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The distribution of dry matter between shoot and storage rootof a wild variety and cultivars of carrot was investigated ina glasshouse experiment and a field experiment. In both experimentsthe deliberate introduction of variation in plant size revealeda linear relationship between the log weights of these partsat any time throughout growth. In the glasshouse experiment,in which growth was examined from approximately 10–600mg mean dry wt per plant, the slope of the relationship betweenIn shoot and In storage root dry wts decreased markedly duringdevelopment to 100 mg. Subsequently the slope became reasonablyconstant and the intercept progressively more negative. Datafrom the field experiment covered a similar timescale (48–115days) to the glasshouse experiment but the plants grew morequickly and were much heavier (180 mg–6 g dry wt). Therelationship between shoot and storage root for these data wassimilar to that for the plants of comparable size in the glasshouseexperiment. Over the range of development for which the slopeof the relationship was constant, data from both experimentswere described fairly well by the following equations: In shoot = – time+ In storage root where , and are constants. Between cultivars the slope ()and time constant () were similar, but the intercept () increasedwith maturity time of the cultivars. For wild carrot the slopewas larger and the time constant smaller than estimates forthe cultivars. These results on dry matter distribution arediscussed in relation to a model for partitioning assimilatein an individual plant. Daucus carota L., carrot, assimilate distribution, dry matter distribution, storage root, partitioning model  相似文献   

The effects of foliar sprays of gibberellic acid (GA) on drymatter distribution in carrots were investigated in three fieldexperiments between 1977 and 1979. The results were interpretedby using a simple quantitative model of assimilate partitioningbetween storage root and shoot. Although the response to GAvaried depending on the year in which the experiment was done,the model successfully described the effects of spraying time,GA concentration, planting density, plant age and cultivar.The maximum effects on repartitioning were achieved with concentrationsof 100–500 mg 1–1 GA and, except for very earlyor late sprays, the effect was constant with time over a roughly4-week period. The multiplicative nature of the model was usefulin that despite the occurrence of various interactions, a similarassimilate partitioning response to GA in all four cultivarswas demonstrated. The model did not suggest an explanation forthe seasonal effects. Daucus carota L., carrot, assimilate distribution, dry matter distribution, storage root, gibberellic acid, partitioning model  相似文献   

Plants of Plumage Archer barley grown in pots produced moreshoots than did Proctor, but had fewer ears at maturity, becausesome shoots died about 7 days before ear emergence. The numberand position on the plant of the shoots that died were consistentfor particular growing conditions. Shoots that died were notalways the last to be produced. There were no consistent differencesin dry weight, leaf area, nitrogen content, or apex developmentbetween shoots that did and did not survive; nor did removingthree developing ears on older shoots affect the survival ofother shoots. Growth of Plumage Archer plants was not checkedby death of shoots; dry matter, nitrogen, and leaf area wereredistributed so that increase in surviving shoots compensatedfor losses in the dead shoots. The dry-weight ratio of ear to shoot was smaller for Proctorthan for Plumage Archer at ear emergence and anthesis, but atmaturity it was greater for Proctor, both when ears were shadedto prevent them photosynthesizing and when they were unshaded.The varietal difference in ear: shoot dry-weight ratio was reversedbecause the relative growth-rate of ears of Proctor was greaterand because more dry matter was lost from its shoots. Both changesmay have been caused by translocation to the ear of a greaterproportion of the assimilate from the shoots of Proctor thanof Plumage Archer. Leaves of Proctor appeared to be more efficientin producing dry matter for the ear than those of Plumage Archer.  相似文献   

In a field experiment where Proctor barley yielded slightlymore grain than Plumage Archer but had similar total dry weight,the dry-weight ratio of ear to shoot was greater for PlumageArcher than for Proctor at ear emergence and greater for Proctorat maturity, as in a previous pot experiment. When ears wereshaded, the ear: shoot dry-weight ratio at maturity of Proctorwas not significantly greater than that of Plumage Archer. Thevarietal difference in ear: shoot ratio was reversed becauseears of Proctor had a greater relative growth-rate than earsof Plumage Archer, apparently because they photosynthesizedmore. Proctor shoots decreased in weight slightly less thanshoots of Plumage Archer.  相似文献   

Engels  C. 《Annals of botany》1994,73(2):211-219
Maize (Zea mays L.) and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)were grown in nutrient solution at uniformly high air temperature(20 °C), but different root zone temperatures (RZT 20, 16,12 °C). To manipulate the ratio of shoot activity to rootactivity, the plants were grown with their shoot base includingthe apical meristem either above (i.e. at 20 °C) or withinthe nutrient solution (i.e. at 20, 16 or 12 °C). In wheat, the ratio of shoot:root dry matter partitioning decreasedat low RZT, whereas the opposite was true for maize. In bothspecies, dry matter partitioning to the shoot was one-sidedlyincreased when the shoot base temperature, and thus shoot activity,were increased at low RZT. The concentrations of non-structuralcarbohydrates (NSC) in the shoots and roots were higher at lowin comparison to high RZT in both species, irrespective of theshoot base temperature. The concentrations of nitrogen (N) inthe shoot and root fresh matter also increased at low RZT withthe exception of maize grown at 12 °C RZT and 20 °Cshoot base temperature. The ratio of NSC:N was increased inboth species at low RZT. However this ratio was negatively correlatedwith the ratio of shoot:root dry matter partitioning in wheat,but positively correlated in maize. It is suggested that dry matter partitioning between shoot androots at low RZT is not causally related to the internal nitrogenor carbohydrate status of the plants. Furthermore, balancedactivity between shoot and roots is maintained by adaptationsin specific shoot and root activity, rather than by an alteredratio of biomass allocation between shoot and roots.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Wheat, Triticum aestivum, maize, Zea mays, root temperature, shoot meristem temperature, biomass allocation, shoot:root ratio, carbohydrate status, nitrogen status, functional equilibrium  相似文献   

An account is given of the preparation of aqueous extracts ofred beet root which are shown to stimulate potassium uptakein beet discs washed for a short period, but inhibit potassiumuptake in discs washed for four days or more. Analysis of extractsshowed them to contain organic anions (especially citrate andmalate) which affect both the metabolic phase of potassium uptakeand respiration of the tissue. The effects of extracts and organicacids on uptake of manganese by beet discs is described andcompared with effects on potassium absorption. The results arediscussed with respect to current theories of salt accumulationand in relation to the hypothesis relating an inhibitor of saltaccumulation to the lag phase of ion uptake by beet discs.  相似文献   

When staining the internal phloem region of a potato tuber with the vital stain neutral red, it was observed that files of elongated cells of narrow diameter were heavily stained nod were easily distinguishable from the more isodiametric parenchyma cells, many of which did not stain with neutral red. The elongated cells were identified as companion cells by locating the adjacent sieve-tube members through counterstaining with aniline blue and viewing under violet light. Of a numb of other plants surveyed, only parsnip roots possessed companion cells exhibiting a similar selective staining. In other plants both the companion cells and the surrounding parenchyma cells usually stained. Sieve-tube members never accumulated neutral red. It was concluded that the vacuoles of the companion cells of the potato tuber were stained by the ion trap mechanism because of the color of the accumulated stain, the lack of staining when neutral red was applied in an acidic solution, and the complete destaining after waking in dilute ammonium hydroxide.  相似文献   

MCLAREN  J. S. 《Annals of botany》1984,54(3):383-390
Data from both controlled environment and field experimentson sugarbeet are used to support the concept that dry matterdistribution between top and storage root growth can be adequatelyquantified by over a large part of the growing season. Very young plants,prior to cambial ring development, had higher slopes for thelog-log relationship at each harvest. Estimates of the slopesbecame relatively constant about 30 d after emergence indicatingthat the pattern for dry matter distribution was determinedat an earlier stage of growth than is apparent from considerationof linear growth scales. Estimates of and are similar to thosereported for other storage root crops with differences in reflectingrelative size differences. Differences in applied N in the fieldwere detected as a shift in the intercept of the relationshipfor dry matter distribution. In general, the results with sugarbeetare agreement with the Barnes' model, which relates assimilatepartitioning to relative sink activities, respiration rates,and initial weights of plant parts. Beta vulgaris L., sugarbeet, dry matter distribution, assimilate partitioning, storage root, growth pattern, nitrogen, root/shoot weight  相似文献   

An enriched glucan synthase fraction was obtained from red beet root microsomes by sequential extraction with the detergents 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate and digitonin. The digitonin suspension was centrifuged on a glycerol gradient, where a glucan synthase peak with a specific activity of 30- to 40-fold over microsomes was recovered. Most protein contaminants were found in the gradient pellet. The glucan synthase-containing fraction was largely free of plasma membrane and tonoplast-derived ATPase activity and was enriched with a protein subunit of 68 kilodaltons.  相似文献   

The distribution of dry matter between shoot and storage rootof carrot plants grown in light regimes varying in intensity,duration and integral, is used to test an hypothesis for thecontrol of assimilate partition Results from seven varietiesshow that shoot to storage root weight ratios are affected bythe light environment, but that these effects are associatedwith the effect of light on plant size It is concluded thatquantitative alterations to the supply of assimilate, resultingfrom variation in the light regime, do not affect its partitionto different organs This is discussed in relation to other investigationswhich have suggested a relationship between the duration ofthe photosynthetic period, assimilate sequestration in foliarstarch and partition between shoot and root Daucus carota L, carrot, assimilate partition, light intensity, daylength, shoot, storage root, shoot-root ratio, source-sink relations  相似文献   

A method for the solubilization and reconstitution of red beet (1,3)-β-d-glucan synthase with the detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl) dimethylammonio]-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPS) was developed. Glucan synthase was effectively solubilized from microsomal or plasma membranes by 0.6% CHAPS in the presence of EGTA and EDTA. Chelators were found essential for effective solubilization and divalent cations inhibitory. A preextraction of membranes with 0.3% CHAPS and 5 millimolar Mg2+ prior to the solubilization step was found to remove protein contaminants and increase the specific activity of the solubilized enzyme. Conditions for recovering activity from Sepharose 4B gel filtration columns were defined. Addition of phospholipids and low levels of CHAPS in column elution buffers resulted in complete functional reconstitution with 100% recovery of added activity. Specific activities were increased 20- to 22-fold over microsomes. Active vesicles were recovered by centrifugation. These results provide independent and direct confirmation of the enzyme's requirement for a phospholipid environment.  相似文献   

The Selective Uptake of Alkali Cations by Red Beet Root Tissue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The selective uptake of alkali cations by red beet root tissuefrom solutions of chlorides has been investigated. It is shownthat when disks are transferred from distilled water to a solutionof salts, there is a rapid initial uptake of cations which isneither particularly selective, nor directly related to metabolism.On the other hand, the prolonged active accumulation of cationsexhibits strong selectivity, Na being preferred to other ions. Evidence is presented to show that the alkali cations competewith one another for the same absorption mechanism. In thisrespect the material apparently differs from that investigatedby Epstein and Hagen, in which the operation of distinct mechanismsfor some of these ions was visualized. The validity of Epsteinand Hagen's conclusion is discussed in relation to the resultspresented here.  相似文献   

The absorption of manganese ions by discs of beet-root tissueoccurs in two phases. Evidence suggests that the first is physicalin nature, the second physiological. The interval between thetwo phases becomes longer as the thickness of the discs is increasedand reasons are given for attributing this to the presence ofan inhibitor of the physiological absorption process. Aqueous extracts of beet-root contain an inhibitor of ion absorptionwhich also delays the germination of mustard and cress seeds.The extract does not affect the respiration rate of beet-roottissue.  相似文献   

多年生黄精不同龄节物质累积和多糖分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多糖是黄精主要活性成分类型之一.通过对陕南汉中黄精实验基地多年生黄精不同龄节干物质重量、折干率、溶出物量及糖含量等进行测定分析,研究黄精不同龄节干物质累积和多糖分布特征.结果表明,各龄节水溶出物量比相应的醇溶出物量高得多,各龄节多糖含量比相应的醇溶性糖含量高得多.随着生长时间延长,单节干物质重量、水溶出物量、多糖含量等在2-4年龄节间变化最大,生长年限再延长,单节各指标下降明显.1-3年龄节品质稳定,黄精干物质累积总量逐年增多,因此确定当地黄精的最佳采收时间为种后3年.这些结果为当地黄精的规范化生产提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

The Dynamics of Growth and Dry Matter Distribution in Cucumber   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The dynamics of growth and proportional dry matter distributionbetween the vegetative parts and fruits of cucumber were studieddaily during a growing season. Most of the changes in dailyintegral of total solar radiation were reflected by changesin plant growth rate. Sometimes a time lag of a few days occurred,indicating the plants were adapting to radiation. The proportional dry matter distribution between fruits andvegetative parts showed a cyclic pattern. The daily proportionaldry matter distribution to the fruits varied between 40 and90% of the total dry matter. However, the cumulative dry weightof the fruits was fairly constant at 60% of the cumulative plantdry weight. The daily proportional dry matter distribution did not seemto be linked directly to the climate conditions (temperature,CO2 concentration, relative humidity or daily light integral).The proportional distribution to the fruits showed a clear positivecorrelation with the fruit load (number and weight of fruits)on a plant. The number of fruits on a plant changed considerablyduring the growing season. This number was limited not by theformation of new fruits but by abortion of fruits within about10 d after flowering. The number of young fruits that did notabort appeared to correlate positively with the growth rateof the vegetative parts. Cucumis sativus (L.), cucumber, biomass allocation, partitioning, vegetative-generative growth, fruit growth, fruit abortion  相似文献   

A Study of the Relationship between Root and Shoot Metabolism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The influence of light and dark on the respiration rate, sugarlevel, and rubidium uptake of the roots of young sunflower andbarley plants has been investigated. The rate of root respirationwas found to be closely correlated with the rate of carbohydratetransport from the shoots. This enabled the energy requiredfor root growth to be calculated. A period of darkness causeda reduction in rubidium uptake and transport which appearedto be due to the reduced rate of root metabolism in the dark.The experiments of some earlier workers on the effect of transpirationon rubidium uptake by young sunflower and barley plants wererepeated. The results indicated that they were studying themetabolic effect of light and dark on salt uptake as well asthe effect of transpiration.  相似文献   

CURRAH  I. E.; BARNES  A. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(4):475-486
Chantenay carrot plants were grown in replicated plots containingdensities of 25, 64, 130 and 245 plants m–2 and harvestedon 20 weekly occasions giving a total of 360 pairs of d. wtsand 13908 pairs of f. wts of shoots (s) and roots (r). The relationshipbetween the logarithms of s and r was curved for plants sampledon successive occasions from the same density but it was linearfor plants sampled on a single occasion, both within and betweendensities. A good overall relationship was In s = a+0.805 In r, where the intercept (a) ranged in approximately equal stepsfrom +1.2 to –1.1 at the first and last harvests respectively.Except for some systematic deviation from this equation at earlyharvests, the above relationship fitted the data well irrespectiveof the wide range of density and whole plant weight. Daucus carota L. carrot, root/shoot weight, population density, growth analysis  相似文献   

This work examines the differences in partition and activityof 14C in two varieties of carrot (Daucus carota L.) contrastingin shoot to storage root ratio at maturity. Plants were grownin a controlled environment of 20 ?C and 500 µmol m–2s–1. During initiation of the storage root (10–25d from sowing) plants were exposed to 14CO2 for 1 h and theradioactivity in ethanol-soluble and -insoluble fractions ofshoots, storage and fibrous roots estimated at various timesup to 48 h after exposure. Between 35% and 40% of radioactivityinitially present in the plants was respired during the first24 h and 25–35% of that remaining after 24 h was foundin the roots, depending on age. The proportion found in thestorage region remained fairly constant between 15 and 25 dand was smaller than at 10 d. In the variety with a larger proportionof storage root at maturity (cv. Super Sprite), there was agreater proportion of label in both ethanol-soluble and -insolublefractions of the storage region soon after storage root initiationhad begun than in the variety with a smaller proportion of storageroot at maturity (cv. Kingston). There was no varietal differencein specific activities of the storage roots, but fibrous rootsof cv. Super Sprite showed a greater specific activity thanin cv. Kingston. Differences in shoot to storage root ratiomay thus be associated with characteristics of the fibrous roots.Partition and specific activities are discussed in relationto the initiation and development of the storage organ. Key words: Daucus carota, carrot, assimilate, partition, 14C, storage root  相似文献   

The syringomycin-stimulated in vitro protein phosphorylation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) storage tissue was investigated. Peptides representing the H+-ATPase N and C termini and nucleotide binding site (P-2, P-3, and P-1, respectively) were synthesized, and rabbit antisera against each were produced. In western immunoblots of purified plasma membranes, these antisera immunoreacted with the 100-kilodalton polypeptide of the H+-ATPase and with other smaller polypeptides. The smaller polypeptides appeared to be degraded forms of the intact 100-kilodalton polypeptide. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that plasma membranes treated with syringomycin had increased protein phosphorylation rates of the 100-kilodalton polypeptide. Optimal phosphorylation levels were achieved with 25 micromolar free Ca2+. Phosphoserine and phosphothreonine were detected in the immunoprecipitates. Washed immunoprecipitates generated with anti-P-1 possessed protein phosphorylation activity. This immunoprecipitate activity was not stimulated by syringomycin, but it was inhibited when plasma membranes were treated with sodium deoxycholate before immunoprecipitation. The findings show that syringomycin stimulates the phosphorylation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase and that specific protein kinase(s) are probably associated with the enzyme.  相似文献   

Pisum seedling and Pastinaca storage roots contained high glutanrate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity in areas of reported rapid growth and high phytoctrome content. A similar distribution was observed for malate dehydrogenase. Freeze-thawings of mitochondrial preparations from Pisum roots always resulted in increases of GDH specific activity; however, the observed increases were much larger with basal than apical sections. Both intact and freeze-thawed mitochondrial preparations from seedling roots exhibited increases in GDH activity with time after isolation. In intact mitochondrial preparations from roots of etiolated seedlings, an increase in malate dehydrogenase activity was observed similar to that of GDH activity; however, no increased malate dehydrogenase activity was noted in preparations from light-grown seedlings. Illuminating Pisum seedlings with far-red light slowly increased GDH activity in roots over a period of two weeks. Since these observed increases were not due to direct exposure of roots to light, other factors were likely involved.  相似文献   

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