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Little is known about coding of taste mixtures in complex dynamic stimulus environments. A protocol developed for odor stimuli was used to test whether rapid selective adaptation extracted sugar and salt component tastes from mixtures as it did component odors. Seventeen human subjects identified taste components of "salt + sugar" mixtures. In 4 sessions, 16 adapt-test stimulus pairs were presented as atomized, 150-μL "taste puffs" to the tongue tip to simulate odor sniffs. Stimuli were NaCl, sucrose, "NaCl + sucrose," and water. The sugar was 98% identified but the suppressed salt 65% identified in unadapted mixtures of 2 concentrations of NaCl, 0.1 or 0.05 M, and sucrose at 3 times those concentrations, 0.3 or 0.15 M. Rapid selective adaptation decreased identification of sugar and salt preadapted ambient components to 35%, well below the 74% self-adapted level, despite variation in stimulus concentration and adapting time (<5 or >10 s). The 96% identification of sugar and salt extra mixture components was as certain as identification of single compounds. The results revealed that salt-sugar mixture suppression, dependent on relative mixture-component concentration, was mutual. Furthermore, like odors, stronger and recent tastes are emphasized in dynamic experimental conditions replicating natural situations.  相似文献   

Our olfactory system is confronted with complex mixtures of odorants, often recognized as single entities due to odor blending (e.g., coffee). In contrast, we are also able to discriminate odors from complex mixtures (e.g., off-odors). Therefore, the olfactory system is able to engage either configural or elemental processes when confronted with mixtures. However, the rules that govern the involvement of these processes during odor perception remain poorly understood. In our first experiment, we examined whether simple odorant mixtures (binary/ternary) could elicit configural perception. Twenty untrained subjects were asked to evaluate the odor typicality of mixtures and their constituents. The results revealed a significant increase in odor typicality in some but not all mixtures as compared with the single components, which suggest that perceptual odor blending can occur only in specific mixtures (configural processing). In our second experiment, we tested the hypothesis that general olfactory expertise can improve elemental perception of mixtures. Thirty-two trained subjects evaluated the odor typicality of the stimuli presented during the first experiment, and their responses were compared with those obtained from the untrained panelists. The results support the idea that general training with odors increases the elemental perception of binary and ternary blending mixtures.  相似文献   

Psychophysical studies of interactions between retronasal olfaction and taste have focused most often on the enhancement of tastes by odors, which has been attributed primarily to a response bias (i.e., halo dumping). Based upon preliminary evidence that retronasal odors could also be enhanced by taste, the present study measured both forms of enhancement using appropriate response categories. In the first experiment, subjects rated taste ("sweet," "sour," "salty," and "bitter") and odor ("other") intensity for aqueous samples of 3 tastants (sucrose, NaCl, and citric acid) and 3 odorants (vanillin, citral, and furaneol), both alone and in taste-odor mixtures. The results showed that sucrose, but not the other taste stimuli, significantly increased the perceived intensity of all 3 odors. Enhancement of tastes by odors was inconsistent and generally weaker than enhancement of odors by sucrose. A second experiment used a flavored beverage and a custard dessert to test whether the findings from the first experiment would hold for the perception of actual foods. Adding sucrose significantly enhanced the intensity of "cherry" and "vanilla" flavors, whereas adding vanillin did not significantly enhance the intensity of sweetness. It is proposed that enhancement of retronasal odors by a sweet stimulus results from an adaptive sensory mechanism that serves to increase the salience of the flavor of nutritive foods.  相似文献   

Psychological studies have assessed the intensity of simple sensory mixtures, both in taste and olfaction. In taste mixtures, suppression or partial masking among the components is often observed. An analogous result is often found in odor mixtures, counteraction of one component in the presence of a second odor. These effects, particularly taste suppression, are also observed in food systems. Interactions between sensory modalities are far more complex, ranging from inhibition of taste and odor sensations by trigeminal irritation, to relative independence of tastes from odor stimulation and independence of odors from tastes.  相似文献   

Through repeated pairings with a tastant such as sucrose, odors are able to take on the tastant's qualities, e.g. by becoming more sweet smelling. When such odors are subsequently experienced with a sweet tastant in solution, the mixture is often given a higher sweetness rating than the tastant alone. Odor-induced taste enhancement appears to be sensitive to whether an odor-taste combination is viewed analytically as a set of discrete qualities, or synthetically as a flavor. The present research attempted to determine if adoption of these different perceptual approaches during co-exposure with sucrose would influence the extent to which an odor would become sweet smelling and subsequently enhance sweetness intensity. In Experiment 1, subjects received multiple exposures to mixtures of sucrose with low sweetness, low familiarity odors or, as a control, the odors and sucrose solutions separately. Two groups that received mixtures made intensity ratings that promoted either synthesis or analysis of the individual elements in the mixtures. The odors became sweeter smelling irrespective of group. Only adopting a synthetic strategy produced odors that enhanced sweetness in solution. However, these effects were also shown with a 'non-exposed' control odor. This could be accounted for if the single co-exposure with sucrose that all odors received in the pre-test was able to produce sweeter odors. A second experiment confirmed this prediction. Thus, while even a single co-exposure with sucrose is sufficient to produce a sweeter odor, the adoption of a synthetic perceptual strategy during the co-exposure is necessary to produce an odor that will enhance sweetness. These data are consistent with associative leaning accounts of how odors take on taste qualities and also support the interpretation that these effects reflect the central integration of odors and tastes into flavors.  相似文献   

A series of experiments examined possible strategies human subjectsmight use in tasks requiring rapid detection or recognitionof a taste quality. In a reaction time (RT) paradigm, subjectswere to decide whether each of a series of stimuli flowed overthe tongue contained a previously designated target taste. Severaltasks of varying difficulty were used. The simplest task requiredsubjects to decide whether the target taste or water was presented.The most difficult task required discrimination between twodifferent target tastes in a series of mixtures formed by orthogonallycombining the target taste with two different irrelevant tastes.The speed at which subjects could detect and/or recognize targettastes was related to the RT for the particular taste. However,it was also clear that other variables, including the specificstimuli in the mixtures and the cognitive demands placed onthe subjects, influenced performance. These results suggestthat differences in taste onset time, as indexed by RT, canserve as a cue which subjects use to aid identification of singletastes in a mixture. It is concluded that the ease with whichsubjects can identify single tastes in a mixture is relatedto, among other variables, the differences in taste onset timebetween the tastes.  相似文献   

Odor discrimination times and their dependence on stimulus similarity were evaluated to test temporal and spatial models of odor representation in mice. In a go/no-go operant conditioning paradigm, discrimination accuracy and time were determined for simple monomolecular odors and binary mixtures of odors. Mice discriminated simple odors with an accuracy exceeding 95%. Binary mixtures evoking highly overlapping spatiotemporal patterns of activity in the olfactory bulb were discriminated equally well. However, while discriminating simple odors in less than 200 ms, mice required 70-100 ms more time to discriminate highly similar binary mixtures. We conclude that odor discrimination in mice is fast and stimulus dependent. Thus, the underlying neuronal mechanisms act on a fast timescale, requiring only a brief epoch of odor-specific spatiotemporal representations to achieve rapid discrimination of dissimilar odors. The fine discrimination of highly similar stimuli, however, requires temporal integration of activity, suggesting a tradeoff between accuracy and speed.  相似文献   

The brain's link between perception and action involves several steps, which include stimulus transduction, neuronal coding of the stimulus, comparison to a memory template and choice of an appropriate behavioral response. All of these need time, and many studies report that the time needed to compare two stimuli correlates inversely with the perceived distance between them. We developed a behavioral assay in which we tested the time that a honeybee needs to discriminate between odors consisting of mixtures of two components, and included both very similar and very different stimuli spanning four log-concentration ranges. Bees learned to discriminate all odors, including very similar odors and the same odor at different concentrations. Even though discriminating two very similar odors appears to be a more difficult task than discriminating two very distinct substances, we found that the time needed to make a choice for or against an odor was independent of odor similarity. Our data suggest that, irrespective of the nature of the olfactory code, the bee olfactory system evaluates odor quality after a constant interval. This may ensure that odors are only assessed after the olfactory network has optimized its representation.  相似文献   

Binary mixtures of taste stimuli were applied to the tongue of the hamster and the reaction of the whole corda tympani was recorded. Some of the chemicals that were paired in mixtures (HCl, NH4Cl, NaCl, CaCl2, sucrose, and D-phenylalanine) have similar tastes to human and/or hamster, and/or common stimulatory effects on individual fibers of the hamster chorda tympani; other pairs of these chemicals have dissimilar tastes and/or distinct neural stimulatory effects. The molarity of each chemical with approximately the same effect on the activity of the nerve as 0.01 M NaCl was selected, and an established relation between stimulus concentration and response allowed estimation of the effect of a "mixture" of two concentrations of one chemical. Each mixture elicited a response that was smaller than the sum of the responses to its components. However, responses to some mixtures approached this sum, and responses to other mixtures closely approached the response to a "mixture" of two concentrations of one chemical. Responses of the former variety were generated by mixtures of an electrolyte and a nonelectrolyte and the latter by mixtures of two electrolytes or two nonelectrolytes. But, beyond the distinction between electrolytes and nonelectrolytes, the whole-nerve response to a mixture could not be predicted from the known neural or psychophysical effects of its components.  相似文献   

Khan AG  Thattai M  Bhalla US 《Neuron》2008,57(4):571-585
Many species of mammals are very good at categorizing odors. One model for how this is achieved involves the formation of "attractor" states in the olfactory processing pathway, which converge to stable representations for the odor. We analyzed the responses of rat olfactory bulb mitral/tufted (M/T) cells using stimuli "morphing" from one odor to another through intermediate mixtures. We then developed a phenomenological model for the representation of odors and mixtures by M/T cells and show that >80% of odorant responses to different concentrations and mixtures can be expressed in terms of smoothly summing responses to air and the two pure odorants. Furthermore, the model successfully predicts M/T cell responses to odor mixtures when respiration dependence is eliminated. Thus, odor mixtures are represented in the bulb through summation of components, rather than distinct attractor states. We suggest that our olfactory coding model captures many aspects of single and mixed odor representation in M/T cells.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-two subjects, divided into eight groups, were exposed to a room with a low concentration of either orange or lavender and to an odorless room. In a careful double-blind procedure, neither the subjects nor the experimenters were made aware of the presence of the odors in the experimental conditions. Later they were asked to indicate how well each of 12 odor stimuli, including the experimental and control odors, befitted each of 12 visual contexts, including the exposure rooms. At the end of this session they rated the pleasantness and the familiarity of the odors, and identified them by name. Finally they were debriefed and asked specifically whether they had perceived the experimental odors anywhere in the building. The results of four subjects who answered positively to the latter question were omitted. The results confirm the earlier finding that non-identifiers implicitly link odor and exposure room, whereas identifiers do not show such a link. It is suggested that episodic information is an essential constituent of olfactory memory and that its function is comparable to that of form and structure in visual and auditory memory systems.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence suggests that astronauts' perceptions of foods in space flight may differ from their perceptions of the same foods on Earth. Fluid shifts toward the head experienced in space may alter the astronauts' sensitivity to odors and tastes, producing altered perceptions. Our objective was to determine whether head-down bed rest, which produces similar fluid shifts, would produce changes in sensitivity to taste, odor or trigeminal sensations. Six subjects were tested three times prior to bed rest, three times during bed rest and two times after bed rest to determine their threshold sensitivity to the odors isoamylbutyrate and menthone, the tastants sucrose, sodium chloride, citric acid, quinine and monosodium glutamate, and to capsaicin. Thresholds were measured using a modified staircase procedure. Self-reported congestion was also recorded at each test time. Thresholds for monosodium glutamate where slightly higher during bed rest. None of the other thresholds were altered by bed rest.  相似文献   

Attentional modulation of central odor processing   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Two studies were conducted to investigate the influence of attention on the components of the chemosensory event-related potential (CSERP). In the first study the odors linalool and eugenol were delivered to six male subjects, in the second study three male and two female subjects were presented with their own body odor (axillary hair) and the body odor of a same sex donor. In both studies the odors were presented in an oddball paradigm under ignore and attend conditions via a constant- flow olfactometer. In the ignore condition attention was diverted from the odors with a distractor task, while in the attend condition the subjects were asked to respond to the infrequently occurring odor. In both studies the allocation of attention led to a decrease in the latency of the early components (N1, P2, N2) and to an increase in the amplitude of the late positivities. The modulation of the early components suggests that attentional gating in olfaction might already be effective at an early processing level.   相似文献   

Frequent episodes of algal‐related tastes and odors (T & O) in drinking waters in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona prompted initiation of a three‐year project in July 1999 to investigate the occurrence of T & O metabolites and to develop a comprehensive management strategy to reduce the problems in drinking water supplies in arid environments. Two metabolites, 2‐methylisoborneol (MIB) and geosmin, have been identified as compounds responsible for the earthy‐musty tastes and odors in water supplies. Both were detected in the water supply system, including source rivers, reservoirs, canal delivery system and water treatment plants. Higher concentrations of MIB and geosmin occurred in distribution canals than in the upstream reservoirs indicating that significant production of the T & O compounds occurs within the canal system. A baseline‐monitoring program has been established for the complex water supply system, with special emphasis on the canal system. Efforts are underway to investigate possible correlations between physical/chemical parameters, algal composition and biomass, with the occurrence of MIB and geosmin. In addition, several physical and chemical treatments are planned for the canal system to reduce algal growth and related MIB and geosmin concentrations.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the mutual, but asymmetric, suppression of the components in binary taste mixtures is an invariant property of the human psychophysical response to such mixtures. However, taste intensities have been shown to vary as a function of individual differences in sensitivity, indexed by the perceived bitterness of 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP). To determine if these variations in taste perception influence taste mixture interactions, groups of PROP super-, medium- and non-tasters assessed four binary taste mixtures: sweet-bitter [sucrose/quinine hydrochloride (QHCl)], sweet-sour (sucrose/citric acid), salty-bitter (NaCl/QHCl) and salty-sour (NaCl/citric acid). In each experiment, subjects received factorial combinations of four levels of each of two tastants and rated individual taste intensities and overall mixture intensity. For each taste quality, super-tasters typically gave higher ratings than either medium- or non-tasters, who tended not to differ. There were also group differences in the interactions of the mixtures' components. Super-tasters rated the overall intensity of the mixtures, most likely reflecting integration of the taste components, as greater than medium- and non-tasters, who again showed few differences. In sweet-bitter mixtures, non-tasters failed to show the suppression of sweetness intensity by the highest QHCl concentration that was evident in super- and medium-tasters. These data show that the perception of both tastes and binary taste mixture interactions varies as a function of PROP taster status, but that this may only be evident when three taster groups are clearly distinguished from one another.  相似文献   

Olfactory stimuli are sufficient for detection and discrimination of sex of conspecific lizards by the male broad-headed skink, Eumeces laticeps, a member of a large group of lizards with pronounced chemosensory abilities, the Autarchoglossa. The capacity of male broad-headed skinks to detect conspecific odors was assessed by measuring tongue extrusion rates in response to odor stimuli presented on moist cotton applicators. Tongue-flick rates of postreproductive males were significantly higher for cloacal odors of postreproductive conspecifics of both sexes than to distilled water and higher to female than male odors over the initial 20- and 60-sec intervals. In a second experiment using testosterone-treated males and estrogen-injected females, testosterone-treated males emitted significantly more tongue flicks to female cloacal odors than to the other stimuli, and two males bit applicators bearing male odors. Testosterone did not affect reaction to male cloacal odors, but markedly increased tongue-flick rates in response to cloacal odors of estrogen-treated females. Postreproductive males also responded to female, but not male, skin odors at a significantly higher rate than to water. Possible sources and presumed adaptive significance of conspecific odors are discussed.  相似文献   

Gentilcore  LR; Derby  CD 《Chemical senses》1998,23(3):269-281
Our study was designed to examine how components of complex mixtures can inhibit the binding of other components to receptor sites in the olfactory system of the spiny lobster Panulirus argus. Biochemical binding assays were used to study how two- to six-component mixtures inhibit binding of the radiolabeled odorants taurine, L-glutamate and adenosine-5'-monophosphate to a tissue fraction rich in dendritic membrane of olfactory receptor neurons. Our results indicate that binding inhibition by mixtures can be large and is dependent on the nature of the odorant ligand and on the concentration and composition of the mixture. The binding inhibition by mixtures of structurally related components was generally predicted using a competitive binding model and binding inhibition data for the individual components. This was not the case for binding inhibition by most mixtures of structurally unrelated odorants. The binding inhibition for these mixtures was generally smaller than that for one or more of their components, indicating that complex binding interactions between components can reduce their ability to inhibit binding. The magnitude of binding inhibition was influenced more by the mixture's precise composition than by the number of components in it, since mixtures with few components were sometimes more inhibitory than mixtures with more components. These findings raise the possibility that complex binding interactions between components of a mixture and their receptors may shape the output of olfactory receptor neurons to complex mixtures.   相似文献   

Forty three subjects were invited under the pretence that they would take part in an experiment on hunger feelings. They came without having eaten anything that morning and received a standard breakfast containing orange juice, cream cheese on crackers and yoghurt. These products were later (when subjects returned after scoring hunger feelings during the day) used as targets amidst a set of distractors varied by adding or subtracting different amounts of two basic tastes. Orange juice was varied in sweetness and bitterness, cream cheese in sourness and bitterness and yoghurt in sweetness and sourness. The changes were made comparable by using just noticeable differences, determined in preliminary experiments with other subjects, as units of change. Two measurements of memory were compared, an absolute (indicating which were the targets) and a relative one (indicating whether the targets and distractors were more, less or equally pleasant, sweet, sour, bitter or salty as the item eaten at breakfast). Both methods showed incidental learning, but relative memory was superior. Memory differed between tastes and was partly product dependent. These experiments suggest that taste memory is tuned to detect novel and potentially dangerous stimuli rather than to remember features of earlier experienced stimuli with great precision.  相似文献   

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