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Dreissenid mussels (the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha and the quagga mussel D. bugensis) are ecosystem engineers that modify the physical environment by increasing light penetration. Such a change is likely to affect the distribution and diversity of submerged macrophytes. Filter-feeding by these mussels has been associated with increased water clarity in many North American and European lakes. In this study, we report the increase in water clarity of Oneida Lake, New York, USA, for 1975–2002 and argue that the increase was caused by zebra mussel invasion rather than declines in nutrients. Over the study period, although mean total phosphorus decreased significantly, the main increase in water clarity occurred after the zebra mussel invasion in 1991. The average depth receiving 1% surface light increased from 6.7 m to 7.8 m after the invasion of zebra mussels, representing a 23% areal expansion. The maximum depth of macrophyte colonization, as measured by diver and hydroacoustic surveys, increased from 3.0 m before the invasion of zebra mussels to 5.1 m after their establishment. In addition, macrophyte species richness increased, the frequency of occurrence increased for most species, and the composition of the macrophyte community changed from low-light–tolerant species to those tolerating a wide range of light conditions. Comparisons with observations reported in the literature indicate that increased light penetration alone could explain these changes in macrophyte distribution and diversity. Such changes will increase the importance of benthic primary production over pelagic production in the food web, thereby representing an overall alteration of ecosystem function, a process we refer to as “benthification”.  相似文献   

Few experiments have quantified the effects of invasive zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on man-made reservoirs relative to other aquatic habitats. Reservoirs, however, are the dominate water body type in many of the states that are at the current front of the zebra mussel invasion into the western United States. The objective of this research, therefore, was to determine how zebra mussels affected phytoplankton, turbidity, and dissolved nutrients in water that was collected from three Kansas reservoirs that varied in trophic state (mesotrophic to hypereutrophic), but all experienced frequent cyanobacterial blooms. Laboratory mesocosm experiments were conducted to document the effects of zebra mussels on cyanobacteria and general water quality characteristics in the reservoir water. Zebra mussels significantly reduced algal biomass, and the total biovolume of cyanobacteria (communities were dominated by Anabaena) in each reservoir experiment. The effects of zebra mussels on other major algal groups (diatoms, flagellates, and green algae) and algal diversity were less consistent and varied between the three reservoir experiments. Similarly, the effects of zebra mussels on nutrient concentrations varied between experiments. Zebra mussels increased dissolved phosphorus concentrations in two of the reservoir experiments, but there was no effect of zebra mussels on dissolved phosphorus in the mesotrophic reservoir experiment. Combined, our results strongly suggest that zebra mussels have the potential to significantly impact reservoirs as they continue to expand throughout the western United States. Moreover, the magnitude of these effects may be context dependent and vary depending on the trophic state and/or resident phytoplankton communities of individual reservoirs as has similarly been reported for natural lakes.  相似文献   

A growth chronology index was used to determine whether changes in ecosystem structure and function in lakes could be associated with fish growth histories. Growth chronologies were compared for white suckers, Catostomus commersoni, from Little Moose (oligotrophic), Oneida (eutrophic), and Cayuga (mesotrophic) lakes (New York) from opercular bone growth increments, and for lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, from Little Moose Lake using otolith growth. The longevity of these species allowed the development of chronologies from 17 to 33 years in length using only contemporary collections. We used these chronologies to examine whether fish growth histories could be used as an index for ecosystem-scale changes. Specifically, we examined whether zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, invasion in Oneida and Cayuga lakes in the early 1990s, and treatment of sewage effluent from dwellings around Little Moose Lake beginning during the late 1980s could be detected in white sucker and lake trout growth chronologies. White sucker growth in Oneida and Cayuga Lakes did not differ before and after zebra mussel invasions. Neither white sucker nor lake trout growth chronologies from Little Moose Lake reflect changes in growth expected with reduced productivity levels associated with improved sewage treatment. Growth chronologies of these two species did not detect the ecosystem-scale changes that occurred in the study lakes.  相似文献   

Invasive species often influence existing biocenoses by altering their environment or facilitating the ecology of other species. Here we combined stable isotope analysis with quantitative benthic community sampling to investigate temporal variation in the influence of biodeposition of organic material (biodeposits) by the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) on the benthic food web in hard substrate habitats of Lake Constance, Germany. The accumulation of organic material excreted by zebra mussels (faeces and pseudofaeces) is hypothesised to implement a biodeposition based food web. By means of stable isotope analyses, we found that the feeding strategy of amphipods was dependent on the availability of zebra mussel biodeposits. The proportion of pelagic resources contributing to the diet (by ??13C) and trophic position (by ??15N) of amphipods were significantly and positively correlated to the production of zebra mussel biodeposits. Also, the benthic community in Lower Lake Constance showed a shift towards higher densities of the mayfly Caenis spp., Chironominae, and the caddisfly Ecnomus tenellus, which might act as links to higher trophic levels when more zebra mussel biodeposits were available. These results demonstrate that temporal variation in zebra mussel density, and thus in organic biodeposition, have a strong impact on the benthic communities and food web structure associated with hard substrates to the extent that there may be dependence on zebra mussel occurrence in such habitats in Lake Constance.  相似文献   

Species interactions between two types of sessile benthic invertebrates, the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) and freshwater sponges (Porifera), were evaluated in Michigan City IN Harbor in southern Lake Michigan during 1996. The study objective was to define whether competition plays a role in structuring benthic communities using experimental techniques commonly employed in marine systems. Sponges were uninhibited by zebra mussel presence and overgrew zebra mussel shells on hard vertical substrata. In contrast, zebra mussels did not overgrow sponge colonies, but did show an ability to re-capture hard substrata if relinquished by the sponge. The negative affect of sponges on zebra mussels through overgrowth and recruitment suggests interactions that could eventually displace zebra mussels from these benthic communities. However, seasonal reduction of sponge biomass from autumn through winter appears to allow the zebra mussel a periodic respite from overgrowth, preventing exclusion of zebra mussels from the community and allowing these two taxa to co-exist.  相似文献   

1. The zebra mussel ( Dreissena polymorpha ) is one of the most successful invasive species; it has colonised many aquatic systems in Europe and North America with strong impacts on various ecosystem processes. The effect of D. polymorpha filtration on pelagic seston concentrations has been quantified in several studies, but the magnitude and stoichiometry of the transfer of sestonic biomass into benthic detritus by D. polymorpha and the accompanying enrichment of the benthic habitat is still under-investigated.
2. We studied biodeposition by zebra mussels in two series of laboratory experiments with the food algae Cryptomonas erosa and Scenedesmus obliquus . We also measured the year-round biodeposition rate under natural conditions in the oligotrophic Lake Constance.
3. In all experiments, zebra mussel biodeposition was linearly related to seston concentration. In the field, the relationship changed with a seasonal shift in algal composition and lower biodeposition rates during the spring algal bloom.
4. For both algal species in laboratory experiments, biodeposited material was depleted in phosphorous at an algal concentration ≤0.6 mg ash-free dry mass L−1, but not at higher concentrations. This effect was not observed in the field, probably because of high variation in C : N : P stoichiometry.
5. By mediating the transfer of pelagic resources into the benthos zebra mussels provide a sufficient amount of detritus for benthic invertebrates, especially during summer. Thus, material biodeposited by the mussels might increase benthic secondary production from pelagic resources, and zebra mussels are important mediators of this flux of organic matter from the pelagic zone into the benthos.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how zebra mussels affected cladoceran community structure under eutrophic conditions. We conducted a mesocosm study where we manipulated the presence of zebra mussels and the presence of large-bodied Daphnia (Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulicaria). We also conducted a complimentary life-table experiment to determine how water from the zebra mussel treatment affected the life history characteristics of the cladoceran species. We anticipated that small- and large-bodied cladoceran species would respond differently to changes in algal quality and quantity under the effects of zebra mussels. Large-bodied Daphnia successfully established in the zebra mussel treatment but failed to grow in the control. We did not observe positive relationships between food concentrations and cladoceran abundances. However, the phosphorus content in the seston indicated that food quality was below the threshold level for large-bodied cladocerans at the beginning of the experiment. We believe that zebra mussels quickly enhanced the phosphorus content in the seston due to the excretion of inorganic phosphorus, thus facilitating the development of large-bodied Daphnia. In conclusion, our results suggest that zebra mussels can alter the phosphorus content of seston in lakes and this can affect the dynamics of crustacean zooplankton.  相似文献   

Autotrophic structure refers to the partitioning of whole-ecosystem primary production between benthic and planktonic primary producers. Autotrophic structure remains poorly understood especially because of the paucity of estimates regarding benthic primary production. We used a conceptual model for numerically exploring the autotrophic structure of 13 hemiboreal lakes situated in the Baltic Sea catchment. We also used diel variations in primary production profiles to graphically evaluate levels of light and/or nutrient limitation in lakes. The input morphometric data, light extinction coefficients and dissolved carbon parameters were mostly obtained from in situ measurements. Results revealed that cross- and within-lake autotrophic structure varied greatly: one lake was clearly dominated by benthic production, and three lakes by phytoplankton production. In the rest, phytoplankton production was generally dominant but switch to benthic dominance was possible. The modelled primary production profiles varied according to lake water clarity and bathymetry. Our results clearly indicate that the relative contribution of benthic primary production to whole-lake primary production should be taken into account in studies about hemiboreal and boreal lakes.  相似文献   

Temporal changes of biomass and dominant species in benthic algal communities were investigated in a littoral sand-beach zone in the north basin of Lake Biwa from December 1999 to September 2000. Chlorophyll-a amounts of benthic algal communities per unit area of the sandy sediments rapidly increased from late April to June. Increases in biomass of the benthic algal communities are considered to result from the propagation of filamentous green algae Oedogonium sp. and Spirogyra sp. The cell numbers of filamentous green algae and chlorophyll-a amounts of benthic algal communities at depths of 30 and 50cm at a station protected by a breakwater in May were significantly higher than those of a station exposed directly to wave activity. Thus, the biomass accumulation of the benthic algal communities seems to be regulated strongly by wave disturbance. The development of filamentous green algae may contribute to the increase in biomass of the benthic algal community and to the changes in seasonal patterns of biomass in the sand-beach zone of Lake Biwa. We consider that the development of the filamentous green algal community in the littoral zone of Lake Biwa is the result of eutrophication.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic activity of different algal communities at the outer edge of an Equisetum fluviatile L. stand in an oligotrophic lake (Pääjärvi, in southern Finland) was investigated. Production by the algal communities was measured simultaneously using a modified 14C-method, and the results were related to the volume of algae and the available irradiance. The relative production rate (P/B quotient) of phytoplankton was ca. 3 × that of epiphyton and ca. 20 × that of epipelon. Epiphyton productivity remained almost constant although the algal volume varied greatly, suggesting that the surface layer of the algal community was mainly responsible for the photosynthetic activity. In the littoral area (at 1 m depth) primary production/m2 of lake surface by phytoplankton, epiphyton and epipelon was similar but in the littoriprofundal area (2–4 m) phytoplankton production was twice that of epipelon. Primary productivity of epiphyton and epipelon/m2 of substratum was about equal to phytoplankton productivity/m3 of water at the same irradiance. This relation provided a means of estimating the relative contributions of the different algal communities to the total algal production in the lake.  相似文献   

  • 1 Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) are successful colonisers of lake littoral habitats and they interact strongly with littoral benthos. Previous research suggests that localised areas colonised by zebra mussels may be hotspots of nitrogen (N) cycling.
  • 2 The effects of zebra mussels on nitrification and denitrification rates were examined approximately every other month for 1 year in Gull Lake, Michigan, U.S.A. Littoral sediment was collected from an area free of zebra mussels and distributed into shallow trays; rocks colonised with zebra mussels were placed in half of the trays, while uncolonised rocks were placed in the remaining trays. After an incubation period of 6–8 weeks in the lake, sediment and zebra mussels were collected from the trays, replaced with new sediment and zebra mussels, and placed in the lake for the next interval. In the laboratory, sediment nitrification and denitrification rates were measured for each tray.
  • 3 Sediment nitrification rates did not increase in the presence of zebra mussels; instead nitrification rates were sensitive to changes in water temperature and increased with increasing exchangeable sediment ammonium. In contrast, denitrification rates increased in sediment trays with zebra mussels in the winter when nitrate (NO3) availability was high and when Chara did not grow in the trays.
  • 4 Sediment denitrification was NO3‐limited in all seasons, regardless of zebra mussel treatment. However, sediment in the presence of zebra mussels responded less to NO3 addition, suggesting that NO3 limitation of denitrification can be reduced by zebra mussel activity. Zebra mussels have a seasonally variable impact on sediment denitrification rates, and this may translate into altered seasonal patterns of N cycling in localised areas of lakes where they are particularly abundant.

Dreissenid mussels are notorious invasive organisms whose establishment is associated with large, ecosystem-scale changes to patterns of productivity in aquatic systems. We investigated how localized impacts of dreissenids affect the potential of littoral substrates to support primary and secondary production using in situ incubations and comparisons of natural mussel-colonized and mussel-free substrates in the littoral zone of a large, shallow lake. We compared dreissenid-colonized and dreissenid-free substrates in terms of nutrient balance, surface area, periphyton loads as well as benthic primary production and respiration rates. Dreissenid-colonized substrates acted as sources of dissolved nutrients to the water column, with mussel mass-specific rates of dissolved phosphorus and ammonia excretion averaging 7.2 ± 5.6 (mean ± SD), and 92.6 ± 64.7 μg/g mussel shell free dry mass/h, respectively. Mussel-colonized substrates also had higher surface area, and supported approximately double the amount of periphyton and organic matter loads compared to mussel-free substrates, as well as having higher rates of primary production and community respiration. We suggest that the localized effects of dreissenids can play an important role in changing whole-ecosystem production patterns, with the extent of dreissenid impacts strongly dependent on lake size and morphometry.  相似文献   

Habitat engineering role of the invasive zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) was studied in the Curonian lagoon, a shallow water body in the SE Baltic. Impacts of live zebra mussel clumps and its shell deposits on benthic biodiversity were differentiated and referred to unmodified (bare) sediments. Zebra mussel bed was distinguished from other habitat types by higher benthic invertebrate biomass, abundance, and species richness. The impact of live mussels on biodiversity was more pronounced than the effect of shell deposits. The structure of macrofaunal community in the habitats with >103 g/m2 of shell deposits devoid of live mussels was similar to that found within the zebra mussel bed. There was a continuous shift in species composition and abundance along the gradient ‘bare sediments—shell deposits—zebra mussel bed’. The engineering impact of zebra mussel on the benthic community became apparent both in individual patches and landscape-level analyses.  相似文献   

Beekey MA  McCabe DJ  Marsden JE 《Oecologia》2004,141(1):164-170
The introduction of zebra mussels (Dreissena spp.) to North America has resulted in dramatic changes to the complexity of benthic habitats. Changes in habitat complexity may have profound effects on predator-prey interactions in aquatic communities. Increased habitat complexity may affect prey and predator dynamics by reducing encounter rates and foraging success. Zebra mussels form thick contiguous colonies on both hard and soft substrates. While the colonization of substrata by zebra mussels has generally resulted in an increase in both the abundance and diversity of benthic invertebrate communities, it is not well known how these changes affect the foraging efficiencies of predators that prey on benthic invertebrates. We examined the effect of zebra mussels on the foraging success of four benthic predators with diverse prey-detection modalities that commonly forage in soft substrates: slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), brown bullhead (Ameirus nebulosus), log perch (Percina caprodes), and crayfish (Orconectes propinquus). We conducted laboratory experiments to assess the impact of zebra mussels on the foraging success of predators using a variety of prey species. We also examined habitat use by each predator over different time periods. Zebra mussel colonization of soft sediments significantly reduced the foraging efficiencies of all predators. However, the effect was dependent upon prey type. All four predators spent more time in zebra mussel habitat than in either gravel or bare sand. The overall effect of zebra mussels on benthic-feeding fishes is likely to involve a trade-off between the advantages of increased density of some prey types balanced against the reduction in foraging success resulting from potential refugia offered in the complex habitat created by zebra mussels.  相似文献   

Changes in nutrient loading and invasive species are among the strongest human-driven disturbances in freshwater ecosystems, but our knowledge on how they affect the biodiversity of lakes is still limited. We conducted a detailed historical analysis of the mollusc community of Oneida Lake based on our comprehensive lakewide study in 2012 and previous surveys dating back to 1915. In the early 20th century, the lake had a high water clarity, with abundant macrophytes and benthic algae, and hosted the most diverse molluscan community in New York State, including 32 gastropod and 9 unionid species. By the 1960s, lake turbidity increased during a period of anthropogenic eutrophication, resulting in a 38% decline in species richness and a 95% reduction in abundance of native gastropods grazing on benthic algae. Following the invasion of Dreissena spp. in 1991 and subsequent increases in water clarity, native gastropod species richness expanded by 37% and abundance increased 20-fold by 2012. In contrast, filter-feeding unionids were unaffected by increased turbidity during the period of eutrophication but were extirpated by dreissenids. Through contrasting effects on turbidity, eutrophication and Dreissena spp. have likely driven the observed changes in native grazing gastropods by affecting the abundance of light-limited benthic algae. Given the high species richness and ecological importance of benthic grazers, monitoring and managing turbidity is important in preserving molluscan diversity.  相似文献   

The organic carbon cycle of a shallow, tundra lake (mean depth 1.45 m) was followed for 5 weeks of the open water period by examining CO2 fluxes through benthic respiration and anaerobic decomposition, photosynthesis of benthic and phytoplankton communities and gas exchange at the air-water interface. Total photosynthesis (as consumption of carbon dioxide) was 37.5 mmole C m–2 d–1, 83% of which was benthic and macrophytic. By direct measurement benthic respiration exceeded benthic photosynthesis by 6.6 mmole C m–2 d–1. The lake lost 1.4 × 106 moles C in two weeks after ice melted by degassing C02, and 6.8 mmole C m–2 d–1 (1.5 × 106 moles) during the remainder of the open water period; 2.2 mmole C m2 d–1 of this was release Of CO2 stored in the sediments by cryoconcentration the previous winter. Anaerobic microbial decomposition was only 4% of the benthic aerobic respiration rate of 38 mmole C m–2 d–1. An annual budget estimate for the lake indicated that 50% of the carbon was produced by the benthic community, 20% by phytoplankton, and 30% was allochthonous material. The relative contribution of allochthonous input was in accordance with measurement of the 15N of sedimented organic matter.  相似文献   

Effects of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on populations of amphipods (Gammarus fasciatus) and prosobranch snails (Lithasia obovata) and on nutritional quality of benthic organic matter were examined in 20 artificial streams receiving Ohio River water and containing either mussels or small gravel. Twenty individually-marked snails were placed in each trough, and streams were allowed to colonize with other benthic species for 28 days.Dreissenids positively affected other benthic invertebrates in our stream channels. Compared to gravel channels, Gammarus biomass was significantly higher (P<0.01) in mussel channels, amphipod densities increased 300%, and snail growth rates were 50% greater. Food quality of fine benthic organic matter (FBOM) was greater in mussel channels (i.e. lower C:N), and FBOM was carbon depleted (lower 13C) but nitrogen enriched (higher 15N). Isotope data suggest that detrital FBOM was not the sole food source for snails and amphipods in our channels and that they were assimilating a higher quality portion of this BOM. The overall influence of dreissenids on particular benthic invertebrates may depend on the response and/or susceptibility of those species to biofouling, increased habitat heterogeneity, and changes in the quality and quantity of nutrients.  相似文献   

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