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The EBNA1 protein of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) activates latent-phase DNA replication by an unknown mechanism that involves binding to four recognition sites in the dyad symmetry (DS) element of the viral latent origin of DNA replication. Since EBV episomes are assembled into nucleosomes, we have examined the ability of Epstein–Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) to interact with the DS element when it is assembled into a nucleosome core particle. EBNA1 bound to its recognition sites within this nucleosome, forming a ternary complex, and displaced the histone octamer upon competitor DNA challenge. The DNA binding and dimerization region of EBNA1 was sufficient for nucleosome binding and destabilization. Although EBNA1 was able to bind to nucleosomes containing two recognition sites from the DS element positioned at the edge of the nucleosome, nucleosome destabilization was only observed when all four sites of the DS element were present. Our results indicate that the presence of a nucleosome at the viral origin will not prevent EBNA1 binding to its recognition sites. In addition, since four EBNA1 recognition sites are required for both nucleosome destabilization and efficient origin activation, our findings also suggest that nucleosome destabilization by EBNA1 is important for origin activation.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) protein binds and activates the latent replication origin (oriP) of the Epstein-Barr virus. We have been studying EBNA1 to determine how it activates replication at oriP. Here we demonstrate that upon binding of EBNA1 to oriP, two thymine residues become reactive to potassium permanganate (KMnO4), indicating a helical distortion at these sites. The KMnO4-reactive thymines are 64 bp apart in the region of dyad symmetry of oriP. Dimethyl sulfate protection studies indicated that EBNA1 binds on the opposite face of the helix from the reactive thymines. The nature of the helical distortion induced by EBNA1 and its possible significance to the initiation of replication are discussed.  相似文献   

The EBNA1 protein of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) activates DNA replication by binding to multiple copies of its 18-bp recognition sequence present in the Epstein-Barr virus latent origin of DNA replication, oriP. Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we have localized the minimal DNA binding domain of EBNA1 to between amino acids 470 and 607. We have also demonstrated that EBNA1 assembles cooperatively on the dyad symmetry subelement of oriP and that this cooperative interaction is mediated by residues within the minimal DNA binding and dimerization domain of EBNA1.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence are compatible with the hypothesis that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA-2) or leader protein (EBNA-LP) affects expression of the EBV latent infection membrane protein LMP1. We now demonstrate the following. (i) Acute transfection and expression of EBNA-2 under control of simian virus 40 or Moloney murine leukemia virus promoters resulted in increased LMP1 expression in P3HR-1-infected Burkitt's lymphoma cells and the P3HR-1 or Daudi cell line. (ii) Transfection and expression of EBNA-LP alone had no effect on LMP1 expression and did not act synergistically with EBNA-2 to affect LMP1 expression. (iii) LMP1 expression in Daudi and P3HR-1-infected cells was controlled at the mRNA level, and EBNA-2 expression in Daudi cells increased LMP1 mRNA. (iv) No other EBV genes were required for EBNA-2 transactivation of LMP1 since cotransfection of recombinant EBNA-2 expression vectors and genomic LMP1 DNA fragments enhanced LMP1 expression in the EBV-negative B-lymphoma cell lines BJAB, Louckes, and BL30. (v) An EBNA-2-responsive element was found within the -512 to +40 LMP1 DNA since this DNA linked to a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene was transactivated by cotransfection with an EBNA-2 expression vector. (vi) The EBV type 2 EBNA-2 transactivated LMP1 as well as the EBV type 1 EBNA-2. (vii) Two deletions within the EBNA-2 gene which rendered EBV transformation incompetent did not transactivate LMP1, whereas a transformation-competent EBNA-2 deletion mutant did transactivate LMP1. LMP1 is a potent effector of B-lymphocyte activation and can act synergistically with EBNA-2 to induce cellular CD23 gene expression. Thus, EBNA-2 transactivation of LMP1 amplifies the biological impact of EBNA-2 and underscores its central role in EBV-induced growth transformation.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent origin of DNA replication (oriP) is composed of two elements that contain binding sites for the sole viral gene product required for latent cycle replication, EBNA-1. One of these elements, region I, functions as an EBNA-1-dependent enhancer for RNA polymerase II-transcribed genes, may play a role in plasmid segregation, and is required for origin function in B cells latently infected with EBV. The second element, region II, contains or is very near the site of initiation of DNA replication. A genetic approach was taken to determine the contribution of the EBNA-1 binding sites in oriP to origin function. Although region I is required for the transient replication of plasmids bearing region II in EBV-infected B cells, a plasmid lacking region I but containing region II, was observed to replicate transiently in both D98/Raji and HeLa cells expressing EBNA-1. Thus, binding of EBNA-1 to region I is not absolutely required for the molecular events that lead to initiation of DNA replication at region II. Site-directed mutagenesis of the four EBNA-1-binding sites in region II, individually and in various combinations, demonstrated that only two EBNA-1-binding sites are required for region II function. The results obtained with these mutants, together with the analysis of the replicative ability of plasmids containing insertions between EBNA-1-binding sites, suggested that the spatial relationship of the two sites is critical. Mutants that contain only two EBNA-1-binding sites separated by 26 to 31 bp in region II were not maintained as plasmids over many cell generations and were greatly reduced in their ability to replicate transiently in D98/Raji cells. The EBNA-1-induced bending or untwisting of the DNA in EBNA-1-binding sites 1 and 4 in region II did not, however, demonstrate this spatial constraint. It may be concluded from these results that specific protein-protein interactions between EBNA-1 and/or between EBNA-1 and a cellular protein(s) are required for origin function.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen EBNA-1 plays an integral role in the maintenance of latency in EBV-infected B lymphocytes. EBNA-1 binds to sequences within the plasmid origin of replication (oriP). It is essential for the replication of the latent episomal form of EBV DNA and may also regulate the expression of the EBNA group of latency gene products. We have used sequence-specific DNA-binding assays to purify EBNA-1 away from nonspecific DNA-binding proteins in a B-lymphocyte cell extract. The availability of this eucaryotic protein has allowed an examination of the interaction of EBNA-1 with its specific DNA-binding sites and an evaluation of possible roles for the different binding loci within the EBV genome. DNA filter binding assays and DNase I footprinting experiments showed that the intact Raji EBNA-1 protein recognized the two binding site loci in oriP and the BamHI-Q locus and no other sites in the EBV genome. Competition filter binding experiments with monomer and multimer region I consensus binding sites indicated that cooperative interactions between binding sites have relatively little impact on EBNA-1 binding to region I. An analysis of the binding parameters of the Raji EBNA-1 to the three naturally occurring binding loci revealed that the affinity of EBNA-1 for the three loci differed. The affinity for the sites in region I of oriP was greater than the affinity for the dyad symmetry sites (region II) of oriP, while the physically distant region III locus showed the lowest affinity. This arrangement may provide a mechanism whereby EBNA-1 can lowest affinity. This arrangement may provide a mechanism whereby EBNA-1 can mediate differing regulatory functions through differential binding to its recognition sequence.  相似文献   

Based on our recent observation that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is detected in 37% of the tissues of hepatocellular carcinoma, and especially frequently in cases with hepatitis C virus (HCV), the effect of EBV infection on the replication of HCV was investigated. EBV-infected cell clones and their EBV-uninfected counterparts in cell lines MT-2 (a human T-lymphotropic virus type I-infected T-cell line), HepG2 (a hepatoblastoma cell line) and Akata (a Burkitt's lymphoma cell line) were compared in terms of their permissiveness for HCV replication following inoculation of HCV derived from patients who were HCV carriers. The results indicated that EBV-infected cell clones, but not their EBV-uninfected counterparts, promoted HCV replication. EBV-encoded nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1), which is invariably expressed in EBV-infected cells, supported HCV replication. Deletion analysis of the EBNA1 gene showed good correlation between transactivation activity and the activity supporting HCV replication. The present findings suggest that EBV acts as a helper virus for HCV replication.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent origin of plasmid replication (oriP) contains two essential regions, a family of repeats with 20 imperfect copies of a 30-bp sequence and a dyad symmetry element with four similar 30-bp repeats. Each of the repeats has an internal palindromic sequence and can bind EBNA 1, a protein that together with oriP constitutes the only viral element necessary for EBV maintenance and replication. Using single-strand-specific nucleases, we have probed plasmids containing oriP-derived sequences for the presence of secondary structural elements. Multiple single-stranded structures were detected within the oriP region. Of the two essential elements of oriP, the family of repeats seemed to extrude these structures at a much higher frequency than did sequences within the dyad symmetry region. Though negative supercoiling was found to stabilize the single-stranded structures, they showed significant stability even after linearization of the oriP plasmids. Two major single-stranded structures detected involved approximately 12 bp of DNA. These loci could be transiently unwound regions that form because of negative supercoiling and the high A + T content of this region of DNA, or they could be cruciform structures extruded within the palindromic sequences of oriP that may be important sites for protein-DNA interactions in the EBV oriP.  相似文献   

Infection of Epstein-Barr virus-negative human B-lymphoma cell lines with the fully transforming B95.8 Epstein-Barr virus strain was associated with complete virus latent gene expression and a change in the cell surface and growth phenotype toward that of in vitro-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines. In contrast, the cells infected with the P3HR1 Epstein-Barr virus strain, a deletion mutant that cannot encode Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2) or a full-length EBNA-LP, expressed EBNAs1, 3a, 3b, and 3c but were negative for the latent membrane protein (LMP) and showed no change in cellular phenotype. This suggests that EBNA2 and/or EBNA-LP may be required for subsequent expression of LMP in Epstein-Barr virus-infected B cells. Recombinant vectors capable of expressing the B95.8 EBNA2A protein were introduced by electroporation into two P3HR1-converted B-lymphoma cell lines, BL30/P3 and BL41/P3. In both cases, stable expression of EBNA2A was accompanied by activation of LMP expression from the resident P3HR1 genome; control transfectants that did not express the EBNA2A protein never showed induction of LMP. In further experiments, a recombinant vector capable of expressing the full-length B95.8 EBNA-LP was introduced into the same target lines. Strong EBNA-LP expression was consistently observed in the transfected clones but was never accompanied by induction of LMP. The EBNA2A gene transfectants expressing EBNA2A and LMP showed a dramatic change in cell surface and growth phenotype toward a pattern like that of lymphoblastoid cell lines; some but not all of these changes could be reproduced in the absence of EBNA2A by transfection of P3HR1-converted cell lines with a recombinant vector expressing LMP. These studies suggest that EBNA2 plays an important dual role in the process of B-cell activation to the lymphoblastoid phenotype; the protein can have a direct effect upon cellular gene expression and is also involved in activating the expression of a second virus-encoded effector protein, LMP.  相似文献   

We show here that in a lymphoblastoid cell line Epstein-Barr virus DNA recombines with the human genome. The genetic exchange involves the oriP region of the virus. A junction between viral and human DNA from this line has been cloned and sequenced. The results indicate that the integration of Epstein-Barr virus DNA involves a region of the human genome which contains internal short repetition. An 800-bp probe has been isolated from the human part of the junction. This probe has been used to show that the human region exists as a duplication in normal cells.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2) is essential for B-cell immortalization by EBV, most probably by its ability to transactivate a number of cellular and viral genes. EBNA2-responsive elements (EBNA2REs) have been identified in several EBNA2-regulated viral promoters, each of them carrying at least one RBP-Jkappa recognition site. RBP-Jkappa recruits EBNA2 to the EBNA2RE and, once complexed to EBNA2, is converted from a repressor into an activator. An activated form of the cellular receptor Notch also interacts with RBP-Jkappa, providing a link between EBNA2 and Notch signalling. To determine whether activated Notch is able to transactivate EBNA2-responsive viral promoters, we performed cotransfection experiments with activated mouse Notch1 (mNotch1-IC) and luciferase constructs of the BamHI C, LMP1, and LMP2A promoters. We present here evidence that mNotch1-IC transactivates viral promoters known to be regulated by EBNA2. As shown for EBNA2, mutations or deletions of the RBP-Jkappa sites diminish or eliminate mNotch1-IC-mediated transactivation of the promoters, pointing to an essential role for Notch-RBP-Jkappa interaction. In addition to RBP-Jkappa, other cellular factors may bind within the EBNA2REs of viral promoters. While some factors appear to play an important role in both EBNA2- and mNotch1-IC-mediated transactivation, others are only important for the activity of either EBNA2 or mNotch1-IC. We could observe specific mNotch1-IC-responsive regions, thereby throwing more light upon which cofactors interact with EBNA2 and mNotch1-IC, thus enabling them to become functionally transactivators in vivo.  相似文献   

Functional domains of Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen EBNA-1.   总被引:25,自引:18,他引:7  

Nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC) are usually Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) positive, but, with the exception of C666-1 cells, these cells lose the EBV genomes when grown in culture. Maintenance of EBV requires the viral EBV nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) protein, which ensures the replication and mitotic segregation of the genomes through interactions with OriP. Here we compare the abilities of C666-1 and NPC cells that have lost EBV genomes to replicate and segregate OriP plasmids. We found that either cell line can replicate and maintain OriP plasmids for extended periods under conditions where low levels of EBNA1 are expressed but that high EBNA1 levels selectively interfered with mitotic segregation.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) replicates in its latent phase once per cell cycle in proliferating B cells. The latent origin of DNA replication, oriP, supports replication and stable maintenance of the EBV genome. OriP comprises two essential elements: the dyad symmetry (DS) and the family of repeats (FR), both containing clusters of binding sites for the transactivator EBNA1. The DS element appears to be the functional replicator. It is not yet understood how oriP-dependent replication is integrated into the cell cycle and how EBNA1 acts at the molecular level. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments, we show that the human origin recognition complex (hsORC) binds at or near the DS element. The association of hsORC with oriP depends on the DS element. Deletion of this element not only abolishes hsORC binding but also reduces replication initiation at oriP to background level. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments indicate that EBNA1 is associated with hsORC in vivo. These results indicate that oriP might use the same cellular initiation factors that regulate chromosomal replication, and that EBNA1 may be involved in recruiting hsORC to oriP.  相似文献   

A major in vivo phosphorylation site of the Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA-2) was found to be localized at the C-terminus of the protein. In vitro phosphorylation studies using casein kinase 1 (CK-1) and casein kinase 2 (CK-2) revealed that EBNA-2 is a substrate for CK-2, but not for CK-1. The CK-2 specific phosphorylation site was localized in the 140 C-terminal amino acids using a recombinant trpE-C-terminal fusion protein. In a similar experiment, the 58 N-terminal amino acids expressed as a recombinant trpE-fusion protein were not phosphorylated. Phosphorylation of a synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acids 464-476 of EBNA-2 as a substrate led to the incorporation of 0.69 mol phosphate/mol peptide indicating that only one of three potential phosphorylation sites within the peptide was modified. The most likely amino acid residues for phosphorylation by CK-2 are Ser469 and Ser470.  相似文献   

Fruscalzo A  Marsili G  Busiello V  Bertolini L  Frezza D 《Gene》2001,265(1-2):165-173
To detect the presence of variability in the tandemly repeated sequences of the Epstein-Barr virus latent origin of replication, we analyzed the length of the family of repeats in 14 lymphoblastoid and Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines by PCR amplification. The gel electrophoresis analysis of the PCR products revealed a broad banding pattern, characteristic of each line, consisting of several fragments, sometimes smeared, of variable length. This finding was interpreted as a result of the hairpin-like structures generated by the palindrome within the family of repeats, able to originate artefacts. Since the banding pattern was different only in strictly non-correlated cell lines, we supposed that the sequence of the repeat units was polymorphic. We therefore sequenced the family of repeats in three healthy bone marrow derived lymphoblastoid cell lines carrying an endogenous EBV as well as in a B95-8 infected cell line as control. The sequence analysis revealed that each line is different both in the number and in the sequence of repeats. At the 3' end of the family of repeats the B95-8 virus was found to have a 252 bp region missing in the GenBank standard sequence. This one is probably a partial sequence since it was shorter than the control specimens obtained from different sources of B95-8 DNA analyzed by Southern blot hybridization. The length analysis of the family of repeats can be used to characterize EBV strains by PCR.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding domain of Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 was found by hydroxyl radical footprinting to protect backbone positions on one side of its DNA-binding site. The guanines contacted in the major groove by the DNA-binding domain of Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 were identified by methylation protection. No difference was found in the interaction of the DNA-binding domain of Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 with tandemly repeated and overlapping binding sites.  相似文献   

Ito S  Yanagi K 《Journal of virology》2003,77(6):3824-3831
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) EBNA-1 is the only EBV-encoded protein that is essential for the once-per-cell-cycle replication and maintenance of EBV plasmids in latently infected cells. EBNA-1 binds to the oriP region of latent EBV plasmids and cellular metaphase chromosomes. In the absence of oriP-containing plasmids, EBNA-1 was highly colocalized with cellular DNA replication foci that were identified by immunostaining S-phase cells for proliferating cell nuclear antigen and replication protein A (RP-A) in combination with DNA short pulse-labeling. For the association of EBNA-1 with the cellular replication focus areas, the EBNA-1 regions of amino acids (aa) 8 to 94 and/or aa 315 to 410, but not the RP-A-interacting carboxy-terminal region, were necessary. These results suggest a new aspect of latent virus-cell interactions.  相似文献   

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