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Early research leading to the successful biological control of invasive species such as Opuntia spp., and Hypericum perforatum set examples and provided data useful for research programs that would follow. However, this early work failed to become established as a source of applicable principles for later workers in weed biocontrol. Recently, retrospective and parallel studies have been suggested as a means to reengage with earlier work to derive useful ideas and data to enhance future programs in weed biocontrol. Parallel studies by workers in plant community ecology on the nature of feedback elicited by plant species in their invaded and native range have shown the importance of soil microbial communities in effecting feedback. Retrospective reexamination of previous studies would likely provide clues to other insect–plant pathogen interactions in addition to those described by the author and others. The effects of invasive species in profoundly altering soil microbial communities point to the need for further studies on key microbial species contributing to or driving the impact of biocontrol. These collective data suggest that the desired goal of selecting for and utilizing stronger biocontrol agents to reduce nontarget effects and to increase the impact of biological control programs would be best served by prerelease studies that assess the propensity of a candidate agent for direct or indirect interaction with other agents. This could be assessed through the use of survival analysis. Overall, parallel empirical and retrospective studies should be a necessary part of how biological control is practiced.  相似文献   

Increased resource availability and feedbacks with soil biota have both been invoked as potential mechanisms of plant invasion. Nitrogen (N) deposition can enhance invasion in some ecosystems, and this could be the result of increased soil N availability as well as shifts in soil biota. In a two-phase, full-factorial greenhouse experiment, we tested effects of N availability and N-impacted soil communities on growth responses of three Mediterranean plant species invasive in California: Bromus diandrus, Centaurea melitensis, and Hirschfeldia incana. In the first phase, plants were grown individually in pots and inoculated with sterile soil, soil from control field plots or soil from high N addition plots, and with or without supplemental N. In the second phase, we grew the same species in soils conditioned in the first phase. We hypothesized growth responses would differ across species due to species-specific relationships with soil biota, but overall increased N availability and N-impacted soil communities would enhance plant growth. In the first phase, Centaurea had the greatest growth response when inoculated with N-impacted soil, while Bromus and Hirschfeldia performed best in low N soil communities. However, in phase two all species exhibited positive growth responses in N-impacted soil communities under high N availability. While species may differ in responses to soil biota and N, growth responses to soils conditioned by conspecifics appear to be most positive in all species under high N availability and/or in soil communities previously impacted by simulated N deposition. Our results suggest N deposition could facilitate invasion due to direct impacts of soil N enrichment on plant growth, as well as through feedbacks with the soil microbial community.  相似文献   

我国外来入侵生物防控现状、问题和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
外来物种入侵已经威胁全球多个国家和地区,严重影响农林牧渔业生产,威胁生态系统稳定,是当前全球生物多样性丧失的主要原因之一,开展入侵物种防控已成为生物多样性保护与农业绿色发展的重点工作。我国已经成为全球遭受生物入侵威胁与损失最为严重的国家之一,截至2018年底,入侵我国的外来物种有近800种,已确认入侵农林生态系统的有638种,全国31个省(区、市)均有外来生物入侵发生并带来危害,半数以上县域都有入侵物种分布,几乎涉及所有类型的生态系统。本文对全球主要发达国家外来入侵物种发生情况及防控进行梳理发现,从国家层面立法开展外来入侵生物防控成为主流,制定长期防控战略并增加投入是入侵物种防控成功的关键。近些年,我国在外来入侵物种防控方面初步建立了工作机制,发布了重点管理外来入侵物种名录,完成了重点入侵物种的调查监测,开展了局部地区的防控措施,积极推动立法工作。根据国外生物入侵防治经验与我国实际情况,本研究提出我国外来入侵物种防控对策建议,包括加强法制建设、开展本底调查和启动重大防控工程等,为我国外来侵入生物的防控提供借鉴。  相似文献   

烟草根际可培养微生物多样性及防病促生菌的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】根际微生物在植物根部生态系统中扮演着重要角色,影响着植物的营养吸收和健康生长。【目的】了解常年不发病烟田烤烟品种K326根际可培养微生物的多样性,筛选具有防病促生功能的菌株,为烟草病害绿色防控提供资源。【方法】采用传统培养方法对烟草根际土壤中的细菌和真菌进行分离鉴定,评价菌株的促生特性及病原菌拮抗能力,并进一步验证典型菌株对盆栽烟苗的促生效果。【结果】共获得261株微生物菌株,包括160株细菌和101株真菌。经分子鉴定,细菌中以变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)为主要类群;真菌中以子囊菌门(Ascomycota)和毛霉菌门(Mucoromycota)为主要类群。在属水平上,细菌以假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)为主,真菌以曲霉属(Aspergillus)和青霉属(Penicillium)为主。从不同种水平上进一步选择44株细菌为代表菌株,发现它们均具有不同程度的吲哚-3-乙酸(Indole-3-Acetic Acid,IAA)产生能力,9株能够溶解有机磷,16株能够溶解无机磷,13株产生铁载体,14株产...  相似文献   

Contemporary anthropogenic evolution is common. Biological invasions are an especially dynamic form of novel selection. This paper considers how native species evolve in response to biological invasions and the potential consequences of such evolution. Among numerous recent cases, the most widely reported instances are of phytophagous insects shifting onto introduced host plants. For example, our studies show that in North America and Australia, soapberry bugs evolved substantially after colonizing introduced hosts. Such cases permit close estimation of evolution’s direction and rate, and we have used cross-rearing studies of derived and ancestral-type populations to measure changes in reaction norms and performance tradeoffs. Different fitness traits have followed very different paths in evolving to their current phenotypic values. Our hybridization studies show that the genetic architecture of these adaptations involves a surprising degree of non-additive variation (epistasis, dominance). The importance of non-additive genetic variation in rapid evolution will be clarified as more studies take advantage of similar situations. As appreciation grows for the deep contemporary interplay of evolution and ecology, debate about qualitative terms describing evolution’s rate will become less relevant. From a conservation standpoint, contemporary evolution in native species presents challenges for ecologically appropriate and sustainable management. Evolving natives and invaders may reconfigure contemporary and future communities. Adaptive evolution may also enhance native communities’ capacity to control invasive populations.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that invasive (IN) species could capture resources more rapidly and efficiently than noninvasive (NIN) species. Two IN alien species, Ageratina adenophora and Chromolaena odorata, and one NIN alien species, Gynura sp. were compared at five irradiances. Photon-saturated photosynthetic rate (P max), leaf mass (LMA) and nitrogen content (NA) per unit area, and photosynthetic nitrogen utilization efficiency (PNUE) increased significantly with irradiance. LMA, NA, and PNUE all contributed to the increased P max, indicating that both morphological and physiological acclimation were important for the three alien species. Under stronger irradiance, PNUE was improved through changes in N allocation. With the increase of irradiance, the amount of N converted into carboxylation and bioenergetics increased, whereas that allocated to light-harvesting components decreased. The three alien species could adequately acclimate to high irradiance by increasing the ability to utilize and dissipate photon energy and decreasing the efficiency of photon capture. The two IN species survived at 4.5 % irradiance while the NIN species Gynura died, representing their different invasiveness. Ageratina generally exhibited higher respiration rate (R D) and NA. However, distinctly higher P max, PNUE, P max/R D, or P max/LMA were not detected in the two invasive species, nor was lower LMA. Hence the abilities to capture and utilize resources were not always associated with invasiveness of the alien species.  相似文献   

The organochlorine 1,2,3,4,5,6 hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) is a broad-spectrum insecticide that was used on a large-scale worldwide. The soil–plant–microbe system and its influence on HCH biodegradation are evaluated. A greenhouse experiment was designed to evaluate HCH dissipation and several microbial parameters among rhizosphere and bulk soil of two contrasting plants, Cytisus striatus (Hill) Rothm and Holcus lanatus L. Plants were grown for 180 days in three treatments: uncontaminated soil (control), uncontaminated soil inoculated with soil (3% w/w) from a HCH-contaminated site (INOC), and uncontaminated soil inoculated with soil (3% w/w) from the HCH-contaminated site and artificially contaminated to obtain 100 mg HCH kg−1 dry soil (100HCH-INOC). At harvest, plant biomass, soil water-extractable organic C, pH and Cl concentration, rhizosphere microbial densities (total heterotrophs, ammonifiers, amylolytics) and C substrate utilization patterns, and degradation of α-, β-, δ- and γ-HCH isomers were determined in bulk and rhizosphere soils. Soil solution Cl concentration was determined every 30 days throughout the entire growth period. Results demonstrate that both Cytisus striatus and Holcus lanatus can grow in soils with up to 100 mg HCH kg−1. An enhanced degradation of α-HCH, but not β- or δ-HCH, was observed in the rhizosphere. Significant changes in the microbial densities were observed between bulk and rhizosphere soils of Cytisus, and an increase in C source utilization indicated changes in community level physiological profiles (CLPP) in the rhizosphere of this species when grown in contaminated soils. HCH dissipation was also greater in soils planted with this species. In accordance, increases in soil extractable C, Cl concentration and acidity were greater at the rhizosphere of Cytisus. Concentration of Cl in soil solutions also indicates greater HCH dechlorination in soils planted with Cytisus than Holcus. Results suggest that phytostimulation of bacteria present or added to soil is a promising approach to cleaning HCH-contaminated sites, and especially for biodegradation of α-HCH.  相似文献   

Herbivory‐induced responses in plants can both negatively affect subsequently colonizing herbivores and mitigate the effect of herbivory on the host. However, it is still less known whether plants exhibit specific responses to specialist and generalist herbivores in non‐secondary metabolite traits and how specificity to specialists and generalists differs between invasive and native plant populations. We exposed an invasive plant, Alternanthera philoxeroides, to Agasicles hygrophila (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae; specialist), Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae; generalist), manual clipping, or application of exogenous jasmonic acid and examined both the specificity of elicitation in traits of fitness (e.g., aboveground biomass), morphology (e.g., root:shoot ratio), and chemistry (e.g., C/N ratio and lignin), and specificity of effect on the subsequent performance of A. hygrophila and S. litura. Then, we assessed variation of the specificity between invasive and native populations (USA and Argentina, respectively). The results showed S. litura induced higher branching intensity and specific leaf area but lower C/N ratio than A. hygrophila, whereas A. hygrophila induced higher trichome density than S. litura. The negative effect of induction on subsequent larval growth was greater for S. litura than for A. hygrophila. Invasive populations had a weaker response to S. litura than to A. hygrophila in triterpenoid saponins and C/N ratio, while native populations responded similarly to these two herbivores. The specific effect on the two herbivores feeding on induced plants did not vary between invasive and native populations. Overall, we demonstrate specificity of elicitation to specialist and generalist herbivores in non‐secondary metabolite traits, and that the generalist is more susceptible to induction than the specialist. Furthermore, chemical responses specific to specialist and generalist herbivores only exist in the invasive populations, consistent with an evolutionary change in specificity in the invasive populations.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: While invasive species may escape from natural enemies in thenew range, the establishment of novel biotic interactions withspecies native to the invaded range can determine their success.Biological control of plant populations can be achieved by manipulationof a species' enemies in the invaded range. Interactions weretherefore investigated between a native parasitic plant andan invasive legume in Mediterranean-type woodlands of SouthAustralia. Methods: The effects of the native stem parasite, Cassytha pubescens,on the introduced host, Cytisus scoparius, and a co-occurringnative host, Leptospermum myrsinoides, were compared. The hypothesisthat the parasitic plant would have a greater impact on theintroduced host than the native host was tested. In a fieldstudy, photosynthesis, growth and survival of hosts and parasitewere examined. Key Results: As predicted, Cassytha had greater impacts on the introducedhost than the native host. Dead Cytisus were associated withdense Cassytha infections but mortality of Leptospermum wasnot correlated with parasite infection. Cassytha infection reducedthe photosynthetic rates of both hosts. Infected Cytisus showedslower recovery of photosystem II efficiency, lower transpirationrates and reduced photosynthetic biomass in comparison withuninfected plants. Parasite photosynthetic rates and growthrates were higher when growing on the introduced host Cytisus,than on Leptospermum. Conclusions: Infection by a native parasitic plant had strong negative effectson the physiology and above-ground biomass allocation of anintroduced species and was correlated with increased plant mortality.The greater impact of the parasite on the introduced host maybe due to either the greater resources that this host providesor increased resistance to infection by the native host. Thisdisparity of effects between introduced host and native hostindicates the potential for Cassytha to be exploited as a controltool.  相似文献   

Five strains of Trichoderma with known biocontrol activities were assessed for their effect upon pea growth and their antagonistic activity against large Pythium ultimum inocula. The effect of Trichoderma inocula upon the indigenous soil microflora and soil enzyme activities in the presence and absence of Pythium is assessed. In the absence of Pythium, Trichoderma strain N47 significantly increased the wet shoot weight by 15% but did not significantly affect the dry weight, whilst strains T4 and N47 significantly increased the root weights by 22% and 80%) respectively. Strains TH1 and N47 resulted in significantly greater root lengths. Pythium inoculation significantly reduced the root length and the number of lateral roots and nodules, and significantly increased the root and rhizosphere soil fungal populations. Pythium inoculation significantly reduced the plant wet and dry shoot weights and significantly increased the wet and the dry shoot/root ratio. All the Trichoderma strains reduced the number of lesions caused by Pythium and increased the number of lateral roots. The effect of the Pythium on emergence and shoot growth was significantly reduced by all the Trichoderma strains except strain To10. Inoculation with Trichoderma strains TH1 and T4 resulted in significantly greater wet root weights (62% and 57%, respectively) in the presence of Pythium compared to the Pythium control. Strain N47 significantly increased the shoot/root ratio compared to the Pythium control. Inoculation with Trichoderma strains T4, T12 and N47 significantly reduced Pythium populations. Pythium increased the activity of C, N and P cycle enzymes, whilst four Trichoderma strains reduced this effect, indicating reduced plant damage and C leakage. Overall, strains T4 and N47 had the greatest beneficial characteristics, as both these strains improved plant growth in the absence of Pythium and reduced plant damage in the presence of Pythium. The dual properties of these strains improve the commercial application, giving them an advantage over single action inocula, especially in the absence of plant pathogens.  相似文献   

Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and microbial biocontrol each hold promise as alternatives to pesticides for control of plant diseases. SAR and Bacillus cereus UW85, a microbial biocontrol agent, separately suppress seedling damping-off diseases caused by oomycete pathogens. The purposes of this study were to investigate how expression of SAR affected the efficacy of biocontrol by UW85 and if UW85 treatment of plants induced SAR. We devised a laboratory assay in which seedling damping-off disease, induction of SAR, and growth of UW85 could be quantified. Seedlings of Nicotiana tabacum Xanthi nc were germinated on moist filter paper and transferred after 7 days to water agar plates (40 seedlings per plate). Zoospores of oomycete pathogens (Pythium torulosum, Pythium aphanidermatum, or Phytophthora parasitica) were applied at concentrations that caused 80% seedling mortality within 10 days. Seedling mortality was dependent on zoospore inoculum concentration. The level of disease suppression caused by treatment with UW85 depended on the UW85 dose applied. SAR was induced with 0.5-mM salicylic acid or 0.1-mM 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid. Expression of an SAR-related gene was confirmed by northern analysis with a probe prepared from a tobacco PR-1a cDNA. Induction of SAR suppressed disease caused by each of the oomycete pathogens, but did not alter the growth of UW85 on roots. Treatment of seedlings with UW85 did not induce the expression of PR-1a. The combination of induction of SAR and treatment with UW85 resulted in additive suppression of disease as measured by seedling survival.  相似文献   

A longstanding hypothesis (“Baker's rule”) is that plant invasiveness is facilitated by floral self compatibility rather than self incompatibility. Extending this idea, invasive species whose individuals vary in degree of self compatibility within the native range might be self compatible in invading or weedy populations, due to natural selection on the mating system. We compared mating system between native and invasive ranges for two major world invasives, one annual (Echium plantagineum) and one perennial (Solanum elaeagnifolium). For an additional annual species (Centaurea solstitialis) we compared non-weedy and weedy populations in the native range. No species was strongly spontaneously self pollinating, but the degree of self compatibility after hand pollination varied dramatically. Both annuals were self incompatible in native or non-weedy populations but self compatible in invasive or weedy ones; the reverse was true for the perennial. Individuals within populations of all three species also varied in their degree of self compatibility, suggesting a basis for natural selection, and populations of the same species sharing a status (native/non-weedy, invading/weedy) varied in average self compatibility. These results support the hypothesis that differential selection of progeny during invasion can result in self-compatible populations derived from ancestrally self-incompatible ones, but that this process may be less important in perennial species, which experience multiple opportunities for sexual reproduction. Overall, however, mating system may not operate alone and its contributions to invasiveness may be conditional on other attributes of a species including physiology, morphology, and life history.  相似文献   

Six isolates of Trichoderma were screened for antagonism to Armillaria in tea stem sections buried in the soil. The inability of Armillaria to invade Trichoderma-colonized stem sections and the reduction of its viability in the plant materials following invasion of these by Trichoderma were used as indicators of antagonism. Four isolates of the species Trichoderma harzianum significantly (P<0.001) reduced the incidence of the pathogen in the plant materials. Isolate T4 completely eliminated the pathogen from plant materials in sterile soil and also antagonized two different isolates of the pathogen in nonsterile soil. Application of this T. harzianum isolate to the soil as a wheat bran culture significantly (P<0.001) reduced viability of Armillaria in woody blocks of inoculum. Soil amendment with coffee pulp also reduced the inoculum viability but did not affect the incidence of Trichoderma in the blocks of inoculum. We conclude that the direct application of wheat bran-formulated T. harzianum into soil surrounding woody Armillaria inoculum sources can suppress the pathogen. Further, no organic amendment is needed to enhance development of the antagonist in the soil as a pre-requisite to suppressing the pathogen.  相似文献   

Adams  C. S.  Boar  R. R.  Hubble  D. S.  Gikungu  M.  Harper  D. M.  Hickley  P.  Tarras-Wahlberg  N. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,488(1-3):115-122
The floating water fern Salvinia molesta has occurred in Lake Naivasha since the early 1960s and during this period has obstructed fishing activities and navigation. In recent years the extent of Salvinia has declined markedly. Since 1988, a second floating weed, Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth), has colonised the lake. Salvinia formed large mats around the edges, bays and lagoons and had very few plant or invertebrate species associated with it. Mats of E. crassipes, however, support a greater abundance and variety of animal and plant species, which shows a relationship with mat size. This seems to have facilitated plant succession but without a zonation typical of the classic hydroseral sequence for the lake.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Worldwide, invasive plants threaten biodiversity, by disrupting habitats and ecosystem processes, and cause major economic losses. Invasiveness in plants is frequently associated with prolific production of seeds that accumulate in the soil. Knowledge of the extent and persistence of invasive seed banks helps explain invasion processes and enables management planning. A study of Acacia longifolia, an invasive species in Portuguese dune ecosystems, provides an informative example. ? Methods: Seed rain and dispersal (seed traps), the persistence of seeds in the soil (burial), and the extent of seed banks were measured and analyzed. ? Key results: Seed rain is concentrated under the canopy with about 12000 seeds · m(-2) falling annually. The number of seeds in the soil declined with time, with only 30% surviving after 75 mo. Losses were lowest at greater depths. Seed germinability was low (<12%), but viability was high (>85%) for surviving seeds. The seed bank under the canopy was approximately 1500 and 500 seeds · m(-2) in long- and recently invaded stands, respectively. Some seeds were found up to 7 m from the edge of stands, indicating that outside agencies facilitate dispersal. ? Conclusions: Acacia longifolia produces large numbers of seeds, some of which are lost through germination, decay, and granivory. The remainder form vast and persistent seed banks that serve as a source of replenishment and make it difficult to control the invader once it is established. Control costs escalate as the duration of an invasion increases, highlighting the urgency of initiating and persevering with control efforts.  相似文献   

青藏高原及周边高山地区孕育了极为丰富的植物多样性资源, 研究该地区植物如何顺利完成繁殖过程有助于我们理解植物对典型高山环境的进化和适应机制。该文综述了青藏高原地区高山植物在资源分配、繁殖方式、花部特征演化等方面的研究进展, 包括全球气候变化对植物繁殖特征的影响, 以及一些新技术和新方法在本研究领域的应用。在高山地区限制性环境中, 随海拔升高, 繁殖分配通常表现出增大的趋势, 其中投入到雄性资源的比例上升, 但具体的资源分配模式还要取决于植株的交配系统、个体大小、生活史特征、遗传特性以及环境中的资源有效性等。面对资源和传粉的双重限制, 植物在不同繁殖方式之间存在权衡, 当传粉者稀少时, 克隆繁殖和自交有利于繁殖保障; 而有性繁殖和异交能够提高种子的质量和后代的遗传多样性, 从而在复杂多变的气候条件下有利于种群的维持。因此, 不同繁殖方式的结合以及泛化的传粉互作网络可能是应对高山限制性环境的最优选择。花部特征的演化主要受到当地传粉者的选择压力, 但是外来传粉者、植食者、盗蜜者以及非生物环境(如温度、雨水和紫外辐射等)对花部性状的影响越来越受到重视。近年来, 青藏高原因其脆弱性和对气候变化的高度敏感性而在全球气候变化研究中备受关注, 以全球变暖和氮沉降增加为显著特征的全球气候变化正在直接或间接地影响着该地区高山植物的繁殖特征。气候变化影响植物和传粉者的物候并引起物种的迁移, 最终将导致植物与传粉者的时空不匹配。植物通过改变花部特征(花展示、花冠结构、花报酬的数量和质量)来响应气候变化, 这可能会改变其传粉者的类型、数量和访花行为, 从而最终影响植物的繁殖成功。3D打印和高通量测序等新技术和新方法的应用有助于促进植物繁殖生态学研究的进一步发展。3D打印的花能够精确控制其形态构造, 可以用于研究精细的花部特征变化对于传粉者行为的影响, 在此基础上与人工饲养的传粉者结合使用, 有助于进一步研究传粉者介导的花部特征演化。随着高通量测序技术的发展, 植物繁殖生态学领域, 尤其是花部特征演化的许多重要问题的潜在机制得以深入研究。该文最后提出了目前研究中需要注意的问题以及值得深入研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

Invasion and expansion of non-native and native plants have altered vegetation structure in many terrestrial ecosystems. Small mammals influence multiple ecosystem processes through their roles as ecosystem engineers, predators, and prey, and changes to vegetation structure can affect habitat use, community composition, and predator-prey interactions for this assemblage of wildlife. In the sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) shrublands of the western United States, invasion by non-native grasses and expansion of native conifer trees beyond their historical range has altered vegetation structure. These changes may potentially affect distributions and interactions of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), which are generalist omnivores, and Columbia Plateau pocket mice (Perognathus parvus), more specialized granivores. To assess the extent to which altered habitat affects small-mammal density, survival, and home-range size, we examined these aspects of small-mammal ecology along a gradient of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) invasion and western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) establishment in sagebrush shrublands in southwestern Idaho, USA. From 2017–2019, we used a spatially explicit mark-recapture design to examine attributes of small-mammal ecology along an invasion gradient. We did not find support for an effect of cheatgrass cover on density or survival of either species. Home-range size of deer mice was 2.3 times smaller in heavier cheatgrass cover (60%) compared to areas with little or no cheatgrass cover. Density of deer mice was highest (5 individuals/ha) in areas with 10% juniper cover and decreased with increasing juniper cover, whereas density of pocket mice was positively influenced by shrub cover. Survival of deer mice declined as juniper stem density increased. Conversely, survival of pocket mice increased with increasing juniper stem density. We found evidence for interspecific interactions between these 2 species, in the form of a density-dependent effect of deer mice on pocket mouse home-range size. Home-range size for pocket mice was 2 times smaller in areas with the highest estimated density of deer mice compared to areas with low densities of deer mice. Our data provides unique information about how small mammals in the sagebrush steppe are affected by expanding and invasive plant species and potential ways that habitat restoration efforts, in the form of conifer removal, may influence small mammals. Understanding the response of small mammals to conifer expansion or removal may shed light on the demographic and numerical responses of other wildlife associated with the sagebrush biome, including predators.  相似文献   

入侵植物马缨丹(Lantana camara)及其伴生种的光合特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱慧  马瑞君 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2701-2709
马缨丹(Lantana camara L.)是粤东地区的入侵植物之一.采用LI-6400光合作用仪对马缨丹及其常见主要伴生种鬼针草(Bidens pilosa L.)、肖梵天花(Urena lobata L.)、土牛膝(Achyranthes aspera L.)在不同有效光合辐射(PAR)和不同CO2浓度下的光合生理指标进行测定,结果表明:(1)马缨丹的光饱和点(LSP)与光补偿点(LCP)分别为1225、13.58 μmol·m-2·s-1,均低于伴生种,且和伴生种差异达到显著水平,光饱和点时的最大净光合速率(Pmax)为13.89μmol·m-2·s-1,表观量子效率(AQY)为0 0503 μmol·m-2·s-1,与土牛膝相当,而显著高于肖梵天花;(2) 马缨丹的CO2饱和点(CSP)与CO2补偿点(CCP)分别为1350、61.78 μmol·mol -1,CO2饱和点时马缨丹的最大净光合速率(Pmax)为20.08 μmol·mol-1,显著高于土牛膝,马缨丹的表观羧化效率(CE)与鬼针草相当,为0.0424 μmol·mol -1;(3)有效光合辐射与CO2浓度的增加,对马缨丹气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)影响不明显,但大大提高了其水分利用率(WUE),提示马缨丹对于环境中光强和CO2的变化具有良好的适应能力.这些信息对马缨丹生理生态学特性的认识是一个补充,并能为马缨丹入侵机制的研究提供一些有价值的参考.  相似文献   

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