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This study was conducted to assess effects of sun-drying and/or addition of an exogenous enzyme (ENZ) preparation on intake, digestibility of nutrients and recovery values of secondary metabolites (SM) in the gastrointestinal tract of sheep fed Atriplex halimus (AH) foliages. A randomized block design for 28 d was used for four experimental treatments based on either fresh (AH-F) or sun-dried (AH-S) A. halimus foliages in the absence (?ENZ) or presence (+ENZ) of 10 g/sheep/d of the exogenous of ZADO® enzyme preparation. Three adult sheep weighing 51 ± 2.7 kg were fed for each experimental treatment. The ENZ was added daily with a small amount of concentrate to help balance the dietary metabolizable energy concentration. Nutrient intake and digestibility, N balance and recovery of SM (i.e., total phenolics (TP), saponins (SP), alkaloids (AK), aqueous fraction (AF)) in the gastrointestinal tract were determined. Levels of most nutrients did not differ between AH-F and AH-S foliages, but the AH-S contained less than half of the SM in AH-F. Drying of A. halimus and ENZ addition increased (P=0.001) intake as well as OM and NDFom digestibility (P=0.02). Feed intake and digestibility were higher (P=0.01) in AH-S with ENZ addition. Intake of N by sheep fed the treatment diets depended on DM intake as the dietary concentration of N in the diets was similar. Thus AH-S sheep supplemented with ENZ had higher (P=0.001) N intake. Digestibility of N was similar to DM and OM digestibility, and was higher (P=0.03) in AH-S sheep supplemented with ENZ. Drying and ENZ addition to the diet increased (P=0.004) recovery of all SM. The fate of these compounds in the rumen needs to be evaluated considering that SM have been implicated in fiber and protein degradation in the rumen. The study showed that there are beneficial impacts of sun-drying and/or dietary exogenous enzyme addition for sheep fed A. halimus.  相似文献   

In a trial with two dairy cows we have determined crude protein total tract digestibility (TTDPNC) by a new nylon capsule method. Nylon capsules were made of nylon cloth with 42 μm apertures. The capsule shape was lenticular, with 10 mm external diameter and 8 mm internal diameter. The capsules were loaded with two stainless steel balls of 149 mg total weight. The average weight of a sample (milled alfalfa hay) in one capsule was 12.9 mg. In each of the two periods 1260 capsules were inserted orally into each of the two cows. Mean capsule passage time (CPT) through the digestive tract was 36.1 h (s.e. 0.49). The total tract dry matter digestibility determined by the nylon capsule method (TTDMNC) was significantly (P < 0.05) influenced by the time which the capsules spent in the digestive tract. When CPT was 25.4 h, TTDMNC was 64.8%, while with CPT 50.4 h it was 70.3%. The mean value of TTDPNC was 93.8%. A similar value, 92.3%, was obtained by calculation based on the values determined by the nylon bag and the mobile bag methods. The results have shown that it is possible to use the nylon capsule method for the determination of total tract digestibility of individual feed components in cattle.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to determine the effects of different forms of Acacia saligna leaves inclusion on feed intake, digestibility and body weight gain in lambs fed grass hay basal diet. Twenty local ‘Farta’ yearling male lambs weighing 17.4 ± 0.10 kg (mean ± SD) were randomly allocated to four dietary treatments consisting of daily feeding of lambs in T1 with 700 g grass hay (dry matter basis), and daily free choice feeding of lambs in T2, T3, and T4 with 700 g grass hay + 700 g fresh, wilted, and dried A. saligna leaves, respectively. Inclusion of different forms of A. saligna leaves improved (P<0.01) the daily intake of total DM by 8–9% and that of OM and CP by 7 and 38%, respectively compared to the control. The daily intake of NDFom was lower (P<0.01) by 1–2.3%, whereas that of the ADFom intake declined (P<0.01) by 1.3–3.4% for lambs on wilted and dried forms of A. saligna leaves. Inclusion of A. saligna leaves replaced the intake of the grass hay by 26–27% of the total diet and reduced (P<0.05) apparent digestibility coefficient of the total DM by 9, 7, and 4%, OM by 7, 6 and 4%, and CP by 12, 12, and 9%, but improved (P<0.05) apparent digestibility coefficient of NDFom by 3–4% compared to the control diet. Dried A. saligna leaves improved (P<0.05) apparent digestibility of DM, OM and CP compared to fresh A. saligna leaves. Lambs fed on hay alone lost (P<0.05) body weight, while the lambs supplemented with A. saligna leaves gained (P<0.05) weight. The results of this study revealed that A. saligna leaves could be best included in the grass hay based feeding in dried form at the rate of 265 g/kg DM for improved nutrient utilization and growth performance of yearling lambs.  相似文献   

In equines, Cr2O3 is widely accepted as an indigestible marker, but there are health concerns regarding the carcinogenic properties of Cr2O3. Recently, TiO2 has been suggested to be an alternative digestibility marker in equines. However, a comparison between Cr2O3 and TiO2 has not been made in equines. Six Welsh pony geldings (initial BW: 254±3 kg; 7 years of age) fed chopped alfalfa hay were used to evaluate the use of TiO2 (Ti) and Cr2O3 (Cr) as markers for calculating apparent digestibility and to investigate the effect of frequency of marker administration on the measurement of digestibility values. Diets contained 4.65 kg dry matter (DM) chopped alfalfa hay supplemented with minerals, vitamins, TiO2 (3.3 g Ti/day) and Cr2O3 (3.2 g Cr/day). Ponies were dosed with either 3.3 g Ti and 3.2 g Cr once daily (DF1) or with 1.65 g Ti and 1.60 g Cr twice daily (DF2). After adaptation to the diets and procedures for 14 days, voluntary voided faeces were collected quantitatively over 7 days and analysed for moisture, ash, Ti and Cr. Apparent total tract DM digestibility (DMD) and organic matter digestibility (OMD) were calculated using the total faecal collection (TFC) and marker method (Ti and Cr). The overall mean cumulative faecal recovery of Cr and Ti (as % of intake) were 102.0% and 96.6%, respectively. Mean daily faecal recoveries of Cr as well as of Ti were not different (P=0.323; P=0.808, respectively) between treatments. Overall daily faecal recovery of Cr differed (P=0.019) from 100% when the marker was dosed once daily, whereas overall daily faecal recovery was similar to 100% for both administration frequencies when Ti was used as a marker. For both markers, the coefficient of variation of the mean faecal marker recovery between horses was lower when the markers were administrated twice per day. Across treatments, cumulative DMD and OMD estimated with Ti were similar (P=0.345; P=0.418, respectively) compared with those values determined by TFC method. When Cr was used, the calculated cumulative DMD tended (P=0.097) to be greater compared with those estimated with TFC, and cumulative OMD values were overestimated (P=0.013). Orally supplemented Ti recovery in the faeces of ponies fed chopped alfalfa hay with Ti administered once or twice daily was close to 100%, making it the preferred marker for digestibility trials in equines.  相似文献   

Effects of supplementing tree foliage mixtures on voluntary intake, apparent digestibility and N balance was evaluated using Pelibuey sheep fed low quality diets. Five treatments were examined in a 5 × 5 Latin square design, which consisted of a basal diet of grass (Sorghum halepense) hay supplemented with Brosimum alicastrum (B) and Lysiloma latisiliquum (L) at the following rates (g DM/kg diet): B264, L0; B198, L66; B132, L132; B66, L198 and B0, L264. Additionally, an in situ degradability evaluation was completed with two ruminally cannulated cows. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent insoluble N (ADIN), lignin(sa) and total phenols (TP) were higher (P<0.01) in L. latisiliquum versus B. alicastrum. Daily intake (g/kg LW0.75/day) of DM (from 98 to 73) and OM (from 88 to 66) decreased quadratically (P<0.01), whereas CP (from 8.0 to 5.6) and ME (from 7.7 to 5.2, MJ/sheep/day) reduced linearly (P<0.01), as L. latisiliquum increased in the diet. Apparent digestibility of DM (from 0.486 to 0.445), OM (from 0.511 to 0.458) and CP (from 0.417 to 0.198) decreased linearly (P<0.01) and was associated with a low ruminal in situ CP degradability of L. latisiliquum. The decrease in N intake and digestibility induced lower (P<0.01) N retention (from 2.7 to 0.1 g/sheep/day). Although the incremental substitution of B. alicastrum with L. latisiliquum negatively affected intake, rumen degradation, digestibility and N balance, results indicate that this foliage mixture, but with no more than 132 g DM/kg diet of L. latisiliquum, could be used as a supplementation strategy to sheep fed low quality forage without negative effects on voluntary intake.  相似文献   

Alfalfa protein is poorly utilised by ruminants due to its rapid degradation in rumen. The objective of the study was to assess the influence of spraying tannic acid (TA) on chopped alfalfa hay on in vitro rumen fermentation and nitrogen (N) retention by sheep. Alfalfa hay with and without TA was fed to sheep to determine nutrient digestibility and N balance. TA was sprayed on chopped alfalfa at three concentrations to determine its effect on in vitro fermentation of dry matter (DM) and N balance in sheep. Final TA concentrations were 0, 30, 60 and 90 g TA per kg DM. The control was sprayed with the same amount of water but without TA. In vitro DM degradation and the production of gas, ammonium-N (NH4-N) and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) were measured. TA-sprayed alfalfa and the control were fed to sheep to determine nutrient digestibility and N retention. Addition of TA had no influence on the extent and rate of gas production but significantly decreased NH4-N concentration at 30 (P < 0.05), 60 and 90 (P < 0.0001) g/kg DM. Addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to TA-sprayed alfalfa increased NH4-N to a level comparable to non-TA-sprayed alfalfa. Spraying of alfalfa with TA significantly decreased (P < 0.05) isovalerate but did not affect the total and individual SCFA acid production. Tannic acid significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in vitro true degradability of DM (IVTD) after 24 h incubation at levels of 60 and 90 g TA per kg DM. Neutral-detergent fibre digestibility (dNDF) after 24 h (P < 0.01), 60 and 90 (P < 0.0001) g TA per kg DM. The effect of TA on either IVTD or dNDF was not significant (P > 0.05) after 48 h of incubation. There was a strong linear relationship between percentage increase in gas production due to PEG and protein precipitation capacity (R2 = 0.94). N digestibility was significantly reduced with all three levels of TA additions. However, the proportion of urine-N to total N output was reduced by adding 60 g (P < 0.05) and 90 g (P < 0.01) TA per kg DM. Serum metabolites and liver enzymes were not affected by TA (P > 0.05). Higher faecal N as the TA level increased indicates incomplete dissociation of tannin-protein complexes post ruminally. Factors affecting dissociation of tannin-protein complexes need further study.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to determine the impact of heat stress on nutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance in sheep fed silages differing in fibre quality. The digestibility trial was conducted at three different ambient temperatures (15°C, 25°C and 35°C for 24 h/d). The tested brown-midrib maize (Bm) silage had a higher nutrient digestibility, except for ether extract (EE) and a higher metabolisable energy (ME) content than the control maize (Con) silage. Nitrogen (N) excretion with faeces was higher but N excretion with urine was lower for sheep fed Bm silage, subsequently N balance did not differ between the two silages. Temperature had no effect on nutrient digestibility, except for crude protein (CP), but N excretion with urine was lower at elevated temperatures. A diet by temperature interaction was found for dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) digestibility. When the ambient temperature increased from 15°C to 25°C, the DM and OM digestibility increased in animals fed Con silage, but decreased in animals fed Bm silage. Concomitantly, ME estimated from digestible nutrients was higher for Bm than for Con at 15°C, but no differences were found at 25°C and 35°C. Effects of diet by temperature interaction, furthermore, were observed for EE and CP digestibility. Therefore, forage quality has to be considered when feeding heat-stressed animals.  相似文献   

A series of trials were conducted to study the effect of either nitrogen source or supply pattern on the growth, rumen fermentation pattern and utilisation of straw by Ethiopian Menz sheep. All experimental sheep were given teff straw basal diet (CON). Irrespective of the trial, treatment sheep were offered either cottonseed cake (CSC), leucaena (LEU) and sesbania (SESM) in the morning prior to teff straw. Additional treatments with sesbaia were offered either in the evening (SESE) or morning and evening (SESME). Measurements included roughage intake, digestibility, kinetics, rumen fermentation patterns, nitrogen utilisation, microbial protein supply and growth of sheep.Rate of degradation was highest (P < 0.05) when sesbania was offered once a day compared with twice a day, while supplementation produced higher (P < 0.05) liquid passage rates. Diets with sesbania produced higher (P < 0.05) roughage intake compared with leucaena. Microbial protein supply as well as N economy were similar (P > 0.05) among the foliage diets irrespective of source, time or frequency of feeding. Supplementation enhanced (P < 0.001) growth rates in sheep, while cottonseed cake (CSC) diet was superior (P < 0.01) to the fodder trees. Growth rates declined across treatments during the second phase (6–10 weeks) compared with the initial period (1–6 weeks). It is also possible for farmers to feed sesbania supplements in the morning or evening or twice daily without any detrimental effects.  相似文献   

The presence of the fermentable sugar d-mannitol in the diet improves nitrogen (N) utilization in rabbits. To clarify the mechanism by which d-mannitol improves N utilization, we studied the effect of d-mannitol on the fate of blood urea N in growing rabbits. Growing rabbits received a control diet or a diet containing d-mannitol, which were formulated by adding 80 g/kg glucose or d-mannitol to timothy hay. After 9 days of feeding of the experimental diets, 15N-urea was administrated intravenously under anesthesia 1 h before slaughter. The blood urea level (concentration of both urea N (43.6% of the control group (CG), P < 0.05) and 15N (95% of the CG, P < 0.05) in blood serum) was reduced in the mannitol group. The concentration and amount of N, and 15N atom % excess in the contents of the cecum and colon were higher (P < 0.05) in the rabbits fed the mannitol diet than in rabbits fed the control diet, especially in the cecum. The consumption of mannitol caused bacterial proliferation in the cecum characterized by marked short-chain fatty acid production (165% of the CG, P < 0.05), decreased cecal ammonia N (73% of the CG, P < 0.05) and elevated cecal bacterial N (150% of the CG, P < 0.05). On the other hand, addition of d-mannitol to the diet decreased N (80% of the CG, P < 0.05) and 15N (77% of the CG, P < 0.05) excretion in the urine. These results indicate that d-mannitol increases the transfer of blood urea N to the large intestine, where it is used for bacterial N synthesis.  相似文献   

The objective of genome mapping is to achieve valuable insight into the connection between gene variants (genotype) and observed traits (phenotype). Part of that objective is to understand the selective forces that have operated on a population. Finding links between genotype–phenotype changes makes it possible to identify selective sweeps by patterns of genetic variation and linkage disequilibrium. Based on Illumina 50KSNP chip data, two approaches, XP‐EHH (cross‐population extend haplotype homozygosity) and FST (fixation index), were carried out in this research to identify selective sweeps in the genome of three Iranian local sheep breeds: Baluchi (= 86), Lori‐Bakhtiari (= 45) and Zel (= 45). Using both methods, 93 candidate genomic regions were identified as harboring putative selective sweeps. Bioinformatics analysis of the genomic regions showed that signatures of selection related to multiple candidate genes, such as HOXB9, HOXB13, ACAN, NPR2, TRIL, AOX1, CSF2, GHR, TNS2, SPAG8, HINT2, ALS2, AAAS, RARG, SYCP2, CAV1, PPP1R3D, PLA2G7, TTLL7 and C20orf10, that play a role in skeletal system and tail, sugar and energy metabolisms, growth, reproduction, immune and nervous system traits. Our findings indicated diverse genomic selection during the domestication of Iranian sheep breeds.  相似文献   

《Applied Animal Ethology》1984,11(2):141-161
A total of 24 dogs (11 Komondorok, 9 Great Pyrenees and 4 Akbash Dogs) were placed with rangeland sheep to test their effectiveness in reducing losses of sheep to predators. All but 1 of the dogs (Komondor) had been reared from puppyhood with lambs. Seven of the dogs (4 Komondorok, 1 Great Pyrenees and 2 Akbash Dogs) were determined to be unsuitable for rangeland use after a relatively short period (1–6 weeks), primarily because of their rambunctious behavior and their lack of attentiveness to the sheep. Three of the 24 dogs (2 Komondorok and 1 Akbash Dog) died before their performance could be adequately evaluated. Two of the dogs (Komondorok) were relatively unsuccessful, but details of their performance were not available. The paper focuses on 12 trials with the remaining 12 dogs (3 Komondorok, 8 Great Pyrenees and 1 Akbash Dog). In 7 of the 12 trials, a pair of dogs or a single dog appeared to be influential in reducing the loss of sheep to predators. The effectiveness of the dogs in 2 trials was questionable, and in 3 of the trials, the dogs had little apparent influence on the number of sheep killed by predators. The dogs that appeared most effective barked at night, patrolled the area around the flock, and were aggressive to animals that came near the sheep. A variety of problems occurred when using the dogs, and benefits other than a reduction in predation, such as facilitating trailing and keeping the flock together, were noted in several of the trials. The use of dogs to protect rangeland sheep appears to be a practical technique, however, as with other forms of control, dogs will probably not eliminate predation. Not all dogs will be successful, and their use may be impractical in some situations.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic and hybridization studies indicated that a haemoglobin found in three rare Dutch breeds of sheep was the a chain variant HbD which had hitherto only been found in three individual native Yugoslav sheep. Two phenotypes, Hb DAB and Hb DB, were detected, and the D variant was always present in lower concentrations than the normal haemoglobins. The calculated gene frequencies for αD were 0.030, 0.082 and 0.029 in the Kempisch Heide, Veluws Heide and Mergelland breeds respectively.  相似文献   

This study aimed at evaluating forage intake and digestibility in ruminants using fecal nitrogen content, as well as validating a non-linear model to estimate digestibility in ruminants. A total of 58 conventional metabolism trials, carried out with sheep fed 27 forages (offered pure or in mixture) used in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) during the period 1969–1989 was analyzed. OM intake and OM digestibility (OMD) results were regressed linearly against fecal N, and OMD was also estimated from fecal crude protein (N × 6.25) content by a non-linear regression model. Fecal nitrogen excretion estimated forage intake in sheep with an R2 = 0.73, whereas a low R2 value of 0.36 was observed for OMD estimates. The equation obtained using the non-linear model was OMD = 0.7326 ? 0.3598 exp [(?0.9052 CP (g/kg OM))/100]. The parameters a (0.7326) and b (0.3598) estimated by the equation for all forages were significant (P<0.00001) and there was no effect of type of forage (P=0.38). The mean prediction error (MSPE), was 0.2379, indicating that the equation fit well to the data. The difference between estimated and observed organic matter digestibility was mainly caused by random variation (0.9765). The results indicated that the equation using the non-linear model developed with all forages can be used with enough precision to estimate the OM digestibility of forage consumed by sheep in Rio Grande do Sul.  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment was to determine if a niacin supplementation of 6 g/d to lactating dairy cow diets can compensate negative effects of a rumen nitrogen balance (RNB) deficit. A total of nine ruminally and duodenally fistulated lactating multiparous German Holstein cows were successively assigned to one of three diets consisting of 10 kg maize silage (dry matter [DM] basis) and7 kg DM concentrate: Diet RNB– (n = 6) with energy and utilisable crude protein at the duodenum (uCP) according to the average requirement of the animals but with a negative RNB (–0.41 g N/MJ metabolisable energy [ME]); Diet RNB0 (n = 7) with energy, uCP and a RNB (0.08 g N/MJ ME) according to the average requirement of the animals and, finally, Diet NA (n = 5), which was the same diet as RNB–, but supplemented with 6 g niacin/d. Samples of milk were taken on two consecutive days, blood samples were taken on one day pre- and post-feeding and faeces and urine were collected completely over five consecutive days. The negative RNB reduced milk and blood urea content and apparent total tract digestibility of DM, organic matter (OM) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF). Also N excretion with urine, the total N excreted with urine and faeces and the N balance were reduced when the RNB was negative. Supplementation of niacin elevated plasma glucose concentration after feeding and the N balance increased. Supplementing the diet with a negative RNB with niacin led to a more efficient use of dietary N thereby avoiding the negative effects of the negative RNB on the digestibility of DM, OM and NDF.  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment was to determine if a niacin supplementation of 6 g/d to lactating dairy cow diets can compensate negative effects of a rumen nitrogen balance (RNB) deficit. A total of nine ruminally and duodenally fistulated lactating multiparous German Holstein cows were successively assigned to one of three diets consisting of 10 kg maize silage (dry matter [DM] basis) and 7 kg DM concentrate: Diet RNB- (n = 6) with energy and utilisable crude protein at the duodenum (uCP) according to the average requirement of the animals but with a negative RNB (-0.41 g N/MJ metabolisable energy [ME]); Diet RNB0 (n = 7) with energy, uCP and a RNB (0.08 g N/MJ ME) according to the average requirement of the animals and, finally, Diet NA (n = 5), which was the same diet as RNB-, but supplemented with 6 g niacin/d. Samples of milk were taken on two consecutive days, blood samples were taken on one day pre- and post-feeding and faeces and urine were collected completely over five consecutive days. The negative RNB reduced milk and blood urea content and apparent total tract digestibility of DM, organic matter (OM) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF). Also N excretion with urine, the total N excreted with urine and faeces and the N balance were reduced when the RNB was negative. Supplementation of niacin elevated plasma glucose concentration after feeding and the N balance increased. Supplementing the diet with a negative RNB with niacin led to a more efficient use of dietary N thereby avoiding the negative effects of the negative RNB on the digestibility of DM, OM and NDF.  相似文献   

We evaluated differences in composition of Iuka gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides L.) hay harvested at 06:00 (AM harvest) or 18:00 h (PM harvest), and measured how protein supplementation and time of harvest interact to affect the voluntary intake, digestibility, and N balance of goats. Boer cross wethers (n = 28; 24 kg) were randomly assigned to be fed supplement (310 g/kg of crude protein (CP), fed at 110 g/kg of dry matter (DM) intake, 14 goats) or no supplement (14 goats). Within supplemented or not supplemented groups, goats were randomly assigned to a crossover design of AM harvest (seven goats) or PM harvest (seven goats), and housed individually in metabolism crates with free access to water and mineral blocks. They were fed twice daily, with supplement offered 30 min prior to the morning feedings. After a 7-d adaptation, voluntary intake (goats were offered 1100 g/kg of previous day's intake) was measured for 14 d, followed by a 4-d adjustment phase to equalize DM offered between periods, and finally a 5-d digestion and balance phase. After Period 1, goats were switched to their new hay harvest times, and the protocol was repeated. Compared to the AM harvest, the PM harvest had higher (P<0.03) proportions of total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC, 70.8 g/kg DM versus 59.0 g/kg DM), monosaccharides (37.0 g/kg DM versus 28.6 g/kg DM), di- and polysaccharides (18.5 g/kg DM versus 15.4 g/kg DM) and less neutral detergent fiber (NDF, 700 g/kg versus 710 g/kg). Crude protein (79 g/kg DM) and starch (15.2 g/kg DM) were similar for the PM and AM harvest. Dry matter digestibility was higher (P<0.03) for the PM versus AM harvests (555 g/kg DM versus 531 g/kg DM) and for supplemented versus not supplemented (563 g/kg DM versus 522 g/kg DM). Voluntary gamagrass DM intake (550 g/d versus 548 g/d) and calculated total digestible DM intake (327 g/d versus 313 g/d) were similar for the PM and AM harvest. However, total digestible DM intake during the digestion and balance phase was higher (P<0.01) for the PM versus AM harvest (317 g/d versus 299 g/d). Time of harvest did not affect N intake, digestion, or calculated retention. Compared to no supplementation, the supplement improved (P<0.01) N digestion (6.1 g/d versus 3.7 g/d) and retention (2.2 g/d versus 1.1 g/d). The PM harvest increased DM digested, largely TNC and digestible DM intake by goats due to increased TNC and not because of a 2% increase in DM intake. Providing a protein supplement had very limited effects on intake and digestibility of gamagrass.  相似文献   

The effect of two feeding systems (indoors and at pasture) on intake and digestion of fresh grass was studied at two stages of regrowth (21 and 35 days of regrowth) in two parallel experiments. In Experiment 1, 10 adult Martinik rams weighing, on average, 50.5 (±0.9) kg, including four fitted with rumen cannula, were randomly allocated to two groups according to a 2 × 2 Latin Square design. These rams consumed a 21-day regrowth of Digitaria decumbens grass diet during two successive 28-day periods, indoors (five rams) or at pasture (five tethered rams). In Experiment 2, 10 other Martinik rams weighing, on average, 45.5 (±0.9) kg, including four fitted with rumen cannula, were randomly allocated to two groups according to a 2 × 2 Latin Square design. These rams consumed a 35-day regrowth of D. decumbens grass diet during two successive 28-day periods, either indoors (five rams) or at pasture (five tethered rams). For the indoors groups, in vivo organic matter digestibility (OMD) was measured by total collection of feces. In addition, OMD was estimated indoors and at pasture using the fecal CP (CPf) method (OMDCPf). Organic matter intake (OMI) was then estimated using OMDCPf and fecal organic matter output (OMICPf). Correlations of 0.49 and 0.77 were found between in vivo OMD and OMDCPf (P < 0.05) and between OMI and OMICPf (P < 0.001), respectively. OMDCPf was 1.8% (P < 0.05) and 2.7% (P < 0.01) lower indoors than at pasture at 21 and 35 days of regrowth, respectively, whereas OMICPf indoors was 1.1 and 1.16 times that registered at pasture at 21 and 35 days of regrowth, respectively. The higher OMDCPf at pasture was linked to the higher selective behavior of rams at pasture, whereas the differences in OMICPf between the two feeding systems were linked to differences in the total bulk density of the grass. These studies show that differences in OMDCPf and OMICPf exist between animals fed indoors and at pasture with the same forage and that these differences may vary according to the stage of regrowth of the grass offered.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2000,35(3):225-233
In Exp. 1, 20 ewes of mixed breeding were fed grass hay : straw mixtures, assigned to one of four supplemental treatments and evaluated during six collection periods. Supplemental treatments were control (no supplement), and low, medium, and high levels (5.2%, 22.1%, and 41.3% of DM, respectively) of undegraded intake protein (UIP). Supplements were formulated to be similar in degraded intake protein (DIP; 21%). Digestibilities of DM, OM, and CP were increased (P < 0.10) with protein supplementation and in medium and high compared with low UIP supplemented ewes. Digestibility of CP also was increased (P < 0.10) in ewes on high compared with medium treatments. Serum insulin was not influenced (P > 0.10) by UIP treatment, except in collection period four. In contrast, serum glucose and growth hormone were not influenced (P > 0.10) by UIP treatment. In Exp. 2, four wether lambs fed the same treatments as in Exp. 1, were used in two 4 × 4 Latin squares trials. In trial 1 lambs received a grass hay diet (6.7% CP) and in trial 2 lambs were fed 40 : 60 blend (6.6% CP) of grass hay and spring wheat straw. In both trials, N intake, urinary N, N digestion, apparent N absorption, and N retention were increased (P < 0.10) with protein supplementation. In addition, in trial 1, urinary N, N digestion, and apparent N absorption were increased (P < 0.10) in medium and high compared with low UIP and also in high compared with medium UIP treatments. In trial 2 of Exp. 2, total feed intake (g/kg BW), digestibility of DM and OM, BW, and fecal N were increased (P < 0.10) with protein supplementation. Organic matter digestion, BW, N intake, and N retention were increased by medium and high compared with low UIP. Fecal N, BW, N intake, and N retention were increased (P < 0.10) in high compared with medium UIP. These data indicate that increasing levels of UIP supplementation increases DM, OM, and CP (N) digestibility, serum urea N concentration, and N retention in sheep fed low quality forage.  相似文献   

Food consumption decreases with the lengthening of the period of dehydration in both breeds in a similar manner. However, in comparison, the Saanen goats reduced their dry matter intake and consequently their water intake much more than the Bedouin goats. Apparent digestibility of dry matter increased significantly in both breeds during dehydration, the response being larger in the Saanen goats. Bedouin goats are capable of maintaining during 3 days of dehydration a level of consumption which is well above their maintenance requirements while the Saanen goats consumed only the amount of feed which is needed to satisfy their maintenance requirements.  相似文献   

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