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Fluorescence in situ hybridization, associated with confocal laser scanning microscopy or epifluorescence microscopy with deconvolution system, has allowed the detection of a community of intracellular bacteria in non-axenic samples of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor S238N. The endobacteria, mainly alpha-proteobacteria, were present in more than half of the samples, which consisted of ectomycorrhizae, fungal mats and fruit bodies, collected in the glasshouse or in the forest. Acridine orange staining suggests that the endobacteria inhabit both live and dead fungal cells. The role of these endobacteria remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

A screening for siderophores produced by the ectomycorrhizal fungi Laccaria laccata and Laccaria bicolor in synthetic low iron medium revealed the release of several different hydroxamate siderophores of which four major siderophores could be identified by high resolution mass spectrometry. While ferricrocin, coprogen and triacetylfusarinine C were assigned as well as other known fungal siderophores, a major peak of the siderophore mixture revealed an average molecular mass of 797 for the iron-loaded compound. High resolution mass spectrometry indicated an absolute mass of m/z = 798.30973 ([M + H]+). With a relative error of Δ = 0.56 ppm this corresponds to linear fusigen (C33H52N6O13Fe; MW = 797.3). The production of large amounts of linear fusigen by these basidiomycetous mycorrhizal fungi may possibly explain the observed suppression of plant pathogenic Fusarium species. For comparative purposes Fusarium roseum was included in this study as a well known producer of cyclic and linear fusigen.  相似文献   

Buruli ulcer or Mycobacterium ulcerans disease occurs mainly in areas in proximity to standing or slowly running freshwater, habitats in which free-living amoebae occur. For this reason, a possible link between the habitat of M. ulcerans and free-living amoebae was investigated. Free-living amoebae and mycobacteria were isolated from water and biofilm specimens taken from protected and unprotected sources of water in villages known to have either high or low endemicity for Buruli ulcer in Benin. Amoebae were isolated from 78.8% of samples. A greater proportion of water bodies in areas of high endemicity had amoebae than in areas of low endemicity (83.3% versus 66.7%). Protected sources of water were significantly more likely to contain amoebae in areas of high endemicity than in areas of low endemicity (88.0% versus 11.1%). Several pathogenic free-living amoebae and mycobacteria were isolated. However, no M. ulcerans was isolated and no specimen was positive for IS2404 PCR. Our results show that the study area has a water hygiene problem, which is greater in areas of high Buruli ulcer endemicity than in areas of low endemicity. Our observations indicate that additional studies are required to explore the possible link between free-living amoebae and mycobacteria.  相似文献   

This investigation, in vitro, shows that ozagrel, an antithrombotic drug, inhibited both monophenolase and diphenolase activities of mushroom tyrosinase when l-tyrosine and l-DOPA were assayed spectrophotometrically, respectively. The IC50 values, for monophenolase and diphenolase activities, were 1.35 and 3.45 mM, respectively. Ozagrel was estimated to be a reversible mixed-type inhibitor of diphenolase activity with the constants (K S1, K S2, K i1, and K i2) determined to be 2.21, 3.89, 0.454, and 0.799 mM, repectively. Increasing ozagrel concentrations provoked longer lag periods as well as a concomitant decrease in the monophenolase activity. Inhibition experiment demonstrated that ozagrel bound the enzyme at a site distincted from the substrate active site, but it bound to either E (Enzyme) or ES (Enzyme-Substrate) complex.  相似文献   

Schlieren photography has been used to visualize the airflows in and around three re-circulating linear downflow cabinets. The results show that there is an air 'bulge' at the front opening that allows air from within the cabinet to spill out towards the operator. Hand movements within, and activity just outside, cause air to be expelled from these cabinets. Bunsen burners within the cabinets destroy the linear nature of the downflowing air streams. The results indicate that the operator protection afforded by these cabinets may be much less than is generally recognized.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Lipid content of axenic cultures of 3 species of soil amoebae was investigated. The strains studied were Acanthamoeba sp., Hartmannella rhysodes and Mayorella palestinensis. No appreciable differences were apparent in the amount of sterols and free fatty acids present in the different strains. The sterols were "fast acting" and were present mostly in free form. There was a difference in the quantities of glycerides, Acanthamoeba sp. containing the highest amount. Sterol of H. rhysodes was isolated and identified as ergosterol by chemical and physical criteria. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Free-living soil amoebae consume a wide variety of food, including algae, yeast, small protozoa and especially bacteria, which they digest to fulfil their nutritional requirements. Amoebae play an active role in the nitrogen mineralization in soils due to their nitrogen metabolizing capacities. However, little is known about nitrogen metabolizing enzyme activities in these free-living soil amoebae. In this study a number of key enzymes involved in the nitrogen metabolism of the axeaically cultivated free-living soil amoebae Acanthamoeba castellanii, Acanthamoeba polyphaga and two different strains of Hartmannella vermiformis were determined. the specific enzyme activities for exponential growth phase ceils were calculated and it appeared that the species tested possessed urate oxidase, glutamine synthetase, NADH-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase and glutamate pyruvate transaminase activity. Glutamate synthase activity could not be detected in any of these species. the levels of specific activities varied depending on the enzymes tested. For all species the highest activities were detected for the transaminase reactions yielding glutamate, and for glutamate dehydrogenase. A general conclusion is that the pathway of nitrogen assimilation in free-living soil amoebae is similar to the one observed for other eukaryotes. Differences in specific activities were detected between the species.  相似文献   

环青海湖地区草地生境的蝗虫潜在发生可能性评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
环青海湖地区是青海省草地蝗虫最集中的区域,主要有10种,它们对草地造成了很大危害,草地蝗虫的发生与由植被、地形、土壤等组成的生境类型存在密切的关系。论述了草地蝗虫生境类型划分的原因,并提出了生境分类方案,在此基础上,提出了各类生境针对草地蝗虫潜在发生可能性的评价原理,方法和评价指标体系,并据其对野外实地调查样点进行了评价,结果表明,草地蝗虫潜在发生可能性指数与草地蝗虫密度间的相关系数高达0.90,研究区受草地蝗虫严重危害或较严重危害的生境类型是芨芨草草原,克氏针茅草原及紫花针草原,高寒草甸属一般危害,高寒灌丛草甸则不发生危害。  相似文献   

Diseased fruit bodies of Agaricus bitorquis, with similar symptoms to those caused by dry bubble on Agaricus bisporus, were observed in some Spanish crops during summer 1999. Isolates of Verticillium fungicola from A. bitorquis and A. bisporus were submitted to different temperatures and to prochloraz–Mn sensitivity tests. All the isolates collected from A. bitorquis and A. bisporus were identified as V. fungicola var. fungicola. Artificial infections of A. bisporus and A. bitorquis with V. fungicola var. fungicola are also described in the present study. The appearance of natural infections of V. fungicola var. fungicola in A. bitorquis crops could well be due to the growing temperatures used in Spain, which are considerably below those used in other countries.  相似文献   

To understand the reproduction of the pioneer ectomycorrhizal fungi Laccaria amethystina and Laccaria laccata in a volcanic desert on Mount Fuji, Japan, the in situ genet dynamics of sporocarps were analysed. Sporocarps of the two Laccaria species were sampled at fine and large scales for 3 and 2 consecutive years, respectively, and were genotyped using microsatellite markers. In the fine-scale analysis, we found many small genets, the majority of which appeared and disappeared annually. The high densities and annual renewal of Laccaria genets indicate frequent turnover by sexual reproduction via spores. In the large-scale analysis, we found positive spatial autocorrelations in the shortest distance class. An allele-clustering analysis also showed that several alleles were distributed in only a small, localised region. These results indicate that Laccaria spores contributing to sexual reproduction may be dispersed only short distances from sporocarps that would have themselves been established via rare, long-distance spore dispersal. This combination of rare, long-distance and frequent, short-distance Laccaria spore dispersal is reflected in the establishment pattern of seeds of their host, Salix reinii.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands are effective wastewater treatment systems because of their ability to remove large amounts of organic matter and pathogens. The goals of this study were to characterize the presence of pathogenic free‐living amoebae and bacterial indicators (total and fecal coliforms), and to ascertain the removal efficiencies of physical and chemical pollutants, in a constructed wetland treating domestic wastewater from a single household. Influent and effluent samples were collected monthly over a ten‐month period for biological, physical and chemical analyses. Thirty‐two species of free‐living amoebae were isolated from the system. The genus Acanthamoeba was the most frequently encountered (59 %) and was removed from the wastewater with the greatest efficiency (80 %). Removal of bacteria was low, the highest removal rates were found in August (4 logarithmic units) and January (3 logarithmic units). The average removal efficiencies of suspended solids, BOD5 and ammoniacal nitrogen were 71.5 %, 50.6 % and 13.1 %, respectively. The relatively low removal efficiencies of the various bacteriological, physical and chemical parameters suggest that the hydraulic retention time was probably insufficient for optimal treatment to occur. The effluent quality was unacceptable for unrestricted irrigation of crops that are eaten uncooked.  相似文献   

Samples of soil and water were taken from the McMurdo Sound-Dry Valley region of Antarctica. Of the 70 samples cultured, 22 yielded amoebae capable of clonal growth at 30 degrees C. None of the isolates was pathogenic for mice. Acanthamoeba isolates appeared to show better survival potential than Naegleria isolates.  相似文献   

Most boreal and temperate forest trees form a mutualistic symbiosis with soil borne fungi called ectomycorrhiza (ECM). In this association both partners benefit due to nutrient exchange at the symbiotic interface. Laccaria bicolor is the first mycorrhizal fungus with its genome sequenced thus making possible for the first time to analyze genome scale gene expression profiles of a mutualistic fungus. However, in order to be able to take full advantage of the genome sequence, reverse genetic tools are needed. Among them a high throughput transformation system is crucial. Herein we present a detailed protocol for genetic transformation of L. bicolor by means of Agrobacterium tumefaciens with emphasis on critical steps affecting the success and efficiency of the approach.  相似文献   

The alpine zone is comprised of habitats at elevations above treeline, and macromycetes play important ecological roles as decomposers and mycorrhizal symbionts here as elsewhere. Laccaria is an important group of ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes widely used in experimental and applied research. A systematic study of alpine Laccaria species using morphological, cultural and molecular (ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer) data revealed five taxa in the Rocky Mountain alpine zone: L. laccata var. pallidifolia, L. nobilis (the first published report for arctic-alpine habitats), L. pumila, L. montana and L. pseudomontana (a newly described taxon similar to L. montana with more ellipsoidal, finely echinulate basidiospores). All occur in the southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado; however, only L. pumila and L. montana were found on the Beartooth Plateau in the northern Rocky Mountains of Montana and Wyoming. All are associated with dwarf and shrub Salix species, with L. laccata var. pallidifolia also associated with Dryas octopetala and Betula glandulosa. Maximum-parsimony phylogenetic analysis of rDNA-ITS sequences for 27 Laccaria accessions supports the morphological species delineations.  相似文献   



The publicly available Laccaria bicolor genome sequence has provided a considerable genomic resource allowing systematic identification of transposable elements (TEs) in this symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungus. Using a TE-specific annotation pipeline we have characterized and analyzed TEs in the L. bicolor S238N-H82 genome.

Methodology/Principal Findings

TEs occupy 24% of the 60 Mb L. bicolor genome and represent 25,787 full-length and partial copy elements distributed within 171 families. The most abundant elements were the Copia-like. TEs are not randomly distributed across the genome, but are tightly nested or clustered. The majority of TEs exhibits signs of ancient transposition except some intact copies of terminal inverted repeats (TIRS), long terminal repeats (LTRs) and a large retrotransposon derivative (LARD) element. There were three main periods of TE expansion in L. bicolor: the first from 57 to 10 Mya, the second from 5 to 1 Mya and the most recent from 0.5 Mya ago until now. LTR retrotransposons are closely related to retrotransposons found in another basidiomycete, Coprinopsis cinerea.


This analysis 1) represents an initial characterization of TEs in the L. bicolor genome, 2) contributes to improve genome annotation and a greater understanding of the role TEs played in genome organization and evolution and 3) provides a valuable resource for future research on the genome evolution within the Laccaria genus.  相似文献   

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