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Adult neurogenesis is a highly dynamic process modulated by several pathologic and environmental factors, as well as by various compounds. So far, available techniques to study neurogenesis are lengthy and personnel and cost intensive. We developed a new tool based on the doublecortin promoter driving the expression of the luciferase reporter gene (DCX-promo-luciferase) in transgenic mice to perform in vivo imaging of neurogenesis. Indeed, the DCX-promo-luciferase mice allowed optical in vivo imaging of the onset of and increase in neurogenesis in developing fetal brains, as well as imaging of neurogenesis in the intact adult mouse central nervous system. Moreover, the capacity to specifically detect a small number of migrating neuronal precursors in vivo after transplantation is for the first time feasible using this DCX-promo-luciferase transgenic tool. The present imaging approach offers several crucial advantages over methods currently available, such as bromodeoxyuridine incorporation or labeling using iron oxide nanoparticles. Hence, it allows longitudinal study of neurogenesis in intact animals without the requirement of cellular prelabeling. Moreover, it guarantees that detection is specific for neuronal precursors and restricted to viable cells. Hence, our DCX-promo-luciferase transgenic model constitutes an effective tool that answers the pressing need for rapid investigation of the impact on neurogenesis of a large number of candidate compounds waiting to be tested.  相似文献   

Organophosphorus compounds pose a potential threat to both military and civilian populations. Since post-exposure therapy has its limitations, our research was focused on the possibility of improving pretreatment in order to limit the toxic effects of tabun. We determined the protective index of various combinations of atropine, oximes (K074, K048, and TMB-4), and pyridostigmine given to mice before tabun intoxication. Although the tested oximes showed very good therapeutic efficacy in tabun-poisoned mice, the given pretreatments improved therapy against tabun poisoning. These regimens ensured survival of all animals up to 25.2 LD50 of tabun. Our results indicate that even pretreatment with atropine alone is sufficiently effective in enhancing the survival of mice poisoned by multiple doses of tabun, if oxime therapy follows. K048 is our oxime of choice for future research, as it shows better protective and reactivating potency.  相似文献   

The CB1 cannabinoid receptor is expressed in the brain at levels sufficient to serve as potential target for in vivo imaging using positron emission tomography (PET) or single photon emission computed tomography methodology. To date, the most promising radioligands for the in vivo imaging of this receptor have structures based on that of the cannabinoid antagonist, SR141716A. Rodent data obtained using these in vivo radiotracers has demonstrated that both the behavioral and neurochemical effects of cannabinoids occur at very low levels of receptor occupancy. More recently, an agonist radiotracer based on the structure of aminoalkylindole cannabinoids has also been examined for in vivo labeling of CB1 receptors. Although rodent studies have indicated that in vivo imaging of CB1 receptors is feasible, at the present time this receptor has still to be successful imaged in a human PET study.  相似文献   

The release of neurotransmitters principally glutamate during cerebral ischemia has been extensively studied. It is well recognized that ischemia induced release of glutamate plays a key role in “excitotoxic” neuronal death. The role of monoaminergic neurotransmitters is however unclear. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extracellular norepinephrine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and serotonin (5-HT) under varied degrees of ischemia in the acute focal ischemic model of the human brain by in-vivo microdialysis. The ischemic response of these amines was correlated with the glutamate levels. Our study concludes that these amines and metabolites can be detected in the human “stroke” model. No marked fluctuations were noted in the levels of norepinephrine and DOPAC. However, significant changes to partial and total ischemia were noted in the extracellular levels of 5-HIAA and 5-HT. These compounds showed a dramatic increase with the onset of ischemia with higher detectable levels in the partial ischemic state in comparison to the total ischemic dialysate levels. The exact role played by the differential increase in the levels of 5-HT to the other catecholamines in the pathogenesis of ischemic neuronal damage remains unclear and warrants further study.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach to study in vivo cellular kinetics by the combined use of magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy and Odum’s system modeling, which includes the entire process of substrate degradation and product formation. The experiment was conducted directly in the MR-probe, where microorganisms (Klebsiella planticola) were incubated with high 13C-glucose and 13C-xylose concentration. Sugar consumptions and 13C-ethanol production were followed for 17  h and MR-spectra were acquired every 30 min without external sampling.Fitting of data allowed evaluation of sugar degradation, ethanol formation, cell activation induced by substrates, as well as cell inhibition induced by ethanol. The dynamics related to the diauxic growth of the bacterium under study were analyzed in terms of different kinetic behaviors. This approach gives not only a good fit of theoretical to experimental results, but is able also to interpret the way substrates, cells and products interact with each other. The proposed methodology can be applied to different living systems to study complex novel mechanisms.  相似文献   

A single administration of LiCl (0.5, 2 and 4 mmol/kg) to adult male albino rats produced a dose dependent increase of Li level in plasma, whole brain and brain regions. The concentration of Li in whole brain and brain regions was much less than that in plasma. Further, it is also found that concentration of Li in plasma reached a peak at 8 hr while that of Li in whole brain and brain regions reached a peak at 12 hr after the administration. The distribution and retention of Li was found to be highest in hypothalamus followed by striatum, pons-medulla, cerebellum and cerebral cortex. Daily administration of LiCl at a dose of 0.5 and 2 mmol/kg/day showed a time and dose dependent increase in plasma Li level up to a period of 21 consecutive days. But at higher dose (4 mmol/kg/day), on the other hand, under similar condition showed a time dependent increase in plasma Li level up to a period of 14 consecutive days and then gradually decreased with prolongation of treatment to 21 consecutive days. In brain there was no such decrease, rather increase in Li level was observed with the prolongation of duration of treatment, highest concentration of Li was found in hypothalamus and striatum than the rest of the brain regions. These results suggest that under short term treatment with LiCl, the clearance rate of Li in brain cell is much slower than that in plasma. Both single and long-term exposure of LiCl produces a dose dependent increase of Li in plasma, whole brain and brain regions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Eight hours after intracerebral injection of a double-labeled 3-ketoceramide4, [1-14C]lignoceroyl 3-keto [1-3H]sphingosine, various brain sphingolipids were isolated. Free ceramide and the ceramide portions of nonhydroxy cerebroside and sphingomyelin were further fractionated into subgroups containing longer-chain or shorter-chain fatty acids. Nonhydroxy ceramide, nonhydroxy cerebroside and sphingomyelin containing longer-chain fatty acids had significant quantities of radioactivity with 3H/14C ratios similar to each other but lower than that of the injected material. The sphingolipids containing shorter-chain fatty acids were also significantly labeled; however, the 3H/14C ratios were much higher than that of the injected material. Hydroxy-ceramide and sulfatides contained very little radioactivity. However, hydroxy-cerebroside contained an amount of radioactivity comparable to that of the longer-chain nonhydroxy cerebroside with a similar 3H/14C ratio. It is proposed that the injected 3-ketoceramide was converted into ceramide, cerebroside, and sphingomyelin and that the fatty acids of these lipids were partly replaced by other fatty acids during the metabolic conversions.  相似文献   

In vivo regulation of the serotonin-2 receptor in rat brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serotonin-2 (5-HT-2) receptors in brain were measured using [3H]ketanserin. We examined the effects of amitriptyline, an antidepressant drug, of electroconvulsive shock (ECS) and of drug-induced alterations in presynaptic 5-HT function on [3H]ketanserin binding to 5-HT-2 receptors in rat brain. The importance of intact 5-HT axons to the up-regulation of 5-HT-2 receptors by ECS was also investigated, and an attempt was made to relate the ECS-induced increase in this receptor to changes in 5-HT presynaptic mechanisms. Twelve days of ECS increased the number of 5-HT-2 receptors in frontal cortex. Neither the IC50 nor the Hill coefficient of 5-HT in competing for [3H]ketanserin binding sites was altered by ECS. Repeated injections of amitriptyline reduced the number of 5-HT-2 receptors in frontal cortex. Reserpine, administered daily for 12 days, caused a significant increase in 5-HT-2 receptors, but neither daily injections of p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) nor lesions of 5-HT axons with 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) affected 5-HT-2 receptors. However, regulation of 5-HT-2 receptors by ECS was dependent on intact 5-HT axons since ECS could not increase the number of 5-HT-2 receptors in rats previously lesioned with 5,7-DHT. Repeated ECS, however, does not appear to affect either the high-affinity uptake of [3H]5-HT or [3H]imipramine binding, two presynaptic markers of 5-HT neuronal function. 5-HT-2 receptors appear to be under complex control. ECS or drug treatments such as reserpine or amitriptyline, which affect several monoamine neurotransmission systems including 5-HT, can alter 5-HT-2 receptors. While depleting 5-HT alone (5,7-DHT or PCPA) does not alter [3H]ketanserin binding to 5-HT-2 receptors, intact 5-HT axons are necessary for the adaptive up-regulation of the receptor following ECS.  相似文献   

1. The present review analyzes sensory processing during sleep and wakefulness from a single neuronal viewpoint. Our premises are that processing changes throughout the sleep–wakefulness cycle may be at least partially evidenced in single neurons by (a) changes in the phase locking of the response to the hippocampal theta rhythm, (b) changes in the discharge rate and firing pattern of the response to sound, and (c) changes in the effects of the neurotransmitters involved in the afferent and efferent pathways.2. The first part of our report is based on the hypothesis that the encoding of sensory information needs a timer in order to be processed and stored, and that the hippocampal theta rhythm could contribute to the temporal organization. We have demonstrated that the guinea pig's auditory and visual neuronal discharge exhibits a temporal relationship (phase locking) to the hippocampal theta waves during wakefulness and sleep phases.3. The concept that the neural network organization during sleep versus wakefulness is different and can be modulated by sensory signals and vice versa, and that the sensory input may be influenced by the CNS state, i.e., asleep or awake, is introduced. During sleep the evoked firing of auditory units increases, decreases, or remains similar to that observed during quiet wakefulness. However, there has been no auditory unit yet that stops firing as the guinea pig enters sleep. Approximately half of the cortical neurons studied did not change firing rate when passing into sleep while others increased or decreased. Thus, the system is continuously aware of the environment. We postulate that those neurons that changed their evoked firing during sleep are also related to still unknown sleep processes.4. Excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters participate in the synaptic transmission of the afferent and efferent pathways in the auditory system. In the inferior colliculus, however, the effects of glutamate's mediating the response to sound and the efferent excitation evoked by cortical stimulation failed to show differences in sleep and wakefulness.5. Considering that neonates and also infants spend most of the time asleep, the continuous arrival of sensory information to the brain during both sleep phases may serve to sculpt the brain by activity-dependent mechanisms of neural development, as has been postulated for wakefulness.  相似文献   

In vivo binding of carbon monoxide to cytochrome c oxidase in rat brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The possibility of binding of CO to cytochrome c oxidase (cytochrome a,a3) in brain cortex has been examined in vivo by reflectance spectrophotometry. During ventilation with CO-containing gases, cytochrome a,a3 absorption at 605 nm increased in the parietal cortex of anesthetized rats during carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) formation. HbCO levels, measured by changes in absorption at 569-586 nm in vivo, correlated positively with arterial HbCO by CO oximetry. Arterial blood pressure and calculated O2 content varied inversely with HbCO. During CO exposure, decreases in blood pressure, O2 content, and cytochrome a,a3 oxidation level could be reversed partly at constant HbCO by compression to 3 atmospheres absolute (ATA). After removing CO from inspired gas at 3 ATA, optical and physiological parameters recovered completely to control values except for minor persistent elevations of HbCO. Difference spectra from parallel experiments at constant HbCO revealed absorption minima at 588-592 nm and 600-605 nm as a result of hyperbaric exposure. Spectral analysis of these components was consistent with partial dissociation of a cytochrome a3-CO complex and cytochrome a reoxidation with increasing dissolved O2 in hyperbaric conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The binding of intravenously administered prolactin to choroid plexus and brain tissue was determined radioautographically in the ring dove, a species that exhibits prolactin-induced alterations in brain function. An intense autoradiographic reaction was detected over the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus 5 min after the intravenous injection of 125I-ovine prolactin. A significant reaction was also observed over the infundibulum but no significant uptake of prolactin occurred in other brain areas. The binding of radiolabelled prolactin to infundibulum appeared to be non-specific, since excess unlabelled hormone did not reduce silver grain density. In contrast, 125I-ovine prolactin binding in choroid plexus was significantly reduced by excess unlabelled ovine prolactin or human growth hormone, but not by ovine luteinizing hormone. Specific binding to choroid plexus was also detected in vitro. The lack of significant brain uptake of prolactin in vivo is discussed in relation to recent in vitro evidence for specific binding sites for prolactin in several dove brain regions. Similarities between the binding results obtained in this avian species and those reported previously in mammals suggest that the two vertebrate groups exhibit similar patterns of prolactin interaction with neural target tissues.  相似文献   

A new approach to the sequence analysis of DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
W Oertel  H Schaller 《FEBS letters》1972,27(2):316-320

Three-dimensional (3-D) echocardiography allows the generation of anatomically correct and time-resolved geometric mitral valve (MV) models. However, as imaged in vivo, the MV assumes its systolic geometric configuration only when loaded. Customarily, finite element analysis (FEA) is used to predict material stress and strain fields rendered by applying a load on an initially unloaded model. Therefore, this study endeavors to provide a framework for the application of in vivo MV geometry and FEA to MV physiology, pathophysiology, and surgical repair. We hypothesize that in vivo MV geometry can be reasonably used as a surrogate for the unloaded valve in computational (FEA) simulations, yielding reasonable and meaningful stress and strain magnitudes and distributions. Three experiments were undertaken to demonstrate that the MV leaflets are relatively nondeformed during systolic loading: 1) leaflet strain in vivo was measured using sonomicrometry in an ovine model, 2) hybrid models of normal human MVs as constructed using transesophageal real-time 3-D echocardiography (rt-3DE) were repeatedly loaded using FEA, and 3) serial rt-3DE images of normal human MVs were used to construct models at end diastole and end isovolumic contraction to detect any deformation during isovolumic contraction. The average linear strain associated with isovolumic contraction was 0.02 ± 0.01, measured in vivo with sonomicrometry. Repeated loading of the hybrid normal human MV demonstrated little change in stress or geometry: peak von Mises stress changed by <4% at all locations on the anterior and posterior leaflets. Finally, the in vivo human MV deformed minimally during isovolumic contraction, as measured by the mean absolute difference calculated over the surfaces of both leaflets between serial MV models: 0.53 ± 0.19 mm. FEA modeling of MV models derived from in vivo high-resolution truly 3-D imaging is reasonable and useful for stress prediction in MV pathologies and repairs.  相似文献   

The principal component analysis (PCA) allows to obtain a quantitative measure of the state of metabolism as a whole. In this paper we applied this method to the study of energy metabolism during aging process and of the effect of a drug (Acetyl-1-carnitine, ALCAR) on the aging brain.  相似文献   

A new approach to biochemical evaluation of brain dopamine metabolism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Dopaminergic neurotransmission in brain is receiving increased attention because of its known involvement in Parkinson's disease and new methods for the treatment of this disorder and because of hypotheses relating several psychiatric disorders to abnormalities in brain dopaminergic systems. 2. Chemical assessment of brain dopamine metabolism has been attempted by measuring levels of its major metabolite, homovanillic acid (HVA), in cerebrospinal fluid, plasma, or urine. Because HVA is derived in part from dopamine formed in noradrenergic neurons, plasma levels and urinary excretion rates of HVA do not adequately reflect solely metabolism of brain dopamine. 3. Using debrisoquin, the peripheral contributions of HVA to plasma or urinary HVA can be diminished, but the extent of residual HVA formation in noradrenergic neurons is unknown. By measuring the levels of methoxy-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) in plasma or of urinary norepinephrine metabolites (total MHPG in monkeys; the sum of total MHPG and vanillyl mandelic acid (VMA) in humans) along with HVA, it is possible to estimate the degree of impairment by debrisoquin of HVA formation from noradrenergic neuronal dopamine and thereby better assess brain dopamine metabolism. 4. This method was applied to a monkey before and after destruction of the nigrostriatal pathway by the administration of MPTP.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM) allows cells to form and maintain three-dimensional tissue architecture. Cell–ECM adhesions are stabilized upon exposure to mechanical force. In this study, we used quantitative imaging and mathematical modeling to gain mechanistic insight into how integrin-based adhesions respond to increased and decreased mechanical forces. A critical means of regulating integrin-based adhesion is provided by modulating the turnover of integrin and its adhesion complex (integrin adhesion complex [IAC]). The turnover of the IAC component Talin, a known mechanosensor, was analyzed using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Experiments were carried out in live, intact flies in genetic backgrounds that increased or decreased the force applied on sites of adhesion. This analysis showed that when force is elevated, the rate of assembly of new adhesions increases such that cell–ECM adhesion is stabilized. Moreover, under conditions of decreased force, the overall rate of turnover, but not the proportion of adhesion complex components undergoing turnover, increases. Using point mutations, we identify the key functional domains of Talin that mediate its response to force. Finally, by fitting a mathematical model to the data, we uncover the mechanisms that mediate the stabilization of ECM-based adhesion during development.  相似文献   

A fluorescent antibody has been employed for investigating the estradiol intracellular kinetics in target cells.In vivo observations showed that in the very immature rats (5-day-old) the translocation in the nucleus of the cytoplasmic bound estradiol, seems impaired at the level of the nuclear membrane; while in older animals (30-day-old) a normal, predominantly nuclear localization of the estradiol was observed.In vitro studies allowed the demonstration of the specific binding of the estradiol to the cytoplasm, nuclear chromatin, chromosomes and nucleolus, in various experimental conditions.Some defects of the cytoplasmie uptake, translocation and nuclear binding of the estradiol, which might be relevant to the hormone-dependence, have been demonstrated in cells from human breast cancers.  相似文献   

Many different cells' signalling pathways are universally regulated by Ca(2+) concentration [Ca(2+)] rises that have highly variable amplitudes and kinetic properties. Optical imaging can provide the means to characterise both the temporal and spatial aspects of Ca(2+) signals involved in neurophysiological functions. New methods for in vivo imaging of Ca(2+) signalling in the brain of Drosophila are required for probing the different dynamic aspects of this system. In studies here, whole brain Ca(2+) imaging was performed on transgenic flies with targeted expression of the bioluminescent Ca(2+) reporter GFP-aequorin (GA) in different neural structures. A photon counting based technique was used to undertake continuous recordings of cytosolic [Ca(2+)] over hours. Time integrals for reconstructing images and analysis of the data were selected offline according to the signal intensity. This approach allowed a unique Ca(2+) response associated with cholinergic transmission to be identified by whole brain imaging of specific neural structures. Notably, [Ca(2+)] transients in the Mushroom Bodies (MBs) following nicotine stimulation were accompanied by a delayed secondary [Ca(2+)] rise (up to 15 min. later) in the MB lobes. The delayed response was sensitive to thapsigargin, suggesting a role for intra-cellular Ca(2+) stores. Moreover, it was reduced in dunce mutant flies, which are impaired in learning and memory. Bioluminescence imaging is therefore useful for studying Ca(2+) signalling pathways and for functional mapping of neurophysiological processes in the fly brain.  相似文献   

The discovery of endogenous neural stem cells (eNSCs) in the adult mammalian brain with their ability to self-renew and differentiate into functional neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes has raised the hope for novel therapies of neurological diseases. Experimentally, those eNSCs can be mobilized in vivo, enhancing regeneration and accelerating functional recovery after, e.g., focal cerebral ischemia, thus constituting a most promising approach in stem cell research. In order to translate those current experimental approaches into a clinical setting in the future, non-invasive imaging methods are required to monitor eNSC activation in a longitudinal and intra-individual manner. As yet, imaging protocols to assess eNSC mobilization non-invasively in the live brain remain scarce, but considerable progress has been made in this field in recent years. This review summarizes and discusses the current imaging modalities suitable to monitor eNSCs in individual experimental animals over time, including optical imaging, magnetic resonance tomography and-spectroscopy, as well as positron emission tomography (PET). Special emphasis is put on the potential of each imaging method for a possible clinical translation, and on the specificity of the signal obtained. PET-imaging with the radiotracer 3’-deoxy-3’-[18F]fluoro-L-thymidine in particular constitutes a modality with excellent potential for clinical translation but low specificity; however, concomitant imaging of neuroinflammation is feasible and increases its specificity. The non-invasive imaging strategies presented here allow for the exploitation of novel treatment strategies based upon the regenerative potential of eNSCs, and will help to facilitate a translation into the clinical setting.  相似文献   

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