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There is growing evidence to suggest that hosts can alter their dietary intake to recoup the specific resources involved in mounting effective resistance against parasites and pathogens. We examined macronutrient ingestion and disease-resistance in the Australian plague locust (Chortoicetes terminifera), challenged with a fungal pathogen (Metarhizium acridum) under dietary regimes varying in their relative amounts of protein and digestible carbohydrate. Dietary protein influenced constitutive immune function to a greater extent than did carbohydrate, indicating higher protein costs of mounting an immune defence than carbohydrate or overall energy costs. However, it appears that increased immune function, as a result of greater protein ingestion, was not sufficient to protect locusts from fungal disease. We found that locusts restricted to diets high in protein (P) and low in carbohydrate (C) were more likely to die of a fungal infection than those restricted to diets with a low P:C ratio. We hypothesise that the fungus is more efficient at exploiting protein in the insect’s haemolymph than the host is at producing immune effectors, tipping the balance in favour of the pathogen on high-protein diets. When allowed free-choice, survivors of a fungus-challenge chose a less-protein-rich diet than those succumbing to infection and those not challenged with fungus locusts. These results are contrary to previous studies on caterpillars in the genus Spodoptera challenged with bacterial and baculoviral pathogens, indicating that nutrient ingestion and pathogen resistance may be a complex interaction specific to different host species and disease agents.  相似文献   

We previously reported differences in protein and carbohydrate selection patterns in post-weanling rats fed beef tallow or soybean oil-based diets. Two experiments were designed to determine the characteristic of the dietary fat which mediates the selection behavior. For each experiment, dietary fat was 20% (w/w) of diets and fatty acid profiles were obtained by blending fat sources. Rats were randomly assigned to diets (24% protein, 40% carbohydrate) which varied only in fatty acid composition. After 2 weeks, rats selected from 2 diets with the fat composition previously fed, but varying in their protein and carbohydrate composition (55% protein, 4% carbohydrate and 5% protein, 61% carbohydrate). Experiment 1 was designed to test the effect of relative (omega 6: omega 3 ratios of 1 and 20) and absolute (15% or 4% omega 6, 0.7% or 0.2% omega 3) differences in essential fatty acids on macronutrient selection patterns. Differences in dietary essential fatty acids had no effect on energy intake or the proportion of energy consumed as protein and carbohydrate. Experiment 2 examined the effect of differences in the level of saturated fat (3-10% diet (w/w] on protein and carbohydrate selection. Animals selecting from diets with higher levels of saturated fat consumed more energy as protein and less as carbohydrate than rats selecting from diets with lower levels of saturated fat (p less than 0.0001). Regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between percent protein or carbohydrate energy and classes of dietary fat. The strongest relationship existed between percent dietary saturated fat and percent protein or carbohydrate energy (p less than 0.0001). Polyunsaturated:saturated fat ratio was also weakly associated with percent protein and carbohydrate energy (p less than 0.05). Polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids were not significantly related to percent protein or carbohydrate energy. These results indicated that protein and carbohydrate selection patterns are altered in response to qualitatively different dietary fatty acids, and that the amount of saturated fat in the diet is the important characteristic of dietary fat mediating the behavioral alteration.  相似文献   

Objective: The Protein‐Leverage Hypothesis proposes that humans regulate their intake of macronutrients and that protein intake is prioritized over fat and carbohydrate intake, causing excess energy ingestion when diets contain low %protein. Here we test in a model animal, the mouse: (i) the extent to which intakes of protein and carbohydrate are regulated; (ii) if protein intake has priority over carbohydrates so that unbalanced foods low in %protein leads to increased energy intake; and (iii) how such variations in energy intake are converted into growth and storage. Methods and Procedures: We fed mice one of five isocaloric foods having different protein to carbohydrate composition, or a combination of two of these foods (N = 15). Nutrient intake and corresponding growth in lean body mass and lipid mass were measured. Data were analyzed using a geometric approach for analyzing intake of multiple nutrients. Results: (i) Mice fed different combinations of complementary foods regulated their intake of protein and carbohydrate toward a relatively well‐defined intake target. (ii) When mice were offered diets with fixed protein to carbohydrate ratio, they regulated the intake of protein more strongly than carbohydrate. This protein‐leverage resulted in higher energy consumption when diets had lower %protein and led to increased lipid storage in mice fed the diet containing the lowest %protein. Discussion: Although the protein‐leverage in mice was less than what has been proposed for humans, energy intakes were clearly higher on diets containing low %protein. This result indicates that tight protein regulation can be responsible for excess energy ingestion and higher fat deposition when the diet contains low %protein.  相似文献   

Evolved resistance to xenobiotics and parasites is often associated with fitness costs when the selection pressure is absent. Resistance to the widely used microbial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) has evolved in several insect species through the modification of insect midgut binding sites for Bt toxins, and reports of costs associated with Bt resistance are common. Studies on the costs of Bt-resistance restrict the insect to a single artificial diet or host-plant. However, it is well documented that insects can self-select appropriate proportions of multiple nutritionally unbalanced foods to optimize life-history traits. Therefore, we examined whether Bt-resistant and susceptible cabbage loopers Trichoplusia ni differed in their nutrient intake and fitness costs when they were allowed to compose their own protein:carbohydrate diet. We found that Bt-resistant T. ni composed a higher ratio of protein to carbohydrate than susceptible T. ni. Bt-resistant males exhibited no fitness cost, while the fitness cost (reduced pupal weight) was present in resistant females. The absence of the fitness cost in resistant males was associated with increased carbohydrate consumption compared to females. We demonstrate a sex difference in a fitness cost and a new behavioural outcome associated with Bt resistance.  相似文献   

Carnivorous animals are known to balance their consumption of lipid and protein, and recent studies indicate that some mammalian carnivores also regulate their intake of carbohydrate. We investigated macronutrient balancing and lipid restoration following hibernation in the ground beetle Anchomenus dorsalis, hypothesizing that carbohydrates might be important energy sources upon hibernation when predator lipid stores are exhausted and prey are equally lean. We recorded the consumption of lipid, protein, and carbohydrate over nine days following hibernation, as the beetles foraged to refill their lipid stores. Each beetle was given the opportunity to regulate consumption from two semi-artificial foods differing in the proportion of two of the three macronutrients, while the third macronutrient was kept constant. When analyzing consumption of the three macronutrients on an energetic basis, it became apparent that the beetles regulated lipid and carbohydrate energy interchangeably and balanced the combined energy intake from the two macronutrients against protein intake. Restoration of lipid stores was independent of the availability of any specific macronutrient. However, the energetic consumption required to refill lipid stores was higher when a low proportion of lipids was ingested, suggesting that lipids were readily converted into lipid stores while there were energetic costs associated with converting carbohydrate and protein into stored lipids. Our experiment demonstrates that carbohydrates are consumed and regulated as a non-protein energy source by A. dorsalis despite an expectedly low occurrence of carbohydrates in their natural diet. Perhaps carbohydrates are in fact an overlooked supplementary energy source in the diet of carnivorous arthropods.  相似文献   

The importance of fat oxidation and fatty acid synthesis were examined in rats fed approximately one half their ad libitum food intake for a period of 13 days followed by 7 days of ad libitum feeding (refed rats). This study was undertaken because previous reports demonstrated that refed rats rapidly accumulated body fat. Our results confirmed this observation: refed rats accrued body fat and body weight at rates that were approximately 3 times higher than controls. Evidence for a period of increased metabolic efficiency was demonstrated by measuring the net energy requirement for maintenance over the refeeding period: refed rats had a reduced metabolic rate during the period of energy restriction (approximately 30% lower than control) and this persisted up to 2 days after the reintroduction of ad libitum feeding. The major factor responsible for the rapid fat gain was a depressed rate of fatty acid oxidation. Calculations of protein and carbohydrate intake over the refeeding period showed that the simplest explanation for the decrease in fatty acid oxidation is fat sparing. This is possible because of the large increase in dietary carbohydrate and protein intake during the refeeding period when metabolic rates are still depressed. The increased carbohydrate and protein may adequately compensate for the increasing energy requirements of the ER rats over the refeeding period affording rats the luxury of storing the excess dietary fat energy.  相似文献   

Obesity is currently a worldwide epidemic and public health burden that increases the risk for developing insulin resistance and several chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The multifactorial causes of obesity include several genetic, dietary and lifestyle variables that together result in an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Dietary approaches to limit fat intake are commonly prescribed to achieve the hypocaloric conditions necessary for weight loss. But dietary fat restriction is often accompanied by increased carbohydrate intake, which can dramatically increase endogenous fatty acid synthesis depending upon carbohydrate composition. Since both dietary and endogenously synthesized fatty acids contribute to the whole-body fatty acid pool, obesity can therefore result from excessive fat or carbohydrate consumption. Stearoyl-Coenzyme A desaturase-1 (SCD1) is a delta-9 fatty acid desaturase that converts saturated fatty acids into monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and this activity is elevated by dietary carbohydrate. Mice lacking Scd1 are protected from obesity and insulin resistance and are characterized by decreased fatty acid synthesis and increased fatty acid oxidation. In this review, we address the association of high-carbohydrate diets with increased SCD activity and summarize the current literature on the subject of SCD1 and body weight regulation.  相似文献   

Captive experiments have shown that many species regulate their macronutrient (i.e. protein, lipid and carbohydrate) intake by selecting complementary food types, but the relationships between foraging strategies in the wild and nutrient regulation remain poorly understood. Using the pine marten as a model species, we collated available data from the literature to investigate effects of seasonal and geographic variation in diet on dietary macronutrient balance. Our analysis showed that despite a high variety of foods comprising the diet, typical of a generalist predator, the macronutrient energy ratios of pine martens were limited to a range of 50–55% of protein, 38–42% of lipids and 5–10% of carbohydrates. This broad annual stabilisation of macronutrient ratios was achieved by using alternative animal foods to compensate for the high fluctuation of particular prey items, and sourcing non‐protein energy (carbohydrates and fats) from plant‐derived foods, particularly fruits. Macronutrient balance varied seasonally, with higher carbohydrate intake in summer–autumn, due to opportunistic fruit consumption, and higher protein intake in winter–spring. In terms of their proportional dietary carbohydrate intake the pine marten's nutritional strategy fell between that of true carnivores (e.g. the wolf) and more omnivorous feeders (e.g. the European badger). However, in terms of energy contributed by protein pine martens are equivalent to obligate carnivores such as the wolf and domesticated cat, and different to some omnivorous carnivores such as the domesticated dog and grizzly bears.  相似文献   

Energy maximization, time minimization, and linear programming models subject to various constraints have dominated foraging ecology ideas and methods for decades. However, animals must use very complex physiological processes and foraging decisions to ensure fitness that in many cases may not be adequately described by these approaches. An example of this problem occurs when brown bears, Ursus arctos, have access to both abundant salmon and fruit. Salmon are one of the most energy and nutrient dense foods available to bears. Fruits are often high in soluble carbohydrates, low to deficient in many required nutrients, and more difficult to efficiently exploit. Therefore, wild brown bears that fatten primarily on fruits without access to salmon are 50% smaller than salmon-feeding bears. Thus, we predicted based on a linear, energy-maximizing model without dietary interaction effects that wild brown bears with access to both abundant salmon and fruit would feed almost exclusively on salmon. However, wild adult females with or without accompanying offspring foraged three times longer per day on fruit than on salmon. Similarly, the relative dry matter intake of ad libitum apples and salmon by captive, adult brown bears averaged 76±5% fruit and 24±5% salmon. Captive brown bears consuming mixed diets with intermediate dietary protein levels had 60% lower maintenance energy costs, 37% to 139% higher efficiencies of mass gain, and 72% to 520% higher maximum rates of gain than when they consumed either salmon or fruit alone. These relationships were nonlinear functions of dietary protein content in which salmon and fruit provided complementary nutritional resources. Both wild and captive bears attempted to regulate total protein, energy, and carbohydrate intake within a multidimensional intake target that both maximized energy intake and mass gain.  相似文献   

Beneficial alleles that spread rapidly as an adaptation to a new environment are often associated with costs that reduce the fitness of the population in the original environment. Several species of insect pests have evolved resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins in the field, jeopardizing its future use. This has most commonly occurred through the alteration of insect midgut binding sites specific for Bt toxins. While fitness costs related to Bt resistance alleles have often been recorded, the mechanisms behind them have remained obscure. We asked whether evolved resistance to Bt alters dietary nutrient intake, and if reduced efficiency of converting ingested nutrients to body growth are associated with fitness costs and variation in susceptibility to Bt. We fed the cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni artificial diets differing in levels of dietary imbalance in two major macronutrients, protein and digestible carbohydrate. By comparing a Bt-resistant T. ni strain with a susceptible strain we found that the mechanism behind reduced pupal weights and growth rates associated with Bt-resistance in T. ni was reduced consumption rather than impaired conversion of ingested nutrients to growth. In fact, Bt-resistant T. ni showed more efficient conversion of nutrients than the susceptible strain under certain dietary conditions. Although increasing levels of dietary protein prior to Bt challenge had a positive effect on larval survival, the LC50 of the resistant strain decreased when fed high levels of excess protein, whereas the LC50 of the susceptible strain continued to rise. Our study demonstrates that examining the nutritional basis of fitness costs may help elucidate the mechanisms underpinning them.  相似文献   

Quantifying eating behavior may give clues to both the physiological and behavioral mechanisms behind weight regulation. We analyzed year-long dietary records of 29 stable-weight subjects. The records showed wide daily variations of food intake. We computed the temporal autocorrelation and skewness of food intake mass, energy, carbohydrate, fat, and protein. We also computed the cross-correlation coefficient between intake mass and intake energy. The mass of the food intake exhibited long-term trends that were positively skewed, with wide variability among individuals. The average duration of the trends (P = 0.003) and the skewness (P = 0.006) of the food intake mass were significantly correlated with mean body mass index (BMI). We also found that the lower the correlation coefficient between the energy content and the mass of food intake, the higher the BMI. Our results imply that humans in neutral energy balance eating ad libitum exhibit a long-term positive bias in the food intake that operates partially through the mass of food eaten to defend against eating too little more vigorously than eating too much.  相似文献   

We examined dietary self‐selection and rules of compromise for protein (P) and digestible carbohydrate (C) intake by fifth‐instar Vanessa cardui L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Nymphalini). We presented six fat‐free diet pairs to larvae in a choice trial to determine the ‘intake target’. In addition, we fed larvae seven fat‐free single diets differing in dietary nutrient ratio in no‐choice trials to determine the rules of compromise they exhibit when constrained to a singular, sub‐optimal dietary source. In choice trials, caterpillars regulated nutrient intake to a ratio of 1 protein to 1.09 carbohydrate (1P:1.09C), exhibiting tighter regulation of protein than of carbohydrate. Furthermore, larvae from different diet pair treatments did not differ in pupal mass or stadium duration. In no‐choice experiments, larvae reduced consumption on increasingly protein‐biased diets and increased consumption on increasingly carbohydrate‐biased diets, relative to a 1P:1C ratio diet. Differences in carbohydrate consumption were much greater between no‐choice treatments than differences in protein consumption. Dietary nutrient ratio affected pupal mass when accounting for initial larval mass. Pupal mass decreased as nutrient ratio was shifted off of 1P:1C, but to a greater extent when the ratio was skewed toward carbohydrate. Stadium duration increased as nutrient ratio diverged from 1P:1C, being more pronounced when shifted toward carbohydrate than toward protein. Regulation to near 1P:1C is consistent with results found for other Lepidoptera, and the rule of compromise exhibited by V. cardui is consistent with that expected for a generalist herbivore.  相似文献   

Insulin and glucagon receptors were measured on hepatocytes in relation to circulating hormones (insulin, glucagon and growth hormone) and metabolites (non-esterified fatty acids, volatile fatty acids, glucose, total lipids, urea and alpha-amino nitrogen), in twelve, two-year old, castrated male goats, fed rations of different composition and dietary energy. The goats were separated into four groups; group 1 was fed a restricted ration of 600 g clover hay/day, group 2 a ration high in carbohydrate (rolled barley), group 3 a ration high in fat (protected tallow) and group 4 a ration high in protein (fish meal). Rations in groups 2 - 4 were fed at 1300 g/day supplemented with 600 g of clover hay. The binding of insulin to hepatocyte receptors was increased by restricting dietary intake when compared to the high energy intake groups (p less than 0.01). There was no significant difference between the insulin binding of groups 2 -4. Glucagon receptor binding was increased on the high protein diet in comparison with th ration high in carbohydrate (p less than 0.05) or in fat (p less than 0.01). The glucagon binding was reduced by restricting feed intake when compared wih feeding high protein (p less than 0.02), but slightly increased when compared with feeding diets high in both carbohydrate or fat (p less than 0.02). There was no significant difference between the high carbohydrate or high fat fed groups. These changes in hormone receptors were accompanied by inverse changes in plasma insulin and glucagon.  相似文献   

Dietary macronutrient composition influences both hepatic function and aging. Previous work suggested that longevity and hepatic gene expression levels were highly responsive to dietary protein, but almost unaffected by other macronutrients. In contrast, we found expression of 4005, 4232, and 4292 genes in the livers of mice were significantly associated with changes in dietary protein (5%–30%), fat (20%–60%), and carbohydrate (10%–75%), respectively. More genes in aging‐related pathways (notably mTOR, IGF‐1, and NF‐kappaB) had significant correlations with dietary fat intake than protein and carbohydrate intake, and the pattern of gene expression changes in relation to dietary fat intake was in the opposite direction to the effect of graded levels of caloric restriction consistent with dietary fat having a negative impact on aging. We found 732, 808, and 995 serum metabolites were significantly correlated with dietary protein (5%–30%), fat (8.3%–80%), and carbohydrate (10%–80%) contents, respectively. Metabolomics pathway analysis revealed sphingosine‐1‐phosphate signaling was the significantly affected pathway by dietary fat content which has also been identified as significant changed metabolic pathway in the previous caloric restriction study. Our results suggest dietary fat has major impact on aging‐related gene and metabolic pathways compared with other macronutrients.  相似文献   

The effects of photoperiod on dietary preference were examined using young growing Fischer 344 and Wistar rats, which are seasonal and nonseasonal breeders, respectively. Rats were provided a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet (LFD: 66/10/24% energy as carbohydrate/fat/protein) and high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet (HFD: 21/55/24% energy as carbohydrate/fat/protein) simultaneously under long- (LD: 16 h light/day) and short-day (SD: 8 h light/day) conditions for 3 wk. Fischer 344 rats preferred the LFD to the HFD under the LD condition, whereas preference for both diets was equivalent under the SD condition. Consequently, their body weight and total energy intake exhibited 11-15 and 10-13% increases, respectively, under the LD condition. Calculation of energy intake from macronutrients revealed that rats under the LD condition consumed 20-24 and 9-13% higher energy of carbohydrates and proteins, respectively, than those under the SD condition. In contrast, Wistar rats preferred the LFD to the HFD irrespective of photoperiod and exhibited no photoperiodic changes in any parameters examined. Next, Fischer 344 rats were provided either the LFD or HFD for 3 wk under LD or SD conditions. Calorie intake was 10% higher in the rats fed the LFD than those fed the HFD under SD condition. However, rats under LD condition exhibited 5-10, 14, and 64% increases in body weight, epididymal fat mass, and plasma leptin levels, respectively, compared with those under the SD condition irrespective of dietary composition. In conclusion, photoperiod regulates feeding and energy metabolism in young growing Fischer 344 rats via the interactions with dietary macronutrient composition.  相似文献   

Generalist primates eat many food types and shift their diet with changes in food availability. Variation in foods eaten may not, however, match variation in nutrient intake. We examined dietary variation in a generalist‐feeder, the blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis), to see how dietary food intake related to variation in available food and nutrient intake. We used 371 all‐day focal follows from 24 adult females (three groups) in a wild rainforest population to quantify daily diet over 9 months. We measured food availability using vegetation surveys and phenology monitoring. We analyzed >700 food and fecal samples for macronutrient content. Subjects included 445 food items (species‐specific plant parts and insect morphotypes) in their diet. Variation in fruit consumption (percentage of diet and total kcal) tracked variation in availability, suggesting fruit was a preferred food type. Fruits also constituted the majority of the diet (by calories) and some fruit species were eaten more than expected based on relative availability. In contrast, few species of young leaves were eaten more than expected. Also, subjects ate fewer young leaves (based on calories consumed) when fruit or young leaves were more available, suggesting that young leaves served as fallback foods. Despite the broad range of foods in the diet, group differences in fiber digestibility, and variation that reflected food availability, subjects and groups converged on similar nutrient intakes (grand mean ± SD: 637.1 ± 104.7 kcal overall energy intake, 293.3 ± 46.9 kcal nonstructural carbohydrate, 147.8 ± 72.4 kcal lipid, 107.8 ± 12.9 kcal available protein, and 88.1 ± 17.5 kcal structural carbohydrate; N = 24 subjects). Thus, blue monkeys appear to be food composition generalists and nutrient intake specialists, using flexible feeding strategies to regulate nutrient intake. Findings highlight the importance of simultaneously examining dietary composition at both levels of foods and nutrients to understand primate feeding ecology.  相似文献   

Relationship between serine dehydrase activity in rat liver and dietary protein and carbohydrate levels, using casein and wheat starch, was investigated. Between 10% to 50% of dietary protein levels the enzyme activity sharply increased with increase of protein level. The enzyme activity was also increased by the restriction of carbohydrate intake, even when protein intake was equal in amount. Apparently enzyme activity is controlled by dietary protein level and also by carbohydrate level. In the case of high protein or low carbohydrate diet these changes may be mainly acting for utilization of protein as caloric source.  相似文献   

Relationships among feeding paradigm (single diet vs food selection) and arterio-venous differences (δAV) of glucose, insulin and tryptophan were studied by measuring the temporal patterns of food intake and plasma parameters during 8 hr feeding cycles in rats. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were offered a single diet of fixed composition (20% casein) or a choice between two isocaloric diets (0% and 60% casein) for 2 weeks under 8-hr daily feeding conditions, food being offered during the dark cycle. Groups of animals were then killed at the beginning and at 2-hourly intervals throughout the feeding period. With both feeding paradigms, rats showed temporal patterns of energy, carbohydrate and protein intakes with a peak at the beginning and a trough at the end of the feeding period. However, in rats offered a dietary choice the intake of carbohydrate was significantly lower, and the intakes of energy and protein significantly higher than those found in rats offered a single diet. Throughout the feeding period, these differences between single and choice diets became less accentuated in the case of carbohydrate intake, but more accentuated for energy and protein intakes. Paradoxically, rats fed a choice of diets had a significantly lower weight gain than rats fed a single diet. The temporal variation of insulin secretion and tryptophan absorption varied inversely with the two diet paradigms. Moreover, in rats offered a choice of diets, macronutrient intake was significantly correlated with insulin secretion and venous glucose concentration. The opposed physiologic and metabolic responses to the feeding paradigms suggest the need for future studies to examine the possibility that such can function as synchronizers of biological rhythms.  相似文献   

Gender differences in carbohydrate loading are related to energy intake.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We demonstrated that female endurance athletes did not increase their muscle glycogen concentration after an increase in the dietary carbohydrate intake (58 --> 74%), whereas men did (Tarnopolsky MA, SA Atkinson, SM Phillips, and JD McDougall, J Appl Physiol 78: 1360-1368, 1995). This may have been related to a lower energy or carbohydrate intake by the women or due to an inherent gender difference in glycogen storage capacity. We examined whether well-trained men (n = 6) and women (n = 6) increased muscle glycogen concentration after an increase in both the relative (58 --> 75%) and absolute energy and carbohydrate intake and whether potential gender differences were related to muscle hexokinase enzyme activity. Subjects were randomly allocated to three diets [Hab, habitual; CHO, high carbohydrate (75%); and CHO + E, extra energy + CHO ( upward arrow~34%)] for a 4-day period before a muscle biopsy for analysis of total and pro- and macroglycogen and hexokinase activity. Total glycogen concentration was higher for the men on the CHO and CHO + E trials compared with Hab (P < 0.05), whereas women increased only on the CHO + E trial compared with Hab (P < 0.05). There were no gender differences in the proportion of pro- and macroglycogen or hexokinase activity. A low energy intake may explain the previously reported lower capacity for women to glycogen load compared with men.  相似文献   

Nutrient balance is a strong determinant of animal fitness and demography. It is therefore important to understand how the compositions of available foods relate to required balance of nutrients and habitat suitability for animals in the wild. These relationships are, however, complex, particularly for omnivores that often need to compose balanced diets by combining their intake from diverse nutritionally complementary foods. Here we apply geometric models to understand how the nutritional compositions of foods available to an omnivorous member of the order Carnivora, the grizzly bear (Ursus arctos L.), relate to optimal macronutrient intake, and assess the seasonal nutritional constraints on the study population in west-central Alberta, Canada. The models examined the proportion of macronutrients that bears could consume by mixing their diet from food available in each season, and assessed the extent to which bears could consume the ratio of protein to non-protein energy previously demonstrated using captive bears to optimize mass gain. We found that non-selective feeding on ungulate carcasses provided a non-optimal macronutrient balance with surplus protein relative to fat and carbohydrate, reflecting adaptation to an omnivorous lifestyle, and that optimization through feeding selectively on different tissues of ungulate carcasses is unlikely. Bears were, however, able to dilute protein intake to an optimal ratio by mixing their otherwise high-protein diet with carbohydrate-rich fruit. Some individual food items were close to optimally balanced in protein to non-protein energy (e.g. Hedysarum alpinum roots), which may help explain their dietary prevalence. Ants may be consumed particularly as a source of lipids. Overall, our analysis showed that most food available to bears in the study area were high in protein relative to lipid or carbohydrate, suggesting the lack of non-protein energy limits the fitness (e.g. body size and reproduction) and population density of grizzly bears in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

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