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The topic of ecological, practical, and political considerations in the selection of weed targets for biological control has been widely discussed during the past two decades, mostly from the perspective of insect herbivores. For conceptual and practical purposes, plant pathogens have been treated in these discussions as if they are a subset of inoculative biocontrol agents, with little said about the inherent differences between pathogens and insects as biocontrol agents or the selection of weed targets for control by the inundative, bioherbicide strategy. Herein, I attempt to address the question of what makes a good biological control target for plant pathogens used as inoculative as well as inundative agents, basing my analysis on examples from the past three decades. Despite the small number of examples available for this analysis, the following generalizations can be made: (1) Weeds with robust capacity for vegetative regeneration are more difficult to control with pathogens than those that lack this trait. (2) A plant’s growth habit is not a reliable guide for target selection; weeds that have been successfully controlled include annual and biennial herbs, perennial shrubs, perennial vines, and trees, while numerous failures have been reported irrespective of the target’s growth habit or reproductive mode. (3) It is more challenging to control species with genetic heterogeneity and capacity for introgression than genetically homogeneous and reproductively conserved species. (4) Matching the target host’s susceptibility with the candidate pathogen’s virulence is of utmost importance for biocontrol success since host–pathogen interactions at the species and subspecies levels are often governed by single-gene differences (e.g., varietal specificity). (5) Practical and political considerations are central to the selection of targets for control with pathogens. (6) Demand from influential stakeholders for control and/or for a nonchemical or economically sustainable control typically drives the initiative as well as the continuance of biocontrol projects to their completion. (7) In the case of inundative, bioherbicide agents, the continuity and ultimate implementation of a project will be dictated by the prospects of economic returns from developing and using a pathogen. (8) The stakeholders’ perceptions of the effectiveness of a biocontrol program can be unpredictable, leading to conflicting views of “success.” In the final analysis, a good weed target for control by a pathogen is one that has strong stakeholder backing and the list of available pathogens for the target suggests a possibility of acceptable control at a cost that is competitive with those of other control options. While this conclusion is also applicable to target selection for insect biocontrol agents, it is more relevant for pathogens because of limited funding and personnel available for development of pathogens and the added cost and technological complexity of implementing bioherbicides compared to classical biocontrols.  相似文献   

We qualitatively reviewed the biocontrol literature in two major journals, Biological Control and Environmental Entomology, over the past 10 years by scoring 878 studies into 11 biocontrol-oriented questions. Quantitative meta-analyses were then used on data from 145 studies to examine the effects of different types of biocontrol agents (parasitoids, predators, and pathogens) on several attributes of weed and pest populations. Results for our qualitative review showed that most biocontrol studies were focused on lepidopteran pests, and that parasitoids were the most common biocontrol agents used. Our quantitative review showed that, for weeds, biocontrol agents significantly reduced weed biomass (−82.0%), flower (−98.9%), and seed production (−89.4%). For pests, our quantitative review showed that biocontrol agents significantly reduced pest abundance by 130% compared to control groups, increased parasitism (+139.0%) and increased overall pest mortality (+159.0%) compared to targets not exposed to biocontrol agents. Effects on pest mortality tended to be stronger for parasitoids than predators, although reductions caused in pest abundance were much stronger when predators were used as biocontrol agents. Addition of two or more biocontrol agents increased mortality by 12.97% and decreased pest abundance by 27.17% compared to single releases. Separate sets of meta-analyses demonstrated that the negative impacts of biocontrol on non-target species were much smaller than those for target species, although adverse effects of biocontrol on non-target organisms are based on small sample sizes and should be interpreted with caution. Our results also showed that biocontrol efficacy tended to be higher when agents were generalists than when they were specialists. Large fail–safe numbers found for most of the estimated effects indicate the robustness of the results found for the efficacy of biological control programs.  相似文献   

Abstract  Various factors can influence the population dynamics of phytophages post introduction, of which climate is fundamental. Here we present an approach, using a mechanistic modelling package (CLIMEX), that at least enables one to make predictions of likely dynamics based on climate alone. As biological control programs will have minimal funding for basic work (particularly on population dynamics), we show how predictions can be made using a species geographical distribution, relative abundance across its range, seasonal phenology and laboratory rearing data. Many of these data sets are more likely to be available than long-term population data, and some can be incorporated into the exploratory phase of a biocontrol program. Although models are likely to be more robust the more information is available, useful models can be developed using information on species distribution alone. The fitted model estimates a species average response to climate, and can be used to predict likely geographical distribution if introduced, where the agent is likely to be more abundant (i.e. good locations) and more importantly for interpretation of release success, the likely variation in abundance over time due to intra- and inter-year climate variability. The latter will be useful in predicting both the seasonal and long-term impacts of the potential biocontrol agent on the target weed. We believe this tool may not only aid in the agent selection process, but also in the design of release strategies, and for interpretation of post-introduction dynamics and impacts. More importantly we are making testable predictions. If biological control is to become more of a science making and testing such hypothesis will be a key component.  相似文献   

Plants respond to shading through an adaptive syndrome termed shade avoidance. In high-density crop plantings, shade avoidance generally increases extension growth at the expense of yield and can be at odds with the agronomic performance of the crop as a whole. Studies in Arabidopsis are beginning to reveal the essential role phytochromes play in regulating this process and to identify genes underlying the response. In this article, we focus on how phytochrome signaling networks have been targeted in cereal breeding programs in the past and discuss the potential to alter these pathways through breeding and transgenic manipulation to develop crops that perform better under typical high density conditions.  相似文献   

The survival and reproductive success of hermit crabs is intrinsically linked to the quality of their domicile shells. Because damaged or eroded shells can result in greater predation, evaluating shell structure may aid our understanding of population dynamics. We assessed the structural attributes of Cerithium atratum shells through assessments of (a) density using a novel approach involving computed tomography and (b) tolerance to compressive force. Our goal was to investigate factors that may influence decision making in hermit crabs, specifically those that balance the degree of protection afforded by a shell (i.e. density and strength) with the energetic costs of carrying such resources. We compared the density and relative strength (i.e. using compression tests) of shells inhabited by live gastropods, hermit crabs (Pagurus criniticornis) and those found empty in the environment. Results failed to show any relationship between density and shell size, but there was a notable effect of shell density among treatment groups (gastropod/empty/hermit crab). There was also a predictable effect of shell size on maximum compressive force, which was consistent among occupants. Our results suggest that hermit crabs integrate multiple sources of information, selecting homes that while less dense (i.e. reducing the energy costs of carrying these resources), still offer sufficient resistance to compressive forces (e.g. such as those inflicted by shell-breaking predators). Lastly, we show that shell size generally reflects shell strength, thus explaining the motivation of hermit crabs to search for and indeed fight over the larger homes.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variability in fruit production (masting) has been regarded as a key mechanism to increase plant fitness by reducing seed predation. However, considerably more effort has been devoted into understanding the consequences of temporal rather than spatial variations in fruit crop for plant fitness. In order to simultaneously evaluate both components, we quantify fruit production and pre-dispersal damage by three arthropod species (mites, chalcid wasps and moths) in the Spanish juniper (Juniperus thurifera) during 3 years in a spatially explicit context. Our aims were to assess (1) the interaction between fruit production and pre-dispersal fruit damage by arthropods, (2) the potential interference or competition between arthropods, and (3) the form of the phenotypic selection exerted by arthropods on fruit traits considering the spatial context. Arthropods damaged a substantial fraction of fruits produced by Spanish juniper with levels of damage showing sharp inter-annual variations. Fruit damage by mites was negatively related to yearly fruit crop and positively correlated at individual trees fruiting in consecutive years. Increased interspecific interference was an additional consequence of reduced fruit availability during small crop years. During a masting year, fruit damage by less mobile species such as mites was negatively affected by tree crop size, and no spatial structure was observed for mite damage. The incidence of chalcid wasps was low, so the spatial pattern of seed predation was unclear, and no preferences for fruit or seed traits were detected. Conversely, moths selected larger fruits and their incidence on trees was spatially aggregated up to 20 m, with predation levels being negatively affected by fruit abundance at the patch level, suggesting a positive density-dependent effect of neighbors on fruit output. These results highlight the importance of including the spatial component to understand complex species interactions at local scales.  相似文献   

Maintenance of functional mitochondria is essential in order to prevent degenerative processes leading to disease and aging. Mitochondrial dynamics plays a crucial role in ensuring mitochondrial quality but may also generate and spread molecular damage through a population of mitochondria. Computational simulations suggest that this dynamics is advantageous when mitochondria are not or only marginally damaged. In contrast, at a higher degree of damage, mitochondrial dynamics may be disadvantageous. Deceleration of fusion‐fission cycles could be one way to adapt to this situation and to delay a further decline in mitochondrial quality. However, this adaptive response makes the mitochondrial network more vulnerable to additional molecular damage. The “mitochondrial infectious damage adaptation” (MIDA) model explains a number of inconsistent and counterintuitive data such as the “clonal expansion” of mutant mitochondrial DNA. We propose that mitochondrial dynamics is a double‐edged sword and suggest ways to test this experimentally.  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-five years ago, in The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex,1 Charles Darwin proposed the theory of sexual selection, as distinct from natural selection, to explain why, in some species, males have such magnificent ornaments and, in other species, such impressive weapons. He suggested two processes, which we now term female choice and male-male competition: either females choose particularly ornate males or, alternatively, relatively passive females accept the winner of fights among males. By now, knowledge of species in which the females are more brightly colored or aggressive than males has led to a more general formulation of the principle of sexual selection, in which, instead of “females”, we write “the sex with the lower potential reproductive rate”, and, instead of “male”, “the sex with the higher potential reproductive rate”.2  相似文献   

The recent availability of high-resolution structures of two structurally highly homologous, but functionally distinct aquaporins from the same species, namely Escherichia coli AqpZ, a pure water channel, and GlpF, a glycerol channel, presents a unique opportunity to understand the mechanism of substrate selectivity in these channels. Comparison of the free energy profile of glycerol conduction through AqpZ and GlpF reveals a much larger barrier in AqpZ (22.8 kcal/mol) than in GlpF (7.3 kcal/mol). In either channel, the highest barrier is located at the selectivity filter. Analysis of substrate-protein interactions suggests that steric restriction of AqpZ is the main contribution to this large barrier. Another important difference is the presence of a deep energy well at the periplasmic vestibule of GlpF, which was not found in AqpZ. The latter difference can be attributed to the more pronounced structural asymmetry of GlpF, which may play a role in attracting glycerol.  相似文献   

Matthen (Philos Sci 76(4):464–487, 2009) argues that explanations of evolutionary change that appeal to natural selection are statistically abstractive explanations, explanations that ignore some possible explanatory partitions that in fact impact the outcome. This recognition highlights a difficulty with making selective analyses fully rigorous. Natural selection is not about the details of what happens to any particular organism, nor, by extension, to the details of what happens in any particular population. Since selective accounts focus on tendencies, those factors that impact the actual outcomes but do not impact the tendencies must be excluded. So, in order to properly exclude the factors irrelevant to selection, the relevant factors must be identified, and physical processes, environments, and populations individuated on the basis of being relevantly similar for the purposes of selective accounts. Natural selection, on this view, becomes in part a measure of the robustness of particular kinds of outcomes given variations over some kinds of inputs.  相似文献   

p53 and ageing: too much of a good thing?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A recent report by Tyner et al.(1) suggests that p53 is bad for longevity. Heterozygotic mice carrying a p53 mutation that apparently enhances the stability of the wild-type protein showed shorter lifespans and faster ageing while also developing fewer tumours. This fits with the idea that cellular ageing is the price paid for better protection against unlimited proliferation of cancer cells. But other work shows that there is a strong positive association between DNA repair-mediated protection against cancer and ageing. So what are we to make of the new data with regard to overall understanding of the mechanisms of ageing?  相似文献   

For almost a decade, in vitro selection experiments have been used to isolate novel nucleic acids, peptides and proteins according to their function. Selection experiments have altered our perception of molecular mimicry and catalysis, and they appear to be more facile than rational design at generating biopolymers with desired properties. New methods that have been developed improve the power of functional strategies in ways that nature has already discovered - by expanding library size and facilitating the recombination of positive mutations. Recent structural information on a number of selected and evolved molecules highlights future challenges for design via rational approaches.  相似文献   

Prediction of host plant range and ecological impact of exotic phytophagous insects, such as insects for classical biological control of weeds, represents a major challenge. Recently, the flowerhead weevil (Rhinocyllus conicus Fröl.), introduced from Europe into North America to control exotic thistles (Carduus spp.), has become invasive. It feeds heavily on some, but not all species of native North American thistles (Cirsium spp.). We hypothesized that such non-target use among native plants could be better predicted by knowledge of characteristic chemical profiles of secondary compounds to supplement the results of host specificity testing. To evaluate this hypothesis, we reviewed the literature on the chemistry of Cirsium and Carduus thistles. We asked what compounds are known to be present, what is known about their biological activity, and whether such information on chemical profiles would have better predicted realized host range and ecological effects of R. conicus in North America. We found an extensive, but incomplete literature on the chemistry of true thistles. Two main patterns emerged. First, consistent chemical similarities and interesting differences occur among species of thistles. Second, variation occurs in biologically active groups of characteristic compounds, specifically flavonoids, sterols, alkaloids and phenolic acids, that are known to influence host plant acceptance, selection, and feeding by phytophagous insects. Surprisingly, sesquiterpene lactones, which are characterisitic in closely related Asteraceae, have not been extensively reported for Cirsium or Carduus. The minimal evidence on sesquiterpene lactones may reflect extraction methods vs. true absence. In summary, our review suggests further research on thistle chemistry in insect feeding is warranted. Also, since the exotic Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) is an invasive thistle of current concern in North America, such research on mechanisms underlying host range expansion by exotic insects would be useful.  相似文献   

Halley JD  Winkler DA 《Bio Systems》2008,92(2):148-158
We argue that critical-like dynamics self-organize relatively easily in non-equilibrium systems, and that in biological systems such dynamics serve as templates upon which natural selection builds further elaborations. These critical-like states can be modified by natural selection in two fundamental ways, reflecting the selective advantage (if any) of heritable variations either among avalanche participants or among whole systems. First, reproducing (avalanching) units can differentiate, as units adopt systematic behavioural variations. Second, whole systems that are exposed to natural selection can become increasingly or decreasingly critical. We suggest that these interactions between SOC-like dynamics and natural selection have profound consequences for biological systems because they could have facilitated the evolution of division of labour, compartmentalization and computation, key features of biological systems. The logical conclusion of these ideas is that the fractal geometry of nature is anything but coincidental, and that natural selection is itself a fractal process, occurring on many temporal and spatial scales.  相似文献   

Many chemically defended aposematic species are characterized by relatively low toxin levels, which enables predators to include them in their diets under certain circumstances. Knowledge of the conditions governing the survival of such prey animals—especially in the context of the co‐occurrence of similar but undefended prey, which may result in mimicry‐like interactions—is crucial for understanding the initial evolution of aposematism. In a one‐month outdoor experiment using fish (the common carp Cyprinus carpio) as predators, we examined the survival of moderately defended aposematic tadpole prey (the European common toad Bufo bufo) with varying absolute densities in single‐species prey systems or varying relative densities in two‐species prey systems containing morphologically similar but undefended prey (the European common frog Rana temporaria). The density effects were investigated in conjunction with the hunger levels of the predator, which were manipulated by means of the addition of alternative (nontadpole) food. The survival of the B. bufo tadpoles was promoted by increasing their absolute density in the single‐species prey systems, increasing their relative density in the two‐species prey systems, and providing ample alternative food for the predator. Hungry predators eliminated all R. temporaria individuals regardless of their proportion in the prey community; in treatments with ample alternative food, high relative B. bufo density supported R. temporaria survival. The results demonstrated that moderately defended prey did benefit from high population densities (both absolute and relative), even under long‐term predation pressure. However, the physiological state of the predator was a crucial factor in the survival of moderately defended prey. While the availability of alternative prey in general should promote the spread and maintenance of aposematism, the results indicated that the resemblance between the co‐occurring defended and undefended prey may impose mortality costs on the defended model species, even in the absence of actual mimicry.  相似文献   

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