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In an attempt to find out a new molecular counterpart of CCN family protein 2 (CCN2), a matricellular protein with multiple functions, we performed an interactome analysis and found fibroblast growth factor (FGF) -1 as one of the candidates. Solid-phase binding assay indicated specific binding between CCN2 and FGF-1. This binding was also confirmed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis that revealed a dissociation constant (Kd) of 3.98 nM indicating strong molecular interaction between the two. RNA analysis suggested that both FGF-1 and CCN2 could be produced by chondrocytes and thus their interaction in the cartilage is possible. These findings for the first time indicate the direct interaction of CCN2 and FGF-1 and suggest the co-presence of these molecules in the cartilage microenvironment. CCN2 is a well-known promoter of cartilage development and regeneration, whereas the physiological and pathological role of FGF-1 in cartilage mostly remains unclear. Biological role of FGF-1 itself in cartilage is also suspected.  相似文献   

Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF, CCN2) is a secreted protein with major roles in angiogenesis, chondrogenesis, osteogenesis, tissue repair, cancer and fibrosis. It is a member of the CCN family of immediate-early gene products which are characterised by four discrete protein modules in which reside growth factor binding domains, functional motifs for integrin recognition, heparin and proteoglycan binding, and dimerization motifs. A primary function of CTGF is to modulate and coordinate signaling responses involving cell surface proteoglycans, key components of the extracellular matrix, and growth factors. Integration of these molecular cues regulates growth factor and receptor interactions, cell motility and mesenchymal cell activation and differentiation in tissue remodelling. Abnormal amplification of CTGF dependent signals results in a failure to terminate tissue repair, leading pathological scarring in conditions such as fibrosis and cancer.  相似文献   

The interpretation of experiments involving the overexpression of a recombinant cDNA is often hampered by the interference of mRNA expression from the endogenous gene locus. Unless cell lines from naturally occurring mutations or knockout mice are available, difficult and time-consuming gene targeting techniques are required to inhibit endogenous gene expression. Using a method we refer to as "differential RNA interference" we demonstrate that RNA interference can be used to selectively suppress endogenous gene expression without affecting the expression of a co-transfected recombinant version of the same protein. Functional analyses of recombinant low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) to study its involvement in lipid metabolism have been shown to be extremely difficult due to its large cDNA and the unavailability of suitable LRP-deficient cell lines. We constructed an expression vector containing the full-length coding sequence of human LRP fused to EGFP and a vector expressing small hairpin RNA directed against the 3'-untranslated region of the wild-type human LRP mRNA (LRP-shRNA). When overexpressed, EGFP-tagged LRP colocalizes with endogenous LRP and stimulates the uptake of LRP ligands. Overexpression of LRP-shRNA vectors significantly inhibits LRP expression, as judged by quantitative RT-PCR, Western blot and immunofluorescence analysis, and it dramatically decreases receptor-associated protein (RAP) uptake. Finally, co-transfection of EGFP-LRP and LRP-shRNA vectors demonstrates selective inhibition of endogenous LRP expression without affecting simultaneous expression of recombinant LRP protein. Thus, utilization of "differential RNA interference" provides a new experimental approach to selectively study the function of any recombinant protein in any given cell line without interference of endogenous protein expression.  相似文献   

CCN2 consists of 4 distinct modules that are conserved among various CCN family protein members. From the N-terminus, insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP), von Willebrand factor type C repeat (VWC), thrombospondin type 1 repeat (TSP1) and C-terminal cysteine-knot (CT) modules are all aligned tandem therein. The multiple functionality of CCN2 is thought to be enabled by the differential use of these modules when interacting with other molecules. In this study, we independently prepared all 4 purified module proteins of human CCN2, utilizing a secretory production system with Brevibacillus choshinensis and thus evaluated the cell biological effects of such single modules. In human umbilical vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs), VWC, TSP and CT modules, as well as a full-length CCN2, were capable of efficiently activating the ERK signal transduction cascade, whereas IGFBP was not. In contrast, the IGFBP module was found to prominently activate JNK in human chondrocytic HCS-2/8 cells, while the others showed similar effects at lower levels. In addition, ERK1/2 was modestly, but significantly activated by IGFBP and VWC in those cells. No single module, but a mixture of the 4 modules provoked a significant activation of p38 MAPK in HCS-2/8 cells, which was activated by the full-length CCN2. Therefore, the signals emitted by CCN2 can be highly differential, depending upon the cell types, which are thus enabled by the tetramodular structure. Furthermore, the cell biological effects of each module on these cells were also evaluated to clarify the relationship among the modules, the signaling pathways and biological outcomes. Our present results not only demonstrate that single CCN2 modules were potent activators of the intracellular signaling cascade to yield a biological response per se, while also providing new insight into the module-wise structural and functional relationship of a prototypic CCN family member, CCN2.  相似文献   

Searching for CCN family protein 2/connective tissue growth factor (CCN2/CTGF) interactive proteins by yeast-two-hybrid screening, we identified fibronectin 1 gene product as a major binding partner of CCN2/CTGF in the chondrosarcoma-derived chondrocytic cell line HCS-2/8. Only the CT domain of CCN2/CTGF bound directly to fibronectin (FN). CCN2/CTGF and its CT domain enhanced the adhesion of HCS-2/8 cells to FN in a dose-dependent manner. The CCN2/CTGF-enhancing effect on cell adhesion to FN was abolished by a blocking antibody against alpha5beta1 integrin (alpha5beta1), but not by one against anti-alphavbeta3 integrin. These findings suggest for the first time that CCN2/CTGF enhances chondrocyte adhesion to FN through direct interaction of its C-terminal CT domain with FN, and that alpha5beta1 is involved in this adhesion.  相似文献   

The matricellular protein CCN2 (Connective Tissue Growth Factor; CTGF) is an essential mediator of ECM composition, as revealed through analysis of Ccn2 deficient mice. These die at birth due to complications arising from impaired endochondral ossification. However, the mechanism(s) by which CCN2 mediates its effects in cartilage are unclear. We investigated these mechanisms using Ccn2 −/− chondrocytes. Expression of type II collagen and aggrecan were decreased in Ccn2 −/− chondrocytes, confirming a defect in ECM production. Ccn2 −/− chondrocytes also exhibited impaired DNA synthesis and reduced adhesion to fibronectin. This latter defect is associated with decreased expression of α5 integrin. Moreover, CCN2 can bind to integrin α5β1 in chondrocytes and can stimulate increased expression of integrin α5. Consistent with an essential role for CCN2 as a ligand for integrins, immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis revealed that levels of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 phosphorylation were reduced in Ccn2 −/− chondrocytes. These findings argue that CCN2 exerts major effects in chondrocytes through its ability to (1) regulate ECM production and integrin α5 expression, (2) engage integrins and (3) activate integrin-mediated signaling pathways.  相似文献   

CCN family member 2 (CCN2) has been shown to promote the proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and vascular endothelial cells. In addition, a number of growth factors and cytokines are known to work in harmony to promote the process of chondrogenesis and chondrocyte differentiation toward endochondral ossification. Earlier we showed that CCN2 physically interacts with some of them, suggesting that multiple effects of CCN2 on various differentiation stages of chondrocytes may be attributed to its interaction with these growth factors and cytokines. However, little is known about the functional interaction occurring between CCN2 and other growth factors and cytokines in promoting chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation. In this study we sought to shed light on the binding affinities between CCN2 and other essential growth factors and cytokines known to be regulators of chondrocyte differentiation. Using the surface plasmon resonance assay, we analyzed the dissociation constant between CCN2 and each of the following: TGF-β1, TGF-β3, IGF-I, IGF-II, PDGF-BB, GDF5, PTHrP, and VEGF. We found a strong association between CCN2 and VEGF, as well as a relatively high association with TGF-β1, TGF-β3, PDGF-BB, and GDF-5. However, the sensorgrams obtained for possible interaction between CCN2 and IGF-I, IGF-II or PTHrP showed no response. This study underlines the correlation between CCN2 and certain other growth factors and cytokines and suggests the possible participation of such interaction in the process of chondrogenesis and chondrocyte differentiation toward endochondral ossification.  相似文献   

CCN2 (connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2)) is a matricellular protein that utilizes integrins to regulate cell proliferation, migration and survival. The loss of CCN2 leads to perinatal lethality resulting from a severe chondrodysplasia. Upon closer inspection of Ccn2 mutant mice, we observed defects in extracellular matrix (ECM) organization and hypothesized that the severe chondrodysplasia caused by loss of CCN2 might be associated with defective chondrocyte survival. Ccn2 mutant growth plate chondrocytes exhibited enlarged endoplasmic reticula (ER), suggesting cellular stress. Immunofluorescence analysis confirmed elevated stress in Ccn2 mutants, with reduced stress observed in Ccn2 overexpressing transgenic mice. In vitro studies revealed that Ccn2 is a stress responsive gene in chondrocytes. The elevated stress observed in Ccn2−/− chondrocytes is direct and mediated in part through integrin α5. The expression of the survival marker NFκB and components of the autophagy pathway were decreased in Ccn2 mutant growth plates, suggesting that CCN2 may be involved in mediating chondrocyte survival. These data demonstrate that absence of a matricellular protein can result in increased cellular stress and highlight a novel protective role for CCN2 in chondrocyte survival. The severe chondrodysplasia caused by the loss of CCN2 may be due to increased chondrocyte stress and defective activation of autophagy pathways, leading to decreased cellular survival. These effects may be mediated through nuclear factor κB (NFκB) as part of a CCN2/integrin/NFκB signaling cascade.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12079-013-0201-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

CCN2, formerly termed Connective Tissue Growth Factor, is a protein belonging to the Cellular Communication Network (CCN)-family of secreted extracellular matrix-associated proteins. As a matricellular protein it is mainly considered to be active as a modifier of signaling activity of several different signaling pathways and as an orchestrator of their cross-talk. Furthermore, CCN2 and its fragments have been implicated in the regulation of a multitude of biological processes, including cell proliferation, differentiation, adhesion, migration, cell survival, apoptosis and the production of extracellular matrix products, as well as in more complex processes such as embryonic development, angiogenesis, chondrogenesis, osteogenesis, fibrosis, mechanotransduction and inflammation. Its function is complex and context dependent, depending on cell type, state of differentiation and microenvironmental context. CCN2 plays a role in many diseases, especially those associated with fibrosis, but has also been implicated in many different forms of cancer. In the bone marrow (BM), CCN2 is highly expressed in mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs). CCN2 is important for MSC function, supporting its proliferation, migration and differentiation. In addition, stromal CCN2 supports the maintenance and longtime survival of hematopoietic stem cells, and in the presence of interleukin 7, stimulates the differentiation of pro-B lymphocytes into pre-B lymphocytes. Overexpression of CCN2 is seen in the majority of B-acute lymphoblastic leukemias, especially in certain cytogenetic subgroups associated with poor outcome. In acute myeloid leukemia, CCN2 expression is increased in MSCs, which has been associated with leukemic engraftment in vivo. In this review, the complex function of CCN2 in the BM microenvironment and in normal as well as malignant hematopoiesis is discussed. In addition, an overview is given of data on the remaining CCN family members regarding normal and malignant hematopoiesis, having many similarities and some differences in their function.  相似文献   

In recent months, four different systems have been reported in the literature in which CCN2 transgenes were individually expressed in podocytes, hepatocytes, cardiomyocytes or respiratory epithelial cells to achieve overexpression in, respectively, the kidney, liver, heart, or lung. These transgenic systems have provided valuable information about the contribution of CCN2 to fibrosis in vivo and have begun to reveal the complexities of the underlying mechanisms involved. On the one hand, studies of these animals have revealed that CCN2 overexpression does not necessarily lead directly to fibrotic pathology but may cause severe non-fibrotic tissue damage due to its other effects on cell function (e.g. heart). On the other hand, overexpression of CCN2 in concert with signaling pathways associated with development (e.g. lung) or fibrosing injuries (e.g. kidney, liver) can lead to the initiation or exacerbation of fibrosis. The significance of these studies is discussed in the context of the requirement for interactions between CCN2 and co-stimulatory factors in the microenvironment for the manifestation of CCN2-dependent fibrosis.  相似文献   

Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) is overexpressed in diabetes. Diabetic rats possess myocardial and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. In a recent report, Wang and colleagues (Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2009 Jul 22. [Epub ahead of print]) show that CCN2 directly mediates cardiomyocyte hypertrophy as well as that induced by high glucose and fatty acid. CCN2 acted via the TrkA receptor. These data are the subject of this commentary, and emphasize that CCN2 may be an excellent target for therapy in diabetes.  相似文献   

Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2), a member of the CCN family of matricellular proteins is upregulated in both fibrosis as well as tissue repair. Recently, we showed that, in mice, CCN2 expression by fibroblasts was required for dermal fibrogenesis, but not for cutaneous tissue repair. Lineage tracing analysis linked the ability of CCN2 to promote fibrosis to the requirement for CCN2 to recruit cells expressing the progenitor cell marker Sox2 to fibrotic connective tissue and for differentiating these cells into myofibroblasts. Herein, we show that although loss of CCN2 expression by Sox2-expressing cells does not impair cutaneous tissue repair, CCN2 was required for recruitment of cells derived from Sox2-expressing cells to the wound area. Collectively, these results are consistent with the notion that neither CCN2 nor Sox2-expressing progenitor cells are essential for cutaneous tissue repair and that CCN2 represents a specific anti-fibrotic target.  相似文献   

C3H10T1/2多潜能干细胞成脂过程分为定向和分化两个阶段,骨形成蛋白4(BMP4)可以诱导其定向成前脂肪细胞.已有的研究表明,脂肪组织特异性敲除低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白1(Lrp1)的小鼠体重减轻,脂肪组织含量减少,揭示此基因对成脂具有重要作用.然而,目前尚不清楚Lrp1是否在成脂定向过程中发挥作用.采用小干扰RNA技术(RNAi),在体外水平研究低密度脂蛋白Lrp1对C3H10T1/2多潜能干细胞成脂定向的作用.分别在C3H10T1/2成脂的定向期和脂滴成熟期敲低Lrp1,通过显微镜下观察、油红O染色、Western blotting等实验证实,定向期而非脂滴成熟期敲低Lrp1显著抑制C3H10T1/2多潜能干细胞成脂.BMP4通过激活下游Smad1/5/8信号通路发挥作用,而敲低Lrp1显著抑制BMP4诱导的Smad1/5/8磷酸化.这些结果说明:敲低Lrp1通过下调Smad信号通路,抑制BMP4诱导的C3H10T1/2多潜能干细胞成脂定向.  相似文献   

Production of connective tissue growth factor (CCN2, also known as CTGF) is a hallmark of hepatic fibrosis. This study examined early primary cultures of hepatic stellate cells (HSC) for (i) CCN2 regulation of its cognate receptor integrin subunits; and (ii) interactions between CCN2 and integrin α5β1, heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPG) or fibronectin (FN) in supporting cell adhesion. HSC were isolated from healthy male Balb/c mice. mRNA levels of CCN2 or α5, β1, αv or β3 integrin subunits were measured in days 1–7 primary culture HSC, and day 3 or day 7 cells treated with recombinant CCN2 or CCN2 small interfering RNA. Interactions between CCN2 and integrin α5β1, HSPG or FN were investigated using an in vitro cell adhesion assay. Co‐incident with autonomous activation over the first 7 days, primary culture HSC increasingly expressed mRNA for CCN2 or integrin subunits. Addition of exogenous CCN2 or knockdown of endogenous CCN2 differentially regulated integrin gene expression in day 3 versus day 7 cells. Either full length CCN2 (‘CCN21–4’) or residues 247–349 containing module 4 alone (‘CCN24’) supported day 3 cell adhesion in an integrin α5β1‐ and HSPG‐dependent fashion. Adhesion of day 3 cells to FN was promoted in an integrin α5β1‐dependent manner by CCN21–4 or CCN24, whereas FN promoted HSPG‐dependent HSC adhesion to CCN21–4 or CCN24. These findings suggest CCN2 regulates integrin expression in primary culture HSC and supports HSC adhesion via its binding of cell surface integrin α5β1, a novel CCN2 receptor in primary culture HSC which interacts co‐operatively with HSPG or FN.  相似文献   

在兔主动脉平滑肌细胞 ( SMC)培养基中分别加入正常低密度脂蛋白 ( N- LDL)、氧化低密度脂蛋白 ( ox- LDL)、正常极低密度脂蛋白 ( N- VLDL)、氧化极低密度脂蛋白 ( ox- VLDL)和 β-极低密度脂蛋白 (β- VLDL )培养 2 4 h后 ,用定量 RT- PCR和配体结合实验检测平滑肌细胞 LRP的m RNA和蛋白质水平的表达 .结果表明 :五种脂蛋白均能在转录和翻译水平诱导兔主动脉平滑肌细胞的 LRP表达 ,尤以富含胆固醇的 N- LDL ,ox- LDL和β- VLDL的刺激作用更明显 .用胆固醇单独或与脂蛋白共同温育 SMC后 ,发现胆固醇本身可促进 SMC的 LRP蛋白水平的表达 ,脂蛋白与胆固醇的共同刺激作用更为显著 .结果提示 :上述五种脂蛋白对 SMC上 LRP的表达有上调作用 ,其机制可能主要是通过其中的胆固醇来实现的 .  相似文献   

Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) is a matricellular protein induced by transforming growth factor (TGF)‐β and intimately involved with tissue repair and overexpressed in various fibrotic conditions. We previously showed that keratinocytes in vitro downregulate TGF‐β‐induced expression of CTGF in fibroblasts by an interleukin (IL)‐1 α‐dependent mechanism. Here, we investigated further the mechanisms of this downregulation by both IL‐1α and β. Human dermal fibroblasts and NIH 3T3 cells were treated with IL‐1α or β in presence or absence of TGF‐β1. IL‐1 suppressed basal and TGF‐β‐induced CTGF mRNA and protein expression. IL‐1α and β inhibited TGF‐β‐stimulated CTGF promoter activity, and the activity of a synthetic minimal promoter containing Smad 3‐binding CAGA elements. Furthermore, IL‐1α and β inhibited TGF‐β‐stimulated Smad 3 phosphorylation, possibly linked to an observed increase in Smad 7 mRNA expression. In addition, RNA interference suggested that TGF‐β activated kinase1 (TAK1) is necessary for IL‐1 inhibition of TGF‐β‐stimulated CTGF expression. These results add to the understanding of how the expression of CTGF in human dermal fibroblasts is regulated, which in turn may have implications for the pathogenesis of fibrotic conditions involving the skin. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 1226–1233, 2010. Published 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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