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Striped bass Morone saxatilis were infected intraperitoneally with approximately 10(5) Mycobacterium marinum, M. shottsii sp. nov., or M. gordonae. Infected fish were maintained in a flow-through freshwater system at 18 to 21 degrees C, and were examined histologically and bacteriologically at 2, 4, 6, 8, 17, 26, 36 and 45 wk post-infection (p.i.). M. marinum caused acute peritonitis, followed by extensive granuloma development in the mesenteries, spleen and anterior kidney. Granulomas in these tissues underwent a temporal progression of distinct morphological stages, culminating in well-circumscribed lesions surrounded by normal or healing tissue. Mycobacteria were cultured in high numbers from splenic tissue at all times p.i. Standard Ziehl-Neelsen staining, however, did not demonstrate acid-fast rods in most early inflammatory foci and granulomas. Large numbers of acid-fast rods were present in granulomas beginning at 8 wk p.i. Between 26 and 45 wk p.i., reactivation of disease was observed in some fish, with disintegration of granulomas, renewed inflammation, and elevated splenic bacterial densities approaching 10(9) colony-forming units g(-1). Infection with M. shottsii or M. gordonae did not produce severe pathology. Mild peritonitis was followed by granuloma formation in the mesenteries, but, with 1 exception, granulomas were not observed in the spleen or anterior kidney. M. shottsii and M. gordonae both established persistent infections in the spleen, but were present at densities at least 2 orders of magnitude less than M. marinum at all time points observed. Granulomas in the mesenteries of M. shottsii- and M. gordonae-infected fish resolved over time, and no reactivation of disease was observed.  相似文献   

Measurements of embryonic volume revealed regulation capability before hatch. Water diffusion permeability, determined as tritiated water efflux, was found to be low, but within the range for fish eggs. The perivitelline fluid is readily interchangeable with the external medium due to a high chorion permeability to both water and salt.  相似文献   

A survey to determine presence of parasitic and disease organisms and their effect on estuarine populations of striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), was conducted monthly from May 1972 to May 1973. A total of 514 fish over 1 year old and 140 young-of-the-year were examined using standard necropsy and histological procedures. Other species of fishes were studied to determine the specificity of striped bass parasites and to determine if other fishes were reservoirs for striped bass pathogens. Forty-five species of parasitic organisms from viruses to Metazoa were recognized from striped bass. Heavy infections by some were associated with definite pathological conditions.  相似文献   

It had been suggested that the activity of anaerobic enzymes in the white muscle of fish increases exponentially with body size to meet the increasing hydrodynamic costs of burst swimming. We tested whether this relationship holds across a very large size range of striped bass, spanning a nearly 3,000-fold range in body mass. We examined the scaling of marker enzymes of anaerobic (lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase) and aerobic (citrate synthase and malate dehydrogenase) metabolism in the red and white locomotor muscles. In white muscle, we found positive scaling of anaerobic enzymes only in smaller fishes. Positive scaling of anaerobic enzymes was not found among the samples that included fishes >1,000 g despite having a sufficiently large sample size to detect such scaling. The absence of positive scaling in the white muscles of large bass suggests that they are unable to generate sufficient power to sustain relative burst swimming performance. Enzymes from aerobic pathways had activities that were mass independent in both red and white muscle. Red and white muscles were metabolically distinct except among the smallest fishes. Among young of the year, the anaerobic capacity of red muscle approached that of white muscle and also showed positive scaling. This unusual pattern suggests that red muscle might augment white muscle during burst swimming and add to the total power generated by these small fish. Maximizing burst swimming performance may be critical for small fishes vulnerable to predation but unimportant for large fishes.  相似文献   

Young‐of‐the‐year (age‐0) striped bass, Morone saxatilis, were studied to characterize their responses to inflammatory stimuli. There were two studies, with the hypotheses that (i) <5 g striped bass would respond to inflammatory insult within 6 h, and (ii) response to antigens would be maintained for >24 h in larger fish. Study I was conducted to understand the cytokine expression pattern (IL‐1β, TNF‐α, Nramp and TGF‐β) in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) stimulation in age‐0 striped bass (3.44 ± 1.68 g, 70.6 ± 10.3 mm fork length) up to 24 h post injection (hpi). Study II was similar to Study I, but striped bass were sampled over a longer time frame (by 48 hpi) and larger age‐0 striped bass were used (20.6 ± 5.9 g, 129.2 ± 10.9 mm fork length). It was confirmed that immunostimulants such as LPS and FCA induce production of inflammatory cytokines and Nramp, which are important in innate immune response to bacterial infection. The responses were rapidly stimulated with LPS (IL‐1β, TNF‐α, TGF‐β >3‐fold increase, compared to PBS) or FCA (IL‐1β >3‐fold and TGF‐β >2‐fold, compared to PBS) within 6 hpi and maintained in most cases 48 hpi (spleen Nramp and TGF‐β 2‐fold >PBS, at 24 and 48 h), similar to other teleosts. Intraperitoneal injection with PBS also simulated inflammatory gene expression, but was delayed (IL‐1β, TNF‐α, TGF‐β and Nramp, FCA and LPS< at 6 h; 24 h >LPS and PBS) in comparison to LPS and FCA, suggesting that this procedure and possibly the volume used can be stimulatory and potentially harmful in age‐0 fish. Therefore, this study suggests that age‐0 striped bass are capable of strong cytokine induction in response to immunological stimulation within a very short period of time.  相似文献   

An emerging epizootic of mycobacteriosis currently threatens striped bass Morone saxatilis populations in Chesapeake Bay, USA. Several species of mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium marinum, species resembling M. avium, M. gordonae, M. peregrinum, M. scrofulaceum and M. terrae, and the new species M. shottsii have been isolated from diseased and healthy bass. In this study, we describe the ultrastructure of developing M. marinum granulomas in experimentally infected bass over a period of 45 wk. The primary host response to injected mycobacteria was formation of large macrophage aggregations containing phagocytosed bacilli. M. marinum were always contained within phagosomes. Close association of lysosomes with mycobacterial phagosomes, as well as the presence of electron-opaque material within phagosomes, suggested phagolysosomal fusion. Development of granulomas involved epithelioid transformation of macrophages, followed by appearance of central necrosis. Desmosomes were present between mature epithelioid cells. The necrotic core region of M. marinum granulomas was separated from overlying epithelioid cells by several layers of flattened, electron-opaque spindle-shaped cells. These cells appeared to be formed by compression of epithelioid cells and, aside from a flattened nucleus, did not possess recognizable organelles. Following the development of well-defined, paucibacillary granulomas, secondary disease was observed. Recrudescence was marked by bacterial replication followed by disruption of granuloma architecture, including loss of epithelioid and spindle cell layers. In advanced recrudescent lesions, normal tissue was replaced by macrophages, fibroblasts, and other inflammatory leukocytes. Large numbers of mycobacteria were observed, both intracellular and suspended in cellular debris.  相似文献   

HDL and apolipoprotein A-I from teleostean fishes demonstrate in vitro activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In this study, we purified ApoA-1 from striped bass (Morone saxatilis) plasma and examined its in vitro antibacterial activity against Streptococcus sp., Escherichia coli, and Mycobacterium marinum. In addition, we obtained sequence for a putative striped bass ApoA-1 gene, which when translated contained the identical sequence generated from N-terminal sequencing of the purified ApoA-1. The predicted secondary and tertiary structures contained the characteristic proline residues and high alpha-helical content conserved between mammals and fishes. Purified ApoA-1 exhibited antibacterial activity against the bacteria assayed. Concentrations of 125 microg/mL for E. coli, 250 microg/mL for Streptococcus sp., and 250 microg/mL for M. marinum, inhibited bacterial growth by 50% compared to control. ApoA-1 plasma concentrations in experimental and wild fish ranged from undetectable levels to greater than 5 mg/mL, indicating that striped bass ApoA-1 is an effective antibacterial agent at concentrations below the range of physiological concentrations in striped bass plasma. We therefore conclude that ApoA-1 could play a role in innate defense against bacterial pathogens in striped bass.  相似文献   

An in vitro phagocytosis assay was developed for hybrid striped bass (Morone saxatilis x Morone chrysops), using cells collected from the peritoneal cavity of this fish. The findings indicated that: (1) 10 days following a single intraperitoneal injection (1 ml) of Freund's incomplete adjuvant (FIA) was an appropriate time for collecting suitable working concentrations (5.3+/-4.0 x 10(7) cells ml(-1)) of peritoneal phagocytes (83.7+/-1.5% macrophages) from these hybrids held at 23 degrees C; (2) these cells phagocytosed latex beads (polystyrene microspheres 3.12 microm in diameter) after 30 min of in vitro incubation at room temperature (25+/-1 degrees C). The phagocytic ability and phagocytic capacity in a washed adherent layer exposure system were 67.2+/-2.76% and 4.14+/-0.35 beads phagocyte(-1), respectively. These results strongly suggest that a simple methodology, including baseline data serving as guidelines, is now available for conducting in vitro phagocytosis assays in this hybrid.  相似文献   

Individual striped bass Morone saxatilis were each exposed in random order to aquatic hypoxia (10% air saturation) either while swimming at 50% of their estimated critical swimming speed (Ucrit) or while at rest until they lost equilibrium. Individuals were always less tolerant of hypoxia when swimming (P < 0·01); the average fish was over five times more tolerant to the same hypoxia exposure when not swimming. There was no relationship between an individual's rank order of hypoxia tolerance (HT) under the two flow regimes, suggesting that different factors determine an individual's HT when at rest than when swimming.  相似文献   

Among other functions, lectins play an important role in the innate immune response of vertebrates and invertebrates by recognizing exposed glycans on the surface of potential pathogens. Despite the typically weak interaction of lectin domains with their carbohydrate ligands, they usually achieve high avidity through oligomeric structures or by the presence of tandem carbohydrate-binding domains along the polypeptide. The recently described structure of the fucose-binding European eel agglutinin revealed a novel lectin fold (the "F-type" fold), which is shared with other carbohydrate-binding proteins and apparently unrelated proteins from prokaryotes to vertebrates, and a unique fucose-binding sequence motif. Here we described the biochemical and molecular characterization of a unique fucose-binding lectin (MsaFBP32) isolated from serum of the striped bass (Morone saxatilis), composed of two tandem domains that exhibit the eel carbohydrate recognition sequence motif, which we designate F-type. We also described a novel lectin family ("F-type") constituted by a large number of proteins exhibiting greater multiples of the F-type motif, either tandemly arrayed or in mosaic combinations with other domains, including a putative transmembrane receptor, that suggests an extensive functional diversification of this lectin family. Among the tandem lectins, MsaFBP32 and other tandem binary homologues appear unique in that although their N-terminal domain shows close similarity to the fucose recognition domain of the eel agglutinin, their C-terminal domain exhibits changes that potentially could confer a distinct specificity for fucosylated ligands. In contrast with the amniotes, in which the F-type lectins appear conspicuously absent, the widespread gene duplication in the teleost fish suggests these F-type lectins acquired increasing evolutionary value within this taxon.  相似文献   

Epitheliocystis disease in the gills of the striped bass Morone saxatilis from Chesapeake Bay was studied using light and electron microscopy. The epitheliocystis infection appeared synchronous in that all capsules on a single host were at the same stage of development. The disease appeared to begin in a single cell on the gill lamella, which gradually enlarged to form a large cyst, encapsulated by a thick cellular capsule of epithelial origin. The epitheliocystis inclusion was filled with cells of the general morphology and size of rickettsiae; however, the infection was atypical for rickettsiae in that the cells had a dense central nucleoid region and they developed within an inclusion separated from the host cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary Strenuous 5-min exercise resulted in a 0.3 unit drop in the dorsal aortic pH of striped bass. The acidosis was metabolic: the blood lactate concentration increased during the exercise, whereas blood CO2 tension decreased. Dorsal aortic oxygen content was maintained despite the acidosis. This was a result of increased blood O2 tension, haemoglobin concentration and red cell volume, decreased cellular nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) concentration, and decreased proton gradient across the red cell membrane. When the fish were treated with the beta-antagonist, propranolol, before the exercise, the arterial oxygen content decreased significantly in the stress. The mean cellular haemoglobin concentration and cellular NTP concentration increased slightly, and the proton gradient across the red cell membrane decreased less than in control exercise. These results show that the beta-adrenergic responses of striped bass red cells play an important role in maintaining the arterial O2 content in stress.Abbreviation NTP nucleoside triphosphates  相似文献   

The time course of osmoregulatory adjustments and expressional changes of three key ion transporters in the gill were investigated in the striped bass during salinity acclimations. In three experiments, fish were transferred from fresh water (FW) to seawater (SW), from SW to FW, and from 15-ppt brackish water (BW) to either FW or SW, respectively. Each transfer induced minor deflections in serum [Na+] and muscle water content, both being corrected rapidly (24 hr). Transfer from FW to SW increased gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity and Na+,K+,2Cl- co-transporter expression after 3 days. Abundance of Na+,K+-ATPase alpha-subunit mRNA and protein was unchanged. Changes in Na+,K+,2Cl- co-transporter protein were preceded by increased mRNA expression after 24 hr. Expression of V-type H+-ATPase mRNA decreased after 3 days. Transfer from SW to FW induced no change in expression of gill Na+,K+-ATPase. However, Na+,K+,2Cl- co-transporter mRNA and protein levels decreased after 24 hr and 7 days, respectively. Expression of H+-ATPase mRNA increased in response to FW after 7 days. In BW fish transferred to FW and SW, gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity was stimulated by both challenges, suggesting both a hyper- and a hypo-osmoregulatory response of the enzyme. Acclimation of striped bass to SW occurs on a rapid time scale. This seems partly to rely on the relative high abundance of gill Na+,K+-ATPase and Na+,K+,2Cl- co-transporter in FW fish. In a separate study, we found a smaller response to SW in expression of these ion transport proteins in striped bass when compared with the less euryhaline brown trout. In both FW and SW, NEM-sensitive gill H+-ATPase activity was negligible in striped bass and approximately 10-fold higher in brown trout. This suggests that in striped bass Na+-uptake in FW may rely more on a relatively high abundance/activity of Na+,K+-ATPase compared to trout, where H+-ATPase is critical for establishing a thermodynamically favorable gradient for Na+-uptake.  相似文献   

The effects of wide changes in dietary levels of docosahexaenoic (DHA) or arachidonic (ArA) acids on growth, survival and fatty acid composition in body tissues of Morone larvae were examined. White bass (WB, Morone chrysops), striped bass (SB, Morone saxatilis) and sunshine hybrid bass (HSB, M. chrysopsxM. saxatilis) larvae (day 24-46) were fed Artemia nauplii enriched with algal sources of varying proportions of DHA and ArA (from 0 to over 20% of total fatty acids). WB larvae fed DHA-deficient Artemia diet retarded over 50% of their potential growth, however, increasing dietary DHA/ArA ratios were associated with a significant growth improvement. The highest proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids was found in WB neural tissue (approx. 50% of total fatty acids), while HSB neural tissue contained the highest proportion of saturated fatty acids (approx. 35% of total fatty acids). Within the neural tissues of all Morone larvae, both DHA and ArA were generally the most dominant as well as the most responding fatty acids to dietary manipulations (except in WB fed DHA or ArA deficient diets). HSB neural tissue was particularly efficient in retaining a significant amount of DHA in the face of dietary deficiency. However, WB neural tissue was the most responsive to dietary increase in DHA, accumulating a significantly higher amount of DHA (P<0.05) than SB or HSB. Results demonstrate significant differences in fatty acid composition and growth responsiveness to dietary manipulations between Morone larvae species and within specific tissues. WB weight gain and neural tissue composition was affected most by dietary changes in both DHA and ArA whereas SB and HSB tissue compositions were generally less affected by dietary manipulations.  相似文献   

The characteristics of a rotaviruslike (SBR) virus isolated from striped bass (Morone saxatilis) were examined following purification of viruses from infected cell cultures. Virions had a double-layered capsid of icosahedral symmetry and a diameter of 75 nm. Purified viruses contained five polypeptides ranging in molecular mass from 130 to 35 kDa. None of the structural proteins were glycosylated. Treatment with EDTA did not remove the outer capsid. By using enzymes and a chaotropic agent, it was shown that VP5 was the most external polypeptide. The genome of SBR virus was composed of 11 segments of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). The electrophoretic pattern of the dsRNA of SBR virus was different from that of reovirus type 1 (Lang) and rotavirus (SA11) dsRNA. The SBR virus was compared with reovirus type 1 and SA11 virus by RNA-RNA blot hybridization. There was no cross-hybridization between any of the genome segments of the SBR, reovirus type 1, or SA11 viruses. Antigenic comparison of SBR virus and SA11 virus by cross-immunoprecipitation and cross-immunofluorescence tests did not show any relationship. These results suggest that SBR virus could represent a new genus within the family Reoviridae.  相似文献   

Young of the year striped bass, Morone saxatilis , were exposed to sublethal concentrations of zinc and benzene and infected with larval Anisakis nematodes to determine the effects of these stressors on various physiological parameters. Results indicated that both pollutants and parasites significantly decreased haematocrit values. Parasites alone increased the liver somatic index, decreased haematocrits and, in the initial phase of the experiment, lowered antibody titres. Pollutants alone did not appear to significantly affect antibody titres, nor was there any difference in zinc and benzene uptake in the livers of infected and non-infected fish.  相似文献   

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