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Plasma calcium regulation in uranyl nitrate-treated dogs was studied. A discrete hypercalcemia was observed without significant changes in the level of plasma ionized calcium. Serum phosphate increased markedly following uranyl nitrate treatment. A sharp rise of iPTH was demonstrated. Uranyl nitrate-induced acute renal failure in dogs was found to be a useful model for studying the mechanisms regulating calcium and phosphate metabolism.  相似文献   

Twenty-three hypertensive outpatients aged 18–53 yr (average: 39.8±10.4 yr) were classified into two groups according to body mass index (BMI). Six patients exceeded the BMI limit, set at 30 kg/m2. All were treated with 100 mg/d spironolactone and were subject to before and after measurements of their arterial pressure, efflux rate constants of zinc from lymphocytes (total ERCt-Zn and ouabain-dependent ERCos-Zn), serum zinc (Zn-s), lymphocyte zinc (Zn-l), serum aldosterone (Ald-s), plasma renin activity (PRA), serum sodium (Na-s), and potassium (K-s). After 7 d of spironolactone treatment, the ERCt-Zn change in normal-weight patients was +0.78±0.57, and −0.22±0.69 in obese patients. In the same manner, the change of ERCos-Zn was +0.59±0.94 and −0.025±0.32 in normal and obese patients, respectively. Serum Zn was increased in normal-weight patients but remained unchanged in the obese. The initial lymphocyte zinc values were significantly lower in obese patients, but increased up to normal values after spironolactone treatment.  相似文献   

Lipid metabolism in the liver of rats in acute alcohol (25% solution, intraperitoneally, 4 g/kg, 30 minutes) and acetaldehyde (5% solution, intraperitoneally, 0.266 g/kg, 30 minutes) intoxication has been studied. It has been revealed that with acute injection of ethanol into the livers of experimental animals the level of cholesterol is decreased, the content of triacylglycerols and phosphatidylethanolamine is increased. Analogous changes in the concentration of lipid fractions have been also revealed after injection of acetaldehyde.  相似文献   

In acute liver failure (ALF), the hyperdynamic circulation is believed to be the result of overproduction of nitric oxide (NO) in the splanchnic circulation. However, it has been suggested that arginine concentrations (the substrate for NO) are believed to be decreased, limiting substrate availability for NO production. To characterize the metabolic fate of arginine in early-phase ALF, we systematically assessed its interorgan transport and metabolism and measured the endogenous NO synthase inhibitor asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) in a porcine model of ALF. Female adult pigs (23-30 kg) were randomized to sham (N = 8) or hepatic devascularization ALF (N = 8) procedure for 6 h. We measured plasma arginine, citrulline, ornithine levels; arginase activity, NO, and ADMA. Whole body metabolic rates and interorgan flux measurements were calculated using stable isotope-labeled amino acids. Plasma arginine decreased >85% of the basal level at t = 6 h (P < 0.001), whereas citrulline and ornithine progressively increased in ALF (P < 0.001 and P < 0.001, vs. sham respectively). No difference was found between the groups in the whole body rate of appearance of arginine or NO. However, ALF showed a significant increase in de novo arginine synthesis (P < 0.05). Interorgan data showed citrulline net intestinal production and renal consumption that was related to net renal production of arginine and ornithine. Both plasma arginase activity and plasma ADMA levels significantly increased in ALF (P < 0.001). In this model of early-phase ALF, arginine deficiency or higher ADMA levels do not limit whole body NO production. Arginine deficiency is caused by arginase-related arginine clearance in which arginine production is stimulated de novo.  相似文献   

We report selection and characterization of hydroxyapatite-binding heptapeptides from a peptide-phage library and demonstrate the effects of two peptides, with different binding affinities and structural properties, on the mineralization of calcium phosphate mineral. In vitro mineralization studies carried out using one strong- and one weak-binding peptide, HABP1 and HABP2, respectively, revealed that the former exhibited a drastic outcome on mineralization kinetics and particle morphology. Strong-binding peptide yielded significantly larger crystals, as observed by electron microscopy, in comparison to those formed in the presence of a weak-binding peptide or in the negative control. Molecular structural studies carried out by circular dichroism revealed that HABP1 and HABP2 differed in their secondary structure and conformational stability. The results indicate that sequence, structure, and molecular stability strongly influence the mineralization activity of these peptides. The implication of the research is that the combinatorially selected short-sequence peptides may be used in the restoration or regeneration of hard tissues through their control over of the formation of calcium phosphate biominerals.  相似文献   

The toxin composition of 25 Amanita phalloides carpophores collected from three sites in Franche-Comté (France) differing in their geological and pedological characteristics was determined and the factors involved in the variations of the toxin concentration in the tissues were identified. The concentrations of the main amatoxins (beta-amanitin, alpha-amanitin, gamma-amanitin) and phallotoxins (phallacidin, phallisacin, phalloidin, phallisin, phalloin) in the six tissues constituting the carpophore, i.e. the cap (C), gills (G), ring (R), stipe (S), bulb (B) and volva (V) were evaluated by using high-performance liquid chromatography. The results analysed statistically showed that the toxin concentrations were tissue dependent, leading to classification of the tissues into two groups (B, V) and (C, G, R, S). The (B, V) group was distinguished by high amounts of phalloidin, phallisin and phallisacin, and the (C, G, R, S) group by the predominance of the amatoxins. The characteristics of the soil of the collection site also affected the toxin concentrations; however, this effect differed from one site to another and was not similar for all the tissues. Finally, the mean toxin profile in the carpophores from the three sites was evaluated. This study underscores the fact that environmental factors and mainly the soil type clearly have an effect on the toxin composition of A. phalloides carpophores.  相似文献   

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