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We investigated the taxonomic status of two sympatric morphospecies of squat lobsters from southern South America (Beagle Channel, Strait of Magellan, and Burdwood Bank), Munida gregaria and Munida subrugosa , by DNA sequence analysis of three mitochondrial (mt)DNA gene fragments [416 bp of 16S rDNA(165), 566 bp of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I(COI) and 418 bp of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1)]; and the nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1 (883–952 bp). We obtained a total of 79 sequences from 32 individuals. The 16S sequences of all M. gregaria and M. subrugosa were invariant and identical, whereas COI and ND1 showed 12 and 15 variable sites, respectively. These polymorphisms were shared between morphospecies. Interspecific Tamura–Nei distances for COI and ND1 sequences were 0.0024 and 0.0032, respectively, and were not significantly different from intraspecific distances (Kruskal–Wallis tests: P  = 0.58 and P  = 0.69, for COI and ND1, respectively). Similar to the results obtained from the mtDNA sequences, no relationship was found between the ITS1 maximum parsimony tree topology and the morphologic classification of specimens in M. gregaria and M. subrugosa . We conclude that M. gregaria and M. subrugosa from southern South America may either represent a case of a dimorphic species, or a case of incomplete lineage sorting. The fact that these two morphospecies did not show fixed differences over a total of 1947 bp analysed reinforces the hypothesis of a single dimorphic species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 421–434.  相似文献   

The galatheid squat lobster, Munida rugosa, has compound eyes of the reflecting superposition type in which a distal cone cell layer and a proximal rhabdom layer are separated by an extensive clear zone. The eye is shown to have certain unique features. In all other reflecting superposition eyes, the clear zone is traversed by crystalline tracts formed by the cone cells. In M. rugosa a thin distal rhabdom thread, formed by the eighth retinula cell, connects the cones to the proximal fusiform rhabdoms. The cytoplasm of the other retinula cells also crosses the clear zone in a complex pattern. Fully light-adapted ommatidia are optically isolated by limited migrations of distal shielding pigments. A reflecting pigment multilayer lines each cone to facilitate the formation of a superposition image. This also shows a light-induced change which may limit the acceptance angle of the eye during light adaptation.  相似文献   

Serotonin and octopamine have been implicated as modulators of posture and behavior in several crustaceans. Here we characterize the agonistic behaviors of normally interacting squat lobsters Munida quadrispina (Anomura, Galatheidae) and their responses to serotonin and octopamine injected into the ventral hemolymph sinus, in order to evaluate the potential roles of these amines in modulating agonistic behaviors. Normally interacting M. quadrispina do not develop lasting dominance hierarchies, although transient aggressive and submissive displays do occur. Injected serotonin elicits postures and behaviors in isolated individuals similar to those typical of aggressive, normally interacting animals. Injected octopamine can produce postures and behaviors typical of submissive animals, and elicits behaviors which imply a modulatory role for octopamine in tailflipping. The effects of both amines are reversible and dose dependent, and the dose-response curves parallel the normal progression of agonistic interactions. The social behaviors and reactions to injected serotonin and octopamine of M. quadrispina differ from those of lobsters and crayfish, indicating that interspecific differences in neuromodulation of behavior and motor output exist. Such differences have implications for the understanding of aminergic modulation of aggression and the evolution of aminergic modulation in crustaceans. Accepted: 22 June 1997  相似文献   

Specimens of Munida gregaria were collected within and in the vicinity of a bloom of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella in Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand. The crustacean contained paralytic shellfish toxin (PST) with an analogue profile dominated by N-sulfocarbamoyl analogues (C1,2 and GTX5) and carbamate gonyautoxins (GTX1,4), similar to that of the dinoflagellate. A feeding experiment showed that M. gregaria is capable of actively grazing on A. catenella and it may play a role in controlling population growth of the dinoflagellate. This is the first account of the accumulation of PST by M. gregaria. When it is periodically abundant, M. gregaria is an important food item for fish, birds and other marine fauna and they are a vector by which PST may be transferred to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Aerial photographic surveys were used to study the distributionand abundance of the near-surface shoaling juvenile phase ofthe galatheid crab Munida gregaria in southeastern N.Z. continentalshelf waters. On numerous occasions shoals were concentratedinto aggregations many metres to a few kilometres long at riverplume and headland fronts, and in mid-shelf internal waves.Laboratory experiments established that M. gregaria juvenilesshowed strong positive phototaxis and that they could sustainswimming speeds of 16 cm s–1. Field experiments showedthat when M. gregaria were displaced to deeper waters, theirresponse was to swim back towards the surface. These resultssuggest that juveniles swept into convergent zones would resistdownward displacement. Since convergent zones occur at coastalfront and internal wave sites this mechanism could explain theaggregations of shoals observed and photographed from the air.This mechanism is discussed in relation to literature on physicalprocesses at such sites and to studies of plankton distributionand behaviour.  相似文献   

The membrane systems of the cardiac muscle cell of Munida tenuimana G. O. Sars are described. The sarcolemma invaginates at the Z level, forming tubules. Narrow tubules branch off in a longitudinal direction from these transverse and radially arranged tubules, forming a narrow transverse collar at the H level where dyadic and triadic junctions are formed with the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Munida gregaria and M. subrugosa have been considered two different species for more than a century; however, after a recent molecular phylogenetic study, they are considered a single polymorphic species. Yet, the use of markers to diagnose species may be misleading when divergence between species is recent, since a speciation event may be obscured by the retention and stochastic sorting of ancestral polymorphisms. The morphs gregaria and subrugosa of Munida gregaria constitute an interesting case for the study of behavioural isolation since they are sympatric, breed at the same time of the year, and might have experienced a recent speciation. Mating behaviour observations and mate choice mating trials were conducted in order to investigate the potential existence of a behavioural prezygotic barrier to gene flow between these two morphs. Since factors involved in mate choice in galatheids are unknown, the four possible combinations of the two different morphs in trios were used to test for the existence of mate choice. Video recordings of all the possible trio combinations revealed that there was cross-attraction between males and females of different morphs. Females bearing partial broods participated in encounters as well as non-ovigerous females. The frequency and duration of homo- and heterotypic encounters were registered, and a reproductive isolation index was calculated for each variable for each trio. The isolation indexes calculated were not different from zero indicating random mating, and were not affected by the composition of the trio or the partial ovigerous condition of females. These results provided evidence of the absence of behavioural prezygotic barriers to gene flow between the morphs gregaria and subrugosa of M. gregaria.  相似文献   

Antiviral activity (99.5% inhibition) against the Autographa californica polyhedrosis nuclear virus AcNPV+GFP was shown by a polypeptide of approximately 10 kDa, isolated from the exoskeleton of Pleuroncodes planipes, the pelagic red crab. This thermo-stable polypeptide retained its anti-viral properties after being exposed to 76 °C for 30 min and showed no apparent cytotoxic effect. Its anti-viral activity was observed when incubated with the virus, previous to the inoculation of cells. Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS), this polypeptide showed sequence identity to a fragment of a myohemeritrin-like metalloprotein found in the Scoloplos armiger sea worm (VFYANLDEEHK).  相似文献   

Summary The development of the compound eyes and nervous system of the penaeid shrimp,Penaeus duorarum, from the first nauplius to the first postlarva, has been studied. The first anlage of the compound eyes is a pair of optic discs on the front of the animal. These increase in size through cell-division until the second protozoea stage, where the eye-stalks appear with ommatidia and optic neuropiles developed. The original neuroectoderm of the optic discs is retained in the shape of a proliferation zone throughout the life of the animal. From the optic discs, develop the ommatidia, the lamina ganglionaris, and the medulla externa. The medullae interna and terminalis develop from cells coming from the brain anlage. From the second protozoea and onwards, the development is less rapid. The final shape of the adult eye is reached during the postlarval stages and includes the appearance of a few more pigments and a perfecting of several features. A scheme for the development of crustacean compound eyes is laid down. Further, the medulla externa of the Malacostraca and the single medulla of non-malacostracan crustaceans are homologized.The continuous growth of the nervous system is traced in the development of the neuropile. The appearance of glomeruli structures is reported, as are also, to some extent, neurosecretory organs. The development of the SPX-organ conforms to that of other decapods.For the sake of simplicity, the findings reported below in Results are grouped under two headings, namely the eye-stalk and the nervous system. Under the eye-stalk will be described both the structures coming from the optic discs comprising the ommatidia, the lamina ganglionaris, and the medulla externa, and the contributions from the nervous system comprising the medulla terminalis and medulla interna. Under the nervous system will be described the rest of the nervous system. The term anlage of the compound eyes is the same as the optic discs and denotes all contributions from this area in the early larva.  相似文献   

The family Galatheidae is among the most diverse families of anomuran decapod crustaceans, and the South‐West Pacific is a biodiversity hot spot for these squat lobsters. Attempts to clarify the taxonomic and evolutionary relationships of the Galatheidae on the basis of morphological and molecular data have revealed the existence of several cryptic species, differentiated only by subtle morphological characters. Despite these efforts, however, relationships among genera are poorly understood, and the family is in need of a detailed systematic review. In this study, we assess material collected in different surveys conducted in the Solomon Islands, as well as comparative material from the Fiji Islands, by examining both the morphology of the specimens and two mitochondrial markers (cytochrome oxidase subunit I, COI, and 16S rRNA). These two sources of data revealed the existence of eight new species of squat lobster, four of which were ascribed to the genus Munida, two to the genus Paramunida, one to the genus Plesionida, and the last species was ascribed to the genus Agononida. These eight species are described along with phylogenetic relationships at the genus level. Our findings support the taxonomic status of the new species, yet the phylogenetic relationships are not yet fully resolved. Further molecular analysis of a larger data set of species, and more conserved genes, will help clarify the systematics of this group. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 156 , 465–493.  相似文献   

The study of ultrastructure of Philophthalmus rhionica miracidium was carried out. Update the ultrastructures of miracidium were studied in a restricted number of species belonging to the families Notocotylidae, Paramphistomatidae, Sanguinicolidae, Fasciolidae, Schistosomatidae (Galaktionov, Dobrovolsky, 1998). The ultrastructure of representatives of two latter families, Fasciola hepatica and Schistosoma mansoni respectively, have been examined most carefully. The family Philophthalmidae differs from the families Fasciolidae and Schistosomatidae by the aberrant pedogenetic miracidium.  相似文献   

The morphology of this freshwater phytoflagellate (Chrysophyceae or Chrysomonadida) has been studied in detail by electron microscopy. It is unusually complex for a member of its class, having a depressed reniform shape and a second flagellum modified as a photoreceptor, and also possessing rhizopodia, scales and a stellate chloroplast with a central pyrenoid. These structures are compared with similar ones in other members of the class and possible relationships are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The spectral sensitivity of the compound eye in three butterfly species (Heliconius erato, H. numata, H, sara) was tested electrophysiologically in the wavelength region 310 to 650 nm. Sensitivity maxima were found at 370 to 390 nm, 450 to 470 nm, and 550 to 570 nm, for all species. The three sensitivity maxima are suggested to be due to different photoreceptor types effecting wave-length discrimination. An interspecies difference in spectral sensitivity was also found. The difference is suggested to be due to the relative number of photoreceptors of each type. In some of the present experiments a small discontinuity in sensitivity was found at 610 or 630 nm. It is probably caused by a selective reflection of these wavelengths from a tapetum.  相似文献   

Summary Electroretinograms (ERG) were recorded from dark- and chromatic-adapted compound eyes in the dusk-active firefly,Photinus pyralis , at different wavelengths ranging from 320 to 700 run and over 4.5 log units change in stimulus intensity. ERG waveforms differed in the short (near-UV and violet) and long (yellow) wavelengths (Fig. 1). Waveform differences were quantitated by analysis of rise and fall times as a function of the amplitude of the response. Rise times were found to be relatively constant for all stimulus wavelengths. However, variations in the fall times were detected and followed characteristically different functions for short and long wavelengths (Fig. 2).No significant differences in the slopes of the Vlog-I curves at different stimulus wavelengths were observed (Fig. 3).Spectral sensitivity curves obtained from the ventral sector in dark- and chromatic-adapted conditions revealed peaks in the short ( max 400 nm: Fig. 4; max 430 nm: Fig. 5 A; and max 380 nm; Fig. 5B) and long ( max 570 nm: Figs. 4, 5) wavelengths, suggesting the presence of two spectral mechanisms. The long wavelength (yellow) mechanism was in close tune with the species bioluminescence emission spectrum (Fig. 4B).This investigation was supported in part by NIH Research Grant # EY-00490 (to R.M.C.); Research Grant # 01794N from the Research Foundation of the City University of New York (to A.B.L.); NIGMS Training Grant #1 TO 2 GM 05010-01 MARC (to J.A.H.); and NSF Grant # HES-75-09824 (to C.O.T.). We thank Tom Jensen for technical assistance, Barry Schuttler for his courtesy in allowing us to collect fireflies at his farm, Jean Lall for editorial assistance, and the two anonymous referees whose comments added considerably to the quality of this paper.  相似文献   

During the BENTART 2006 Expedition, a specimen of the galatheid Munidopsis albatrossae (Crustacea, Decapoda) was sampled in the Bellingshausen Sea, at 1920 m depth on soft bottoms. This specimen represents the first record of the family for Antarctic waters. This and other recent records have substantially increased the known species richness of decapod crustaceans in Antarctic waters, which are discussed to reflect an increase of scientific effort, anthropogenic introductions, and/or new colonizations possibly associated to changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The ERG of the compound eye in freshly collected Ligia occidentalis, in response to high intensity light flashes of ⅛ second or longer duration, begins with a negative on-effect quickly followed by an early positive deflection, rapidly returns to the baseline during illumination, and ends with a positive off-effect. As the stimulus intensity is decreased the early positivity progressively decreases and the rapid return to the baseline is replaced by a slowing decline of the negative on-effect. Responses were recorded with one active electrode subcorneally situated in the illuminated eye, the reference electrode in the dark eye. The dark-adapted eye shows a facilitation of the amplitude and rates of rise and fall of the on-effect to a brief, high intensity light stimulus. This facilitation may persist for more than 2 minutes. Following light adaptation under conditions in which the human eye loses sensitivity by a factor of almost 40,000 the Ligia eye loses sensitivity by a factor of only 3. The flicker fusion frequency of the ERG may be as high as 120/second with a corneal illumination of 15,000 foot-candles. Bleeding an otherwise intact animal very rapidly results in a decline of amplitude, change of wave form, and loss of facilitation in the ERG. When the eye is deganglionated without bleeding the animal the isolated retina responds in the same manner as the intact eye. Histological examination of the Ligia receptor layer showed that each ommatidium contains three different retinula cell types, each of which may be responsible for a different aspect of the ERG.  相似文献   

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