varies widely from one drug to another, it is suggested that these effects are largely nonspecific and mediated by the lipid bilayer. They are probably related to a preferential sidedness of action of the drugs in the lipid bilayer, displaying the role of an asymmetric control of the adenylate cyclase system in the membrane by the two halves of this bilayer.  相似文献   

Of group 12 metals, zinc is an essential element to maintain our life, but other metals such as cadmium and mercury are toxic in cellular activities. Interactions of these metals with biomembranes are important to understand their effects on our living cells. Here, we describe the membrane perturbations induced by these metals in human erythrocytes. Of these metals, Zn2+ ions only induced the erythrocyte agglutination. Histidine residues in extracellular domains of band 3 participated in Zn2+-induced agglutination. Interestingly, it was found that band 3-cytoskeleton interactions play an important role in Zn2+-induced agglutination. In contrast with Hg2+ and Cd2+ ions, Zn2+ ions greatly suppressed pressure-induced hemolysis by cell agglutination. Such a suppression was removed upon dissociation of agglutinated erythrocytes by washing, indicating the reversible interactions of Zn2+ ions with erythrocyte membranes. Excimer fluorescence of pyrene indicated that spectrin is denatured by a pressure of 200 MPa irrespective of hemolysis suppression. Taken together, these results suggest that the agglutination of erythrocytes due to the interactions of Zn2+ ions with band 3 is stable under pressure, but spectrin, cytoskeletal protein, is denatured by pressure  相似文献   

The fluorescence lifetime and rotational correlation time of the tryptophan residue in melittin, as both a monomer and tetramer, have been measured between pH 6 and 11. The fluorescence decays are non-exponential and give lifetimes of 0.7±0.1 ns and 3.1±0.1 ns. This emission is consistent with a model in which the tryptophan residue is in slightly different environments in the protein. In a dilute solution of monomer the mean fluorescence lifetime is 2.3±0.1 ns, below pH 10, but falls to 1.7 ns at higher pH. In contrast, the melittin tetramer has a mean fluorescence lifetime of only 2.2 ns at pH 6, which falls to 1.9 ns by pH 8, and falls again above pH 10 to the same value as in monomeric melittin. The behaviour between pH 6 and 8 is explained as the quenching of the Trp residue by lysine groups, which are near to the Trp in the tetramer but in the monomer, are too distant to quench. Fluorescence anisotropy decays show that the Trp residue has considerable freedom of motion and the range of wobbling motion is 35±10° in the tetramer  相似文献   

Lipid rafts are often considered as microdomains enriched in sphingomyelin and cholesterol, predominantly residing in the plasma membrane but which originate in earlier compartments of the cellular secretory pathway. Within this pathway, the membranes of the Golgi complex represent a transition stage between the cholesterol-poor membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the cholesterol-rich plasma membrane. The rafts are related to detergent-resistant membranes, which because of their ordered structure are poorly penetrated by cold non-ionic detergents and float in density gradient centrifugation. In this study the microdomain niche of the Golgi-resident SPCA Ca2+/Mn2+ pumps was investigated in HT29 cells by Triton X-100 detergent extraction and density-gradient centrifugation. Similarly to cholesterol and the raft-resident flotillin-2, SPCA1 was found mainly in detergent-resistant fractions, while SERCA3 was detergent-soluble. Furthermore, cholesterol depletion of cells resulted in redistribution of flotillin-2 and SPCA1 to the detergent-soluble fractions of the density gradient. Additionally, the time course of solubilization by Triton X-100 was investigated in live COS-1 and HT29 cells expressing fluorescent SERCA2b, SPCA1d or SPCA2. In both cell types, the ER-resident SERCA2b protein was gradually solubilized, while SPCA1d resisted to detergent solubilization. SPCA2 was more sensitive to detergent extraction than SPCA1d. To investigate the functional impact of cholesterol on SPCA1, ATPase activity was monitored. Depletion of cholesterol inhibited the activity of SPCA1d, while SERCA2b function was not altered. From these results we conclude that SPCA1 is associated with cholesterol-rich domains of HT29 cells and that the cholesterol-rich environment is essential for the functioning of the pump.  相似文献   

We monitored the behavior of plasma membrane (PM) isolated from tobacco cells (BY-2) under hydrostatic pressures up to 3.5 kbar at 30 °C, by steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy using the newly introduced environment-sensitive probe F2N12S and also Laurdan and di-4-ANEPPDHQ. The consequences of sterol depletion by methyl-β-cyclodextrin were also studied. We found that application of hydrostatic pressure led to a marked decrease of hydration as probed by F2N12S and to an increase of the generalized polarization excitation (GPex) of Laurdan. We observed that the hydration effect of sterol depletion was maximal between 1 and 1.5 kbar but was much less important at higher pressures (above 2 kbar) where both parameters reached a plateau value. The presence of a highly dehydrated gel state, insensitive to the sterol content, was thus proposed above 2.5 kbar. However, the F2N12S polarity parameter and the di-4-ANEPPDHQ intensity ratio showed strong effect on sterol depletion, even at very high pressures (2.5-3.5 kbar), and supported the ability of sterols to modify the electrostatic properties of membrane, notably its dipole potential, in a highly dehydrated gel phase. We thus suggested that BY-2 PM undergoes a complex phase behavior in response to the hydrostatic pressure and we also emphasized the role of phytosterols to regulate the effects of high hydrostatic pressure on plant PM.  相似文献   

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