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The mirid bug Macrolophus caliginosus is commercially reared on eggs of Ephestia kuehniella, constituting an effective but expensive factitious food. Artificial diets can decrease the rearing costs of this natural enemy, but developing and evaluating an artificial diet is a very time-consuming activity. In the current study, development and reproduction of M. caliginosus on two artificial diets based on egg yolk were investigated. The artificial diets resulted in longer development and lower adult weights, but survival was comparable with that of control insects fed E. kuehniella eggs. Reproductive potential of the predator reared on factitious and artificial foods was assessed using a dissection method. The influence of nymphal food on fecundity was less important than that of adult food. Adults fed E. kuehniella eggs had a preoviposition period of about 4 days, whereas adults offered only plant material started laying eggs about 7 days after emergence. Ovarian scores at day 7 were higher for females fed E. kuehniella eggs than for those given access only to a tobacco leaf. Ovarian scores were not significantly affected by mating status. In a final test, a parallel comparison of two methods for assessing reproductive response to diet was made. Here, adult couples were offered one of four diets: E. kuehniella eggs, one of two artificial diets or no food. Half of the females were dissected and the other half was held for determining lifetime oviposition. Females fed E. kuehniella eggs had superior ovarian scores and laid more eggs than those fed either artificial diet or those given no extra food. A good correlation (r = 0.97) was obtained between ovarian scores and oviposition data, indicating that dissecting females after 1 week provides a reliable estimate of fecundity as affected by diet quality. Rapid reproductive assessments as used in the current study will help to increase the rate of development of artificial diets and may contribute to more cost effective production methods for augmentative biological control agents.  相似文献   

A method for studying the life history parameters of Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur was developed and described. Fecundity of the predator was studied by placing one female and one male in a plastic cylinder in which a stem piece was used as an ovipositional substrate. Smaller cylinders were used to study the percentage of egg hatch of M. pygmaeus. Results demonstrated that this method is suitable for studying the fecundity and egg eclosion of M. pygmaeus. Allowing for easy modification, the method offers suitable conditions for maintenance of both insect and plant material and can be inexpensively modified for different experiments and the parts are easily constructed. The proposed method could also be employed for similar studies on other predatory hemipterans such as mirids and anthocorids and very likely on other phytophagous insect species that lay their eggs in or on plant stems.  相似文献   

A study of predation choices of Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (Heteroptera: Miridae) late instars and adults, when offered various developmental stages (eggs and nymphs) of the recently established whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), was made based on two preference indices. In addition, prey choices of late instars when presented with three ratios of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) and B. tabaci at a similar developmental stage (eggs, young or late instars) were assessed. M. caliginosus preferred older nymphs of B. tabaci than any other stage. It also chose T. vaporariorum over B. tabaci, unless the latter consisted of > 75% of the available prey. These results suggested that M. caliginosus might interfere with parasitoids such as Encarsia, Eretmocerus, or Amitus spp. because all three species emerge from the host pupal case. Furthermore, in mixed infestations, M. caliginosus preference for T. vaporariorum might either negatively affect the control of B. tabaci, or, contrarily, enhance the predator population, before a B. tabaci outbreak occurs in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2001,20(2):147-152
The zoophytophagous predator Macrolophus caliginosus (Wagner) (Heteroptera: Miridae) has previously been identified as a potential prey for the intraguild zoophytophagous predator Dicyphus tamaninii Wagner. Its value as an intraguild prey was tested for D. tamaninii nymphal development and adult survival. In the laboratory, plant (red tomato fruit, green tomato fruit, tomato leaf) and animal (aphids, whiteflies, pyralid eggs) resources were compared to frozen nymphs of M. caliginosus as an intraguild resource for D. tamaninii. M. caliginosus nymphs allowed complete and rapid development of D. tamaninii nymphs and generated low mortality of nymphal and adult stages. Performances were higher with the intraguild M. caliginosus resource than with plant resources. Tomato leaves did not allow the complete nymphal development of D. tamaninii. Tomato fruit generated lighter adults and doubled the nymphal developmental time compared with the M. caliginosus resource. In the animal resource group, there were no differences between the M. caliginosus and the other treatments (aphids, whiteflies, pyralid eggs) for nymphal mortality, average number of molts, nymphal developmental time, adult weight, and adult survival. M. caliginosus should be considered a high-quality resource for D. tamaninii.  相似文献   

The mutual predation between two polyphagous predators, Orius majusculus (Reuter) (Hemiptera, Anthocoridae) and Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (Heteroptera: Miridae), was examined in laboratory experiments with and without presence of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Adults of O. majusculus preyed upon M. caliginosus in the absence and in some circumstances also in the presence of F. occidentalis, whereas neither nymphs nor adults of M. caliginosus preyed upon O. majusculus. Orius majusculus nymphs did not prey upon M. caliginosus. The predation of O. majusculus on F. occidentalis was unaffected by the presence of M. caliginosus suggesting that the presence of this mirid will not hamper biological control of F. occidentalis.  相似文献   

In northeast Spain, the most common predators found in tomato fields and greenhouses are the mirids Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner and Dicyphus tamaninii Wagner. Natural colonization occurs during the growing season and both species prey on whiteflies. Because D. tamaninii can damage tomato fruits during periods of prey scarcity, a semifield experiment was carried out to evaluate whether the presence of M. caliginosus affects damage produced by D. tamaninii. In a tomato greenhouse, 60 plants were individually caged and distinct predator treatments were introduced: D. tamaninii, D. tamaninii + eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller, D. tamaninii + M. caliginosus, M. caliginosus alone, and a control without any insect. Damage to tomato fruits was recorded (>25% of the fruit) in all the treatments with D. tamaninii, whereas no significant damage was detected with M. caliginosus alone. Finally, no intraguild predation was detected between both mirid species.  相似文献   

When foraging in communities with mixed prey, generalist predators may be confronted with prey species that differ in quality, size and mobility and interact with one another. To examine prey selection, predation by Macrolophus pygmaeus (Heteroptera: Miridae) was recorded by providing a diet of either one or two prey species of Myzus persicae (third‐instar nymphs), Aphis gossypii (fourth‐instar nymphs), Trialeurodes vaporariorum (third‐instar nymphs) and Ephestia kuehniella (eggs). In the experiments, prey mobility, prey quality and prey biomass were considered. The biomass consumed by the predator was dependent on the combination of prey species and the quantity of biomass offered. In choice experiments with diets mixed of two prey species at equal densities, the predation to A. gossypii was significantly reduced in the presence of E. kuehniella but the rate of consumption of M. persicae, T. vaporariorum and E.kuehniella was not significantly affected by the coexistence of any other species in the mixed prey diet. When equal amounts of biomass from two prey species were provided in combination, the total consumed biomass was significantly reduced in the mixed prey diets composed of E. kuehniella eggs and aphid nymphs. Thus, under the mixed‐prey situation, prey selection by predators may be affected by interactions among prey species differing in traits such as quality, mobility and size.  相似文献   

The side-effects of three neem formulations (Neem-Amin EC, Stardoor and B.P. 20/S) were tested on the mirid predator Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner in the laboratory. Direct toxicity tests on 1st instar nymphs exposed to fresh dry residues on glass plates at different doses demonstrated that all the products are harmful to the insects with LD50 values much lower than the maximum recommended rate (1.217, 0.264, 1.083 mg a.i./l instead of 15, 31.5 and 80 mg a.i./l for Neem-Amin EC, Stardoor and B.P. 20/S, respectively). Moreover a reduction of fecundity of the surviving females was assessed with Neem-Amin EC and B.P. 20/S. Persistence tests were carried out on sharp pepper plants treated at the maximum recommended rate. High mortality was recorded when the insects were introduced onto the plants just after the treatment, but no significant differences compared with the controls were observed 5 days after the treatment and any consequence on the fecundity of surviving females was detected. Our experiments showed how azadirachtin can be noxious to M. caliginosus , but the short persistence makes this active ingredient a promising solution in integrated pest management programmes, when a lapse of time is guaranteed between the treatment and the introduction of the predator.  相似文献   

Macrolophus pygmaeus (Heteroptera: Miridae) is an omnivourus predator used to control several pests of horticultural greenhouses. With the aim to explore the relationship between M. pygmaeus and different host plants compared with tomato, plant preferences and bio-cycle traits were studied using: Capsicum annuum, Calendula officinalis, Salvia officinalis, Parietaria officinalis and Solanum nigrum. Species were selected among natural host crop and wild plants. Plant preference was measured by multi-choice host plant selection and olfactometric bioassays. Bio-cycle traits were assessed on reproduction and on nymphal development with and without animal diet support. Among tested plants, P. officinalis was the least attractive under laboratory conditions. Furthermore the availability of prey was crucial for the successful establishment of M. pygmaeus on tested plants, suggesting the inability of nymphs to complete development to adulthood on a strictly phytophagous diet. Nevertheless, M. pygmaeus seemed to prefer plants where phytophagy provides a fitness benefit.  相似文献   

Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura) (Heteroptera: Miridae) causes brown or black marks on rice, Oryza sativa L., grains (pecky rice), and it is becoming of increasing importance in Japan. Attractiveness of adult females or males of S. rubrovittatus to conspecific individuals was examined in the field in 2003 and 2004. Unmated female-baited traps captured significantly more males than did the unmated male-baited traps. However, the numbers of females captured by female- or male-baited traps were low, and they were not significantly different from the numbers caught by the control traps. No nymphs were captured by any traps. In 2004, we examined the effects of age and mating experience on female attraction ability with the goal of understanding the role of reproductive development in the observed behavior. The daily number of males captured by young unmated female (3-d-old)-baited traps increased from the first day until the fourth day of experiments, and then capture started to decrease. The peak in the number of captured males corresponded to the preoviposition period. When we observed ovarian development of S. rubrovittatus females under 25 degrees C and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) h, we found that vitellogenesis had already started in approximately 30-50% of 1-d-old individuals. By the fifth day after emergence, 50-70% of individuals had mature eggs. These results indicated that the attractiveness of females is the strongest when egg laying becomes possible. Therefore, S. rubrovittatus females attract males selectively for mating, and it is probable that females use a sex pheromone for the attraction.  相似文献   

Reduced insecticide use in cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., as a consequence of the Boll Weevil Eradication Program and the broad adoption of Bt cotton, have helped make the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), a consistent pest of cotton each year in the mid-south. Maize, Zea mays L., has been implicated as having a role in the season-long dynamics of tarnished plant bug infestations in cotton. To date, no published information exists describing the quality of maize as a host for tarnished plant bug. No-choice field studies indicated that adult tarnished plant bug females oviposited into maize leaves, tassels, and ears. Laboratory studies showed that first-instar tarnished plant bugs could successfully develop to the adult stage when fed maize silks at the R1 growth stage, tassels before (VT) and during (R1) pollen shed, and milk stage (R3) kernels from the tip and base of the ear. The proportion of nymphs surviving to the adult stage on these tissues was often similar to that of broccoli, Brassica oleracea L. Nymphs did not develop to adults when fed V5 or R1 maize leaves. However, survival of first instars to the adult stage was improved when nymphs fed on tassels with pollen for 6 d and then moved to silks or leaves. Another field study showed that tarnished plant bugs reproduced in maize mainly during the tassel (VE and VT) and the R1-R3 ear growth stages, and a single new generation was produced in maize during these stages. The highest population recorded during the study (24 June 2005) consisted mostly of nymphs and was estimated to be 29,600/ha (12,000/acre). These studies showed that maize is a suitable host for tarnished plant bug reproduction and development, and its production plays a significant role in the population dynamics of the tarnished plant bug in the mid-south.  相似文献   

In order to aid the integration of biological and chemical controls for the tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), this study evaluated the relative toxicity of five insecticides to the leaf miner predator Macrolophus basicornis (Stal) (Hemiptera: Miridae). The insecticides evaluated were teflubenzuron, abamectin, chlorantraniliprole, chlorfenapyr, and cartap hydrochloride, all of which are recommended for control of T. absoluta in Brazil. Nymphs and adults of M. basicornis were exposed to tomato leaves treated with the insecticides, under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. The overall mortality caused by the products in both situations was recorded, and the survival of congeneric groups was analysed using the Weibull model. The persistence of the insecticides was also evaluated and they were categorised into toxicity classes proposed by the International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC) based on predator mortality and persistence. Abamectin and chlorfenapyr were toxic to M. basicornis nymphs and adults in all bioassays. Cartap hydrochloride was slightly harmful to adults in laboratory assays, but harmful to nymphs, and moderately harmful under greenhouse conditions. Chlorantraniliprole and teflubenzuron were harmless in most assays, except when nymphs were exposed in the laboratory, where they were moderately and slightly harmful, respectively. Chlorantraniliprole and teflubenzuron should be preferred insecticides for use in tomato leaf miner IPM programmes that aim to conserve M. basicornis populations.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The effect of water extract of Urtica urens L. on the biological characteristics and population parameters of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and its natural enemy, the polyphagous predator Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur) was investigated on eggplants. Plant material was extracted in deionized water (1 : 5 w/w) for 24 h. Three applications were made at 5-day intervals using the nettle extract, with deionized water as the control. The effect of the extract on survival, duration of nymphal development, pre-reproductive period, fecundity and longevity of both insects was studied at conditions of 25 ± 1°C, 65 ± 5% relative humidity and photoperiod of 16 : 8 h (light : dark). The results showed that the application of nettle extract significantly reduced the fecundity of M. persicae (20% on average) but did not result in a substantial lowering in its intrinsic rate of population increase. However, the predator's biological characteristics and population parameters were not affected by the application of this plant extract. The importance of these results for the use of nettle extract in the management of M. persicae along with its compatibility with the use or conservation of M. pygmaeus is discussed.  相似文献   

Artificial diets have become important components of rearing systems for insects that are used for research purposes and in commercial production. Because the rearing conditions for insects also provide ideal settings for mold growth, antifungal additives are often used to reduce diet contamination. However, the antifungal agents must not only be effective in mold suppression, they must also be safe to the target insects of the rearing programs. The toxicity of five commonly used antifungal agents (benzoic acid, formalin, methyl paraben, propionic acid, and sorbic acid) was tested using diet bioassays on Lygus hesperus Knight, and the effect on biological fitness was measured. Biological fitness was defined as total number of survivors, mean biomass (dry weight) accumulated per cage over the total treatment period, egg production, time to adult emergence, and time to start of egg laying. Methyl paraben and formalin were found to have significant negative effects on these measurements of biological fitness. Challenge tests to determine the ability of the antifungal agents to suppress mold growth when inoculated into the diet medium are currently in progress.  相似文献   


The predatory mirids of the genus Macrolophus are key natural enemies of various economically important agricultural pests. Both M. caliginosus and M. pygmaeus are commercially available for the augmentative biological control of arthropod pests in European greenhouses. The latter species is known to be infected with Wolbachia -inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility in its host- but the presence of other endosymbionts has not been demonstrated. In the present study, the microbial diversity was examined in various populations of M. caliginosus and M. pygmaeus by 16S rRNA sequencing and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.


Besides Wolbachia, a co-infection of 2 Rickettsia species was detected in all M. pygmaeus populations. Based on a concatenated alignment of the 16S rRNA gene, the gltA gene and the coxA gene, the first is phylogenetically related to Rickettsia bellii, whereas the other is closely related to Rickettsia limoniae. All M. caliginosus populations were infected with the same Wolbachia and limoniae-like Rickettsia strain as M. pygmaeus, but did not harbour the bellii-like Rickettsia strain. Interestingly, individuals with a single infection were not found. A PCR assay on the ovaries of M. pygmaeus and M. caliginosus indicated that all endosymbionts are vertically transmitted. The presence of Wolbachia and Rickettsia in oocytes was confirmed by a fluorescence in situ hybridisation. A bio-assay comparing an infected and an uninfected M. pygmaeus population suggested that the endosymbionts had minor effects on nymphal development of their insect host and did not influence its fecundity.


Two species of the palaearctic mirid genus Macrolophus are infected with multiple endosymbionts, including Wolbachia and Rickettsia. Independent of the origin, all tested populations of both M. pygmaeus and M. caliginosus were infected with three and two endosymbionts, respectively. There was no indication that infection with endosymbiotic bacteria had a fitness cost in terms of development and fecundity of the predators.


《Biological Control》2006,36(2):154-162
This work presents the results of an investigation that aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of releases of the omnivorous predator Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (Heteroptera, Miridae) in the control of Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae) on greenhouse melon. Two greenhouse trials were performed, one in spring and one in summer. Adults of M. caliginosus were released at two release rates (two and six per plant) in an initial infestation of 10 adult whitefly per plant. The high release rate did control the whitefly populations. Results of the lower release ratio did not work in the second trial, presumably due to excessive pruning of the crop that may have affected predator establishment. No damaged fruits were recorded. Laboratory trials were also done to examine the effects of plant and variable prey availability on predator fertility and survivorship. Results showed that low-prey availability significantly reduced survivorship and fertility of M. caliginosus, and explained why predator establishment was the same for both predator release rates.  相似文献   

The egg and nymphal development, fecundity and survival of the green mirid, Creontiades dilutus were examined at a range of temperatures and a modified day-degree model fitted to the data. Day degree (DD) requirements for egg and nymphal development, and threshold temperatures were calculated from the fitted lines. Female fecundity and longevity, egg and nymphal development, and survival of C. dilutus were significantly influenced by temperature. Eggs and nymphs failed to complete development at temperatures below 17 and at 38°C. Females also failed to produce any eggs at 11 and 38°C. The optimum temperature range for female fecundity was found to be 26–32°C. The optimum temperature for the development of eggs was calculated from the model as 30.5°C and for nymphs as 31.5°C. The threshold temperature for development was 15.8°C for egg and 15.1°C for nymph; 69.4 and 156.7 DD were required for completing the egg and the nymphal development, respectively. At the optimum temperature, it was estimated that development from egg to adult took 15 days. Survival was highest at 26°C for eggs and at 30–32°C for nymphs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. Megaloceraea recticornis (Geoffroy) is the most common of seven species of stenodemine bugs on a calcareous grassland in Oxfordshire. Previous work indicated that it competed with a related species, Notostira elongata Geoffroy, by behavioural interference at the feeding site. Both bugs were thought to eat only grass leaves.
2. The importance of grass flowers in the diet of M.recticornis was studied in the laboratory. This bug completes its development only by feeding on grass flowers; grass leaves do not suffice.
3. M.recticornis is unusual among phytophagous insects in that its later instars can eat flowers of the grass Brachypodium pinnatum L. The hard lemma and palea surrounding these flowers inhibit feeding by young bugs. The age of the flowers also affect bug feeding success.
4. The result of field experiments, which previously appeared to show competition between M.recticornis and N.elongata , are discussed in the light of the present findings. It now seems that M.recticornis may not suffer from competition with N.elongata.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1991,21(7):759-765
Free and protein-bound amino acids were investigated in the phytophagous bug Lygus rugulipennis and its salivary gland. Over 38 substances were separated. The total content of amino compounds in the insects was about 1400 μmol/g fr. wt (16% by weight), of which 97% was amino acid residues in proteins.The salivary glands, which comprise about 1.5% of the live weight of the insects, contain 3.5% of the total free amino acids and 1% of the whote insect. Free and protein-bound amino acids comprise, respectively, about 1.4 and 11.6% of the fresh weight of the gland. The total concentration of free amino acids in the saliva was estimated to range from 0.5 to 2.2% by weight (ca. 0.1 M).The composition of free amino acids in the salivary gland of Lugus varies markedly. In four studied species (L. rugulipennis, L. gemellatus, L. pratensis, L. punctatus), the most abundant compounds were proline, arginine, lysine, leucine, glutamic acid, methionine sulphoxide and glycerophosphoethanolamine. In whole specimens of L. rugulipennis the predominant free amino acids were proline, alanine, taurine, glutamic acid, glutamine and methionine sulphoxide. The most abundant amino acids in proteins were glutamic and aspartic acid, glycine, alanine and leucine. The results indicate that the amino acid composition in the salivary glands of Lygus species does not differ markedly from that of the whole insect. The functions of salivary amino acids are discussed.  相似文献   

记述盲蝽科Miridae1中国新记录属:薇盲蝽属Monalocoris Dahlbohm,1851及1新记录种,薇盲蝽Monalocoris filicis (Linneaus,1758)。  相似文献   

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